Grand Strategy Games
This Day in History, November 18th
Grand Strategy Games
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That Warhammer mod for CK2 is tight tho.
Not enough dorfiness.
TL;DR they're all shit, but the oldest (CK2) is the least shit and the newest (HoI4) is the most shit.
Agreed. I really wish there was reforming for some of the races too, but that seems like a bit of a stretch.
Stellaris is the most shit. Do not be mistaken. At least in HoI there are choices to be made and differences in play through to be appreciated.
Stellaris is a bad 4X and HoI4 is a worse wargame.
What's wrong with Victoria 2?
The timeframe is really short, elections are unintuitive and the economy,while more impressive than what we have in other games, still leaves a lot tbe desired, like the ability to hoard resources and forbidding others from having them, instead you are forced to give certain goods to the world market. Assimilation is also silly.
In the scheme of things I don't consider it nearly as flawed as the bloated-yet-shallow other games.
Never said it's a bad game, I still like it, just as I enjoy ck2. Doesn't mean it's flawless.
I was trying to warn people off of buying games. I wouldn't warn them off buying Victoria 2. And maybe CK2. But CK2 has the added benefit of that Warhammer mod.
To be honest your points about CK2 weren't really flaws.
I mean, if that's what you're into, but its hardly a game about crusading
The new CK2 paid patch seems so bad I don't think I will even bother pirating it for the updates to mods.
Also CK2's biggest flaw is it being ridiculously easy. You'd have to actively try to lose.
I got bored of my first serious game after I had united Ireland into a single Kingdom and married to become Duke of Austria as well.
No one here buys Paradox games, it does not matter how good or bad they are, you have to be retarded to pay for all those DLCs. And if you buy one of their vanilla games without any DLC then you'll just have a really shallow experience where you can do nothing.
I bought EU3 before the jewry started.
Reposting here since the other thread is poop.
A hotfix for user's HFM Edits, this one implements some stuff I forgot to add in the last update (mainly concerning Montenegro), also adds the completely useless lake Skadar in the Albanian-Montenegrin border.
Not compatible with pre-existing saves.
I got V2, EU3, HoI3, DA and Sengoku. But only because there were super cheap at a retailer like 2 years ago.
I would never, ever, give a single cent to Paradox for their new games. Even if I almost like CK2.
If I inherit a duchy from my mother would that make me her king's vassal or do I remain an independent duke?
The duchy enters your domain, her king loses control over it.
Alright, I forgot that some of the older games were less jewey like Victoria 2, my bad. Honestly, I wouldn't mind paying for CK2 if they had released a functional game with all the mechanics and portraits in it from the start. The only justifiable DLC for this type of game would be if a huge amount of new land was added like they did with India.
At this moment Paradox isn't really a company and more like a huge crowdfunding project.
Good to know I was worried since I am a lower rank then him.
hey user, since cicilia aldready exists in the mod, can you add the rest of the crusader states?
This mechanic has always pissed me off. It is historically inaccurate and one of the principal causes of hideous enclaves. They should have worked out a mechanic where you could have certain fiefs only as vassal of another ruler.
Cilicia exists, yes, but I believe that's only because there's still a strong Armenian presence in the area, as they lived there until the 20th century when they were genocided by the t*rks. Hell I think the only place to have an actual successful Armenian resistance against the roaches was in Cilicia, the resistance of Musa Ler. So anyway the cores are justified, they might seem a bit far fetched, but I believe that was the intention of the mod's author.
Now about the Crusader states, I think that's stretching it too far; there's no crusader presence by the time the game takes place. I'm sorry but I'm won't add those. I believe the whole Levant is a colonizable area, so you gotta make do with that.
makes sense, also didnt you make something about a syria and making it copt instead of muslim? I cant remember
Where's dat dere When The World Stopped Making Sense download, like fuck I'm paying for CK2
It has its own github, there is nothing preventing you from getting the newest version at any time.
Yeah I made Assyrians Syriac instead of Catholic, while some of them are nominally Catholic, their rites are purely Syriac.
Also I made a Coptic Metropolitanate in Egypt as to represent the Coptic populace living there; previously they had no cores, hell they didn't even have a culture of their own, as they were simply Coptic-practicing Egyptian Arabs, that ain't right.
good, also, can an AI greece create byzantium? and do I need to enable it first in the options decision right?
Frankly the fact that CK2 isn't completely bloated shit by now is only because they couldn't figure out how to add new bloat mechanics. There are still PLENTY of "press button, get reward" systems.
I enjoy EU4
I want to like it but it feels like I completely missed the bandwagon whenever I try to play it now with all DLC. I'm a decent EUIII player but I can't for the life of me figure out all the shit they dumped into EUIV.
Like, the last time I tried it the good old "make bigger deathstack and ram it into the AI" approach didn't work anymore. Not that the combat became any better, it just turned out you needed to slowly feed your men into the battle instead.
It was somewhat enjoyable before the constitutions but getting anywhere depended solely on what tech group you were so if you weren't either western or eastern you were fucked. The whole "constant uprisings until you westernised" thing was also kind of bullshit, Japan for example did have that one samurai uprising when the Meji era started but it never led to a nationwide civil war in which millions on both sides had to die. There's also the Ottoman/muslim shilling done by Paradox that has gone way too far, if the turkshits had been that OP in real life they would have conquered the entirety of Europe in a few decades.
As far as I am concerned 2.7.1 is final.
Is the CK2 China expansion any good?
Make a guess
It's too late user you already bumped it. You are committed now.
One of us.
Just fuck off, already.
Is it ok to buy base CK 2 for 10€ euros so i can pirate the dlc but still can get them sweet workshop mods? I feel dirty just thinking about giving those jews money
No. The worthy mods you can usually get one way or another. And also try some sort of a workshop downloader if you really, really want to download them from steam.
the workshop downloaders never worked for me thats why i asked.
I've heard the scripts work better than the website but I've never seen anything on the workshop to make me feel like trying.
I made something like that, not crusader states just some decisions to add tags for the local Christians arabs.
I think they can, never tried it, but it should be possible.
I think you mean Institutions which were really neat concept but implementation is mediocre at best.
Remove the t*rks and you get the ideal Middle East.
Do Christian states make sense outside of Lebanon and Assyria? Did those groups have any political/national consciousness at all?
What would be good is something to stand for the Greater Syria idea; Syria could either start with or acquire cores on Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine. This is historically plausible since it was proposed at the time and a goal of some nationalists
Gee, I didn't know the turks were enemies of satan.
the turks are enemies of all
Copts definitely, and there is a sizeable Christian community in Syria. I'm not sure about Palestine, but the region has 10%+ Christians ingame.
There is a Greater Syria decision, but not for the Christian state.
and how does that work exactly? does russia or any other nation have a decision/event of either making the new states coptic or muslim? also what happened to sudan in that pic, does britain own it?
It works the same as the colony organizer decisions, just for Christian GPs. It doesn't replace any tags just adds the new ones. Right now only the Papal States/Papal Italy AI will use it, but I guess Russia and some other countries like Byzantium make sense too.
Yeah, I just changeownered the provinces and released the countries to test the decisions.
first time that ive seen german minors not want to join germany
alright, also about the jew minimod, what irredentism.txt file do I need to replace with another one? the one in the jew mod or the one in HFM/edits?
Uh I'm not user's Edit guy. I'm actually the guy who made the kike minimod.
If the HFMeme file is different from HPM's, then you need to copy the Israel related decisions to that file then delete the kikemod's.
Another update yaddayadda sdadakljdfh adds more bloat, not compatible with pre-existing saves:
Pretty much this, luckily kikemod user kept his stuff tidy and the kike-related stuff in irredentism.txt is at the very end of the file; just replace kikemod's irredentism.txt with my file, then copypasta the kike-related stuff from the file you just replaced into the overwritten irredentism.txt and you're good to go. Remember to make backups just in case you done fuck up.
*respectfully disagrees*
what files do I need to delete in the victoria 2 paradox interactive file?
Why can't I justify war if I'm fascist?
Sounds like you probably have No More War from fighting a GP.
How do I edit savefiles in Victoria 2?
I'm tired of going to war with Russia because for some ungodly reason they have cores on part of Hokkaido.
I removed core="RUS" from both provinces in my savefile and in the gamefiles, but now the game crashes when I even click on the savefile.
Hotfix for this version, it rebalances the decisions to form Gran Colombia, you now require (aside from Nationalism and Imperialism) the Manifest Destiny(to claim it by the sword) and National Fraternity (to unite the 3 conquered countries) inventions.
Thought it was too easy just to sit around and wait till you became a secondary/great power (Yeah I lowered the requirement to secondary power, thought it was bullshit you had to be a great power just so you could unite those 3 countries into Gran Colombia)
Likewise I also rebalanced some of the new custom Gran Colombian decisions to lay claims over Bolivia and Peru, Haiti and Costa Rica; they now require the Expansionism invention to be unlocked.
This hotfix IS compatible with pre-existing saves
For what, cleaning your cache? If so you need to delete what's inside these folders:
Did you edit it with notepad++? If you didn't edit it with notepad/notepad++ that might've fucked up your file.
not vidya
Hey user, i keep getting a crash on loading databese II.
The error log says:
File exception:
Exception in: virtualfilesystem.cpp, line: 584. description: could not open file: common/countries/argentine Conf.txt
clean your cache, load up the game without any mods. If it loads properly then try loading it with one mod at a time until you find the culprit.
Why do you people insist on not putting /gsg/ on the title, this is a bitch to find on the catalogue.
To annoy people like you and make them not bother coming.
It has started to work, at least by showing us that the cuckchan influence as of late is real. A cuckchaner started making his own threads with editions, memes and not just putting /gsg/ but putting it in the front. And at that way before new threads should even be made according to the local rules.
Ctrl + F "grand", there you have it.
Been thinking about enabling Irregulars (military unit) for certain cultures (Balkan folks, Colonials [aka Americans, both N. and S, Straya, Boer, so on and so forth], Black African Diasporas and Native Americans), also reducing their supply consumption to 0.08 from 0.1, they're pretty cheap but shitty. HPM/HFM locks Irregulars from being used by civilized nations, but uncivs and primitives can use them alright.
I'm not sure if this is a good idea however, I know their building priority is low (they've got 2, Infantry's got 9 priority)
More than irregulars, wouldnt a guerrilla-like unit be pretty good for poor nations in the balkans and americas?
Ok i deleted the cache, ran vick2 vanilla and HFM no problem, but when i run user edits it keeps crashing on the same part.
Have you ticked both the main mod and the submod?
Ive run the submod individually before (after altering the files to fuse both) and worked, now it doesnt work at all (created a new file for your edtis in case there was something wrong) either loading it individually or with both HFM and edits.
That sounds like a great idea, maybe a unit with 3~4 attack (infantry's got 5), 6~7 defense (infantry's got 5) and perhaps 0.5~1 recon.
Wait wut, fuse what?
Oh boy can you goys wait until Jewhan gives the ottomans a 50% tech cost reduction and even more OP units?
Honestly i would appreciate some Otto buffs for more historical accuracy
HFM and your edits, i was playing it before in a single file.
Sounds allright, maybe make it so that it only needs wool, less small arms than regulars and some food?
Im thinking about a cheaper alternative than regulars but above irregulars, seeing how IRL those armies of the balkans and latin america werent an undisciplined mob but more like skirmishers.
Are you joking nigger?
Run them both separately, that's how it's intended
Grain, less small arms and ammunition sound alright to me
My thoughts exactly, I'll see what I can do. Hope I don't have to get into UI modding because that's a bother to do.
As in don't fuse them, tick both files in the launcher.
They are getting raped in 3/4 of my EU4 playtroughs and can barely conquerer their historically conquered provinces.
If they dont need buffs then i dont know who does
That's just the AI being retarded, you clearly haven't seen them snake into russia or ever fought them. Even with a tech advantage on normal difficulty it's hell on earth to go up against them
I seen Russia conquer whole Anatolia and Ottomans being the first revolutionary republic in my last game
Welp fuck, i erased both HFM and your edits from the mod folder, added clear versions and now it crashes after it finishes loading.
Delete cache again
Fuck no.
Did and still crashing.
Got HFM v1.25a right?
No, 1.26.
adding to this You might as well delete the whole documents/paradox/victoria2/HFM folder just to make sure it's not something else that's fucking it up. Don't worry, the game will make another one. Also make backups of any saves you might consider important, though user's HFM Edits v1.30a ain't compatible with v1.29 saves
Well shit there ya go. I need to update to 1.26
Glad that is solved then, what are the changelogs for 1.26?
Far too many, it's gonna take a while.
Made it work, but I don't think I'm gonna add them. I'm not sure if I gotta modify any combat/tactic files (which I'm 90% I have) so I think I'm better off leaving them out.
Its a shame, because thats what those countries used to fight off superior foes.
Is there any way to increase atrittion rate fro great powers only?
I don't think so, I could increase attrition for countries located in X continent, but not for specific great powers.
I could however, fuck with the irregular's stats and make them more guerrilla-like:
irregular = { icon = 17 type = land sprite = Irregular active = no unit_type = infantry floating_flag = no move_sound = army_move select_sound = army_selected #Core Abilities priority = 2 max_strength = 3 default_organisation = 20 maximum_speed = 4.00 weighted_value = 1.0 #Building Costs build_time = 45 build_cost = { grain = 10 } supply_consumption = 0.8 supply_cost = { grain = 0.09 } #Land Abilties reconnaissance = 0.5 attack = 2 defence = 6 discipline = 1 support = 0.0 maneuver = 2.5 support = 0.25}
irregular = { icon = 17 type = land sprite = Irregular active = no unit_type = infantry floating_flag = no move_sound = army_move select_sound = army_selected #Core Abilities priority = 2 max_strength = 3 default_organisation = 20 maximum_speed = 4.00 weighted_value = 1.0 #Building Costs build_time = 45 build_cost = { grain = 10 } supply_consumption = 1.0 supply_cost = { grain = 0.1 } #Land Abilties reconnaissance = 0 attack = 2 defence = 2 discipline = 1 support = 0.0 maneuver = 1}
Note the lowest recon value for a unit was 1 (cavalry) and the lowest support was 0.5 (for engineer). Now they have as much defense as guards but way less attack than infrantry
How the fuck do you beat UK in V2?
That would be better, it would atleast make them somewhat worthwile, since irregulars are just a waste of manpower right now.
Iirc, after a successful siege, armies deployed either Grenadiers or Irregulars to storm fortresses, so the recon and support stats do make a bit of sense.
#Land Abilties reconnaissance = 0.5 attack = 2 defence = 6 discipline = 1 support = 0.0 maneuver = 1.75 support = 0.25
Here's the new ability values, they're basically an inferior Engineer (without the cool support bonuses from army tech) with a recon inferior to Cavalry.
So you could set up an army of 4 inf 4 art and 2 irregulars to save on the costs of engineers and cav?
When you put it that way, they sound OP… I think it's better if I leave them untouched, or maybe giving them a small requirement for small arms and ammo and leave the defense, recon, maneuver and support bonuses.
Withouth the tech bonuses they would only be op in the early game.
I think it's better if I just left them untouched. Adding a requirement for small arms would impose some unbalanced restrictions on primitives/uncivs as they aren't really able to efficiently buy shit off the world market, and those bonuses to recon and support could be a bit OP in the beginning of the game. I mean it's 0.25 support; engies get 0.5+25%x3 from some techs and no recon, also they have ~7 def and about the same attack as irregulars.
I edited the save with notepad.
I changed it back to what it was but it still crashes.
so I'm currently playing as king of bohemia under hre and I was wondering. When I eventually get some vassal dukes due to inheritance, let's say franconia for example, would duke of franconia be elector in the hre while at same time my vassal? or would he have to be direct vassal of the emperor?
You know, speaking of franconia, pretty weird thing happened that I have never seen happen before. When my first ruler was still a duke and was barely few tyears into game, the emperor granted the duchy of franconia and all counties part of it to my first rulers son. I have never seen ai be so generous. Also, I decided to try that marriage game in this bohemia run and so far everything has gone more or less nicely. My dynasty will control several duchies after some rulers die. Only thing that somewhat concerns me is that my current rulers nephew and his wife duchess of bavaria haven't made babies yet, tho' they're not that old so there's still time. But I want my dynasty to get that duchess' land becvause she not only controls bavaria, she also has duchy of carinthia, thanks to my previous ruler helping her to press her claim.
Then changing/removing cores on the go fucks your save up.
Waiting on the new DH and mod updates.
Was this machine-translated from Italian by any chance?
No CK2's biggest flaw is that the developers are constantly making the game worse because they hate their playerbase.
You'd have a "chariot" if that were the case.
Maybe French then. I know that blindado/blindato/blindé means both 'tank' and 'armoured' in one of those languages.
Wtf? Why would they do that? Irregulars aren't unciv infantry, they are more like what Militias are in DH.
Beats me, I'm gonna unlock em.
I don’t think they join if they’re outside Prussia or the NGF’s sphere at the time of formation.
Anyway, I don't recommend changing the stats too much, they might not be realistic but for gameplay reasons they work fine. The only thing I changed in my mod is increasing their speed by 0.5 to represent how Boers or guerillas in general moved faster, but not as fast as cavalries.
And for my next update I'm adding this :^)
Nah I'll just give them meager stats, this'll do:
#Core Abilities priority = 2 max_strength = 3 default_organisation = 20 maximum_speed = 4.50 weighted_value = 1.0 #Building Costs build_time = 45 build_cost = { grain = 10 } supply_consumption = 1.0 supply_cost = { grain = 0.1 } #Land Abilties reconnaissance = 0 attack = 2 defence = 5 discipline = 1 support = 0.2 maneuver = 1.5
Scrapped the recon and lessened the support, def and maneuver, also raised the supply consumption back to 0.1. It's still inferior to engies, guards and pretty much everything else.
Also ebin Germaniums
Also, just had a test run with unlocked irregulars; pretty much everybody was making irregulars and completely neglected their infantry, which is damn stupid. Serbia was making irregulars and do was fucking Spain.
I think I'm gonna lock them to uncivs again.
its from the france33 mod
Because they have support and better defense and maneuver compared to infantry. Try it without changing the stats.
I want to start a game as prairieniggers (Shawnee) in EU3, how do I not get raped?
i fucking hate everyone who posts in this forum
Cant wait until my martial focused firstborn son, who is zealous, brave and strong turns into a crusader queen!
Aren't faggots enough for them?
What's the best rate for soldier to pop damage? I personally think 0.2 is bullshit.
I suppose so. Gonna try with just speed & maneuver.
I remember someone once saying in one of these threads that it should be 0.25, because one pop represents a family of four, or something.
A pop is an adult male. Is the soldier/pop ratio related to medicine tech (accounting for the wounded?)
Not a bad idea TBH. These Swedes are really thinking outside the box.
This opens up a lot of new ways tbh
The possibilities are endless!
and then paradox makes a patch in which you can't sacrifice homosexual characters.
you know they would do that
On the topic of secret societies
Are there any CK2 mods adding Witch Hunter secret society or any other order that would allow me to purge undesirables?
That could be modded into the game. It'd be a pain in the ass but it's doable
Does anyone here used the Stellaris 1.83 repack from Xatab, with mods, and it worked well? Because I dont know why, but the mods doesnt work. They appear in the launcher, but they dont activate. I played the game before and I think it was the same repack (1.6), and mods worked. But now it doesnt…
Could someone help me, please?
It should have been in the base game, a society of inquisitors to fight againts the satanists, but >sweden
So much faggot projection into the game holy shit.
It's be interesting to be able to make secret societies like the Knights of the Golden Fleece and recruit people over Europe, try to make alliances and coalitions in that manner. And sacrifice shit if you want to go more psychotic.
Or open ones that promote chivalry f.e.
So you have to RP according to the societies' rules or you get killed or invaded.
This shit was really widespread/influental in those times and still is tbh
On another note.
Did anyone try a USA vs Unholy Alliance run in HoI2/Darkest Hour on hard/very aggresive?
Any advice?
Also how do you fix up the E3 mod so it has DH events/proper colors? The forums just have: It's easy, you just know what you have to do.
Why would the AI not accept me surrendering in CK2?
i doubt anyone will answer. stellaris is tabu
that would be simbly ebin
because it want to continue fighting with you
Man CK2 really fucked up playing near any major power.
Thanks paradox.
Nope, even though they're the shitty unmodded irregulars, they keep making those and completely ignoring the superior infantry.
That'd be cool, but again, it'd be a complete pain in the ass unless you've got a dedicated group of modders.
It wan'ts to make you suffer
Also I forgot to ask, what GUI files did you edit so the game can recognize custom sprites? I know buildunit.gui is one, but what's the other?
>Smash the Patriarchy
God fucking damn Paradox.
Swedes need to be exterminated. They're basically Jews at this point.
user's HFM Edits, compatible with HFM 1.26. No other changes were made.
.2 isn't reasonable until ww1 type conflicts. If you want to be more punishing then .33 is a good ratio.
Pleb tier tbh.
What do you guys think of NWO?
Fixed some shit, save compatible.
Cool, you united Britain. So you're going to reconquer northern/Western France or
It crashes on startup.
delet cache
Game cache I mean.
Looks like HPM fucked up the AI lmao
Thats the only gui file, and unitpanel.gfx and country_military.gfx if you want to add a new icon.
So who's more meme-y, HPM or HFM?
Thanks, I needed those two
Game cache? I deleted the map cache folder in documents. Is there another cache?
it must be stoped tbh
I prefer CWE, although I have no idea if NWO has improved since I last played it.
Though I always delete the whole \HFM\ folder just to be sure. If you're playing with other mods, I suggest loading each mod one by one to find the culprit.
Ah, I figured out the problem. I was using an old version of HFM. It looks like they just updated to 1.26
Sorry for being a dummy.
It's ok user we all make mistakes every once in a while.
belgium is a landlocked country after your map edits
How does that work? did he marry/claim the throne or what?
How does EU4 detect mods? I pirated the latest version of EU4 with the DLC and installed the latest version of VeF and it isn't detecting it.
I ran into this problem months ago and managed to fix it, but it's not working this time
Google where to put the mods.
Listen here you double nigger, I put the mods in both mod folders. If I could find it with startpage you basic motherfucker I already tried. The wiki troubleshooting guide doesn't help either.
You are doing something very basic, very wrong.
Care to enlighten me on what that is, brainiac?
I already implied the biggest possible issue. Research it or die with "But I am doing it right!" Though it is possible you could have just installed the game somehow wrong. Everything is possible when you are so stupid you act like an ass when people are trying to help you.
Just be happy I am even giving you very obvious clues. It is not my fault you have the research power of a monkey and can't even read the OP.
No one here obliged to help people that can't help themselves. I am very sorry that I refuse to directly spoonfeed retards, though I have already done almost the same.
It's in the mod folder, the OP pic lists outdated version, it's in the mod folder, the "instructions" tell me to put it in the mod folder, it's in the mod folder, you can't fucking read, it's in the mod folder, it's in the mod folder, it's in the mod folder, and it's in the mod folder.
So you are not even reading the OP and you tell absolutely the most useless thing you could say. Go look very carefully at my very first reply to you. If you can't research that shit just leave and never come back.
Damn you are retarded
I've played a successful game of HoI3 but I still don't understand the supply system.
Is there any way to change the supply depot location? I'd rather it be in Shanghai, closer to my troops. Why are some provinces getting supplied and others not? I'd slowed down my offensive because the wiki explains it takes days to transfer supplies. Why can't I deliver supplies to Shanghai because it's not a supply depot? Figure I'd use the only transport plane I havebut I can't tell how effective it is and the plane itself isn't getting enough supplies. Is it worth building infrastructure? Shit takes forver to build.
I have no experience in HoI 3 becouse I never could stand to play it due to the downgrade but in HoI 2 the depo is located and cemented where your troops first invaded/touched ground or had it from the start of the game (The Manchuria area).
So in HoI 2 f.e. if you amphibiously landed a new party in the south, a depo would be made and the supply wagons switched to it when the fronts were linked as it was the closer one. Or just one province under enemy control right besides Shanghai in your example.
It's probably designed to put the strain of supplying the troops on the AI so they bog down as they did IRL.
Depo jumping, garrisoning to combat partisans is TC even in HoI 3? and port upgrading are better for the quick war you're looking for. You can pre-fabricate the latter still thinking in HoI 2 mechanics
BUT you can try to build up a corridor of infrastructure manned by garrisons. Similar to the transsiberian railway. You don't need many roads to lead to the front line.
I never tried it though since no AI can take two fronts and usually succumbs in 1 year.
I remember looking for this same solution due to Normandy remaining the main depo in my first USA game even after liberating port cities in the Netherlands. You have to resort to these gamey tactics to circumvent the AI restrain that the designers came up with.
shit you're right. I'm gonna fix that. Thanks for the feedback.
Fixed Belgium's landlocked state, save-compatible
where do i get mods for ck2 like hip ck2+ or that warhammer one? i cant enter paracuck forum because jews
i hate to say this but try reddit
It might change if you build the port to be higher than the current supply depot.
Where is the plane? Probably better off basing it in Taiwan.
Also revolt risk harms supply transportation, you want some military police along a high-infra corridor.
fug :DD
cand win them alll u fugger :——–DD
Russian forums
I hope you speak russian :^)
i pirated dlc from there :v)
I actually won the war in the end, if that faggot had just accepted my surrender when I was doing badly he wouldn't have been blown the fuck out. At the end I had like -50 gold when the war was done, I could have easily gotten a white peace after a while but I had to destroy him.
In one Memeu4 game I could've made peace with Venice that would've driven those jews completely from Greece but I greedily continued the war for max warscore, goofed up somehow and ended up having to leave them with foothold on Morea that they maintained practically the entire campaign as they managed to lodge themselves in powerful allies and conquer most of Northern Italy.
I know has some kind of automated mod hosting site that takes everything on steam workshop and puts it on mega. At least its working for HoI4 and Stellaris, dunno about CK2 since I own it. Though IIRC the big mods for CK2 don't fit on steam anyway so you might have to ask.
Hotfix, save-compatible
That's weird because I wish I could move it so it could be closer.
The Shanghai port level is the same as the Qingdao port.
Yeah now that I look and read your comment it makes more sense to move it there.
To be perfectly fair, I think most gods would take sacrificing homosexuals to them as an insult.
Does anyone know of a good Hearts of Iron 3 Multiplayer Game?
There were no big youtubers who ever did it. Every single game wasn't played to its conclusion. Someone always gave up. There were no last stands.
This is so sad. And now everyone just plays Hearts of Iron 4, which is worse.
Can't do that with the Teutons because they are a Monastic State. He had to go out of his way to target them.
Get into a great war with them and somebody else. Then occupy the other guy and kill the British that come to kill you until you can force them to dismantle.
For what motherfucking purpose. Nothing mattered but Europe during that time.
be germany and have the uk declare war on you
conquer india. its the heart of that beast.
just like napoleon wanted
Occupy the isles, don't garrison them and leave them be to be swarmed with rebellions.
Once the anarchists or whatever take control of the government, everything collapses and breaks off.
Managed to do this with France as Germany and they descended into endless orgy of revolutions while their colonies went independent.
How do I survive as Semien in CK2? I tried swearing fealty to Abbysina but my liege converted my capital and took all my titles.
Fuck off white cunt
*drinks mouthwash*
*dies of smallpox*
i think your victoria 2 have autism
The only thing I can do is try to make the anglos run in circles and die to attrition.
Alright, kinda burned out on CWE and want to go back to original time period Victoria 2, but I haven't played that in months. What's the go-to mod for V2, is it still HPM?
ebin :::;;;;DDDDDD
yes. read thread user makes hi
Read the OP pic
Super outdated, recommends NWO instead of the much better CWE. CWE's been better for like a year now so that image obviously is either really out of date or its creator has shit taste.
That pic is max a few months old. And CWE sucks ass, just like NWO.
Well the picture recommends NWO so why should I trust the picture? If NWO is bad.
New update, adds a new province to Georgia the country, not the state of the USA which produces coal, fixed some events and decisions and changed some province names in the Caucasus. Non-save compatible.
Semien starts with a relatively well developed army if I recall correctly and you get jew money, so just conquer your immediate neighbors piece by piece. Sometimes you just need to restart a few times anyway. Alternatively you can swear fealty and force other vassals into your faction with your spy master.
Not really, 500 soldiers, meanwhile Abbysina has like 2k. You are right about the money though, never had a 769 start where it was that easy to save up lots of money.
There is no way.
Wtf should I do with all the extra money I have in Victoria 2?
I've already upgraded all my naval bases and my navy is bigger than the UK's. I've built forts as well and sometimes give war subsidies.
Invest into third world and make them your protectorates forever.
Build forts everywhere.
Completely lower taxes.
This. Also stockpile a year's worth of tax income in case of war. That's always helpful to have. It's very frutrating to start a war, get your war exhaustion high and then not be able to fund your state on the same level as before.
Also invest in factories and expand them.
i dont get it
look at the filename. It's EUIV in Roblox
The fuck is roblox? Some eu4 mod?
roblox is like minecraft right? so someone build that shit? jej
it's like an aborted version of minecraft that can be insanely modded. there's even fucking counter strike in roblox
Autistic children
Wew, this looks almost like Magna Mundi, if anyone was actually around for that abortion years ago.
Please record how it plays.
Fuck me, at least I've used the info pic there where flying around here but realized the game is terrible and it's only a meme so came back to Vicky
get darkest hour fam
its not as complicated and even more fun
The pastebin has a series of short tutorials for HoI3.
But also this
DH is great for learning through play.
Just watch Marco.
Kek, it really does.
The fuck does this even mean? I understand when people call something like overwatch a meme game, but HOI3? Maybe you're just a faggot who needs to come up with his own words to describe things instead of becoming a meme yourself.
I love this meem
Had this not been a foreign channel I would have believed this was just a stupid version of engrish.
Can any user post VeF 3.6? Thanks
I was going to help but I found two ways to get that shit that don't require a paracucks account in less than a minute so you can spoonfeed yourself.
How the fuck? I spent 10 minutes and didn't find anything, not even the ruskies posted it
Nigga there is a direct download link on the mods steam page and the steam workshop downloader site isn't blocked for EU4. Granted that surprised me though since they block it for all their other games.
for the .mod file, not the zip
pic related
well heres africa in a game i joined
My sides weren't prepared for this, fucking hell. What happened to Roblox?
Memes were right, germanboos are everywhere
How does this even play?
This looks amazing. I have to try this. It looks like GSG but with a full house of players.
its eu4 down to its basic components only problem is that you have to pay to play large nations
actually no its eu3 because you have to do everything with gold
r8 my blob. no bully
Where else would the immigrants go?
Pardon my intolerance, these worlds are getting too believable for me.
Another hotfix regarding province names, terrain types in the Caucasus and also adds a new province in Azerbaijan. Not compatible with pre-existing saves, sorry.
I should probably stop doing this.
rate my blob
What kind of believeable worlds does this spawn?
I don't think you know who Chad Thundercock is
To be fair, sometimes it only has an old version there.
Hotfix, save-compatible.
add some revolter tags like normandy northumberland or cornwall
Is there any reason to ever lower taxes/tariffs in Victoria 2?
you can't mod without lining the dev's pockets for useless dlc.
well they're Swedes, so…
just use console commands, dumbass.
sorry but HOI4 unless you use the Extended timeline mod in EU4 is the only one of the great four that you can play past WW2. I could be mistaken about Vicky but the Vicky vanilla gets old fast, and like I said you can't mod Vicky without paying for extra DLC.
not into weebshit
Consolidate your thoughts into a single post then kill yourself.
killing myself doesn't solve anything. killing others solves EVERYTHING.
Attempting to do another Zunbil game, I've never actually gotten anywhere whenever I try to play as Zunbil but this time I've come farther than I normally would have. It seems that the key to having a good start is revoking all of your vassals' titles to increase income and soldiers. As always I also send chancellors to the Abbasids to prevent them from fucking me up.
No religious map because I have not been able to convert anything, it can take decades to convert one single province as an unreformed pagan.
How do Tibetans look like in-game? Also what about the new Soghdian religion in the Pamirs or whatever. Could you post some screenshots?
user you're gonna have to elaborate. Why would Northumberland, Cornwall and Normandy revolt? I don't know much about English/French history.
What I usually did before monks & mystics was expanding into the Indus river and taking the Zunbil holy sites. During the start of the game, that part of India was pretty much divided and weak, easy prey for your Zunbils. Also raid the fuck out of everybody who's not the blobbassids
Maybe to make it easier to stockpile shit?
Easier pop promotion
Lets try this again.
That is a shit game used only by gay people to meme German clay and halfchan removekebab stuff
ebin :–DDD
Man they look like chinks, this is bullshit. Also can't wait for the new version of HIP, hopefully they'll add this shit into the game, seems like Khurmazta is the fabled Soghdian Buddhism I read about somewhere a few years back, I could never find another source on it, and I forgot which book it was, but I remember it was sorta syncretic religion that also worshiped Indra and Ahura Mazda as one high deity.
Why only before Monks & Mystics? I assume you mean that you now just pretend to be the religion of a liege and create one of those cults but I personally think that's too gamey and I prefer my games to keep as historically plausible as possible. I'd rather destroy realms of different religions and spread my religion through conquest than to pretend to be a muslim for serveral centuries.
I only meant before M&M because I haven't played the Zunbils ever since.
Man Im on a fucking roll with the White Hun remnants in India. Not so much from a powergaming perspective but from a roleplaying one. Every character so far has been memorable and their upbringing informed their decisions - Even to the point where it became the mechanically sound thing again.
New upd8 m8s: Added Cornwall and the Isle of Man as releasable nations, both have their respective cultures. Hurray for a proper Anglo partition.
Celtic union coming soon (tm)
Non-save compatible, you might need to clear the game's cache in order to play with this update (as it adds new flags and countries)
What culture are they? Also, are you playing with any mods?
Saka are Iranian and no gameplay mods.
Stinging accidental political commentary in MY Crusader Kings?
Cool they replaced them with Saka, are the dudes in the Tarim basin also Saka?
Hope the HIP team expands upon the map in order to add a bit more of Tibet and Tarim, that way a Saka playthrough would be possible (the current state of the HIP Tarim basin is shit, basically cut down by half; I could extend it a bit, but it really is a pain in the ass to model a 3D map At least for me because I don't know how to do it.)
You need to bump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers.
But seriously, always have your max demesne.
The best trick to screw the abbasids is to DoW kalat immediately. Occupy it before they do and then keep the war running forever, it will screw their relations with vassals (raised levies) and cause a civil war.
The real problem is that you need to blob all the way to Iraq in order to reform.
I never said I was good at the game. It's because I still have agnatic gavelkind so everything gets split among my children. The tip about Kalat is genius though I'm not sure if the Abbasids actually use raised levies at all.
You already own one holy site from the start, a second one is in a weak Buddhist realm north of you (I have that one as well) and then there is Multan which can easily be obtained if you don't let any of the Hindus blob (working on that). Since you only need 3 holy sites and can use holy wars for single provinces I can just constantly declare holy wars on weaker realms until my moral authority is 50. I first need to get Multan though.
At least for me my moral authority was constantly in the trash thanks to raiders and retards launching hoplessly useless holy wars
Hotfix, save compatible
Does the AI never try to reform the roman empire?
The Abbasids have a >50 opinion of me most of the time due to my chancellor plus they often have to fight the Shia caliphate and revolts. The Taid Emirate is Zoroastrian for whatever reason so even if they declare a holy war on me there is really no one who can join them unlike with muslims where half the ME joins every fucking holy war against non-muslims. The only realm which is really an issue right now is the Hindu one east of me which holds Multan.
Oh so you're just saying you're offended by what people do in their single player games. Got it.
oh i didnt mean that they actually revolt just meant to add some nations that start as cores so large countries like france can be partitioned
indeed :^)
No swastikas on steam now.
You've got to be shitting me.
I could also add vanilla HFM's Occitania and MAYBE Normandy with that cool Plantagenet flag and a formable Celtic union.
New hotfix/version/whateverthefuckthatis, more options for frog partition (and mexican as well)
Also, it's not save-compatible
moshi moshi hottufixu-desu, save compatibru
I'm not really familar with V2, what flag does natsoc Germany have in vanilla? Also, what's the deal with that Netherlands flag?
Promotes pops quicker, increases consumption for consumer goods, excess money gets stored into banks which is basically your rainy day fund in case of plebs while capitalists use it for investing into shit so you don't have to, people are happier since their demands are fulfilled(lower militancy) which means no gnommies
This is good when you've got the industrial economy going and can survive without governmental intervention.
First the taxes are lowered middle class(pop promotion into clergy and bureaucrats), then capitalists when there's enough of them (early investing) and then lower classes in the end when gnommies and the rest of the revolutionary filth comes.
Basically no downsides since it prevents the money from leaving your country. Forces people to look for product within the country, increasing domestic consumption and money circulation.
inb4 he dies
Nah but he just converted back. Might be automatic as to prevent some sort of abuse I guess?
A very half-assed edit.
Was it really worth it to design a flag for "fascist Hamburg"?
Always fascinates me how an ideology that killed 200 mil and oppressed millions more for decades and still does can have it's symbols calmly included all over the place while you can't sport a symbol of that single country.
You know I think it would be could if you could balkanize Italy and USA… just a suggestion though..
B-because that wasn't REAL communsim
Italy's already balkanized, it's got a shitton of releasables and I also added 3 more: San Marino, Pontecorvo and Benevento.
I think the USA needs some work though, since it's only got California, Texas, Deseret, Louisiana, New England, Columbia and 2 Acadian cores.
Any suggestions?
1.23 removed all the fun from EU4, thanks Jake!
I'm going back to 1.22 and MEIOU, I hope that fucking faggot dies in a fire.
How about adding cores for Cascadia and the state of Jefferson?
Yea I'm noticing that protestantism seemed abnormally OP and completely non-historical and retarded in my test game as France. At one point Paris had been protestant, and fucking Rome was reformed. In fact, all of Italy was reformed until I vassalized and forced religion on some of them, not to mention not to mention none of the historically protestant nations like GB, Sweden, etc… are still catholic
I would say it happened around 1.61 or whatever it was. But I am a newfag to EU4 and a lot of people claimed it was earlier.
Either two would work, but not both. I think Cascadia could be better since the State of Jefferson's borders would fuck up the whole area (Northern California extends all the way down to San Francisco)
Anything else?
I buffed the French with extra manpower so that they could actually win the war for once, but I think I went too far. I may actually lose a game of Kaiserriech for the first time.
Jews hate National Socialism with more butthurt than they hate anything else in the world, because National Socialism is the closest thing that came to defeating them. So its main symbol is banned, naturally.
Jews made communism, so obviously it's fine. They are the rulers today, after all.
Pick whichever you think fits better for your mod, I would personally pick Cascadia, I got some other suggestions for country balkanizations/possible core nations;
Baja california is already represented by the Sonora Republic, which I added into the game (was on vanilla HPM/HFM, but it was left out for whatever reason)
Nova Scotia I think already has enough representation: It's got Acadian cores (French colony) and 'Maritime union' cores, whatever that is, I think that's your Nova Scotia.
Alberta I could do.
I'll put this on the to-do list. Kinda wanted to stop adding stuff to the mod because it's getting kinda bloated already An my toaster can barely run the game, at 0.5 days/second.
In the end I think I'm gonna add Cascadia and Alberta.
Nvm Cascasia's already represented in-game as Columbia/Oregon Country, a precursor to the Cascadian movement.
Another suggestion would be adding Burgundy cores to France.
So yeah, no new updates I'm afraid. Only hotfixes should come from now on.
Fuck man, Burgundy? Shouldn't that country be deader than dead?
No shit Sherlock, every new culture, especially religion slows down the game by a LOT, and HPM/HFM then you went full retard with those.
Yeah I should probably start doing a bit of cleaning on my mod now that I've achieved what I wanted. Do new religions really slow down the game?
Actually it pretty much is by the 1880's, by that time it was more probable for Brittany and Normandy to gain independence.
Mamluks are fucking ridiculous. +2 admin to all rulers on top of the Ottoman ability to choose between multiple rulers? On top of their development? Muslim cock must taste amazing. I was basically ottomans + everything up to the Persian border and brought both Timurids and France into a war with them, they were throwing 80k stacks at me WHILE occupying Paris at the same time.
1.23's professionalism is insanely exploitable though. Once you get half price generals you start trading 125 mil mana for 5 generals and 2 years of manpower. Played a game as Karaman to form Rum, literally infinite manpower without using mercs and every general I used had at least 2 siege pips (and 140% siege ability). Just spam the fuck out of this button when you run low.
Yeah, and cultures too. Thats why minor cultures exist, but HPM fucked it up by replacing African minors with dozens of nigger cultures, and adding a Druze religion for 30k pops for no reason. Thats why I can't take that mod seriously.
Another hotfix, save compatible.
but the french always win the war in kaiserriech
Everyone always says this, but in my experience it's an easy German victory in nearly every game. The French usually start the war with a slight edge in divisions but no manpower to reinforce them, so they run out of steam almost instantly and get pushed back. You need a perfect storm of AI choices for them to be able to win.
Hey, ive been playtesting a bit as VNZ and seen some things.
Brazil is now ignoring rio grande do sur and that btiny country above it completely.
Argentina never unifies.
The grant land to soldiers events never shows up again if you ignore it the first time (the champagne option).
Nothing happens if you enforce the extr taxes to the jews in coro, in fact, there are no jew pops in coro.
The colonia tovar event works but no german pops show up in caracas.
Also, i found out what is up with the south german soldier pops in greece, turns out that after its independence, the UK financed a mercenary army that helped the greeks after the war.
That's the AI's retarded choice, for some reason they're also ignoring it in my game. I kinda don't wanna railroad too much, but I'm gonna have to make them go to war through an event. Hell they even got cores and all yet they do nothing about it.
What year is it? It usually happens later in the 1870-80's, I've seen it happen a few times. Besides, I didn't really modify anything in Argentina other than a few Gaucho pops in the northeast.
Gonna have to fix that.
Must've assimilated, it was a very marginal population of ~300 jews (like a 160 irl), I don't wanna raise it, but I'm gonna have to.
The move_pop tag is a bit fucky, sometimes it doesn't even move pops from one province to another, really there's no alternative I could use.
That's cool, the Anglos doing something good for once.
Hotfix, save compatible
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