
Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.Previous: >>137799383

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A truly great film is one that makes you think. Everything else is irrelevant.

First for Berto

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>>137817244A truly great film is one that makes you feel. Everything else is secondary.

"As for editing, my principle is the following. The film is like a river; the editing must be infinitely spontaneous, like nature itself. That which forces me to go from one shot to another by means of editing is not the desire to see things from closer up, nor to force the spectator to hurry up by introducing very short scenes. It seems to me that we are still in the bed of time, meaning that, in order to see nearer, we don't have to see things in close-up – that's at least my opinion. And accelerating the rhythm doesn't mean making shorter sequences. Because the movement of the event itself can be accelerated and can create a new sort of rhythm, and a long shot can give the impression of being detailed – that depends on its composition. Which is why, in these two specific instances, one is not close to Eisenstein at all. Furthermore, I do not consider that the essence of cinematography is the collision of two scenes, a collision that should give birth to a third notion, as Eisenstein used to say. On the contrary, the nth shot seems to me to be the sum of the first, the second, the third... fifth, tenth... and of the shot "nth -1", meaning the sum of all shots preceding the nth. Thereby we create the sense of a shot, in relationship to all the shots that have preceded it. That is my editing principle."

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>>137817244>>137817303A truly great film is one that makes you think about the feels. Everything else is secondary.

Reminder Japanese films and all that. You know the drill.

>>137817382"Eisenstein felt comfortable experimenting because, at the time, cinema was at its beginnings, and experimentation was the only possible path. Nowadays, given the established cinematic traditions, one shouldn't experiment anymore. At any rate, I myself wouldn't like to experiment. It takes up a lot of time and energy, and I consider that one has to be sure of what one is doing. An artist should no longer make rough drafts, should no longer try to draw vague sketches – he must create important fllms. Finally, I would like to say that, if one absolutely needs to compare me to someone, it should be Dovzhenko. He was the first director for whom the problem of atmosphere was particularly important, and he loved his native land passionately. I share his love for my land, which is why I feel him very close to me. I'll add: he made his films as if they were vegetable gardens, as if they were gardens. He would water them himself, he would make everything grow with his own hands... His love of the land and of the people made his characters grow, as it were, from the earth itself. They were organic, complete. I would very much like to resemble him in this respect. If I didn't succeed, I would feel mortified."

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>>137817244A truly great film is one that you enjoy.

>>137817695>Nowadays, given the established cinematic traditions, one shouldn't experiment anymore. At any rate, I myself wouldn't like to experiment.reactionary mindset glad this hack is dead

A truly great film, is an EXPLOSION!

>>137816959holy fucking shit.... Story of My Death from Serra is literally about the Jews, there was a monologue from Casanova on them too.hahahahahahahahha

>>137817739>avengers 25 rise of the zombie thanos boogaloo is a truly great film because people enjoy itYeah your logic is retarded

>>137817798>art is objectiveyou have double digit iq

>>137817795heres some more context

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>>137817798Did he say "people?"

>>137817244I've thought a lot about some films I really hated

>>137817386A truely great film is one that makes you feel like you're thinking. I think I feel that everything else comes second.

>>137817211Why is stone's 90s editing so great?

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>>137817868Truth is objective and art is truth

>>137817959Absolute hack

>>137817871Watch Story of My Death then, the director said this film is about an inversion of liberal values used for evil, which is something that effects us today, and the character calls the Jews noble and says they're just protecting themselves, then Dracula comes and kills him and 'liberates' the women he was having sex with.

>>137817991Damn I complete forgot that’s what the game was about. I wonder if Kojima has seen Lear

An uncompromising epic, every shot is gorgeous, every scene staged to perfection, every line read with purpose. One of the greatest American films ever made.

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>>137818029>art is truthprove me that

>>137817868Where did I state that its objective all the way down? Someone could say that the amount of words in a film is their criteria for what makes a good film, and they're not wrong, but once you subscribe to common notions that what makes a good film are(like what everyone but the most deranged psychopaths agree on), good editing, good dialogue, good directing, good acting, good cinematography, good meaning then we can start objectively talking about what are good films and what aren't. If your worldview leads to an avengers film being viewed as a truly great film than its a worthless worldview.


>>137817991Did my game glitch out or does it really make you sit in silence with skull-face during a seven minute unskippable car ride listening to a song play out?

>>137818055>>137818081Yeah you sit there staring at eachother the whole timeThere are a few sequences like that in Death Stranding that go longer

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>>137818055too bad is brankrupt united artists and set the stage for the hoards of soulless big-budget releases we're seeing now

The Sacrifice fucking sucks, literally a glib Bergman facsimile. Good thing Tarkovsky died before he could embarrass himself further.

>>137817983I was asking him. The simple fact that he was American proved my point completely though.

>>137817882Are there any other groups of objects that watch films besides people? Rocks? Trees? Water bottles? No shit we're talking about people you fucking mongloid.

Serra is literally based on the Jews holy fucking shit

>>137818057Art is a living animated organism. Life and animation are the definition of truth

>>137818128Please reread his post, carefully this time, before you reply to me again.

>>137818055Perfect film. That and Dune are the best American blockbusters in the past 40 years>>137818115American publics fault, not Cimimos.

>>137818191>Duneplease tell me you don't unironically like that filmeven Lynch says it's his worst

>>137818064>Where did I state that its objective all the way down?if a person enjoys avengers then it is a good film for that person>but once you subscribe to common notions that what makes a good film are(like what everyone but the most deranged psychopaths agree on)so if everyone decides that the avengers movies are good then it's good? it's a common notion that avengers movies are good and they make a lot of money>good editing, good dialogue, good directing, good acting, good cinematography, good meaning then we can start objectively talking about what are good films and what aren't.who decides what is good editing, good dialogue,...? everyone?

>>137818169>you aren't a person/peopleJesus christ this is one of the most retarded arguments i've ever had. If someone "enjoys" an avengers film, then its a truly great film for them, completely emptying the concept of goodness so that it becomes a featureless property. There's something seriously wrong with that worldview.

>>137817920Yes I am, I've been depressed lately and have a lot of stuff going on and my parents are about to kick me out of the house, I haven't posted for a few weeks desu, I sperged out before with Brown Bunny, so it's not entirely surprising. I love Alonso and imagined making a film like La Libertad for years, so when I saw it and said the only thing that would make this perfect is a shot of the sky then he proceeded to do it I started crying hysterically as if I finall felt understoof. It was an emotional experience for me, that, Battle in Heaven, and Match Factory Girl aren't 'objectively' great probably, but to me they are perfect. So I'm sorry for sperging and being a retard, Costa is objectively better, but Alonso resonates with me for some reason. Fantasma is another perfect film IMO. I didn't like Jauja nearly as much as he altered his style, but it's probably better than his previous work.

>>137818325Based sincere post

>>137818325Your parents sound mean. Anyways get a grip with the sperging, the Bresson statement was extremely stupid.

>>137818230Lynch doesn't like it because he didn't have final cut, that's literally the only reason and he views it as selling out. It's literally the perfect film in terms of creating an other world, and doesn't subscribe to political moral troupes and undoes most of the damage Star Wars did. The battle sequences are brief and purposeful, the acting is bad like any other Hollywood film, yet it convey the conspirator essence in any of the other Lynch films and depicts the bubble of neo-liberal elites as seen in Twin Peaks etc. It's a perfect Blockbuster, what all the normies that loved Avengers Infintiy War did, Dune does. Lastly, the villain is similar to that of Vampyr somebody that is chosen. It is a perfect film in terms of what it is. McLaughin has been in two misrepresented films, Showgirls, being the second and played fantastic characters in both. Dreyer also disowned Two People which is also fantastic, and even more egregious Tolstoy disowned War and Peace and Anna Karina, why should we listen to them.

>>137817244>>137817798If its brought up in your face all the time, sells well, and people are going to talk about it, you are going to think about it on a technicality. Valuing a movie purely on it making you think or just on your enjoyment I don't think are enough on their own. Why don't we say its about enjoying thinking about it

>>137818500>Lynch doesn't like it because he didn't have final cutNo. He said his vision was different from the final cut and he made too many compromises to what he perceived as producer's vision. So the film now is a giant compromise between two visions.

>>137818322grow up

>>137818430>the Bresson statement was extremely stupidIt's all a blur, what did I say? You didn't resonate with the characters? There's some truth to that, I view Bresson mostly as an objective interpretation of events, Lancelot is the finalization of his vision, not having seen Devil Probably, although I think Country Priest may be his best film and you definitely relate to the priest in that. L'argent was close to perfect, but it reminds me too much of Celine and Dostoevsky, surprised to see it was inspired by a Tolstoy story. The absolute bizarre thing is if you see how bizarre Celine is and how he's depicted as some crude white-trash Frenchman, he's had an unbelievable impact on French cinema, especially Godard and Rivette, and all these poignant conversation scenes are literally asides in Journey to the End of the Night, and Death on Credit. >>137818411thanks user

>>137818500It's a garbage film, user

>>137818322>you aren't a person/peopleNo. You are, in fact, not "people."

>>137818313>if a person enjoys avengers then it is a good film..So good has become a featureless property completely empty of any defining characteristic. We might as well call it CVwqert or mPIO.>so if everyone decides that the...It depends on what framework you bring too the table, as I stated before. If the framework starts with "Films are good when they make money and has lots of exposions", then the avengers is a great film, the best of all time! And something like Mirror is not a good film. Theres nothing that I can objectively say that shows this to be an invalid framework though I do think it has to indicate a rather sad existence. Most people don't subscribe to this though so its nonsensical to talk about, most people subscribe to rather normal views like good editing/dialogue/..../../ are what makes good films. >who decides what is good editing...Its implicit within the framework, so usually something like good dialogue would be construed as "authentic" or "realistic" or intricate in an interesting way. If that sounds vague its because there is some divergence within each persons framework, but that doesn't stop us from talking objectively about why avengers dialogue is really inauthentic when they're quipping with the world at stake, and there's something really authentic or real when Michael Corleone is talking with Fredo at the Lake Tahoe compound. If someone doesn't value good cinematography, or good acting, or good...., then they're not playing the same game we're playing here and as such I don't really care what they think about film.

>>137818564So is Magnificent Ambersons and it's literally regarded as one of the best film sof all time. They literally asked what Lynch would change and he had no idea, he's been a diva about it his entire career solely for petty reasons and nobody has felt compelled to defend it. Lastly, when he signed on he knew he wouldn't have finaly cut, The screenplay took years to create and was inspired by Battle of Algiers, and the voice-overs, Joyceian thoughts was absolutely fascinating. To me it was significantly better than any American sci-fi film except for Alien.


>>137818676You said a person CANNOT resonate with the characters.>Lancelot is the finalizationNot really, both L'Argent and The Devil Probably are the finalization of his style and thought process too. Lancelot still has non diegetic music iirc.

>>137818673go to bed boomer>>137818712Gee what was the word right before personAnd yes, you are LITERALLY within the category of people. Its literally tautological. The only way to not be people is if there are no other persons.

>>137818764Magnificent Ambersons is Welles film with tacked on ending. Dune is whole film between producers and Lynch, meaning it walks the line between two visions, not one coherent one like Ambersons with obvious ending meddling.

post modern american auteurs

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>>137818803>You said a person CANNOT resonate with the characters.Well obviously that's ridiculous, even in something like Lancelot the base humanity of him makes him more admirable IMO. It's 4chan, don't take it too seriously, but yes I apologize for that. Almost all of his characters are relatable, aside from A Gentle Woman which is a fantastic film in terms of its moral disregard for suicide, I thought that was fascinating. Ratcactcher, Gentle Woman, Last Days, and Germany Year Zero have depicted suicide so interestingly. Maybe Joan of Arc too, but that could just stem from indifference towards women. I gave every Bresson I've seen a 10/10, and he's my favorite director aside from Dreyer, Malick, Lynch, and Hitchcock.>Not really, both L'Argent and The Devil Probably are the finalization of his style and thought process too. Lancelot still has non diegetic music iirc.L'argent may be his best film, but I view it too derivative of Celine and Dostovesky to be the finalization of his vision if that makes sense. There's literally a scene that's exactly from Journey into the End of the Night involving murder in L'argent. Haven't seen Devil Probably, so jurys out. I don't remember the music in Lancelot or L'argent.

>>137818826You added "person" so your nonsense would seem less stupid. I'm going to ask you to again reread the post that started this, more carefully this time. You will find nothing about mass-appeal or the opinions of "people" in general.

>>137818851I disagree they aired Lynch's '3-hour cut' on TV and he disowned it as well. He's mostly bitter about 'selling out' and nobody has thought to defend him as he doesn't even defend himself. It's a perfect blockbuster and American sci-fi that challenges Hollywood norms, previews his further work, has ignoble characters in prominent positions, and portrays an other world in such a unique manner while maintaining the spirit of 30s-50s Hollywood films that we all love with 'bad-acting'.

>>137818992> I gave every Bresson I've seen a 10/10, and he's my favorite director aside from Dreyer, Malick, Lynch, and HitchcockVery basedIn Lancelot there are drums in different points of the film. Also why do you parents want to throw you out? Just get a job and they will let you stay. Easy.

>>137818992> I gave every Bresson I've seen a 10/10, and he's my favorite director aside from Dreyer, Malick, Lynch, and HitchcockVery basedIn Lancelot there are drums in different points of the film. Also why do you parents want to throw you out? Just get a job and they will let you stay. Easy.

>>137818749>So good has become a featureless property completely empty of any defining characteristic.no, look at the dictionary for the meaning of goodyou said that what everyone thinks is a good movie is a valid common notion to know what is a real good movie, so that makes avengers good because most people agree it’s good>If someone doesn't value good cinematography, or good acting, or good...., then they're not playing the same game we're playing here and as such I don't really care what they think about film.no one cares what you think about film too

>A risk in everyway. This feels like a breathe of fresh air in a medium steeped with derivative blockbusters and sentimental oscar bait. Something that's finally... real? Politically poignant allegories about the world we live in don't overshadow the brilliance of the directing here. Something tells me this is going to be one to remember!Why is someone spamming this everywhere on letterboxd?

>>137818897I loved Bone Tomahawk but Dragged Across Concrete left something to be desired. The first half of that movie before the bank robbery starts is a total slog. After that it gets good but it still didn't start strong

>>137819179I think it's a fantastic character piece

>>1378191550 idea but he is committed

>>137818764Alien is meh I could barely pay attention by the end. Ridley in his early career has the most nonsensical long dramatic pans, it just feels like imitation

>>137819106>In Lancelot there are drums in different points of the filmFuck I forgot about that, good catch.>Also why do you parents want to throw you out? Mainly because they dislike me, and instead of studying coding I usually read or watch films. I also think they also suspect I am a homosexual, which I am not not that that would matter to them as they are SJWs. >Just get a job and they will let you stay. Easy.I've been trying to get a job in Computer programming since March, but I haven't looked seriously yet as it's demoralizing and every job in NYC has close to 200+ applicants, and i have nothing to stand out other than getting a Math degree at a mediocre school in NYC.

>>137819214and Dune?


>>137819320Honestly the only thing I've seen from Lynch is Eraserhead and, to be honest, I couldn't wait for it to be over. I guess my original comment seemed more aggressive then I intended. Sure I appreciated the conceptual part and some of the images towards the beginning when hes at the girls house, and the ending is nice. But neither film is very inspiring. And The Duelist is kind of ruined by forcing one perspective but the ending is actually pretty impactful and innovative

>>137819426Eraserhead is honestly Lynch's worst film IMO, it has such a cult following but really just drags on and begs for itself to be interpreted. You read all these stories about him reading Gogol and Kafka, etc. and it's whatever. The only Lynch film I somewhat dislike, aside from Elephant Man, which is also somewhat underwhelming, but from Dune on is just masterpiece after masterpiece IMO aside from Straight Story being not a masterpiece but a beautiful film.I dislike Ridely Scott and think Gladiator is close to terrible, simply because slandering Marcus Aureilius like that in order to have a typical revenge story sickens me. Haven't seen the Duellists and might never, Scott is quite bad IMO, but I loved Alien mainly because it's the first 'great' film I saw at 16 years old that got me into film. Blade Runner's aesthetic was fascinating, but ultimately unfulfilling. Promethus, Covenant were horrible and The Martian was so boring I almost had to leave when I saw it in theaters.

>>137819136>good: Having the qualities required for a particular roleGee sounds like you need a predefined framework to describe what qualities you would need.>you said that what everyone thinks is a good movie is as valid common....I literally never said that, all I said was most people subscribe to more common notions like good dialogue/acting/... are what makes film good. I don't think most people when actually pressed on it would say avengers has good dialogue, or good acting, or good cinematography(most people who like the avengers wouldn't even be able to describe what that is). >no one cares what you think about film toooh man that really hurt me man. I totally accept that someone may not value my opinion because of my framework. If they don't value frameworks that value cinematography, and editing and acting and dialogue then that is their prerogative.

>>137817991This scene was so bad. I started laughing like 2 mins into it, venom is just sitting there not saying a word, looking around like he doesn't even care about skullfaces big speech. Mgs V is interesting and succeds partly from the thematic perspective (the emptiness of revenge, betrayal/idenitity/the player vs the character) but the pacing of the game and set pieces suck. And the character writing is worse than other metal gear games, examples as quiet and skullfaces (but also better with Kaz and huey)When you think about mgs 1,2,3 you have lots of different memorable moments, interesting stuff that happens. Mgs v is just kinda there, who gives a shit about liquid or the burning man or child psycho mantis or fucking skullfaces who shows up for like 3 scenes total. There is like no drive in the story or any sort of conclusion. Death stranding actually succeeded in making an "empty" game feel like a whole experience

>>137817211Are there any opera chads on this board?youtube.com/watch?v=n36uzWkc3h0

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>>137819116where 2 get job in the middle of global pandemic and record high unemployment

what are some movies with the same vibes as this

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Another webmless thread

>>137817211kino related to Wittgenstein?

>>137819677 >I literally never said that>once you subscribe to common notions that what makes a good film are(like what everyone but the most deranged psychopaths agree on)most people agree that the avengers movies are good because they find it enjoyable

>>137820111Wittgenstein from JarmanThematically, maybe 2 or 3 Things Abour Her or Tarkovsky.

>>137818788Obviously because that is the "common opinion" and we all know film plebs don't have opinions of their own. Same thing with Showgirls, which is a masterpiece.

>>137819304>Mainly because they dislike me, and instead of studying coding I usually read or watch films. I also think they also suspect I am a homosexual, which I am not not that that would matter to them as they are SJWs.This is hilarious. Kek. I'm a failure but my parents still like me and support me in everything i try (and fail) to doI thought programmers had it easy. >>137819766Walmart

>>137818120imagine getting filtered by tarkovsky

>>137820352>This is hilarious. Kek. I'm a failure but my parents still like me and support me in everything i try (and fail) to doMy parents hate me and want me out of the house. They also suspect I'm a 'Nazi', and my mom occasionally gets mad at me for only reading 'dead white men', so they make sure to hush politics around me, lest they be frightened, but always talk about it openly with my sisters and I overhear them. I also always reccomend films for them to watch too, and they have never watched a single one.>I thought programmers had it easy.Once they have their first job they do, also it's a bunch of team-work and cuckerty, working for Amazon etc. is like 12 hour days and endless team bonding, sounds awful. I did that shit in college, and got screamed at for not doing shit for a 'graded' team project. Oh well, why do that when you could watch Celine and Julie :).

>>137820578Now this reads like like a satire at this point. Still funny. To not end up on the street but yes Celine and Julie sounds better than team projects.

>>137820280Glad you agree about Showgirls, but I thought I made good posts about Dune. The funny thing if I said why Star Wars is okay, they'd just call me a contrarian for not believing in the status quo.>>137820738It's always been like this, my parents made me go to therapy from the begininning of middle school throughout high school, they're really just bitter their marriage failed and they're miserable.If I told them I was making a film or writing short stories they'd be furious, especially if they read them... I'm also the 'masturbating' film user lol and my second 'film' screenplay is about the college student trying to be the next Jeremey Epstein: the 'pedo' fim... Hopefully, I get kicked out though I need to get on with my life and would create a sense of urgency in me. I've been trying to find a milf to mooch off of for years though and haven't come close, aside from fucking a 40 year old, who was married, a few years ago which was quite disgusting.

>>137821014Only in America then. >They also suspect I'm a 'Nazi', and my mom occasionally gets mad at me for only reading 'dead white men', so they make sure to hush politics around me, lest they be frightened, but always talk about it openly with my sisters and I overhear them.This part is especially hilarious. Also what the it is even up with Americans and therapists. Well both of those ideas are quite degenerate and i can't imagine anybody giving you money for that second film. >I've been trying to find a milf to mooch off of for years though and haven't come close, aside from fucking a 40 year old, who was married, a few years ago which was quite disgusting.But user, you are gay.