Hiromi Tsuru




Fap to Bulma lewds to pay respects.

It's a prank bro

What a shitty country to live in.

They literally eat plastic food.


He probably means chinese fake eggs/rice

whew…I thought it was hitomi tanaka for a minute there…

I doubt they eat that shit in Japan, and even in China it's contraband.

If the egg sticks are what he calls "plastic food", I have bad news for americans.

Instant preservative saturated sandwiches and noodles aren't something you want to eat everyday, but the only real thing you can fit into a 12+ hour work schedule with mandatory drinks with the boss after.

She'd died of Aortic Dissection. Survival rate is like 10%, shit would kill you no matter what race you were


That's totally a fucking Asian way to die, fuck.


Sounds awful. Being forced to be around normalfags.

People are just unbelievably stupid.

Will this scene take on new meaning?


Good thing making it illegal solves all the problems. Just look at what gun contr9l did!


Top Ara~

Fecesbook normalfag retardation. They use the plastic egg/rice for permanent menu displays in restaurants, not for consumption.

Literally who?

who cares I only watch dubbed anime



We're going to need stronger plastic.


Shit, that's sad.

Wonder what they'll do with Bulma now. Japanese VAs are usually inseparable from their characters. I wonder if she'll be replaced.

She's not even in the bloody ground yet and they're talking about replacements




Shit, really? I was hoping that Super would fucking end out of respect, but I guess I was too hopeful.

Nevertheless, the chinese are known for their very scummy and downright inhumane business practices
I mean for christ's sake they fucking put melanin in powdered milk.

Unproven bullshit


Gay Jew spotted, you’ll not be grabbing any more foreskins today, Rabbi.

wew lad

Why couldn't shitty goku VA die instead?
