Which EO game are you playing? Whats your current team look like? Are you planning any special runs, like a solo or limited/gimmick party run in the future? Whats the best Stratum theme and why is it Porcelain Forest?
Etrian Odyssey/Dungeon Crawler Thread
Why has Etrian Odyssey strayed further away from lolis and more towards normal adult girls?
I remember even as recent as 4 having some cute girls, but now we have big-titted mystery meats and literal grannies.
I want lolis in skimpy outfits, damnit.
They've been trying to get the wider audience. It happened slightly with 3 (notice the ratio of lolis to titty monsters, but the portraits were still good so it wasn't a big problem), expanded with 4 even though the game is still good, and they went full wider audience with the Untold games. They're just looking for the average person who plays a JRPG at this point. That meant reducing the amount of loli to a single portrait and making the rest of the girls late teenagers/twentysomethings. And because the average JRPG player loves dick and girly men, almost all the guy portraits are now traps. Seriously, there are like four or five guy portraits that aren't more convincing as girls. The franchise always had androgynous portraits but it was never this bad.
respect your elders faggot. I bet you hate 4's scruffy medic too.
I want them to not stuff DLC into a game ever again. Lolis are the least of my concerns.
EO4 was full of Lolis, and it was terrible. Titty Monsters are absolutely fantastic, and I'm glad they're taking cues from 3.
Besides, you guys have a whole race that's fucking dwarf lolis. Accept that and let me have my big tits.
My issue with the Etrian Odyssey games is that while the party building mechanics are fairly deep, playing the game and developing your party is such an enormous time commitment that it encourages you to guidefag instead of experimenting on your own.
For a second I thought he was fingering the entire party at once, including the butler and alchemist or whatever.
I wonder what will be Atlus' final EO 3DS game. If they decide to make 3U then they better not make it like 2U.
Man, what the fuck. EO without lolis is not EO. It's more important that the shitty map drawing feature.
Persona Q counts right?
Eyepatch Dragoon is the best portrait in the series tbh.
Yeah. Hopefully PQ2 is good.
I didn't even know Persona Q 2 was a thing. Now I have to actually beat Persona Q, buy a PS4, and play Persona 5. The fucking horror.
I am having trouble discerning why you like this series user.
I'm gonna miss when EO is no longer on the 3DS. It's a shame the Wii U failed, we could've had a glorious console EO game.
Playing EO5 with a pretty standard party composition: sword, punch, shield, heal, and spell. I'm only on 9F though, I don't quite have the hours to dedicate to it that I used to when I'd fly through a whole stratum in one day.
Gotten all the way to the end of the 5th stratum in EOV. The game hasn't been too hard, but for whatever reason this boss is killing me.
Is Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy any good? I'm looking for something EO-ish on PC that is relatively modern (i.e. newer than Wizardry 8).
It wouldn't be so bad if they would just give you the numbers for each skill. You could at least make educated decisions before you spend your points, but we're 7 mainline games in and the skill descriptions are still as vague as ever.
It's not that there's anything wrong with aras, it's just that EO always featured lolis heavily and now they're changing that. is right that there are some really good adult portraits, and lolis don't affect the gameplay at all so the core of the game isn't altered, but having them there was a small thing that gave the games a little more personality. It's not just about the lewds, guiding a team of cute lolis safely through a dungeon was satisfying.
The loss of lolis (and FM synth too) makes the game feel slightly more generic.
>started dungeon traveler 2, but vita died pc port never ever
i think im going fuck up my skill points with the mage, also im picking up anything that is not nailed down, should i even keep the burnt out torches? what about those scrolls tips thingies?
and why is the damn magic casting a fucking pain?
Keep fucking everything and when you can't carry anymore, make a shitpile of garbage on the ground that is easily accessible for you to go back to when needed.
gitto gudo
Keep one. In fact, keep one of everything.
An all-mage party would be too powerful if it wasn't. Be sure to keep an attack spell prepped at all times so you can cast instantly when you encounter a monster.
good, im going to trow those things to the garbage.
Its really fun finding secrets in this game, i liked the one were a torch was missing and i just needed to put one on it to open a secret door, shit was great.
On second thought, if you stop using a torch before it burns out, you can put it back in a wall sconce to light a room. Not sure if that works once they're completely out, it's been a while since I played.
already tried that, they dont work if they are burnt out
Grimrock's a lot of fun. I like how puzzle focused it is, makes the dungeon feel more memorable because you're interacting directly with it rather than just walking throught it.
That's something I wish EO would incorporate actually. Puzzles and secrets.
I finished the original game a few years back (though I stopped playing shortly after beginning the 6th stratum, burned out and never really got back to it since), and recently I finished EOIII (minus the 6th stratum, again felt burned out and wanted to just move on) and EOIV (this time going all the way and managing to finish the 6th stratum - though I was level 89 by the time I finally managed to kill Warped Savior because I didn't want to reset my team a second time since I already had done it once at level 40).
Started on Untold in classic mode the other day and already hating this new grimoire bullshit. Only just made it to the 2nd stratum after scraping by Fenrir at level 15 (one more turn and I would have probably been ripped apart by the Skolls - to even stand a chance of beating it I had to spam Flash Bombs and Sonic Bombs and even though I bought more than I thought I'd need I still ended up running out of Flash Bombs when Fenrir was down to about 1/4 HP).
Not sure how I feel about having to rely on spamming bombs to beat a fucking boss, but I'm not sure how my party could have made it past otherwise without grinding out a few more levels (running P/L/D A/M). I think EOIV spoiled me a bit too much.
Dungeon crawling with a party full of lolis.
All joking aside, the lolis are just the cherry on top of the milkshake. Still sad to see them go. I would prefer a basic automap function that doesn't give anything away. Map creation gets tedious.
What the fuck are you talking about? There are lots of secrets in EO like walls you can walk through and hidden passages and shit.
Anyone played Labyrinth of Touhou 2? Dungeon design is infuriating and purposefully made to lead you astray, with few shortcuts and puzzles that force you to take long detours. It has a really unique battle system though that allows you to switch your 4 fighters from your party of 12. Fights become a bit more like puzzles when you collect characters with different strengths and synergies for different boss fights.
any tips?
If you start to have trouble with too many spiders, or just enemies in general you can always use the gates as a way to keep the enemies from attacking by closing/opening the gates repeatedly. When you open, and close them you have a small window where you can attack the enemy on the other side, but the enemy will likely not attack.
i just resolved the puzzle, it was related with some torches positions, damn.
but shit gets real when you are trapped in a room with 2 or more enemies
Yeah, and that's the only kind you have, and all you need to do to find them is face every wall and see if a button promt appears. I'm talking about actual puzzles, maybe ones that don't even announce themselves as such.
If it gives you any solace, in Untold Grimoires are mostly optional, and Untold 2 vastly improves the Grimoire system. (It's still RNGshit, but now each Grimoire only contains one skill, and you can equip multiple grimoires, and biggest of all you can trade them via QR codes so you can easily find online a specific Grimoire you want.)
The temblors in the dungeon are getting worst, do I have a fucking time limit here?
I'm a super faggot and plan on doing a fanfic notes run with EO1 and 2. I have a few barebones ideas in mind of how guild forms, shit that conforms w/plot, and a bunch of other irrelevant shit y'all don't care about likely better done by the Untold revisions released on the 3DS.
And then I'll finally play EO3 and run a team of lolis plus that one monk that looks like Ranma-chan.
I respect you for playing the originals over the Untolds. I like the Untolds, but the Untolds are so drastically different that they're basically different games. Also fanfic tier shit and using your imagination is how ou're supposed to play the game user.
Only the first untold is better than 1. The 2nd untold is much worse than 2.
Reading that made me so happy.
Narrowly defeated the Hippogryph. Dragoon was down, and I was out of TP, out of items, out of time. Just slugged it out for a couple of rounds with the Pugilist and Masurao attacking and Herbalist and Warlock defending. The surviving decoy bunkers soaked up the attacks. If I'd caught any multihit attack in those last two turns it would have been over. It felt like the Hippogryph was as exhausted as my party.
Reminds me of the first time I beat the Scylla in EO2. I had it down to the tiniest sliver of health but my whole party was dead except for a Ronin with 7 HP and just enough TP for one more midareba.
I wasn't sure if I could do enough damage with that attack to kill it in the one turn I had. When it fucking worked it was the greatest feeling ever.
No, there isn't a time limit, aside from the indirect one from hunger that you can extend far or possibly infinitely. But there is one easter egg/secret that you can only find by getting to one point fast enough IIRC. It's not one of the normal secrets though.
I recently finished Shining in the Holy Ark. It was a massive improvement over the original Shining in the Darkness(which was pretty bad)
Solid first person dungeon crawler with the main draw being how it does random encounters. While exploring a dungeon you have a random chance of encountering an enemy based on where you are. If you are near a corner then the enemy will walk out from the corner(complete with animations) or if you're in a forest in a long corridor a boar will charge at you from front.
Normally this change would just be an aesthetic one but the way the game integrates these into the game is great too. The game has no ambushes/surprise attacks. What you do get is a mechanic in the form of fairies which allow you deal preemptive damage and increase EXP and Item drop rate if you correctly use them. You have 6 types of fairies which correspond to the direction from which the enemy is coming from(if the enemy is coming from bottom you use leprechauns, pixies if they are coming from front etc). The combat itself is standard JRPG affair but enemies aren't just throwaway encounters meaning buffs and debuffs are very useful.
The dungeon design itself starts very simple but gets devious by the end with secrets in the walls and walls that need to be pushed to reveal new areas. I recommend playing through it, runs well enough on Saturn emulators.
Im fucking tempted to read that.
Personally, I prefer the classics:
I was correcting your "worst". The spoiled text is a very minor spoiler and isn't related to what little story there is.
took me a while to get it, lost all my faithful rocks in it.
Now check it in the opposite pattern
It's really fun when you get down to the boss battles with their bullshit that forces you to switch characters like mad when your enemy outstats you. Doing Plus Disk at the moment, kinda fun when you're not getting screwed for cheesing AI.
Also, Diva Aya breaks the game. She only ever needs one stat (Speed only), can outfast most bosses and the timebar reduction skill is just amazing.
So on the topic of EOV, I just unlocked titles and I'm not sure what to do. My main party is Harbinger, Dragoon, Pugilist/Rover, Shaman. The Rover and Shaman split the healing, essentially. I thought Deathguard was something closer to a tank class, so my plan was to have my Dragoon go Cannon and just Dragon Roar my Harbinger, but that's not going to be very viable. Unless I make my Rover a dedicated healer, I don't think I can go for the Pugilist's second tree where he just takes tons of damage all the time. Since my party doesn't have a lot of elemental damage, should I swap my Shaman to the offensive tree with some points left in the basic buffs?
I had the same lineup, swapping Dragoon for Warlock. My setup worked for me, so I hardly think you would need more tank. Consider going Deathbringer instead to give yourself more damage options.
I would not take Shaman to the offensive tree. I have no idea how they work, considering I went full-heal Shaman, but by doing that you'd be forcing the work unto the Rover and thus missing out on some pretty goddamn good damage. Maxed Wolf Rover with leg snipe is some serious shit. Regardless, Rover is heavily tp reliant, so I'm hesitant to suggest a lineup that relies upon her reserves for healing purposes.
Shamans are support and don't do much damage. Deathguards are also support, and I'd suggest going with deathbringer instead. Harbingers, and deathbringer ones in particular, work very well with barrage pugilists. They can reduce bind resistance and inflict ailments, both of which help the pugilist do insane damage with leading blow. The deathbringer can also do good damage to any enemy with an ailment thanks to black blade and frigid reap. Of course, disabling the enemy also helps with defense.
Now fuck me if I'm wrong, but isn't wolf the rover's more support/healing focused tree? Also, is there a decent way to get enemies to sleep without the cannon Dragoon's sleep gun? If not, I'll probably end up having to ignore fatal reap. Judgment seems too unreliable to count on.
Don't underestimate the damage output a fully maxed doggo can do. With max dog and leg snipe, my rover was hitting harder than every other character I had (with the exception of Cestus with max Leading Blow but that's fucking hard to accomplish reliably.) That dog hits real hard, can take a beating, and does good healing. Huge tp costs though.
As far as I know, you're fucked on Sleep. The Reaper class can inflict a whole goddamn lot of ailments, but reliable sleep aint one of them. I had Judgement half maxed, and it activated about (ballparking) 1/4 hits. And even then, there were times it'd activate against an enemy I didn't want it to hit, such as one I had specifically hit with another ailment. It could be a decent skill, but much like all the other skills that class has you have to go hard or just not go at all. 0 points invested or max.
I mean, if you really made a team without a dedicated tank, I feel like I could go cannon to pick up the sleep shot skill. Then again, it seems like a waste to go for turrets when between one and two of my three front slots are taken up by animals. Did you find yourself using both animals at the same time or just the dog?
Starting around the 4th stratum, I switched to using just the dog. I only had a single value point in the hawk so he ended up dying too often to make it worth keeping him up.
Running a
Stabmaster Fencer/Blademaster Masurao
Elemancer Warlock/Shieldmaster Dragoon/1ManAuschwitz botanist
and just reached the 4th stratum.
I got my shit pushed in at the 3rd stratum boss but after a few runs with my gathering party 2 falconer/2doggos/warlock with class changed so that my races are x2 earthlain 1elf 1bunny 1hobbit, grabbed best gear I could get with FOE mats and retried with not a single KO and plain steamrolled that boss no time. I like my party comp but TP useage can be tiring sometimes, altho my elemancer got max instant chant and working toward 5/10 abating chant so I can fling spells at a minimal cost. Fencer is getting ridiculous and really work well within my team. Masurao's doing well, Sword God/Helm Splitter really is the name of the game and really complement my Fencer. With my poisoner and my dragoon I cover all ailments and all damage types with strong offence and stern defence.
make a gathering party as soon as you reach the 11th floor. max invisibility/levitation and make your other party members into autogathering doggos/birbs. You'll be rolling in cash in no time, a 3rd stratum run yields 10-15k worth of mats in cash and you gather shit like berries that usually can only be bought, essential for tp food.
Fatal reap is total shit if your party isn't built specifically around it. Ignore it.
Is it just me or are dodge fencers kind of useless? Mine had maxed lightweight but was still getting hit fairly often and since she wasn't wearing anything 1-2 hits were enough to kill her. Ray of light could kind of keep her alive but there were always those moments of bad luck when she gets hit before she can dodge anything and dies in one hit. Then I switched her to chain and she started wrecking shit. Chain Killer is fucking magical in a team based around binds and ailments.
I get the impression dodgers might be useful lategame when you have enough points to max lightweight, ray of light, deft thrust and either revenge thrust or sylphid and counter boost. Before that they seem to just give shit damage while dying all the time, and you can't dodgetank when you're dead.
I'm worried about the future of EO. I hope we at least get an EOU3 to top things off before the series ends, and even if the series continues on some other platform, they seem to be backtracking a bit.
For me, 3 and 4 were the pinnacle. They had big overworlds to explore [which felt like a natural progression of 1 and 2's exploration] PLUS a main labyrinth/dungeon to crawl. The classes were getting more creative. The portraits were a good blend of flat chests, titty monsters, and also average sized grills interspersed between.
As far as gameplay is concerned EO5 is the best in the series with quality-of-life changes across the board, and the classes and abilities are some of my favorite so far. But not only is 5 short on flat chests but they also added potatoes, which no one wanted and no one likes. The overworld is gone and there's nothing really to do outside the labyrinth, and the FM soundtrack they promised is half-baked and kind of lazy. It was a good option in Untold 1/2 because the original OST to those games were in FM, so they were guaranteed quality. In 5, they just made it so they could say they had it, and it shows.
I really prefer 3 and 4. they did a lot different but it at least felt like they were going in their own direction and trying something new instead of making another iterative sequel. At this point I'm just glad 3 and 4 happened at all.
Sick, thanks for the tips.
I have a dodge fencer and he is fine dodge tanking. I am at level 80, but he does incredible damage and he doesnt even have any points in lightweight.
Bought EO5 but haven't started it, as I remembered that I still haven't finished EO3. (Was stopped at the start of the final stratum for ages trying to figure out how to unlock the "True Ending".)
So just picked it up again and dove into the final dungeon. After playing the EO5 demo and struggling to do anything with the new characters, it felt wonderful to be destroying everything with my high-level party again. I'd almost forgotten how fantastic Princesses are. Everyone getting healed constantly just by basking in her glorious presence, spamming buffs (that also heal everyone), making the party immune to status ailments, and hitting almost as hard as my Arbalist. Is there anything even CLOSE to that skillset in the new one?
Shaman is essentially a gimped Princess. You spam buffs, those buffs heal you per cast, and you are healed simply by being in the presence of the Shaman (as long as she has a buff on.) It's not the same though because default Shaman race is the potatoes.
You can't feel the same presence of dignity and majesty radiating off a fucking tuber.
Grimrock is a really good game, there are a few things where you can get stuck though. Don't search too much by yourself, if you think you are stuck, just look it up. I wish I did instead wandering around for hours.
Thanks. I'm happy to know I'll still be able to enjoy the same kind of character type in 5, but at the same time saddened that she'll have to be a Potato Princess.
Kill yourself tbh.
Don't they already have several doujins and porn images? That kind of body type definitely has its niche. Big titty EO girls are the best anyways, this fucking Necromancer. That said, I think the artist skimped out on lolis because he felt he had potatoes fill the role now. It's definitely not because he hates lolis since the guy drew a ton of lolicon doujins before he became the artist for EO. As for the FM soundtrack, I think that's just a side effect of it originally being done as a full soundtrack as opposed to FM from the start.
If I remember correctly, I think Japan was really unhappy and felt the Untolds, particularly Untold 2 strayed too far from the original vision, so they wanted to make a more "true to form" EO with 5. Also I think Eo5 was originally intended for the Wii U. I can't prove that, but with how different it is, how it's not as optimized as well as the other 3DS EO games, and how when it was originally announced they didn't say the system despite every other EO game being DS/3DS exclusive, I could believe that EO5 was originally meant for the Wii U, but shifted to the 3DS sometime in developement, which would explain a lot of things with the game.
You can change race, she doesn't have to be a potato Shaman. You could have a bunny girl one if you wanted.
I get the feeling people can't differentiate loli from super deformed. There are not less lolis, the artist just changed his style to be more proportionate. There are a few exceptions, but this is getting blown out of proportion. pun intended
I get the feeling you don't actually know what a loli is. It's objective fact that there are drastically less loli in EOV than previous titles.
Question about the plus disk: can I transfer a save over from the original LoT2 with no issues?
Why does the Memory Conch exist? I've had it equipped since I first got it, I'm on on the third stratum, and my reserves aren't even level 20. And I have five items that automatically do just that.
I really do miss the old artstyle. Even though it was less detailed it felt much more unique.
And yes, there are fewer lolis, due in part to the art shift. The protector looks like a loli and the fencer doesn't, despite being about the same age.
Do people not know that Brouni rhymes with brownie?
meh, uriel is op
Good stuff
Is EO5 undubbed already?
Yeah, but once you do, you won't be able to load it in vanilla LoT2 anymore.
It was before it even released.
I recall there is a Japanese website that shows why they hate the Untolds. We know the DLC shit caused 2U's sales to tank (and deservedly so).
I forgot to keep playing it at some point, but it's a great game, same as LoT1. From what I remember Hina is way too good, and considering that my favorite EO classes are the Hexer-types I had a lot of fun with that.
No joke, this is the reason I got into EO years ago. It was after I'd played the Dark Spire and realized that I'd spent the majority of the game making up stories for all the characters in my guild as well as how they felt about some NPC's.
Then I played EO1 and stuck with a 5 man team purely because once they cleared the first stratum it felt wrong to not have them go the distance. There's a real power to being able to fill in the gaps for a story and define your own interactions when there really isn't anything there to substantiate them.
According to one faggot in the 2hu thread, she got nerfed in the Plus Disk.
Anyone have played webm mp4 related?
I haven't heard of it before but hopefully it'll be decent. We can always use more sci-fi dungeon crawlers.
It's the typical Western Indie game aping its far better predecessors. Kinda fun but nothing you would call "good".
Playing EOV. The first stratum boss was really fun. Probably my favorite Stratum 1 boss, with Narmer second.
Its a procedurally generated shitshow
Etrian odyssey fat tiddies haha
So now that eov has been oit a while how do you guys think it ranks with the rest?
It's my current favourite in the series. Everything is tightly designed when it comes to classes, stratums and enemies.
haven't really played many since I had Diablo 3 for awhile, I don't mind sword and sorcery ones but there is definitive lack of futuristic ones out there from what I've gathered. either that or I've been under a rock for too long.
and no anime shit either. I swear I'm the only gamer out there who never had that phase.
Gay community is three boards over.
Fucking hell I am mad, at alot of things
dude, I'm old as shit. and have experience with real life women. get out.
well, actually…
never mind.
Lmao fag get out of here
Kill yourself, you shitty unlovable goon.
Top heh.
I actually just passed that section last night. Felt really good to get that sword and escape, even though it's not that much of a step up from the sword oyou get on level 6.
i hope you explored the whole room first, user-kun
You know it, I scan every goddamn brick I pass by.
The dragon statue is the third treasure I've found, is that par for the course or did I fuck up?
Started EO3 recently, i'm really enjoying it but i think i fucked up
My party is hoplite pirate guy princess monk and arbalest
I managed to beat the first 4 floors but aparently zodiacs are really important and i should level one but it's a bloody grind and i'm really feeling the pain
The sea exploration is pretty fun too although i don't know where to go now that i've unlocked the 8 turns food, the fella told me i had to go to the lighthouse but i can't reach it yet
Overall really enjoying it
i liked stranger of sword city better than operation abyss but i'm a newfag to the genre so i might have shit taste
i dont know, its the same for me.
if you have a vita, put dungeon traveler 2 in the list, shit is fun
Zodiacs really aren't necessary, you've got plenty of elemental damage already. Your arbalist and princess both have access to all three elements, and your buccaneer can follow them up with the chasers. You should be fine.
As for the sailing, just make sure to always check every bit of land you can reach.
Getting back into my first EO since 3 with EOU2, and does this game ever actually get to the fun?
No actual party customisation means that combat is a solved equation, and as much as I like the VO work, the game really gives you no space to create your own story.
[spoiler]Also the Fafnir knight class having no nuance besides WOW ELEMENTS is getting to me[\spoiler]
Does it redeem itself at some point or should I just drop it here and get EO5 instead?
Why did you pick story mode? You should've selected classic.
If I played one of the nds games, which should it be?
Baited by the new shiny, I didn't realise it was going to be this bad.
Either you're a fucking moron, or a shill. Not only did you misuse spoiler tags, you fucking moron but you're talking up the single least liked game in the entire fandom. Kill yourself.
People consider EO3 to be the best but if you don't mind you could go by release order.
Well now you know, it doesn't get better with story modes since they are inherently cancer.
Play Classic. In Untold 2 the only reason to play Story is for having "Story Mode Complete" on your guild card, and having the story mode portraits. And the Fafnir class. Everything else just play Classic.
Untold 2 classic mode can be fun, I would say its the most polishes Etrian Odyssey on the 3ds. I would just pirate the dlc.
Do they?
No, you fucking retard, it's astroturfing. Moron.
Going by the general consensus anyway, I prefer EO2 out of the DS games. V is my favourite in the series though.
Maybe just find a thread about things you like, I'm sure there's at least one on this website.
I've got the same exact party and managed to make it to the post-game content, you're completely fine.
I like EO, the problem is this entire site is being invaded by Something Awful.
Yeah, and that something awful (not sure why you felt the need to capitalize) is grumpy muppets like you taking out their frustrations on otherwise decent threads. Look back at your posts and tell me if you actually contributed anything of worth to this thread.
You said it yourself. Put the shotgun in your mouth.
Is Holla Forums being invaded by Matt Myers?
I never invaded anywhere in my life…
Ritsu, Lyle, that other guy I can't remember. Feel shame.
Seemed to be the vague consensus prior to the release of 5, not that it means anything much if you don't agree. I think 2 had the best music, but overall the series got more polished as Atlus iterated on the formula. I had the impression that 4 became a little too easy in the pursuit of a wider audience, though, and then by Untold 2 they went whole hog DLC monetization. 5 doesn't have that issue, so they got bit hard enough to dial it back.
i just found 2 fucking treasures while exploring an area i couldnt get because the mage didnt have the correct spell, now im fucking trapped in the pillared hall and dont know what to do.
Just get out of there
i want to get out of this cursed place!
I played 3 and 4 in reverse order and didn't see much difference in difficulty. They're both easy to trivialize with proper party design. I think people learned the tricks that work with the formula over time so naturally made stronger parties with each new iteration.
This arrived today, i hope is worth the money.
Pirate it with all the dlc and I could see it as a contender.
what the fuck is RSAC
Just nigger shit.
If 4x games have that 'one more turn' addictiveness,
RPGs supposedly have their 'plots'
ARPGs have the loot and armor grinding,
What makes dungeon crawlers good?
Even if the DLC didn't exist it would still be a poor game because of the fucked balance due to story mode. Just play to original, it's a great game already.
Exploration and party customisation, as well as difficulty.
recreational software advisory council
Elminage Original Now Available for PC
is it any good?>>13889204
How is Etrian Odyssey 3 so perfect?
All that, and it has just the right balance of frustrating and fun.
Except those fox-looking FOEs in the Porcelain Forest. They can go to hell.
Finding ways to completely fuck bosses over is always a joy.
I'm not heavily invested in the Etrian Odyssey series so it could just be that I don't understand the gameflow properly but, could someone explain how the levelgap in postgame EOIV is supposed to function? I recently cleared the 6th dungeon with a horribly unoptimized team with no retirements/barely any stat books at around level 57 or so, and when I go to take on the boss of the dungeon I deal with the first stage without too much difficulty (even though it did pose a bit of a threat), only to get completely and utterly thrashed by the second stage. I went onto a wiki to look up recommended level and the first thing I see is 'the Insatiable Pupa is really more just a chance for you to set-up (get ignitions prepped etc.)' and that I need to be level 90 or so to actually have a chance at winning with anything less than a min-maxed meta team. What the hell happens for levels 60-90? Why isn't the bonus dungeon difficult enough to put you within the right level range for the boss of that dungeon (or at least level 70-80 so it's possible with a really good team synergy)? And am I just supposed to set the 3DS down with the A button held while my team goes about on an auto-walk loop for a half dozen hours or is there something else I'm missing here?
Either way I still really like the game and I'm going back to kill FOEs I missed and get conditional drops, eventually deal with the dragons since supposedly they're easier than Warped Saviour, but I still feel like maybe warped saviour shouldn't be so easily accessibly if it's so much stronger than every other enemy in the game. Perhaps say, you defeat the Insatiable Pupa and it runs off further into the dungeon, where you need some progression check/item from another sidequest (killing all the dragons for example?) to follow it into the final room where you fight its proper form?
I'm concerned that maybe I'm just being a big baby though so if someone more familiar with the series could give their opinion on whether the way it's handled seems appropriate or not I'd appreciate it.
Insatiable Pupa is the Final Final Final boss. It's first form is easy (But has to be defeated in under 8 turns) and phase 2 is when the real fight starts. If you haven't done the dragons yet you're missing out on raising your level cap (Stops at 70, and each Dragon raises it by 10, maxing at 99). But yeah, sounds like you'll want to go out and handle all the sidequest bosses and what not before actually fighting the final final boss.
Also keep in mind you're supposed to weaken him before the fight or he'll get access to his ultimate move
I've been holding off on EO3 as it's the only one not on the 3ds. Should I hold off until untold 3 or stick it on a flashcart?
They might not make EO3U considering EO2U sold poorly. It's a game worth playing anyway so go ahead.
EO3 has aged the best of all the DS games. Also the Untolds are pretty different from the originals, mostly sharing just themes. Dungeon layouts and how classes work are different.
Just play the real game, there's no reason whatsoever to wait for a dumbed down version with DLC and a shitty story mode.
Don't forget the grimoires.
Oh yeah I did weaken him, completed all the maps and worked out the sequence puzzle before I checked any guides at all, I was simply so astounded by how thouroughly thrashed I was by Warped Saviour I assumed I must have been doing something wrong so I started checking the wiki and some other resources. What I mean is, how am I able to traipse about the final dungeon using a mishmash team and only encounter some difficulty in the dungeon when dragons and warped savior can party wipe me on turn 2? Why not have the dungeon and the enemies in it actually be comparable to the boss of the dungeon, I get the impression that you should've been able to kill off a dragon for every floor you clear in the Hall of Darkness to keep progression on par for the saviour, but instead it's just barely more difficult than the 5th 'dungeon'. Plus, aside from the dragon sidequests there's only one other sidequest to do, the one where you fight the bird-sword, in post game. There's just this weird level gap where there's nothing to do and the game's like 'just auto grind lol', and the only difficulty to that is whether you have your ds plugged in or not. I'm not really saying that the game should be easier, if anything what should happen is that the difficulty jump between one level in the Hall of Darkness and the next (or one spawn zone and the next on the same level) should be so huge it forces you to go out and get strong enough doing other stuff so that you're actually kind of able to take on the warped saviour by the time you reach the end of the dungeon, like, where it's found, instead of waltzing up to it and getting punted straight back to the title screen in under a minute and told to go fuck about doing every other thing but him first when he's the easiest post-game boss to reach.
Shit, I dunno man. Normally it should be fine. Did you retire any or something? Did you do the QR Code quests?
I had absolutely no idea about these, but what is up with these recommended levels? A single rafflesia FOE is recommended level 54? I was killing these at 40 something and by level 54 I was already to the third stage of hall of darkness.
I think maybe atlus grossly overestimated how difficult the mobs and FOEs where in this game and balanced the bosses according to this, because there are so many ways around tricky encounters but these post game bosses are all just 90-100% immunity to all status with stats high enough to just flat out kill you without even relying on gimmicks like the mobs do.
For reference my main team is F/D L/I D/A - M/S R/I, so it's a pretty bloody generic set-up
and until recently it was something even worse like F/D L/S D/N - M/R R/A.
The game balance is just all kinds of fucked in EOIV, difficulty spikes like crazy because it's too easy in so many parts and the game really hates to hand out fights played straight in dungeons to gauge your strength against, so you're never being prepared for the bosses which are just about raw damage output and team longevity at this point.
Again there's no way I would find myself not liking EOIV and this is just a really lazily done post-game. Also, I'm more than ready to grind if I have to, but I feel like if I have to grind up more than just one or two levels I'm basically cheating.
I was cataloging the QR quests with no info while writing this and just came across:
'The crying insect'; Golden Shell x5 (Beetle Lord) Recommended level: 65
What the fuck
>but this is just a…
As well as some other things like where for were, but that mistake changed the meaning of the sentence a little so it was a bit more important.
What is the archetypal crawler game to play? I've only really played Castle of the Winds (roguelike), some shitty windows game called L.A.D. (roguelike), and Mordor: Depths of Dejenol