I dare you to name a more obnoxiously moralfag "game".
I dare you to name a more obnoxiously moralfag "game"
Nier automata.
ding ding ding
God I wanna fuck that effeminate bitch.
reminder shaft is a human.
you're gay and you know it.
But you probably won't listen to me anyways, will you?
I don't remember Automata being particularly preachy to the player.
Not like Spec Ops (DUDE YOU'RE THE REAL BAD GUY FOR PLAYING THE GAME) or Undertale (DUDE SELF-DEFENSE IS BAD EVEN IF THEY ACTIVELY EXPRESS TRYING TO KILL YOU fuck undyne and fuck the game for telling you killing that piece of shit flower is somehow bad) were, at least.
How's about you kill yourself, demon-defending faggot
Trevor, Richter, and Julius are cooler guys than Dracula. The only thing Dracula has going for him is that Death is his best friend.
Super Mario 64
It's only a moralfag game if you let it, OP.
When I was playing Spec Ops I half thought they were satirizing and joking with all the YOU ARE A BAD PERSON shit, so I enjoyed it. Only later did I find out it was supposed to be
Why do they think people play games? To be a good guy? People play Fable II as an obese std-ridden drunkard for fun. Only girls and numales try to make their characters self-inserts.
Only if you're a faggot.
t . moralfags
The Line is the Evangelion of video games. Nothing but trash made to appear clever and intellectual to retards.
Your post is the Evangelion of imageboard posts
I think that being compared to Wil Wheaston is a bigger insult than nigger tbh
while the game can be pretty in you face with the whole "You feel like a hero yet…"shit.
I still think the game had some pretty well done parts, like you can die but the screen goes white instead of reloading and you didn't actually die.
or the part when Lugo busts down the door and if you kill him it ends up being just a heavy, and if he kills you it's not Lugo anymore when your checkpoint reloads.
It was cool how it showed Walkers insanity, I just didn't give a fuck when it was trying to make me feel responsible for the fate of a predetermined digital world.
Ever since it came out (And flopped, I might add), all anyone could ever talk about was how the game "Made you feel guilty about your actions", "It's not suppose to feel like a AAA shooter", and "It's a critical analysis of military shooter games". Meanwhile, I recently started up a game released two years earlier (nuMedal of Honor), was blasted for being a mediocre game and left forget, yet one of it's levels struck me extremely hard with how, for lack of a better word, horrific actual war is. To be fair, though, that is just one level executed beautifully out of the numerous levels prior that fell flat (Also, I've uet to finish it), and I have yet to play The Line myself, so I'm going off of hearsay for that title.
Which one?
Why haven't you killed yourself yet
I would definitely consider Spec Op art in video game form. It does something different and surprising that makes you think, and the way the themes work could only be possible in a video game. That isn't to say it's a good game, because the gameplay is baseline mediocre, but it manages to be genuinely thought proving, and makes it's "art" by actively being a video game and making you rethink the context of what you've been doing. I'd rather have another hundred games that try and do shit like Spec Ops did than get another fucking Gone Home or Sunset.
That kind of stuff was what the game did really well. The moralfagging was obnoxious, but what really pissed me off were the constant Heart of Darkness/Apocalypse Now allusions and parallels that fall completely flat thanks to the shitty twist. What makes those stories work is the way the protagonist comes to understand Kurtz's mindset and actions as he gets closer to him. That doesn't work at all when the twist is "everything is your fault and you were crazy the whole time".
I've heard that too but I've only ever traced that mentality back to some British 2deep4u youtube analyzer.
I've never seen the devs talk about that. Really, the game had a story more along the lines of what MGSV was supposed to. You play as a good guy who tried to do the right thing but kept making things worse the harder he pushed. That's it. The rest is just trying to figure out what's in his head and what's reality.
This. If the game is an Apocalypse Now remake, that's the canonical ending. In response to , the Rambo ending is your choice, mitigating some of the insanity goofiness.
The 2010 reboot
For all the "praise" this game got I couldn't get through it because it's a terrible shooter
Gone Homo is the worst. It was a game designed to not be a game. What was particularly bad is how the creators had no clue what they were talking about. I fucking hated the sappy ending where the dike goes awol and runs away with her underaged whore. The game treats it like a happy ending, when that cunt would be sent to military prison. Also, I hate how it considers the "don't ask don't tell" policy as some kind of horrible oppression, when it was created specifically to allow homos in the military. Before that easy created, they use to straight ask you if you sucked dick, and you could be grilled about it at anytime. After don't ask don't tell, it became against the rules to talk about it at all.
its still terrible
The autism over that WP scene still amuses me to this day.
For what purpose?
But why does it make you mad?
I ain't mad, but some people are because they have no choice but becoming villain of the century.
That's right, some people.
I see the WP scene as a prank put together specifically for normalfags that play propaganda military shooters to "feel like a badass" rather than because of any particular interest in gameplay and story.
Everyone else isn't trying to see themselves as the protagonist anyway, so they can move on and enjoy all the cool hallucinations and shit without feeling personally responsible. For them it's no different from any other adaptation of heart of darkness.
Hey fellow user, did you know that [game\mechanic\value] is complete shit? Everyone who likes it is losers! Shows how purist hardcore I am.
Literally braindead consumers ready to be raped by marketers. This is why current year imageboards are just a different kind of reddit.
Shut the fuck up reddit.
The game is fun though. The combat is fun, the weapons are fun, the setting is fun. It's an enjoyable game. I play vidya to have fun. I'm really not sure what Holla Forums plays vidya for anymore.
I don't play videogames just to play shitty cover shooter clones and pretend it's high-brow cinema like a retard.