Why do game journalists hate FNAF and LISA yet love night in the woods, layers of fear and Undertale? Especially with FNAF. Game journalists have a hate boner for FNAF. Yet they love walking simulators like NITW and layers of fear which have no gameplay and no way to lose.
Why do game journalists hate FNAF and LISA yet love night in the woods, layers of fear and Undertale...
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the answer is always jews
There's a conspiracy theory that certain indie authors actually pay to advertise their work. Undertale is the greatest example of it.
because you keep making shit threads
It's because Scott Cawthon is a Christian.
Since when do journos hate LISA? They seem indifferent about it at most.
Oh fuck that's right, didn't Furaffinity offer to advertise Undertale for free?
They hate LISA? I only know that RPS shat on the game because they thought the controls were too complicated.
I think Undertale is simply popular due to sheer weaponized tumblr/homestuck autism and journos bandwagoned it. I can imagine it being true about NITW though.
I remember exactly one article that complained about the tutorial, otherwise the game didn't really get any coverage.
I strongly doubt it. Undertale was pretty much a perfect mix of everything pretentious faggots love. There was no way it wasn't going to get stupidly popular, with or without advertising. The only "evidence" for it was that one "I work for an astroturf company and Toby Fox paid us to advertise his game please believe me" post on halfchan.
This guy did a video on it, sort off.
You know, the whole point of an evidence is to get rid of all the evidences.
Super Bunnyhop isn't really a journoblogger or part of the industry clique though, right? I thought that was the point of the thread.
That post was bullshit though. I kept an eye on Undertale's development and its explosion in popularity, there wasn't anything particularly weird going on. It had an uneventful launch but gradually became more popular once people caught wind of it, which you can easily explain by tumblr latching onto the hot new quirky thing, like they did with OFF. Additionally, Toby Fox was involved with Homestuck prior to it, so he was already somewhat established in those circles. Similar thing happened to LISA once the game went on sale, but on a smaller scale. You can probably draw a similar parallel to other indieshit games.
Blame the audience and their low standards, not some bogus conspiracy.
Didn’t Toby fox got butt hurt that his game got popular and people want a sequel?
get the fuck out with your shit threads
A dubs thread, if I ever saw one.
One of the creators is a hardcore commie who openly supports antifa and thinks tax is theft
All about the artist's struggle, something these people often love to talk your ear off about
Journos will talk your ear off about how great Earthbound was and since it's kind of similar to it one thing leads to another, also memes
H-how does he reconcile the two though?
I don’t hear why they hate Scott cawthan work yet love nitw
Who even cares dude? I'm tired of this shit. These people don't deserve to have their existence acknowledged. Let's just focus on Holla Forums and be ourselves. Join a cyclical group, participate in gamenight, talk about good games, fuck the haters.
A libertarian communist?
Why don't you ask him to find out?
He's got a journalist degree and his head shoved far up into Ubisoft's taint so yeah I think hes a journalist
He said he's sorry about his awful fans, or something. But it's not like he didn't attract them in the first place.
Didn't know that.
Because Scott Cawthon is a white male christian who as far as I know only ever used his games to preach christianity instead of any of the beliefs held by games journalists. He also respectably avoids using twitter, only having a twitter account to let people know any other twitter account under his name is fake.
Also NITW is a game about being a worse than useless neet while FNAF is a game (with actual gameplay) about being a man earning a living.
Why then Undertale is coming to PS4? And was advertised on playstation con as the most amazing thing ever?
I smell something fishy. Toby Fox is not what you think he is.
Stop the fucking presses.
Because the game was successful? This is not rocket science.
i wouldn't consider it a game
It came out on PS4 because the new version of Game Maker can natively output PS4 games.
Call it now. Undertale will be on the switch in less than a year.
I can't speak for Undertale specifically as I haven't followed it that closely, but you can see it all the time where SJWs will coordinate to get rid of something and replace it with their kosher version. Like how they got some hentai card game removed from kickstarter, which was replaced with another one but that one was okay because it was made by an SJW.
You can also see this shit with how much they despised the P5 translation so much even an entire website was made just to show off some menial semantic errors. Mind you, this is made by the very same people who turned a complete blind eye to Fire Emblem removing entire paragraphs of dialogue and replacing it with "rawr" and "*wags tail*". Fire Emblem got away with it simply because they had their claws in it. It's like a protection racket, and such a thing can be observed throughout all industries, not just videogames, and it's simply naive to think otherwise.
It will be once Game Maker can output games to Switch, like I said here.
The PS4 port got announced a month after the feature was added to GM:S.
Naturally. Nintendo wants to turn kids gay, Undertale wants to turn kids gay. It makes perfect sense.
Exactly, Undertale is jewified mix of succesful titles that were once niche on the internet and spawned fandoms. Particularly Cave Story, Earthbound and Yume Nikki.
Speaking of gays. Surprised game journalists haven’t attack Scott cawthan for not having gay or trans character in FNAF. Mind you cuphead got attacked for racist inspirations
>not wanting to be gay.haha
Do you think that if your dick was big enough, you could feel the eggs inside Yoshi? What would rubbing your dick against the eggs feel like? Would that be pedophilia? Hahaha.
Would it?
Is that Henry
Ugh, like, working in retail hella sucks. I wish I can go home and smash capitalism. #bashthefash
I didn't really see journos caring that much about the game, it was mostly furfags and the sjw circlejerk that liked that shit
Its yet another "deep" walking simulator about an artist struggle and besides FNAF has actual gameplay and you can lose journos hate that
Same as NITW furfags, sjws and "games are art" fags even when the game was just painful mediocre
Give me one reason it's not a game.
Delete this
FNAF is what made Pewdiepie so popular so I wouldn't be surprised if that has something to do with it.
No it's not. He was the most famous LPee for a good while before it. And most people associate fnaf with that one Irish cunt.
No, he got populat before that thanks to early facecam shit like Amnesia and Happy Wheels.
It will be compatible with the Ness and/or Lucas Amiibos. Bank on it.
I'm writing your name on my Dead Notepad as we speak
Maybe because FNAF has a modicum of difficulty?
How? You just slam the door in their face until you win.
Pewdiepie actually hated FNAF and only played it because his fans kept insisting he did, he was already stupidly popular at that point.
Same reason all non-furfags hate it. They don't want to be associated with furshit.
Fixed that for you.
Do you think Amiibos grow on trees, goy?
Because they are violent
And violence is patriarchy
The author is a staunch Christian and doesn't hate himself. This sends the Jew recoiling into a hissing fit and they try to tear it down.
sho sho tranny
He just shit talked it a lot and didn't cover it at all. That video was fucking awful. SuperBunnyHop could cream himself over Undertale but didn't really care for LISA, which I guess explains a lot.
toby fox mostly used his kickstarter funds for completing his college degree and already had a demo out before he got the kickstarter up. what the fuck are you smoking to think Undertale was heavily promoted through money? it was demo word-of-mouth. Seriously, only two years pass and people guess and make up bullshit.
Because they like games that they can feel are "deep" or "rich with lore". They want something they can sleepwalk through, then write an article about how it's the hottest thing. They want to sound thoughtful without actually putting thought or effort into vidya.
This. The demo came out on its own before kikestarter even came up. The threads were fairly comfy back then too. No caner yet aside from the usual furfags wanting to fuck the tutorial cow.
oh god muh dick
Super Bunnyhop was part of the secret GameJournosPro list.
Don't get me wrong, but I don't think there's any reasonable way they could get away with doing that and not looking like absolute retards. Even in their own minds. They can attack him for being a Christian or his political opinions, but that would take actual research to find and we know how much research game journos do, or they could just completely ignore him and pretend he goes away because he isn't part of their clique or willing to suck their dicks or pay them off.
They attacked TenNapel for being Christian and anti-LGBT, but only after he made a public showing of his opinion. They attacked some games that could be considered anti-LGBT or filled with microaggressions, but a lot of the really heavy-handed shit went unnoticed.
As far as Cuphead and the accusations of racism are concerned, remember that journos were praising the game for not being racist until someone took the effort to go through the mental gymnastics to call it racist BECAUSE it tries not to be racist. Someone had to take the first step to equate an active attempt to avoid racist stereotypes by removing any and all references to race except the coin guy on Isle 1 saying "I bet the (((Devil))) owns the banks, too!" and replacing all characters with anthropomorphized items and mythical beings with WHITEWASHING because they're removing all minorities and therefore pretending that those people of color and oppressed minority groups do not exist/do not matter.
I mean, come on. How long did it take these fucks to realize that the 'developer' who received death threats and posted about it on Twitter didn't actually work for EA? I'm more surprised that it was an actual Kotaku journalist who discovered it and wrote an article detailing their findings, rather than some user.
The modern journalist is fucking lazy. They won't lift a finger to do anything on their own or research shit to dig deeper into the real issue; they'll just wait for someone else to do it for them and sperg out over the results, regardless of how inaccurate the bullshit is. These people just look for outrage to bait clicks. Don't expect anything special.
Though, you could probably foment some fake outrage by baiting some asshat journalist into writing an article about Scott Cawthon being a Christian, and therefore he hates fags and trannies and gay marriage because he fucking has to, right? It would be hilarious to see all the FNAF kiddies autistically screeching at the journos and running their credibility through the mud even harder.
you don't understand how fucking mad i was when i saw this announced live
Because Scott is a devout Christian and will never join their pussy worshiping Lucifer cult
I really don't think Scott and the FNAF series is quite the banner to rally behind it used to be. Most kids seemed to stop giving a shit about it.
I fucking hate Earthbound, it's a shit game, and anyone who likes it deserves to be hanged.
Since when do game journalists hate LISA?
Fucking everybody praises it to Hell and back
Undertale keeps the kid gloves on. Its discussion regarding morality is juvenile at best, whereas LISA shows some pretty dark aspects of the human condition. I'm not saying LISA is the deepest game out there, but it does cross a line that your average English major turned "journalist" is uncomfortable covering. Also, it depicts homosexuality in a much more realistic manner than Undertale could even hope to achieve. In short, Undertale is comfortable and easy.
Better question, why does Holla Forums like LISA but hate shit like Undertail?
Oh, this isn't a thread about questions we should have asked a few years ago?
LISA wasn't shilled relentlessly, doesn't have a cancerous fanbase full of furfaggotry, tumblristas, and isn't treated like the second coming of christ in vidya form. LISA doesn't have a secondary fanbase that hasn't even touched the game but circlejerks the various memes and fan-related content. The fact that LISA's developer isn't related to yet another huge tumor called Homestuck helps.
You answered your own question. For all the shit FNAF gets, all the games feature a lose condition when you don't play the game right. Unlike most of the things you listed, it's actually a game. Maybe not a complex game, but a game.
I don't even want to click the video.
i find it funny how no one has realized that the op is a (1) and done
its always like this with these "muh meme game" template threads
Lisa touches on the fact that people are moral due to the conditions around them or something, which is pretty deep only when you consider the shit around it and what it did.
Undertale was fake, entirely. It's not even about morality, it's about glurge. You have a character that turns out to be evil, and then in the literal last minute you make him tragic, pulling a 180 emotional shock that sticks with kids, while piling on the the fact that you can't save him despite the fact that you clearly can, you're just never given the option for the sake of tragedy. It presents choice and takes it away from you if it can't preserve the overall tone, which is tragedy.
It's ultimately a bad example of a tragedy, because this isn't a play or tv show, when player choice is involved and you can't choose to do the obvious thing that ANYONE would think of when your character is a fucking avatar of yourself it's a fucking retarded plothole.
LISA on the other hand never GAVE you a ending changing choice when it came to the ending, Brad's forced to overdose and go nuts because of Buzzo's vendetta, and he's never in a position to choose, only chase. It's good writing despite lacking branches because it gives good reason for that behavior, and Brad himself is a character with an established personality and vice that defines the guy. The whole story is less about choice and more about how fucked up he is, and the people around him.
What makes LISA better then Undertale despite the fact that they both intentionally jerk with your feelings and you don't really have a choice in the matter is that LISA is honest and shows that you never had a choice, and Undertale prevents you from making one and dangles it in front of your face to hurt you. Sure you have multiple endings in Undertale, but no one is ever saved, people who caused atrocities go unpunished, etc etc.
In both games, you can't save the villain or really do anything good. But in LISA, it doesn't even give you the illusion of choice. Undertale is just dishonest and fake. And if I had a choice of hanging with a dick or some liar, I'd pick hanging with the dick, because at least he's honest.
hell, even the fangames are way better, Pointless and Hopeful are pretty fucking great and only improve on the mechanics and art, despite being more simple.
Pointless is like a David Lynch movie, but balances it out by having the protagonists being pretty sane and nice all things considered.
Why the fuck do you think
Why do people keep comparing LISA to Undertale? They are nothing alike.
ok ok, ill play pointless
LISA technically gives you some choices, for example if and when you give the 2BFs the dynamite determines if and when they destroy that town, as well as if you give terry up or not and more, but none of them have any real impact on the story.
It does give you the illusion of choice with staying clean, as there is one character who can only be recruited if you are not experiencing joy or joy withdrawals, but again, as you said, you are foced to become the joy mutant.
More importantly you are forgetting that brad can keep one of his hands.
Both are compared to earthbound.
Brad can keep both of his arms if he wants to, it just costs you a party member one time and all of your usable items and Brad's equipment the second time. Still doesn't matter in the least in reality.
Wouldn't you miss the chance to perform certain combos?
Don't be stupid. Paid advertising/shilling is what the AAA games do; indie games simply don't have it in their budget.
It's total bullshit that you can't save Asriel, true, but this is completely wrong. The protagonist is not you; you're not naming HIM, but rather the dead ghost kid haunting him. This is pretty basic that at this point I figured everyone knew it.
You're right, OP. Walking simulators are just as shit as jump scare simulators, since neither have satisfying gameplay.
Losing arms means you lose combos and have withdrawal symptoms quicker, but that doesn't matter either. The same things happen either way.
Undertale is about letting things go, not about morality though, it was never about morality.
Tax actually has been theft for the last 20 or so years though, maybe longer
It goes right into politicians pockets and doesn't do jack shit for the citizens.
This is the least subtle TF2V shilling I've seen yet
At least jump scare simulator has gameplay
If a good game doesn't get coverage it's because the creator isn't in with any of the game blogger clique.
Superbunnyhop liked NITW, I can't respect someone with an opinion that wrong.
Im gonna make my own hipster RPG, with hoookers and black jack
Because niggers in the hood is super-de-duper fucking gay and full of SJW-lingo, which appeals to 'game journalists'.
They're so fucking stupid that they get conned into promoting a game, which hates on capitalism and republicans, thus increasing the sales for the developer - for free. Whoever made this game knew how to appeal to these dumbasses, and took advantage of it.
theres an easily exploitable thing you can do to drum up sales for a game you say?
*slowly resisting urge to rub hands
Y'mean that their status as buttbuddy to some famous webcomic faggot or meme status from some soyboy letsplayer wasn't enough advertising on it's own?
Speaking of games with more realistic characters morality, IJI does a pretty grim portrayal of ethnic wars between two alien races which end up with humanity entangled.
I've still the archived thread. web.archive.org
Fnaf doesn't have leftist propganda
So the audience is why.
Top good one
Yeah everyone that ever played the game.
Which is like 0.008% of people that talk about it, which is why they act like retards about it
Because Japan wanted it. But didn't want computers.
You're right, I don't understand. How could this possibly be upsetting to you?
Oh and friendly reminder
Butterdragon is a massive fucking faggot that used his donation to profiteer off the game and he should choke on a dick.
If Yoshi is laying eggs then he's already reached puberty so technically, no.
yes, it's an edit