Remember when you were 12 and had a crush on that Gaming Host/Streamer?
Ignorance is bliss
Remember when you were 12 and had a crush on that Gaming Host/Streamer?
Ignorance is bliss
these days…
Wew lad
Morgan Webb was never attractive.
19-20 years old is the new underage.
No it isn't, outta the way grandpa.
I had a crush on Lucca from chrono trigger when I was 12 and my first friend even looked exactly like her minus the purple hair. Then she moved away. That shit wasn't bliss.
Oh, I thought the cosplayer WAS the 43-year-old man
Fuck off with your Undertale kid
remember when you wanted games to have bigger budgets, games to be considered a sport, and girls to be interested in vidya?
does that lady have a dick?
isn't she basically velma though?
granted, any girl in that art style looks awesome
Sometimes I wish I could kill all the guys that enable this shit
I know girls who play games, but they are not gamer girls. They are much better than that.
I understand using sex appeal to get revenue or whatever, but don't pretend you're a "gamer". You're selling tits. You're a prostitute with a niche.
Pretending otherwise is mental illness.
Like scooby velma? Shit, I didn't even think about that.
Dude, I have a backlog that is larger then 500 years worth of play. The depressing thing is knowing I wont have time to beat them all or play them all and having to pick which ones to play over thee others. That shit is fucked.
I have dated both in my youth. One was a monster hunter grinder girl, she was polish, had a binder with all the stats and everything. The other was a big tit hour glass poser who just wanted attention.
Guess which one I am still with after 4 years and hate my life
If I were a grill, I'd be so fucking rich, streaming off thirsty fags while RP as the little anime grill I've always wanted to be.
I wanted girls to have bigger breasts, cancer to be obliterated, and gaming to be about quality and not SJW shit.
Is she at least good at sucking dick?
On the internet, no one knows you're not actually a girl :^)
the velma effect
Females are weird -w-
I never wanted this, and I don't know anyone who ever did before the big devs pushed for it themselves and all the sheep followed it.
I am going to corrupt you.
you need to be 18 to post in here, OP.
Streamers were not a thing when I was 12.
Yes, and then I grew up and realized women don't want guys like me.
It all makes sense now.
When I was 12, Youtube and Twitch didn't exist and Half-Life had just been released. Now get the fuck off my lawn.
You should get a better image, because that one makes it look cool as fuck.
I'm going to need sauce on the second one
Porn is morally wrong, user.
my peepee didn't even wiggle once when I opened that webm. I think you have shit taste, user.
It's also easy as fuck to find when her name is in the watermark
Velma > Daphne tbh famalam. Always has and always will be fact.
velma effect doesn't work when you force the fuck out of with characters like mei
i agree why choose those?
I don't care about the majority of you assholes, that wish gave me a neet gf that plays a lot of shit with me even competitively so you can all suck a fat one
there are probably traps out there that stream games and play them really shittily.
Same here.
and you can always do lewd for extra cash
If I wanted to see a whale splash everywhere I'd buy a cruise
were you around back during techtv?
Never thought about the first, knew that the 2nd was bullshit and I'm guilty of wanting girls to be interested in vidya.
My dick weeps.
No I didn't because gaming hosts weren't a thing back when I was 12 and I'm fairly sure we didn't have internet yet.
Kid, when I was 12 there was no internet in my city.
We were using porn rags to have a daily "crush" so to say.
Fuck man, the internet wasn't even a thing when I was 12. We was still calling some rando-local asshole's house to log onto their BBS.
That sweet sound is still music to my ears. Granted, that's how a 56k, not a 2400 baud modem that I started out with sounded, but close enough so long as it's not a fucking busy signal.
One of these days I really need to hook up my old floppy drives go back and see if I can recover all that vintage porn I downloaded in the early 90's. I'll post it here if I do.
If streamers existed when you were twelve then you're too young to be on this website.
Kill yourself.
Nice try gramps
i laughed at mlg back then, and i laugh at every esports tournament now. the only decent scene is fighting games, but even that's turnin to shit
She probably got molested by the lower level Jews that run those shows. No wonder she grew up to be a broken mess.
There are guys that do that
when i was 12 there was no such thing as streaming
there wasn't even a such thing as http://
There was this game show hosted by a "teenage" singer in the 90's which was "based" on Nintendo stuff, but the contests themselves were just courses and puzzles with mario and tetris motifs, the game devolved into aquatic park shilling until the hostess decided to focus on her singing career, the show ended.
To be fair, Mei has a whole different personality.
when i was 12 the Sega Genesis had just come out
personality is a strong word to use in overwatch since all their characters are barebones as fuck
Well, as much as it can go by the game voice lines and the animated shorts, still, Velma is not exactly the happy go lucky girl who people think of as the demon incarnate.
Varg is wrong on all planes.
I dated one. She kept my picture with her always, even through two marriages. They tend to find themselves in abusive relationships. I left her for someone I could watch anime with since I mainly play single player games.
lot more assholes in the world than i thought
Many gamer girls fell for the game design school meme. They can carry up to $100,000 of debt. It is unfortunate that they get taken for a ride many times in life. It leaves them bitter in the end.
I save the ones I can when I see them. Tell them not to load themselves up with debt and find someone who enjoys their interests and will be kind to them.
I remember seeing two girls in game design.
The first one was a kissless virgin, by the end of the year she had fucked almost every guy in the class.
The second was a lolita girl, that only cared for the right appearance, posting the right stuff to social media.
dubs of truth
Azteca Trece?
Fucking delet this
Sounds like a self-described geek girl I kept in contact with. At a point she was doing threesomes and foursomes regularly. This is why I now lose contact with women and avoid friendships with them. I no longer want to know what they have been up to.
Imagine the stink in there the scruffy bitch.
Requesting the image of the gurl gaymer chewing a controller's cable while other gentlemen dine on their fine wine and wii console.
Nigga when i was twelve pokemon gold and silver just released and girls would not be caught dead admitting they played games in public.
it would make more sense if it was a gfx card
so lets keep the thread going
whats your take on the one that became a slut and the other, whats the difference?
I think you're just envious of not taking part of the group sex
nerds here will act all self righteous, but the truth is you're just full of shit,
most would be taking part into lewd activities given the chance, sex is awesome and literally every single person in this world likes it except perhaps wizards
you guys keep asking yourself, why did she go for the chad guy?
when in reality its obvious, that you wouldn't prefer to go with the fat/nerdy/awkward/non-interesting/dumb girl either
You are projecting.
It is awesome for a time, then it becomes a part of life like anything else.
It would be a life sentence of misery. Being nerdy or awkward is fine if it is cute. The other traits make a woman undesirable. Getting stds will only make it worse.
No. Kill yourself for this.
Reminder sjws ruined this character by making her fat because he original physique triggered tumblr landwhales who don't play Social Justice Watch or video games
I heard Brittany Venti got arrested during a protest. Has she done anything interesting instead of being a Kaceytron knockoff?
Her face seems familiar… who?
2D is superior
lol wjhat a gay I bet you're not even attracted to sycrsomatry
alison rapp