im going to marry ikaros
such failure.
all right
no problem
open offer
you do have good taste, like me.(luka-tan)
It's for everyone else's safety!
It's just an example of my proficiency. But really though I could easily land you a bf if that's what you're looking for. Of course, you'd have to keep the furry and dog rape shit under wraps.
Our community is splintered enough as is.
I refuse to go back to aneki if Luka still is admin, and I don't trust BF at all.
good boy *head pets*
The other two don't really count.
Close enough.
I'm going to be nice in saying this, but stop.
who the hell cares
Okay Okay Okay, I was mostly just teasing anyways.
get rekt
generally in these kinds of conversations people tend to share their feelings
not me
Rate my emoji
He's mad that we aren't talking about loli.
well then, id say that I should be mod because Id be a good one that would never abuse power.
I can't even post on BadFox's board so take that whichever way you please.
"hey that's pretty good!"
Ui post loli.
what if i told you that there were more than enough at this time
ur the best
aaaah why so adorable? you and your reaction images
"I don't abuse my mod powers"
totally dude
4chan it is then? :^)
then id go back to watching yuyushiki and getting more caps
I'm talking about myself there too
the images are the only cute.
There is no place to be anymore.
Is this a fox?
have fun
dude relax lmao
I wish we could revive the 4chan threads. There is near to no way to get new people without being on 4chan.
As if people hadn't dealt with those for years
Honestly if that is what is keeping a few people I have been thinking of buying a few passes just to make Hiro feel slightly better about things.
coming right up perv
if we went back we'd just end up getting banned again.
jinx is cute tho.. ;~;
buy some pls~
I regret checking this.
It could be.
I could buy myself a pass.
Holy shit.
I don't want to have to go back to 4chan honestly.
I'd rather our moderation be done within the community. Though I'll admit we dont' have a great history in that anyway.
The best.
I regret trying to use a plastic spoon to eat my ice cream. it broke almost immediately and I had to get up a second time for a metal one. life is pain.
yes dear?
It looks like it
heya. what's up? feeling better?
I regret sticking my dick in a jar of marmalade but we all have lapses in judgment.
not anywhere near the level of you
I think it'd be relatively good to go back to 4chan, just so that there would be means for us to get some fresh people in here.
I've tried making a few threads on there in the past couple months but not many people from here even lurk there anymore it seems.
I could you know, make that not happen. I've been saying this for months and we've had a few somewhat good threads there and none were even 404'd yet people still come here.
It would have to be a collaborated event.
George, cyber me.
Link me apple anything and you're dead to me.
Not particularly.
The majority of us don't want to go back to 4chan, dude.
Make thread and post it here then? People should more.
Fucking cancer, I thought you were a purebred Fag AM?
did you really do this? that's rather amusing. I've never stuck my dick into anything weird. how was it?
this is just blatant lies. gardevoir is way cuter than me.
well I'd be down for it if I didn't have to do the captcha. it's annoying enough with even how little I post in the waifu thread.
well that sucks. can I help somehow?
Is IBM even still self owned?
mugs, cyber me to spite Squish
Holla Forums is literally just a porn and ylyl cancer board now. Remember when it used to be good?
Mugen cyber me because im cuter
dude come to the waifus
I don't have any real influence over anyone here. I've learned that lesson on many occasions.
you mean never?
I still believe we belong on /trash/
Mugen, cyber me, because you know you want to Sir.
Not really.
Just seemed amusing to say.
I can't see why anyone would.
Don't do it mugs, AM is dangerous!
nope, second to you! stop spreading such horrible lies
That was the joke
I don't know. Probably not. This mood came out of nowhere. Maybe I should have gotten icecream :/
add more cute emotes pls ♥
woof woof
He's my Sir.
I bet we'd get away with it there.
and yet some people have. we live in a disgusting world.
but all I speak are truths.
fuck out of here
ice cream is good. you should go get yourself some.
Where's the rest of it?
Also don't hold back on the kinky stuff.
Now Lukapuppy?!
At one in the morning? Nah, I don't want to get shanked or something.
Sounds sort of self depreciating to say that we belong on there.
we have already posted there. I had people posting there for a few days and then it turned into just sci posting
that's fair. and unfortunate.
sorry about your mood. believe me, I know all about random shit moods flying in and fucking up your night.
Help support the site and get a pass : )
I don't know.
that's all people have been saying it is for years now
seriously though. if you look into it it's a lot more than that but I guess even you don't see that.
I seriously hope this is a fucking joke post coming from you.
I'm there like all the time but that time is not right now because I have other things to do.
It's still against the rules to talk about moving somewhere else :^)
huh. well it's hard to get people to migrate. it'll likely never happen.
goodness. the site is really going to shit.
I noticed the image size limit thing. it's fucking retarded.
is that so? do you post?
You and many others have way more influence than I do.
Start posting pictures again already!
:/ rip
lies! blatant and slanderous lies! bad cups, baaaad
effort tho
Cup, come cuddle me to sleep or some shit.
you already know I'm bad. bad to the boner
buy me a plane ticket :^)
spoilers and cupcake need to stop
my teeth are gonna fall out from throwing up in my mouth all the time
You do that.
dont care, I like looking at them!
It's not pulling in enough money to keep everything the way it is and will eventually lead to him being in the red if it continues to be the way things are. It's way there was a $5 off sale on it, it's getting bad.
there's one feature moot added before leaving which is huge on bandwidth and honestly isn't that good
yes. i have been there for a long time.
my twin posts there too..
What a degenerate.
what do you mean twin
i still count it as best board for many reasons
the only people i see who say it's a bad board are people who only post on containment boards. 100% serious
I'm not the one with a source of income.
yeah but I liked it so bleh.
well I don't feel like buying a pass...yet. hopefully he finds a way to get more money. moot never seemed to have a problem.
i never see you
you're not there often i guess
Goddamnit, I'll do a thing!
nini peeps
all I read was something about you wanting to get boned, this is acceptable I can help you make that happen
Make your own ice cream if you have ice, salt and milk.
ill buy a 4chan pass if you bring back /z/
seems like a vague threat
goodnight maddie. feel better.
I always want that.
swedish fish
You really wont like the thing!
not from her.
you are swedish fish
*brings back z*
Goddamnit, AM!
I swear, it'll be horrible
just horrible
this abuse from you is absurd.
so lots every day? sounds like a plan
that would be lovely.
imo he should have announced that it was going in the negative much earlier on so that more people would understand or even know about it to buy the pass for $15
it wasn't a problem because moot put it in then handed him the keys like 2weeks later without anyone knowing**it's the 4chan archives which honestly is fucking stupid. they should show people 4chanx and it's many branches for people to choose from which come with the ability to load other sites which archive the site past A WEEK(HOLY SHIT WHY SO LONG, ESPECIALLY FOR Holla Forums)
the idea was having archives for them = more money but you can't see them unless you're linked them so it's just wasted space/bandwidth
when did you start going and when were you last there? i haven't been there in maybe 3 days now and i have never seen you, even when just lurking.
you just want crazy russians and bee cock
Nah man, misato is pretty A+
Harbl harbl, also when was that video posted on there
He knows you like it.
you wouldn't break over that much? impressive!
yea? how's that?
well i posted there for like a week or something several months ago and left and i've been back again maybe 3 or 4 days
I'll disappear 4 ever!
the image thing.
hmm. I didn't know any of this. it's all pretty stupid if you ask me.
from sci? it's just annoying.
I'm pretty tuff.
pfft. no you won't.
nobody likes being called swedish fish
I bet animus was the majority of his 4chan pass users, now we got pushed out and he goin broke.
I used to have a pass
me 2
That's up to you!
same. I posted loli all fucking day
2 cute
that's good to know, makes it less worrisome with all the punishment and such
just tune it out
thats what I do
if you leave that choice would be yours alone. plus you won't do it.
yup, I can handle quite a bit.
i dont know how long i can keep that up
it fills me with so much hate
-kisses grim-
i just used it to post in anime threads on Holla Forums years ago
- praise terrance ty 4 the pass back then.
The meme machine turns
it grinds
it groans
It cries
Exactly, because you won't do that thing I was horribly threatening you about earlier!
I do what I want.
ah i didn't know
and yeah honestly it's all kind of hidden and word of mouth if you don't go out of you way to know more on 4chan that the regular user
Holla Forums and Holla Forums were/are
wolf girl of wall street and spices
plus all the sweaty, hot and exhausting nights just cause of summer, yeah just cause of that :^)
I don't use it for much other than lurking. and I like Holla Forums a fair amount. haven't been on the site nearly as much lately though, other than the one thread.
it's like that even without any lewdings around here. you're lucky you live somewhere so cold.
so yea, us.
I don't want this.
you'll be okay.
everytime I go on /vg/ I get banned on my first post :^) fug u mashi
and it was exactly what I wanted!
Best traveling merchant!
well you could live in the igloo with me but you have to be okay with the random polar bears that then visit for a slightly warmer place to sleep they totally don't bite or anything buuut you live in one of the deserty states? or area of a state that is such
Because capitalism!
Got you!
yeah, arizona. it's hot as fuck so much of the year. in fact it's a common place for canadians to visit during summer.
Capitalism, ho!
Yep, totally got you!
tell me moar
I read that as lewd me moar
time to sleep
toot toot, there it goes
wassup catso?
that's a surprise, I wouldn't have put many canadians as wanting to go there.... is it just for the heat or is there something special I'm not aware of? excluding you since I already am aware of you!
oh you
I mistyped. I meant they come down here in the winter. it's because it's still warm down here, especially compared to how freezing cold it gets up there. mostly old people from canada. we call them "snow birds"
Not even close.
I lost it, my train of thought
is it a pretty sky tonight?
lol well that must be the place they go before they decide on going to florida to die, as nature takes it's course damn florida
I havent really looked outside, I always keep my blinds down
Im glad I could still use my pass whenever I got banned and used a new IP
4chan pass user since april 2012.
maybe that is where they go when they are ready to move to the us for good, but we get an absurd amount of canada people here every winter. should start seeing them soon, in fact.
Now what am I gonna do?!
4chan pass?
No idea what that is!
so you can be lewd in private huh?
too bad I'm not older then I'd have the perfect excuse to go lewd the cups
dang dude this anime has so many caps to capture. At 103 on ep 1 being complete
4chan pass user since april 2012.
there's no age limit, it just typically seems like it's older people.
I'll cap you.
with what gun LOL
pop pop pop watch'n niggas drop
you ain't got no guns, little girly man.
now you're just trying to give me reasons, you shameful lewdo you
there is no maybe about it! I'm onto you
not reasons, just information. sheesh.
I'll pop his hymen with my penis.
4chan pass user since april 2012.
sure and next you're going to claim you're not lewd
You would blush, pervert.
And yours.
my butt cherry
4chan pass user since april 2012.
I am pure as the driven snow.
bitch please, I lost my virginity a long time ago.
so gay.
but it hasn't been taken yet, how is it gay
actually I can't remember, are you a trans or just a trap?
Your fingers don't count.
I am aware.
please kill me
do it yourself, lazy ass.
capping took a toll on you? :c
Testing the new pass feature
4chan pass user since 2010
if the driven snow likes being bound and spanked, pounded and stuuuuff
I'll take it again anyway.
that is not how that works.
No but shut up, though.
very nice. going through lilligant stuff?
Cross dresser. I dom trannies and traps
4chan pass user since 2012.
My head won't stop hurting.
This is the end.
sounds like fun. alright, then yeah that's gay.
have you been staying hhydrated
The first time I talked to Ui in voice chat he showed me a video of him jerking off.
get some advil.
you uh
wanna voice sometime big boi
Succing tranny dick isn't gay.
4chan pass user since 2012.
still not gay
I'm currently drinking some water.
I took tylenol, loser.
goggles isn't a tranny.
b r b
killing self
yey you noticed me!
are you back yet?
4chan pass user since 2012.
r i p
she's next on my list after I finish going through pixiv for gardevoir.
You've reached a level that shouldn't even be doable.
I don't care.
but i dun wanna
no, life lol
you idiots.
am I special snowflake naow
4chan pass user since 2012.
I don't wanna keep living but I do it anyway, nerd.
Its not in red.
Dva has an ugly gook face.
what's not in red?
4chan pass user since 2012.
Reaper would be cooler if he wasn't a mexican.
Soldier 76 only got the promotion over Reaper because hes white.
no edge man is a useless shit regardless
go tell someone who cares
missed this, whoops
that is exactly what the driven snow likes.
back where?
I should make a pokemon fodler some day too!
what hit you today?
Dear Winston players
Harambe jokes aren't funny and you should kill yourself.
Bastion is a point and click adventure.
back to the future
they're good for posting.
Nice job McCree, wish I was as good as you.
sweaty girls are dai jo bu
4chan pass user since 2012.
Pharah is an unhittable flying lesbian that shoot the floor around you and kills you.
Roadhog hooks
perfect! don't sweat it, it's easy to miss things here done with your um luke cage show now?
wat is that brown thingy?
Nice gold damage medal Soldier 76, please tell me more about how you're the only one doing anything on this team.
Every Junkrat shot is pure skill and nothing less.
I'm Mercy
I'm helping~
um what? and no, still have a couple episodes. it's always slow to watch new things while I post because I pause to type longer replies like this one.
whimsicott. the other version exclusive grass type from black and white. lilligant is the other.
Zarya please use your ult already.
Mercy stop fucking solo resing me.
Tried asking joan jett what she thought about the civil rights movement... all she sais was "i dont give a damn about de-segregation".
But its haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard
eh nothing ive just woken up from a bad nights sleep. work soon woo
yeah. it is.
Sit in the corner and damage buff me.
I couldn't quite remember it so I used that as a signifying word that I was somewhat guessing, how is it?
Hanzo is good in every situation.
some one sounds salty bout ow
oh, yeah that was it. it's really good. nearing the end, and it's pretty fucking intense. you should give it a try.
i wanna play those games now~
which one iz which? ._.
lets play~
drink coffee? :)
i guess
Will you role play as my Sonichu?
she's only in pokemon white.
whimsicott is in black.
wake up relaxed and stretch
looks like im only getting Whimsicott ;~;
No one actually talks like Tracer
why not get pokemon white? just use an emulator.
well if the adorable pet says it is worth my time, I guess I will!
Go out and zap! to the extreme !
I thought this only happened on windowse
well it is a wineapplication after all butt still
always so lewd.
There is no time for that luka.
apparently i do so, fuck you.
Its face is messed up.
Is what it should say
If you use chrome/chromium, surely you have an auto correct feature.
don't bully
you can emulate 3DS games now?
i thought that was still uncrackable... ;~;
wat is there time 4?
Just thunderbolt them.
long snake
correct what
goggles fuck off and leave cupopers alone
he didn't actually do anything you weirdo
no, but black and white were on the original ds.
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
new thread
More just curious.
The English language, right? Because I'm thinking you flat out ignore it.
Fix it before I lose my mind.