Anybody else feel like they just play video games because it gives you a sense of accomplishment and success that's lacking from your real life?
Anybody else feel like they just play video games because it gives you a sense of accomplishment and success that's...
No what a loser lmao
I love playing fightan and I love winning
No; not really. I am actually quite successful already, and am currently studying to be an engineer. So no, I just play vidya for relaxation, to present a challenge to myself and to submerge myself in good stories/gameplay.
what degree?
t. eng. user
Its just a hobby. I get into it, enjoy talking about it and the technical aspects.
Chemical Engineering, pretty fun so far. You?
Don't think about shit too much. If you're depressed because you're not successful in life, then that's something you should work to remedy, and video games have no part in that conversation, unless they're somehow related to your path to success.
Sounds like the reason that normalfags play video games, and subsequently why modern games are just start to finish joyrides with a thin veneer of player accomplishment.
I think for a lot of people videogames were just there when they were kids and it was fun so they kept with it because it was the easier and fastest way to get satisfaction.
It explains why games nowadays are just looking for easy to satisfy rides or multiplayer bullshit that will make hours past without having yourself to think on any shit.
No my case though, I don't play as much as I did when I was a kid but I make sure that I enjoy what I play.
Pretty much. It's been a long time since I actually enjoyed the PROCESS of playing. I just do it for the temporary satisfaction of beating a scenario or game.
Yes, I'm currently really unhappy with my life and try to find relieve in video-games.
I'm studying as well, but I really don't like the University I'm enrolled in and probably will dropout and hopefully get in another next year.
I wish I had chose better from the beginning…
i will get my engineer degree in 2 months in applied physics
saving the world from evil monsters is just more fulfilling than trying and failing to fix real life.
I play them to have fun and because I greatly enjoy them as a medium.
Pretty nice man.
University is not for everybody, not even talking about all the different courses.
I play vidya for enjoyment, relaxation, friendly competition and a sense of camaraderie among my friends. Playing it for any other reason is unhealthy.
among other things.
Oh, absolutely, but you still have to get a first person experience to really be sure of what you want.
That's a dangerous path to take because you don't always get what you want, even if you go to university and get an engineering degree there's no guarantee you'll be practicing engineering once you get out. Lots of people wash out of life because they "fell for the college meme" and ended up serving french fries instead of developing the cure for cancer.
Sure, but even being forced to spend years in studying something you don't actually have interest in and pursuing a career you don't care about, doesn't seem particularly wise. Mainly because you will end up either being on meds or like the protagonist from God Bless America (2011)
My social life isn't much tbh (aside from close relatives, I treat everyone else as if they were just acquaintances), but entertainment and escapism are not the only reasons I play games. I play them because they're interactive and because I'm not a big fan of passive media. You watch a movie once, that's All the content you're ever gonna get. Rewatch it all you want, but the movie will play out exactly the same each time. I like games because no two playthroughs ever feel exactly alike (you're only human, so your progress and inputs are different every time), because you might never unlock or see all the content it has to offer, and because the feeling of accomplishment is real (as opposed to reaching the end of a movie by merely being a couch potato for two hours). It keeps things fresh and interesting for a guy like me, even long after I have finished the game.
I will admit though that video games were there during rough spots in my life. But even when things were going to shit, it was hard to feel bad about myself after I just got done saving Hyrule or Princess Peach.
fucking this
I remember when I was a little kid and I didn't even give a shit about winning or even making it to the next level. I just played because I liked playing. Re-play level 1 fifty times just because I could never get to level 2.
Now I get upset when I don't 10/10 SSS rank perfect the stage.
as a kid I played demos more hours than I do play regular games.
My plan is to wait just long enough until I know how to blow up my professor. Chemistry is fun.
Fair point, but in my country technical universities (nearly all STEM) have 99%+ job guarantees in chemistry, ee and physics, and most biology and other STEM fields have 90% guarantee. Normal universities here are worthless, SJW breeding grounds and awful shit in general. Sadly, our university got a diversity officer this year, and I am really disappointed in this. Technical universities are being infected too, and I worry for the future.
No, I play video games because most people are very uninteresting and I don't yet have a hiking club or something to go hiking with. I love nature but hiking alone is dangerous. If I was less rational I would probably do it anyway.
i want something more than movie or tv series,
i dont want to turn my mind off,
so an interactive medium like gaming will do
if it makes you feel any better no one would join my hikikomori club ether
I play videogames because I enjoy videogames you dumb faggot go deal with your personal problems don't post about them on a fucking Filipino ice sculpting forum
Yes and no, people play games because they want experience which is usually is not possible for them to achieve by normal means. For example, sense of owning a huge company or rule a kingdom in a videogame is basically looking for accomplishment and success that is lacking in your life.
Well duh, if vidya doesn't give you a sense of accomplishment and success then said vidya is:
a. walking sim
b. too easy
c. you're playing it wrong
Goddamn user, you must have a talent or something. Don't be a blue-balled defeatist and just mope around like an useless NEET. Do something you're good at and be better at it. Don't compare yourself too much to someone who is superior in the same field of 'skill' you (theoretically) have.
If you don't motivate yourself to be better, then might as well fucking kill yourself for wasting space
Why do i always see alot of STEM guys in Holla Forums?
this nigga right here
No. I enjoy the challenge, honing a skill, sense of discovery, and exploration of interesting mechanics. My life is full of success, I don't really need to simulate more. I don't doubt that some people use it to fill some sort of void, but for most it's probably just a hobby or a simple piece of entertainment.
having skill in a videogame is an accomplishment on par with being good at masturbation
well are you? want to exchange masturbation techniques?
then I got gud, now I'm global top 5% on some leaderboards
It's merely a procrastination tool most of the time since there are barely any good games I haven't played. Sometimes I think man I'm wasting too much time and swear off videogames for a while, but then I just end up wasting my time in other ways. Which by then I realise I wasn't addicted to games. I was merely using them to procrastinate.
I find it hard finishing books I dont love from the outset. Im not the most social type. Vidya allows me to think differently from what I do at work, which refreshes me.
Basic competence with computers and awareness of the importance of anonimity, I'd say. T. software engineer
refer to pic
Then you should use the money you would invest on education to buy a piece of land and live a peaceful life in the country side.
Do what the good old Varg Vikernes suggests.
but i am not a music star, arsonist and kiler
If I had no money, or infinite money, I would still play video games. If you play them to escape your current situation though, then that's where you fucked up.
Already got accomplishment and success IRL, tbh I mostly play vidya games to kill the time between work cycles. I'd honestly be ok with getting rid of my off days and just spending every day working tbh, but the government doesn't allow it.
All the games I actually like are either multiplayer games with dead communities or singleplayer games that I've played to death.
We all desire to just do stuff. Jobs have over the years become more and more tedious, whilst video games captures that feel of just cruising through and having fun.
Think about it, most jobs currently fail at being enjoyable in pretty aspect:
Add the tedious bullshit from most jobs, like having to deal with other people avoiding their responsibilities, retarded management or clients treating you like shit to vent their own frustration, and it should be obvious why video games are so god damn popular.
Beyond STEM and legalese, what is there to study in a university?
It might come as a surprise user, but people on Holla Forums actually like playing video games.
i dont
i just need something to stop me thinking about suicide all day
you presume those 2 things are mutually exclusive
why ?