The TPP is back!

They claim no dates are confirmed and they need to re-draft the text- but you know how sneaky these bastards are.
Everything from before still applies.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was a secretive, multinational trade agreement that threatened to extend restrictive intellectual property (IP) laws across the globe and rewrite international rules on its enforcement. The agreement was finally abandoned in November 2016 following the U.S. Presidential election. The main problems were two-fold:
The IP chapter would have basically made any content owned by another company illegal to post or view. Clips? Illegal. Screencaptures? Illegal. Parody? Illegal. The fucking box art? Illegal.
The punishment? You and your whole family household are banned from using the internet after a hefty fine. And of course to enforce all that, your ISP would spy on you more than the NSA. It was SOPA on steroids. The IP law was never about copyright (just like the deal was never about trade), it was pretext to get ANYONE they didn't like off the internet. No dissenting voices makes it easier to push agendas.
The second was the cartoon-villain lengths they went to keep it quiet. I.e. You could ask to view the document- but could only view one page at a time, in german, and couldn't make any notes. If it wasn't for wikileaks- we wouldn't have seen shit before the public document- just a week or two before the signing. Not to mention Plebbit and Twitter did their best to keep TPP related stories off the front-page.
It was Disney's wet dream into overdrive. No competition. No dissenting voices. Just consumers begging for more, and major companies selling them shit.
There was more (basically their own international court that ignored countries own laws- environmental protection, workers rights, stricter punishments for whistle blowers etc)- a fucking cocktail of NWO shit. But the first point would have fucked videogames hard (Emulators, piracy, killing the competition, etc).
The twelve nations that negotiated the TPP were the U.S., Japan, Australia, Peru, Malaysia, Vietnam, New Zealand, Chile, Singapore, Canada, Mexico, and Brunei Darussalam.
With the new draft, the US is out and Canada is a maybe. While the initial 10 don't seem relevant- other nations can join later. Think of it like the EU. First it's a "trade deal" among a few nations, then it grows and grows and strips nations of sovereignty as leaders sell out their people. Mass political censorship under the guise of piracy & copyright laws, every business getting bought up or run out like Weyland Yutani.
Oh, and you'll go to prison and lose the right to access the internet for using a message board, listening to the soundtrack of a game on jewtube, or emulating an old game no longer in print.

We don't know when it's gonna be signed, but we know a draft is in the works. And it will contain all the shit it did last-time if not more. Get to making the public to remember this exists. The more voices against this, the better a chance we stand. There are still plenty of folk who don't want it. Hell the "Pedowood wants you to kick you off the internet for sharing pictures of their films" is sure to rile up a few what with Weinstein & Co's revelations. The actor who raped a child gets nothing, you share a picture of him working on a movie and you're banned from using the internet.


Other urls found in this thread:

This has already been covered on Holla Forums and I'll say the same thing here that I said there. Without U.S. involvement, the TPP is dead on arrival.

the new version seems like it will work but it has done away with all the copyright nonsense from the original

It probably won't even get very far. Trump's presence was enough to fucking disrupt globalism across the world (ironically enough),

the only added things we're hearing about are environmental protections. i wouldn't call it perfect by any means but it mostly looks like a goods and produce trade bill.

The plan with the old TPP was public protests, and emailing senators.
Now since the US isn't in this, that second part doesn't matter. Even if you're in Auz or Canada- Complain. People emailed their senators under Obama for fuck's sake. Make it clear to them if they support TPP- they don't have your vote come next election. Attack their job security. Compile it with phone calls if you can.

are you actual cia?

Don't believe a word of it.
With how much they tried to keep TPP quiet the first time around, expect there to be nasty shit in it this time.

Gonna keep dumping info I have.
Full text of the original TPP:

you seem like you just want to make people protest against trade that excludes the us.
the ip part was solely included because the us was participating, and none of the other countries involved wanted it.

it doesn't sound too bad tbh


(you) (you) (you) (you) (you) (you)

It never hurts to have extra bullets in the chamber to shoot the possible rising zombie.

There's no reason to not be excessive in making sure this killer bill doesn't fly. Nothing gets past. There's always the terrifying question: What if Holla Forums was wrong? If it's not made perfectly clear that this shit isn't wanted, and it passes, then fucking hell that's one giant slip.

>Repealing (((Environmental Protections))) is bad
This is merely a punishment for retards and communists. Fuck off leftykike.

In short, the dirtiest, jewiest, most corrupt people (big businesses, Hillary, Obama, and several US Sentators) supported and helped craft this thing.
Even if it does nothing when it passes, it sets the groundwork for EU style destruction of the nations that are in it. And it won't just be those 10 for long if it does.

i honestly don't see a problem though. i'm looking through these images and i see nothing bad.

I got banned the other day for a one-line """Holla Forums""" post.

Reported because of standards.

Also this is not vidya related.


There's a lot of dirty fingers in the pie. There's no way this is a benevolent deal. You're really, REALLY bad at this.

my primary issue with the previous bill was the copyright nonsense. i was quite passionate about it.
right now they're mostly arguing auto parts and produce near as i can tell.
i'd love some actual contrary information instead of 'hey americans wanted to do this thing 2 years ago'

Who wants to bet anons like are actually shills trying to distract us?

Saving the world from jews is vidya, user.

It'll fuck with our vidya, which is why. You don't do that.

except it won't. the ip section has been fully removed.
but hey protest for us goy

Being superheroes is vidya?

What other changes have been made to the agreement?

They're going to come out of the woodwork screeching "MUH Holla Forums MUH NOT VIDYA REPORTED REPORTED REPORTED" thinking it's actually going to get them anywhere like it does on cuckchan

you know these bills are just stepping stones to inch in bullshit year by year, right? If this passes I guarantee the second half is next. Fuck the whole thing and burn it down, nothing has functionally changed.

Are they retarded?

but why would it?
the american companies were the push for enforcement and seperate courts. do you really think the other countries involved will benefit from those laws in any way?



i know i'm overposting in this thread that op will delete when he realizes he can, but it's simply not on the cards anymore.

I'm 95% sure it's shills.

He might still be on vacation

anyone still in the deal will have it enforced by whoever fills the chair.

Can someone give me the TL;DR who which countries are still a part of TPP? I thought everyone jumped ship when murrica did.

Cake-Jew's on vacation? That would help explain the rise of shitposting as of late, alongside another cuckchan exodus.

Hey nigger, that's what I said. You're stealing my posts

What happen to that shithole this time?

it mostly concerns canada and nips right now, and a variety of poor countries including malaysia.


I already read about this on Holla Forums today and you gotta be a massive newfag to not already know why the TPP is bad. This thread is pretty useless to me, I dunno.

As I recall, the NeoFAG incident resulted in some of those users fleeing to cuckchan which resulted in some of cuckchan's users fleeing here to avoid NeoFAGs.

Not everyone from here browses Holla Forums
especially after the election, jesus christ
Kampfy is so utterly beyond cancer, he might be one of the worst BOs on Holla Forums right now

This, there is a reason anons call that nigger a sabotaging faggot.

it was on here too for quite a while.


Don't worry those faggots will run back to their master with their tails between their legs.

ahh yeah those americans who made the original form.
if anything it was just bad publicity for the countries making the agreement to keep the tpp name after america and its copyright jews dropped out.

What's the "it" you're referring to? The general drop in quality?
Here it wasn't really as noticeable and it was a lot smaller in scope. This place was targeted by shills a lot less often (though it did happen from time to time).
Now after the neofag collapse, that's' when I noticed a massive downward spike in terms of board quality for here. Its like we had a chunk of our userbase surgically replaced with cuckchanners; its fucking awful. Low effort garbage shitpost threads have been everywhere for the past 3 weeks to a month
polite sage because this is starting to get off-topic

It's kinda already been happening. You think their shenanigans backstage with child actors will go unknown if they continue?

I was talking about the TPP threads, we had buttloads of them.

Why is Holla Forums STILL out of its containment board. It's seriously giving me a migraine seeing so many retards still at large and nobody doing anything to stop them.

hello jew, i'm afraid you're mistaken.
i fully support free trade without your involvement, i'm sorry you're upset by this. have something cute as my apology.

and here comes the false flags and shills

people were well against it WAY before trump even announced his presidential run. Please stop being a fucking retard, this shit started during Obama's last 4 years and no one fucking fell for your bullshit then either.

They were here this past hour, where have you been?

They're really not kidding about eternal vigilance being the price of freedom.

I just wanted to play video games, Holla Forums.

I fucking told you guys the (((government))) would bring TPP back, but you didn't listen. They'll keep trying this shit until they get what they want.

Multitask while others are on watch.

Does he have cancer or some shit?

let them push. If they want a quiet populace, they had best actually do what people want instead of world domination bullshit.


I thank the lord everyday that Trump got us out of that shithole. Hopefully you foreign user's countries can get out before its too late as well.

The government will serve the people or serve the firing line.

they will learn the right way or the hard way.

American companies can still use their influence and capital to change minds. Besides, I highly doubt that everyone who wanted copyright deals in the TPP will just sit back and let these countries go ahead with a trade agreement that suddenly doesn't include them. Reminder you have some U.S. companies shilling the paris agreement and saying they will abide by it even if America will not participate. Thinking that companies will act differently toward TPP because America left it is foolish.

This belongs on Holla Forums . Stop spamming us with alt right redditpol shit

I don't think you know where you are.

prepare to be bullied

It`s like a meta bait mixed with shilling, I am impressed

post yfw burger




You guys are fucking retarded

Explain how it could possibly affect America

It will affect you, so mail your senators.

Every countries economy has influence on others, what countries do you think america has deals with? Are you really this short sighted? Economies dont exist in a vacuum. TPP will affect multiple countries worldwide and if you think somehow america will keep doing the same as they have been doing over the years with those countries you are fucking retarded.

I dont have senators.

mail your granny then. do something.

Do the couple of depressed anons in the thread forget or do not know that Nip companies are total fucking jews when it comes to their IP?
You think Nintendo's bad with their stream restrictions? You ain't seen nothin' yet if the fucking TPP gives them any inch of power.

He does.


Their goal is to try to cut us out of the equation (and by us I mean actual grassroots oppostion to TPP). I assume they'll then try to ad-hoc the US back into the agreement after its established by waiving some nonsense about "job creation" in our face. These "its dead without the US posters" aren't thinking in the long term and are inadvertently playing directly into their hands.

I'm tired. Is this something to actually panic about or is it going to turn out to be absolutely nothing again? Also is it possible for the average citizen to realistically do something, or is it completely out of anyone's control?

So basically, you have no idea how it's going to affect the US or even how bilateral trade agreements work, and are merely talking a load of shit. Got it


IP law is fucked on both their and our side. But you're right, the Japanese are even more heavy handed at policing them. It doesn't take a genius to see the potential downside to creating one-size-fits-all solutions for issues that should be handled locally like IP laws. The TPP might be the last attempt the media hegemons' have to maintain control in the face of growing "alternative" media.

Depends. If you're in the US, so long as the US stays out of the TPP (so basically, so long as Trump is President) it will probably have as much effect on you as the EU has on the average American citizen

Nothing has changed. The only difference is that our corporations now have to push ahead with their plans without the legitimacy of US federal involvement. The threat of the TPP is still as real as ever.


fugging bedo sgum,gill yourselv :DDD

Absolutely disgusting

call cops, user.

Better download those fullsets before it's too late.

Tob Keg.

If lolicon isn't pedophilia then neither is the book Lolita and bara isn't gay.

I want the end of net neutrality.


Neck yourself. I don't want fucking micro-transactions for my goddamn internet access.

hey remember when we all decided to let the internet be ran by ISPs because it would create competition and result in them performing better with as little government interruption as possible? Remember how we were supposed to have nation wide fiber 10 years ago and they got billions in tax dollars in the 90's to make sure that happened by 2010? Remember how that didn't fucking happen?

yeah fuck that, nationalize the internet, fuck jewgle and faceberg.

Remember that the jew's ultimate tactic is divide and conquer.

Figure out which method benefits the jew the most, and avoid it.

you want to avoid the monopoly mantaining net neutrality then

not like we don't already have monopoly based on region.


I knew from the day the internet became a giant commercial that all the free shit will vanish.

Save all that you can user. Especially the weapons cube.

New Zealand and Shitpostistan will cop this crap too.

I wanna be like the boy on the left -w-

It doesnt exist retard
The best way to kill the kikes is by freeing the internet from (((neutrality)))

I wasn't trying to fucking shill. I'm legitimately enraged about the sheer pathetic spite and contrarianism of every fucking thing associated with Trump. Even suddenly shit like TPP just because him and his supporters wanted it gone.

Look around you. Femishit cucks and retards in general, especially Hollyshit, are being exposed left and right as sex offenders, cathartically proving sex sells and trying to repress it and visibly betray men only fucks you up. "Journalism" and the mainstream media are at the worst all time low in hatred and distrust. The mudshit whiteknights keep losing more and more "credibility" and tolerance and the push back against "SJWs", being "triggered" and "PC" in general keeps growing albeit cringily.


Now they're trying to crash the fucking trade market for the US? I'm so fucking sick of all this bullshit. And just because I can show I'm angry I look like I'm trying to make things worse. What the actual fuck is there to joke or laugh about?




Not surprised tbh


The countries in the EU chose to destroy themselves. That's why Italy is very different from Western Europe. Same reason why the Baltics are cucked compared to the rest of the ex commie countries.

As far as I know, probably wrong but it seems like America, Australia, Canada and now New Zealand who were the fucks who started it in the first place won't sign
It's just Japan at this point

>>>Holla Forums

And stay there

I thought Cuckdeau bailed too

The companies that will benefit from TPP are the same ones you find at Bilderberg meetings. They're all part of the NWO cabal who want to destroy national boundaries and the protections that come with them (constitutions, laws…) so that there is no resistance or competition. The tribunal and sueing of government provisions in TPP are their foot in the door, so to speak.

Blatant shillery.

What is Something Awful

He's stalling. Apparently, if he signs the TPP before Trump renegotiates NAFTA, then the US can fuck them in the NAFTA renegotiations.

You'd think Trudeau wouldn't sign it because the left hate it as much as we do


Yes, but the left are also notorious hypocrites.

And then the media will get them to hate it because ebil nadsis from Russia hate it

I thought those are girls tbh fam.

fuck I worded that wrong
I mean the media will get the lefties to support TPP because we hate it


Can any prove the IP chapter was removed from the TPP? An article for example?
If you think this is a waste- why post here?
If you think this thread shouldn't be here- why post instead of reporting.

Will post anti-shilling guide later.
In short- ignore and report those off topic/shilling.
Do the same to those who reply to them (a common tactic is to get two moms to argue and drag others in).
Beware of consensus cracking (many shills memory holing an opinion as what everyone agrees on, or working on mass to make a new opinion look like majority) and concern trolling (pointing out issues but not offering solutions to demoralise)

Hello Holla Forums


It wasn't removed. It was suspended, which means they can return it at any time.

You're just as bad as him

you know how the crying wolf story ends right?

When the fuck can the consumers finally crash and burn this kind of shit once and for all?

Comcast has nothing to do with that you fucking mongoloid. You pay 10 bux to have an account because the forum owners decided to make it so, not because an internet service provider said so. If Comcast did have the ability to put fees on random websites you bet your ass that they'd squeeze every shekel they could out of the situation.

Are you retarded?
He says to remind them in legal way, not to stab them on the streets or burn their houses.

Funny how if i can move freely cheese from france and beer from germany it also means i need to allow nigggers from somalia to my country.
Free trade is so good you need a secretive deal to make it.

This is an American imageboard, and the US is no longer involved. Go back to >>>Holla Forums for your geopolitical Illuminati circlejerk.

never, unfortunately.
There are businesses so big they can afford literal brainwashing using ludovico technique, but prefer to use facebook and capitalizing on (((common core)))


There's plenty of reason to not be excessive. People get tired of hearing it so they shut it out, people get tired of shouting it so they give up and go home. Fighting too long and too hard on something has a tendancy to backfire, whether that hurts us this time or the next it's something to be careful of.

Besides, this thing goes live in a bunch of third world countries without first world support and it's just them shooting themselves in the foot. The more obviously bad it is for them the easier it is to keep it away from us.

I didn't know what Comcast was as I'm not a burger

You bet your ass they would be forced to pay the website owners they put behind paywalls.



Seriously. Fuck off to your Containment board!
>>>Holla Forums

fresh off the boat I see

Cuckchanners having another exodus.

Sad that Obama nigger never got impeached and charged. He is truly part of the anti-Christ.

I thought Pope Francis is the Anti-Christ

These are all important observations. Also bump because this shit is important.

You have a link to that information?

go away!



I hate POGS, I hate boots, I hate civilians, I hate existence. Let me die, God.

Kill all Holla Forumscucks

Sauce on movie with low production values, please.

Prepare your ovens, we're bringing their meme to life.

Nigger what? None of the investor lawsuits against countries and corporations allowed to sue governments for profit loss and being able to arbitrarily strike down laws was removed from the bill.

Pick one.

Finally. Please do this.

9/11 still breddy gud

Pick one. Holla Forums is at least as cucked as Holla Forums at this point if not more.

Mind spoonfeeding me on that? I've hardly been here for some time and only picked up snippets here and there.

what can I do as a burger do seeing as I can't bitch at my senator?

I like how they argue this tuff is to compete with China but meanwhile China doesn't seem to be giving a fuck or objecting at all

One of their hotpockets (Beam) I think, is said to be a single coalburning mother. Pretty lulzy stuff, all in all.

Assassinate Trump, for the lulz more than anything else.

I have a feeling that if something like this did ever pass it'd go one of two ways
Seems to go off without a hitch but suddenly a lot of neets disappear
Or shit hits the fan and major companies start to die after their shady methods gets called out, data gets messed with, etc, and it all gets reverted.

fuck it, I'll still go to bat for my europoor bros.


Rampage 3

You are as empty as your words torfag.

For or against Trump, the man has made the kikes angrier than natsoc Germany!
