
So some autist decided to combine Mario and Castlevania. It's surprisingly alright.

Also general Mario/Sonic fangame discussion I guess

Other urls found in this thread:

Most Mario games are made by hyper-autists that exploit the engine quirks to an extreme degree, basically what the Mario-Maker audience used to do before it existed.

That's the romhacking community, the fangame community is it's own thing. One makes autistic platforming masterpieces, the other does autistic stuff like dating simulators and gamemaker stuff.

Castlevania HD crossed with Terraria when?

Reminds me of this from way back when. It's pretty solid but I never figured out how to increase the resolution.

What the fuck is up with those sprites?

This is fucking creepy.


Gotta love the knees.


Disgusting tbh
Some things should never be combined

Guess I'll take a moment participate in the thread instead of just shitposting about Mario sprites. I recently discovered there was a whole world of Mario 64 romhacking. I'm probably way behind on that realisation, I don't know. I'm pretty impressed by this hack, though sometimes the manoeuvrers required are a bit beyond me. Definitely a hack intended for people who started playing in 96, and never stopped.

Did not know this existed. After looking at this video it looks fun so i will play it now. I just hope it gets harder like he says it will later on.

Looks like it was made by commies


You were made by commies
reddit space
Sah gay

Did the author ever heard of Wario Land 3?

Wario Land 3 is for ghetto peasants. Real white men play Wario Land 4. WL3 is fucking CIAnigger ghetto trash.

Aw, I thought Mario Metroidvania when I saw the pic. Also did they update Super Mario Bros. X?

Well if you're looking for Mario Metroidvania you might want to play this Mario 1 romhack.

Why is this the first thing I've heard of this? I fucking loved mario 64, would love to play something made in the same vein as the original, even if it's fanmade.

Holy shit this looks nice. I've gotta play this now.
But I remember mario 64 controls being an absolute bitch to play on the keyboard…Is it better to play with a controller?

Always. Amazon will get you USB N64 controller for around $10 if you want to go for full original gameplay feel.

Or you could spend over $100 on an Everdrive 64 flash cart.

how does it feel like missing one of the best fangames anons?

The same guy seems to be making an SM64DS hack right now.


Why though?
NDS doesn't have analog stick support.

I guess he wants to make something portable. Looks like it started as a straight port of Star Road.

Actually, the screen could be used as a stick. Remember the black plastic thing that the handbelt had in the fat model? You could use It in the screen with your thumb to simulate an analog stick.

oh dang

DS emulators don't have any sort of re-centering touch-hold feature though.

you missed the Mario64 Maker hack before Jewtendo hit them with C&D

just the fact that it the game's code allows for analog movement is good news, you can set up an emulator and simulate an analog stick using the touchscreen.

On android. :^)

Where's the link to Mariovania.smc?

I meant the virtual DS touchscren on the emulator.
You could use a program like autohotkey to map your controller's analog stick to mouse coordinates or something similar.

or use Microsoft Glass app on your smartphone

Holy shit, I remember that.

I have no idea. I guess someone was too lazy to use the real animations?

The guy creatong Star Road 64 DS is way ahead of you and already created a program to add analog support, fucking retard. As to why, well enginecapabilities aren't as limited.

Lots of respect to the man, then.
This will save me a whole lot of trouble.

Oh look, it's the SM64 romhacker that wasn't a complete retard trying to profit off his hacks.

I want a fucking Wario apartheid.

WL4 is probably the weakest entry on the series as far as level design goes along with the Wii game.

The Wii game was actually pretty decent. The graphics were the best part of the game though

Why is it people who make these hacks always make them insanely hard or insanely bad? I mean I've played all of pic related and the only ones I ever bothered to actually complete were Green Stars and most of 74 and Star Road. Last impact is garbage and I dropped it midway through. Why can't these faggots realize that what made the original maps work was how they wern't insanely linear or difficult, but allowed you to use full use of the environment to use your moves to their fullest capacity? I hate the idea of getting a star in only 1 specific method and that's what all these faggots seem to do.


Apparently there's a sequel for SMBX, SMBX2, but I'm not sure how that is.

when do we get that Mario Forces?, where i can make my own OC Plumbers or Anti-Plumbers…and our own Koopas too

The Super Mario Tabletop RPG, made by Mr. Blue Sky on half-chan's /tg/. It's honestly not half-bad.

Nintendo wouldn't make that, but they are actually working on a Zelda Maker.


Because it wouldn't make money.


This isn't Sonic. The kids who play Mario aren't overly obsessed with OC characters to the same extent.

Is this some sort of new Chinese bootleg Mario game?

Or even better, play the rom hack in an actual DS using an R4. The creator even said it would be completely playable in an actual DS.

I got spooked at the end holy shit.



Fucking. Christ. Get to the point and do shit, it's not like people tell you they like your voice. Dunno if he's slow or shit at editing (god forbid he have the sense to edit for the purpose of making proper flow) but there's huge gaps of time where he's silent before he finishes talking.

any webm of gameplay?


Try doing something better yourself then.



This is just pathetic.

Typical Nintendo. They do something great, and they shelve it forever.

Why are fangames an issue for you?

That game wasn't developed by Nintendo, it was created by Good Feel.



That explains a lot.

Mii users are basically narcissistic nigs.


why is this so god damn funny

Why isn't this the norm



See: the maryo rpgs








Nintendo Treehouse finding Fanmade games offensive and problematic confirmed.