You will see man-made horrors before the end…
More LotR games to be made in the future
Like a duplicate OP before the last one is dead?
That thread was bumplocked for no reason.
And if it's bumplocked that means you can still post in it.
sage negated
I don't even care that much. Not that much into fantasy these days.
Is that ouya outside?
Sexy Shelob in a turned based JRPG, please!
This is probably the worst possible thing.
We have a Tolkien board by the way, if anyone's a fan :
So why not >>>/tolkien/ or >>>/jrr/ or >>>/lotr/ ?
It was an inevitability. It's not like Christopher is going to live forever.
aw fug
He lived long enough to see his father's legacy trampled into the dirt by WB.
Ready for a tranny Arwen and a gay Sam? With a wiwuz nazgul n shiit?
can't wait to retread the same stories with the same characters over and over for more money!
sdob id :DDD
So does this mean we wont get any more obscure resurrected tolkien writings any more?
My favorite resurrected Tolkien writing is the one where Orcs always lived in the Shire peacefully
Lord of the Rings: A Telltale Game Series
If I was him, I would have just released everything to the public. If it's going to be impacted anyways, why not just go all the way and skip the ugly middleman where everything is destroyed by the Jews?
What kind of subhuman scum fuck buys these pieces of shit
I don't think anyone does, I think its just an investor scam.
So it's going to be Dragon Age 2.0?
Nerd-type Normalfags
I don't think anyone does, I went to a video and music store that was going out of business, even 75% off every single one of those things was still on the shelf.
My friend unironically wanted to buy the tracer one. I think it's mostly advertising and lack of education of better alternatives (nendos). This shit is pushed EVERYWHERE, even though they're cheap overpriced garbage.
Normals who don't know any better and think they are cute. Case in point my sister gave me one as a gift, cause hey, you like star wars and this is star wars and cute!
The "speculator market", aka retards.
They are going to take Lord of the Rings and make generic-fantasy adaptations of it without any of the character of the original books. It's going to be Lord of the Rings in name only and we all know it.
They're going to do to LOTR what Disney did to Star Wars.
God I hate bloody fucking funkopops. Generic, normalfag-baiting garbage that looks like shit even when you can distinguish which character it is.
lootbox packers
Wasn't that basically what Shadow of Mordor was?
Looks more like Penn Jillette in drag to me.
Makes you wonder just what happened in those meetings…
Also, calling it now. All those parodies about Orcs being dindu refugees is gonna come true.
There's an obscure interview from like the 60s or something of Tolkien being asked about a hypothetical 4th book and he said that he never wanted to do one because this and the eventual degeneration of Man was the only logical outcome he could think of and it made him too depressed to bother writing it.
I know a cousin who owns 300+ of this crap. I think its genes though, the mom collects a shitload of crap.
the guy is compelled to ruin any good thing the white man creates.
My 55-year-old mother bought me one of a similar breed to my dog. So probably a combination of so nerdy xD demographic and gift shopping boomers who recognize a knicknack themed with something junior plays on his video games.
Their stock dropped something like 56% immediately after their IPO, but they still hold a market value of over 200m iirc. They mass produce them with cheap tooling and manage to sell enough thanks to market flooding that they passed themselves off to investors as a hot buy, right up until the IPO.
My 10-year-old nephew bought a Kylo Ren one a year or two ago.
The head Jew over at MTG makes comics out of them.
You know, not all parts of Islam are bad. For example, the idea of killing a family member that has disgraced the name in order to restore your honor.
Who gives a fuck?
furries that's who
How the fuck did they manage to saturate the market in the first place though? I mean these fucking things are everywhere even though allegedly nobody buys them.
gas yourself, that doesn't even remotely approach good bait
You just answered your own question.
That doesn't explain why so many stores would pick this shit up in the first place, since they look like fucking garbage.
Only enjoyed 1-2 games.
The Hobbit films happened under his watch.
That's horrifying.
They're cheap, look good to normalfags when stacked on shelves with every fandom imaginable represented, and sell more than you think.
Well, fuck.
God no. I can find more variety in moeblob anime. Also titties and panties.
There's some tragic irony there.
It's no coincidence that Christopher Tolkien resigned as head of Tolkien Estate
Wasn't there some scribbles done by him postulating that it all collapsed and then from it rose the dark ages of our real earth?
Did he lose one of the lawsuits he's in? I know he was in one trying to establish if the rights for LotR video games belong to a license owner or not.
Playing devil's advocate here, but its more or less recovered.
Confirmed that dwarves were always the kikes
I don't really know anything about it, but just looking at the cover I knew it was bs because it had a warrior, mage, and rogue setup. Which would ordinarily be pretty standard for the type of game I think it is, but the only "mages" are the 5 "wizards" and even they are only allowed to sparingly use magic. I look at that cover, and despite it being a type of game I might enjoy, I don't even bother.
Certainly explains the aversion to showering and the bearded women.
The world is much more retarded than you think.
It's actually a pretty fun game, and one of the few games that have an alternate campaign where you play as the bad guys ranging from normal goons to bosses.
Because Arda refers to the world.
lort is just part of Tolkien writings.
t. furfag
It is as generic and unmemorable as what you'd expect an unmemorable and generic RPG to be. It doesn't even feel like Lord of the Rings. It straight up could've been a different IP with a name change at the last second for all I know.
We're in for a Jewish gangrape the likes haven't been seen in a long, long time.
Christopher Tolkien had no say in the hobbit movies, but he did say that he didn't like them. The rights were sold before he was in charge IIRC, so there was fuck all he could do. He worked so hard to protect his father's legacy and complete what works he could (going through some of the forewords he details comparing various drafts and picking which bits worked best with what his father had told him about the stories and other notes he kept, it seemed properly painstaking work) and then WB is like "lol action movies and comic relief" in the original trilogy (which wasn't too bad IMO, you have to make an actual movie out of them, not a documentary) but there is not excuse for the fucking Hobbit films.
Meh, maybe, just maybe we can have an official LOTR Total War.
Otherwise, I still have Warhammer as uncucked fantasy.
Not for long. Have you seen the shit they're planning for 40k?
Have you compared dawn of war 1 with all the others? Dow1 has priests scream about the emperor and machine gods, that got toned down pretty hard in the later ones.
Warhammer Fantasy remains uncucked because it's dead.
Only one who does new thing with it and it's the Creative Assembly (which is pretty uncucked for a brit dev).
Haven't played DoW3, but that fanaticism hasn't lost in DoW2.
DoW2 has Exterminatus for fuck's sake.
Relic is canadian though, can't trust them.
I love maro's enthusiasm and somewhat oldman nature but I hate his double standards for card design and his betacuckness when it comes to progressives
It was lost and long gone in dow2 and space marine.
It died in agonizing pain though.
They had a muh womyn warriors DLC for Rome 2.
Read some of the recent Black Library books. They're full of strong, independent women of color and other assorted minorities. 40k is cucked.
I agree. Though I have to wonder if the progressives are the reason he wants out. He did mention once that he doesn't want to do this job forever, which sounds normal for us, but this is also the guy that can't stop gabbing about how great his job is.
Each new set is usually the same cards as a previous one with some tweaks and a few genuinely new designs. As well as "lol btw >she's a tranny" or "look at this stronk black womyn of color!" He's mentioned before how design space is limited and needs to be preserved. From all this I assume he goes into work Monday through Thursday knowing this 24-year-old game only has a few good ideas left that he has to chisel away at like an Ethiopian nibbling on is last loaf of moldy bread all while surrounded by idealistic retards. It seems harsh, but being a Jew he's probably raking in the shekels from this career while fine tuning his game. Waiting until the final set when Magic will have officially run out of ideas before resigning and releasing his game he's been fiddling with for decades.
He may be a filthy Jew, but I'm at least glad he got to work on Unstable in the mean time.
About what I expected.
That's a pretty cool feature, but I think I'll still give it a pass.
It was called the new shadow, you can read an unfinished draft online, I'm not sure if it's long enough to be called a draft since I haven't read it myself.
Yeah, Tolkien's legendarium was a mythical history of our world.
Warhammer is exactly the kind of thing Christopher hates, along with dnd, Warcraft, modern "tolkien-esk" fantasy in general really.
Tolkien gave up on it because it clashed so starkly with the other LotR books. Sauron and his evil are gone, magic is fading from Middle Earth and all that is left is men and his ambitions. I do wonder if he could have pulled off writing a story about political intrigue and grey morality, but I don't think he had the heart for it.
I'm annoyed that Warhammer never fully commits to the world it is trying to portray.
Maybe should have bought some and re-sold them for a profit? I regret not trying to get any Szechuan sauce to cash in on Rick and Morty autism. Reddit sauce was going for thousands of dollars on ebay.
Face it, the "nerd culture" market is brimming with easily-exploited retards with wads of cash. They keep microtransactions in gaming going along with pretty much every other anti-consumer practice. You may as well try to milk these suckers for every penny along with the jews who've trained them to be the ultimate consumer whores.
Nerds stopped being social rejects, a combined effort by filthy yids and attention whoring normalfags has destroyed the community. Now it's just another way to call weak willed men that will debase themselves, and their hobbies, for any shred of female attention.
Does this mean we might get a third battle for middle earth game? Oh no.
Yes, user, it means more shit games. I dread to find out how they'll make an FPS set in Middle Earth.
But those are female dwarfs.
Well it's not Battle for Middle Earth branded, but still. Why the fuck.
I know how you feel, my lgs has a wall of these things too. Though, I doubt they sell many if at all from the looks of it. Dude who own's the place's wife sometimes gets the owner to buy retarded things to sell at the store like Hello Kitty Trading cards or some shit so that might be why they are there. Or trying to hit the normal fag crowd near the boulder area.
The universe ends pretty horribly, but I hope GW retcons so it goes back to the way it was since Warhammer Total War is making mad dosh right now.
Womyn warriors were a thing since Rome 1.
Examples? Best not be the sister of silences, these were badass.
Well, he can hate it but Warhammer has developed on its own, it's far above Tolkien-esque now.
What do you mean exactly? Rape and murders are every day in Warhammer world, beastmen procreate via rape for examples.
I saw them already.
They just annoy me at this point.
My friend bought me one for my birthday. Unrelated, but we're not friends anymore
It's worse than what Disney did to Star Wars. Middle-Earth was JRR Tolkien's life-work to create a modern Norse-style mythology. Imagine how that man would feel if he knew this would be the eventual outcome while he was writing The Hobbit on his typewriter in the 1930s.
So why do you pretend they're not cucked?
Read the HH books, espceially the later ones, or anything new Abnett shat out. Also, this gem.
It's gutter trash latched to a company run by greedy imbeciles. I like Warhammer, but I don't go around pretending it's anything but low brow entertainment written by liberal cucks that get a masochistic kick out of writing half-baked Deus Vult fanfiction.
Take the religious fanaticism up to eleven.
GW follows where the money goes, they are stupid but they haven't bowed down to mainstream media yet.
Because womyn warriors are not a sign of cuckoldery? Even Tolkien stories have womyn warriors, as well as Norse mythos.
Name some titles.
I don't know if Warhammer is low brow entertainment written by literal cucks, but universe-wise, it's a very colorful and grim universe with ton of cool things to do, and places to explore. And it's far more Deus Vult than anything Tolkien has written.
But the Warhammer universe takes the religious fanaticism up to eleven, is there a more religious universe even? You can get burned for believing in the Emperor or Sigmar the incorrect way.
Is that why they turned WF into a fucking joke where you get buffs for screeching like an autist and having a funny beard? Is that why they don't do any market research and think people buy their figurines as toys?
There was one instance of a female "warrior", and even that scene was subverted because it was the midget that did all the heavy lifting, actually stabbing the Witch-King with the one weapon that could damage him. The movie deliberately misinterprets said scene in the name of muh feminism. And fuck female warriors.
Legion, for one, and then there was the one with about the birth of the Imperial Cult that took place on the Eisen-something frigate, I forget. High concentration of muh strong womyn and minorities.
Yeah, it's low brow meant to appeal to edgy 14 year olds. Nothing wrong with that, I like it, but I don't pretend it is anything but what it is.
Not nearly enough racism, especially against niggers and mudshits.
Warhammer Fantasy has a ton of funny in-jokes in it, dark humour, but don't do this shit when Tolkien has Tom Bombadil.
But it was still the female warrior who stabs him in the face and kills him, Tolkien was evoking the Norse mythos of shieldmaiden right there.
As said, germanic mythos have valkyries and shieldmaidens, or greek mythos do too with the amazons.
I haven't read that one, but is it about the Alpha legion, then that's a long ass title before.
It's far above trash entertainment, it has developed into an universe with its own style (Holy Roman Empire-esque), and the fact it's a war game means its battle depictions are gonna be far more elaborated than LOTR.
There are next to no niggers in Warhammer 40K and the mudshits are exterminated, you follow the Imperial religion or you die.
Or if you talk about Warhammer Fantasy, then we have the araby crusades.
Hate to tell ya but he obviously doesn't give a shit about his father's writings anymore if he's flat out giving them up. He kept everything tightly controlled because he knows how kikewood is, fact that he's throwing it to the vultures means he no longer cares. Notice how he didn't name a replacement to carry on the legacy, simply that he's giving up all rights to the work
He's likely old and tired of this shit, and knows that whoever he names will sell the rights anyway. IIRC his son is already balls deep in Hollywood anyway.
No sign of life did flicker
In floods of tears she cried
"All hope's lost it can't be undone
They're wasted and gone"
M8, cheers up.
They cannot destroy the books and the movie trilogy.
Those will always exist.
Ackually, the ring trilogy is the best you can do avoiding cutting important part not even Tolkien know what the fuck bombadill is and making a movie out of it sticking to the book saruman enslave shire, merry&peppin didn't go to the last battle*its only little details made to shorten the film which are already 3h long each in the extended version
Hobbit trilogy I remember PJ wanted to do only 1/2 movies to tell the story but the Jewish overlord of Hollywood wanted another trilogy so you end up with the first being drag a lot to fit a movie, the second made of sillily asinine shit to be made a moviewith femele elf and race mixing and the last one being drag a lot with asinine shit.
TL;DR hobbit second and third movie should have female elf and was originally just one movie. fault of jew
The only silver lining is that the LOTR games are blockbuster smashes, but just do OK enough to keep going on. They will keep making LOTR games and hopefully, people get sick of them.
There are several alien species, both sane and in sane, trying to exterminate all of humanity, the literal gods of chaos are trying to kill, ancient murder ghostbots have risen to try and kill us, and you're still upset that in the extremely far-flung future, humanity is banding together?
isn't copyright expiring soon?
You can almost hear the champagne popping.
So technically anyone could make adaptations?
That might give hope to any uncucked developers.
Fake geek guys and girls.
On the other hand, copyrights and trademarks are taxes imposed by the victors of WW2 and the prime reason why culture and technology stagnate.
Tolkien's shit. Now people with better talent and skills can make his stories and concept less sleep inducing.
Low brow GoT fag detected
Joke's on you, I don't even know what the fuck GoT is.
It's only like a paragraph or two
It was also that it was too much like the real world for him as well. LotR had this last gasp of hope for the world, but a New Shadow would have had it all come crashing down with evil forever remaining in the hearts of men
IIRC, he said "It simply wasn't worth doing"
Lesbians in The Thousand Sons and The Crimson King, Euphrati Keeler is a slut in Horus Rising and gender bullshit in Master of Mankind.
That's not a level of ignorance to be proud of really user.
These elements aren't necessarily out of place in the 40k lore though. The Imperium gave no shits about how you lived your life as long as you submitted to imperial law and paid the tithe
The Imperium isn't really "conservative" in terms of it's morality outlook
disney back then was made up of the people from the same culture as the consumer and as it stands is it's own culture developed from that, I don't think that when the original creator of something dies that something should be public domain but only if he has a family and passes it down from generations.
later on the imperium demanded more of its people
Having an in-depth knowledge on fiction isn't exactly I put much weight on.
So now that Lord of the Rings is dead, what's the next series we can move on to? Narnia is pretty fucking gay, and Warcraft has been shit since day one.
I'm cool with sci-fi too, just not star wars or star trek. Mechs are cool, but fuck magic in sci-fi, I'm not gay.
Arthurian Legend. It's fucking badass, and you can't really rape the lore there because it's so old and vague and fragmented, unless you push too much magic on the setting or go all Type/Moon on it.
Let's Make Avalon Great Again.
Nice strawman.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Other bonuses
I used to love finding old DOS abandonware titles with Arthurian settings. Spirit of Excalibur was the shit.
GoT is fucking trash, I wish I was as ignorant about it as that user.