in open beta
Any of you faggots played it yet, is it less fucked?
Tannenberg - Verdun Standalone Eastern Front Expansion
Does it still use unity?
Are there cavalry charges?
Is that retarded unlock system still in it?
I think it does
not sure
Considering the devs liked the fuck out of it for some dumbass reason I assume so, maybe they adjusted it.
Verdun was shit, why would I care about Verdun 2?
I'll play the day I'm able to pirate it and make a match on LAN with friends.
The only reason is 64 players, which Verdun should've had. But seems like the same shitshow again..
Yeah nah, fuck off
I will now make sure to pirate it when you release it, dev.
For what purpose?
it's released nigger in (((early access)))
You're wrong there my muslim friend.
You have more Jews and niggers though
is it fun?
Oh my gentle Eurostani friend, saying that while living in Europe is rich! But you're wrong again.
I neither am from or live in the US or Israel, my Swedish slave owning goat herder buddy.
I want Holla Forums to leave
Doesn't verdun already have like 48 player maps?
America lost its sovereignty in 1913.
Fixed that for you
Falling for the democracy meme. it's a fascist ethnostate that is basically pol's wet dream.
It's 32 max last I checked.
Everywhere else is ocean or irrelevant. Just gas yourself already. Oceania/Slav?
Me too.
>America lost...?
Holy hell what a master baiter
Paul von Hindenburg hentai when?
So what was so bad about Verdun?
I've never played it, I'm just curious because I see people talking about it
I remember playing it before, and what was nice about it was there was obviously a lot of depth, but the fact that there wasn't the massive battles I had been envisioning was extremely disappointing. It was also pretty clunky from what I recall.
Optimisation was the first problem, it didn't run well and the game felt a bit clunky all around. I was hoping for WW1 Red Orchestra and got disappointed, it just wasn't all that fun for me and the game died quite fast.
Getting blown up by artillery or sniped across the map by someone you idn't even see. Yes I know it's a WWI game so it's realistic, but that still doesn't make it fun to play.
realism > fun
Optimization, bugs, netcode, bugs, hit detection, bugs, unlock system, bugs
The good:
Excellent railgun shooter, pretty much the only half decent FPS since Tribes Ascend went to shit
The bad:
Walking fire
Poorly optimized
Imbalanced maps
Just to add to this
Nobody really plays it anymore. It's sitting in my steam untouched
It’s like you faggots don’t belong here.
Yeah. We want that. What you gonna do user?
Reported for being a kike.
You mean an unlock system where you can buy whatever you want whenever you want it after just a couple of hours? Or the squad unlock mechanics? Because both are pretty good.