Gordon Freeman
Agent 47
Gordon Freeman
Agent 47
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Not mine, retard strength runs all day baby.
white supremacists see a gorrila, but i see a rocket scientist
The protagonist of Undertale
Booker Dewitt from Bioshock Infinite
bioshock infinite protag ofc
nazis btfo'd again
Is it just me or does this seem odd? Shouldnt it be just "I have few questions for you."?
Even a retarded Courier is still smart enough to trick the entire wasteland into serving him
With a shit ton of magazines around, I never go higher than INT 4 in New Vegas.
Why are lolis and shotas so braindead? Are otaku products made to purposedly lead someone to suicide?
HoW WiLl ThEy EveR rEcOvEr? :^)
High INT walking animation
Isn't that just a warner bros parody of a scientist, instead of actually showing smarts?
And that is exactly when I fill up my bowl of popcorn with half-digested carrots I didn't even eat
No, it's "a few", like "a couple", or "some". Saying "I have few questions for you" means the same as "I don't have very many questions for you", which is a very strange way to approach someone. ESL pls go.
max payne is highest int
man I wish I had that webm right now
typical leftist fantasy of "not giving a fuck" and doing something "cool and reckless". It even has the cliche person only entering just as you're leaving and turning to look at you walking away completely shocked. As if no one would come in in the amount of time needed to draw all that
Every video I see of Life Is Strange reinforces the belief this game is fucking retarded.
being a leftist is a mental illness
You do realize that neither Gordon nor Courier are characters, you fucking moron?
They are protagonists.
honestly drawing swastikas instead of this hipster shit would be far more rebellious and shocking
at least this is what i did when i was edgy teen
You gotta give them credit for realism
Nigga please. I haven't seen him do shit to warrant that distinction. He plays and acts Exactly like your average IQ fps protagonist would. And no, that's not a compliment. A tacked on backstory of him having an "MIT Ph.D" is not gonna change that. The only logical reason he even has one is because Valve wanted to make an fps in "Area 51"-like setting, but the story wouldn't have realistically made sense to let some low IQ guy work in sensitive, government-restricted areas. So voila, Valve pulled a Ph.D out their asses and freeman is also "Somehow" well-trained with weapons and combat. Funny that.
He never speaks. All he does is murder aliens in droves - a physical feat not a mental one.
He has a PhD, but any idiot can get one of those because all it takes is money and time.
Gordon Freeman is nothing more than a blank self-insert. If we're considering Freeman's Mind as somehow canon, then he's still low INT but now also a narcissistic psychopath.
Freeman's Mind Gordon was high-INT, low-WIS. Nutty professor-type that was just in a constant state of distress and pseudoinebriation.
This is some of the gayest shit in a video game I've seen in a long fucking time.
Was thinking about going through these.
Can you be intelligent and neurotic at the same time? Higher intelligence should naturally increase one's self control and composure.
Nah, conscientiousness and intelligence are slightly correlated but there isn't any real evidence for one causing the other.
Intelligence is just one's processing power, neuroticism will affect such people just as effectively.
Freeman’s Mind Freeman actually is intelligent, though, since if he wasn’t there’d be no reason Black Mesa would even let him work there.
As for canon Freeman, according to the HL1 manual, Freeman invented a pneumatic tennis ball launcher when he was seven years old. That’s cartoon-level bullshit. He also wrote a thesis on teleportation. Fucking teleportation.
Now granted, giving someone a backstory doesn’t automatically make them a character, since they can still act as narrative conduits like Laidlaw said, but Freeman’s definitely smart.
Again, you're thinking of wisdom.
He weaponizes alien life forms.
If you do that, skip 2, as it is a terrible game. 3 has a plot summary in the beginning that sums up what happened in the two first games anyway.
I can get saying that you can't really make any judgement on Gordon's character, considering the fact that he stays silent all of the time, but he is most certainly a character.
The writer can talk about what characters do or say whatever he wants but that doesn't instantly everything he says true. He can make evaluations on characters and events but there is a limit to how far he can go before it's just meaningless bullshit.
The hivehand wasn't created or modified by Freeman at all. The alien grunts were using it long before him, and Freeman did a "monkey see, monkey do" thing in figuring out how to fire them. The Snarks are just random animals he uses to hurt enemies. Having played Oddworld Stranger's Wrath, I can assure you that it doesn't take a super genius to do that.
I was wondering why 2 never shows up in the recommendation pics. The more you know.
What the fuck are you talking about. Intelligent animu character is one of my favorite popular cliches in Japanese works.
Shame on you Holla Forums
Check again, nigger.
Nevermind, I eat dicks.
Fapping to trap passes as straight next to this shit.
Kerbals are canon stupid, there is no indication they ever designed the technology used in the game or even that they can operate it competently, the player does all the maneuvering manually. For all we know the player is some alien entity using Kerbals as disposable retards to fill seats.
Even the creator who hates her admits it.
Fuck off Dr. Breen.
I love how every time leftists create a boogeyman it ends up backfiring. Really shows how delusionnal they are when the worst thing they can imagine is a good friend that actually cares.
High INT
Low Tolerance for Jews
I don't supposed the irony in this statement is intentional, is it?
What do you think "High INT" stands for? High INTolerance.
I don't "supposed" you know what irony means, do you?
Have you ever created something you, not even mumbling properly, so-called "scientist"? All you ever do is destroy everything and then leave! Please, leave, pretty please, leave NOW, please! And, please, drop that gravity gun, please
An asshole sociopath surrounded by idiots and insufferable assholes as well as just generally unpleasant monotony and irritating situations. On one hand he seems like a complete dick and a rampaging murderer who will kill everyone whenever he fucking wants to although you can play him differently, but let's be honest, you would become the same if you were in his place I recommend anyone trying to play Postal 2 to try not killing everyone in sight and just defending yourself at first and you'll quickly see how infuriating it gets. You will feel far more sympathetic towards dude once you crack and break your rule.
In the end, this guy is kind of the only sane man in his world.
Solid Snake
Dr. Light
Dr. Wiley.
There’s plenty of smart Japanese characters.
Top tier character. Only cowards don't smoke crack.
The Atelier protagonists. Pretty sure you need more than a recipe and stirring a cauldron for who knows how long. No one would really trust a dumb loli to craft their shit even if she's cute and good at stirring a cauldron.
Were's this bonehead from?
Thanks to the plague and a few centuries of total war, most middle Europeans are straight up immune to Ebola and all the other shit that's killing niggers.
Reductio ad absurdum. If idea is good even after this you know its good.
Except niggers themselves
Kefka. He's intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor.
stomp posting racist comments please
but user
nihilism is for low iq
On the contrary.
wtf, like, im a vapid roastie now?!
Eh kills aleins and doesnt afraid of anything.
I will not rest my bones until every last individual of jewish blood higher than 5% is in an urn.
I think we know who the true brains of this outfit is, wouldn't you say, Zach?
Um, what?
Not really. England is the only place in Europe where immigrants actually manage to breed. Everywhere else their birthrate after the first generation drops to almost zero and is entirely dependent on importing more first generation brides, because all their daughters end up as whores or spinsters. Race mixing does not happen either. Shitskins will stop being a problem in Europe the moment they stop the jews from importing new ones.
Though they don't truly qualify as protagonists, I think they are noteworthy and of high IQ. I mean, Medic somehow built a gun capable of healing wounds in seconds, even bringing back someone to life and outsmarting the devil himself. Engineer has several PhD's, IIRC.
Also, I'd be willing to say that Pyro, underneath his mask, is probably wildly intelligent, if not a bit autistic. Perhaps he's an idiot savant.
Think about it: All of his weapons, excluding the shotgun, flare gun, and fire axe, are all makeshift in some way, and you can tell Pyro had to have made them himself. Throw in the fact that he made a jetpack and ended up being the CEO of a lucrative business in the comics and you've got yourself a smart maniac.
Doesn't Heavy have a degree in Literature?
That Undertale motherfucker didn't even know what water sausages were until he looked it up in a book.
what game is this? reminds me of deadbolt
You don’t belong in this thread.
It has been proven that those with high intelligence have a far smaller risk of schizophrenia. Now take into account that jews are genetically predisposed to schizophrenia.
Heavy is pretty smart, he just doesn’t speak English well. In the comics, whenever he speaks Russian, the translation makes him out to be quite verbose.
Teagan a best.
Sure thing.
And then for the second part of the statement.
The entire point of Death Note, one of the most popular anime shows/mangas ever made, is to pit two ridiculously intelligent teenagers against each other in a battle of wits.
I know this and I hardly even watch anime, educate yourself my man.
Okay, but that completely devalues the Jew thing. It would mean that even though Jews are genetically predisposed to schizophrenia, the most intelligent among them wouldn't be getting it, anyway.
Also "X may mean Y" is just a scientist's way of saying "We found a correlation in the statistical data that we can't make sense of, but it's still THERE." The thing is, statistics are bullshit, only valuable for analyzing the minute differences between entire societies, but people try to apply them to individuals, anyway.
There aren’t any, though. The myth of ashkenazi IQ was exposed long ago.
I nearly forgot the smartest AI to ever exist in any game, he's not a protagonist, but an ally to the protagonist, I do think this character is worth of note.
Uh huh. Even among them, there would be a normal distribution of IQs; the ones at the top wouldn't get schizophrenia. That's all the data indicates.
Pic related.
Too bad only very small amount have higher than average IQ and the original gist was that its high IQ that protects against it.
Way to shove words into people's mouth.
God damn.
The real funny thing is that high IQ and being racist are inversely correlated.
I love these posts
Back to Holla Forums, low INT
You are to him what the Bobs were to you
Remember that INT is a measure of education level, not general intelligence.
Situational awareness, knowing how to find information, etc, is amusingly "Wisdom"
INT is what you know
WIS is how you learned it.
Rick and Morty's Rushed Licensed Adventure
That would be the case if INT increases by reading books but there are very few games where that is the case.
Well by that logic, levels not only increase INT but also are a part of it, because in order to gain levels you need to experience more things. The more you grind a lower area, the less you learn, and going to higher level areas where you haven't been to are likely to give you something new to discover. So no, claiming it is knowledge would end up causing a fair amount of contradiction.
Except BOBs can't even tie their own shoes, Durandal was completely dependent on the player.
Kikes have invented nothing but the holohoax and usury. Kill them both and the parasite is removed.
Absolutely magical.
May as well throw in communism as well.
What about the polio vaccine?
It's still just all outright Talmudic rat trash. They are attempting to prop up gommunisdm again now that the holohoax is failing. They see the end of the fed reserve coming.
Just like Eintstein, putting a face on others' research and development. The kike does nothing but steal.
Can you prove he didn't make it?
How exactly do you think he had anything to do with it?
Even wikipedia is useful at times.
That just says he had a research team. Name a name, if he didn't who did?
Never be under the supposition that kikes have any sense of altruism. They are a parasite made to exploit it. Once they are made to whither true altruism will be allowed to shine again.
Why would I do your work for you? This is like trying to point out melanoid nigger scientists.
Cause the burden of proof is on you faggot, that's why.
Geometry is extremely talmudic and nearly worthless to maths.
No, you get to do it yourself. I carry no burden but inherit exceptionalism.
Why would I try to prove my own point incorrect you Neanderthal?
Nice one.
Why would I debate a kike? You'll play either side either way. The solution to the problem has been found.
what a cool dude
should wash his clothes more though
Wow, nice argument. You've really shown me.
Pushing the neanderthal meme is also very bad for your game. It is presently killing your out of africa meme.
Fuck off Carlos.
Hold the thread derailment up. I apparently someone else ID.
How did this thread devolve into retards trying to prove to each other how smart they are? This is fucking embarrassing.
I don't debate kikes, I kill their influence. The minor exceptionalism is moot. Like some nigger inventing a computer in some apartment in London. Kikes are thieves in every bit of their makeup. And not even the white sense of the robbing hood. They steal from those below them and give to the pile. There is no home for kikes, not the middle east nor Africa. Nobody wants you, nobody thinks you're funny anymore, nobody likes your games anymore. We've left the semite Saudis wheeling and dealing with Israel as a joke. A big fat honking meme.
Don't answer that.
Nigger I'm probably whiter than you. I'm just saying yids invent things, and you're being retarded.
No, you are not. You are an asbsolute cryptokike if you feel inclined to follow the likes of some youtub personality, another cryptyid.
Don't think I don't know where you pulled that eceleb trash from. He's a cryptyid by mother.
Molyjew didn't copy right that term retard, anyone can say it without having watched his shit.
Absolutely talmudic in your thinking. Somehow you think you are more white, I already project where this is going.
If perhaps your makeup is more cleanly pristine white than mine, you have fallen for every trick. The point is, stow your altruism until they are removed from my land.
It's a figure of speech you tard.
Holla Forums is pretty low INT tbh, High SPL points though :^)
I did manage to beat Postal 2 without killing anyone. It wasn't awkward and I didn't need to abuse any glitches or anything like that, it was just kind of tedious. The game really is only as fucked up as the player is, which is goddamn brilliant.
So too is the opposite.
A figure of speech? No, it's kike trash. For many factual matters there is no back and forth required. If you were truly curious about it you would have it all on hand already. You. You may as well be debating the quality of life for gays or niggers because a few of them were facestamped on years of R&D. May as well be espousing the glory of women in STEM.
I have a theory that the Postal 2 setting, since it's viewed from the point of view of a psychopath, that what we see is just a hyper-exaggerated version of reality and not what really is going on. So instead of the Taliban inhabiting the sewers, instead it's violent vagrants or something.
It's like when they made this game they wanted you to be glad Chloe dies.
Is Agent 47 INT or Charisma?
If you can persuade anyone to think you are a chinese waiter, i'd say you have a pretty high charisma
So does the Opposing Forces protagonist. he must be very smart too.
Agent 47 has a negative INT aura, and by that I mean everyone around him is retarded which, regardless of his inherent INT, makes him the smartest person in any room he's in. He's high INT merely by association which is more than enough given his job.
Nigger how did you go through waiting in the lines? They're so fucking infuriating especially that they have a tendency to bug out a lot, and I mean A LOT but that wasn't the intent of the creators there is nothing more irritating than barely surviving an attack by an angry mob of some activists and then going to your next location only to find out you have a fucking waiting line in front of you. And then something stupid happens and the motherfuckers start shooting at each other, and when you approach your goal, it doesn't fucking work anymore so you have to reload your save. I snapped at the fucking church, I threw a Molotov cocktail at them and watch them burn to death, it was a therapeutic experience. You must have the patience of a saint.
Who, Einstein or whoever you’re talking about?
"Violent Vagrants" would be a pretty good band name.
The issue with the "exaggerated version" aspect is that doesn't explain how any of it starts. Shooting people protesting outside of work is perfectly easy to explain with that but then you have him being kidnapped and dressed up in a gimp suit.
But he's right you nigger, burden of proof is on you. You're literally shooting yourself in the foot if you have an argument but refuse to give it out. It's like having a gun and not wanting to shoot a man who attacks you with the knife. You look like a fucking retard who is trying to hide the fact that he doesn't have an argument if you refuse.
Sage for offtopic
It was back when I was full NEET and had all the time in the world to do stupid pointless shit. Would definitely not be able to do it now, coming home from a long day at work and grocery shopping just to simulate waiting in line some more during my precious free time would drive me fucking insane.
I can't think of any moments where Geralt isn't the smartest guy in the room.
He's way beyond wizardhood and operates on complete different level, mortal. He understands that physical form is nothing but molecular soup that serves as a vessel for a great mind.
How about fapping to Chloe in a pixie cut and jeans while listening to the Trap Remix of the song playing in the background? How gay is that?
I don't think 47 is really that smart himself. He's more like an autistic savant in terms of assassination skills besides that he's not too bright seeing as how in literally every single game he walks right into a setup(but always finagles an insane gunfight out of it)
I'm cringing pretty hard right now.
user, they are not intelligent if the only thing they do is outsmart others characters that are down right retarded.
Artemis Fowl?
Holy shit I remember reading those.
remember that card
So it's just the japanese equivalent of batman?
we know who is the smartest in that game
Heavy, Spy, Demoman
Scout, Soldier
Whatever point she was trying to make here is lost as there's no cohesive message just a lot of childish scribble.
I was going to post this exact picture
Also have you ever heard Heavy's Russian dialog? It certainly fits the "PHD in Russian Literature" thing better than his English voice does.
Maybe Pardo too
If this thing (doesn't appear to be a game) were presented as a deconstruction of a misguided, childish, hipster, mindset maturing into something that *doesn't* try to be an eternal edgelord then the shit I've seen in this thread so far might be justified and be a part of a worthy story, if poorly staged.
However, as it is, it looks to be a retard who never learns, desperately trying to be oh so unique, ruining themselves in the process and then apparently dying, I'm guessing of their own retardation.
We got a brief shower panel from the graphic novel. Of course, someone in this thread is going to complain about western art-style because I've posted this.
He's saying Gordon isn't a 'character' because he doesn't talk, that's his metric.
lol no. Only smart playable characters in HM were Beard, Richter, and Biker, all of which have a common theme: they got the fuck out of the killing business ASAP. I wouldn't say Jacket is stupid, but he doesn't show any signs of being much more than a 50 Blessings puppet who is really good at killing, and probably enjoys it way more than is healthy.
Name an FPS where you're a stumblebum who can't reload or fight.
Arguing this point is pointless because Gordon is as good as the player is, it's a fucking game he's a virtual tool in the nicest possible way.
Postal 2 was like some shit a 14 year old edgelord would write, it's not helped by being as old and clunky as it is either.
come on now
Mate if you're a Yank I suggest dealing with those millions of niggers stealing your bike.
The writers don't have a shred of self awareness, so that's not possible. There's one scene where she intimidates a huge, musclehead bouncer by spewing some retarded shit about how even robot ninjas and dragons wouldn't be able to stop her.
oh right, and also Evan, but he's not a killer at all.
He is but I forget how to get him to do it.
He loses his shit on that russian guard who tells him VIP only at the bath house and kills him with a few punches, for no reason.
Got any sources for those hope inspiring claims?
You know when you knock an enemy down and punch them to "subdue" them? Just keep punching and, after only a few kills Evan will go murder crazy.
Gee, it's almost like Ability Score Increases are a thing you get every several levels, user. Do you even /tg/?
Their fun reads but god damn the series goes south on the third book. Picks up a bit on the fourth then does a nosedive when you hit Atlantic Complex or whatever it's called. Do yourself a favor and don't read past the 5th book if you ever get back into them.
I read them all and thoroughly enjoyed them.
Kill yourself.
Pick one.
It’s been stated that Snake can speak five languages, at least that’s what the manual fluff for Metal Gear on NES said.
How the fuck did you find any enjoyment out of the last 2 books? They were trash incarnate.
Meant for
My fucking nig
pardo is so smart his brain literally pops out of his brain as a puppet
If there is one thing his Epistle 3 outline proved to me once and for all, it is that Laidlaw is a hack. This isn't helping his case.
flowers of evil did it better
Where did I say that it would require you to get several levels? If INT were simply knowledge then every single level would increase it and so would simple things like exploration or gaining stats in other aspects. For example, learning how people interact with each other to stop acting like a complete fucking autist by increasing your charisma is also increasing your knowledge, meaning that INT would increase with every single attribute and level increase.
My attachment to the characters and my shit taste in literature.
It turns into a fanfic by the end though. Whatever characters were there pretty much left when the cringe inducing shipping started occurring.
That's where the shit taste comes in.
He lives with niggers but I wouldn't call him a nigger simply because he doesn't have nigger tendencies.
You've got that backwards, though.
Ironically, Bluddflag was the only commander who actually figured out Kyras' location by himself.
Her virginity is enforced by fate itself.
Not to speak about her being fugly in Dow III
Not to speak about her being in fucking Dow III
You don't get it. It does not matter whether I, Tankred, or the goddamn fucking Emperor himself would even want to do Macha.
Macha. Does. Not. Get. Laid. If someone would be just nano-inches away from giving her the D, the universe itself would pull the equivalent of "Rock Falls, Everyone Dies". Or it would send Todd.
I see your reddit spacing and raise you a lewd
you know, its a pretty accurate depiction of the average woman
That's honestly the most damning thing about life is strange, it's so accurate it hurts.
That means that the higher your IQ the less racist you are. Also, "high IQ" cannot correlate to anything, it's a quantity, not a scale, IQ being the scale itself.
ya dumb nigger
yes it can
Psychopath ≠ schizoid you stupid fuck
get out of here with that game theory bullshit
That's a swimmers body illusion, and it stems from the infiltration of academia in the USA: High IQ people are more likely to visit college, and american colleges are indoctrination camps. Uneducated and generally nonintellectual people are more likely to just trust their gut, and racism and xenophobia are natural human behaviors. This also applies to other modern decadent tendencies like homosexuality, sexual deviancy and so on.
There are many high-IQ homogeneous countries like Japan, Swiss or Israel which are very xenophobic / racist. It also gets pretty obvious once you look at the average IQs of the countries of the Axis, Japan and Germany.
that doesnt give me a boner, it gives me warm tingly feelings
CJ has an INT of 5 at most
his got high CH (dont mind me italian mob boss, im just some random nigger who worked for your son, totally not casing your casino in order to nig nog heist it), PER, and LK (fucking jumping off one plane onto another)
I guess he's just an engineer because the developers said so.
Freeman is an English name adopted in the medieval times by freed surfs. Friedman, Friedmann, and Freedman are Germanic/Jewish.