Why even live?
You will never cozy up with your gf while you're both wearing official 100% knitted Skyrim™ Christmas jumpers in a...
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OP just gave me cancer.
Manlets don't gets gfs, Todd.
Whores will be whores
So? Don't leave us hanging! Do you like Skyrim?
I'm so fucking sad that I'll never have a roasty whore surrounded with shit game merchandise
Did you put your dick inside her vagina?
Skyrim is a good game, fuck off goons. Go play your visual novels and be alone forever.
Why else would he larp as a toddviking? :^)
All jokes aside that jumper looks pretty good.
No thank you.
No one listen to this likely "ironic" piece of shit. Skyrim is an extremely average game which is incrementally worse than the series entries that came before it. The only reason it isn't entirely forgotten is that it looks better than Oblivion, and Fallout 4 is trash.
Yeah, divorce is pretty shit. Polygamous marriage is probably fine though.
Maybe 6 years ago this might have been relevant enough to raise a cringey groan from me but since it's 6 FUCKING YEARS OUT OF DATE it raises only bile.
As opposed to post-marital marriage?
This is gonna be the new "Tifa's dicks" post, isn't it?
put me in the screencap
regards, retard
Eh, what the hell? Might as well be in the screencap.
I could do that for you user.
I'll get me and my gf one of those and send you all a picture of it.
Will you remember?
Hey man, while you posted first I was most certainly in the thread earlier. There can only be one. So take a step back and don't post in these parts again. I also have a gun.
Put me in the screencap too.
But this isn't worth a screencap
That is some real nu-christian shit.
at least all of those make sense in some sort of way
An actual thing.
Terminal illness
Warm-up (and stretching?)
so what would premarital marriage be then? engagement? rehearsing the wedding?
Is your fault for not being wellversed in the torah goys archive.is
Thus, there are mitzvot–such as the mitzvah to “Love your fellow as yourself”[1] or “To know that there exists a First Existence, who brings every existence into being”[2] –that apply equally to both sexes, as the blood that circulates throughout the body providing nourishment to each of its diverse organs and limbs. But there are also mitzvot that have been commanded only to men, as well as mitzvot that have been delegated specifically to women, in keeping with their specific divinely-ordained roles.
Its fucking jewish, holy shit.
I'm afraid this only deepens the mystery rather than clarifying it Schlomo.
Sorry I'm being being halal enough for you.
You'll have to ask our resident jewish cakeboy overlord
Board just for you.
Holla Forums you are being too obvious with your Petersoncore puerile disdain.
Those explain nothing, they're just more contradictions.
You know nothing on how successful this guy is in japanese comedy shows and cinematography.
So you've never warmed up before an exercise? You've never had an appetizer?
You've never felt like a dead man walking?
So if we try to analyze this step by step we might solve it.
1) putting dick inside vagina constitutes "premarital marriage"
2) marriage: "the state of being united as spouses in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law"
So, presumably the intent here is to convey disapproval of sex outside marriage. However, "premarital marriage" implies that the definition of marriage that c70e52 uses includes sexual intercourse. "premarital marriage" then could be understood to mean NOT performing sexual intercourse DURING the wedding ceremony.
Not sure though. Need rabbinical help.
You stretch before a workout. That's not technically exercise.
An appetizer is technically part of the meal, it's just served before the main course of it.
And dead man walking doesn't mean anything like anyone here is suggesting.
You think Mark will wear female clothes and sing PPAP? No, then he is not worthy.
good points
There is no pre-marital marriage because marriage is a state, 1/0, you are either 1 or 0, it's not an activity like eating where you can have a pre-meal meal or a pre-activity activity, you cannot have a pre-1 1. Do not fall for the cabbalistic lies, Jews are lawyers, not engineers.
not after this thread
It's ok if they fuck through a bedsheet
Yids have it different. They promote premarital sex and consider any unmarried couple to operate on the same spiritual (kek) level as the married couples, which comes with all the benefits to the woman - man has to provide for her and she doesn't need to abide by all the rituals anymore
Mark is an autist, a little alcohol and I bet he'd do it in a bikini.
A marriage is a marriage, you can't say it's a half.
Actually a thing, eating before mealtimes was condemned as a form of gluttony by Pope Gregory the Great
Where are judeomahometan values then?
or Judeoislamic, better yet, name a jewish cultural contribution that'd warrant use of "judeochristian values/civilization" and not "Christian values/civilization"
Best goy, names cultural marxist almost as vaguely as european historians name the "nazis" - a mysterious race from probably outer space who seized germany and killed 6 gorillon jews.
>>>Holla Forums
but in the context c70e52 seems to include the act of sex itself in his definition of marriage, so for him "premarital marriage" may make sense in terms of immorally commiting a portion of the marital act without the proper talmudic ceremony.
Nice advice, you idiot.
But that's just having confusing language. You are telling me Jews jew Jews?
They're jewing one another and even their own god
That's called a relativist fallacy, and it's retarded.
Yes dumbass, that's what Rabbis are for
well, it's a non-standard definition of "marriage", so yeah.
You listen to heresies and dillution of the west by following (((Jordan Peterson)))
Subscribe to PragerUniversity for more Based jews.
The holidays are going to suck this year, aren't they? Mark is probably going to eat two cakes this time without sharing too while tipping his menorah.
Oy vey
Genuinely laughed.
Here I thought this was a mistake, but once again it was kikery
Absolutely 4chan tier OP
I wanna be in the screencap too
I always hate bongland calling sweaters "jumpers"
Haha! Epic joke my friend! XD
Please put me in the screencap and don't forget to purchase Fallout 4 GOTY edition!
Thats called dating user
HMMMM it's almost as if this event is not genuinely organic
laffing at ur life bud
Kill yourself faggot
He's clearly Mark, who's now desperate to hide his mistake. I mean, who else do we know here that has Jewish heritage?
What’s it like being a Muslim?
ahaha its funny typo put me in th screncapp to
This shit got old with the tifa's dicks thing, it's not funny anymore.
>Implying it won't just come closing down on you because you didn't pick a wife with a penis
>ywn dress your waifu in her wedding dress a whole week before your wedding and kiss like you've just put the ring on her finger.
Fuckin' capped!
epic! now post it on 9gag, funnyjunk and reddit!
Strange, a thread mocking Skyrim gets raided instantly.
I used to be a historian like you, until I took a premarital to the marriage
Yeee, made the screencap.
Fuck yourself nigger, there's nothing else to talk about in this shit thread other than that post.
lmao, I'll have fries with that big mac son
wut u meme friend? this is clearly organic yes and not at all man u faq chored in any way
yess i lov memes lets meme more
How was it not organic? Do people having a giggle really make you pissy?
Having seen several in real life, I can say with total confidence you don't actually want one. They're like most other women - Bitter, used goods that like to hurt people. Being okay at video games doesn't make up for this deficiency. They're nothing like the gamer grills you see in your anime. Sorry.
For what purpose?
What the fuck
Fucking degenerate
I'm going to kill OP
Even WE could make something better and make tens of thousands of dollars off these dipshits.
Anons need to start asking for meatflaps for verification. Trannys are starting to take enough estrogen to be able to pretend to be girls convincingly now. Might be fapping to some cute chicks tits and she's really got a dick in her other hand.
Your not funny
autistic homosexual/10
that's a fucking huge png Jesus Christ convert that shit to jpeg next time
is it strange that i'm comfortable masturbating to a guy (trap or femboy) who knows he's a guy but has tits, but not to futa or delusional trannies?
I dont get it?
Don't let goons, neofags, and ledditors take over.
how do I know it's you, crusadeanon
Put me in the epic screencap
too late faggot
Merely a coincidence, Mr Bateman.
Nice archive faggot, try saving it as png next time
When is the next exodus so I can escape this cancer?
How does pic related make you feel?
You can go back to cuckchan any time faggot.
I came back to call you a nigger.
Oh I get it, it's funny because cuckchan cancer is telling me to go back to cuckchan. It's supposed to be on multiple level of irony!
So you like skipping the dating nonsense and getting right to the marriage and baby making? I see your thinking, user. It's old school. Now, are you old school enough to allow fourteen year olds into marriage? Just asking for a friend.
You're slowly breaking down your illusions of heterosexuality.
t. masturbates to trap on trap.
I wish a girl knitted me even a mario block