
How much autism is required to make all these super efficient, clean production lines I see other people make? My base is always a spaghetti mess and it's a miracle I was able to get science pack 2 automated at all.

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If you have to ask, you haven't yet ascended. Study them

I got that far and just quit, so I can't answer your question.

Rule #1: direct transfer of material from one machine to the next is preferable whenever possible.

Generally, the crafting time for inserters, belts, and gears is short enough that their machines are not usually the bottleneck. A single gear machine can supply a huge shitload of things for instance, and you almost never need more than a single inserter and belt machine.

Oh shit, I never even thought about doing it like that. I was thinking the best thing to do was try to separate everything as much as possible, which was hard because everything always ended up tangled together.

Do your splitting close to the main line, not at the top then looping back towards it.
Return the finished products to the main line and have them continue onwards to the next set of assemblers, then back out away from the line towards. There is no reason to have your assemblers so far away from the main line and you're gimping yourself by having the belts going all the way to their far side then back again just to deliver their components. Second pic related is my main line for producing all the components my construction bots need. All of the input products goes away from the main bus while all of the output products go towards the main bus.

It says in the menus just how much time it takes to produce so you can work it out with pretty simple math how many assemblers you need for each input product to get the desired amount of output product. It's good practice to always have excess input of raw mined materials because any bottleneck will slow everything downstream of it.

If you don't have your base covered in roboports then there's no reason not to have a main bus.

lazy incarnate


Wow, maybe if you're a normalfag faggot who doesn't like to optimize things. Do you even autism son?

All of it.

I don't need trains until I start to expand.

I have two, one for science packs and ammunition (middle) and another for everything my construction bots use and the rocket.

The best way to "beat" factorio, is to have multiple of massive specialized factories connected to each other by trains.
one producing only commonly used intermediate products (circuits, gears. etc), second only for science packs and last for everything else.

Post nuclear. Have yet to see whether my power switch works yet

I haven't actually finished this idea of the ideal factory. but I've started. The expansion on the left is the finished intermediate factory producing all types of circuits and gears.
My factory is experiencing a bit of an energy crisis right now so started producing solar panels. I really what to move on to nuclear, but no uranium to be found.

the beginnings of my main bus. this is like my 7th attempt at a world and I'm slowly getting the hang of everything. I can see the need for building big immediately. my next world will probably be a rail world, but I'll work much the same in this 4 belt lanes main bus method.

Had to retool my world since it was from 0.13 I think and had a bunch of old systems that didn't work. Anyone know what to do with 10k filter inserters since they aren't a part of blue packs anymore?

Also I've converted my base from spaghetti to lasgana

What is the blue science pack recipe now anyway? And did those lazy hacks seriously just ripoff that shitty landfill mod to resolve the serious problem with bodies of water in the game rather than come up with something that requires actual game design like barge or something? Should we expect more of this ripping-off-mods bullshit that killed Minecraft?

Tfw host bans me from using bots to place concrete

TOS of the game, or the mod platform says all mods belong to the company. Basically Bethesda bullshit.

what server?

Just me and my qt friend's.


You'll always need more space than you think, so don't slap your furnaces down right next to your ore extraction and don't slap your factory down right next to your furnaces. When you get to Roboports/Construction Robots and sufficient numbers of construction robos + robot booster tech rebuilding your base becomes painless, but before that you best have a lot of extra room to scale up your factory planned in.

A real solution would be a great, but a shitty hack that works right now is good enough for now I suppose.

i can't bring myself to use regular belts when i know underground saves UPS

Not the case anymore. Now entire thing from terminal to terminal counts as a single entity.

This is easy-mode, though. Also, there's only a few instances when the ratio of ingredients to products is exact. In the later game, any time your assemblers are idling, even if it's only a fraction of a second, is waste.

Robots are also easy-mode. But that main bus is pretty legit.
I cannot begin to express how happy it makes me that other people do that. Belts are love; belts are life.

that hasn't happened yet. it got pushed back to 0.16

Surprisingly little. There's programs and shit for getting ratios right.


It's like you're not even playing the same game.

thia, i embrace my chaotic ways too

Reminder to all xenos that even before man set foot on this planet it was ours and it is they that do not belong.
Also if you don't run your factories off the infinite supply of a 1% oil well and pollute the shit out of the planet then you're a faggot and probably a communist.

You need 48 exchangers for two reactors running at the same time.

I am tempted to get to the point where mining is automatically built across the world in chunks, digging up whatever it can, sending it back to be sorted, and then processed.

I enjoy a good spaghetti factory. Currently in the middle of my first nuclear update factory and I am unsure how I manged to get yellow automated. It works, but it's pretty slow. My constant problem is having enough iron plate throughput.

Someone already beat you to it.

I'm still waiting for a new version of this, but I think the user got eaten by his own creation.

It's not about chaos, it's about efficiency. You're going to run into a deadlock where everything else is bottlenecked by a single thing.

I guess it's ok if you have a small dick and don't care about making a really giant factory.

I don't get bottlenecks. It's just that separating everything out (and using bots, and using direct-insertion) makes everything far too easy. So I put everything on belts and make retardedly huge bus arrays and big train networks and shit. It takes a lot more effort to come up with a factory that can combine everything together without running out of space for things, than just building things off-site and bringing them in.

If I wanted to be massively efficient, I'd just make a big spreadsheet and optimize everything to perfection with math, and then… well, there would be no point actually playing the game anymore.

You sound like an edgy twelve-year-old, though, so I don't expect you to understand.

As someone else who struggles with the game, it takes practice and a keen eye for detail. You basically need to plan for the future the moment you start building your factory, including both production and automation

Tearing it down and starting again is easy once you get bots.

So after 500 hours in vanilla Factorio and done megabases, railworld and what not, I'm trying out Bobs+Angel+ScienceCostTweaker+RSO mods.

And holy fuck is that a quick way to hate not having any logistic robots.

This is just my iron production and I barely begun the game (1 hour in, starting mainbus).

Everything has waste products to manage and unable to be dealt with until green science. Not to mention the power requirements of these sorting, blasting, induction and casting machines.

It overwhelms me so easy when I look at the tech tree for creating plastic.

I wish there was a "move" blueprint, so you don't have to save a new blueprint every time you want to move something.

May God have mercy on your soul, wow. I'm only up to about 100 hours, and those mods don't seem really FUN, just more tedious. Maybe I don't have the required autism.

The old school blueprints worked great for this, tbh. I miss being able to clear a blueprint without discarding it.

I'm up to 100 hours with bob+angel+10x science cost+expensive recipes. I just got blue science packs going.
I bet it gets fun when you get construction robots.

I watched some of this series, and it helped a LOT.

My future planning is that I am going to get bots and nothing I do matters until then. Once I have bots and a personal roboport I disassemble like half the factory and redo it with better tech and using blueprints for everything.

This is usually how I end up doing my main plate production. Easy to scale in any direction and completely branch off anywhere.

Yeah I've seen this, but I was thinking more of just a train that goes along with self building track, and JUST mining. It simply expands dong in a single direction placing miners whether or not there's ore (or maybe not, depends on how easy it is to logic), and just digs things up. Eventually pulling up old miners… All you need is infinite worldsize and to include laser turrets if biters are a thing.

A factory theme I want to try is having every kind of item I want manufactured made at a different place. Like circuit factory takes in the plates and outputs the circuits, to a train network. Microfactory everything.

Waste products sound interesting, especially if you can eventually reprocess it all into goods again. That was one thing I really liked about the nuclear update, reprocessing old nuclear waste + kovarex into new fuel.

I hate it when biters build their nests right next to my train tracks. I'm gonna disable biter expansion in my next playthrough.

So many repeating integers, what a wonderful thread. Postan' my kovarex. It's a single modular unit. It's pretty great, I built 5 of them and I have so much 235 I NEED to produce atom bombs to consume the supply. I set up a switch off for if we have X amount 235 though, but whatever

just spaghetti until you get the flying robots and then you never have to worry about making anything look good ever again

Put a line of labs picking packs from a line, then put another line of labs behind them. The inserters can take packs from the first line and transfer them to the 2nd.

Not really, just plan a direction to expand everything to.

e.g. power is at the south, keep it expandable to the south, main bus goes north, use the right side of it for processing and keep the left side expandable.

You get logistics at blue science. It's not that bad. I have a Deathworld Bobs/Angel/RSO but it gets a bit boring after logistics bots solve everything.

What's a good, comfy height for a ribbon world?

You should have split off the coal lines into a branch for each side of the furnaces (so like the ore belt is sandwiched by two coal belts) simply so when you upgrade to electric furnaces you can get rid of the coal belts and have room for them without having to remove anything else.

Unless, of course, you intend to never use electric furnaces, and just burn a fuckton of coal through the entire game. In which case, I salute you! That would be a fun challenge.

There was a let's play series I was watching for a while (called Factorio Towns, I think) where the player was attempting to do something similar to this. It resulted in a lot of catch-22 difficulties such as: he wanted to set up an area to make military weapons, but in order to do that he needed to clear many biter nests, but he couldn't do that because he was too weak without the weapons…

Electric furnaces are actually worse than Steel furnace if you a burning coal in a boiler. You lose 50% of your efficiency that way and have idle drain. It's only efficient if you are 100% solar/nuclear, and even then it's not really worth it until you have modules, and when you have modules you'll tear apart everything to put beacons in there.

That actually sounds fun… use coal everywhere you can- using coal liquefaction as your only source of oil once you can. (AKA must unlock the tech asap, and stop using wells once you do)
As for weapons you go with anything coal based like grenades, mines, etc. Where it is possible to use coal, YOU DO.

There are people who don't use coal liquefaction for most of their stuff?

I've done huge bases with multiple oil field running at max module capacity and its still just a drip compared to what you want to produce. You'd have to go really, really far away from the starting position to get enough from drained oil fields.

I mean I'm running nuclear and my base isn't so massive yet but I'm still on the first oil field. Been making yellow science.

Electric furnaces become efficient with Efficiency 1 modules, and that's a lot earlier than the beacon & module fiesta. I really like completely upgradable layouts, too - something about that just tickles my autism the right way, and that's what the game is all about after all.

Why does this game look like the most autistic thing I've ever seen on Holla Forums yet?

I plan on building a megasmelter with 2800 furnaces in it, continuously fed from 40 blue belts. Its smelting capacity is 1600 plates per second, 5.76 million per hour. It's gonna use 504 megawatt of power for smelting alone, so electric power is out of the question, it's gonna run on coal. Last time I tried it I didn't account for train handling time and wound up with train moving in and out of the station stalling the process - chests were emptied to belts faster than full vagons came for unloading. So this time I intend to have 2 unloading stations in parallel, feeding to the same belts. That way there's even a bit of buffer available.

So basically it produces 40 blue belts worth of iron plates. Which is fairly adequate, considering that factory module that makes one blue processor per second takes two blue belts of iron plates on the input.

Efficiency modules in general are really just a waste of time and effort. You don't want them late game (only production and speed modules are good) and their construction cost is fairly significant.

e.g. 2 Eff 1 modules cost around 115 raw resources. They save about 30W or so. 115 coal would give you 460 MJ of power, enough to run the furnace for over 4 hours. And usually you're running out of Iron before coal.

How does one play a pirated copy in multiplayer?

By assembling a crew of fellow pirates.

I have this, but when trying to host a game it asks me to login. I made a fagtorio account but it tells me I dont have the game

What really sucks is when behemoths hang around on the rails and block a train, shutting down the entire track. At this point I don't bother with outposts, I just expand wall and massacre anything in the annexed area.

I found them useful in my current run. God damn angel buildings costing 1.5 MW apiece while I'm still fucking around with steam engines.

You know you could just build roadstones and ayyliens will not set up hives near them, nor will randomly attack them.

Reminds me, I need to create a power plant capable of vid related.

I feel like they're useful enough in not fully developed factories, you're usually going to have some drill or assembler or smelter to slot them in and keep getting payoffs, in the worst case you can always recycle them into a Power Armor 2. Saves some of the effort of xeno defense as well.

what witchcraft is this he's planning? because i fucking hate roboshits cluttering up my skies.

It makes me very happy to hear this. My last factory ran 100% on steam (I never made a solar panel until it was time for the rocket) with electric furnaces, and by endgame I needed more trains bringing in coal than for freaking copper. It was part of the challenge because several times I didn't catch coal shortages until too late, and the entire factory suffered a power-failure-spiral (and immediate biters-eating-through-the-walls, forcing me to go back to an earlier save to fix the issue before it got out of control. Next time I'll be smarter: I'll rig up buffer chests for coal to a switch, so that if it drops below half-full it'll immediately cut power to all the smelters and sound an alarm.

In any case, the reason most people switch to electric furnaces is because it reduces pollution. I'm fairly sure that coal burned in a furnace pollutes more than coal burned in a boiler.

Using "victory poles" to prevent biters from spawning in that area was patched out. Now, if you've got something where the biters want to migrate to and set up a new base, they WILL attack and destroy whatever it is, even if it's just a length of track.

Summed up here: factorio.com/blog/post/fff-176

Why would you do that? Why would you ever do that?
You don't reduce complexity or space usage, if one copper plate makes TWO copper wires, then you're losing density on your line by transporting copper wires instead of copper plates. And the other reason to put things on belts is that it reduces your input complexity (if a factory needs green chips and steel for example, you can either pull green chips and steel off your line, or you can pull iron, copper, and steel of your line) and since copper to wire is 1 -> 1 material you don't gain anything there either.

because it lets you keep your assemblers in a straight line with no spaces in between, the way god intended.

But you can do adjacent tiling with sets of assemblers as well!

Are you not spamming out at least a little solar power? I've never come close to running out of coal before running out of iron, so I imagine coal would only be a problem with really lopsided starting resources.

Also you should either be turning your coal into carbon before using it or doing algae farms and making wood bricks. Latter is obviously better but a bit cheesy IMO, real life power plants are not fueled by algae except in some theoretical future concepts which wouldn't be a red tech.

You'd always rather have a prod module IMO, it can be recycled into a prod 3. Coal is just not the limited resource normally, more iron or copper > saving coal unless you want to completely avoid both nuclear and solar.

The only reason I can see using them is in far-off bases where you don't want excess pollution, but even then just throw down a bunch of laser turrets and a roboport with 50 repair packs, it'll last forever.

Ehh, yuck. Getting a better primary source of power than coal is always a priority as soon as you rely on laser turrets IMO. They suck up power like a motherfucker. At the very least you want to run solar in day and wire boilers to only run when the accumulators are running dry.

Looking at the numbers, it's Steel (3.6) vs. Electric (0.9 base + 180 KW of power (1/10th of a boiler = 2.77) = 3.66, so the Electric produces slightly more pollution unless I'm missing something. Also keep in mind the idle drain vs. burners that consume zero fuel idle.

How do you nerds generate enough iron or even green chips to fill these busses?
I usually play solo. I want to see how you guys manage getting raw materials from the land.

A lot of people play with RSO, which is a mod that makes ore patches fucking huge but much more spread out, so you can easily maintain a full 16 belts of iron or copper ore using a rail network.

just pick it up off the ground

you can do roughly the same thing with map settings too

This is the correct mining setup that everyone uses.

RSO is basically just railworld settings.

See I do that and I keep running out of ore too fast. I researched a bunch of mining productivity levels, so I figure I'll try spreading the miners out to prolong the time they are mining, since each one can drain a patch pretty quick.

There's no shame in bumping up your ore richness. Ore richness also automatically goes up the further from the center of the map you travel. Apparently you crash landed on literally the least mineral-rich place on the planet. Eventually you'll get into the billions of ore if you go far enough.

I saw someone playing a ribbon world where the map was only like 12 tiles tall and infinitely wide. Tried it myself but as soon as I got robots it became basically the same. Interesting with belts only though. Fucks any semblance of a main bus though.

Also the least xenos rich.

Fairly certain the entire world is xeno-uniform. It just appears to be denser when you start exploring because the biters are still active a bit out into the FoW and expand their bases. Past that ring the bases are the same density as at game start.

that sounds like my kind of party.
12 seems too luxurious though.

I think I'd like a train car that functions at a roboport. Would be fun to aid in rapid expansion.

Has anyone made a whole base around a single sushi belt? That's something I would try there.

I saw some people make sushi belts for their labs to deliver science packs but I never saw why. I was sure it would just get clogged with the stuff being produced the most.

The rocket silo is 9x10 so you could go as small as 10.

the whole point is to design them so they don't get clogged.
i also don't see why people use them for labs, far easier to chain them together with inserters.

i was thinking of doing dumb stuff with trains and parked cars

fuck the silo tbh i'm already doing 8

how are you planning on walking past it?

no reason to walk past it i reckon, one would just put it at the end of their base.
i wonder if squeak through works with map edges though.

Give me some Factorio mods recommendations

I do it to make it LESS efficient, and because it looks AWESOME. The only reason I play video games is to make cool-looking shit.

It didn't take me long to figure out that, by early-endgame, literally HALF your factory's resources are going into making circuits. Plan accordingly.

Well, depending on settings, there is an area immediately surrounding your starting position where there are no biter bases at all, so you have a chance to tech up a little before your pollution cloud starts hitting them.

Haven't played in a while, so pic related is at least one update old, any tips?

I see people using multiple lines for their main material distribution, seems like it'd provide more even distribution instead of splitting off of a single belt ass the time.

Also, is that chest buffer to curb fluctuations a crutch? Not sure I pay enough attention to raw resource input.

Also meant 'all the time', not sure how I managed that one.

It helps give certain lines more priority. You can build smaller splitter groups for less important production and bigger ones for higher priority like circuits. A larger amount of splitters gives a production line a larger pool of resource to draw from in case you start running low.

Trust me, the game is at it's most fun when you're tangling spaghetti around.

Xander Mod.

inb4 tubed


At some point you're going to have to rebuild that entire factory from the ground up to allow enough room for future expansion. I always used to do it at the point of making blue science because of the leap to oil processing, but now that they've changed the recipes I'm not sure what would be a good time.

Either way, just start stockpiling a shitton of belts, inserters, and assemblers for when the time comes. To give you an idea how much more room you need: see how you have one refinery right now? By endgame you'll probably need at least ten.

make it bigger

Is there a snow biome?

Roboports are great, but when I played they just felt like the end of the game. The cool thing about this game is scaling things up, from the smallest coal fired drill to a huge factory, and that point it just stopped scaling at all. I want to see an RTS mode after that. That would be really great.

Get alien biomes mod.

Hopefully the mentioned dlc that's sort of planned after 1.0 will focus more on an end game goal. From what I can tell, .16 is going to be mostly optimization and new ui

Best change for .16 is that changing mods won't clobber blueprints.


It's not hard. find a relatively empty area or make one. Layout your factory for It's intended purpose. Fiddlefuck with it until it is perfect. Set up automated defense and start piping in resources. Your chemical factory pretty much should only have one layout for max efficiency.

You could use this layout if you wanted to convert everything into petroleum in exact ratios. Because really who the fuck needs more than one chemical plant making lubricant for literally everything in your base.

I wanna make a lot of specialized factories connected by a rail network, but I'm not sure how exactly to divide everything. Would it be viable to make a separate factory for every single thing you make?

That would probably be doable, if chaotic and kind of a logistic nightmare, but as far as I understand that's the entire point of the exercise. Sketch out how that factory would have to roughly look like on paper if you're unsure.

It's already a nightmare to put every single thing on a bus it would be even worse to have separate factories for everything.

Kinda? At the start of your main bus you can have basic components being made and feed them in, having belts just for circuits or gears etc that are used in lots of different things. If you have a train connecting the place it's made and the place it's used, you want the train to carry it in the most space efficient form.
For green circuits, they take 1.5 copper plates and 1 iron plate to make and stack to 200 (where plates only stack to 100). So there you're saving 3 item slots per item by delivering circuits instead of copper and iron plates. If all of the iron and copper being mined in that outpost is going to be made into green circuits, then you should definitely do all the manufacturing over there.
Same goes for gears that take 2 iron plates per gear and stack to 100. Transporting them as gears instead of plates will let you move twice as much each trip as opposed to iron plates.
It doesn't make too much difference for your organisation if you're loading everything onto a main bus but it does have the downside that you will have to make sure each of those outposts stays supplied with enough ore to keep running. Even if you find a spot with iron and copper to make circuits, one of those ores is going to run out first and the whole thing will stop because of it. If you have a central processing factory and all of your outposts just collect resources and deliver it to your main factory, you can strip every outpost clean without worrying about which ore runs out first or what to do with it when one set of ore is too low to continue effective production.

Only faggots rely on laser turrets. Gun turrets are both statistically superior and cooler.

running them all around your big ass base with all the inserters and massive ammo belt isn't ups efficient.

Too bad flamethrower turrets are so clumsy, those seem fun to use.

This setup is for homosexuals, real men use wires to build an automatically adjusting system that produces anything in whatever quantity you need and then turns the overflow into rocket fuel.

They are. One factory I had, my main defense was flamethrower turrets behind a self-rebuilding minefield. Good times.



Every time I play this game, I tell myself that my designs will be super crispy and efficient and there will never be a need to tangle things up because I'll just put everything where it should be as if it were already in an end-game rocket and purple drank factory.
And then I start a new game, and I cannot conceive the design for an end-game twenty-screen-span factory in my peanut brain, and then the biters attack while I'm starting to set shit up and I have to rush into turret and ammo production and I end up just making technohorror cyberpasta.

If anyone has some autism to donate, I'd gladly accept. The doing complex tasks effortlessly kind of autism, though. I don't want the clutching your ears while shrieking because wool entered your 50 foot perimeter kind.

Also, is there a mod similar to Angel's Infinite Ores that makes ores never completely vanish, but makes them gradually reduce yield down to about 1%?
I hate the idea of having to scrap a massive mining operation and all of the spaghetti attached to it, but I also like the idea of constantly having to find new sources of spaghetti to add to the pot.

You do know how to do a belt balancer right? Because that red science thing is really triggering my autism

I've never learned to use wires or anything like that. I've always done things purely through belts, splitters and underpasses.
Is there any in-game tutorial that teaches you how to do everything step by step, or do I have to take an electronics course?

Download blueprint books.


This link leads to nothing.

Weird, it's not loading for me now either. Guess the site's broken.

This is a belt balancer. It'll balance items on both sides of the belt no matter how or where you input items. You could just put both sides of your red science into this and it'll balance it perfectly without needing that weird loop.

Oh yeah, I do that all the time. I didn't know it had a name.
I actually do that on my red belts there, I just do it multiple times and then string the belts around because I'm the bad kind of autistic and I like my belts to be full on both sides from the very top all the way down.


blueprint menu -> import string -> paste

This is what OCD does when combined with autism.

That worked, and hot damn that's really neat. Thanks, user. I didn't even know blueprints were a thing, and now there's this whole new world in front of me.

Yeah it makes life waaaay easier. Here's the science one I'm using since the blueprint site seems to still be broken.


Wow, this stuff's a lot more efficient looking than anything I've ever made myself. I'm definitely going to be using some of these to ramp up older tiers as I progress, but I'll keep muddling through first since trying to figure this stuff out is so much fun.

someone draw porn out of conveyor belts



Wouldn't a blueprint to build something necessarily include every single component in the production chain? Not even mad, just a little surprised it left out such a big chunk.
Gonna tie a big bow of circuit boards around this neat little rectangle of green science.



Pirate fag here. What's the difference between official and torrented copy? I used to own the game but it's been a few years and I have a new rig and Steam's cancer.

I think you can get a steam free version from the dev's site.

Yes but I already bought the game before. Why would I put money into the same product twice? Also Mod DRM is cancer.

Just like buy the game. Stop being a faggot.

I already did nigger. The devs aren't worth giving money to twice.

Does this game have an end goal, levels and so on, or is every game just randomly generated map and you build as far as you can?

Nigger if you bough it already you should be able to download it again.

Th versions tend to get updated pretty well for the torrents. Also the official forums have the release notes really well organised so you can just go on there and find out what version you're looking for and do a torrent search for the most recent one.
Generally I don't bother with anything other than keeping up with the major versions as they've always been bug free as far as I can tell.

Randomly generated build as far as you can. Goal is to launch fish into space.

how does one actualy get threw oil i have an allmost not spegeti base and every time i hit having to go into oil i end up fucking everything up and dropping the game

Where? I've been yo their site.

Fair enough. I just havn't been up to date I guess. What's the current version?


Holy shit user don't do that unless you have logistic bots. Route the supplies so you have an unbroken chain from digging them up to manufacturing.
If you're running from chest to chest to keep your factory going you're doing it wrong.

I assume you logged in.

i cant into oil and i thought i was supposed to use belts

Don't have the login info. It's been a few years remember?

Bots are a mid/late game thing that carry things from logistic chests to other logistic chests. I still use belts for everything.
Best advice I can give with oil is to have your pumps, whichever that first massive building is called, and the chemical plants far apart from each other. In different directions if you can with tanks in between. Stops things from clogging up and spaghetti-ing too hard.

You could probably get them if you didn't use throwaway email otherwise you are fucked.

Just ship everything to a dedicated liquid storage area and take it from there to wherever it's needed.

It wasn't throw away but it's long since been abandoned. Either way there's a reason i'm asking these specific questions.

there's plenty things where it's okay to manually huck stuff into a chest.

now that you mention it…

Move everything but your chemical plants about a thousand feet away from the rest of the base. Then you'll have room.

what are you doing

Just noticed something weird with splitters.
When things re piling through, it all goes to one side of the belt but then if a single item goes through it on the other side of the belt, everything switches sides. Webm related. Is it supposed to do that?

looks normal
your underground belt is feeding only the left lane, the other belt is feeding the right lane. it alternates which belt it's taking from and which belt it's picking up from at every item, so a stray item going through will cause it to flip.

The splitter splits every other item. If you have two perfectly balanced (compressed) lines, they'll keep going to the same side. Throwing 1 extra item in shifts the balance.

Found some pictures of my first and second factories while sorting pictures- might as well post-em. In the first, steam power is below the scene, and in the second, it's above.

are they even any good? I always thought mines were too expensive.


Optimize that disgusting shit. What the fuck are you doing?

I came here to watch satsifying webms of pure autism. Why aren't there more webms?

Is this good enough?

its like a christmas tree but you forgot the star!

First fish in space though.

codspeed you magnifishent basstard

Give everything about 10x more space than you think you need.

What is this heresy?

You can unload significantly faster by outputting items straight into a chest, because the inserter can use it's stack bonus without waiting, and the train doesn't have to wait for the belt to empty.

Stay cucked steam goer.


If you have coal and plastics, they're super cheap. Then constructions drones place and replace them. As long as you get the research for (explosive damage?) they can even kill the hugest biters very quickly, and they have AOE. Most of the time, packs of biters didn't even get 2-3 mines in.
Also yeah, the purpose of that second factory was to both have a perfect power field (no gaps, so I could place anything almost anywhere) and to build the manufacturing itself inside the main bus. All lanes are spaced so they can accommodate an assembler, and an inserter on top and bottom. It ran into starvation issues though on chips because I simply didn't have the production of it, but other than that it was pretty good.


Construction bots kind of are an RTS mode now that you can move the camera around and place blueprints in the satellite view. I think the issue with scaling up is that pretty quickly the combat element becomes a trivial game of casually clearing out nests of biters with laser turrets, even full saturation mode becomes trivial to the point of non existence long before the factory part of the game becomes trivial. It's an easy problem to solve because any and all expansion can be shut down by just a one tile wide wall and some laser turrets, but I think if more enemy types and variety were added, there would also need to be more ways to deal with them. I think that's where the RTS part could really come to fruition.

Well, I played for about 3 hours now, no tutorials except what I touched on here in the thread.

I am completely hopeless on setting anything up on automation, only thing I've managed to do was get water electricity through steam from a nearby lake to power four labs, while I keep burner mining for iron, copper and coal and emptying plates as needed while crafting Science Packs 1 & 2 to research shit manually. I'm pretty lost on how to even start, I got one Assembly Unit but I have no idea what the fuck to do with it, so I've just been upgading weapons and research speed… The whole idea of beginning automation and where does it end gives me this feeling of nausea, like it's all too grand for me.

Go to a psychiatrist, soon.

Play the campaign it should ease you in the game.

There's no way you can use oil faster than it unloads with pumps. My train spends most of it's time sitting there waiting for the oil to be used up.

I just told you to give everything more space than you think you need. The map is infinite you know.

I was about to say they changed this a while back so stacks could be put on a belt but realised you're right. I'd be saving the amount of time it takes for each item to move out of the way of the next one per arm movement. Would add up pretty quick. Might have to change that but that's an extra 2 tiles of space to get it from there to a belt and I'm not going to move my entire supply of incoming iron and copper by logistic bot.

This might not be the game for you.
Try to make everything run on electricity and make the products travel by belt to where they're needed from the miner through smelters and assemblers to the science labs. Once you get an unbroken chain going it'll take care of itself and you can focus on upscaling by adding more at each stage along the chain. Embrace the belt spaghetti when you start and when you've figured out what you need to do but it gets too crowded and too messy to do anything with, restart the game and try again neatly. Don't be afraid of restarting. Abandoning a self sufficient base and starting a new one elsewhere also works but if you do I can't stress enough how important it is for sanity to put it out of your mind entirely and let it rot rather than skipping back to steal from the old base.

There's a difference between leaving usable space in between sections and leaving unusable space between buildings that you have no reason not to squish together.

It does matter once you get bots.

ah yes, all those bots that get involved in refining oil and moving liquids around.


The vast majority of the most efficient designs were made up by one person or a small group of people that everyone else just copies. Just watch said people long enough and you will tap into your inner good boy


so how do i oil dubs man

just like make factory

whelp its not pretty but i got my petroleum working. pumping out batteries and plastic.

Sucks, looks pretty decent.

Abandoning and starting over is good advice. I nuked my first three factories before I got one good enough to launch a rocket (and it took like three hours to build up the rocket parts…). Once you get to a certain level of spaghetti, it's just not going to get any better.

I have to ask why the hell you need walls on a bus. The bricks, okay because they're used for making furnaces… but even still, I'd rather just bus raw stone and make it into bricks nearby where it's needed.

its my first base plz no bully…. i want to build a massive self building wall across the land witch from what i read ill need robots and i kinda assumed a shit ton of walls.

Does anything other than rails even need stone? (Unless you're making boilers I guess).

You need at least two tiles between rows or you can't turn into an underground belt. Pretty sure an underground belt reaches 4 tiles but mine are always 2 belts wide for ease of splitting.
that's more like it.

Bots take from logistic chests so it can just get slapped straight into a chest without going onto the bus.

You can launch spess rockets? What do they do?

win the game if you put a satelite n them

Oh. I thought you might start making factories in space and mine asteroids and moons and shit.

They actually had plans to do that but for some reason they decided to ditch this idea and since then it hasn't been mentioned on their Friday facts page. Which blows because then it would make the rocket silo really useful, having the ability to "colonize" other planets would be pretty neat too.

Only rails, and bricks for walls and furnaces, but you need a LOT of rails. I find it easy to just dedicate one line of the bus to half stone and half raw iron (for making concrete).

On that note, it always annoyed the shit out of me that you use raw iron to make concrete, and not iron sticks (aka rebar). Also, it should be using steel to make rails, not iron sticks; nobody needs a rail network who doesn't already have steel production going so it's even senseless for gameplay balancing.

This was an original idea for an endgame (kinda like a new-game-plus) but never got beyond the concept stages. At this point, I'm positive that there won't be any more big changes to the game; the devs seem like they are ready to polish the game up and consider it finished with a couple more small updates.

I have no idea how I'm going to automate these science packs.

Crazy how this is true for literally everything in life.

You're going to love the yellow ones, then.

Well, I did as was suggested and played through the campaign a little, go to the second chapter of the second campaign after building a car to get there. It's still pretty overwhelming, I think the game makes too big of a jump from your first little attempts at automation in the demo/tutorial campaign, and when you start the second one BOOM you have a base ready chucking out tons and tons of shit to be assembled or not into boxes and it's just so fucking overwhelming again where to even begin.

For what it's worth, the 1st mission (build a car) took me 1h 45m, and while I did get multiple assemblers pushing out red science packs like hotcakes, I didn't once again even know where I should begin with to start putting out green ones (Inserter+Transport). How long should it take if you get everything working right?

Also to those who said it's not for me, maybe not yet, I'm a slow learner, but the graphics, the atmosphere, everything just gives me that Command & Conquer itch somehow and I fucking love it, even if I'm playing "wrong" for the most part.

Fluids are first thing you should be putting in a logistics network. Very dense in terms of what a bot can transport, very awkward to move, produced in a place that can't be easily moved next to the what needs it (since you want it expandable).


You bus things that are often used in other products. This means Iron/copper/steel plate, the plastic and batteries. Stone isn't needed until fairly late in the game. Sometimes you can bus things like gears too, or just make them on-site since they are iron.

Bronze is easy to smelt. Batteries is just plastic and sulfuric acid. Engine is normal shit. Circuit boards are a PITA but you should have it 75% done already.

Blue science gets you logistics bots in bobs/angels which makes dealing with angels petrochem massively simpler since you just bottle it up and let a bot take it where its needed.

i have gotten to oil so i'm at needing plastic. and iv'e moved my science facilities once already in the transition to green & red shit and ill move it again when i find out how to make the next two tiers. if i don't abandon this base for a peaceful world so biters don't make me build a retarded wall of being in the fucking way.

this, this what what I did in my current map. I have a dedicated oil processing area, and train shit in and out. one of the trains drops right into my main bus farther down the line where the chem shit starts getting necessary.

well i was going to set up a rail system but i havent touched it yet wanted to get my oil running first so i could robots

With the blueprint books people linked me before, I got the hang of things pretty quick. Actually too quick. I think they made things too easy and I'm not sure I actually learned much by just spamming premade segments for everything.
So I decided to put myself through hell, and install bob's and angel's and yuoki's and some others that supposedly make power generation more difficult and make nights last twice as long as days so you can't rely on SP/accumulator spam unless you take it to an abstract level.
All my shit is chaotic and messy again, I'm making shortsighted mistakes again, and the fun is back.
Also I'm paranoid as fuck because the zerglings are more active than they've ever been and I don't know if it's a mod causing it or just random chance. I used to see maybe 5-10 per pack, but they've been attacking in waves of 30-50. Good times.

Has anyone ever made a factory that busses every single resource in the game to the point that it puts out at least four full belt segments worth of even the most complex product per second? I wonder how large such a factory would even have to be. The central belt line alone would probably be a few screens tall.
Would it require Magnasanti levels of ascended autism, or just a shitload of time and patience?

Would it require Magnasanti levels of ascended autism, or just a shitload of time and patience?
4 full belts of each rocket part? That's a bit insane. Belts of nuclear reactors and shit? Why?

Obviously it would be possible, you can blueprint entire bases and just keep building them, then merge a bus line somewhere. You'd need a supercomputer to run it though.

Is Yuoki's good? Looked kind of meh and really ugly from the mod page. I was going to start a Deathworld Bobs/Angels, should I include it?

Also does anyone use ScienceTweaker? It seems to be broken with Bobs (labs aren't set up properly). Anyone have a fix?

It's entirely based on pollution. However if you are at low evolution factor you'll get more smaller bugs rather then fewer big ones. Evolution actually decreases the overall amount of bug HP your turrets need to chew through (though their armor goes up, which makes normal bullets shit).

When you get to behemoths you should have flame throwers anyway. I think they got nerfed slightly but they're still overkill for unmodded alien attacks.

I'm probably not the best one to judge, since I'm still a pretty low-level at this game.
Some of his icons are ugly or obviously placeholders. His actual buildings are okay looking, and his cars are comically trash looking.
I like his turbines (2x2 steam engines that generate a little less power), and I like other things he's added for the gameplay factor, such as his wood briquettes and packed wood briquettes - basically taking wood and compacting it into stackable fuel units that contain 5x and 25x as much fuel as a single stack of wood respectively.
They're a good alternative to coal if you've got bob's greenhouses churning out wood, since each packed wood briquette lasts about 4x longer than a single piece of coal. It's probably useless later on when you can pipe in actual fuel, but I've not played any of these mods beyond the early game yet.

Flamethrowers are a waste IMO, laser turrets destroy everything just fine and power is basically free. Routing fluids is a PITA.

Bob's greenhouses are basically cheating as far as I'm concerned. Angel's has its own way better methods of creating wood (which have their own process to make them into wood blocks that have 25 MJ for burning).

Yeah, the output from a simple loop is kind of high. I'm still digging through this stuff and seeing what does what, so I'll probably end up switching over to the angel's method as well once I locate it.

For wood boards you go through green algae (which can also make the wood blocks), for resin there's a specific process.

You'll also want a big algae farm for plastic. Getting plastic from oil sucks, if you get it from bio you can almost ignore petrochem.

Because you've never seen Aurora.

Can't wait to see how much stuff doesn't actually work and how fast the pollution is going to skyrocket from 0 to 9999999999999.

Actually not true. It's based on three things: time, pollution, and how many biter bases you've destroyed. Pollution has the greatest effect, but the others can't be ignored; if you sit around for too long not increasing your pollution, the biters are still going to evolve.

Destroying spawners increases evolution the most I think.

Evolution is based on those three. Spawning biters is based on pollution. Everything point of pollution absorbed by a spawner is added to their pool, then they spend from the pool to spawn stuff. Evolution simply unlocks new tiers of stuff for them to spawn (at a higher pool cost).

I think the only instance in which biters can spawn without pollution is if you are intruding next to the spawners.

Depends, usually its time for me early game and later it's pollution. You can check by doing /evolution in the console.

You do that pretty rarely compared to pollution though.

The fact that the map is infinite is what shut down the idea. Outside of exclusive resources there wasn't much point.

Pic related from the wiki. The numbers are just really high for killing spawners so if you decide to clear a massive area earlygame you might find yourself up against medium spitters before you have reliable defenses up and it'll fuck you pretty hard. The jump from small to medium stat-wise is pretty big because of the way resistances are calculated but once you get higher tier weaponry you'll barely notice the difference between medium and large.

Mods? Is there even support to add that to the game? Always thought oxygen would be an interesting resource to keep track of (a fluid) if you were mining out a moon.

You can create new worlds and land at will. Factorissimo does that to create buildings you can walk in to and there's a caves mod that lets you explore underground for ore.

There was an oxygen mod released like half a week ago.

Overall, is the game still solid without any mods or are there some really must-have ones for "ease of use". I don't really want to lower the difficulty or anything, just seems like people using a lot of mods.

this gsme is fun but would be very fun if there were like z levels

Planning my base. I'll be in MP if anyone wants to join.

There's no must have for ease of use, just lots of small ease of use mods. Game is perfectly playable without any of them.

There is an underground level if you install the caves mod.

It's pretty good. Some people insist on mods that give them longer reach or mark machines that aren't operating, or automatically replace early game stuff with higher tier stuff when marked, but they aren't really necessary, just convenient.

Any tips on the level of the campaign where I arrive on a car and have to build the raildroad up again? I repaired the turrets, got both steam and solar power running, but I again don't really know what to do. Should I disassemble everything that is half-broken in the leftover pieces of the place? Or should I try to keep all of it intact and repair the flow it has with all the fast transport belts and such? Or just ignore it and build my own shit? Just give me a tip on what I should do first, I'm overwhelmed by the choices.

what's the server info and can pirate clients join?

Game is "HadesSupreme's game"

No idea how pirate MP works, I'm guessing not. You can try direct connecting to my IP ( but you'd need the same mods as me and it's a list of like 20.

Why? Genuinely can't imagine what z-levels would add to this game.

Nigger what? You repair and replace that shit. Why would you tear it down? Alternatively drop the campaign because it's pretty shit.

ima guna play multiplayer but basically make it impossible for people to join me.

isn't there some mine craft automation mods that would basically be that?

this, just play the game and ignore the campaign, you'll figure it out.

you can disable verifications on the server so pirate clients can join but ya everyone has to have the same mods, and that's locked down behind the login wall, so you'd have to post all the mods. and all the pirate clients / server have to be running the same version obviously.

Here's my mod list if anyone cares/needs.

It's should be pretty easy to get everything together for non-pirates, in-game mod downloader works well.

It's not like I'm trying to start a multiplayer event or something. It's just a "I started a game and if someone else happens to like bobs/angels they can join and shoot the shit with me".

forgot pastebin link: pastebin.com/QmEfRyNF

I just got done setting up blue science packs, i'm currently producing 1 R-G-M-B packs per second. Now radards are starting to pick up enemy bases closing in at an increasing rate, i tried going around in a tank destroying them but like that i get nothing done. How would i go about setting up defenses?


It's called turrets.


Power pole surrounded by laser turrets surrounded by wall.

I usually just run circles around them in a car firing red ammo and throwing grenades, the spawners are actually weaker to machine gun fire than the biters they spawn so just clear those out first. Also, tank can run over spawners pretty easily in a pinch.

For defense, early on you can get by with clusters of 4-6 turrets, behind one or two layers of walls, spaced apart so their fields of fire just barely touch. Later just build a big fat wall with a line of turrets behind and a belt + inserters to supply them with ammo directly from the factory. Add some repair bots and forget the aliens even exist.

Building a giant immovable wall only works until you have to expand to get more resources. Especially now that biters will attack random power poles and rails, distant outposts that are completely surrounded by walls in their own right aren't that feasible.

i was wondering if that would work, but i've just been expanding the ever massive wall line. preferably keeping it outside of the pollution cloud, because muh ups.

At that point you should have combat robots or personal gear to wipe out nests, so you just build a bigger wall and clear out the undesirables.

That depends entirely on your resource settings. Though if you've already got good robots (the first tier is useless if you ask me) and power armor while still in your starter area, it's clearly way too rich. Usually, I've had to start aggressively expanding and clearing nests by the time I've started with blue science. It's not a matter of the starter ore patches running out by then; it's because they aren't producing enough throughput, so I need at least one if not two additional patches of copper and iron to keep up.

Holy shit nig that level is a lesson in constantly expanding your production facilities.
You need to keep the resources flowing so definitely restore everything over in the far bases and fortify everything. Reroute everything to the main base and get ready to constantly build assemblers for those fucking ammo packs holy shit.

Remember trees are a natural barrier for pollution spread so if you can build on the far side of a forest you'll be good for a lot longer.

Fucked up and started polluting too much too early. Medium Biter's 4 armor vs. my turret's 5 damage is brutal, takes 7.5 magazines (= 30 iron plate = 112 mined ore) to kill a single one. Completely ridiculous to keep up with before piercing ammo. Gonna go back half an hour and cut myself down to 3 or 4 mining drills. At least Mining Drill mk2s are more efficient in their pollution/mining ratio.

Am I crazy, or is the Breakfast Machine beat playing VERY faintly in one of the songs in the soundtrack for this game? I found myself humming it suddenly and wondered why, so I started listening and I can hear it way way way in the background. The tank's engine also sounds like it has the faint sound of a crowd of people talking like a stock sound you'd hear in some visual novel so maybe I'm just schizo.

(not soon enough)

I wish they make xenos into their own playable counter tbh

What's the appeal of these stupid advanced puzzle/logic games like Factorio or Shenzhen I/O? It just seems more like work than fun to me.

These games obviously aren't for everyone, but the main appeal is the satisfaction you get from optimizing your shit. Some people just like planning and executing ideas, figuring things out by themselves etc.

satisfying patterns


pick 2

It's ok user it's not your fault you are retarded.

Sale when? I've waited almost two years and nothing.

I'll buy you it now if you want to give me a throw away email to give you the link with

never goy, why can't you afford it to buy it at full price which is 25$ dollars? C'mon goy back in my days we had to pay for games at 32$ dollars. You do want to support the developers right? Just give them the 40$ dollars already that they need, 50$ dollars is nothing these days.

never ever

It's not even finished yet. Don't buy games before their release even if they're good as they are.
If you do buy make sure it's from the dev's site and not from steam.

If you're going to be this much of a miser, just pirate it now.

Oh fuck, this entire time everyone in this thread has been doing it wrong!!

He's not wrong. Enjoyment is diminished from the game when it is fully released because you've already seen it in an unfinished state yet still know what to expect. Looking back on it I would have never bought the game for this reason alone. At the very least, not wanting to support early access trends is a very reasonable excuse as to why you wouldn't buy it. Even if the unfinished product is good.


enjoyment != spending money on unfinished product.
If he wants my money so bad he can release it for real. I'm not going to support this business model because early access is cancer.


He's missed out on hilarities like the negative-amount inserters, though.

Is that a special map gen or something? Your coast is much larger than normal and I can see a bunch of different floor textures.

Alien biomes mod does the ground texture differences. Large coastline is obtained by setting your water Frequency lower and Size higher.

It does create more interesting landscapes. Eventually for any map the water/ground distribution repeats in a fairly uniform pattern but the frequency/size changes make it so you have to zoom to a much wider view before the repetition becomes noticeable.

Ignore the top part of the first image btw, I failed at paint.

it's more than just floor textures. I noticed recently that I drive faster in the car on the desert than I do in the forest. I don't know if that small speed boost applies to walking also.

How the fuck do rail signals work? I did the tutorial and it still doesn't make any sense. I ended up just guessing and getting through it with trial and error. Would have been really nice if it highlighted which rails affect the signal when placing a signal.

It separates tracks into segments that only one train can enter (going one way).

Chain signals are a bit more complex since they check ahead of them for further signals to prevent deadlocks and increase efficiency.

until your realize how they work the easy thing to remember is chain signals go on the entrances to intersections (and everything up until the exit), and regular signals go on the exits. for straight track areas use regular signals the size of the full train or a little more to get more trains on the same track going the same direction.

The rail signal looks down the track from itself until the next rail or chain signal and is red if there's a train along that section and green if there isn't. The chain signal reads the next rail signal along the track and, if it's red, stops the train at the chain signal until the rail signal goes green again. If you have a chain signal before a roundabout with a rail signal on the exit path, trains won't enter the roundabout until the section down track after the rail signal is clear.
Basically when making an intersection: chain signal going in, rail signal going out. On long sections with no intersections that lots of trains take, you can put a few lone rail signals to divide it up so that they incoming trains don't wait at the intersection for the last one to get the whole way to the next intersection to start moving.
Pic related shitty drawing to describe how it works. Train on the left can't go straight until the train in the middle is completely past the roundabout on the right but the train on the right can go straight at least until it reaches the rail signal in the middle because there is a rail signal between it and the next train.

Early access allows an indie developer to have the budget to complete a game that takes his team five years to finish. If it wasn't for those early shekels, you WOULDN'T GET ANY GAME AT ALL.

If you can't enjoy the finished game because you're incapable of sitting around and waiting for it to be finished, that's not their fault. That's yours for having no patience or self control. It's like a kid that eats the leftover batter from a cake mix, and then complains that he's not hungry anymore when the actual cake is finished

This is something that will likely be implemented in the next update. factorio.com/blog/post/fff-198

That said, it gets easier the more you do it. It helped me a lot to realize that every signals divide a rail section into pieces, and only one train can be on each piece at a time.

Never was a problem before. Still not a problem now. We have been over this a million times. Getting paid before you finish the job encourages devs to not finish their work. This is why early access games all enter an endless beta period that keeps adding content and pointless memes to keep the sheqels rolling while not fixing any of the glaring bugs. Then when the interest dies down it gets dropped like the hot shit it became.
Minecraft is the apex example of this: glaring bugs and spaghetti code with new shit added constantly to keep people interested. Then the dev cashes out and leaves it a mess.
No you stupid nigger it's like a chef that serves uncooked cake batter and keeps topping it up with chocolate chips as people eat it eternally promising "it'll be cooked later" until everyone is full and he leaves without cooking it.

Complete bull. It's for people who are incapable of managing their time or aren't willing to find a producer who you can find a good middle ground for what your game should be.
Considering it's how they also make their money I'de say that in a perfect world where people understood that their enjoyment is diminished Early Access wouldn't be a thing.
My point is that you shouldn't fucking eat cake mix. Why the fuck would you serve cake mix to your customers anyway?

I started to get it better once I realized you can see the block numbers when mousing over tracks. Much easier once I realized there was a debug option to show that thanks to

Or people who want to actually finish a project
Nigger what the fuck? WHY would you EVER want to find someone to take all the money for your idea and work, only to give you small royalties, all while fucking you in the ass and making you their bitch so you have to do whatever they say?

The fuck are you even talking about now?

So you can finish the fucking product? This has been how games have been made since day 1. Just because Zenimax exists doesn't mean you have to use it. Besides that, you're lumping every producer as if they all have the same requests and contracts.
Refuse and find another publisher? It's called finding a middle ground. Not bending over and letting them fuck you in the ass.

I'm saying in aperfect world, Early Access would not exist. You shouldn't have to purchase a product before it's finished in general. More often than not Early Access cancer get's co-opted by the community or jewishness anyway. The fact that Factorio is a decent game is nothing short of a miracle. And even then it still has mod DRM and other shit attached to it. Early Access is cancer and you need to go back.

I hope you early access apologists aren't doing it for free.

They didn't buy it for free. That's for sure.

tbhfam anyone buying a game that's later patched is on the same footing as early access tards.

I've been burned before by EA because I bought games based on promises and potential. There are EA purchases that I don't regret though, because those games were already worth the asking price to me when I got them. Examples are this game and Besiege, their development could die tomorrow and I would still have gotten my hours out of them. Buying games that aren't already decent is fucking stupid, whether it's called 'early access' or not.

Depends on the context. Patches are fixes to oversights. Early Access is the actual production of the game.

I have no idea how this happens.

take your (You)

in the webm, you're taking 1/6th of your load onto this belt and 5/6th onto the other belt.


Top input belt stalls because splitters try to take equally from both sides. The middle splitter takes half a belt from the lower splitter and half a belt from the upper one, since it only has one output. Since it feeds a full belt back into the top splitter, the top belt is only drained at half the normal pace.

Most games are 80% done on launch.

Nice that worked perfectly.

that wouldn't pull evenly if it were the bottom two belts full though.

Ah yes, because indie games were TOTALLY a thing 20 years ago. Shit like kickstarter and early access are the entire reason you have any options besides AAA.

Still your retarded fault for choosing to eat it.

You don't honestly believe that do you?


How can i load this into a train? it's 80 mines with red belts. How many inserters and chests would it need? How many cargo wagons and seconds per stop? I plan on unloading it on 8 different belts. I've never reached so far in the game where i actually require resources from so far away, so i know just the basics, no fancy load/unload stuff.

I assume you have modules/bots? You should redo your setup to have them dropping into logistics chests that transfer load into a train. Otherwise you're obviously not getting the full output when you load onto belts.

Usually people load it into buffer chests, then into the train once it arrives. With 12 maxed out stack inserters it takes about six seconds to fill a train car. That's assuming there's enough stuff in the chests, so a lot of people try to split it evenly between all the chests.

Same deal when you unload, dumping it into buffer chests then out onto belts, except ensuring that the chests are emptied evenly can be kind of a bitch depending on how strict you are about it. If you want to unload to 8 belts you should probably use 4 cars and unload on both sides.

shotgun shooting speed because i'm running out of things to research, i have yet to set up a purple/yellow research packs factory. I don't really use bots nor modules, i was hoping to stick with belts and inserters.

Thanks, that image is exactly what i was looking for. It probably won't be 100% efficient but it'll do for now while i build the other research pack factories.

my yellow factory spits out 1 pack every 3.5 seconds but it's a fucking nightmare of long belts. Purple has a bit too much spaghetti but was fun to make. Just looked up the wiki and they changed the recipe from pumpjack to assembler recently. Holy fuck those niggers.
Gotta get those modules for the power armour and being delivered belts and such every time you're near a roboport is insanely handy.

Wasn't that half a year ago?

Have there been any other major changes since? Might go looking for a more recent version.

Or you could just, you know, do it without getting fucked in the ass.

"Middle ground" is already bending over.

Yes, yes, in a perfect world there are infinite resources and everyone has infinite money to do whatever they want, yeah yeah. What does that have to do with anything?

And you don't.

Stop sperging out about "m-muh early access" and judge the game on its own merits. You even said yourself it's a decent game, but your autism is too intense for you to leave it at that.

Do you think it's impossible to buy something without taking a loan? That's what I'm getting from all of your arguments: it's impossible to provide capital for an investment. How the hell do you think anything has ever been done in the first place? How the hell do you think businesses even start?
No one is saying it's a bad game, we're just not going to buy an unfinished product. He can have our money when he stops using bullshit business practices.


No matter what somebody is going to be getting bent over. And here you are, faggot enough to volunteer for it.

i wonder how many times americans get on multiplayer euro servers and go fullspeed into another train driving on the wrong side of the track.

I'd recommend this pattern for unloading. For loading just reverse and feed in from one side. This way you don't need a balancer on every lane, just balance one side and then underground it to the other side.

Obviously you only need the filter inserters if you're making a train with multiple cargo types.

that seems like a lot of splitters, doesn't that have an ups impact? the way i've been doing it two inserters fill a lane and the lane is then merged. then i use one big balancer on all belts at the end.

not exactly ideal but it's still midgame.

It's 3 per car. That's pretty low. The one I was responding to had 12 per car.

Never heard of splitters causing problems. Belts in general cause more UP drain than robots but I know of no reason why side loading is preferable.

Though now that I think about it, this is probably better anyway. Forgot that the original required configurable inserters, this doesn't and uses less material too.

It's not my fault you don't know how to do business with producers.
Every game from your childhood did this. You can't make shit without compromise. If not from producers than it's with the people you work with. Stop pretending to know jack about how the industry works.
I perfectly stated it. Early Access is inferior as it gives people a product before it's finished.
Considering those merits are liable to change it's essentially impossible.
I also said it's extremely rare when a decent game is made through Early access. If you're going to defend Early Access you need to understand its inherent flaws. It would have been better if Factorio had been released as a finished product and over time free patches were implemented that added features over time.

I just do this. I kind of let it turn into spaghetti because I forgot that steel cart would be on the opposite end of the train than when it''s loaded at the other station, but it CAN be clean.

I know how. It's called not doing it.

Factorio's dev seems to be doing that pretty well.

I wouldn't have bought this a couple of years ago, but now it's pretty much already a complete product. I can't see what else they can really do with it but continue to optimize performance. They're probably going to tweak balance and add a few more items in the future but both of those are easily done with mods. I don't know I don't ever support early access either, or really buy games ever for that matter, but factorio is the one that seems to be worth it.

actually the big thing they're working on now for 0.16 is hi-res sprites, which is cool i guess, but irrelevant for me because I'm on a toaster and don't even use the high resolution setting on them now.

It's often a better alternative to releasing a product before it's finished. People can do well with producers. What often occurs though is manchildren think their read for the world of business and they get fucked over in the end. It's often why you hire somebody who's dealt with this shit before so you can learn how to work with relative freedom.
Wanna name the several dozen other devs that have as well under Early Access? And again it doesn't diminish the fact that they're selling an unfinished product.

It's certainly a diamond in a sea of shit. I think it proves that Early Access can work about as efficient as Kickstarter :^)

they've already one the work on this
51 miners to fill a red belt, so 26 per side. 2-3 stack inserters can clean or fill one side of a red belt, so 4-6 per belt.

FTL, Banner Saga, Shovel Knight, Hyper Light Drifter, Divinity Original Sin 1, Original Sin 2, Darkest Dungeon, Subnautica, Prison Architect, Don't Starve, and Dirt Rally are a few I can think of. There's also Rimworld, even though I don't really like it. Exanima is one of favorite games but that's kinda controversial I guess since it came out of the kickstarter for Sui Generis that still hasn't been delivered.

Also I think Dungeons of Dredmor was early access, but I can't really remember. I think Terraria was too? It's been a while.

Okay, that's fine. I'd be buying the game based on what is available at the moment, not on what is promised. If I bought it.

Oh yeah, and Consortium. That's even having a sequel made now.

I said good games retard. Even so those are Kickstarted and many of them are over the course of what? Half a decade? Many of those games you're making a real jump to quality here. And even then not all of those games were released before they were either finished or generally 90% done.
So basically you're buying a product despite the fact that it's liable to be shit? Shovel Knight had SJW pushed into it on King Knight update, as did Subnautica. You going to say you don't regret purchasing it still? Stop buying shit before it's finished. Simple as that.

KSP should probably be considered a success.

Of that list, I haven't played Hyper Light Drifter or Shovel Knight, but Divinity is great what the fuck is wrong with you? Are you too dumb for RPGs or something?

…Okay? Your point? I don't think any of them took 5 years, but even if they did I still don't see what kind of point you could possibly be trying to make.

I got 40-50 hours out of Subnautica which is well above the 1:1 hours:cost ratio that I need to be satisfied with a purchase. I don't know what you're talking about with Subnautica getting SJW, though. How the fuck is a sandbox game without characters SJW? I haven't played since that disease update and was waiting on the full release to play again.

Oh yeah, forgot about that.

In the +5 years of our earth, you managed to push out less than 7 games that are barely above mediocre save maybe 3 of them.
And when you could have put an extra 30 in because of the finished content and polished design you'll be kicking yourself over it.
google your in game model and some of the developers twitter accounts.

In any case you're missing my point. Most games that go through Early Access fail because of it. Either because they can't shill their product appropriately, or because their followers co-opt the project into something else. Early Access completely removes the concept of a singular design. Crowd funded entertainment doesn't work unless the crowd is niche and knows what their doing. And when you become a part of the "crowd" simply by paying a few bucks you suddenly see where everything goes wrong.

literally the opposite of what I'm saying.

You know I've never had a problem with UPS. How bad is your computer, user?

that seems like far more than I have in an average station but my belts still get filled. Maybe it's because my loading doesn't use buffer chests so it keeps backing up.

I seriously don't know what you're saying here. Are you saying I would have played it longer if it was finished? I can just do that when it's finished. Even if never gets finished why would I be kicking myself? I already said I got enough out of it for the purchase to be worth it.

Nigger, I really don't give a shit if the devs are faggots as long as they aren't pushing some agenda in-game. Which they aren't.

I'm not missing your point, I'm saying it's stupid. If the game is good, the game is good. End of story. You're the one getting triggered over EA and can't enjoy a good game just because your turbo autism makes you have an aneurysm at the sight of a phrase. Yes, most are shit. So? Don't buy the the shit ones.

Probably. Electric miners on most ores produce 0.525 ore per sec, so 51 miners should be 26.775, slightly more than a red belt can handle (26.667). Of course, that all goes out the window when you start researching mining productivity.

Seriously nigger?
Google diminishing returns. You're less likely to play through the game again once it's finished if you've already experienced most of the content.

I think you need to because clearly you don't understand the concept. I'm not any less likely to play through a game again if I like the game it got a big update. I've done that multiple times with multiple games. Namely Terraria.

The rest of your post is just inane garbage desu.

Actually if you have to repeat the content you are.
And I'm sure you stopped playing it at some point because content wasn't available. I'm sure your impression of playthrough #32 was less impressive than your first. Worse off on that 32nd playthrough you got new content at the very end. Which would have been more impressive later on.

Is it normal to have biter raids on your shit once you get into early midgame? I don't have any pollution visible and I've only just finished the Electronics research and they're already trying to destroy my drills like niggers.

Depends how close their spawners are. They shouldn't start showing up until pollution covers them. Did you pick a tiny spawn zone or something?

Biters can only spawn normally if pollution hits them. You might want to keep watching the square they are in to see if it flashes with pollution for a frame.

Otherwise if you have expansion on they can expand next to your base, and if their spawner is right next to your stuff they can spawn free stuff to clear it out. This requires them to be pretty close though.

I'm running a default game, no changes to spawn or anything.

I can't even see their spawn yet, none of my pollution is marked on the map even. It seems strange to have biter attacks this early with such little pollution.

Did you spawn in a desert?

Yep. Just so happens there are 5 spawners within a stone's throw of my base. I don't even have any military upgrades yet to properly defend my shit and they knocked out all of my stone production.

Desert can't absorb pollution for shit, try mining near water or trees if possible.

You sure you have pollution view turned on? Even a minimal amount of pollution will produce a very faint red.

That's probably it. Mine is getting pretty high.

Don't take the fight to them until you have some military upgrades and defenses set up. Turrets first near important things that pollute a lot and are on the fringes, then complete coverage then walls, then war. Looking at your map view the pollution red will flash if it's over an alien base. Makes it easier to see when it's faint.

4th gen laptop i5 with an hd4000 and 16gb ram. factorio works surprisingly well, i just have the graphics on low or off (sprites lowest+1 look decent for no noticable fps drop). and I make sure i keep up with the walls around the pollution cloud. i've got a decent sized base

with all the science going and i'm still keeping it at 60 ups. i'll get fps drops in heavily forested areas or right smack in the middle of the base, but it's perfectly playable. I also don't run full 1080p i just run it windowed and slightly less. FPS drops I can deal with, it always stays over 30, UPS drops though would suck. I've already accepted the fact that at some point I'll lock it to 45 ups, and then 30 when I start getting drops. below that i'll probably drop the map.

Accent on the O

Games are better as Simulators

Whoever posts the best screenshots, gets (you)s to stroke his ego:

PSA to open your debug menu and turn on the option to show rail blocks. Designing railways becomes a breeze, just keep in mind that the colors often clash so if you see something that makes you think "what the fuck that can't be right" hover over both and check if the block id are different.

I really need to plan out my factories.