This came out of fucking nowhere. Why did nobody tell me this was going to happen, Holla Forums?
is it any good?
This came out of fucking nowhere. Why did nobody tell me this was going to happen, Holla Forums?
is it any good?
Other urls found in this thread:
When are the rest of the HM games coming out? I'd love to own all of the PS2 and GameCube games
From what I hear it might as well be mobile port garbage cause it looks, runs, and plays like ass.
It's not a real Harvest Moon game.
Harvest Moon 64 is still the best.
looks like shit
On the CURRENT YEAR, if it has the Harvest Moon name, it's shit. The actual Harvest Moon games no longer have the rights to the name, so they're being published under uh… Story of Seasons, IIRC? Those are the actual Harvest Moon games. Recent games named Harvest Moon are just random shit with the correct name
ESL go and stay go
their is no needle to be raceist
OP…. are you a shill?
No one in their right mind would ask "Is it good." Just look at their own fucking trailer… sorry i mean your own fucking trailer. They have a 3D model with a run animation moving at a rate slower than i'd expect a walk animation.
I heard people say mobile port but i'm unsure if this is because how crappy it looks or because it's quite literally a mobile game first. Anyone know?
end of the day, this looks like a game with no love poured into it. I feel for HM fans
Rune Factory ports when?
Same time as EO ports hit Steam shelves.
I'm going to fucking puke.
i miss when natsume was just localizing games, the good ol' days.
of course it's not good
Anyone else as disgusted as I am that they're pulling this "20th anniversary" bullshit? They've only been making their new series for like 4 years.
Rune Factory 5 might actually be happening finally, so start begging when they confirm it.
did you even look at it? it's mobileshit shovelware garbage.
That cover art is seriously shit.
Apparently Story of Seasons is supposed to be pretty good. I've tried it a little bit through Citra and it's alright despite the awful (think Monster Hunter Stories) framerate while in town. Although I can understand that the different towns have their shops open at different times of the day and different festivals, I don't think any of them really offer enough to bother running around 7-8 maps with almost identical stuff to buy/sell. The big 3x3 farming plots are more convenient but it does make your farm feel super small. Maybe I'll like it more once I get some more stuff unlocked.
I really liked the feeling of being part of the town. Helping to build the hot springs, revitalizing the vineyard, saving those cows during the winter. And it was such a mysterious game with a bunch of weird events that are absurdly easy to miss out on forever. The soundtrack is really good too.
but the game was good clean fun
First harvest moon on pc though. People already saying its inspiring Stardew Valley clone.
Imagine if HM A wonderful Life comes on PC, and newspapers will deem it like "3d Stardew Valley clone".
Wow, that looks fucking horrible. Inb4 it's poor sales are used an excuse to not bring further titles to Steam.
I had the GBA one, pretty fun.
They're getting away with this? That's nice.
Those Jews at Jewtsume just kept the name and hired some shitty chink mobile developer to make the game, and slapped the name on it, didn't they?
Good. Hopefully it kills their series altogether.
When the Harvest Moon team split from the localizes, the localizers owned and kept the name "Harvest Moon". The real Harvest Moon games are now marketed under the name "Story of Seasons", and any further Harvest Moon games are just a bunch of localizers trying to cash in on the name.
Neofag detected. It was already discussed here a long time ago.
Could they have chosen something that wasn't vomit or piss coloured? Jesus. This is why milk, shampoo, mayonnaise, etc etc exist.
Who is they?
Looks like a port of a phone game.
Is it fun and comfy?
What is with all these newfags?
Which game should I play first to get into the series?
Also, niggers are stupid.
Either you haven't played Harvest Moon games and don't know they're usually fun and comfy, or you're trying too hard to fit in.
What about Back to Nature on the PSOne?
Play Harvest Moon 64 right now.
It's not the same Harvest Moon you fag.
I prefer the girl version.
You just wanted to play as a girl, didn't you user?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but there was some rights issue and studio closings several years back, wasn't there? That's why they started making the "Story of Seasons" games under a new studio and name, because "Harvest Moon" was completely out of their hands.
What happened is that XSEED became Marvelous USA, and since Marvelous is the developer of the series they decided to have XSEED do the localizations from now on. Natsume wouldn't give up the Harvest Moon name though, and now they make their own ripoffs.
Is there something wrong with that
There's no overarching story for the most part so any good game is a good place to start. My recommendations:
I recall enjoying each of these. Even The Tale of Two Towns is an okay place to start from, if you're looking for something a little more modern. I also remember putting a lot of time into Grand Bazaar but I don't recall a thing about it.
I never said it was the same Harvest Moon. I'm asking if it's fun and comfy. Stop being a faggot and looking for an excuse to shit up the thread by whining about how Harvest Moon had to rename its series. Fucking faggot.
Source it yourself.
are you fucking retarded, user?
Meaning anything called "Harvest Moon" in the last few years is a shitty imitation and should not even be humored with a purchase under some misguided belief that you're supporting the old and beloved series.
natsume shill confirmed
You did exactly what I knew you would, shit up the thread with nonsense. Shitposter confirmed. Enjoy your last (You).
I enjoyed animal parade more than those.
Isn't that when the series turned into weebshit?
If this is the best one, can I be gay and marry dudes?
I never played Animal Parade. What's it like?
Good thing I have steam set to ezmode so I don't even have to ask
Another RPG maker game?
What's so special about it?
If you're really that gay you can get More Friends from Mineral Town and just pretend you're a trap. IIRC that game has more content
I've always wanted to be a girl.
What content did they add?
It's the best game in the series.
It's got the official Harvest Moon title without any of the usual team or talent who made Harvest Moon working on it. It's an official knock off.
there is also a game called shepherds crossing were you took care of a farm under the orders of a drunk duck and used an army of dogs to hunt animals
I'm getting fucking confused.
There are like 3 or 4 different people saying 3 or 4 different games are the "best" in the series.
So which is it?
I just want to play the one with the most content and the most fun.
Also, Jews disproportionately have influence in media and financing.
It just adds a few more events, you can change the color of your outfit, and you gain the ability to sell some items you couldn't before. Nothing major.
People have their own personal preferences and opinions. Don't follow what people say here as correct or incorrect, take it as suggestions and then do a little research on jewtube to figure out which one is for you.
Depends on what you want. A strict farming sim? Waifu simulator? A game where there is a story that you must complete?
It's almost as if people have different preferences. Play them for yourself and find out which yours is faggot.
The 1% is 43% Jewish, end antisemitism now!
It looks like hipster games made in Unity.
Maybe I'll enjoy the farming bit, but I know for sure I like waifus. Which game in the series has the best waifus and most in-depth character development? Maybe that's the one I'll like the most. Also, a complete-able story (I assume you imply some have open ended stories) wouldn't be too bad as well.
That's missing the point. I'm asking for a starting point. If I like it, then I may play through the rest of them.
Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks. Jews rock, asshole.
Reddit seems to be more your cup of tea, leave.
Both of you stop shitting up the thread with this idiotic baitposting.
You don't have to pretend to be a faggot, it's pretty obvious that you've got that down pat.
You can easily emulate 1-3, frontiers and the other one on the Wii.
I bought that game because of the box art but I don't think the passage of time is very satisfying. You can move the day forward at any time but then some things like the ducks who move crops seem to work in real time as opposed to passing days so you can go through a whole season without them doing anything. The controls are kind of loose so it's hard to decorate your farm or accurately plant crops. And ultimately it's not so much a farming game as it is "One small favor" to reach the end of the trading chain. But I still liked it.
You should play Rune Factory 4. It has a completable story and the most character interaction.
The most disgusting thing is that people are falling for it left right and center. Even in this very thread where people really should know better.
It looks like utter shit.
Fucking retard.
I can't blame your average normalfag, considering how deceptive Natsume is being.
For me magical melodey on gc was the best. Then harvest moon ds or freinds of mineral town. Ds was basically just freinds of mineral town set in a different town. With some really shitty bugs. But it all comes down to preference on which one is the best. I even really like the snes version, but hate a wonderful life for example.
I apologize for making this thread
At least you got a partially decent recommendation thread out of it.
Back to nature
Magical Melody
Animal Parade
Rune Factory
anything released on the wii
anything made in the past few years that says Harvest Moon in the title
Stardew Valley
My favourite is Magical Melody*
That's the fake version, Natsume took the IP name from the original devs, the old Harvest Moon IP is now called Story of Seasons.
Is the PS2 version of AWL the superior choice or is the gamecube better in some aspects? From what I'm reading the PS2 added new events and options.
PS2 version has a shitty framerate
It's a good thing I asked then. So it's a choice between a sub-par framerate or more events.
PS2 is probably still better though, since it adds one more marriage candidate to the meager 3 of the original game.
If you're emulating you can just overclock it to remove slowdown
Good points, guess the PS2 version it is.
Which is why everyone above you
sound like fucking retards.
Friends of Mineral Town was too aimless. I expect a game with a reason to plan or strategize if it's going to be compared to HM64 and BtN, but Friends of Mineral Town has zero goals or even an endgame evaluation. For the longest time I even recommended Friends of Mineral Town myself without having played it, simply assuming it was “BtN but better”. But it isn’t. And now I realize that FoMT fags are fundamentally different "fans" of the series than 64/BtN fans.
You just want a comfort simulator. We want games.
Yes we get it, you're a shit eater who hasn't actually played recent Harvest Moon games and assumes that this actually means something. It doesn't, the "original devs" have been crapping out trash with the Harvest Moon name on it for over a decade now. Story of Seasons isn't any better.
Nigger detected. Do you fantasize about mugging her too?
ITT: "the table has switched" edition
story of seasons is harvest moon. just play that instead.
it looks like a 90s shareware game
Don't you dare try to rekindle the flame of hope without some kind of sauce.
Kill yourself, /utg/ KIKE.
Marvelous doesn't have a very big library so outside of Senran Kagura; Valkyrie Drive, Half Minute Hero, Bokujō Monogatar/Story of Seasons,Valhalla Knights and any Neverland Co., Ltd IP would be all fall into to this situation.
Back to nature for the PSX is the best one i've played. this is my go-to comfy game.
I havn't played many, but i have played the 2 for PS2, the one for n64, an old gameboy one that i cant recall, and the super nintendo one.
the PSX one is by far the best one i've played.
Ann is the best girl
what a slut
pretty shitty tbh.
i think you should apologize, user.
I bet she lost her virginity to a horse
But modern Harvest Moon sucks ass. I think I'll play Stardew Valley which actually has some mild grasp on what made the older games good, instead.
Just wait for my game guys, will be done by 2020
Everyday Lite is done, Im working on the characters now
can i marry a fairy?
No, but there will be many monstergirls
Faeries will be the farm helpers
You don't need to apologize, the people who made this game need to
she works in her dad's restaurant as a waitress that helps in the kitchen. she does not live on a farm.
its so gay with political messages… it also has the gayest cast of characters, an unlikable town, and "magic" bullshit with dungeon crawling. i played it for a little while and it just "feels" shitty. it could have been good, the potential was there but the game has no soul.
what grasp?
that game was so soulless that i'd rather replay the snes hm for 16th time.
doesn't help the literal tumblr potraits
you can mod skyrim too but that doesn't change the fact that it's a shit game
a cucumber then
Faeries are pure and not for lewding
You can't argue with our dubs
Pure sluts
i dont think you understand how much of my heart fairies inhabit
You should see a doctor about that.
The faeries are randomly generated, it would be incredibly difficult to make procedural events that made them into "real NPCs" even if i allowed for such degeneracy
This is how they look right now, im not sure if i will make them appear as winged light blobs in the final game or if i will really make a Faerie generator to make them 3D, it all depends if i can get more funds to hire help.
make sure you make them naked like in BoF
i think its actually qt that after your wedding night, when you speak to her in the morning she looks at you red in the face with a shy expression and only says"…..", then if you talk to her again she goes "oh! … good morning!" with a startled expression. and if you talk to her a third time she says "im so happy".
her shyness doesnt actually go down until after she gives birth a few months after the wedding night. thats some next level pureness.
His fairies are clinically retarded and reproduce by handholding, why would you marry one?
That is exactly where the idea came from, my fishing system will also be similar to BoF3/BoF4 fishing
This is basically what they look like, found this picture around, not sure who is the artist, but it fits just what i had in mind
i wrote a bunch of lore about how they breed by holding hands and shit, you guys want to read?
Post the lore
it sounds like you can do everything except get married
You are doing God's work user.
make a fucking fairy princess or at least some fabled 1/2+ fairy bloodline character, hell I'll even take a fairy who turns human sized on harvest moons
That is not a bad idea
i will take in consideration, need to think about the lore behind it to not get plot holes and shit
well im glad you said it, i thought it was too obvious to mention
what the fuck
Ok, I'll play it.
This is objectively the best Natsume Game tbh.
Even Natsume knew it, which is why it got a GBC update.
The last HM game I played was on the GBA and I remember it not looking as bad. Fuck.
Elaborate, what kinds?
I would be happy for Story of Seasons or RF to return to console.
Switch isn't a console though.
heres a free game
thanks user
The first ones i will model after the protag will be in order:
Christmas cake virgin timid succubus
Energetic drunkard slav human girl
Sleepy sheeploli with fluffy hair (i will try to give the hair jiggle physics)
Also planned
Kitsune milf widow and her daughter, both will be marriable
Vampire girl
Lamia (if i can animate her right, this will be quite a challenge)
Dryad and female human geomancer as the construction team (wood and stone houses)
Rapey sadistic elf girl that looks sweet and innocent
I want to have a total of 15+ marriage options, some will be harder than others
Anything that bears the name "Harvest Moon" is not Harvest Moon.
The original series is going by "Story of Seasons" now because that's the name in Japanese.
Not quite.
Oh, my bad.
You're not edgy or astute for making that observation. Harvest Moon has been shit for a long time so it really doesn't matter whether its "original" development team is making it or not.
god speed, user. I hope you can finish your game and make a lot of anons happy.
This cannot stand.
I should post the other one too, I guess.
i fucking love fishing games and will never forgive them for not localizing the super famicom one. translation never ever
combat is too large a part of any game to be a secondary feature. Either build the game with combat in mind or scrap it entirely
Trash game
4 Is the best. 1 and 2 are weird, 3 is pretty hood, though.
didn't know japs were into NEGRO EBONICS
They are. It's called Kansai.
You're barely coherent, so I wouldn't really be talking if I were you.
So I don't get cucked by localizers, like you, and because a new language to learn is always good, specially when it's not dead and it's practical for a weeb's needs.
looks like a shitty shovelware cash grab
That's some RPG-maker tier grafix right there.
Don't bother with harvest moon.
It's in the same situation as STALKER since the owner of the franchise is a chinky jew and screwed over the original devs.
At least, unlike stalker, the original devs GTFO and made their own (Story of Seasons) which is much better.
it's coming bundled with the PSO2 western release. :^)
Human girls with accessories are not monsters.
They are monster girls though.