Gameplay ratios

When I play a new game, there are only five things I give a shit about. I use them to make a formula. This formula tells me, in dollars, the most I should pay for a game.

Is the game good, very good or GOTY tier excellent? This is A
How long is the base game in hours? This is B
What is the ratio of optional / post game content / 100% content vs base game? (i.e. 0.25 if extra content is 1/4 of base) This is C
How good is the post game content vs the base game? (total shit or not applicable (in the case of roguelites like BoI), quite weak, just as good, better, much better, assigned 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 respectively) This is D
How replayable is the game? (not at all, fairly replayable, very replayable, extremely replayable/core point of the game assigned 1, 2, 5, 25 respectively) This is E

I assign a score of 1, 2 or 3 to whether the game is good, very good or GOTY excellent. I use user reviews from metacritic exclusively here and require a minimum of 50 user reviews. Critic reviews are not worth the paper they're printed on. User reviews of 8.0 - 8.5 are good, 8.6 - 9.0 are very good and 9.1+ are GOTY excellent.

Look at this link:

Using this system, despite critic reviews of GTA IV being very high, the user reviews average below 7.9 so I know that this game isn't good. I've unfortunately played it and can attest to the disparity between user reviews/actual experience and critic reception.

The formula I made is : ( A ( B ( 1 + (C x D) ) ) E

Let's take a look at a game, say Super Mario Galaxy.

A is 3. B is 15 (taken from C is 2 (completionist from howlongtobeat is 44 hours, so extra 29 hours content vs 15). D is 0.25, the extra content is quite weak from what I've seen online. Getting all 121 stars vs the minimum to complete with Mario is great but the 242 star total is half done by beating the same game again with Luigi. This is shitty filler. This is a bit of the formula is quite subjective. I weight extra content lower than the base game to account for "fatigue" the player might have. E would be 2 (for me. I will replay the game probably once only at some later date).

So we have (3 ( 15 ( 1 + (2 x 0.25) ) ) 2 = 3 x 15 x 1.5 x 2 = $135. i.e the game is well worth $60.


You fucked up.

Good luck OP


That is actually amazing but really couldn't you just stop at A and be done with it?
I mean you even said ( A ( B ( 1 + (C x D) ) ) E is subjective why not just see how good is a game?
And Odyssey being worth 135$ is bullshit.

>>>Holla Forums

No, because those other factors are very important in gauging game value.

Look at the new 3DS metroid game.

Formula is (2 ( 11 ( 1 + ( 0.25 x 0.25) ) ) 2 = $46.75.

Right on the cusp of the release price. Lots of games release with a lower value and so can only be justified as a purchase in a sale.

Forgot to mention, I maintain a spreadsheet of Switch games with ebay prices vs my formula value. Once there is enough of a "saving" to buy 5 games and get a "free" Switch, I will take the plunge and buy a Switch.

There's some problems with your theory.
Howlongtobeat is notorious for always being rather stingy with the amount of hours it gives, and it also fails for "completionist" on a lot of games as a metric as well

In this case drop A or just find other way to gauge quality of the game. Your formula works because you multiple it by variable that makes sure it works.
You multiple quality and quantity. Quantity is B to E and easy to measure by hours of gameplay. Quality is something you choose out of nowhere.

It is not 46$ for 3DS metroid game. It is 23$ dollars times whatever it makes 46$.

dude just torrent lmao

Torrent Super Mario Odyssey? Awesome, send me a link and explain how to play it without a switch.

Fucking idiot.

what a fag game lol

Well you reinventing of game scores won't help either.
Plus with Switch being underpowered even more with WiiU was we will see emulator for it eventually.

I value everything you do. Replay value and content are high priorities when making purchases. I think your formula is great and I appreciate you sharing it. There are very few games that I feel comfortable spending more than $10-$20 dollars on these days and now I can quantify why.

This is completely wrong. The WiiU was literally 3 PowerPC 750CLs on the same package. The Switches Tegra X1 completely destroys the WiiU. Not to say that's an accomplishment, it says more about how fucking underpowered the WiiU was more than anything

You could just wait for an emulator you fucking sperg. Or have you played every good Vidya out there that you're now out of options and most shill out money for a shitty console and Vidya?


Why not just rent/borrow/pirate the game first to figure whether or not it's to your taste instead of assigning arbitrary values to shit that is assumed?

Completely retarded system. Would scrap/10. Would not recommend to friends.

yeah, nah.

Stopped reading there. You know nothing about the quality of a game. Consider killing yourself, OP.

I like it = good game.
I don't like = it's fucking shit.

well said

Got some ratios for ya.

Funny Valentine did nothing wrong.

The best president we never had.

Holy fuck you're nuts.

Are they sinking in quicksand or something?
Why do they have drag make up?
That entire scene is pants on head retarded.

No, they thought to hide from micro dinosaurs with lethal onomatopoeia on them.
Welcome to JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

Played arcade jojo fightan and only remember one tranny in it.
He was also the biggest guy in the game.

DIO? He may be an oil driller but he's no tranny. That's technically reserved for Annasui and Hot Pants.

there are no trannies in jojo


No I remember dio, the road roller man. He was pretty gay with hearts on his dick and what not but there was even faggier dude.
I think he was transforming into his stand rather than summoning it, but I might be confusing him with someone else.
But yeah Jojo is gay in general.

Gets surprisingly straight in part 8. The only character I can think of that "transforms" is Vanilla Ice who is hypergay in appearance and in general, pretty big dude, and has a literal vore stand that eats him and itself to become a void ball.

oh yeah
that's right

Divinity: Original Sin got a user score of 7.9 despite being one of the best games I ever played so your formula falls flat on its face.

Because you haven't played enough games


I tried it with my favorite game, SimCity4. The "base gameplay" is an infinite amount of hours, therefore the price is also infinity.

You done fucked up,OP.

This is a valid point, I think OP only plays "cinematic" games

Attributing quantity to subjective values is retarded
Although in theory, this variable COULD work, in practice it really would stop working when you go into something heavily moddable or relying a lot on user-generated content.
The more quantities based on subjective values you give, the less reliable it gets.
And what happens if you find the game as a whole unenjoyable? Does it instantly get the lowest score?
User reviews are very often spammed with either negative ratings if the developer did something to piss off the fanbase (which in of itself doesn't necessarily need to be related to change the qualities of the game, like when Overkill added lootboxes to Payday 2) or positive ratings simply because they want it to have more sales (which doesn't need to have the people that reviewed it actually play it, like how TNC had a lot of politically-motivated positive reviews for example).
So you have a non-linear rating system that is very strongly pushed to either very bad or very good. If we play around with it and have a game with no extra content and no end-game, but with replayability at its core (not necessarily good, just at its core), then it doesn't even matter how good it is because it will ALWAYS exceed $25 even if the game has a metacritic score of 1.0 which you wouldn't be able to reach even if you tried. Having a metacritic score of 4.0 would make it VASTLY superior to anything on the markets, since then it would cost $100 at the bare minimum

The worst part is that most of the variables are multiplied. So if you have one subjectively "good score" (like a game that is very popular so of COURSE it has high ratings) or "bad score", it spoils the whole equation.

What actual reviewers do is use a simple numerical scale for each category (like 0-5), and then average them. Since a mean will by nature smooth out any outliers, it results in a decent figure. ANY system that you have for determining how much a game "should cost" and that returns results less than $10 or greater then ~$60 is by nature defective.

And any simulation or sandbox games return an infinite amount. Despite that I SERIOUSLY DOUBT OP plays them, they are by nature the highest scorers with this system.

And the most hilarious part about it is that reviewers taking the mean from a number of 1-10 values results in a linear rating system. The issue with non-linear systems is that you have no clue how much different a rating change of 0.1 can influence the whole system, since it is heavily dependent on where your starting point is, and so you require at the bare minimum parial knowledge of the inputs on top of the equation as a whole, thus defeating the purpose of having a rating system to begin with. One-to-ten ratings may be cancer as a result of people rating average at 7 instead of 5 (which can be corrected through an offset) and as a result of bias based on which game it is (which is the one thing that can't be corrected and thus the reason why people don't trust reviewers), but it is a highly successful method because, even if unknowingly, people tend towards linear systems due to them providing the most information for the least amount of input.

le drumpf

My personal rating system:

1/5 = Shit. Don't play it.
2/5 = Mediocre. People who like the genre might like it.
3/5 = Good. People who like the genre will probably like it.
4/5 = Excellent. People who aren't fans of the genre will probably like it.
5/5 = Masterpiece. Must-play for anyone.

What are you talking about you idiot? If the game has a user metascore below 8.0 the value is zero and the game is worthless to me.

Get out.

Off you fuck.

Honestly I think the better way to do it is to rate based on who your audience is. I'd recommend/not recommend/recommend with a caveat for general shit, but I could give a more specific rating to people who are into more atmospheric games, more narrative driven games etc.

Then there's the games that are just good enough that I tell everyone to stop sucking cocks and play them, which is just sort of a universal concept anyway