Just installed this for the first time, and played through Sonic's campaign in one sitting. I've got one major question:

Just installed this for the first time, and played through Sonic's campaign in one sitting. I've got one major question:

Why the fuck was '06 so surprising to people?

Credit where it's due, there's a fuckload of charm in this game, and it's fun to just fuck around in the stages. But holy shit, it's fundamentally a broken game. It flat-out does not work. Without even trying to do anything but progress through the stage, I would consistently clip through walls and floors, homing attacks would miss or the hit detection would fuck up and send me through my target, boost sections would just stop abruptly or launch me through the loop-de-loops to my death, etc. It happened multiple times in every run of every action level. There's clearly plenty of good ideas with regard to level design, Sonic's moveset, and interesting setpieces, but it fails on just about every technical level. I haven't played any of the other 3D games yet, SA2 included, but it seems like 3D sonic games were pretty royally fucked right from the get-go.

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Don't mind me. Just waiting for BFBTs.

dumb nigger lmao

Don't have a dreamcast. Is the PC port shit? That would actually be good news, since there are clearly the bones of a fun game in here, it's just a technical disaster.

Didn't think it would be necessary since I already had the PC version from years ago. I might switch over though if it plays significantly better.

wait, you mean you're playing the original 2003 pc port too?
iirc that one is even worse than the one on steam, dreamcast version is better in most aspects but it runs at 30 fps instead of 60 and you cant move the camera, on the other hand its less glitchy and it looks much better without that shiny look every character has on the gamecube and pc versions.

The game came out in 1998, fucking retard. What did you expect?


Just because you're too young to remember it doesn't mean people didn't have standards.

Both you and OP should kill yourselves.

Okay, have fun playing games that aren't fun.


Yes. You got it.

There were at least a dozen 3D games that came out before sonic adventure that weren't technical dumpster fires. Mario 64 didn't spontaneously clip me through the floor. Crash Bandicoot didn't have a lock-on function that would hurl you into bottomless pits whenever it felt like it. Banjo-Kazooie didn't have the camera trap itself behind walls every time you picked up the speed shoes. You're a retard.

This isn't even an argument. Just because it was early doesn't mean it was good, you fucking mongoloid. Again, see above: there were plenty of 3D platformers that preceded SA that were coded well. This game was not.

Other way around. If it's not fun, why like it? I'd actually say the SA can be fun, but it's a fucking disaster whenever you put the slightest strain on it.

Neither Crash Bandicoot nor Banjo-Kazooie had a focus on speed or had a previous gameplay formula to convert from 2D to 3D.

the more i read your posts the more i think you need to kill yourself op

Being a transition from 2D to 3D is irrelevant from a technical standpoint. The fact is the game is not well put together. There's a reason I'm not talking about design, the design is fine. But the code stitching the game together is fundamentally broken. There's no way you can defend on-rails loop sections killing you by themselves as anything other than a serious problem. The homing attack works maybe 60-70% of the time, being generous. These are glaring faults that detract from the experience. Are you seriously telling me that you would enjoy the game less if these problems weren't there?

People are going to disagree with me, but I personally think Sonic Adventure 2 was the best 3D Sonic game. True, it doesn't hold a candle to ANY of the 2D titles, but SA2 was at least a good game that played properly. Plus, the chao garden was actually fun and gave me reason to keep playing back into levels.

You're right, though, about Sonic games being fucked in 3D. The entire concept requires a basic overhaul of anything and everything about the way the Sonic moves and acts, and that transition took some real time before it could make any progress. It sucks, too, because I'm still a massive fan of the series, and I hate what the fuck he's become today.

Clarification: Transitioning from 2D to 3D is most challenging when determining how to translate design aspects and game mechanics. Once you have the overall design solidified, there's no difference in the way you actually go about coding the game between one which was translated from 2D and one that was created specifically for 3D space. i.e. If a game came out that had nothing to do with sonic, yet included a spin dash feature identical to Sonic Adventure, the actual process of coding that action wouldn't be any different between SA and this other game. The transitional thing is most pertinent to design choices, and those aren't what I'm criticizing here.

Literally what is wrong with DX. I legit believe faggots on Holla Forums are just making shit up every time they call it hard to control or buggy.

there's a greater visual disconnect with DX's high quality hero models and everyone else's blocky models
the PC version, in its initial release, would drop objects from render on the sides if you were in 16:9 resolutions
the challenges in post game prominently feature an ad for Sonic X, replete with that Thorndike brat who replaced Tails as Sonic's BFF
Cream was added as a cameo to tie in to her presence in Sonic X but she's disappointingly unplayable and has no story interaction

and yeah, the initial PC version was pretty buggy

which pc port, there's two ports

I'm talking about GameCube's issues. Not that thankfully noncanon shit.

Don't bully Chris. He just wanted to catch them all.

Holy shit OP, you suck dicks for a living?

Yes. Me and my gay homo buttlover both thought SA was a mess.

Something Awful is a mess alright, you should know all about it.

Why the fuck would you even install that garbage? Just play SA2. It's still pretty bad in certain stages, but the Chao farms make it worth playing

The dreamcast version has all of those listed flaws too
You can stop being a faggot trying deflect from the Adventure's problems with this chicken and egg game.

Don't be this shitter.


SA 1&2 was always garbage, but the aunnostalgiatism is strong w/ sanic fans.

OP makes sense for the millineal crowd that didn't grow up with this shit. Back when this was new, it was a good game because of what was available. It wasn't a 10/10 game but if you think 06 and SA1 are in the same tier, you are an underage faggot. No sane person would have this thought unless they recently played these games.

The PC port is notorious for being as broken piece of shit. The original was nowhere near as buggy.

SA2 is pretty much a step up in every respect, and is the game that all Adventurefags remember fondly.

Don't be this shitter.

Sonic Adventur 2 and SA2:Battle (gamecube version) were for the time just a fun 3D platformer/arcade rush in a known franchise. Back then we pretty much expected 3D platformers to be broken or wonky as shit in one way or another. But it worked well enough to get through and most of the glitches were more funny than annoying.
But then 5 years pass and somehow Sega takes all the worst aspects of SA1 and SA2, somehow makes all of the old glitches and technical errors worse, and crams that shit into one inglorious unholy abomination. For some reason they stole the plot from old JRPGs also.
Oh, and NO FUCKING CHAO GARDEN which was probably one of the biggest draws of replayability for the SA sesries.

Kikes are really good for nothing.

The port added a ton of progress stopping glitches, manages to only remove the few fun glitches, ruins the aesthetic, and has worse sound/music.

I've been asking this exact same question for… 19 fucking years? Damn, I didn't realize Adventure was that old.
I never got the appeal of 3D Sonic. I dropped the series after Sonic Heroes, and I was a shit-taste 12 year old.

i know the dreamcast version had problems but most of the time when i went through stages i didnt have any serious problems
also, are you talking about SA1 or '06?

Mario 64 came out in 1996, and there are people who shit on it for being a tech demo

I also never had 90% of the things OP listed to me happen, and Ive played all three versions of the game. The worst that I ever saw happen is dashpads somehow making you fall through loops.

SA2 I've never even seen that happen.

kys faggot

So what is a good dreamcast emulator?

Also, there's a 3 CD version and a single CD one. What's the difference?

Everyone is just too lazy to be able to install it nowadays. Especially if they want to shit on game.

I tried to use it once with the original PC port, and it didn't work at all, until I just uninstalled it completely. I was trying to fix the camera issues and return the models to the DC version with it. But I guess it only works with the Steam version that for some reason I couldn't find around.

Also, what with these 2 options? Jesus.

I think that people were just wowed by the fact that Sonic was finally in 3D, especially since X-treme got cancelled and there wasn't a real Sonic game for the Saturn. I still think that Sonic 06 would have been a better game than Adventure 1 if it wasn't so poorly programmed, because at least Sonic 06 doesn't force you to fish.

I don't expect a brainless moron like you to know this but at least I should expect you to do a quick internet search before running your mouth and making yourself look stupid.

Already did and have the emulator running. Didn't even notices they were different file extensions. Kinda dumb Sonic's GDI is 1GB and CDI is 1.8GB while Project Justice is the contrary, that made me a lot more confused as well.

Not a millenial, just never got into Sonic. Definitely don't think Adventure is as bad as '06, but based on my experience with this port it's also not as far removed as people would suggest. The problem is that '06 was also riddled with design flaws and flat-out bad ideas - on a technical level though they aren't as far removed from each other as I might have expected, that's all I'm really saying.

Good to know.

Been playing through SA1's PC port (the steam version), and it's made me question why '06's issues seemed so out of the blue if the originals were always so wonky. Everything I've been seeing says it's mostly a shit port though and a lot of those problems aren't present in the original.

Sonic Adventure is cool. You are not.

SA was good for the time, but even the DC version was plenty buggy. The problem is 06 was even worse and people notice. While SA does have the problems you described they are entirely avoidable when you are even a little bit used to the game. The same cannot be said for Sonic 06 where you are going to run into numerous load screens, boring submissions and pointless bugs.'

I'd say keep playing Sonic Adventure and then pop in 06 and then compare.

Have a nice read.

Holy shit. This is the sonic fanbase for you.

they are no issue when you use Mods user. Nostalgiafags are exaggerating how much better the original version was because not many people actually own the Dreamcast. The game was always a bit wonky even on its best days. But do yourself a favor an install the mods and I even recommend the Dreamcast Conversion which restores the original lighting engine, models and textures. The character Models are lower quality but overall the aesthetic is more coherent and appealing.

btw how do you reset the setting with a Unity product? I tried to remap the keys for the Sonic Islands Demo and the dead-zone calibration is all fucked up now. I tried deleting it but it somehow had saved the settings somewhere.

These lighting changes holy shit

Oh man you guys reminded me of a glitch I found in SADX. Did anyone ever get into out of bounds areas on the egg carrier? I'm going to download the game and try to record it.

not even giving you a (you) you cuckchan retard

Excuse the potato quality. Going to try again, there's a lot more to explore on the underside of the ship.

You stupid fucking nigger.

Autism fixes everything.

That fucking water holy shit.

There we go. This really blew my mind back in the day. You can go all the way from one side to the other. Has anyone else discovered this?

Challenge mode: do it faster than me


You're retarded. Instant deaths and clipping through the landscape would be just as unacceptable in 1998 as it is today.

It's extremely overrated and really doesn't have the right to be up there with the first three games in peoples minds, those saying otherwise just have rose tinted glasses. Hell I would even consider Sonic Heroes to be a better 3d Sonic than SA2.

I played the dreamcast version when I was younger, but man it does feel completely different from the DX. I don't know if it's just me, but even the double jump attack works a lot better. I should try the DC version of SA2 too?


You are blowing shit out of proportion.

SA2B had some minimal change on lightning, removed Big's cameos and made some changes in the texture, but overall, it didn't came out as bad as how SADX turned out. I would recommend to play SA2B on GC.

Alright, I'll admit they fucked up on the lighting.

this never happened to me and i played the shit out of this game so idk what the fuck you are doing

Indeed, which is why it never happens in the Dreamcast original.
nice b8
The GC version of SA2 isn't bad, in fact it's arguably better since it runs at a full 60 fps and has tons of extra features. The Dreamcast version has things like raising your chaos on a VMU.