Never forget what 2K made TRS do.
Never forget their butchery.
Never forget that TRS Dindu Nuffin.
Never forget that 2K literally didn't even allow them to fix their own fucking game.
Never forget what 2K made TRS do
L4D was never good. L4D2 was never good. So it stands to reason that Evolve was never going to be good either. TRS has a shittier track record than nu-bioware.
I don't know, turtle rock always seemed pretty damn proud of evolve during the whole ordeal.
Upvoted, fellow badass.
Incorrect. Sabotage by a publisher trying to be EA prevents the game from seeing it's true limelite.
never forget that TRS decided to sign with 2K in the first place
Hey woah. Evolve was bad, but it wasn't andromeda bad.
Yes, proud of evolve. But not of the publisher. They hated them from the get-go and their own forums and announcements made this VERY clear from the get-go.
give me one reason either left 4 dead was bad.
tell us how it was then Mr. Shill, how 2K forced them to sign with them at gunpoint
It was yet another "asymmetrical competitive" meme game from the beginning. Can you find me even one of those that's good?
(patched) Andromeda is a significantly better game than Evolve, and it's still 5/10 at best.
Do you remember nothing of THQ's bankrupcy?
Impossible. What you speak of is sheer madness wrought by the feeble minded.
Sure, singles guy.
Can you find one of them that's legitimately bad and not just because it was subject to a shit opinion?
you're right, i forgot. Switch everything i say with THQ then, remember the heavy handed e-sport shilling? the $10 per monster? the almost non existent content at launch? the shit performance? they did this to themselves
The logical conclusion to your argument is that nothing is bad or good, and that everything is subjective, and if that's what you think, why even post?
They didn't do this to themselves. 2K did.
So you don't actually have an answer and are just shitposting? Wunderbar.
Your deliberate use of the qualifier "legitimately bad" sets you up with the ability to hand-wave away any criticism as "illegitimate".
And you're handwaving everything he says as ultimately pointless. You realize there are legitimate and illegitimate criticisms right? Saying "it's shit" is illegitimate. You need to back that up.
Oh and before I forget
2K's doing too. They gutted the open-ended multiple-planet exploration-and-hunting game into a fucking MoBrawler Esport Shitfest.
See: Metamorphosis.
yes they did
What are options
What are options
It's not your game when the publisher owns the IP
holy fuck, are you at least being paid for this shit?
It was there since day 1, THQ's call
Boring linear corridor shooters that you run from point a to point b whilst wasting ammo on zombies that die in one hit while only one weak ass "BOSS" zombie that dies in like three spawns in and then repeat
non-linear hunting game where you have to predict where the player-controlled ACTUALLY-A-BOSS monster that can take some hits. Failure to do this will result in chasing it around like the shit baddie you are.
tbh if it had been 1 monster + team of tiny monsters vs 1 anti-monster + team of hunters, it would have been pretty fucking awesome.
Also, when it was ftp the half monster, half muslim hoe was kinda fun to use.
I pointed out his manipulative wording, nothing more, nothing less.
Who is the arbiter of what is legitimate or illegitimate? Give me an honest answer to that question.
Illegitimate to whom? Again, who is given the honor of making these distinctions? This is a really basic concept when debating, and I'm genuinely surprised you don't understand it. If I open with: "Give me legitimate reasons for why Pizza is good, and not just subject to shit opinions", where the fuck can that conversation even go? As I have declared myself the arbiter of legitimacy, I'll just declare every reason you give "illegitimate".
Back to neptunia, weebcuck
They didn't have any.
They didn't have any.
Exactly my point.
You poor soul. Such things were actually planned before 2K fucked them.
I don't think Kala was an actual muslim though. She looked more indian/japanese, and that seemed to be more of a cowl-but-its-just-a-hood. There was no religious reason for the head covering.
F2P version was fucking garbage with zero content though.
But he's right. The only reason it was deemed good or did well is because it had Valve Fanboys.
Basic argumentative reasoning.
funny you should say that.
We have IDs here you know.
You said his point, when referring to yourself. You are trying hard to same fag.
Hopefully you now see that I had him correctly pegged as a bullshitter.
At least they weren't as dumb as the Titanfall faggots who sold out to EA of all companies.
I'm sorry.
More like
They didn't have a choice.
THQ was always greedy kikes. Don't let nostalgia blind you. They failed for a reason.
And when the fuck was this, supposedly? Everybody knows they failed not because of being greedy kikes- they failed because of blithering incompetence and spending millions on shit nobody wanted, like a fucking thinkpad.
And you got mad at the other user for spewing non arguments.
Like I said, you're a fucking retard.
How is chasing the peripheral trend not the kikiest thing ever? Especially when it cost them their very company. The Wii and Rockband happened, they smelled money with their kike noses and it lead them into the ground.
Last I recall; THQ was banking all of it's money on Darksiders 2 to sustain it and keep it afloat whilst Then-Metamorphosis was being finished.
Naturally; 2K snapped it up and rushed it the fuck out within a year, despite people's complaints that it needed to be worked on more.
That's not proving his point at all, he's saying that only weebcucks don't like l4d, and I posted a pic of weebs actively playing it.
Then I'll settle for "we're both retarded"
Maybe you forgot about the travesty that was Company of Heroes 2. Even in this age of lockboxes I haven't seen another company jewish enough to lock in-game abilities behind a paywall with their bullshit commanders. Granted I pay very little attention to those games
That makes both of us then. I had no intrest in COH2 due to it's setting.
Confirmed newfag.
It's pretty hard to point out the flaws of a corridor game where you shoot paper thin enemies with the weakest sounding guns in history, while you have terminator levels of health and ammo, with your only weakness being somewhat stronger zombies that hold you down just so they could add the most shoehorned "teamwork" in existence aka waiting for your teammates to save you, with the only real threat out of all of the enemies being the tank which appears like twice which still has the Achilles heel of moltoving and kiting it.
Nigger asymmetrical setups are the best shit in every multiplayer game, symmetry makes things completely fair and even but it's also more boring
Evolve was NOTHING like L4d. Faggots need to stop parroting the "its just l4d's tank" meme; Only the Goliath is remotely similar; and the only similarities is that it throws rocks.
lmao op kill yourself
and check em too
I tried this game for free. It was shit. The very concept was bad. You chase a sneaky monster that roams around feeding, you don't find it, the monster goes 3rd stage, the monster wins. It's a walking simulation with some shooting sequences.
Even the "campaign mode" got old fast. Everything is always one sided, one way or the other.
TRS should be thankful somebody greenlit this shitty game.
How embarrassing.
Of course it's going to be bad.
Kill yourself, retard, even if you're too stupid to succeed at least keep trying.
So you're admitting to having never played the game? Because that's exactly what you did. That was the only strategy. Throw a molotov at it and then don't get hit.
does anyone have a single fact to back up op's claims?
Do we need this fucking thread every 3-4 days? No one but you actually cares about this game, faggot.
It's not exactly hard to find.
Yes, actually. Until Take-Two is ashes and the game is the success it should of been, I shall never relent.
the burden of proof is on (you)
I'm not going to fucking google it for you.
I'm not going to fucking link the forums again.
I'm not going to give you common fucking sense.
The game was fun when it went f2p and before they added the cash shop
so you don't have any proof? got it
No, I'm just not going to enable a fucking landwhale.
F2P version was pretty shit though, all things considered.
Don't you make this thread once a week? Why not just bookmark the links to use in the OP.
Unless they don't exist.
The absolute state of amerifats.
the blog you linked says nothing of your claims so obviously you have no real proof and are just going "well nothing of what I see here is in the game so clearly the publisher fucked with the game!"
Are you perhaps deformed?
will you ever provide proof?
reply if you're butthurt
Isn't the development of the game over? Who will touch the game now?
Oh shit, does that mean I'm butthurt?
Will you ever stop being such a lazy beta cuckold that you can't click around on the fucking internet for five seconds?
Of course not, You and 13821099 are too young to be on this site.
Oh look, a child who doesn't know what edgy means
Try using google some time you disabled spastic
do you not understand ids? do you not understand that if you want people to take you seriously you need to back up your claims with proof?
Do you not understand you need to be at least 18 to post on this website? Enjoy your vacation.
maybe does your ass feel warm? could be one of two maybe three things
where's the proof of your claims?
I don't know. I usually trust user's judgment when it comes to being butthurt, autistic, or other similar ailments. When all's said and done, online diagnosis is still the best.
Go fucking look for them. I'm not your personal "LET ME GOOGLE THAT FOR YOU".
It is; and nobody is allowed to. 2K probably destroyed everything like they planned to when they bought it for 11 million; which is pocket change to them.
Turtle Rock would still be working on it if they were legally allowed to.
The only way anybody would be able to salvage it is to reverse-engineer it and datamine.
how are you not banned? he said you're under 18, it must be true! no proof needed
Same burden of proof of your own claims is on you; fuckboy. But you've provided none.
the burden of proof is on the person who makes claims, you are making claims of this game and have thus yet provided any proof.
where is your proof? no one going to listen and believe you
it's ok I'm actually you who's 26 so no worries
What burden of proof? what claims? please quote them, as you're so good at it
I'm not even going to give you manchildren a (You.), This is too pathetic. Grow a fucking brain.
I read the blog and saw nothing of your claims, please provide some actual proof to your claims
Is that you Fen?
Fuck it. I'm not even going to number your post. The burden of reading the fucking FORUMS, is on YOU. You're so much of a fucking lazy fat cunt you can't even read some fucking text. Consider suicide.>>13821209
But nothing anywhere on the forum corroborates your claims. It actually contradicts everything you've said. Did you think no one would actually read it?
So you haven't actually read it? Gotcha!
No, I did read it. That's why I know you're a liar.
And that's how I know YOU'RE a liar.
Literally look the fuck around on that forums. Almost every dev post states "2k was fucking shit but we have to suck their cock unless we want to be sued into oblivion and assassinated"
the blog states nothing of 2k or thq fucking them over and infact thq seemed to be nothing but as helpful as possible considering when they went to present their pitch to thq their laptop died and they had to use a bloody iphone to show them their ideas, the rest of the blog is nothing more then mile stones updates with lots of artwork.
you are doing nothing but jumping to conclusions based upon what I can assume as prejudice against a publisher due to a all publishers are EA/activison/ubisoft. also THQ in the past has done nothing wrong what so ever to even give some degree of a realistic notion to your claims.
Come on man. If you're going to lie at least try and make it believable.
I'm fucking done with you.
I guess the Yakuza and other such entities don't exist!
where is the proof?
what is the date of which it was posted?
why are you so against backing up your claims?
Why the fuck did I think unblocking your pathetic ass was a good idea?
but user you aren't posting any proof, you're pointing at a random direction in the air and saying "look! there it is!", sad.
yeah, as we all know the Yakuza operates mainly in places such as Lake Forest, California, USA.
nothing in the comment section either.
where is your proof?
Can you people be any more retarded? This isn't a site for children. Go back to 4kids or MSM or Twatter some retarded shit like that. Whatever the fuck it is you "lmao so edgy xddddd i love hanna montana shillary for president!" faggots are into these days.
It's not my fucking fault you're too retarded to navigate a forumspace. Click the fuck out of the thread and read the other developer posts. I'm not going to fucking spoonfeed you.
Infact, that's the only REAL REASON this game failed; Faggots got mad they were bad and weren't spoonfed. Not because of a monetization "scheme" that everybody was already doing several times worse with fucking GACHA BOXES ONTOP OF IT.
Vidya forbid you actually have to learn and get good.
Oh, let's not forget the "anonymous" posting of a former irrational dev explicitly pointing out the corporate meddling with Evolve.
where's that?
I hope these faggots realize using a proxy is a bannable offense
You are the most deluded person I've met in a good long while. Let me ask you: How much did you spend on this non-starter of a game? It must have been a lot for you to hate reality so much.
nothing of what I've read holds any indication of your claims what so ever
post it rather then made vague hints towards
No more deluded than the billions of brainlet sheeple who jumped on the meme bandwagon and took everything out of context, instead opting to parrot some faggot Plebbit "JEURNALIST!" tard who didn't even play the fucking game for more than 2 minuites before throwing his controller, having a fucking tantrum like a child, and saying "ITS SHIT BECAUSE IT'S SHIT MOMMY!"
making shit threads is a bannable offense
Call me when he reaches the hundreds like the greats of old.
Damn op, you are really kicking up the autism now aren't you?
Did you really deface a mildly amusing comic from the 'muh Dark Souls is hard' pseudofan crowd to be about Evolve with a lazy title edit? This level of obsession is ridiculous. You're that faggy voreophile ayy lmaosona furry, aren't you? What was the name again, the one that shat up Alfabusa's 40k chat group? Started with an S.
I was plenty prepared to believe publisher antics were the source of Evolve going to shit rather than the devs, having no investment one way or the other beside seeing some footage and its wretched downfall, but this psychotic screeching, typing style, and 'IT'S NOT MY JOB TO EDUCATE YOU' attitude is pretty thoroughly suggestive of your identity.
But how much did you spend on it? Did you buy all the DLC to 'support the developers'?
you mean like me?
Why did you retards fall for the evolve shill's thread? He literally just had one that went nowhere and died quick because you were onto his shit and then he just remakes it with a little more subtlety and you all take the bait.
I'm very disappointed in all of you.
when the fuck was that?
It's a commendable effort but I feel like it doesn't have the same impact as someone who seems to be genuine instead of clearly shitposting.
found op
I played the game myself in the free weekend they did. Most people did. That's why everyone realized it was about 4 hours of fun followed by repetition and bad game design. The fact that the kosher devs decided to drape that in a cloak of some of the most disgusting nickle-and-dimery is besides the point.
How did they get your momey user? Was it disgusting fish person porn cartoons? Was it blind brand-loyalty to a studio that made precisely one good game twice?
I reported this thread and every other cuckchan tier thread and none of them get deleted, I also made a meta thread about this kinda shit but ya'know how those goes
Come the fuck on. Step the fuck up. You cockmaggots are a shame to the greats that came before us.
If you're going to slander me, put some fucking effort into it. Babies like you bore me. When shall we purge this world in glorious nuclear hellfire?
So yes, It is me. But no; you've fucked up.
Evolve hasn't been made twice.
Glad we can agree on this.
WEW, that explains everything *out doms u* heh….. looks like I'm top ayyliums now dog
I'd just like to point out that I told you so :^)
The absolute state of the Mongrel races.
Whatever you say, shitface.
*trans-dimensionally shifts into nuvoid space*
*opens a rift of pure counter energies behind you*
heh…………….. you were nothing but a waste of time…… heh…….
*sucks you into fractional subspace nuvoid*
What are you hoping to accomplish, other than looking like even more of a retard?
Alright, this is too much. One, you're doing yourself too much credit trying to lie that boldly, acting as if you would be in any way desirable. Two, you make a smaller lie that you need an F-List to look at F-List profiles, which is plainly untrue; you need an account to use their internal search, but as an occasional spelunking for horror or as degenerate company kept might inform, external links are functional regardless of the viewers' account status unless that was changed. Thirdly, you're a huge self aggrandizing faglord. Simmer down.
Somebody dig up the screencaps. It's been a while and I don't have them on hand.
Has the evolve shill finally returned?
heh……… looks like your dead game is still dead heh……
*time quasi shits out another trans-dimentional hot load of steaming nuvoid into your subspace grave*
That's not a lie though. You do.
What the fuck are you talking about? Why would I be desirable? What the fuck gave you this impression? Why are you pulling straws out of your ass?
I've probably been on the chans longer than the majority of idiots in this thread.
Nice double-standard, faggot.
What game is he shilling?
At the moment? None.
But if he's allowed to discuss his game, then the same logic should apply
You don't. The preening ERPer shits from I don't even remember where- it might've been 4/v/, 4/tg/, or this Holla Forums before they were routed out, all I remember is seeing them exist in their segregated little general and then not sometime before or immediately after the exodus- established a hive here after their expulsion from wherever they started at in /erp/. Sits at board rank 30 presently, quite visible on the front page. A click on any of their character links proves you a liar. Furthermore, the use of a burner account and a search on a hunch would be equally viable as an explanation to how your horrors were discovered, and intensely more likely than your projective narrative of a spurned thirsty nigger.
That's what I'm saying, my man. Why WOULD anyone desire a fat hard voreophile ayy lmao with a, and I quote, 'hyper fat' fetish? But you seem to think otherwise for whatever reason.
'An assmad autist who got analpained I didn't cyber their pathetic ass' is implicatory that you would ever be desirable by anything other than a mirror of yourself, the former part being impossible, and the latter being a very undesirable thought for everyone else within a country mile owing to your proclivities.
There we are, that's one of the caps, the good stuff. Have some fresh autism, discovered in a cursory search. And the skeleton of the arch-autist's F-list, since it was just as easy as dumping his character name into the main site URL plus /c/ to access the character list as it was punching his name in to find whatever the fuck this video is.
look at that shit taste and laugh
Nevertheless; of course the Kikes wanted this game to fail. It would allow the floodgates of fucking gambling and all this other bullshit to happen; as well as the stagnation and forced politically correct agendas.
I warned you faggots this would happen, But OH NO, Don't listen to the Oldfag who can see where the goddamn dots connect.
rofl okay
Not sure what I expected.
The only one claiming this is (You.), so have two of them.
Talk about reaching. Why the fuck would I want to interact with an autist that has the same shitty fucking leopard as anybody else?
It's like you don't know the first basic rules of the economics of Lulz.
oh man you're legit fucked up, going on a crusade against 2k, making sure to pay them them shekels though, i'm so happy
What the actual fuck, there was not a single thing that looked good about Evolve, ever. Nothing prior to release indicated that it would be a good game and everyone who shat on it was completely right.
Nah. Not happening. I'm boycotting them and any subsidiaries. That includes rockstar, firaxis, and so on.
Especially randy.
t. brainlet
yup, its that lolcow again
But you did give them shekels, you bought xcom 2.
I'm sorry? You must have me confused for Tumbles or CWC, because I'M the one laughing. At the idiots within this thread.
Did XCom 2 not precede Evolve?
wow i can post numbers too so fucking impressive.
your profile shows you own both xcom, xcom 2 and even battleborn
Gypsiefag is more entertaining, tbh.
no, evolve is 2014, xcom 2 is 2016
battleborn is 2016 - 2017
No, no it did not.
do your part
Attempting to present yourself as part of the in-culture of the board is not going to save you now. No one is going to believe you were a secret Holla Forumslack, prescient of what was to come, nor that Evolve of all fucking things was somehow a blockade against loot crates & skins when that ball had already started rolling. The bad fanfiction is bad, as is your squawking voice.
Maybe if he had a ham sandwich to spare under those love rolls you would've been more amenable? I wasn't aware that leopards were passe, but then again I wasn't aware a leopard was involved, because this is your untrustworthy invention on top of the original testimony.
It involves cows. Dumb cattle that willingly milk themselves and claim to be the ones getting more out of it as they shamefully, unwittingly flagellate themselves before the crowd, more often than not.
It's not even shills. It's a single xenofurry autist doing it FOR FREE. Now, it's perfectly understandable, because he openly fetishizes monstrous ayy lmaos consuming the sweet meats of other beings in sexually carnivorous fashion and being fat greasy shitpiles as they do so; this game is the only thing that sufficiently supplies his niche fetish, and Evolve bombed so hard that he is one of very, very few remaining niche audiences the game can desperately hold onto. A kind of symbiotic relationship. He plays with the games' joystick, and it plays with his joystick.
Then I stand corrected.
Battleborn was really shit though; nearly unbearable, but at least it isn't fucking Get-Banned-For-Using-Ingame-Featureswatch. Not sure what randy was trying to do other than shoot himself in the foot.
Evolve was 2015 though.
he only likes it because it sort of lets him fulfill his gay erp submissive fantasies.
that's literally it
you'd think he'd just play fucking ss13 on vore station and be content like any normal person would be
So, basically, most of the brainless gooks parroting the same shit they've heard an E-Celeb say? Nice.
"MURRSONAE" make me gag.
Tell me more about the Warpsmithe Fjorne.
Tell me more about why you presume I think I'm my shitty mary-sue.
Please, do go on, I want to get some more laughs out of this abysmal thing we call "humanity"- when the most optimal thing for us to do as a species would be willingly walking hand-in-hand to our own extinction.
name one moment in the thread in which I have done so, because I play the GAMES, for the GAMEPLAY, Big shocker, huh? A VIDEO GAME being played for the GAMEPLAY, and not "muh graffix" or "muh story" like all these normalfags think makes a "GAME" of the year.
so where is your proof?
Pass. I'll stick to stations that know what SS13 is; a paranoia-laden-enduced what-the-fuck Turn-Spessmen-Sideways-While-Screaming-Woody's-Got-Wood Simulator.
so citadel then
Did you read what I said, at all?
Someone get the gas.
let me guess you got your self banned because your autism knows no bounds, let me also guess that you got banned on CM too
At this point, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't even work on me I'm so sick of normalfag's shit. I have ascended past the droves.
Isn't that the point?
you don't even know what it means to cuban pete tbh
Listen, the important thing here is whether you get a stiffy to Evolve or not, and the answer is 'yes.' No amount of desperate,paradoxically pride-affirming self deprecation will derail from that question and fact, nor will extinctionist prattle or overabuse of commas or overcitation of board culture tryhard faggery. Just to put things plain for anyone who didn't click the lovely profile above, in as obnoxious and page stretching a format as possible, observe the following.
This is Evolve's number one fan. That one 'no' fetish is very telling; he won't take his shit out under any circumstances, and thus refuses to let go of the colossal turd that was Evolve.
his autism being pathetically trying to erp with anything that moves because he does nothing but jump logic tbh
Why else would I of been a NoxStation admin? Because I understood what made SS13 fun:
people running around and screaming as everything explodes and beating the shit out of eachother as a fucking giant nigger chases you to turn you into FRIED CHIKKINZ while the admins spam top-quality midis.
That's not even remotely why I support it. Pull your head out of your ass.
Remind me who the furfaggot is, again?
That is actually fucking disgusting.
ah so not only do you shit up anyplace you can find but you deliberately get your self banned as some kinda badge of honor, I knew you wer a sub but that's taking it abit too far
oh wait you're serious
let me just weep for you instead.
I have standards; and most of the peons on those sites bore me. So no, I'm not going to even remotely look at some faggot with the billionth sparkledog fox and claims they're being "original" and gets pissy when somebody "steals" their metal donuts.
That's the entire point. They were inherently designed to be set in an antagonistic role within film or game; with the individuals witnessing them never certain to what to make out of them due to simultaneous raw repulsiveness and strangely endearing qualities at the same time.
by now you should admit that this has gone for long enough and that you don't care about evolve nor 2k, you're here to talk about you, and that you only want to shitpost until you finish
You have a mental illness.
Man so wrong he sets new standards of wrong; baffling historians and scientists everywhere.
Everybody does.
Please stop giving him attention until the mods wake up.
pretty sure we're bumplocked anyway.
and yet you use it
I never did play Evolve before it went f2p but from what i played it seemed pretty fun but not worth playing for over an hour. A match or 2 then call it a day.
No, I mean a real one. Not a tumblr one.
Ah, you're right.
everybody does.
it's pretty much a prerequisite to be alive.
you're one form of batshit crazy or another.
you subscribe to one delusion or another
it's the only reason we didn't wipe ourselves out already.
We can both agree that's cancer. Good job.
and yet you still use it
How am I confirming it?
Step the fuck up to my "shoe-horn shub-niggurath into the backstory for no reason" level.
How are you not, is the real question.
Don't forget. We're all in Hell already. Forever.
so where is your proof of your claims anyways
so you really don't have any what so ever
Like I said, I'm done with you. I've supplied you the proof. The burden is upon you to use your brain and read through those forums. I'm not playing any more games with you, because you're the exact sort of autist that I revile; who probably still uses his parent's credit cards.
You never supplied anything. You just lied about what was on another website hoping no one would check.
the "proof" you supplied had no information related to your claims
You obviously haven't checked, or we wouldn't be in this situation.
why don't you look through your "proof" and show us where it is, I've already read through it afew times now and surprise there's still no such proof
gerund or present participle: spoonfeeding
feed (someone) by using a spoon.
provide (someone) with so much help or information that they do not need to think for themselves.
The burden of proof (Latin: onus probandi) is the duty of a party in a trial to produce the evidence that will prove the claims they have made against the other party. In a legal dispute, one party is initially presumed to be correct and gets the benefit of the doubt, while the other side bears the burden of proof. When a party bearing the burden of proof meets their burden, the burden of proof switches to the other side. Burdens may be of different kinds for each party, in different phases of litigation. The burden of production is a minimal burden to produce at least enough evidence for the trier of fact to consider a disputed claim.[1]:16–17 After litigants have met the burden of production and their claim is being considered by a trier of fact, they have the burden of persuasion, that enough evidence has been presented to persuade the trier of fact that their side is correct. There are different standards of persuasiveness ranging from a preponderance of the evidence, where there is just enough evidence to tip the balance, to proof beyond a reasonable doubt, as in United States criminal courts.[1]:17
The burden of proof is usually on the person who brings a claim in a dispute. It is often associated with the Latin maxim semper necessitas probandi incumbit ei qui agit, a translation of which in this context is: "the necessity of proof always lies with the person who lays charges."[2]
The party that does not carry the burden of proof carries the benefit of assumption of being correct, they are presumed to be correct, until the burden shifts after presentation of evidence by the party bringing the action. An example is in an American criminal case, where there is a presumption of innocence by the defendant. Fulfilling the burden of proof effectively captures the benefit of assumption, passing the burden of proof off to another party.
So it's still on you?
I don't have to do anything because I'm right and you're too much of a lazy fuck to click through some developer posts?
Fuck off, Nigger.
Several different people already did this. Everyone agrees you are wrong.
do you see how autistic this is of you?
They've proven they haven't, or they would of already seen it.
I've posted screenshots of me going through that blog of yours.
I'm not even going to feed you anymore. You're staying blocked like all the other UnderageB&. Keep ignoring the truth; you blithering idiots. I'm done biting.
so where's that proof of yours?
So you all want to be 2K's dicksucker? That's fine. I'll be laughing while you idiots suffer.
where's the proof furfag
except it's not there otherwise you'd be able to point it out easily
Except I have otherwise you wouldn't be repeating this fucking loop and would of just read it already.
I've already pointed it the fuck out. It's not my fault you're so obscenely stupid that you can't even navigate a couple of pages; and continue to pretend that I haven't supplied anything.
Good DAY Sir.
you've pointed to a blog which says nothing of your claims and instead of backing up you double down asking people to prove that they've read it. so I can only assume you're just jumping logic and expecting people to read your mind for this proof
Call it what it is you stupid faggot. Maybe then you won't expose yourself.
it amounts to a dev blogs, there's no other topics other then the devs talking about the milestones and concepts of the game and some backers getting hyped over it.
again, where is your proof?
Get out of my face, New Burgerate
are you trying to double backing trying to get some kinda ground to stand on?
try harder faggot, this isn't a Kikestarter.
where's the proof of your claims?
Are you perhaps projecting?
G2 vanus are shit. Fuck those spandex-wearing retards. And "planetside 2" was an awful game. It wasn't even a Planetside game.
G1 vanu master race.
Bull-fucking-shit. Learn to navigate a fucking forum. There's thousands of topics. Anybody who bothered with the game and stuck with it can tell you the same thing I'm telling you.
and yet you're unable to link the correct topic, really makes me think
You seriously can't be any older than ((9))
so where is this proof again?
still not seeing anything, it's alright to be wrong you know
Congratulations. You managed to leave one thread. Look in the others. I'm not your fucking parents. I'm not going to fucking press your face against the screen and read it for you.
still nothing about thq or 2k doing anything on fucking over evolve
Read the fucking forums. Stop fucking posting images of forums and claiming you're reading them.
oh but I am reading them, look! it's your favorite thread
This is the autism holocaust right here folks.
Wow, So fucking incredible. That must of taken a lot of effort to raise your disgusting malformed arm to press two buttons, Chris-Chan.
Someone archive/ cap this thread please.
it's almost as if it's possible to do both things at the same time or something huh
did you cry when you saw this?
because you don't realize, it's your post count and it shows just how autistic you are
also heh……..
It's obviously not possible for you; because you're not reading those forums if you're still shitposting here.
you maybe incapable of doing more then one thing at any given time but you should consider that everyone else is not as pathetic as you are
I'm certainly better than the likes of (You)
so where is this proof you keep on failing to deliver?
oh that's right I'm totally not reading anything I'm showing here, nope not at all yes this is sarcasm you fucking autist
I gotta hand it to you user, your willingness to argue with the handicapped is impressive. This guy's been spouting the same rhetoric and has been shown to be an obnoxious autistic furfag who has over 4k hours in TF2 and ERPs with people on f-list with the most disgusting fetishes. I don't know why either of us are still here.
if he would have just linked his proof instead of going "no u" the entire thread I wouldn't have to utterly shit on him like this. gotta keep up with these moral codes I've got and all
Haven't we scared you spastic away with porn of one of the monsters? Have some lewd Ayys and scram.
Wrong guy, stupid spastic.
He's the handicapped one, good sir. And it seems you are too. Neither of you are capable of seeing what's right infront of your faces; but you're unable to admit it because your precious feefees might get hurt.
The Neogaf leak is real.
you seem to do nothing but parrot shit other people have said inorder to validate your inadequacies.
the blog is running out of topics and I've still not seen fucking anything of the claims you've made in regards to thq and 2k, what'll be the next step in your master plan after I've utterly debunked you?
literal blog tbh you cuck
You haven't debunked shit. You want to keep playing this fucking retarded catty deal? You want to murder the game so those who actually enjoyed the first real game in over a fucking decade have to put up with your pathetic ass?
WE WUZ KANGS to you, good sir. You and all your kike brethren hate the very concept of videogames. You want nothing more than the degredation of our most glorious relics.
If that is what you desire; then fine. But I will continue to martyr for my cause. They ban me from their forums, so be it. But I warned them too of this travesty; and they did nothing.
If they were unwilling to fight for it; then they did not deserve it.
But you expose yourself as the SJewDubyas you really are.
I think you should try having this blog posted again and really get into the gritty of it
did you cry?
You will continue to journey my friend. You will suffer as we have suffered. Only through pain will you truly see.
so you cried then
I'd place the game on the same pedestals as Command and Conquer, Doom (lmao shithesda reboot, fuck that), Planetside, and many more sacred relics. Because that's what evolve is. As much as you don't care to admit. As much as you wish to deny it. Evolve was both necessary; and the greatest.
What? You want more alien porn? According to the flist page I have just archived, you are heavily into vore and cannibalism. Shit which I don't have. If you are doing it for free, you are autistic as fuck.
OK, you are autistic as fuck
Nigger, we don't need to lift a finger to kill a shit game with that nickels and dimes you for each piece of content and with a incredibly unbalanced concept that is also always online.
We actually like Video Games. This is why we don't play garbage like Evolve.
Which is a video game,
a goddamn video game
ah now I'm seeing this proof.
Visual novels are not games.
And what better cause?
Ahh, but it truly is. You must think Tribes was a shit game too, then.
I don't get it, I can name a number of games that do what evolve tried to do vastly better and half of those games would be bloody mods for other games.
what makes this game so special to you, can you even name a single thing?
There's a high probability I've played those mods; They don't even come close.
Some of them are and belong to the Genre of Japanese Adventures. They are also a sideshow here. Here is my 3x3 for last year and this year. Ignore the racing game in the 2016 one. I haven't actually played it and was only interested in it
If you want me to count down everything that has long ongoing general here besides Fistful of Frags, because its what we happen to play this weekend, you can eat a big, fat, dick. Shouldn't be a problem for you since you are into stuffing your lover into your mouth and you are curious about male pregnancy.
I haven't fucking said that. As far as I know, this place misses Tribes that has been killed off for a Pagan Assfaggot. Do you feel well? Do you have an aneurism now?
I don't know. How about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the Gospel?
"everything" isn't an answer, shit is subjective as fuck and you could at the very least provide an in-depth explanation to your fan wankery to this shitty game.
also on another note I've yet to find shit about your proof and you've yet to provide proof.
his method of reasoning is lumping logic based upon the special feelings he has in his heart and demands that you read his mind to understand them
Which is a typical symptom of autism in general. I have a similar problem, but not as bad as our yiffy friend who indulges in fantasies about eating people.
He also has his very own thread on /cow/ now. Check it out and fill to the brim with his hilarious spasms.
I don't really know half of those titles. Arguable taste.
That explains everything. Those buffoons have held our species back for literally thousands of years.
Everything is also an answer, because it's the same answer I have for Doom. You cannot have Doom without all of it's parts.
The gameplay was top-tier; hunting and pinning down a monster who could just as readily be trying to spread you out and single you down. Inversively, being hunted as the monster was one of the few times I can say I actually was excited in a game; hiding in plain sight as they bumblefuck right past you; sneaking behind them and picking off the straggler. Utterly fantastic.
The characters were also unique and nuanced; be it the overall gruff leader of the team Cabot, or the inverse of the (literally braindamaged) Hyde.
The enviroments were also spectacular; much more lively than the vast majority of shitty "open world" games that are extremely barren.
The AI was stellar; indeed, the wildlife having interesting interactions with eachother, the hunters, and the monster.
The story; whilst hardly there, was rather intriguing, basically involving the monsters intending to implode-explode the universe like some kind of fucking bubble. Hunters stop them, but they're stranded on shear and humanity is sent back to the stone age.
Designs and animations? Also top-notch, Monsters limped about when damaged, had several special animations for last-hits, and so forth. They had a lot of personality for models and skins that changed to reflect how much damage you had taken.
I could go on.
I think understanding that, it seems to me that his actual goal here is to just get people to post on his blog board again because he's feeling sentimental over it
you think the game is good because you like it is a very basic as fuck answer tbh
And for shits and giggles:
I also don't want anything to do with the plebs on those forums, sticking their fingers in their ears and going LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU when I had told them over and over that this situation would not blow over and sort itself out.
If he wants to live on Forum full of sentimental autistic people with weird sexuality, Kiwifarms is still a thing despite Jewsh who is a hamplaneoid hack who believes that entire democratic party is actually a pedosex Molech cult.
fukken save'd
evolve is never coming back and nothing you do will ever change that
there's lots of places which aren't here where he can go, cuckchan is an example, you're right
Then I will never stop, and nothing you do will ever change that.
you could learn how to make your own game instead of wasting your time on a corpse
You could prehaps consider such options have been considered and; given my history; are completely impossible.
Much as I wish to; fate is already predetermined. So I'll never end up making one.
you're speaking as if I know what in the fuck you are talking about, news flash no one cares to follow your life to know these things but you.
So you determined to do nothing creative with your perversion? This probably means you are lazy, like its typical for fat people who don't have a tech job.
If anything I'm probably underweight due to rabid fear of parasites
I'm not determined to do nothing. Quite the inverse. I'm just sick of busting my balls with zero result.
I literally cannot understand code.
I cannot draw.
My Doom maps are pretty shit.
If you think there's some mystical thing I can do outside of "Ideas guy that's actually willing to put in the work, if you show him how he can help you with what you're doing", then please, enlighten me, Because the opportunity certainly hasn't arose.
do you not cook your food like?
Cool story bro. And it is now on /cow/. Take that fact that to not pack your ball and go home as soon you feel the first impulse of suffering.
Of course I cook my food. It doesn't change things when the little bastards could be anywhere in the environment, regardless of how well you take precautions.
You are fucked either way.
don't live in a shit hole then?
Even the most pristine environments are subject to it
In fact they're probably more in a pristine environment.
are you that fat that you don't check your food before you shovel it into your folds?
If you hold your breath and listen very carefully, can you hear them crawling around, user?
No, which makes it worse
so. where is your proof? ;^)
take a guess
Fuck it, I'll use the shittier crop.
post nudes tbh
lol op's autism and virginity have no limits
The genepool's contaminated enough.
whoa dude
help lanky mcdickspank is killing me with the welder maint
(you) tbh
A wonderful Whatever-The-Fuck-That-Is.
it's a sea slug
Huh. Normally they're depicted as much longer creatures, a bit tannish/yellow.
Never heard tell of that tank. What's it's jib?
it's a British prototype tankette
That too is an interesting blade; I presume it had some form of ritualistic importance, given all the scrawling?
Ahh, I failed to notice. Doesn't look like a typical surgical tool; the unusual slide doesn't look practical in combat, and the swastika existed before Ze Fuhrer…
it's a flintlock knife of some noblemen I don't really know it's origin tbh
No wonder.
there was alot of creative smiths doing all sorts of shit various noblemen commissioned inorder to gain some kinda edge, more often then not these things never really saw any kinda combat
Yes, you just don't hear tell of them that much, even after having seen museums containing artifacts like that
well there's no real historic moment where some highly regarded and well documented guy did some crazy shit with them, hence why they don't have as much credit as your typical equipment of X time
It is an interesting piece of knowledge no less.
What's this tube of argon for?
inserting into your ass
Mah fukken nigga.
The only game that has ever made me claim a "husbando" as autistic as that is.
And… oh.
I somewhat figured that and regret asking.
I'm assuming it's that one general who defects right?
Orlok is the coolest shit, I swear.
the designs are great tbh, his motives and actions are pretty stupid though tbh
In retrospect, I agree with you; nevertheless, at the time I felt it was still pretty rad
Think I've heard tell of those before but those aren't the electric ones, are they?
I replayed it recently and found that I enjoyed it less then when I did when younger
no you're thinking of metalstorm, those are just two handguns stuck together
S'probably in part why evolve was what it was to me. Oh well, dead inner childhood.
eh things get better, it's all about finding new things tbh
Things aren't looking too good; and I'm hesitant to get attached to anything anymore when it can simply be ripped away in an instant.
a level of distance is healthy, that's what I've come to learn over the years
The gamemode of Evolve was so formulaic and repetitive that I doubt it would have seen any wide-scale success, even without publisher meddling
If it had sold as a casual multiplayer title at $20 it might have done okay
Who the fuck in their insane mind thought this was a good idea to halt?
Who the fuck? Why the fuck? Where the fuck? When the fuck?
Again, I seriously fail to see that when many others share the same "formulaic and repetitive" bit that others claim, and the "lack of content." I certainly didn't see a lack, so it would have to boil down to what the individual determines content to be.
The only gamemode was 4 dudes chasing one bigger dude in circles until the bigger dude was either dead, or had transformed into an even bigger dude who fucked them all in the ass
Evolve was well-designed for what it was but there's not a whole lot of potential behind that
it makes sense considering the fact that renegade sold poorly but sadly at the time C&C wasn't holding up the genre, it was starcraft2
Yess, prehaps true, but SC2 is very "spam dose kliks!"
it's very
You're right. It doesn't feel very strategic.
blizzards shit usually isn't, warcraft 1/2 and starcraft are the exception tbh
You're absolutely right. Some of the characters are forgettable at best and annoying at worst. There's the one odd or two that sticks but then you get fucking STETTMAN who ruins a perfectly good song.
where are the nudes already
What's this light show? I'm not sure what I'm looking at.
tracer rounds in a fire fight
Consider me colored retarded; Never seen it.
That a volleygun of some type?
it's a repeating hand flint lock
You don't get titbeasts without the other beasts
add me tbh
dude what
It is the sillanon!
The only good thing to ever come out of Evolve is wraith porn.
It's amazing, isn't it?
Why nobody talks about the only good thing salvaged from the game?
Yeah, what the hell. There used to be at least a few pics in every Evolve thread, sometimes OC. And I'm not talking about wraith threads.
L4D was only worth it for the versus - because the campaign content is worthless and basically a training mode for the only good mode (Versus)
As somebody with 1,300+ hours of nothing but versus in L4D2, I know what I'm talking about.