So I just finished Wind of Time. Pretty good. Can't say that I totally got the ending, but that's machine translations for you. Some general thoughts:
I get what they were trying to do, basically trying to prevent farming stuff so you can buy the strongest gear just like that and forcing you to do more side quests etc.
I'm okay with that, but I still missed going artefact hunting and the maps felt kinda empty after a while because there's no new spawns. The zone needs to be a more lively place imo.
Seriously making your way through that eerie labyrinth, when suddenly old, russian music starts playing was great.
Chasing that ghost was also a neat idea. Although trying to find the 2nd controller was confusing as fuck.
Running through the dark, health trickling down and no idea where that thing is hiding.
STALKER thread
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uh bump
would you say wind of time is better than cop's storyline? because i thought cop's story was ass.
I mean it's hard to judge the story in terms of logic etc., because the machine translation just obscures a lot. In any case it definitely has more urgency than cop, there are a few unexpected twists, especially towards the ending(which is more satisfying). I also think you can feel a bit more connected to the main character in the end.
Speaking of cop, I'm thinking about doing another cop playthrough(mainly because I've played autumn aurora and wot, so I kinda feel like visiting the the cop maps again(inferior labs and all). Any good full conversion mods? Wondering if there is anything but SGM and Misery?
Alternatively I might for CoC and some quest mods, is DoctorX still the best for that?
Sounds pretty terrible to be honest, atleast if the npc's pick them up too.
Hows the gun balance by the way? I hate having to spend half an hour to rebalance everything myself each time I reinstal.
Nope, and you'll still find enough in my opinion, but you can't farm them.
It's okay mostly. Mutants can take a lot of hits though.
This was also a bit of a problem with vanilla CoP, it obviously did have some new spawns but they were rare and the way the map was laid out meant you'd rarely see anyone else since it was just mission-base-mission-base.
Well its good to know that npc's dont pick them up, I understand when mods do that but I still really hate it. It makes farming stalkers for artifacts easier than actually finding them yourselves pretty much.
And mutants being tough is ok, editing shotguns to be good is my first priority anyway since they're my fav.
Did you have any troubles with the mod? See a lot of tips on how to avoid certain crashes and so forth.
See picrelated but CoC also includes CoP's labs.
DoctorX + Lost to the Zone + Lost to the Zone: Living Legend (they're designed to all work together).
Daily Reminder
Save often? It's pretty much playable but you'll encounter the odd crash now and then. I didn't notice anything specific though. If the game keeps crashing during an emission, just sleep through it if a bed is around(this only happened to me once, so it shouldn't be a problem).
Don't buy stash coordinates from the guy at the bar. It's a scam.
Fucking shame that wormwood is dead.
Ok, thanks for the info.
Has/does anyone here done S.T.A.L.K.E.R. cosplay/roleplay?
Atleast they went to that stalker event in europe somewhere.
I'd also add:
1. STCoP
2. user's damage + accuracy Tweak for STCoP
3. Outfit Addon this will be included in CoC 1.5 but you'll probably want to stick with 1.4.22 until the stable release.
4. Additionally go into the trader files (gamedata\config\misc and look for all files called e.g. trade_dolg) and change buy_item_condition_factor to 0.6 instead of 0.7.
1. Grab a light hud mod to remove the minimap
2. Limited Game Saving if you want to go with non-ironmeme but still want a limit on your ability to quicksave in combat.
Call of Misery is much better than Call of Pripyat Misery but still a bit bullshit, you'll have to do some tweaking of config files to mess with trader prices to personal taste.
Yes, yes it is. It was finally going to give us a proper urban environment and everything. I suspect the mappers they had got hired off the back of their work, particularly the livestream one of them did (dude was just too good not to get a job sadly).>>13781012
Friendly reminder that Wormwood died and Misery survived.
Hey I think I have an imaged based off them then.
Depends on where you live. I'm building a Loner cosplay in Ausfagistan and that's going to be difficult. Nogunz, real or airsoft, and not even any body armour is allowed. Fairly certain I can get all the other stuff. Soviet replica and surplus is cheap to buy online.
I tried to coordinate my group but unfortunately a fist fight broke out over whether Duty or Freedom was best faction. We just go around dressed as some SS/Spetsnaz/ROA squad scaring the shit out of people bandits.
Pro-tip Долг über alles
Same boat basically. In Deutschland kevlar might be alright but why carry around the extra weight without any funs. Might as well just get some basic surplus and a gasmask.
You better delete this you fuck.
Of course.
Worst of all the Wormwood devs never released their maps to CoC.
Is that the hidden leftypol faction in Stalker?
Freedom isn't exactly a hidden faction.
A simple tactical/ammo vest could pass for armour without breaking any of the laws that restrict armour. That's what I'm looking into.
And if you do decide to get a gasmask (which are like $10-$30 on ebay with carry bag and filter included) be sure to wash it before using it. They can have minor traces (well within safety levels) asbestos in them (because of Soviet shits and giggles). Luckily there's lots of videos on cleaning them and that stuff looks easy.
Outside of that army green parka and some army green pants plus a few bags is all you need to sell it (like pic related, sans oxygen bottle). You can even order Stalker patches over ebay.
Freedom is hardly hidden.
Two notes:
1. The filter will probably be expired, this isn't dangerous at all but it won't function correctly as a full filter if that's what you're after (unlikely if you just want it for looks, more relevant if you're preparing for something). I'm unsure but I've heard expired filters are still reasonably effective against the substances used in riot control, that might be wildly incorrect though so don't quote me on it.
2. On many designs the filter will have a little plastic cap on the air intake to seal it, make sure to take this cap off before putting it on the mask or breathing will be rather difficult.
Wasn't there an image with a stalker challenge from /k/ floating around a while back? Can't find it right now.
Guess I'll build something around 1.4.22 then. My main problem with CoC is that it all feels a bit dead after a while. It's kinda sad that there aren't more bases to stay at. On my duty playthrough I kept hanging around the bar always, because staying around other parts feels so empty. When I traveled to Jupiter for example everyone was dead except for the trader and one freedom fag.
If you're playing on story mode the CoP maps will be empty until you disable the Brain Scorcher.
I see. Story mode was kinda lame anyway. I was way too lazy to find that one faggot in the swamp, so I just went for the wish granter and tried to go for the "make the zone disappear"-wish. Tried it 3 times until I understood it.
Fuck this looks great. Tell me they were going to rework the shitty labs too and I'm going to cry.
I don't go to /k/. I'd like to because there always seems to be fun stuff and stalker shit on there but being in Australia I can't even run without a government approved helmet strapped tightly to my head, let alone use guns.
Fresh from our /k/
Actually they were going to add at least one new lab:
You should hang around /k/ either way, you'll learn a lot about funs and other general military/military history topics.
Well fuck.
How screwed are you guys anyway? Seems like you have the general sjw flavor of the anglosphere, but somehow you're more unwilling to submit.
Ace picture. Will save it for posterity.
Cute but impossible.
Which high-grade Russian import mod do you guys recommend for CoP?
Oh and finally I'd drop your carry weight to 30kg.
Australia's people are fine and uncucked, their government is probably the shittiest of all the Anglosphere. Also abbos, chinks and mafia.
Clear Sky > Loners > Freedom > Ecologists > Mercenaries > Duty > Monolith > Bandits > Renegade > Military
Didn't they have some rotherham-style kiddie fiddling, too? I remember seeing something like that when I was watching shitty crime documentaries on youtube.
Is that really fun though? Seems somewhat tedious really. I guess it'd force you to make more stashes to bring back loot at a later time, but I see myself running around a lot just to sell shit I found.
Not that up on specifics user, I just know the broad picture and have mostly gleaned that from relatives (a fair few moved out there for work and have come back recently stating abbos, chinks and shitty politics as major reasons).
Most of the major mods for SoC drop it to about that, you can still push 40kg by going overweight. Bring hercules and a modified suit and you've got plenty to work with.
Not as bad as everyone else but we have our own shit. Worst element is the occasional muslim saying something stupid or someone crying about boatpeople refugees. We've got antifa oddly enough, but they're rebels without a cause since we don't have a version Donald Trump to bootyblast them by existing. Australia has a strong 'whatever' attitude for the most part so that things don't go too far into extremes. Kinda comfy live and let life for the most part.
We're worse on weapon laws though. If you pick up something to defend your home in any capacity you'll likely go to jail for assault. Technically, in Queensland at least, pants and shirts are illegal because you can conceal a weapon in them. Also body armour is technically a more dangerous weapon than a musket or double barreled shotgun is, which are both ranked as deadly as each other.
Also it turned out like a dozen people in charge of the country weren't actually Australian to begin with but it's fine they've been given the boot.
Duty > Loners > Monolith > Ecologists > Clear Sky > Mercenaries > Bandits > Military > Renegade > Freedom
When I was fourteen I had a dream about traveling through a decaying world with another teenage qt.
Mixture between deep melancholy and a wet dream.
It's obviously not a realistic thing though,.
Here's the documentary if someone wants to get mad:
Fair enough. Anyway what's a fun faction? I don't want to do another duty run, so I'm thinking ecologist? But that might be a little too easy since almost everyone is either friendly or neutral.
I see. What about the abbos though? I read an article a while back about some european women emigrating to ausland and saying people were touchy when it came to those darkies, like there was some white guilt there.
Or is that mostly a bohemian thing?
Bandit are fun, if you spawn in their Dark Valley base you can raid the armoury for a nice set of early game weapons. Make sure they're set as neutral to Freedom, they should be by default by sometimes mods mess with this (changing it back is just editing some values in a text file).
Eh, only the people who do't deal with abos on the regular feel any guilt. You think niggers in the US are bad, god damn.
Is it true that abbos can get away with only a slap on the wrist for shit like stealing cars?
Most people don't give two shits about abbos because most Australians don't associate with them. They're annoying and moronic, so people mostly try to ignore their complete existence if they can. I guess it is a bohemian thing. A few will rant and rave about the value of abbos and their culture but people find it a chore to even look in their direction and of course hold their native culture in disdain.
That first image should have been there.
Depends on their age, but yeah that shit happens. This year we had like 5 fucking fires started by abbos during school holidays, none'll get punished for it in any major capacity.
Fuck me I need sleep.
How bad is the Asian invasion? Are we looking at Australia going the way of the USA and being less than 50% white in ~30 years or is it more of a UK-style slow burn issue?
Mercs > Loners > Bandits > Clear Sky = Duty > Ecologists > Monolith >>>>>> dirty hippies > Military > Renegade
Oh yeah, I made that. I lurk these threads now and then, I've just been without a computer for a while.
Version 1.2 is in the works right now. Probably the biggest change is time requirements - Novice and Stalker difficulty are going to be only "overnight". I felt guilty about the fact that I've never playtested my own challenge, so I started scouting out an area to do it, and then realized that actually locking down a full 24 hours for something like that can be an absolute bitch for a working adult. Veteran will be 24 hours, Master will remain 48 but I'll drop the requirement for camping inside an industrial/military area, because while I've got a military area to do it, not everyone else does.
I might as well ask you fags: there used to be a set of standalone challenges. They used the main innawoods challenge rules, but replaced faction and difficulty. They were things like a no-gun "Marked One" challenge for europoors, and a "Tourist" one for people that can only do day trips. They bloated the original document too much, so I pulled them out, planning to do a supplementary challenge sheet.
Should I bother keeping them? I've been undecided about it for a while.
Uh, this sign is apparently fake, look up "logyourjog".
Limited to the big cities but pretty full on. Sydney has a Chinatown, a Koreatown, a Japantown, a Vietnamesetown, and god knows what else. It's not like they're obnoxious about being Asians or anything, but the streets are just thick with them and they don't ever seem to learn better English. Now more Asians migrate every year than white people do for the first time, but the government responded by say they were going to make it more difficult to get into Australia if you can't speak English well (which a lot of those fuckers can't.)
I'd like to see them.
What's the current consensus on Lost Alpha?
Fucking garbage. Glad I never decided to download it. Waste of time.
Many have.
The mod I've been dumping all those pictures of, it was shaping up to be the definitive CoP mod (and actively tried to avoid what Misery fucked up). Originally known as Redux 2.0 it was going to do things like non-artificial difficulty increases and opening up almost every building in the map.
At least Japantown should be ok.
We have the same thing in bongland with Asian students. Zero attempt to do anything other than make fucking pigeon sounds at each other.
We need Aus-NZ-UK-Canada freedom of movement agreement.
I'd be very interested in a separate no funs chart for cucked nations.
Wormwood was also aiming to fix up places like Yanov Station and the Skadovsk to be much more lived in + it was going to make a bit of a prequel to CoP's story where you had to make it through the Swamps before you started. You'd be better just to look at the page (you can also try out the old version of Redux but it was made back before CoP had proper mod tools so it's fairly limited)
I'm more looking for advice on assembling it and people experiences with it, and not so much just images. I've already got loads of images of other peoples cosplays.
Never been but I've never known the Japanese communities anywhere to be even minor asses to the local populations. Japan's a good boy. Korean town is ok enough probably it's mixed in with a fair number of decent western shops that keeps a flow of white people passing through.
It would be nice but good luck with Aus being a part of any such agreement given their relationship to glorious New Zealand. New Zealanders give Australians many rights after a few years or even instantly but Australia doesn't allow New Zealanders next to anything ever. Maybe with the Chinese supplanting Europe as the number one source for migration they'll change and push for more Euros/Kiwis.
Why does your government hate the Kiwis so much?
I'm a Kiwi living in Australia.
Big dick envy.
Is there bad blood between the two countries? Why? I'm totally ignorant of the history of down under.
Eh, I'd unironically be worried about Yakuza.
Well, it's more linear than a normal stalker, but there's still a lot of stuff to do. In any case the labs make it worth it.
That was so awesome, I went up the ladder in the carpark and held them off in the small room while the psistorm was happening. My shitty pistol I looted jammed and I had to knife faggots as they rushed the room.
So basically, the most effective way to do things is to murder every single stalker you see, clear every camp of life, scavenge their bones clean, and move on?
based NZ!
Sports rivalry that Australia just takes too far.
does the redux have roughly the same system requirements as the original?
i'm nearly done my first playthrough and that does look a lot nicer for the buildings.
These Stalker/Metro events are never anywhere other than Russia. It's like the rest of the world isn't embracing the kafkaesque nightmare that is the world.
Better be on ironmeme user.
Redux 1.0 doesn't have the expanded buildings user, those are from the cancelled Redux 2.0 which later became known as Wormwood. Fun fact: Chernobyl in Ukranian means (more or less) Wormwood and there's a biblical warning about an event involving wormwood and poisoned water that killed many people. Probably coincidence with translation but still interesting.
you have to remember user that most countries are only exposed to fallout or mad max for dystopian-themed sci-fi. not to mention both stalker and metro are niche as fuck, and outside of russia/ukraine they have practically no following.
also, is that a girl in the third pic?
There is something about that area in Ukraine that's just wild. I remember seeing a documentary a few years back about an old couple still living somewhere in the contaminated zone. They were both into their 90s and told very melancholic stories about prypjat dying, but were also very religious and believed Jesus would come and save their town one day. When the journalists left, they both cried, because they were very lonely and sad no one but the two of them lived there.
Lol what? Metro is pretty well known and sells pretty well in general. Granted not on the level of something like asscreed etc., but I wouldn't exactly call it niche.
Is this the true STALKER experience?
Did you know prophesies are "accurate" because people hear about them so much they end up doing things to make them true? Prophecies are bullshit. Someone thinks something might happen, stupid people buy into it, and play their parts in making it happen.
Any good example of that? I mean especially when it's a prophecy of a catastrophe that seems unlikely.
this is better than half-life 2 how?
You're not locked in the a room with them.
Of course it's bullshit user, it's really just based on taking the term wormwood literally too. It's just a fun thing to know.
Because the actions of the NPCs are non-scripted and watching them 100% optional.
So I tried out my first game of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (SoC) earlier.
Is this life in the zone?
Yes. Not like it really matters. Go to the garbage(you should have a quest for that) and pick up an ak somewhere on the way.
Om slav so say, 24/7 in fact.
I'll see if I can find that garbage quest and get the fuck out of dodge, already took an AK from a previous military squad. Doesn't look like I'll be getting much ammo for it though.
How did this guy get into freedom?
Such is literacy in the Zone.
I mean, shes no bloodsucker, but shes pretty cute.
Too bad most of these events were infested with 12-year-olds and airshit trash back in the day, I wonder if it got better with time.
How does she rank when you find out she's got good trigger discipline?
You went to some once or did you hear that from people who went?
Heard and seen all over the fansites. Then again, that's how it was when CoP was released.
Not bad, atleast she's not a brainless down syndrome whore cosplaying for attention.
All these pictures were still taken because she likes the attention. Could be worse though I agree.
I managed to make it through the spoopy tunnel to talk to that Fox character but I seem to have encountered a quest-breaking bug that was supposed to be patched in 1.0006 (where Fox is stuck in mutant-kill mode)
I heard ZRP fixes this shit and tried to install it according to the instructions (as shitty as they are) but everything is fucked, the executable is crashing on game launch. Is it always this much of a pain in the ass to install or am I pic related
I've never had this happen to me. Normally it's really not that difficult. I mean you're still in the first level, so just start over.
A full reinstall of the game followed by immediate ZRP install seems to have worked.
Though I have to question why the ZRP download is missing the system.ltx file the game won't boot without.
Hopefully the military won't rape the loner camp this time
Again, shes still not a bloodsucker but shes cute
Bloodsucker is truly best girl.
Don't go down that road, user. It can only end in tragedy.
Men of taste.
They only do that if your stupid ass kites them there.
That's what he accidentally did when trying to kill the boars for Wolf. It was his first playthrough of the game, be nice.
If you aggro to Military at the gate, don't go back to the rookie village. Go literally anywhere else or preferably load up a save.
I did it and had a wonderful time, the only reason I started a new save was a bugged quest. I was originally planning on swinging back around and looting them all, anyway. Maybe I should do it again.
Pic related: me and my cash counter
Here take dog, stalker.
The pennies you can earn from your fallen comrades will not come close to paying the blood debt you incurred when you inadvertently slaughtered them all.
But seriously, you will likely be swimming in rubles by the end of the game, no need to sacrifice a bunch of rookies for some busted AKs and sausage.
That dog is not Zone ready. You've got to make your animals Zone ready people.
Horses and mules/donkeys, too.
What about the missus taking user jr for a stroll? Gotta be ready for NBC attacks.
And for the slightly older Anonling
When you get yourself in trouble, do not bring trouble to others. You stand and die like a man or run like coward, but you do not drag trouble to other stalkers.
A quick note on filters before you fucks give yourself cancer
Not saying it was any less of attention whoring, but atleast she has half a brain to even know trigger discipline.
Absolutely disgusting. That has to be a man.
God damn it. I guess I'll just give up eventually, get a NATO filter and put it in with some insulating tape.
fake and gay
Sorta obligatory…
You faggots forgot the most important detail(ok the pic actually points it out). She shaves her fucking eyebrows off and than draws on fake ones. That's so fucking trashy, it makes me almost feel bad for Dickie.
What's the meaning of that thing? Just a random soviet sign?
The guy who took the photos told her that.
Loot the bodies and keep anything worthwhile, welcome to stalker.
Also, There is a merc suit in the starting village, look up a video on how to get it. Helps a lot when you are new
Won't argue with those dubs. This run is going much better, all things considered. Finally got my hands on an smg so I can kill cheeki breekis effectively now. Artifact hunting has also been pretty rewarding when I've noticed them hiding in nooks and crannies I might have otherwise overlooked.
Bless you, my child, and may you find peace in the Zone.
Find out if theres a machine shop near you and have them make a sort of adapter with your threads and one for the filter you want.
Shouldnt cost you much, even I could make that in 10-15 minutes.
It used to be the Sunrise suit
Sunrise suit looks way cooler. Pretty sure it has better stats too.
It has better overall stats, but not against gun shots is all.
Fuck off slavaboos, STALKER is trash.
go elsewhere, stalker
I'm willing to bet this user refuses to play games that aren't made in Japan and religiously eats sushi and ramen like it's a matter of life or death
And I bet he only plays the most bottom of the barrel Japanese shovelware and not high quality Japanese releases such as games with the primary focus being big anime tiddies
Post yfw when you realized CWP was dead and darryl deleted or hid the repo.
What is the story behind this one?
Made it to garbage and murderfucked some bandits, fulfilling a bandit leader quest for Sidorovich. Making it back to him resulted in me getting a mint AKM-74/2U.
Is it better than the Viper 5? Looking at the CASH MONEY value, the Viper 5 is higher and seems to have a bit better handling.
The akm should have better range though? Maybe I'm remembering it wrong.
AKM should have better range and possibly a bit better damage, but the Viper can get a suppressor on it that's pretty tits if you want to be Stealthy McRapeface. Also the Viper uses handgun ammunition that's both abundant and light to carry, making it fairly ideal for close quarters and, again, stealth ops at night. The AKM-74/SU is good until you get a better rifle, which is most any other AKM you pic up (generally speaking) but still serves as a good all/general-purpose firearm until said upgrade occurs.
Same range (200 meters), identical ammo modifiers for non-AP ammo, mp5 is slightly more accurate (0.25 vs 0.35 base fire dispersion), has significantly higher fire rate (800rpm vs 600rpm), lower bullet speed (400m/s vs 790m/s), slightly lower recoil, and basically identical damage (on stalker: 0.38 vs 0.39).
Reasonably he should save his 5.45 ammo for a better AK, and just use up his 9x19 while enemies are still relatively easy.
Oddly enough I haven't encountered ANY 9x19mm in the zone yet besides whatever was on bandit corpses which led me to selling it and using the ak.
I took it to that bandit area under the railway, murdering them all and wound up getting the ACTUAL ak. I wound up having to take multiple trips back to sell all the loot. Do you guys have any advice on inventory management? What should I have on me when venturing into the zone? Is there any safe item storage?
Pic related: my current inventory and cash pile
I don't think NPCs loot boxes outside of AMK and AMK derivatives, so any lootable container should be safe. Haven't touched vanilla SoC in nearly a decade, but my normal loadout would be whatever artifacts I'm currently using, a few health regen artifacts to throw on after combat (and remove before getting into combat), 10x mags for primary, 5x mags for secondary, 10 bandages, 5 healthkits, 3 vodka/antirad, 10+ energy drinks or 0 if I have stamina artifacts. Also there's a dead loner in the train tunnel in garbage that has a 9x18 mp5 if you want to use up all of that pistol ammo in a better gun.
There's a safe storage box in the bar.
I sell off any artifacts I'm not going to use, stash them in the bar if I might use them, keep them if I'm going to swap them out in the field. I generally don't carry more than 10 first aid kids and about as many bandages, unless I know I'm going into a really hot area - but they're not so relevant because they're pretty light. Vodka is fun but mechanically useless compared to antirads. I only carry a few food items. Ammo, I only pick up if I can use it right away or if I want to stockpile it for a special gun (like 9x39).
Guns aren't worth bringing back to sell unless they're rare or high-end and in good condition. You don't need three AKs and you especially don't need that shotgun. If I found myself with your inventory, I'd dump the shottie, the shotgun ammo, one AK, and three bottles of vodka.
Any stalkers play farcry 2? It reminds me a lot of stalker in terms of the gameplay and the idea of being in a desolate area nobody can enter or leave. Although, it isn't nearly as foreboding as stalker. It still has some quality moments.
It seems if it does something better than stalker it does something much worse. For example stealth work 1000x better, but every AI in the game outside of towns and mercs is hostile. I remember in the army warehouse you could shoot the guards infront of the door entrance to the main building and nobody would notice (even if you shot one guard standing infront of another), however other times you could kill a dude totally isolated from the rest of the base and everyone will home in on you. However in Farcry 2 it's pretty consistent, as long as you kill a dude with one shot with a silent weapon and nobody sees the body the no one cares, however if one dude sees you they all know exactly where you are.
It also has some interesting weapons/mechanics that stalker doesn't have. I doubt you could add FC2's fire in stalker through mods or anything, which itself opens up a ton of gameplay options. Pic related, I'm on a vantage point. Start a fire in the middle of the base to flush out enemy AI. I abused this once to sneak through a base. Essentially it was entirely built out of wood so I just strategically lit parts of it on fire so the AI would either move towards it or away from it, and snuck around. They knew I was there but never where I was and I didn't need to kill anyone.
Also it has way more locations in stalker. Something that stops me from playing Call of Chernobyl is I've seen the spot a 1000 times. Although, there's nothing like the bandit base in dark valley (the 3-4 buildings interconnected), most of the locations are closer to the army warehouse, blood sucker village, bandit warehouse, etc. As in, really open so you can take your approach but not nearly as foreboading as something like the Monolith base, which has a semi-linear path leading up to it, but it's intimidating as fuck.assports
it also works in wine
fucking wot
It should be noted that you can get converters to allow you to screw in safer modern filters into old Warsaw Pact masks.
nah all far cry games are shit. just play crysis or something
What are you running it on? That's almost a 10 year old game.
I will say that the game does look better with mild ENB applied, but the last screenshot is vanilla to contrast.
faggot, far cry 1 and 2 were damn good
far cry 1 was literally crysis in alpha mode are you retarded? also far cry 2 is only average. i'll just stick to the superior slav game.
Yes. It was good, although the atmosphere was quite different.
The best part about the game was the minimalist UI. Actually pulling out a paper map was amazing. The world tended to feel flat and dull, but I've been spoiled by how dynamic modern open-world games are. The guns look realistic, but really aren't - the IMFDB page for the game is hilarious:
This is going to be a spicy page.
Lel. I actually forgot AE didn't stand for African Eliminator until now.
It's one of the best on the entire site, and that's saying something.
No, this thread could have gone without this trash.
What's so difficult? You simply have to find the mutants that are spooking him and kill them or try the save and load method that resets actors.
This shit is why stalker is dead. Deviantart tier faggots. You're actually worse than the faggots on the GSC forums led by Sergei Grigorovich's personal cocksucker Tejas Stalker who chase out anyone and everyone that makes OC or has any criticisms of the abject failure that was Lost Alpha. Fucking faggots, all those stories about "official GSC support they'll sell our mod as a real game and it's the original vision of SOC oops someone leaked it deal's off donate to our paypal out of pity" while it turns out to be some shitty fanfiction story, EAX gets patched out for no reason, zone is empty, every "new" map is just a completely untouched alpha map with the same floating brush issues, and voice acting so bad "but it's freeeeeeeeeeeeeee" isn't a valid excuse. Trash.
If you can't take out the entire outpost on your own starting with just a makarov or PB1 you need to
Monetary value != quality. Consider:
Also, look at a tower by a vehicle graveyard. Find the boxes in the tower, and shoot them for a surprise.
Here's one of the (You)s you ordered.
It's one of the few articles on the site that has someone that actually cares and is willing to write something interesting for it. Look at so many other articles, and it's boring shit. No funny image captions, just "a picture of [gun] in [media]".
last one looks a lot better, the others have too much contrast and your eyes have to constantly adjust for it, reduce the HDR, reduce the contrast curve, make the color level clipping wider, don't use any saturation or just really minimum like 0.15 instead of the 2.5 default, slap some very subtle MXAO on that shit and maybe it won't look too bad as the first 4 pics, default ReShade settings look like shit as well as 99% of configs on sfx.thelazy
Welp, I think you've finally done it Holla Forums, you've made me want to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R for the first time. I kind of just want more of a sandbox experience, so should I just get the mod that slams all three games together into that, or is that not advised for a first experience with the series?
linux through wine
Don't mod it until you've completed the vanilla games.
Play shadow of chernobyl first. It introduces everything in the game perfectly. Pripyat is more like a modernized version of the game. Clear skies is garbage.
Help me Holla Forums, I've been playing through CoC as Duty but I cannot for the life of me find a single fucking artifact. I've been running around like a retard with the basic detector all over the place but cannot find anything both in and outside anomalies.
Sounds like you're better suited in Freedom.
ya tried looking after a blowout occurs? Sometimes on the first playthrough they wont be there I noticed.>>13817919
By not being an overpriced GMOD DLC, duh.
Far Cry 3 is better than 2 in nearly every way, and modded STALKER just shits all over both.
Pic very related. If you think the first four look good, you need to throw your monitor out a window right now.
Play Shadow of Chernobyl with the Zone Reclamation Project mod for your first run.
did not mean to sage
You might argue that the tone of Farcry 2 is better served with its literal shit filter, in order to make the world feel shitty and oppressive. However, if you think that those others are too "high contrast" or "colorful" and make it look "cartoony", you need to go outside more often because you've apparently forgotten what the real world looks like. The only real problem is too much bloom, especially in number 3, but even that I couldn't call unrealistic.
If you think that shit looks like "real life", throw your monitor out a window right now because it's either bottom-tier, or you have no idea how calibration works and are hopeless.
The real world actually has even more color. Go outside.
Get rid of your shit monitor, because those colors aren't even remotely correct. You can fight me on this, but just like the niggers who always resist when I explain the difficulty mechanics in STALKER, you're wrong, and you're making a fool out of yourself.
They are a HELL of a lot closer than the default, which is brown and brown. Here, have some real life photos of africa just for comparison. Note the absence of shit smearing everything.
In fact, if anything they are STILL too muted. The greens especially in should be a lot brighter.
You're retarded, and the fact that you can't even tell that the blue levels are off the charts levels of fucked in those FC screens tells me you're using a shitty monitor.
I kinda want a mod that plays more like the book, with areas that are outside the zone, where there are bandits, ecologists, military, and loners all kinda just chilling out, and you can either go into the zone to do shit for the military or ecologists, or you can go in unsanctioned and steal artifacts to sell to bandits. There would be very very few people actually in the zone, and very few mutants. At best you'd have maybe a pistol since if the military saw you walking around the cordon with a rifle they'd be like "excuse me what the fuck do you think you're doing" and there really wouldn't be much point bringing a rifle into the zone.
The sky isn't blue enough, though the foliage might be too blue with not enough green which is what I meant by the greens needing to be brighter.
Like I said, it's a step in the right direction but people are already calling it "cartoony" when it still hasn't approached the color levels of the real world.
They're calling it cartoony because it looks cartoony as fuck and doesn't fit the aesthetic or the art at all. Just compare the colors to Far Cry 3 and you'll see exactly what I'm talking about. That ENB trash isn't a "step in the right direction", it just compromises the aesthetic and downgrades the image.
The colors look real in 2. Like exactly real that I'm not entirely sure you didn't slap a photo of the sky up there. The textures look like shit but that's not the ENB's job.
That's vanilla FC3.
You got me then. In terms of color I'd rate Vanilla FC3>ModdedFC2>The shit I just took>Vanilla FC2
The leaves look really off though. I'm not enough of a dendrophile to know if those are realistic or not for that part of the world, but they wouldn't be here.
Open one of those images, and then tab back and forth between the fourth image here
Come on now, you can't tell me those colors are even remotely right. I'm not a fan of FC2's piss filter, but the assets were created with it in mind, which is why everything looks really fucking wrong when you "remove" it with a meme shader.
They are about 60% more "right" than vanilla, but they are still off by about 30%.
user pls. Don't do this to me.
Worth of notice is also the fact that older gas mask filters include asbestos.
By being enjoyable even without mods, the only redeeming value HL2 has ever had was its engine.
Since many people started wearing it again during the recent events in Ukraine, I can understand making the argument that Spencer's wife is against Ukraine having Crimea, but this is just retarded.
>>>Holla Forums
Nice bait, faggot. But if you want it to actually work, then you might want to bother typing what it is into a search engine before posting. As you can tell by the image I posted previously, the ribbon of St. George predates the Soviet Union, as it is a military service ribbon under the Russian Empire. And the association with the Russian Empire still remains, as it is used as a symbol of Russian nationalism. Its application to the events in Ukraine are also consistent with this due to the fact that the separation of Crimea is to do with wanting to be part of Russia, thus why it is referred to as Novorossiya. So no, it isn't a symbol of Marxism, you are simply trying to derail the thread.
FC3&4 is 2 for console plebs and casuals. Fire was nerfed to save processor speed (seriously the fire physics in 2 are insane). Level design is way better. 2 has more areas that look like they where suppose to replicate something or are just more fun to play in (such as the bases built ontop of water you can swim under and around), where as 90% of the locations in 3 are just outposts. Enemies are way more deadly and you can't just steamroll through the entire base and need to actually work with the tools they give you and the level layout. The weapons in 3 are all generic skin swaps. Theres no mortar, IED, In 2 if a weapon is silenced that's it's main draw, and it'll probably be closer to the starting weapon where as the strongest weapons like a semi-auto sniper rifle can never be silenced, putting it roughly on par with the silenced weapon. Where as in 3 you can just slap silencers on everything and gun everyone down from 200 miles away no problem.
The mortar itself is more fun than anything 3 has.
Fantastic, glad I wasted my breath. btw I think FC2 looks better than 3. Even if the colors are off it gives a stronger sense of atmosphere because everything is worn down and breaking, similar to how everything is faded in stalker I know I just gave you an opening to ignore all my points dumping on your shit opinion to complain more about graphics
Just buy a better monitor, user, and preferably a colorimeter while you're at it for professional-level calibration if your monitor doesn't have a calibrated preset from the factory.
You'll thank me later.
FC3 was actually way better mechanically, and combat felt vastly more enjoyable despite the lack of gun degredation and overall realism (hitscan suppressed infinite range snipers). The story wasn't that great, but I appreciated the Heart of Darkness elements. Stealth was overpowered and too easy. The environment was vastly more interesting than FC2's repeated garbage towns, although overall map design was a bit lacking in depth. Some sequences were much too linear, but the archaeology bits were good fun. Missions were less repetitive than FC2, and there was much more room for open-world shenanigans.
FC4 took too much of the grit away and piled more and more on top of the things that already made FC3 bad, though. The fact that you can clear outposts undetected by just flying up to max height on one of those little helicoptors and dropping grenades speaks volumes.
It doesn't spread as much in 3, but it's a tropical island, not a dry savannah. I never got fire to spread terribly far in 2, either.
Half-correct. There are more proper areas like trainyards and airports, but they're never taken advantage of - it's just scenery for the most part. FC3 didn't have as many of these, but the ones it did have were better designed as a rule.
FC3 at max difficulty is incredibly deadly as well. There's a bit more cheese with getting hit, as I think you get brief i-frames when normal mooks shoot you, but you'll be losing a bar of health each time, and you only start out with 2 bars. Snipers will drop you to nothing with ease. Stealth is admittedly more casual, but part of that is simply because when someone goes alert, everyone doesn't magically discover exactly where you are and bumrush you.
No. Some weapons are redundant with the same role and better stats, but not until you get to the second island.
That's correct, they're now called C4 and function the exact same way.
I'd have loved a mortar, but it wouldn't have worked out that well, especially with the stealth focus.
You can't suppress the top-tier guns in FC3 either, although you don't really need to.
That said, FC3 does get much better when you mod it. Check out Ziggy's Mod for a nice realism overhaul.
I made a STALKER short film.
I don't know what you mean by scenery. I know you visit them frequently enough, and to me they play out completely differently. If it's built out of wood you can strategically burn parts of the building, if it's ontop of water you can slip in and out of the water and play around it, some areas have more trenches and pits of water making it so you can play the trenches. The whole game just feels more deliberately designed when you take in how there are walls everywhere, but FC3 feels more like a Bethesda game where it's all open and randomly generated and then they added unique story focused areas. They might be better but theres always a downside. Linear story part, forced defend against the onslaught sequence, etc.
The only enemies who gave me any trouble where the super tanky ones they added. I guess you're right about how FC2 has a problem with monolithic AI. It's not so much they magically know where you are, as much as, if one knows where you are they all do. I've managed to lose the AI and get behind them. FC2 has a lot of things like this where people think it's one way when it's really another. For example, I've seen people complain about enemies respawning at an outpost while you're still there, but in reality if the AI doesn't know where you are it hides and waits until you think it's clear and jumps out. It's also way easier to avoid snipers in 3 since they have a laser, they don't have one in 2 so sometimes you can get caught without knowing why (again thinking it's cheating AI). That being said I find 2's stealth more fun. 3 just has too much bullshit to deal with such as wide open areas, the silenced pistol jumping up in your face everytime you take a shot, guards being overly animated so picking them off is kinda irritating unless you do the assassins creed style knife takedown.
Even if you only have 2 bars of health, I remember the first thing I noticed in 2 after playing 3 is you die in 3 shots even with maxed out health. I don't recall it being the same in 3. Honestly 3's difficulty was so low in comparison to 2 that they where able to get away with throwing in defence sequences where the game throws waves of enemies at you and you have to hold the highground. I was able to clear these even with a stealth build
Maybe. I can never replay 3, I always quit after the first few missions. Its funny because it was the first one I played, then I went to 2 and couldn't go back.
Damn. I must have forgotten about it
I consider it as much of a stealth weapon as a sniper rifle. It's perfect for missions where you have to blow up something and will get detected anyways, whether it be an objective on the map or a vehicle. I also use it sometimes to assassinate a target that is inside a building that you can't snipe. First shot removes the roof, 2nd shot kills. No one will know what the fuck is happening.
That's kinda the thing though. The only suppressed rifle in 2 was a dart rifle with 3-4 shots, as opposed to any silent sniper you can get in 3. 3 does have bullet drop though which makes it a bit more interesting.
I still need to play blood dragon
Oh shit, I remember you. It turned out decently enough I guess.
Ok, yeah, they play out more differently, but I'm talking about aesthetic. All they do is switch up the tactics needed. FC3 isn't as good with that, thinking about it - seems like the surrounding area is more important when it comes to tactics.
On the highest difficulty, it's very much a matter of the element of surprise. You're in for some serious trouble if enemies spot you first, it's easy to die to the red tshird mooks with AKs. You need to be dropping enemies fast and early, and just taking cover isn't enough because they will rush or flank you. I died several times to early missions because I fucked up stealth and it resulted in a shotgun guy instakilling me.
Snipers, you're correct - it's one of the things I always mod out.
Mod it and see if you like it more. It's a completely different beast when you don't even have a minimap.
I always had trouble with using it in a stealthy context. Maybe I'm just bad, I dunno.
I've actually never seen bullet drop on the normal guns. It might be something mods can fix.
Suppressed snipers were a bit over-the-top in 3, yeah. Enemies at least react well to them.
Yes, you do.
Got some more screenshots, two vanilla and 3 modded. I might make some webms of the OST too, the soundtrack is great especially at night.
This, I enjoyed having to use the map. That and setting your watch to wake you up at safehouses.
Yes, I see now that the blues were turned way too high. These screenshots are half a decade old, so on my newer monitor they do look too blue.
Africa really is a beautiful continent, shame about it's proto-human inhabitants.
keep cryin bitch nigga
Didn't mean to imply that, I meant to say it.
Get a better detector ASAP. Scientists and some traders sell them. You can loot one if you're lucky or find it in a stash.
The alternative is to be on the lookout for those messages where a stalker claims to have found an artefact. Just go and murder him. Should be easy for you if the stalker in question is with Freedom.
Question: For CoC online what's the best faction to play as? Also, which has the best community attitude.
monolith and monolith.
A cursory search shows that you're trying to ruse me ruseman. Fuck this then, i'm just gonna join freedom and be done with it. They sound closest to house and more libertarian values which are best, especially in the zone tbh. Thanks anyway.
Don't come back crying here when the Freedom boys make you fuck a bloodsucker as an initiation ceremony.
>not playing with Africa on loop for hours at a time
Not my comrade.
FC3 had one excellent song, the rest was forgettable.
I only have it in gondola form, hope you don't mind. Have some stalker gondolas, too.
I remember being very impressed that you could actually walk around on boats and treat them as physical objects when not piloting them. Makes me wish rivers in this game had current so you could cut the engine, sit around on the deck, and just be comfy.
That, or online co-op so you can ferry all your comrades down the river with you. FC4's is OK but nothing would be better than doing merc work with a buddy out in the bush instead of relying on hit-or-miss buddy AI.
Damn, forgot to turn off the flag.
Have you tried -noprefetch?
I remember that. I remember offering criticism in regards to structure and plot, then the whole website shat itself and the thread ended up deleted.
I still have it :^)
I had to do that to even be able to get into the Truckyard. I still suffer CTD's in the Army warehouse. Just goes to show you that even XRAY believes that Freedom are the worst faction.
I'm the one that suggested the opening music that got used in the final cut.
Ignoring Far Cucks & getting back to Stalker
post your biggest cash/loot piles
there was this one crisis image where some of them had multiple vaginas owo
That's one way of putting it, yeah.
You can pick up some speed and do that, but you can't steer. I liked swimming in the game, the water sounds are very visceral when you paddle or dive and all of the water is murky, like it would be irl. And furthermore, the rivers have some awesome scenery.
Far Cry 2 with coop would be amazing. Even functional buddies who could take the .50 while you drive would be great.
Clear sky isn't total garbage, it gets some things right compared to SoC and CoP in my opinion. the "Beginner" area is a better first look into the zone than cordon or zaton for example
the mod your talking about (Call of Chernobyl) will leave you lost and probably a little bored if it's your first entry into stalker. Play Shadow of Chernobyl first. and play it vanilla for fucks sake.
That's called "every single fucking ubisoft game".
What a piece of shit map, complete shit.
That's the first "complete" version, it seemed far too crowded and missed a few notes to give it the true STALKER feel.
The final version, though very similar, I applied some of the suggestions that other anons had and it gave it a far better feel at the cost of just a few musical changes and a couple of minor additions.
I did plan what I would theoretically do if I made an entire film, care to hear it?
seems interesting, i'll give this a playthrough.
Remember to loot as much habar from those friars as you can, patsany.
I would if I could, but the more shit there is on a chest the longer it will take to open it.
Does wind of time have backpacks? Where is my fucking storage?
Alright guys, I somehow never gave this series more than a literal passing glance until yesterday. I'm pirating Shadow of Chernobyl right now. Any pro tips?
its a technical nightmare. bugs and glitches of all varieties abound, but the gameplay, the atmosphere and the world itself makes up for it in spades
get the zrp mod, general bugfixes and shit.
Will that detract from the "experience"?
not at all, m'boy. no gameplay changes or anything like that.
Unironically yes.
Still leagues better than stalkers AI which is buggy as fuck. Either doesn't respond to people dying right next to them or will flip shit because someone died completely secluded from their camp
Ignore that shit is absolutely essential if you don't want to have to start a game over multiple times because of bugged quests and shit.
t. new player who tried SoC w/o bugfixes
Damn. Applying any patches breaks the crack. Karma I guess.
The absolute state of nu/v/.
I'm old fashioned.
and is right, why use the normal version while gog has the updated version ?
where did u download it from retard
Well excuuuse me. At any rate, I think I found a proper replacement crack. Now I just need to download the mod.
Anyone remember the mod that contains the shotgun thats basicly a cut down AA barrel?
the 23mm one I think.
Cant remember what mod had it but I just remember it was the shit, I think it was for CoC.
sounds like stcop or one of those weapon packs
It's called KS-23, and it's my fucking favourite shotgun. I remember AO has it and Hunter guy in Yanov sells one. I love how the slug shell designed for that shotgun irl was made to destroy a car's engine block.
Well, finally started my playthrough and I've been chipping away at Shadow of Chernobyl. Despite some initial technical issues Still can't figure out why I can't get the screen tearing to stop when the game's in full screen I'm having a pretty decent time. I definitely see the appeal of the franchise, especially now that I've passed the initial area and have some decent weapons now.
The game is definitely rough though. The fucking stock sound effects especially, for the first couple hours I thought a radio was going off every time I pulled my gun out, but no, it's just a really shitty sound effect meant to simulate ruffling around in your bag.
I'll keep going until I finish vanilla, but I definitely want to get some mods put in this bitch to really make her sing. Thanks for the recommendation, Holla Forums, I'm enjoying it. Killing those military fuckers under the overpass was really satisfying when I finally managed to do it.
I have the same issue. Maybe try forcing vsync through your gpu's control panel? I'll try it tomorrow, I'm tired as shit right now.
I did that, it helped but didn't really fix the issue. Moved the screen tearing from the middle of the screen to the top, still not something I can deal with. Windowed mode seems to be the only way to really go with it right now, unfortunately.
Fuck off faggot. The game is fully completable from version 1.004 without any third party patches.
Wrong. A-life is quirky but destroys ubisoft AI in every way.
Turn on vsync like a pleb or get a high refresh rate monitor like a patrician.
You are stupid.
You fuck off, faggot. I had to start the game over 3 times in 1.006 because of main quest stopping bugs that were supposed to have been patched out. If a simple bugfixing patch absolutely ruins your day then kill yourself.
Dubs checked, I'll try it out for myself and see what happens.
I did do that, didn't fix the issue for some reason.
Have that too, could be better but it's refresh rate is high enough to suffice.
Fine, they're fucking shit sound effects then. Whether they were freshly recorded or not, they're fucking distracting.
Well, I guess I should have installed some bug fixes. Despite the initial technical issues I haven't had any issues though, no buggy AI or in-game crashing, no stuttering either.
Aside from the screentearing the only technical issues I've had is the rendering completely freaking the fuck out, necessitating a task-manager shutdown or alt+tabbing then maximizing it again to try and unfuck it. I ought to grab a screenshot the next time it happens.
You can install the ZRP bugfix mid-game no problem, I did it after encountering the same main quest bug for a third time.
Post speccy.
Win7, jewntel i5 4690k, nshitia gtx 970, 16GB of dedotated wam, etc.
None of that should be happening with your setup.
Pretty similar setup here, but I've got an AMD R9290X, and only 8GBs of wam.
Maybe deleting system 32 will help.
just have the filter part removed and just screw the can in
Thanks for the help
I thought so too.. Haven't been able to replicate the issue so it might have just been some rare fuckup.
Did you try enabling triple buffering? I enabled it earlier today to see how it'd handle and it has worked like a dream - no more screen tearing in fullscreen.
Yep, tried triple buffering as well, still there but now it only pops up after 5-10 minutes. I can fix it again by alt-tabbing out of the game but this is still baffling me.
Oh well, I can deal.
Sounds more like you're just retarded. If the "oh no fox is in alert mode" post you made in the thread is any indication you're just some fucking newfag that doesn't know how to play the game and thinks everything slightly odd and not as "perfectly polished" as a modern AAA game is a game-breaking bug. Cordon isn't a big map. You can easily find what group of dogs Fox is angry about, or even just wait and they will come. Dumb nigger, don't argue with someone with weeks of total playtime about how the game works like you actually know shit.
Do you shut off viewmodels in games because something moving near the camera is like a shiny object to you?
Let me guess, merely pretending to be retarded, right?
Oh no, I've been caught! Videogames aren't hard to figure out and STALKER has been no exception. When the bug first arose I searched for and found the pack but they scattered to monolith knows where. As for the latter, if you weren't a nigger you'd have noticed the trigger for the dogs to commence the attack happens when you actually speak to Fox beyond giving him the medkit.
Nobody playing stalker expects it to be a fully polished AAA turd, that's why we have things like community made bugfixing patches. Haven't had a single issue since then so the patch must have worked.
You're already a bigger dumbshit than any bumbling newfag could ever strive to be. Suicide remains your only option.
There has really been in a lull in terms of stalker content for the past year. 2015-2017 was packed full of new mods that were all pretty fun. Hopefully 2018 delivers on Gunslinger for the first quarter and Ray of Hope in the 3rd or 4th quarter. The thing that surprises me about Ray of Hope is how long they are willing to work on it, and they've been pretty silent for awhile showing tiny progress in new models around every month ever since the dev dairy
Literally never ever.
Too little, too late. Nobody gives a fuck about muh dayz in the zone. Even the ray of nope shill stopped posting here.
i didn't think it was possible to be a double nigger, but you managed to prove me wrong.
freedom confuses me. Do I fail if I clean up my campsite?
I thought woman couldn't enter the zone because it kills them and makes men sterile.
Depends on where you're getting your lore.
In the movie women cannot enter the Zone for… reasons? I know there was a reason but for the life of me I cannot recall.
In the book no woman has ever bothered to even try as it's not something a woman would ever benefit from. Only men are drawn towards the wealth that one good haul of swag can bring in, defaulting all stalkers to be an all-male cast.
There was a book, based off the games, that mentioned a SINGLE female stalker. I have not read that book, however, so I can only go off of secondhand accounts of her actions, which seem to indicate she was competent at best, or only noteworthy for her gender at worse.
All this said, it's actually a fairly uninteresting subject. With everything that happens in the Zone it's pretty petty for lack of a better term ATM to focus on the gender of the stalkers as even so much as a talking point. If a stalker is seen either being a badass or being a total shit, I don't think anyone's really going to stop and consider what gender this stalker is, but rather judge the stalker off of his/her own merits.
There need to be more trans polybinary wymyn in STALKER
Finally made it to Yantar and offloaded some artifacts to Sakharov. $30k for a couple handfuls of artifacts and it felt pretty great. The game hasn't been nearly as complicated as I thought it might be, but it has been a blast so far regardless.
Pic related is my current gear setup + artifact haul upon reaching yantar
You're not talking about roadside picnic though, are you?
The main reason why there are no women in the zone is the same reason why Golding didn't put girls into lord of the flies. Shit is depressing enough without opening that can of worms. People like a bit of melancholy and violence/death, but if you get so close to reality you might as well suggest people read accounts of ISIS slaves or the rotherham report for fun.
You have brain damage, friend.
I always just kind of figured it made sense because women aren't really equipped to survive the harshness of a place like the Zone, and thus wouldn't really want to go there anyway.
The way people talk about the series I kind of expected it to be only something real autists could enjoy, but once you get passed the initial hobo phase it becomes pretty straightforward. Now that I'm armed with something more than a pea shooter I'm practically decimating enemies and rolling in enough Rubles to buy all the krokodil in the Ukraine.
The only "hope" is in Gunslinger, but the CoC modding scene is more alive with Radium in the horizon and while Last Days and Winds of Time are a thing.
Women aren't allowed in the Zone because the Zone is the only woman you'll ever need. And she is one jealous bitch.
There are a few novels based off the games themselves actually. I haven't gotten around to reading them myself but I have the .epub files. I'll upload them somewhere if anybody's interested.
Stalker is not hard. It's different and has some odd mechanics, but it's not hard. The only really difficult part in the series is that early SoC hobo phase, which unfortunately turns a lot of people off it.
Only about half a dozen hours or so; if that puts normalfags off of it then so be it tbh. They can dedicate dozens of hours over time playing ASSFAGGOTS trash but can't be bothered to play comfy slav game.
Nah. Honestly, once you get a scope the worst is over. And it doesn't take 6 hours till you reach agroprom or buy one.
Even SoC's hobo phase isn't that difficult since in the beginning, unless you decide to fuck with the military in the Cordon, you are always squared off against hobo bandits of the same equipment level. If my 15 year old self and my younger brother who was 12 at the time had no problems with it then normalfags are really on a mental level lower than even a prepubescent boy.
The only real difficulty I remember was in CS when you get out of the swamp and you have to sneak past the military while toting shitty swamp-tier gear. The biggest problem was sneaking past the machinegunner who fucks your shit up in a split second.
No, a few novels where made based on the game. It was in one of those. However, I totally see where you're coming from.
Well, in general there's no allure for women to ever travel into the Zone. Think about what you do in the Zone: Illegally sneak into a military cordon, dodge life-threatening fissures in fucking reality, get dirty as all fuck, only eat cold deli meats and drink vodka, steal alien objects that you might not have ANY idea of their capabilities or worth, and sneak back out while now trying to avoid the authorities so you can pawn the shit to fences who might try and rip you off. Name ANYTHING about what I just mentioned that would appeal to most women. You'd be hard struck to find a woman who'd actually be totally cool with doing all of this and she is likely already in the military.
These stalker games seem to have left a mark on people. Which would you recommend the most? Please take nostalgia out of the question.
Shadow of Chernobyl, then Call of Pripyat. The latter is objectively better but the prior really sets the groundwork. Clear Skies can be avoided at no real cost to player, so far as continuity and such is concerned. I'd only recommend it for completion's sake.
Why choose one over the others? All have their own merits, and the series as a whole is a genuine classic.
That being said, if you were to only play one of the games, I'd say SoC.
Play them in order of release.
SoC(Shadow of Chernobyl) then CoP(Call of Pripyat), skip CS(Clear Sky). SoC preferably on master as it makes the game more fun, there was a mod for SoC that fixes a lot of bugs and re-adds cut content and nothing more.
CoP is the third one and it will feel like an upgrade of SoC also is pretty good also but also extremely short i think about 6 hours or so.
CS just kind of feels weird and boring to me, like they rushed everything and never got time to polish it, everyone seems to have moved on or in the case of the CoC mod gutted the good parts.
>(((more fun)))
You can go too. Master is only good with mods that unfuck the shitty, arcadey gunplay.
Don't get me wrong I like CoP, but that's just a retarded thing to say.
What? Pretty sure you take more, but you also dish out more damage on master. Granted, I haven't played vanilla in years.
Most notable mods fix that, but while CS and CoP have flat weapon damage across all difficulties, SoC definitely doesn't. The You do more damage on Master thing is a myth.
The damage resistance is 0% on master both in SoC and CoP according to the graph. Also the enemy damage is the same on all difficulties. So the "you take more damage" part is the same in SoC and CoP. The only difference is that you do just as much damage as the enemy on master in SoC, while you do a bit more on lower difficulties. In CoP you have the same damage as the enemy on all difficulties. I really don't see the problem.
The fuck are you going on about? I said increasing the difficulty makes you take more damage (it does, read the fucking resistance section), and makes you deal less (it does, read the fucking weapon damage section).
Nigger, you didn't even realize you did less damage on Master, which means you're unobservant as fuck and I couldn't give less of a fuck what you see as a problem.
That's the same in CoP. Read the fucking resistance section.
It gives you 100% damage. You also get 100% in CoP. Read the fucking weapon damage section.
Nigger, I never played on anything but master. I don't see a fucking reason to. You're just a faggot who can't deal with SoC on master. Which has literally the same damage and resistance values as CoP.
What does that have to do with anything?
Again, what in the FUCK does that have to do with anything? Either provide a coherent argument in your next post or you're getting filtered.
Your complaint was that soc doesn't have flat weapon damage here and you complained about the game lowering your resistance and lowering your weapon damage.
The end result of that are the same values as those in CoP. So unless you think CoP also is too difficult there is no problem. SoC's difficulty is perfectly fine on master and there is nothing to complain about whatsoever. You just need to, dare I say it, git gud.
Cry more, you spergy faggot.
It's called a claim you subhuman. My claim was that master in SoC made you deal less damage and take more, which it does. End of fucking story.
I don't think it's "too difficult", as I've played through NS2, and I guarantee you haven't. I do think it plays like shit without heavily modding the gunplay.
Aaaand you're done.
I'd be interested in reading those.
Right, people like to pretend that women are the exact same as men but in reality only men would have the nuts and wherewithal to hang out in the Zone.
The gaming media has conditioned normalfaggots to need insanely instant gratification. The game needs to have a big, explosive, mostly on rails big opening setpiece where they're gunning down dozens of enemies at the press of a single button or they'll fucking drop it faster than you can say cheeki breeki.
Also no multiplayer. Normalfags love that multiplayer.
Jesus Christ, are you a Reddit refugee? That shit's just fucking embarrassing dude.
We have reached peak irony. Neck yourself.
After you, champ.
Like pottery. This is your last (You).
Oh no, whatever will I do without my precious (You)'s?
Please do
The machinegunner isn't as painful as finding that you could have taken a different route.
Clear Sky had so many terrible design decisions. It was like a bunch of suits looked at STALKER and committeed their way to thinking "this is what the kids liked about SOC".
Congoid, the reason why the "higher difficulty = higher damage" meme gets regurgitated so much even with shittons of evidence of the contrary is because when you beat the game once, you already figure out what the best way of dealing damage is and that's headshots. Except if your enemy is wearing an exoskeleton more often than not a headshot will down anything with one bullet, exceptions also being if you're trying to kill someone wearing a helmet while using some peashooter like a Makarov. The time_to_aim value which nerfs your damage the more you shoot at someone (most visible when you're using an automatic weapon which is more than 80% of the time) regardless of whether you actually hit someone or not is the reason why you get "you deal more damage on Master" and "invincibility frames on hurt animations" memes, hell I fucking believed in it because when I was on my second playthrough which was on Master I noticed that enemies are now dropping like flies, not realizing that I was now always going for headshots unlike in the beginning of my first playthrough where I always just unloaded on the centre of mass, which is the worst way of dealing damage due to how time_to_aim works.
That's true, I know a normalfag who told me that he gave up on STALKER because, I shit you not, "he couldn't get past the grandpa because the door was locked". I actually had no idea what the fuck he was talking about until on the train ride home I realized that he couldn't get past Sidorovich since he never thought of talking to him to get the door unlocked. I repeat:
Anons, I need help.
I want to kill my "friend". Seriously, I gotta use quotes, the dude at this point…
He says he will ONLY even LOOK at STALKER if there's a loli mod for the human models, the artifacts are changed to panties, and the mutants are cute… THINGS that give HUGS! I have repeatedly beat him up and tried force-feeding him summer sausgae and vodka but… it's bad. Dude ordered a fucking anime-girl pillow. Can I possibly make him cheeki breeki?
Or must I throw him in the fucking Circus Anomaly and not look back?
destroy his animu pillow then. You shall take away his animu collection.
Hilariously, the newest data shows that it works a different way entirely. Now we have SUPER BULLETS as the latest explanation. Also mak tests on the torso aren't particularly reliable unless you change all three spine hitboxes (bip01_spine, bip01_spine1, bip01_spine2) to the same multiplier, since you can have wildly divergent test results if the bullets aren't hitting the exact torso location each time, since two out of those three hitboxes cut your damage in half.
Super bullets? I am intrigued, please explain.
Please, go on.
time_to_aim is the delay between super bullets. A super bullet deals 5x damage (human NPCs) or 10x damage (mutants), but only on headshots. It does not otherwise alter your damage. For humans, this really doesn't make that much of a difference outside of using really weak weapons against tanky enemies, but for mutants it's the difference between dropping them in a couple of well-timed shots, vs dozens of shots.
We already knew about that though.
Apparently not who thinks:
Which is not the case at all. It only modifies headshot damage.