Webm thread: Gayme Journo Edition

Local man makes millions after creating a button to remove gameplay from games

Other urls found in this thread:



Tameme BTFO






Except he's absolutely right.



Also, greetings from >>>/wooo/.

He also replayed the game on a not shit platform, and came around to it

Presidential debates in the future should be like wrestling matches. This is the timeline I've been waiting for.










what game?


user pls

How this is a bad ending exactly?
you banish the demon and help a man Whats bad about that?




I can't help but feel one is missing from this set.

O'Dimm wasn't the unreasonable one in this story, that other faggot made a deal with him for the wrong reason and was dead set on not honoring his part. He deserved everything that happened to him.


You ignore the fact that he was basically an inter dimensional demon And first of all it is witcher job to deal with everything threating humanity
Secondly he was a faggot that killed innocent people just for the lulz eg. the one drunk in the tavern that got a wooden spoon shoved right trough his brain or the innocent professor that got cursed just because he was doing research

Honestly after the tavern incident i was 100% convinced that O'Dimm was an evil faggot



Contrary to Olgierd, O'Dimm is the online one who really help you. He just doesn't like rude faggots and being interrupted. Also, if I recall, he told the professor to back off and when he didn't he at least told him exactly what to do to be safe.




Well id rather side with humans (even if shitty ones) than with demons, especially considering that the protagonist was created for the sole purposes of defending humans











DMC 3, 4, and even 1 at times all had fantastic cinematography in there cutscene, that elevated what could be seen as just "generic anime shit" to something truly memorable.

Devil May Cry always had the perfect balance of cutscene and gameplay. where both aspects improve the other. Dante is the Badass the player wants to be like, when you get to the point where you own bosses like they were nothing, You really feel like the demon hunter the game wants you to be, and you feel deserving of playing the role of Dante.

DmC completely missed this, since no one want's not be like Donte because he's a huge asshole.
As Badass as Dante is you can also see he is genuinely a kind person.



kill yourself triggernigger



this is a webm thread, post a webm





trigger niggers need to be called out whenever they appear




















unironically the best album of 2014

Is there any vidya based around Mexican drug cartels? First webm related.

Are the Idolmaster games any good?


Not him, but the games play like a bunch of mini games wrapped in a life sim where your job is to make an idol all of nippon wants to fuck. You do this by raising stats by playing said mini games, doing live events, and competing in contests against other idols from the series. Be prepared for anime tropes but seeing the cover of the game should already tell you that much. There is a translation patch floating around for the psp games but outside of that I don't think there are any translated games.

Damn he must have had lots of luck managing to shoot the driver in the head in a moving vehicle while being on the move himself




Wew what a fucking sperg





I wouldnt mind if he criticized the quality, but instead he went on a short rant how this is an insult to life itself and about his retarded friend.


I just got that the AI trying animate life is almost insulting to people trying to make natural looking animation and then cites how his disabled friend moves and explains how the AI didn't take into account how a body that is unable to move well would actually move. When translating nippon shit, if you take the meaning literally then it sounds insulting as fuck.









What is this



Why the silent bit at the beginning?





It was made before Eyes of Heaven came out and before the anime adaption came out

Is this dude retarded?




Fixed it

He has that hairstyle and loves nuFallout.

Nigger the point is he is reacting to jotaro saying he's gonna break his face.

the audio is slightly out of sync and the "fuck you" at the end is missing
what you should've done is added the soundclip of jotaro saying he's going to break kira's face at the beginning

Fuck you are right, I had to rewatch it again. I just assumed there was an audio issue as well.




The white kid is blonde too. Her "interesting" husband is a literal fedora wearing cuck.



Why did he cock his pistols?


you cut out the best part where he died




Where's the rest of it? Also what are the chances someone redoes the subtitles into the kewl kids krystals that makes mustard gas?

bost it

Also for some reason I got an ASMR reaction from this, so you need to post more.


This enrages me so much, it's only a meme because it's a meme, it doesn't have any point, any humor, any message, it's just considered as something because it's considered as something, it doesn't make any sense and I don't understand it and I hate it.



meta stable memes derive potency from an internal tautology rather than a reliance on current culture. as such they are eternal and undying. at the end of time it will still be going along with baneposting and gondola

In other words, nothing is immortal. What an insightful message, it's such a useful thing to know.

But both Baneposting and Gondola are based on an understanding of a character, a situation and a mood tied to themselves. This "hold man" meme is too broad and doesn't have enough of a message to create something from it, it is only spread as it is and enjoyed as it is, it's not developing anything more than it already is.





You need to be ready to shoot at a moment's notice of course.



That sounds like Mike Tyson.

That's because it IS Mike Tyson
He was on a news show and the guy interviewing him brought up that he was a registered sex offender and he cussed the guy out and the interview ended


Seconding this.




I guess media outlets have gotten a little more nuanced in how to pull off hit pieces since then.







What games?



That was fantastic.

This is a great example when professionals do 3d animation and don't rely on keyframes. Everything is so fluid, its amazing.

Fantastic, source?

your webbums are broken.



They work in MPCHC, I'll redo them

they're from the same game actually:
FO'SHO: Gorilla Armor Division


I hope this makes up for the error






what the fuck is that leg move at like 2:11 called because it is too powerful and i don't get a chance to fucking jerk off for like 7 more horus

Im surprised this game hasn't generated more autism what with the whole OC dunut steel thing

For a moment there, I was hoping to get some hardcore feelings.
I should probably encode the entire thing.

Just give into Mai man. She's too gorgeous not too.

nah my roommates are home/awake so it would be a trash nut if i wanked with one ear to the door


Is he right?

Well it would be pretty hard for Sonic to generate even greater autism at this point.
If anything the game is going have kids OC's being slightly less ridiculous since you can only do so much with it.



Sorry. I only posted it because I got sidetracked looking for this one.

too lazy to webm



That's a movie set, though.

Hey, talk to the guy who put it on youtube, not me.


The same thing being posted three times in a row is probably a bad omen.
Except mine isn't in a distorted aspect ratio and doesn't have a watermark.

Was he drinking, or did he have a heart attack?

All of these are great

well real ones don't end well usually

I bet 20$ the driver was a woman.



it was some index fund douchbag

the fuck man that last one was like 10 people on that final destination list, i guess in china you gotta handle them in a pack.

Tried to brake too hard and they locked up, making steering useless. Literally amateur mistake.

Checked. I didn't notice the sign at first, it was like a guillotine coming down.

The only things we are missing is hair physics and people who can actually animate a face right.


Mandatory Todd webm.

it's more about "we're losing faith in our own abilities" relying in shit ai that ifbyou watch to the end he explains. He's right

can any resident /k/ommandos explain why the gunshots sound so strange in this?


shitty camera microphone

Managed to cram in a few more bits on this


this guy


I was debating whether or not to because
But sure, why not

its a fucking shitty gopro?

Didn't realize thats how it would sound on a shitty cam-mic, my bad

That is a funny joke. Also, that isn't good defense.

over 310 MB file limit when?

The Internet fucked up that day.

Nintendo BTFO :^)

whoa son watch out or the kikelord will ban you

This video is extremely disturbing. He shits on Nintendo for every single wrong reason. Its like he's asking for them to be more cancer then they actually are right now.
There are actually people like this. Holy fucking shit.

This guy is right. We need a Mario Kart game where you have to pay real shekels to upgrade your vehicle.

At a financial standpoint he makes sense on earning cash but jesus is he fucking retarded for suggesting that the only way that nintendo can do better is by going mobile and filling their games with jewish tricks and shit.

you're thinking small brain. Make it so you have to pay for gas

It was at the height of the smartphone gaming ass kissing parade. It turns out not prematurely cancelling games on your handheld for "being too good for handheld" would make it sell.



I don't know what to think of this. Is this a parody of SJWs or acting as a double agent for GG?

Brutal enough to be classified a real life Fatality.


He was mocking GG. It was so absurd though that its impossible for me to take seriously




holy fucking cancer. And why is he calling it an OW clone? Wouldn't it be a smash clone?

He's right, that's an incredibly stupid idea.


Wow. All Bethesda characters sound boring as fuck. It is indeed incredibly stupid.

Pretty sure one of the Call of Juarez games and one of the Army of Two games had to do with this, can't remember which ones though

It is a good thing that this failed.

3rd one is a fucking shitshow

GOTY awards are cancer.

This game looks like the "ready player one" of vidya.

that COJ game was woefully bad, the new ghost recon game has cartels but its a ubisoft open world game so I've ignored it

This lad is fuel for the oven.

Why are these douches all wearing fag sunglasses, did no-one tell them they're being filmed?

Why do people yearn so thirstily for cancerous shit? Everything this nigger is saying is horribly anachronistic and content free

That nigger said that FO4 was a near perfect game.

previous webm thread


archive autist, why are you doing this

Cause he thinks he's important to these threads.

Why not? It doesn't hurt anyone. But I am mostly doing this so people can't weasel their way out of things. Because once a thread is deleted people always make weird and false claims.

Ah, I was just looking for this. Do you have the link to the nicovideo version?

All this cancer and that's what you chose to focus on?

Here you go pal enjoy.

Codemonkey is a saint. Thank you friend.

You know what the word "best" means, right?

Nigger I'm well aware of the rest of the cancer, the entire premise of the game is playing as some of the most cancerous devs of all time
I'm just pointing out the shitty cherry on top

No probelmo user always here to help.

Good on you, archiving is important


In exchange, I'll give you my favorite video from the website. I watched it over a month ago, but couldn't find it after that. I somehow remembered the URL in my sleep.

Felt good especially considering it was based on how the MD did in Japan
The ending where they all go on essentially suicide missions hurts
Especially Dreamcast

Thanks man I appreciate it.

Jesus fucking Christ

Anyone got the webm of Undertale but it's all replaced with those scenes from gay porn like the lockeroom guys? Is there a name for those kinds of vidoes?

anyone know the source for the song by the way?

That Obama stutter will always be funny.



I really don't want to defend DmC but it's rather obvious you never played it.

I played it and he is right, no one wants to be donte

Who knew that video game journalists posted here

/r/ing that Fallout 3 video of all the characters dancing to that Romanian meme song in Russian.


I miss him every day.

He is right in that nobody wants to be donte, but not in that he's a huge asshole. There is an incredible disconnect between the succubus scene and the rest of his characterization. That speaks for the low quality of the game's writing more than anything else though.

thanks user

oh if thats what you meant I agree, he isnt an asshole, he is not mean
his personality is a bit hard to describe but I REALLY dont like it, what I would call him to my friends is a "shiteater" but that dosnt mean anything you anyone else


He is very punchable, that much is true.


The other five cars and people he hit probably don't think it was that lucky.

Not video games. Reported!


Welcome back vidya autist!

Though I'd commend you if you actually reported every single post you quoted.

Posting some good shit here.

As far as I'm aware he didn't even file a single one.

Oh no believe me, I played the game. I'v played it more then I should have, maybe Donte isn't an asshole 100% of the time. but he's an asshole when it really counts. Webm related.
Donte was just a character I liked less and less as I spent more time with the game.



How this for vidya?

Your OC a qt






Was that really necessary? I've been wondering since the episode came out




That was hilarious. What is this, the game parodies its own cutscenes at some point?

There was one released on the GU Trilogy DVD and there seems to be some new ones in Last Recode too






Honestly, makes me far angrier than just a random moron thinking he can dismiss a police officer and not get a gun in his face.

Is he, dare I say, our guy?






Holy shit hes…
Oh fuck he really is





There you go.

What do you guys think of a strict gaming only webm thread at some point?


God bless our Allah Akbar servant

Can anyone identify the Train Gondola song?


aphex twin - alberto balsalm

thx user