Be very still... if you don't move it can't see you!

Be very still... if you don't move it can't see you!

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>Be very still... if you don't move it can't see you!

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>>137817895Is that 3D or real?


>>137817932its real

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I wonder if a 500 nitro would shitcan on of those if you hit it in the brain box

T-Rex eyesight was actually comparable to human eyesight. Possibly better

>>137817921do brown people really?

>>137818009You mean he could read newspapers?

>>137818017It's their soul purposeWhen a white man is behind a wall they must join him

>>137818516anon....that's a black man on the toilet

>>137818092He could even read the small print my dude

>>137818009They found a working eye? Damn. Science is cool as FUCK

>>137817921he was trying to steal his phone btw, literally catch the guy with his pants down, kek

>>137820045They deduced it. Prey's first natural instinct when spotted is to freeze. An predator with bad eyesight would starve if it couldn't see stationary prey. This was a plot point in The Lost World.

>>137820045>being this willfully stupid

Would a T-Rex even bother chasing a human in real life?I get it for Jurassic Park given that Rexy never really got to hunt before and was a genetic anomaly but it seems like going after a human would be a waste of energy for something that big.

>dinosaurs will forever be dead in all forms of media

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>>137817895Why the fuck this is so scary?

>>137818017>brownOn Holla Forums that's an honorary white

>>137820242We would be an easy snack for Rexes. We can't outrun them, we weigh more than a dromaeosaurus and can't outrun them.

>>137820242It would definitely at least try to eat us once. Killing us would be territorial insinct. Eating us would be curiosity.

>>137817895Imagine being given the bare minimum necessary weapons and armor and fighting a t-rex to the death. It would fucking rule. 1 to 1 odds.

>>137818009>>137820045>>137820222it's not a bad sarcastic point, there's nothing interesting in a t-rex having mediocre human eyes, but there is something impressive in how powerful a t-rex's eyes actually were.I think I read somewhere once that it was four times as strong as an eagles.

>>137820296Martin score says he already finished this debate. We win.

>>137820301What do you consider "necessary weapons and armor" to fight a fucking T Rex?

>>137820191>They deduced it.They made it up, more like. I've deduced from your post you really enjoy cock in your ass. Do you?

>>137820392I have no idea about the armor. Probably something non-existant. The weapons, though? I don't know how thick their skin was. Something more or less powerful than a military assault rifle. I just want the odds to be even.

>>137819351How the timelines skew

>>137820392Fuck the armor just give me this gun

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Was t-rex an ambush predator? Hard to imagine, so how did it catch its prey?

>>137820307this. apparently according to that study iirc based on their ocular cavity ratio to the skull and a few other estimates based on cranial size and eye placement they could see clearly for almost 15 miles or something along those lines. dinosaurs aren't video game bosses, they didn't have some retarded weakness to balance out their strength. the tyrannosaurus was an apex predator for a REASON, evolution made them a perfect killing machine. it's not like it ran out of perks or something and had to trade the size, speed, and dagger-sized teeth for dogshit eyesight. it just doesn't make sense. there is no predator (that isn't extinct) that didn't have some heightened capability of a sensory organ if not multiple sensory organs, otherwise they'd be better suited to meandering in a field eating droppings and grass waiting to be eaten

>>137820547They were scavengers and hunted animals slower than them by running at them

>>137820547They hunted in a variety of ways. Scavenging for kills that they could shoulder their way into first pickings of, running down slower creatures, covertly getting close enough to out-sprint anything faster than them over a distance - yet not fast enough in that vital 30 second dash, roving long distances throughout their territory and just making snacks out of the weaker species here and there. They may have even cannibalized each other after winning territorial or mating disputes. They were essentially sink disposals on huge legs; they didn't give a shit as long as it was meat.

>> can see better than us, comparable to eagles.

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>>137820695no they cant

>>137820560Suddenly I’m glad the meteor hit, imagine these fucking things roaming the woods now.We’d literally have to hunt them into extinction just to survive.

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>>137820547while most dinosaur species that ever lived went extinct naturally, the t-rex, as a living creature at the time of the late cretaceous, had its evolution unnaturally and instantly cut short by a fucking giant meteor from space.we don't consider what things would have been like if t-rex continued to dominate in its own non-meteor domain and timeline. whether its own evolution over millions of years would have taken it further somehow or whether something more impressive would come along more separately

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Why did their arms shrink? What are the evolutionary advantages of having two little muscular stubs?

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>>137820744meant for>>137820560

>>137820746they fell for ss+gomad

>>137820716They wouldn't last long with such a low oxygen volume and no mega-fauna to prey on, even America at one point had huge, hyena-like predators that roamed the great plains, but they went extinct for that exact reason: they were just too OP, and there wasn't enough big shit for them to eat and sustain themselves any longer.

>>137820677>>137820744I wonder if humanity would've ever happened if dinosaurs weren't wiped out. Did apes exist back then?

>>137820746More focus on the most important parts being the head and legs with their body shape, they were built for quick, efficient bursts of speed to take down prey fast and bigger arms would just get in the way.Their arms were still pretty fucking strong though, I remember reading somewhere they could lift three times as much as the strongest human in history.

>>137820744The dinosaurs were dumb fucking birds and if they were still alive they would still be dumb fucking birds.

>>137820746entirely useless when they're essentially a meat grinder on two big ass legs. they did actually still have their uses though. at that size their little arms also would still probably be about the length and size of a grown man's leg and could do serious damage if needed

>>137820851i think mammals had just evolved pretty much right before the end of the cretaceous. t-rex's had to defend their eggs from opportunistic mammals, but they were all small compared to the's possible mammals would have continued to evolve in some capacity while dinosaurs still existed and that conceivably could have led to intelligent ape-like creatures living alongside creatures like the t-rex, if a single extinction event didn't neatly split the two

>>137820851Apes evolved a few million years after the dinosaurs died out, mammals were actually dying out before the meteor hit and it created a habitat they could thrive in.Rodents saved us.

>>137820851If I'm not wrong the closest we were to "ape" at that point was still what we'd now consider to be a fucked up rat at first glance, or some other extremely primitive and base mammalian that is rodent like. It's part of the reason we even survived.

>>137820746long arms would actually get in the way of running. Their tails were stiff and act as balancers.

>>137820746On its way to evolve into a bird. The arms were useless so they shrink until a T-Rex baby is born with them mission altogether. Same shit with whales how some of the throwbacks have tiny little useless legs where their rear legs used to be.

>>137820560t.rexHumans are superior

>>137820560And all it took to wipe them out was a rock from space. Pretty pathetic.

>>137820975They don't just shrink because they're useless, smaller arms would have to increase its mating success to take over. More than likely they never shrunk, they just didn't develope to begin with because the mutations with bigger arms didn't give an advantage

Blows my god damn mind to think about how much has really happened on this planet. I was playing Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey and the game starts you off TEN. MILLION. YEARS. AGO. And that's already DOZENS OF MILLIONS of years of evolution and global change after the dinosaurs. These fucking things are so unfathomably ancient I can't even wrap my head around it. Most of us don't even live to 100. Now imagine that already rare number multiplied by about 750,000. That's how many lifetimes ago these beasts walked. You're probably sitting atop land right now that has had more dinosaurs killed and eaten on it than you've taken shits.

>>137820916>a few million yearsThat time scale is absurd. We are just a few thousand years around.

>>137821042Would we get wiped out from a similar rock?

Did they ever explain why he built the park on an island prone to tropical storms?

>>137821103Now think about how much humans have achieved in a few thousand years with our intelligence. It's been an exponential increase.We're born too early to experience true greatness.

>>137821173I used to think flinging a nuke or 2 at a meteor would stop it and at most we would lose a few cities to all the debris slamming into the earth.But that NASA computer projection showed what would actually happen. The Meteor would blow apart and then reform due to the mass and gravity.

>>137821173>>137821042worse. we'd see the rock coming weeks in advance with no possible hope of stopping it and just destroy ourselves in the panic and cataclysmic terror before it even fucking hit us. at least the dinosaurs were still living free and without an unnatural care in the world up until the split second they were vaporized

>>137820746They're land-sharks. Do sharks need arms?

>>137821132Wanna know another weird one?We’re actually closer in time to the T-Rex than the T-Rex was to the Stegosaurus or Brachiosaurus.

>>137821197Or true horror.

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