Time for Rasslin games.
>Favorite wrestler non-wrestling game characters count
>Favorite wrestlefu same as above
Time for Rasslin games.
>Favorite wrestler non-wrestling game characters count
>Favorite wrestlefu same as above
Wrestlemania 21
It had a plot that your custom fighter is the main character in. It had lots of fun quirks like little guys not being able to pick up big guys, a stat system where you could upgrade your fighter, all the usual fun modes and a bra and panties mode, which should be mandatory in basically any wrestling game.
How about WWE2k18 but made good
Well, every WWE game past the PS2 is kind of a blur, they all play pretty much exactly the same, with pointless shit added and removed in each, with SLIGHTLY enhanced graphics. Wrestlemania 2000 was pretty fun though.
Best technical wrestler
We need a Shatner wrestling game.
Was that a battle over cakes?
Anyone know how well those old AKI titles emulate? They're so fantastic.
Fire Pro Wrestling World out of Early Access when? Really want to go back with the full customization and mods not being broken every update.
Daily reminder that Inoki was right.
Pic related is the GOAT.
Streamfag was going to take submissions for the next stream today, right?
Right about what ? Exactly ?
Thread theme
Confession, I liked it..
Yes, the submissions will be taken on sunday and the matches will be streamed on monday
I remember having quite a bit of problems emulating Wrestlemania 2000 on Project64, not sure about others.
I've had no problems running any of the ones on N64, I personally recommend VPW2, that one's really good.
Rumble Roses 3 never ever
Thread when ? it's sunday already
Also from the lasy PPV
*last PPV
I want a webm of Yuuka humming while she beats the dear life out of Hulk Hogan
That was match of the night alongside Hitler gassing Mark and Shovel-Knight jobbing to Andre in 1.57min
But I rather have a webm of Yuuka humming while she bullied Nep Nep to death
Mark should be submitted again. And is our champ Andre going to join too?
When do the 8chanMania nominations start?
AJ disagrees
Do you think ever shitposted on the old days of Holla Forums ?
It's sunday already, Survivor Series just started and user hasn't made the nomination thread, how shameful
I want senator Armstrong, Bret Hart and Anthony Burch in the next one
AJ is too wholesome to hangout with degenerates such as us.
Was there ever a modern wrestling game brought out that was similar to smackdown 1&2
Create a Wrestler
Infinite Season/Career Mode?
FUCK you shills. Benoit did nothing wrong. Benoit was murdered with his family and it was pinned on him.
I want a sneak king total conversion mod starring #BROKEN Matt Hardy.
I liked legends and raw 2 not the best but fun. Day of Reckoning 1 and 2 are my favorite before FirePro and WCWNWO obv.
Convince me in 10 words or less that wrestling isn't gay.
It has AJ Styles
You're a faggot so you're wrong.
WWE: Here comes the pain > Everything else
Match of the night was Bernie Sanders vs Todd Howard. Never before have two Fire Pro AI's tried to kill each other that fucking hard