Why hasn't anyone just made warbands in space?

Is it just me or is the idea of managing and commanding your own fleet from your personal flagship not just the best shit? It seems so obvious and exploitable that I can't believe that I can't think of anything like it. Not rts shit like sins of the solar empire but a proper warbands type game. Hell you could have ships board each other and have Napoleonic warbands type battles but with goddamn lazers with the ship and all the stuff in it as loot. Sieges become planetary bombardments tournaments become Tron like battles butter beomes space butter it just seems so perfect. They'd barely need to change the engine and this is the company that sorta tweaked a player made mod and sold it as DLC so you know they like this sort of shit. Every space game I can think of is your basic rts,turn based strategy, ship battle, or maybe some basic exploration game what is it about such a huge endless potential packed concept such as fucking space that let's it end up feeling so limited and bland? I remember a fucking Roblox space map I played in middle school that was more interesting then most actually developed games are on the topic. But why make something like that when there's more boring shooters and obnoxious multiplayer arena games to make. Im so fucking desperate for it I would take a creative, interesting space game from litterally goddamn anybody, including EA and I genuinely despise them. Can I not have hope, even if it is naive?

Well, there was the Mandate.

1 Warband is shit
2 Space is shit
Don't thank me.

Coming up with a setting that will neatly explain you having your own fleet and complete command over it (rather than answering o an emperor, senate or high admiral) and others having heir own flees that don't answer to anyone and won't be full of plot/logical holes is difficult.

Objectively pleb tier taste.

I bet your just some xeno fucker trying to keep us on the ground.

Same reason as the warband games. Mercenary band.

I think there's a Star Wars mod for the original M&B.

Not particularly. Just look at Warband, the setting is as generic and devoid of plot/lore as they come and it works. Just drum up some generic bullshit, but make sure the gameplay is solid enough to stand on its own. That being said, the closest we ever got to Warband in space is Star Wolves.

How would you run around effectively though?

First of all sweet reich dubs but I must sour those sick digits of yours with some bad news.
I just went through the mandates official page and it looks like it's dead. The last update was 7 months ago and it talked about alot of it's staff being fired. When I went into the forums it seemed like backers are demanding refunds and getting no response.


Welp, seems like it all went to hell the moment they got their new community manager.

Or hell, they might have been in shit already before that and just got her to act as a lightningrod, who knows?

Never has suicide been a more relevant option

Jesus H. Christ!
Look at that nose!



What's objective is that space is such a lame meme, its originator officially dropped out of it.

he dropped out because of people like u

That has to be the biggest death flag there is for these types of projects.

Isn't Starpoint Gemini precisely that?

Mercenaries won't be having top-of-the-line warships.

Last time I checked, I haven't seen a mercenray company driving around in Abrams tanks or commanding from aricraft carriers and destroyers. The governments of the world wouldn't like it.

It works for small-scale stuff, like Star Wolves did - a bunch of old fighters carried by a concered freigther.

there was that beta for a fanmade space marine chapter master game

Sometimes I think surely GW is the most pozzed out of all the tabletop companies, then I remember this shit and Malifaux

It could work in space, since there's a lot of place to hide in, and governments wouldn't have nearly as much oversight as they do on a planet. The only issue would be how to maintain and resupply the military hardware. I can imagine corporations hiring their own private armies and equipping them to protect the kind of stuff they wouldn't like the governments to know about.

Same reason why games are nothing but a cut and paste nightmare. The new generation has no imagination and no skills. Is it that shocking that they can't make good vidya because of those two facts?

This. Isn't this still dead however?

Its called X3

So you're basically saying Miyazakis critic of contemporary anime applies to video games as well.

What an asshole.

Maybe he comes off as an asshole because he says things plainly?
People are quick to close their ears when they hear things they don't like, but this guy has a point. If we make things create the things we enjoy for us, they will be completely devoid of soul and meaning.
Having a computer generate walking patterns for monsters might give some cool ideas if it was refined enough, but the stuff the demo showed wasn't scary at all, it seemed too unnatural and encumbered to make any threatening moves yet too decisive to seem like it was having trouble moving in its body.

That said, bringing disabled people into it didn't really help his argument.

Bloody hell, this guy continues to be dead on point. I can't even blame him for not properly explaining it to the youth; this stuff is supposed to be self-evident to anybody even slightly grounded in the fine arts.

His criticism applies to damn near any media. Think about it. Think about 2007 and who began making modern vidya, modern movies, modern books.

Actually his point about disabled people makes the animation more on point that it hit so close to home. Those unnatural animations brought about a sense of pity. That could cause a strong reaction for the player to contrast initial fear or being startled by it. Not every enemy has to be threatening in an obvious manner. We've got more emotions than 'OH SHIT A BIG DANGEROUS SPIKY THING JUMPED OUT'

His argument was that the AI's movement was unnatural. If you want to see realistic looking movements of a fucked up creature then just look at the disabled and apply it to your animation. He saw the AI's animation and said it's shit.

Miyazaki is alright.

I'll never understand why people like to suck Miyazaki's dick so much. Is it really just because he made some pretty good movies? Or is it because the combination of the (fake) anime was a mistake .gif and his opinions on modern anime makes for some good ammunition for fags that like to complain about moeshit?

I remember when people could have standards without it being browbeaten out of them.

If that was his point then he should have said so from the beggining instead of trying to appeal to emotion by bringing up his disabled friend.

You dense retard, he brought up the disabled guy because that's how the human body acts when you can't walk properly. The AI didn't take that into account and the animation that it made looked unnatural as fuck, and not in the scary way, but in a "did someone just figure out how to use 3dmax?" way. Sounds like you are just upset about the fact he has high standards when it comes to animation.

Just got an update, there is the main system and outside of it is randomly rolled according to some numbers yous set. The modding community is pretty active, with shit like nexarelin which pretty much is mount and blade is space.
Outposts soon
Some user was working on updating ironclads to the new version but he couldn't get it working,
come back to us

i came here to post this.

literally warband in space. op is a faggot and cannot into jewgle.

It was going to shit from the start. The team was small but their scope was bigger than XCOM. I knew it was going to fail the moment they announced they were going to include real time boarding mechanics.

It gets updated twice a year, once for big updates then another for bug fixes. I guess that's as fast as the dev can do considering he's doing this all in his spare time. Also it's just him and an art dude.

Robots will rule the world, omae. You bipedal bloodbags need to get on with the times.


blackwater assembles fleet of planes
also historically speaking mercs were

I wish Star Wolves series isn't such a bugfilled mess.

Because you haven't made a prototype of such a game, or a design doc. GET TO IT!

Well I'd have to see the whole video because i feel that there is some context missing from the clip.

Thank me later

I remember hearing from an user that the best anime is handdrawn because of the attention to detail and love that goes into it. It also feels more natural as most recent anime thats full cgi is too fluid and shiny.

What's the point of continued existence?

There is no stealth in space
And even if there were, space is a hostile enviroment.

Maintaining a fleet requires a lot of supplies and facilities. Your "hidden" asteroid base would need to be visited by supply convoys on a regular basis - you might as well be holding a giant "I AM HERE" sign. And from where would it get it's supplies? Even maintaining surface vessels is very demanding, and a space ship would be more demanding by an order of magnitude.

Spaceships, by their very nature and complexity, will never be as cheap or numerous as cars of airplanes or ships - this makes them easier to track. The sheer emptiness of space makes tracking any ship coming to or going from a planet easy.

A corporations might have it's own fleet, but trust me that any sane government will keep a tight leash on it.

The sure sign of a man who doesn't dream.

The only way to truly make something move in an unnatural way is to mocap a contortionist. That way its still in the realm of reality yet at the same time it has a movement that not your average person can do thus making it uneasy.

Its in the same sense as when you look at a featurless face, the reason we get uneasy when looking at it is due to us not being able to see emotion, or able to read what the person or thing is thinking. Having movement is an art like any other medium, you need a balance of a sense of familiarity with something that you've never seen before.

It's not that hostile, you wouldn't need to be that close to a large body to have those kinds of problems. Resource wise staying in an asteroid belt in a solar system is pretty much your best option since an asteroid belt has enough resources to last you pretty much a million years. Usually. The hardest thing to reconcile for stealth in space is the speed of light, unless you teleport to different solar systems you'll be spotted where you were going before you even reach your destination.




They are called paragraphs. Anyone with some education knows what they are.

You did not require so many paragraphs. Or the spacing after the greentext. At least try to blend in when you're here.

You spaced them out to frequently thus making it look retarded. Paragraphs are 4+ sentences.

It's like comparing a caclulator to a PC.
A PC is never going to be as cheap. It's nice to dream, but you have to wake up sooner or later.

Asteroid belts have specific resources, but you won't find everything you need there. Different types of asteroids hold different metals - they don't conveniently mix so you have an iron asteroid, Al asteroid, Zinc asteroid, etc.. right next to each other. You might have ice asteroids for water several AU's from the iron asteroids. Then there's food.

Not to mention to create any outpost that is self-sufficient, you need tons of supplies to get it going and to build that infrastructure.

No, fuck you. I couldn't give two shits about "blending in" if that means writing like a redneck.

Paragraphs are determined by content, they don't have a fixed length.

Your content was sub par in them, its not enough to argue and derail but it just looks off and to bloated. Minimalism is beauty, it also helps to get to the point quickly.

PCs and calculators are both commonly owned items. PCs are especially relevant to this as they were once industrial sized machines and I'm sure plenty of people like you existed then saying they would never be small and cheap enough to fit into a persons home.

It's kind of funny when you don't even apply yourself.

Then again this post already contains four paragraphs so I should probably just stop typing.

The idea would be that several Earth colonial Empires of different ideologies hold their own solar systems (multiple), there is completely neutral space, pirate space, mercenary space, unexplored systems, etc and tech to make up for the gaps in feasibility. Not everyone will be under government heel when the new frontier, and freelancers are needed by major factions to help them win more sectors since they've got their sets of concerns (war fronts, colonial expansion, maintaining the happiness or their populations or risk rebelling industries, etc).

Depending on the faction, they could care less or more about your arsenal, and when you lean on the more side, they will try to rope you in/get rid of you to prevent the possibility of your upstart fleet from becoming a problem, this also gives incentive for other factions to recruit you. That's also where neutral space, pirate space and merc space come into play, where you can hide out there or work for/with them. Finally m&B's best feature is creating your own faction, so when yoou've consolidated power, networked potentially allies, and softened the major players, you can strike out with your fleet and allies as an independent galactic empire.

Think outside the box a little, bud. It's the wild westx6 gorillian, governments don't have infinite resources or manpower to monitor every upstart captain.

When you press enter (new paragraph) twice you are just showing us you are either a retard or a redditor. With the difference being questionable.

Are you guys trying to re-enact an unknown Monty Python skit?

Is this lost in translation?
I can't tell if he feels offended by the grotesque animations, or disappointed at how they fail to capture how a creature with atrophied muscles and no sense of pain would actually move.
But it looks like their procedural animation tech was awash and they figured "shit can we at least use it in horror games? They look pretty retarded"

Generating physics based animations using AI is a really cool idea and there are various companies that have been exploring it to promising results, but this just looks like it failed miserably and they tried to salvage something from it.