Stupid Shit Mod/Map Makers Do

This is an image of what Fallout Tactics Redux 1.3 does to the second map of the core campaign. Originally the first two maps would run at a decent frame rate, but now you have a ton of bushes that are placed so close to each other, each with a space that is less than one player unit in width (most with a graphic larger than that), that their graphics overlap until you may as well delete the same 8 bushes in one area and just leave 2-4 and possibly achieve the same effect. It seems like it was done with no consideration for whether or not how many of these "tiles" are drawn on screen. I had to go back and edit the first level then edit the second level.

Why do idiot modders make stupid, excessive decisions like this? Other idiotic, excessive modder ideas that are equally as idiotic: overpowered weapons with values set high enough they can crash your game on attacking, porn textures outside of porn mods, too many objects on screen (100 physics entities in a 3D engine in less than 2 meters), so many particles that your game crashes?


Because they are amateurs doing it for free.

This is a general question about modders, not asking for advice or showing progress of my own mod. Does this really belong there?

No, it doesn't, he's retarded.

And the answer is obviously because they're mostly all terrible amateurs who think that hiding inside of them is an "expert game designer" that they've been somehow cultivating just by playing video games and watching Extra Credits. They don't realize that actual game design is hard work and takes a lot of studying and practice to get right. It's a skill, and it's one that they don't have.
You're right, the worst problem they have is excess. They can't gauge what is "enough", and have no idea of the concept "less is more". If they had ever done any sort of real art, engineering, music composition, amateur film, or anything at all that takes creativity and skill, they'd know this and know that good art and design is about balancing what you put down and not giving your consumer a terrible sense of sensory overload. It's not like you have to be minimalist, but you do have to practice some restraint and hone it into something clean.
Most of the people making game mods and maps are talentless and actually have no hobbies outside of playing video games and watching superhero movies, so it's really not surprising that they also fuck up the one thing that they assume they must be good at.

Enjoy never being able to finish the game on redux. It crashes each and every time at the very last level, after you clear our first half and you have to take the elevator down. Reproducible too.

Do you know what specifically causes it? I'd actually like to fix that.

I've studied a lot of really shitty level design thanks to Halo Custom Edition and Unreal Tournament. It just seems like they should at least have some sort of idea that when one object is bigger than the other and can't even be seen anymore, then at some point even they should see that and go, "Oh wait, that's fucking stupid." I've seen a new modder go onto an Unreal Tournament forum and say they were the best coder evAr, then proceeded to produce 3/~9 projects that actually worked and talked down to other community members, even editing a wiki over it.

I haven't been able to find any help regarding this. There were some crashes before and one corruption, but they went through with reloading of the save. This is just unfixable, doesn't give a specific error or anything. Go to the end game and see for yourself.

At least show how it looks in-game you massive faggot.
The reasoning for this could be that they are acting as a wall, though a bit excessively (maybe to be consistent).


I had no idea

The NPC bits are mostly about Brhuce Hammar, the rest are equally that and Maxwell's World

Trainwiz's mods may have a lot of effort and creativity but their execution is pretty mixed and only seem good because they're marginally less awful than the base game.

I have never encoutered shit this gamebreaking in vanilla.

That's true but the vanilla fight is extremely boring. His mods just trade boredom for absurdity, with the absurdity being either frustrating or novel since they're so inconsistent.

I didn't actually have too much trouble with Alduin but my build was hilariously overpowered at that point.

it's a common misconception that, more shit=good, another example is MISERY for Stalker: CoP

But more shit can be generally good. It's just that misery was made by kikes seeking a cashgrab at the lowest effort possible. Misery is an utter shit mod, probably the shittiest I have played ever.

What did he mean by this

I've enjoyed misery.

cashgrab? why do you say that?, there is effort behind it but it's just not well aplied, they only delivered what the community wanted which was a harder an edgier stalker back when they finished the I work alone mod

it can be enjoyed but i missed the A-life a loot, in misery mutants no longer fight each other, they only atack stalker, just for th sake of artificial difficulty.


It's a meme, it's pretty much always the same every time unless someone in a predefined path or territory crosses the hostile creature's or fraction's path or territory. It's a joke.
If that's true, there is also either an increased spawn rate or a more well defined patrols that fight those mutants.

After they made the mod in broken version it came out, they stopped working on it almost entirely. They instead shifted to writing a book (which they charge for) and I think their latest plans are to make a stand alone game.

Wasn't that basically a visual novel with some survival "simulation" attached to it?
Anyway, what's a good full conversion mod for CoP? SGM was kinda nice I guess, but too easy.
I just finished replaying soc.


hey, you just described a hat in time

What are some good mods for it?

thread should have stopped here tbh

Well fuck, I might just set up a different way to trigger the ending of the game or somehow pick apart script.

Here are screenshots of a particularly bad area. Notice how half of those polys you see are tiles that cannot be seen due to being on the edge of a map, which has a fade-to-0 boundary at a certain point. This means that any tiles in this space are hidden. SO WHY STACK SO MANY TILES NEXT TO EACH OTHER IF THAT IS THE CASE. This area lags the editor and in-game. It shall be purged.

Fucking Tombs Expanded for Morrowind. I hate that they're procedural, but I still use it because the length of many of the dungeons in vanilla is pitiful. It's not the worst of the randomly generated dungeon mods for Morrowind though, I'd say it's the best. Still pisses me off that there's so few handcrafted dungeon expansions.

And still they can somehow make better shit than paid devs.