Post video files under 16MB in size.
WEBM Thread [2D Edition]
isnt that girl a slut?
∧_∧ っ ________ (´Д`;.) っ \_______\ー ⊂ ⊂ ) \ V I D E O \ー ,Y 人 \ G A M E S\ー (_) J
Don't forget the video games and don't forget to complain about VP9 WEBMs not working on your machine while they work fine for practically everyone else.
I-I thought she was tied on the second webm.
Arms behind her back, lines pointing to her, etc
Dunno if slut, but probably a lesbian.
She's a slut for corporate cock.
Kizuna AI annoys me for some reason, can't figure out why
It might be her voice tbh
I'm the most Redpilled motherfucker on the Internet
Shes cancerous normalfag facecam shit and panders to such kinds
But it ok, because its Japanese and this is Holla Forums
Enjoy your ban
Of course I'm jealous,
Perhaps you should masturbate to work out your frustrations.
I just did OP
In fact, I just finished washing my hands
I will, but only because I want to, not because you told me too.
here you go
Fuck off, degenerate.
Decided to re-encode a favorite with the new 16MB limit.
Damn you user, goddamn you
how vanilla are you
He's the one that likes to be tied up.
nothing wrong with that
Do you have that webm where this is playing in the background of a Max Payne 2 clip, starts just as the guy uses bullettime.
Y-You can't prove thatuntil you tie me up!
I know that feeling.
Could I have the source fellow gentile?
You mean her right hand user? The hand you don't wear your wedding ring on?
No clue, sorry user.
This will never cease to bother me.
Sleeping with Hinako
Some of these Kizana webms don't work for me (sound no visual) and has always lagged on visuals.
Thanks lad
Any decent Webm program thats actually faster than Xmedia Recode?
This shit takes ages with my i5 3570 and I'm just recoding a 12MB Mp4 to a 4MB webm
Top quality webm, mate.
Good OC
I didn't browse those threads very thoroughly but wasn't there some bullshit about #nofilter or some other garbage that is essentially the same thing but by choice?
Xmedia a shit. SHIIIIIIIIIIIT.
Use ffmpeg like a man, and if you need some training wheels then use a GUI like Avanti-GUI, however even that you need to customize it to properly enable VP9 and Opus.
What is a kizuna?
Have a webm.
bretty gud
Thanks man
With ffmpeg you can put the code below into a .bat file on your desktop and the file you want to convert there as input.mp4 and just double click the bat whenever you want to convert it. Gives good results for anything sub 2 minutes.
cd %userprofile%\desktopffmpeg -i input.mp4 -s 1280:720 -aspect 16:9 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -qmin 14 -qmax 14 -b:v 636k -minrate 635k -maxrate 640k -bufsize 640k -c:a libopus -b:a 80k -crf 14 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -sws_flags bicubic -param0 1/3 -param1 1/3 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 1 -quality good -cpu-used 1 -threads 3 -pass 1 -preset veryfast 1.webmffmpeg -i input.mp4 -s 1280:720 -aspect 16:9 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -qmin 14 -qmax 14 -b:v 636k -minrate 635k -maxrate 640k -bufsize 640k -c:a libopus -b:a 80k -crf 14 -lag-in-frames 25 -auto-alt-ref 1 -sws_flags bicubic -param0 1/3 -param1 1/3 -frame-parallel 0 -tile-columns 1 -quality good -cpu-used 1 -threads 3 -pass 2 -preset veryfast output.webm
Obviously you can change the aspect ratio and resolution in the code to suit whatever you're making.
Has anyone tried putting a 2D or a 3D character through the filter yet?
Anything involving CLI scares me tbh
Are there any good tutorials for ffmpeg?
it's a series of tubes
To give a quick run down on adding VP9 and Opus to the drop downs in Avanti-GUI:
You know, I was in the process of writing a full tutorial specifically tuned for Holla Forums WebMs but I stopped working on it. Now that we've finally settled into 16MB I should finish it. I was going to just put it on my own board but I might find other ways to distribute it.
You shouldn't use -preset veryfast for anything except testing or lossless when size isn't a concern, and you absolutely should not make qmin and qmax the same or constrain bitrate that narrowly. If you are using a CBR (which for vp9 is actually an average bitrate) you should be shooting for a size, not a literal frame-to-frame bitrate. If you can afford the time, you should use CRF to get a good quality and size tradeoff, and you'll get the best overall quality in the process (though it may take multiple encodes to hit the right mark).
Check the suggestions in
You asked for vidya gaymes.
Ignore that "assign file type" part, that was actually referring to the file extension part but I re-worked my post and forgot to remove that phrase.
I'm such a pleb I'll have to use a GUI
Aye, thanks
Just post it here as well nigs
VP9 doesn't use -preset veryfast or any of the others because that's for H.264.
-speed 0-5 is what VP9 uses to turn your quality/speed trade offs. I use -speed 1 most of the time but if I am in a hurry or if the webm is really long then I use 2 or 3.
the documentation is really good, you can usually find out how to do things just by google searching the website.
the end result of localization
i was disappointed though, is there a version without the dick?
or is it just a gay edit
The tutorial would be big enough to fit several posts worth of text, and reading images like is a pain in the ass if you ask me.
Fair enough
I'm still iffy about Avanti GUI and potencial malware
If I'm not mistaken those are custom games.
That's right, I thought it looked out of place.
I usually just use a -b:v with twopass with a -speed 1 or crf, depending on what I'm doing.
Here's a better quality version I made to wash away my sin. Please use this in the future.
Wait what do you mean you made it? You removed the dithering of gif? Also god damn it I still can't find it in my folders.
You tell me now dammit
To uncanny pls set on fire
This is the greatest rescue of all time. RIP Adam West.
literally just copy and paste.
you lied to me ;_;
The parody version with the mass Slav squatting is better.
Come on now
>Caught shit and did a three second loop of link cuking zelda.
Seriously fuck that guy.
It just give the images jpg artifacts.
Yes, after someone you? called out how bad that gif looked I couldn't find better quality image in horizontal format on Google; so I removed dithering and replaced text and image with uncompressed ones I took from some shitty vertical screencap from Reddit. For some reason everyone shares only the gif version, pretty weird.
Oh shit man, good old days playing Wings with friends.
use the filter on trannies and spread them all over. find out their "Dead name" and spread it like aids.
I love Legion and Friends
That was one of the best podcasts ever. *Except for Eddie interrupting Alex every 5 seconds.**
well done
Gah! Fuck!
I'm not saying hes a fenceshitter or that he wrote the game
Warren is a lefty nigger despite having a decent brain.
Pic related is the fenceshitter
it's not an actual AI and that's all you need to know
Every day I lose faith in humanity even when I think I have none left
Fresh OC and by "OC" I mean stolen from a TV show.
Name of the song, user?
Its very detailed.
Its always the eyes. They always forget to make them blink at the regular intervals, as well as having the pupil move around instead of just staring straight ahead. Little details go along way, and the lighting on the models.
a man can dream,that's the one thing (((they))) haven't taken away from us
previous webm thread
We haven't had a filename thread in a long time.
You don't have the part of that movie where the symbolic nigger rips his own skin off and says "sheeeeeit"?
if you think tyin' girls up a bit is the same as full bore degeneracy you've overdosed on redpills.
That shit is old as fuck
And good thing we don't have them anymore, they're no effort templateshit full of common images and reposts that even make 4am and lol threads look good.
nice. now do the entire sketch
I tried it and this is what I got.
i do but i don't do requests especially when it's from saucefags and niggers that contribute jack shit to webm threads except their shitty opinions
maybe somebody else can be a nigger enabler but not me
eerily identical
still looks better than 3DPD
Japanese games on Sony platforms trend towards weebshit.
The premise of dangling from your teeth makes Burt Ward's role in this clip the more impressive one.
Not really, games like Yakuza and EDF don't have anime styled designs.
Its already shit, at least the trailer wasn't completely cancerous and the music was half decent.
this is some next level shilling
Feels good
I agree, it's a big fucking missed opportunity to pull heartstrings with George, Lizzie, and Ralph being humans who are messed up.
It's not like the material isn't there. Still, if this movie is half decent, maybe they will have a stinger at the end where three employees get caught in some Scum Labs accident.
proofs or i call bullshit
Keep making more stuff like it, its good shit.
A shame mark got conviced by a stupid picture from a closeted redditor.
Don't you tire of shilling this eceleb fuck thread after thread, faggot?
No, I don't. nigger.
Filename threads were fun occasionally, I don't see why they were banned, there's nothing on the rules page mentioning them. Not very fun right now because there's only ancient jokes with them being gone for so long, it was fresh OC that made the laughs.
Don't you ever get tired of sucking dick?
what's even a bigger shame is that you actually believe that.Filename threads ain't bad because of muh reddit said so,they're bad because they over time they devolved into 0 effort picture spamming (not even OC,just pictures taken from google) that appeal and attract the lowest common denominator (you)
Not much unlike webm threads here with all the cuckchan newfags that post nothing pertinent to the tread itself
It's all my fault. When I was little in the 80s, I wished for more movies be made about vidya. But the wish didn't come out right.
Monkey's Paw, bruh
More spurdomusic, please.
The gamecube jingle fits with the song's beat.
Have another
Haven't heard that in forever.
Artist name?
sounds like a tasty sauce my man
Whale shark a cute.
can someone explain this one to me?
Is it that the gamecube start-up screen matches the tempo of smooth criminal? Or something else entirely?
As the previous sagepost explains… yes.
My bad
are you this dense?
You have a source on that my dude?
Fellas, I got good news and bad news
Here in the UK you don't fuck with Poles. Muzzies get really butthurt and report any "mean things :'(" said to them to the police, Somalis shout swears at you. But Poles take absolutely no shit from anyone.
Who is this?
He has a relaxing voice.
Oh fuck
doesn't know jingles, its 2017 dude.
should have posted a webm i guess.
anyone know what this tune is from?
Fuck, I know Jingles.
Guess I'll have to check his shit out.
Thanks user.
Did the guy fall asleep during a speedrun, or is it a charity event thing?
Shazam on my phone gave me a result but it's all in Moonrunes except for the end which says (MONACA).
They did some of the Drakengard 3 music.
at the very least helped me find the 2d gril.
no closer to the track itself
Here's the Shazam results page, only two other people besides me have gotten this as a result before. Keep in mind Shazam can be wrong sometimes.
sauce on song
I would appreciate all of your vidya music.
Hifumi is my waifu.
I literally do like her better than any other female character I've seen from nipland.
nvm just found it
You realize that he's a jew, right? He wasn't convinced by anything. He ALWAYS wanted to do that. You are mentally ill.
it's just a whale shark, why is he screaming like his leg got torn off or something?
if you didn't know already that large fish trying to snipe the diver's catch is a Goliath Grouper. They are also literally known colloquially as a Jew Fish.
FedEx bot when?
I dunno man, if something came outta the depths straight at you and took you by surprised your adrenaline would probably be pumping.
Nothing can stop autism. Especially not the language gap.
Never, hopefully.
It's from Arcanum.
Fuck this soundtrack is good. I'm gonna have to give this show a shot.
really try to use ffmpeg like this user said - i did after xmedia and WebmForRetards didn't allow me to make a pic+music webm's
Subsim autism is some next level shit. But its an autism I can respect. They've got one of the most dedicated modding communities I've ever seen.
Anime? Rape seems fun.
generic moeshit animu 987
Kuma miko
/comfy/ faps
I'm not big into yuri or footfaggotry but that first one makes me diamonds every time.
We need more films depicting downtown Chicago getting leveled. Transformers doesn't count.
clever son of a bitch
Nah, probably just some guy fucking around with a kid in counter strike or something
With Midway gone we'll never have good arcade style games again.
Any Rampage game that'd come out with the "Rampage movie" would be a piece of shit compared to the glory the old games were. They didn't try for a grim-dark super serious story, they just went with cartoony fun.
And even then, any game in general that goes for the arcade feel always end up having "Coverband Syndrome" where it's not the same. I'm not talking about nostalgia shit either, went back and played some Midway games like Cruis'n Exotica, Area 51, Smash TV, and a shit ton of others aged really damn good because they were games focused on being fun first. You play "Spiritual Successors" or reboots like that one Gauntlet and it's just garbage in comparison.
Also, I'd kill for an actual successor to Gauntlet Legends/Dark Legacy or even just a PC port with mod capability.
Is this secretly an LOL thread?
Don't know the anime, GunnerNacho is an infamous user from PlanetSide 2; he fucked a 14 year old when he was 17 after catfishing her away from her original (similarly aged) boyfriend.
Some one needs to make this into a game.few ways you could do it to like
Jesus Christ, Mummy looks like Ayn Rand
Did it explode? That would be the best part.
Also, why did it explode? Total novice to submarines here.
The guy was streaming for charity and was up for days, his donations were pitiful despite being for charity while she was getting consistently high donations for doing nothing basically even though it was just for personal gain.
Every one of these kizuna AI webms is a black screen that still plays audio and I have never been able to figure out why, all my drivers are updated and I'm using the latest browser
It's a codec problem.
Probably encoded with some janky gui'd program or something. Happens with me too, though mpc plays the downloaded files fine.
Seems the full youtube rip fits within the 16mb limit now.
Use something like youtube-dl-binding so you don't have to use the browser's crappy video player. Though for reference I briefly disabled watch with mpv and those videos work fine on my end. Used both palemoon and waterfox.
try disabling hardware acceleration in your browser
What video is that from anyway? It's so cute.
Seconding mpv instead of the browser. It's a good video player, and whatever crap is in your web browser can't compete.
what a nigger
thanks fam. peter sherfinowieintisitzuzneus is an under rated comedian.
This was it. Hardware acceleration caused the black screens on some webms. I don't really understand why though. Are there any downsides to turning off HW acceleration? (Besides some webms being black)
The incredibly cheesy opening for Heidi the Legend of the Galactic Heroes Gaiden series One Hundred Billion Stars, One Hundred Billion Lights.
are webm threads a v exclusive ?
What game is that?
BIOHAZARD 7 (Resident Evil)
I'm not watching this whore, but ok, that was cute.
So y'all ever get the time of day to play those wacky V I D E O G A M E S ?
Honestly curious, but why do some people dislike kizuna Ai? It's just some nip girl with a facecam that did what nobody else was doing and hit it big in the process while playing vidya
Why would anyone hate that?
Test post, please kill me.
what are you testing larry ?
I can't orgasm in the morning, had to stroke for like half an hour, I guess whole night of morning wood desentasizes erogennous zones or something. Naptime wank is what we're talking about
I never want to be your friend user
Tsundere much? Try relaxing.
That guy is stylin' and that song is too damn catchy. I never tire of the full video.
Cheers. Apparently she has more than one channel. That's annoying.
It's not just that; the way the entire body moves is too controlled and rigid. It's a why a lot of people just give up and go straight for mocap.
Most of the better MMD cover it up by using another video as reference and then using angles and constantly switching POV to hide it.
What song is that?
Hocus Pocus by Focus, if I know the webm
yes. it means your CPU is doing all the video decoding work. contrary to what most people realize, video is a fuck huge amount of data and all that data doesn't go away when it gets compressed, it's just compressed. showing the video requires unpacking it to its full size and the more compressed it is, the harder the computer has to work to rebuild (unpack) it. normally this is done by dedicated, fixed-function hardware units on the graphics processor, but if your GPU is sufficiently old or shitty it won't support the newer codecs like VP9
disabling hardware acceleration makes your PC do the decoding using a software codec library on the CPU, which is much more taxing on the CPU and low-end CPUs can't handle it. as long as they play fine, you're fine, although if you're using a laptop disabling hardware acceleration will absolutely slay your battery life in places where it was able to use the GPU before (particularly youtube and the big porn sites)
I don't have anything against her in particular, I just hate e-celebs in general. She seems to be one of the least cancerous e-ecelebs around, though.
where did the successful rich jewtube chad touch you user?
Anyone has webm of Dark Messiah kicking compolation with some catchy music playing?
This is really offensive.
I know, there isn't enough snooty pretentiousness to be accurate.
I have a GTX 1080Ti, so I think my GPU is pretty decent, it's running the latest drivers, so Idk what's the deal with the black screens on webms, I guess I'll just live with the black screens if it means my CPU has to work harder since I'm already pushing my 7700k to 5.1Ghz
I'm high on good cheer today. Whatever.
Well she does play mobile shit a couple of times, and is a bit of a novelty that wears off. On the other hand, cute design, exploitable.
VP9 decode is broken on pascal heh, I have the same problem with the same GPU (although I leave hardware accel off because it fucks with using the browser while playing borderless games and shit)
you shouldn't have any problems decoding VP9 in software on a 7700K @ 5.1 GHz unless you start trying to do 4K60 or something, you can hit up
No. He makes it out and even goes on to complete his mission with the hull breach.
I dl'd the highest one available
and it played just fine on MPC with hardly any CPU usage (7%), so I guess it's fine? Dunno
MPC-HC is probably using your geforce to decode it, pascal can decode h.265 (including 10-bit!)
sorry I don't have any cool webms (or any webms at all) to post, I don't really save content
I considered that, (and stupidly tried to open it in firefox, didn't work) but wasn't sure how to get my CPU to exclusively do all the work, so I guess I'll never know
Wouldn't you normally assume he meant this one? That one's more about physics abuse in general.
Didn't that game on the right have a randomly chosen design of panties every game?
New thread when
page 13 newfriend
anyone have sauce for this song?
Does anyone have the webm of the FFXV car taking off then hitting the top of a tunnel and getting a game over while it flies off in to the sunset?
same but 720p
Where is the besdtha webm that was funny? Todd lying paid mods etc Had Todd as Darth Maul.
I don't know why this upsets me so much, but it does.