Warframe Thread

best girls edition

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what? so I'm wondering what the best way to hook up a super nintendo is these days

I wanna cum inside Nezha's robotic boipussy~~

tits and ass
sage because warframe been slow these days

How to know when prime shit is gonna get vaulted?
I wanna get Saryn and Akstilleto prime, but I"m not having much luck. I'm getting a little worried that my time might be running out.
Any hints on optimal relic farming?

I won't be surprised if that ass is nerfed even before launch

I dont play warframe, it really sucks.


pls don't lewd the space babies

What's worth farming to sell for plat that isn't from a void relic?
I also found a mod called 'Gladiator Vice', seems to be worth something. Should i sell or keep it?

What's better, bladed rounds or argon scope? Argon Scope deals about 10% more raw DPS, but it isn't going to be as consistent as crit damage from bladed rounds since I already crit 100% of the time.

But will you cuddle him and tell him he's cute?

Aura mods, status+elemental mods like Vicious Frost, corrupted mods from vaults, some nightmare mods, drift mods from Lua. There will always be some asshole that needs basic stuff like Intensify and Flow. Or just sell off every veiled riven you get for 20 plat a piece like I do.

Argon Scope if you don't mind paying 300+ plat for it.

I got back into warframe after 3 years, alots changed, including my stuff
Which of these items are considered trash and not worth keeping around due to being easily outclassed?

Frames - Ash, Excalibur, Hydroid
Primaries - Dread, Hek, Paris Prime, Sybaris, Tigris, Tonkor, Vectis
Secondaries - Akbolto, akmagnus, akvasto
melee - dakra prime (wtf?!? whys it weak now, it used to be the best) , dual kamas, galatine, Hate, Kronen, Nami Skyla

I don't need to know what's the best, Just what I should get rid of so I can make some room for better stuff

Ash and Ex are still among the top offensive frames.
Ex can be built for defense as well.
Tigris is still one of the best shotguns, outclassed only by its upgrades like prime or sancti.
Those secondaries are pretty meh, though I dunno if there are powerful rivens for them.
Melee still is bullshittingly strong as is no matter the weapon really. Just slap combo expanders and life leech on whatever you find fancy.
I mean people say that dual swords suck in general, but my dex dakra begs to differ.

Dread is better than Paris in pretty much every way due to its slash damage.
Tonkor got nerfed into the ground so toss it.

if only nezha actually had this bust/waist/hip ratio, he has a very realistic boyish figure and while I don't dislike it, it makes him less fun to play because I don't like men (including traps)

He's already feminine enough without being turned into an actual fuckboy.

he's not even feminine, he's boyish

if he's feminine then 9S is feminine

He's feminine compared to the other male frames.

You know between this and that stupid leukmia ribbon the full on tranny frame is just a question of time.

They kind of added that awhile ago with that black and white frame which turned into two different frames, one very feminine-looking another more masculine but several devs were like "uh, n-no, they're both female!"

>adam's apple

Is this game good yet?

Not virtue-signalling enough.

It's the same shit.

lmao, Nehza is in because weebshit.
Nips go crazy for traps, not really virtue signalling.

Just barely 25 posts into a new thread and the same faggots start with the trannyframe bullshit again.
It's not funny, it's not clever and ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Fuck off already.

He's a character from Chinese folklore.

I don't know if you haven't noticed, but every thread now is derailed into politics or "is it gay" bullshit. As the board continues to worsen expect this to get worse.

The saddest thing is that 8/v/ is the best place to be right now.

Nah, I'd rather just not be anywhere than be here. I'm trying to quit but there's not much to do on the internet other than com here. Slowly I will be able to leave.

Primes have been vaulted in order of release so far, so if that continues next up would be Saryn, Nikana and Spira. It will probably be announced some time before it hits.
Assuming you are missing the chassis, Tier 2 defense (Io, Jupiter being the lowest in level) has a 10% chance on rotation A. Meso S2 is oddly enough the sole Meso on T1 defense A rotation, at 7,14%.

I wish the archive was still working, but the board hasn't actually changed much since 2014.
People complained about the same things in 2015 as they do now without anything really changing.
The main difference is most of the shitposty threads like 4AM and HE have faded away.
You could always report people derailing threads, there's a rule against it

That will probably stop when Holla Forums stops being gay

Do you really want to farm something like that?

traps are not gay

should i get into warframe now
the frames look really cute

warframe seems cool at first then you realize its extremely samey shit

They are, always have been and always will be.


The game is the most newcomer-friendly now than it has ever been. It's fun, and the extreme grind is bearable if you like the gameplay and aesthetics. I have everything there is to farm (been playing close to 3 years now), sans some rare mods, and I still log in eventually just to play a frame I haven't used in a while and help some clanmates.

you are wrong and probably fap to men which is the only gay thing

Fap to the frames but don't play the game, it's shit.

Is stealth in any way a viable route to take or is it more just an occasional advantage?

Ask me how I know you weren't here back then. The frequency of shit like "is it gay" has increased dramatically in the past 6 months, and the increase in politics obviously rose sharply about a year and a half ago.
Stop trying to make it sound like this has always been the norm because that's completely wrong. Regardless of when it started, it needs to stop.

Play with friends, make your own goals so you won't end up burnt out. It's an addicting game and the combat can be really fun but the grind is a huge turnoff if you can't handle those types of games. You also posted the best frame.

Don't even start with that, this place began as a gg hub.


It literally can't, it's embedded board culture. It's what we were founded on. If you want, you can always go to cuckchan.

Most of the time no. Obviously Spy missions reward you for successful stealth, and Stealth Kill Affinity Multipliers will get you a lot of affinity/focus very quickly for remaining unseen/undetected. With Ivara's Prowl you can stealth and steal enemies for a roll at their drop table and then kill them for another roll at their drop table, though. Of course the stealthiest frames are the ones that can just go invisible or ones like Equinox that can put enemies to sleep. Ivara can do both.

However, there's a fair amount of missions where stealth is relatively impossible because you're defending an objective that enemies are alerted to: Defense, Mobile Defense, Excavation, etc.

What about the devs?

Except that's not correct. GG was also over three years ago and stopped being the thing that brings people to this board 2 years ago. It's time to stop using them as an excuse to inject politics where they don't belong.

You're right. Any new posters now are here because of Trump.

No they fucking don't. They look like trash. It's just the fan art that looks cute.

You can slant your eyes one way or the other, it's all weeb to me.

Holla Forums sure is

Traps are 100% gay.

Just not on the plains unless you're hunting the Eidolon playing with a party there is a fucking headache inducing nightmare.

Oh fuck off you faggot, I was apart of those autists who followed HW when he left Wizardchan.

GG formed three years ago you fucking mong, it died down in late 2015.

What is your favorite element, Tenno?

Dumping what little Warframe fan art I could scavenge that wasn't a complete piss in the face of God. FUCK ME, there were a lot of dongs in there. Holy hell, faggots everywhere. And here I am, just wanting something nice to look at. If anybody asks, I liked the first picture best. It's cute, and totally in style with Warframe's ninja theme (you know, ninjas being Japanese and all).

Sounds great

Here's some more. Enjoy, Tenno.

Stalkers a fucking coward.

I wish there was more cute art of Warframe.
I'm sick of futa shit everywhere, it's such a corruption of the female form.

Dear lord, Nyx is popular. Well, that's all I had, and all I could find that I liked. Let's make a collection together, yeah? Is probably just as rewarding as playing the actual game.

Nezha-fags get out reeee

Yeah, got another one from him earlier today. This time, I'll have my squad with me.

I agree with you, brother, I agree with you. Girls should be girls, not double time as boys.


He just wants someone to spar with.

I love the look of clothing on Warframes.

also consider depleted reload by itself or with charged chamber. it's better sustained dps and less overkill than the premium acolyte crit mods(let alone the shit crit mods)

I think Gara is pretty tranny like. Feminine codpiece aside her tits have the same lift and angle that fake tits do.

This is it. This is the plains.

Nezha needs to eat, keeping a figure like that can't be healthy.

this is not okay.


What is it?

One more for you guys. Nezha-fags need not reply.
Yeah. They look great in those kimonos, don't they? Now I almost want a festival in the game where everybody just hangs out and plays mini-games, and all the warframes walks around in festive clothing. A lot of work to ask for, but a man can dream. Actually, what are Tenno like in a social situation? They can't only be serious all the time, can they? Surely they take a breather inbetween missions to heal up and just relax. Like, outside of bazaars and whatnot, what is there to do for a tenno just looking to hang out with his buddies? Do they drink and eat? Can tenno love? Are the operators affected by their Warframe? If a Frost and a Ember fall in love, would their operators know, and know each other upon meeting, or would it be like the difference between online and IRL? Shit, I really need to get to the Second Dream quest and just get that shit done with, but I'm stuck doing all sorts of dumb missions and grinding for my third frame. Goddamn relics. And here I am before bedtime, yattering on about fanfiction material on a swahili voodoo DIY board.

Jesus christ. That actually looks pretty good, all things considered.

No joke, send this idea to DE. they good have a little party in cetus or something. They could just repurpose fishing and add some dumb shit.

Probably the Ambulas fight. Went through 6 groups before finally getting one that wasn't full of idiots or people leaving.

Oh no. What modifier?

Tenno are basement-dwelling space weeaboos. They have the mentality of angst teens. Warframe outfit skins would be cool though

Elemental Enhancement, Electricity

ambulas. i went in there as gotta go fast volt with max attack speed and got rekt because group sucked. had to regroup with an actual weapon next time.

elemental resistance :^)

For what purpose?

Volts shield gives arca plasmor a nice kick

Again, why?

I did the Second Dream questline recently, and my understanding is that "the Tenno" are the Operators, and the Warframes are special equipment built to harness the unique powers the Tenno developed from being exposed to the void.

So, sadly, no, the Warframes can't fall in love, but considering so many of the Warframes are clearly male or female, it does raise certain lewd questions.

The frames are essentially EVAs. The tenno pilot them and use their void energy to power them, but they are still biological and have at least some semblance of sentience as proven by the rhino codex and second dream end.

DE stopped giving a shit about what the codex entries say and have even contradicted a few of them outright. They prove nothing.

Liger is such a good artist, shame he only draws gay shit.

i do the same thing i do on kela: frost with some range and a pile of energy restos.
you can't lose, but it can be extremely painful.

Nobody cares about the lore, if I wanna draw Ember hugging Frost then I'll bloody well do it.

I had a team that was me in an Atlas and 3 fucking Frost Primes. Fucking kill me now.

Your autism's showing

His image shows his autism clear enough.

I hope they were all soma p. babies too.

2 soma primes
1 braton
no color customizations
one was MR 8, another was MR 10
the last one was MR 17


Doing gods work user

nice trips


He grinded so hard he went back in time.

Goddamn, that was surprisingly good.

What's wrong with soma prime? Used to be the top gun when i last played. Is it the penta 2: volt boogaloo?

Soma Prime is still good, but it was Twitch Prime loot, so you've got tons of newbies who watched the stream event then jumped into the game with Frost Prime and Soma Prime.

…for free?
What the actual fuck. Frost prime was worth quite a lot.

Soma P is still top tier even everyone and their grandmother has one due to the Twitch Prime promo. That said there are stronger weapons out there now.

Why is she wearing a shirt but not pants?


this tier list says the tonkor is still good

Like what? So many weapons changed. I fucked myself up shooting the tonkor the other day, didn't know about the self damage changes.
I crafted the glass shotgun and it seems to be alright, tenora too, but can't think of anything that surpasses the soma prime.


Well, it was available to everyone with an amazon prime account, but yeah, plenty of people sign up for Twitch/Amazon prime specifically for the "free" loot that they give out for several games. Plus, retards love twitch prime because they get a free subscription to give to some streamer e-celeb.

Don't ask questions, user. Just roll with it.

I don't see what makes these fleshyveinytwistedmetal things cute.



I… I'm so sorry for you, user…

as far as bland rifles go i think it's the best, but that isn't saying too much. it has no built in aoe or utility, mediocre status and weak accuracy which undermines the crit.
for a direct upgrade, zhuge cansteal a soma build to do higher dps and proc more.


Post more frame hugs.

More like set sail for death. It takes all of 2 seconds to destroy yourself.

They activate my dick.

I did have fun with the 8clan a while back, though.

/r/ing Rindo from Shokugeki no Souma as Valkitty similar to the third pic.



what can i say, i like to live dangerously.

also i can't draw for shit



How has nobody taken an shit in their mailbox yet? Someone post some mesa or saryn smut.

You had a very freaking good team composition, i went on a pub group with nova, ash, octavia and excalibur.
By the end of things i was just spamming 4 and clearing enemies of the hacked ambulas as my teammates could not care. Got endo and even though i need that, it is not worth the ambulas hassle.

I'm already unmotivated to get on for the sortie today. That just makes me want to go to bed early.
And I just got a legendary fusion core yesterday.

It's not that hard. Only thing I had to come prepared to in awhile.

What do I farm to sell for platinum? I'm MR4 at Europa and I need more equipment slots.

At your MR not a whole lot. What do you need equipment for? Just sell shit you don't need. You should always reserve some slots for MR fodder.

How does one release ones inner jew and make plat?
I need more for more war frame and weapon slots for primes and I don't want to ditch any of them.

Sell syndicate mods for 15 plat a piece, sell rare prime parts if you don't want them, sell ayatans if you don't need them, sell trash primes for ducats and use the ducats to buy shit from baro and sell it later.

When I'm feeling a little burned out I'll spend 30 minutes in trade chat buying Rifle Rivens for 20-25plat and immediately selling them for 30-40.

for entry level jewing, i made most of the plat i needed for potatoes and slots from mods.
vault runs were the most reliable and brainless plat. veiled rivens, syndicate augs, and watching alerts for good auras/nightmare mods are all solid too, but not grindable.

710 hours played and i just realized i never found a standard +90% heat shotgun mod

I made it just as far and never found ravage somehow. I don't know how that is statistically possible.

Are you surprised? im sure not

Besides that dps tier list, riven dispositions, and experience, what else is there to go on?

as stupid as this may sound, popularity. see what people are using in sorties or stupid high lvl mission types. tonkor isn't good anymore because it can do self dmg now, it got nerfed. so unless you are using defy wukong or zephyr projectile launcher its pretty bad for normal usage.

whats the current place to farm orokin cells?
Kril and ruk arent giving any to me anymore


That's what I mean by riven disposition. Literally in game stats of the meta.

really? I just played 3 of those and I didn't get any. luckily ruk is still giving me 1 every 2 runs

Is it worth buying the reusable orokin cell blueprint?

No, just go to a planet with them and either scour every nook and cranny or do a long survival with Nekros/ Hydroiod. I've gotten tons just from spamming spy missions and seeing them along the way.

If you are having problems finding orokin cells, trying to build then will just burn through your others resources, as the rare resource blueprints take 50K alloy plates, 50K nano spores and 25K salvage per each one. Outside the fact that you can get the blueprints by doing the raid.
Just keep doing lech krill, or go do derelict defense for some time, got 15 or so one mission there.
As this user said just get some loot detection and a ignis if you have to quickly go through the crates. It is one of those resources that you will never have enough on the start of the game, later game you will need to farm polymer to get the pizzas.

It doubles as a good way to get Ayatan stuff.

Why did they decide to make everything cost thousands of polymer bundles? It is the only resource I actually have to farm anymore. Which thankfully I can do by farming for Condition Overload (which has yet to drop), but it's still some weird imbalance. Pizza just exacerbates the issue.

Look at the hema, they don't know how to make a end game objective, they can't for shit regulate weapons, can't make things fun.
Rivens are blatantly broken with their increasing cost for what reason, the way they function as rng gamble is not fun if you get a shitty weapon riven you have a mod for a shitty weapon that just niche of people uses.
I can't even start on armor on this game, the level scalling get's retarded and if you are not invisible at level 120 plus in some cases you are as good as dead.
Bosses with some exceptions have invincibility phases for what reason? You get to end game and want to dick around on low level stuff to refarm some weird useless weapon because you have time, but can't kill the boss on sight because that is not the way things are intended, you can hit kill things at level 130 with your overpowered meta weapon but the boss lvl 20 will not die why?
The game while fun to just dick around with starter challenge, long enough you will be limited because the game can't be broken in weird ways with the killing machine you have spent 6+ formas on.
The more i play now, the more i see that i'm playing against time, blue screens and crashes than enemies, but have spent too much time to just toss it to the side, guess stockholm syndrome kicked in after the 900 or so hours.

What's the berehynia equivalent for focus, and how would i go about farming that?

IMO warframe is not a game to play for extended periods of time. You play a while, get some stuff, and stop playing for a few months. When you come back there's usually 3-4 new frames and even more new weapons to play and dick around with. It's also a great way to skip on the farm, because new stuff has a way lower chance to drop, so if you come back after months what's new to you is old to a daily player, and it drops easily.
Also it's a great way to don't mind the grind and scaling bullshit. I am fully aware of all its flaws but i play anyway and enjoy it while it lasts.

Rivens on the other hand are complete bullshit no matter what, i decided to ignore them completly. You can do everything in the game without them, and they're only a currency sink.

I guess this was my problem, i tossed all those hours in the last 4 months and just haven't found a good replacement for my time, guess i'll try to gather all the weapons in dark souls, or try another shit and wait for the event at december when the game should be more stable, as it keeps freezing and giving me bluescreens on the last two or three days.
Sage for offtopic.

where the fuck is Plague Star?

The weapon they acknowledged they fucked up on, even on the latest dev stream, and still won't fix.
It is still unfathomable to me that they made those with "cursed" stats when they're supposed to be a bandaid for weaker weapons. The pursuit for good rolls on the right stats would have already been a sufficient time sink. Not just the increasing cost, which even after the nerf can become obscene, but the fact that even rerolling it once requires 1.5 Kuva runs. Why? They should have just made a thingamajig that rerolls Rivens and rarely drops off of enemies and caches in Kuva Fortress. It would actually give people a reason to go there other than Bullet Dance. Which, admittedly, is an awesome stance, but it can't carry the fortress on its back.

The riven with a cursed stat boosts the positive stats. You can't have a "god" riven without a curse.

Infested plains event the rewards we know so far are infested Zaws, hope you enjoy grinding the plains.

Is there more, sir?

how do I get to POE content?


It's on earth.

There ought to be one of these for all the different frames in the game. Anyone got any ideas for some of the frames? I can start with one or two.


I have this.




It pays to be crazy

I had to re-read that like 5 times before I realized it was a weapon and not a lens.

Would you believe me if I said it's not nearly as bad now than it was at launch?
are there any glitched sales up so I can scam the shit out of DE?

Motherfucker, and here I am with over 900 hours and haven't gotten a single -75%, but I whenever I do get the deals they are always -20%.

better to wait for phorid instead of waiting through grinigger boss invulnerability phases.
helene is good for getting cells while grinding affinity.

Look at the days

Have you considered that you can not swipe for these assholes instead?

A bit of crappy mspaint editing later, and there's some vague image that's starting to form now, at least. Rate, hate, debate some frame descriptions and add your own. And maybe make the logo look better or something, I'm bad at this sort of thing.

The Nezha entry was cut off, so I redid it.

Two types of people: Raging dyke and Pyromaniac. No exceptions. The latter might actually have a decent World On Fire build, but don't hold your breath.

Total Bro in Defense Missions Bastille drops for days. Useless in every other mission type. Too slow for his own good.

youtube whore that rushes the frame to make a video about it first, might be narutard
Has no life, tought was a ember main
watches, reads, plays and breaths Jojo, will use voicechat to quote Dio

No damage output, will run around and be generally useless.
UNTIL!!! there are corpses on the ground. Then they'll desecrate everything and give you lots of item drops.

nah people can't even be bothered to run that anymore. they just press 4 and walk around with pea shooters

This player is either so shit at the game he needs defy on 24/7 or chinese and just loves it when games stroke his country's cock.
Plays the game almost solely for the parkour, but finds volt speed too boring. This player will ALWAYS be using a tail wind build and projectile weapons. Has an undying hatred of titania.

Ex rhino main who just wants his fist faster back. Likes being the big guy too much to care that he's not all that great.

Poor sap who didn't get the memo that she's trash. Either low MR who installed the game for the girls or someone who can't let go of his lanka and accept mag's place.

Much like the saryn main, but can tank like a champ and will often be the first to come revive you. Most likely has a thing for bondage.

Wants his fairy king to be a badass paladin, but will settle for his current state. This player is always a team player and often runs Phoenix renewal to make him think he's helping more than he is.

Two kinds of people play nidus. The first are min maxing try yards who only run the most meta set ups and whatever the youtuber meme build of the week is. The second kind is just in awe and loves his infested bro, the fact he's overpowered is a small bonus.

Veteran players who finally took the time to grind out this frame, and are determined to make sure it was worth their time. Always run some interesting min max build, but aren't obnoxious about team set up.

This player loves for the dakka. Expect them to being using twin grakatas or some variant of bullet hose or explosive. Exception to this is the simulor, if you see a mirage using this exit the match.

Annoying faggot who uses Octavia for every mission type, including spy. Thinks they're funny for setting their mandachord to darude sandstorm. Most likely a /pone/ faggot and always has neon colors.

That's all I got for now.

Trinity would be either
a) A true team player who helps out whenever they can and insures every player makes it out alive
b) Healslut who plays with a dildo or two in their holes and owns a dragon dildo collection unironically

Yeah, that too. Forgot about that.

mobile defense maybe and interceptions, but pure cc is shit in regular defense.
he's a god when you don't need anything to die.

The guy who either built his first warframe that isn't Excalibur or the guy who just wants to press 2 and shoot the enemy until they die. In second case is also usually well aware that ice Chroma is actually a better high-end tank but doesn't like it because that requires at least some involvement.
A poor misguided soul who was either told "dude mag is not bad anymore" or just picked mag on the basics of "looks cool". Alternatively, a hopeless waifufag whose tastes resemble those of a bin-raiding raccoon.
This guy has no idea what the hell he's doing 99% of the time since he's kinda shit at offense and kinda shit on defense. Will pretend that he's some sort of a paladin buffing everyone even though any other support frame would be better.
Also most likely is a massive furry, just way more insecure about it than a Chroma player.
Can and will create a massive fucking distraction the moment there's more than one enemy and usually knows good enough to pump the chosen mind-control puppet with damage if energy drops get sketchy. Crumples like a wet tissue when there's no energy left to cast chaos or absorb though.
Most players are also into BDSM, go figure.
Either an absolute bro, or a complete salty tryhard faggot without the skill to warrant the attitude.
Usually is acting like a maim-driven room blender.
Is either a semi-useless whiny asshole or a massive farming machine, depends on if Necros is present or not. Otherwise it's just a mediocre player in a kinda mediocre frame.

so is this chart thing how people depic other player's mains?

Nezha's entry is a bit weak, it could be funnier.

Partly, I guess. Also an insight from people that played those frames themselves.
I've been playing Rhino since I've got it first. It just werks, even tho iron skin is more like paper skin in sorties.

nice benis :DDDDDD

Here I got some more

Often Russian, possibly owns a dragon dildo. 99% run cold chroma and the other 1% use a credit farm build. Has cool augments to choose from but never uses them because this player NEEDS that extra strength/efficiency.

Bro players who want to support but not be as offensively useless as trinity. Will often swoop by and take kills. Has a fidget spinner, but will claim he got it "ironically".

There is only one build volt. This player will rush past you and often be waiting for you at extraction spamming emotes.

This player is an asshole, and will claim Loki is a skillful frame, but everyone will put up with his shit because he can easily carry more than his weight with disarm alone. These players have bought plat just for buying cosmetics.

The only ember players I meet are tryhard fashion frame fags that use the titania floating animation. They either have the maimestrike whip or some huge ass sword that they never use. Always have opticor/lenz/million dps weapon no matter the mission. Their basic understanding of the game usually means they will die when something requires any sort of skill.

Either your garden variety exalted blade spammer, neglects both stylish movement and their top tier CC skill+8xmelee damage buff. Wears clashing scarves and armor with proto skin.

Or a fast vet who has good situational awareness that can make up for his admittedly non optimal frame choice.

Makes clever use of Radial blind as he styles around the battlefield with fast movement and weapon loadouts built with fun and utility in mind.

He either plays the game for the movement system or old school tenno aesthetic. May like toku sentai as a result.

Shit, didn't notice how long I made it. Should have trimmed it down some more.


They're both female, the day form just really, really looks like a man.

That's the worst waifu ever my lad. She has the saddest tits ever and she is addicted to the cardboard jew known as "Magic the Gathering"

That's what DE would say, then again they're a bunch of lying cunts.



That's quite the glass house you're standing in there user.

Is she Jewish or Italian?


Comes in precisely two flavours: New players who thought an electricity-based frame sounded cool, and peerless veterans who will never stop running during a single mission. Will spend hours bemoaning the death of coptering if provoked.

nah megan is tatted up both arms back and high parts of her legs

no idea

Your waifu is shit
Stop posting

Are you TRYING to make me go 2D?

why is the game so easy

excuse me, sir?

so that literal retards can play and spend their money

Because the devs can't into well thought out enemy factions, or well balanced warframe skills/weapons.

It's not supposed to be.

this. people even go as far as to come with standards to prove they are better than everyone else
Mastery rank
hours played
amount of enod or jewed plat credits

Rebecca has the saddest tits in Canada and that's a fact, son.

i only believe evidence based claims, user

Some progress on the chart thus far with some of the suggestions taken into account. Keep them coming, and I'll come up with more soon.

Might as well have zero tits instead of that shit. At least you'd appeal to flatfags

look at them . they're down right depressing to look at. they look like someone stapled two old canada milk bags to her chest an called it a day.

she lost alot of weight, which is odd because scott and Sheldon are just getting fatter, and she probably got breast reduction you can see something here>>13758125

Made my own edits feel free to add them in if you want.

you've been playing with cybertits for too long

Waifu-fags loki. They try to justify using this frame by spamming cloak arrow but often forget to recast when the timer is up making her a bad frame to rely on. Can be seen wandering around cloaked trying to steal from enemies before the team kills them or shooting dashwire arrows that nobody uses. Usually ends up dying, multiple times thanks to their bad cloaking ability and misuse of there ult, artemis bow. At the end of the day, they are the whatever frame. Not annoying enough to be condemned like asshole limbo users and cloak arrow/dashwire provide so little help its hardly worth mentioning as a positive.

Also, Chroma isn't on this list.

And Rhino is spot on
t. Rhino main

weight loss could explain why her tits look like they tryna slide down her chest.

Yeah, I noticed that I was missing Nova, Chroma, and Loki just a couple of minutes ago and fixed that. Nova and Chroma are my most-played frames, too, I don't really know why they slipped past me.

I don't see Nova either

I meant Nidus. Nidus.

These players fall into two categories with wildly different players that end up with the same effect. 1) "lol wrong build guy" bringing a fast nova into a mission and spams it to get people killed while getting himself killed only to apologize why being revived. Will use wormhole badly at a cheap attempt to troll other players. 2) "the slova player" somehow this guy will always be grouped with a gara/frost in defense/mobile defense missions, making her skills a nuisance. Instead of neatly picking off enemies in the safety of the snowglobe/glass players will have to roam around killing the slow moving enemies though the extra time taken is usually negated by her clever use of worm hole between objectives/extraction. Expect to wait for that one player who doesn't know how to worm hole or somehow gets stuck thanks to it. Sadly, the slova player will attribute this to the slow player rather than themselves. High probably the nova player will be accompanied by a kavat/kubrow with a clever but cringy name.

leather addicted dog shit sniffers. they enjoy the repeated sounds of tap dancing shoes and the amount of kills they get at the end of mission so they can boast and brag in a video game where kill count doesn't mean a thing. One of the few remaining crutch (zero effort max effectiveness) frames so metatards flocked to her after telso spam and synoid mirage was gutted. These people have very low motor skills. can't rush a mission with speed let alone aim a gun in this game. You can not avoid these players. just sit back and let them do all the work for you or out damage them and watch them cry over it. Your choice.

I colored my Ash all black because no other colors looked good with his textures. Ash Prime on the other hand I was able to color as I please. Which was still generally kinda dark. I might revisit his fashion now that I have more colors.

The quiet tryhard. Will not begin to sperg unless provoked. Do not talk to under any circumstances. Will spend all of mission invisible and staying close to the team in hopes of someone using her metronome ability for invis. Always followed by her broken abilities, rollerball/mallet and will usually have most damage thanks to this. Can be seen at extraction doing her dance while waiting for others. If you get a player with muted music they can be bearable, if not there is a menu option to do so.


Which mesa shit in your cereal user?

You can't blame them for that when the game doesn't even explain it's basic mechanics, I had no idea how the globes HP mechanic worked until recently.


God damn I need to learn SFM and make that for him now.

but that's the one thing it does tell you, and my main point is newfags don't realize that frost is situational and take him to shit like spy and assassination.
I've seen people act like they diserve respect suddenly as they have a prime now, and refuse to listen to people telling them how their frame works because the people who own him now are cancerous twitchfags

FFS, this sortie today was so goddamnly annoying, turns out my specter did better than anybody in squad funnily enough. We had more than 60 revives all together by the end just to see how much we killed ourselves, limbo, saryn, loki and nidus.
I as limbo could do jack shit without being nuked by my teammates, saryn nuked everyone the operative as well, loki didn't use radial disarm, nidus at least helped a lot.
I wish to see how much did the specter revive and kill in that mission, as it not went down and went together with the operative to revive it whenever it could, true the MVP of the match.

Radiation hazard survival or something?

radiation hazard defense, with a operative

Oy vey.

sortie 3 is a defense. finally an excuse to play mag.

Nigger what are you doing

is mesa still the only frame that deals damage?

I'm scared.


wow, someone put in alot of effort to make that, and it was completely fruitless because they dont understand where hips are. for fucks sake, they put ivaras hips below the inseam.

the entire chart is completely useless.

You are not this fag are you? Fucking weirdo roleplaying as mag was the most strange thing in a while outside trade chat fuckery.

I'm surprised anyone uses that the trade chats a fucking mess with over a hundred people spamming their buying selling every second

Use the filters

Once in a while you get this kind of shit. It is amusing if you filter out rivens, god and roll, i can kinda use another filters to narrow things down but it is just when i can't be bothered to play or make any effort.


go to trade chat and see how much heresy and debauchery goes on with the word "god" while dealing with rivens. Might as well not see the madness.

Never found streamlined form, even though i went to a lot of nightmare alerts. Nor the aura mod toxin resistance. Figures.

i'm more of a mag disciple.


I've played a loki since I first started this game.
Never will change.

Trying to farm rhino again, as i sold the old rock long ago, 3 chassis 5 neuroptics, somehow got ruinous extension before a system, i'm starting to think that getting his prime version is going to be easier than getting him at this point.

Where can you even get Rhino prime parts these days? Buying BPs from other people?

He's been vaulted so yes.

Supposedly him and Loki are being unvautled for Christmas. This is just hearsay though.

Nope, nevermind. Rhino was recently let out. Can't remember who else was supposed to come out.

But it's also true

Either an A-10 Warthog fetishist or just wants a frame he can play one handed while he faps to her ass. Always useful until he forgets to refresh Shatter Shield and dies instantly.




Why do her breasts look so weird?

lvl 43-45, really close shave.

I don't remember getting that "take a break" message for a long time. Maybe the game just gives up after a certain cumulative playtime?


I know this doesn't have anything to do with Warframe, but while looking at some pistol builds on imgur I found this gem

Ferrox - best bullshit stick or best bullshit stick?


Why is her stance so wide?

but is there an entire story to that, or was that all you found?

Nice form and filename.

Oh boy.

i dont know if some of DE's models are ingenious or incredibly lazy. pretty sure half the stuff on this ship is resized item models.

Wasn't a prop literally an Atomos model scaled way up?

Just stopping by to remind you that Warbros #1. Now and forever.

why did it have to end :'(

Aiming with ferrox and noble animation set, i guess. I think that's the case with every character though.

Warbros lives on in our hearts, user. It may be gone, the players scattered to the wins, but Warbros will always be #1.

warbros is half reddit now. you could take a hand full of ign and they would connect to a reddit account.

yeah you it sticks out like a sore thumb if you know how it looks.

you could say that about /wfg/ as a whole.


doesn't help the current warlord is kicking out actual warbros for people that cant' even get the application right. Plaguestar is coming up and only a fraction will even bother to go past the set goal.

This was probably the last time NFA even touched the leader board.

Is there anything in particular i should get in PoE or is it justa grind to grind more? It's literally mining to get a better pickaxe like in minecraft.

I like bright colors and painting Corpus hardware to look like toys.

The new frame, some of the new mods, and that's it. Everything else is just grinding eidolons to kill eidolons better.

I guess i'll wait a while for naruto's frame Gara pieces to increase in drop chance, for now i've only been bounced around like a pinball with no luck or notable rewards. Not even max strength volt or titania could make the travelling in skyrim plains bearable.

I already got Gara, but I'm waiting for them to implement the new rewards system before I farm the new mods.

Playing as nekros is the shittiest color fest imaginable, i can't fucking see nothing with any color avaiable, i simply gave up midway and called these shitters at the furthest point with enemies possible. Why does his energy color stand out like a fucking sore thumb.
It is at least fun to make visual terrorism with nullifiers.

Get a colour palette with black, it takes care of all the annoying powers and weapons like frost's snowglobe or the synoid rifle.

I use orange and it's not too bad. Only thing is it looks like corrupted nullifiers.

smh tbh

What about pitch black from the smoke pallet or the Valentine pallet?

lazy genderswap

you get what you deserve

Do people just not read the fucking modifiers or what? This is the third time this week someone has brought a full elemental set up to a elemental resist sortie.

pretty much this, and when it is additional radiation damage, they bring whatever the fuck AOE map fuckery they can.

That's it
But I mean it proposes an interesting philosophical question: JUST how many times would a bitch have to have cancer before you dump her?

That's a Dojo Material pick-up at the back.

Nice; mkay.

I think it's finally time to upgrade user, the game won't look as shit when you crank it up to Medium.

Target's health drained INSTANTLY
Mission Failed

Why not just use your operator to revive in void-mode? Defence targets in sorties are relivable. You only have yourself to blame.


Surprisingly, it was a stationary target. Unusual for sorties, but they also happen.

Are you playing it on an NES?
Also don't use bright colours for frame energy as it effects ability particles you want darker ones, especially that frost tell him to pick a dark tone otherwise people won't party with him any more.

Do we have a clan or will i end up having to get into one with redditors?


Well, I could invite you to my 0 people besides me microclan I've made for sole purpose of researching opticor and fucking off into the sunset, but I doubt that's what you want.

Was the aklex prime blueprint actually vaulted? How the hell am I supposed to get it now?

You have to buy it from another player.

There is InfinityGrind and another one in the alliance with it.
Post IGN and hope the leaders invite you

Either buy relics to grind em or buy em from trade chat or be lucky and have a clan m8 give you one 4 free

If you're saying you did it solo without any help, I don't believe you.

Did I fuck up? Forma and Catalyst dont carry over to dual version do they?

No you loose all formas and catalysts, it would probably be cheaper to just buy two fresh lex's off the market and use those to build an aklex.

I think one of the key deadly features of Lex is accuracy, not just the damage per shot. Lex parts aren't that hard to farm, I suggest you simply make 2 more and keep them in your foundry until you find the Aklex bp.

Thanks lets hope someone sees this and i get an invite.
IGN is GrindingSpaceNinja

youre right i was hoping to get access to some research and have people for the harder stuff in the game. well that and not having to hide my power level or getting shit for being online all the time

The cutest infected

yes, but not because of the aklex prime
**euphona and pandero are the same thing but better*

Tried my first sortie last night. God damn, I'm terrible at them! I mainly use Ember, and I have a Latron Wraith and Boltor Prime for my main weapons. I also have Vauban, Rhino, and Nidus at my disposal.

What's a good build for getting started on sorties?


to get started? spamming bastilles is okay on missions that aren't assassination or spy.
if things don't need to die then you'll win the game for your team, if things do need to die then you're really easy for other people to carry.
I use pic related and a synoid gammacor, but you can show up with no mods and a pile of energy restos and do roughly the same thing.

The last sortie was a defense, and that was where I had the most trouble. I had no damage output. My World On Fire was at least able to stun and do a little bit of chip damage, but that was it.

All depends on mission type and mission debuff

if you want to carry you need a good gun or a frame with one built in, or some buffs. none of those seemed like options from what you said, so you need to go with plan b: get carried.
you could buff with rhino, but he still needs somewhat competent teammates. meanwhile vauban's worst case scenario is winning, but slowly.

wow, octavia gets old real fucking fast. the music is dumb as shit and other tones are 50p each, this is some next level jewery. Is it even good for anything other than perma invisibility?

Well you got a nice start with those sweet trips already.

I'd say either Nidus or Vauban since you most likely do not have the mods to deal high amounts of damage yet, so you should focus on support and CC instead. (And hope you are not in a full group of sub rank 7's).

With Nidus you can provide a good ability power buff to a damage dealer frame and CC mobs with the the blob.

Vauban on the other hand has a really of good set area control abilities, making some missions surprisingly easy.

Also just a personal recommendation, but always run sorties with Vitality maxed and then either Steel Fiber or Redirection depending if you have shields or not. Because then at least you wont really be dying constantly and making everyone stop what they are doing to lift your ass back up.

For damage, if you do not already have Heavy Caliber, read about vault runs and try start running those until you get it (and a bunch of other good corrupted mods).

So, with the current sortie, we actually made it to Wave 9 before we all wiped. I ran out of ammo around wave 5. >.<

I had a Nova (I think?), Frost, and something else that I don't remember with me. Nova primed everyone, I stunned a bit with my 4, and Frost protected the VIP. We all spent all of our revives to do it, too.

My Latron Wraith runs R9 Serration, R5 Piercing Hit, a Riven with +105% damage, and then two elements for whatever combo type I want. Usually switching between Corrosive, Magnetic, or Gas.

I'm at work, so I'm running off the mobile app. Here's what I ran on my ember and boltor prime.

I was using thief's wit because I forgot to pull it off after I got done hunting syndicate medallions. I can switch that out without breaking a sweat.

I just forma'd my latron wraith, to give the riven its own dedicated slot.

I'm MR10, btw.

wheres the best frame? nova

Color me surprised

You can deploy extractors, get notifications on alert missions, start building shit in the foundry, and give your kubrow DNA stabilizers. Handy shit.

that mission was fun and actually posed a legitimate challenge. i failed the first because the faggot we were supposed to protect was invisible to me for some reason, and even though i was carrying my team with nova+6 forma hek, in the end, they spent all their revives and could no longer revive the objective.

My second run through i brought my nyx+hek. my nyx is modified for duration and range for a focus on chaos and mind control. i kept the entire map in chaos while using mind control on whoever i saw that was the most powerful. i just ran around with the hek shooting people in the head and performing executions with my candy cane.
then for the finale i had a lvl110 nox fighting 2 lvl100 noxs.

fun mission, i wish more sorties were challenging like this.
4000 endo prize

Nice! Can you critique and let me know what I need to add/change? is me as well.

You can build formas remotely? I don't have to log in to do it?
stop giving me reason to get a shitty game app

Yep, full access to your foundry. Even claim completed items. Handy stuff.

user, you should seek help. you sound like an addict.


im not a huge fan of the boltor prime, youre better off asking someone else… i run ember with my corrosive+heat ignis wraith because accelerant gives a nice boost, and the satus chance of the ignis wraith is over 100/sec leaving alot of enemies in "panic" providing even more CC. ember is one of my top 3 saryn, nova, and ember though so i'll tell you how i build her.

i mainly run ember world on fire, and use accelerant as a nuke, followed by ring of fire if accelerant and WOF doesnt kill them instantly. i also run the syndicate mod firequake because it provides amazing CC especially on higher level missions.

energy syphon is great but i prefer corrosive projection with ember.
exilus mod i use is the one that gives me alittle more range, sometimes i swap it for power, but 90% of the time i stick to range.

i use a maxed streamline and a fleeting expertise ranked 3 or 4 times to bring efficiency upto 170 or 175 depending on how important duration is to you (i use 3 because i like my ring of fire and accelerant to last a bit longer)

this is a good place to start. i complete sorties with this ember build.

im working right now on a warframe builder link so i can give you a better idea

Boltor Prime is just a hold-out until I can get my Latron Wraith back up to lvl 30 again. I have a standard Ignis that I run gas or corrosive with, can you post your build?

ok, i made a few mistakes but this is exactly what i run. i used steel charge for the extra points until i was able to forma ember twice and switch to rifle amp, but if you already went to the dash polarity, then go with corrosive projection, but it'll be a 3 forma build for you. i had to do it twice to fit primed continuity in. if you dont have primed continuity i recomend constitution because being able to get up fast is super helpful with ember since you'll want to keep moving so you dont die.

my regular ignis is awesome, but ignis wraith is alot better. but i'll make my regular ignis build and post it… give me a few minutes.

At first, I thought Cunning Drift was a useless mod. Then I saw the power range and things made much more sense. Yeah, I'm on dash polarity for aura. I should probably change out siphon, it's kinda useless for me on this build…

So, if I'm reading the wiki correctly, Corrosive Projection only drops from alerts? No other ways to get it?

I'll get Primed Continuity next time Baro Ki'Teer stops by. I need to start buying more primed mods from him…


this is my ignis build. if you dont use carrier or find ammo to be an issue, you can remove speed trigger for another 90% elemental mod but you'd have to forma it a 5th time and make this build.


i use the 1st because its less formas, more DPS, and i always run carrier and ammo is never really an issue for me. also, i really like the status to be above 100/second but 70 isnt that bad, but being able to strip armor and send the enemies into a panic with a quick 1 second burst is super helpful.

i always buy one of the primed mods. never buy them to sell since they cost 1mil tax and so many people do this the plat you'll get is rarely worth the ducats + credits.

corrosive projection you can probably find someone selling it for 3-5p, thats what i sell mine for since buyers are rare and i have like 20 of them. but yea, aura mods are typically only from alerts.

if you dont have primed continuity just use constitution, if you dont have the room for a (13) constitution, just use (9) continuity. its still an awesome build. the only thing is that accelerant and ring of fire wont last as long. if i remember correctly ring of fire lasts like 10 seconds instead of 15. not a huge deal.

also, if you dont have prime it wont be as good, but still viable. and you might have to forma it more times than i mentioned since i didnt consider that you might not have ember prime.

I actually run Rifle conversion right now, for that very reason. Is heavy caliber only available from derelict vaults? Because pic related if true.

a friend of mine bought one that was ranked 2 away from maxed for 15p a day or 2 ago.

unranked im sure you can find someone selling it for 5 or 10. but yea, it only drops in the orokin vault. you definitely want this mod because reduced accuracy on the ignis actually widens the cone like firestorm.

theres plenty of people who sell this mod for cheap because you'll get it 5 times before getting overextended. atleast i did.

Yes, corrupted mods drop only from vaults: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Corrupted_Mods

They are really easy to do though, just needs 4 people each with a different dragon key. Find the vault, use the required key and bring the shit to extraction.

Vault runs are usually capture so it generally goes like this:

Also I'd recommend against buying it since you will need plenty of other mods from the vault as well like: Fleeting Expertise, Blind rage, Overextend, Transient Fortitude and Spoiled Strike just to mention a few.


warframe's endgame is jewing other players out of plat.

orokin derelict has capture missions now? i always ran exterminate.
i miss the days of survival missions on earth before excavation was introduced. Vor would get so mad he would somehow remove the earths atmosphere just to try to kill you

if you can actually get a group going, and even when I managed to open several vaults solo, all I got were shotgun and pistol mods, not the good ones
Okay I also got that one, two in fact
Come to think of it would there be enough people here to get a 4-man vault hunting group going?

there isnt a single day i've gone on the recruitment channel and didnt see people saying "hosting vault run!"

well fuck you too user I never got so lucky

I have everything except transient fortitude and spoiled strike. That was a shit show when I had to do it…

If you're on xbone, I'll join you. I need to do a shitton of credit farming, and crack lith relics like nobody's business. In addition to the vault runs, of course… GT: B4k4yarou

Can confirm.

I saw that in the wiki. Kind of ironic how it makes Ignis better…

When I did them back in the day they were either capture or exterminate depending on the host.

Maybe, although I just popped in the recruitment channel and saw like 3 people going "H vault 3/4 bring *Dragon Key*"

nope, PC, sorry

then I must be blind or something

While the thread is still active, how many of our alliance clans are still active & have room?

Infinity Grind is alive and almost full (1 open slot last time I checked).
Also do we have any Clans here that are run by anons but not in the alliance yet ?

well it makes sense if you think about it, a perfect accuracy flamethrower would be like a laserbeam. the less accurate, the better

try filtering it for the world vault., vault runs are almost as common as XP farming.


I'm tired of seeing this shit and finally decided to write something up
also use a carrier

how to mod a weapon

you need multiple. i keep 3 for different ranks. a one ranked 3 times for 170% efficiency with max streamline, a ranked 4 one for 175% with max streamline. and a maxed one with max streamline if i need to offset blind rage's efficiency impact.

I'm sure some solo running people like me have their own tiny one person clans.

I'm not getting that same KA-BLAMMO effect from Pandero like I do from my Lex (both raw), I usually use Pandero's alt fire because it's fun.

i guess pandero needs formas and primed mods more. it starts with no polarities and leans a little more towards fire rate/crit, so it doesn't have the same oomph on the main fire right off.
euphona hits like a fucking truck though.

As far as I checked last time, there is no limit to how many clans can be in an alliance. It's only limited to total number of slots in a clan at 5k total max if I remember correctly.

Would be nice to have all anons in the alliance chat so we can more easily get groups for shits and stuff.

Although I can't remember who is the alliance leader who can actually do the invitations and accept clans into it.

Ay, Pandero needs like 5 Forma until it starts wrecking stuff.

in addition to try and breed a Smeeta Kavat. they're not as OP as they once were, but they're still solid for helping farm materials. their Charm buff gives a chance to double all drops for 2 minutes, as well as a chance for the kavat to just give you the rare resource for whatever planet you're on. pre-nerf, my Smeeta gave me so many cells and other rare resources that i'm still swimming (500+) in them today. and this is after a multiple-month hiatus.

do you mean for pure hardcore focus farm? either stealth Adaro with Sleepquinox/Lullivara or Hydron with a Soundquake aug'd Banshee.

if you're looking for another interception, then Xini on Eris is solid since rotations B and C are guaranteed Axi relics. Hieracon is also always good for multi-purpose farming, but not the best for pure focus farm.

for what it's worth user, i know that feel. PoE really revived warframe for me because of how unique the encounters can be. granted, they don't always get that way, especially on low level stuff, but at the same time there's something very satisfying in solo defending a resource truck and watching as the grineer escalate their assault to stupid levels. i once had a pair of Bolkors and an Ogma running air coverage on me while on my sanic Nezha build. slipping and sliding around, CCing shit with spears, taking out priority targets, timing halo refresh so that the Ogma bombs beef up it's power, taking a few potshots with my Akstilleto P's to strip Bolkor armor before swapping back to my Opticor to take it down, it was exhilirating. i find going back into the core gameplay loop and just forgetting about farming is the best way to keep enjoying this game. the more i focus on something i want fucking valkyr prime chassis ffs why don't you drop 16 god damned radiant V6's the less fun i end up having.

to be fair, sometimes that works out in your favor. -zoom is almost universally seen as a good thing, and some stuff like decreased magazine size or fire rate has it's place as well for certain builds. they do need to do something about kuva costs though. either make kuva less of a hassle to get, increase the rewards beyond just 600-1200ish pre-booster, or lower the gradient and cap on how much rerolls cost.

The aggressive "support CC" answer to Trinity. Instead of healing and preventing damage via buffs to squadmates, Nyx either keeps the enemy busy with themselves, or else becomes the tank to end all tanks. At least until the Energy Leech Eximus start to show up. Typically quiet and a good team player, but prone to occasional outbursts about "fucking Loki's and their fucking augment." Rarely, one will find a tank Nyx that does not drop their 4 in order to cover distance quickly; recommended method of dealing with this parasite is to lure as many Nullifiers or Energy Leech units to them as possible. Subconscious desire to mentally dominate their enemies hides a deep-seated need for extremely forceful hand-holding.

i'd like to amend this to say:

people show up to xini with heavy CC and they'll cockblock your dps attempts. there's no reason not to do bere aside from misanthropy.
which is why i do stealth adaro.


Ember probably isn't going to do well in most Sorties. Even with loads of +power on her WoF won't be as effective in most cases. There are exceptions (like an infested rescue maybe) where the easy CC and one-shotting of low-tier guys can be helpful, but in general a WoF build isn't great on most stuff past level 60. I've heard of some augmented 2 builds that turn Ember into something of a support frame, but I have no idea how those actually work.

As other anons have said, he's not a bad choice in most missions. Even on some assassinations, where you can use Bastille and Vortex to help CC adds so your team can focus on the boss. He's kinda slow and not really all that tanky, even with his passive, but he's an option.

He's probably the best scaling "caster" frame in game. He'll start off pretty weak at the beginning of a mission, but once you get up around 20+ stacks you'll start to hit pretty hard with him. Build something similar to has but swap the Cunning Drift out for either Intensify or a mid-ranked Transient Fortitude. Start off using a combo of your 2 and your 1 to build stacks, and use one of your early stacks to use your 3 and link with an enemy for loads of tankiness. If you are camping in an area (interception, surv, defense, mobile defense) then toss down your 4 when you can and just alternate 2 and 1 to gather up clumps of enemies and keep building stacks. If you need to go mobile, use your 3 on an ally to buff both your damage and theirs, then move out to where ever you need to go. Any time you need extra tanking power, link with a nearby enemy. Always try and use 2 to clump enemies up and then hit them with your 1. Thanks to the energy regain on-hit from 1, you can usually keep up the 2>1 combo for the entire mission, even when faced with Energy Leech mofos.

Either build him for really good efficiency and spam Stomp with the occasional Roar, or build him for lots of duration/power. Either way, you'll play him mostly as CC+buffing. The eff build is good for energy reduction sorties, but in general the duration/power build is more useful, especially if there's a Trinity or Harrow or someone has Energizing Dash to keep the energy coming.

Yeah, bere is better overall, but sometimes i prefer the map on Xini over it. Grineer stuff gets boring after awhile. Gotta keep a little variety going.

They're only "vaulted" in the sense that they're only available from Baro.

They really are.

Piercing Hit isn't worth it. Only the 120% physical damage mods are and only if that damage type makes up more that 3/4's of the weapon's total damage.

Listen to the other user yelling at you for using Ammo Drum and Warp Magazine. I already yelled at you for Piercing Hit.

As for your Ember it's good to see that you're using max Fleeting and max Streamline. Even if you did it unintentionally. To keep it short, having both of those maxed reduces channeled abilities like WoF to their lowest energy per second rate. I say you must have done this unintentionally because you also have Energy Siphon on. Things like ES and Ember's passive do not function when WoF is active because that would be too much fun. I don't think you really need Flow and Equilibrium at the same time, but I imagine they were useful for the sortie.

We have IDs here user.

Almost every time I get a build going on builder and experiment with other mods Spoiled Strike is a DPS loss.

These threads fill up awfully fast compared to the others don't they?

yeah, spoiled strike died to power creep. it's only marginally useful on thrown melee or filling in for incomplete mod collections.

Other warframe threads or just threads in general?

Warframe threads in general.

PoE got a lot of people back on and seeing hopping threads gets even more people back on. Even though we're just complaining half the time.

Another noob trap. Such a shame.

Still useful on stat-stick style weapons where using the actual weapon isn't something you care about, i.e. for stuff that focuses on Gara's or Wukong's 1. Very niche, but being able to sweep a wave of 80-100 enemies to death with a single press of 1 has it's uses.


Thanks. I'll have to tinker with my Vauban some more, it's been a while since I've pulled him out of storage… And Nidus is one that I enjoy playing every now and again, I just need to get more practice.

I've been checking the thread from multiple devices, wasn't sure if I posted from the same one or not. Thanks, though.

Where the weapon isn't really used other than to add it's stats to a frame's ability. Gara's 1, Excalibur's 4, etc

Basically a weapon who's purpose is to feed certain stats into an ability. I.e. Braton Prime is often used as a stat-stick for Titania's 4, since her Dex Pixia scales off of the mods used in your weapon.

In the case of Spoiled Strike and (for example) Gara's 1, the damage on her 1 scales off of the damage on her melee weapon. Therefore, if you build pure damage (PPP, SS, 90% elem mods) you can boost the damage on her 1 to very high levels. In that sense, SS is invaluable, since it's 100% extra damage on a single mod that uses 7 points. In other words, great return-per-point. Realisticaly, you'd never use this melee weapon in actual melee combat since it lacks important utility like Life Strike, crit mods, attack speed mods etc. Hence it's referred to as "stat-stick" in this case because you're not using the actual weapon as a weapon, just as a vehicle to boost an ability.

oh yeah, there's that too. i guess instead of thrown melee it's more melee weapons you don't use in melee.

Is Secura Lecta worth looking towards just for the double credit drops?
I'm doing perrin anyway since they're butt buddies with new loka and they both have what i need


I gotta thank anons who recommended Pyrana, it really does live up to its name and hit like a fucking truck. Or a lot of heavy bikes. Can you imagine being trampled by a Hells Angels caravan?
Zarr on the other hand is really disappointing. Granted, it's not as disappointing as Stronkor after nerf, but still quite underwhelming. Especially the Barrage's range, it's worse than shotguns in CoD games.
Silva & Aegis Prime is turning into my new favorite melee now that I modded it for speed and found the Final Harbringer Stance. I don't really see a point in potatoing it since it's a beast already (I know the damage doesn't look it, but it's fast as shit and I set people with half their health on fire) and I'm out of slots.

Jerks off to damage % numbers. Will use day form only, probably having spontaneous orgasms after pressing 4 on a full room. Made of wet paper and will get downed constantly on high level missions, but at least the entire room dies with it.
Might occasionally switch to night form for cc on hard missions. It's actually incredibly good at that even with a day form focused build, but rarely switches because that would lower his jerk off numbers at the end of mission.

I lead a small-ish clan with ~11 currently active players, all from 8ch. Guess you can invite us for the alliance, Concentrated Smug is the clan name.

I just put potato's on all my prime things, starting with the ones I use the most. Alternatively you could Forma the shit out of that thing and get the same effect eventually, but with less variability in terms of what mods go where.

But if you're happy with it, I'd say stick a Catalyst on it when you get the chance. More mod space is always nice, and it'll help you out when you eventually get Primed Pressure Point and Primed Fury.

you really make me want to run Equinox again, especially now that I have ability mods

you left out that I run enemy radar aura to make sure everybody can watch the maim moneyshot.

my man. all you're missing are the condition overload and blood rush.
i just wish the aug's normal effect was a bit more useful, charge attacks are awkward to use with final harbinger, and so is the stacking. i ended up just running life strike so i could put it on one of the Ds.

Be careful wording it that way, all it cares about are the damage mods not the damage of the weapon.

Gara and Wukong's 1s are fine, but based on my testing on Hysteria you wouldn't want to use it for Exalted weapons. On that note if anyone knows the actual attack speed of Hysteria (or rather all the Exalted weapons) I would really appreciate it. I assume it's just 1.00, but some kinda confirmation would be nice.

It's still okay, but they nerfed the credit drops. Spamming Index is probably still faster.

Alright, I'll do that. Just tried running it with the more powerful explosive config (858 blast damage instead of the 660 mixed fire+viral), which is something I try to avoid since the finishing animation is slow as molasses unmodded. It's pretty fun seeing people get knocked the fuck out of the map by a shield bash, immensely satisfying. Now if only I had Rhino Prime, I'd be a real black knight with a shield and mace plus a fucking cannon strapped to my back.

still waiting on these babs to drop
Would running Berserker instead of Fury be viable?

I already have a cheeseshit build for it and all but it's just fucking boring and repetitive and boring and repetitive and team AI fucking loves to appear out of your ass, pick up the point and die.
I'd rather whip it good.

This isn't the case at all with Excalibur's 4. Hysteria may operate differently but Exalted Blade relies heavily on your melee weapon's mods.

yes, of course, berserker works great. final harbi probably has enough attacks to stack it with base crit, but i'ld hold off until you've got blood rush on there.

that's because excal has a gun that shoots swords and doesn't need to, nor try to, keep his combo up. valk is a melee frame and can use the combo mods well.



Ah yes, the fucking broken siege transition.
10/10 quality programming.

As does Hysteria, which gets a DPS loss from Spoiled Strike. I haven't tested any of the others but I assume it to be true.

We weren't talking about Combo mods.

You kinda get a good look at her in the 100th Devstream. I'm convinced by her body proportions she's a tranny.

lol, the former looks pretty cool to me user. The latter is bullshit though. I especially how they took away our ability to have the Operator hold the datamass then get sucked back inside us.

I think I already posted this one in the last thread.

yeah you were, what did you have on the builds you were looking at that didn't benefit from spoiled strike?

No, I wasn't. SS isn't competing with Drifting Contact for a slot because it is far far worse than it in every case. The actual competition for SS is actually True Steel. For either Hysteria or Exalted Blade.

To be fair though the same build on a Galatine Prime Spoiled Strike give +200 DPS over True Steel. On Exalted Blade it loses 90 DPS to True Steel. So it's not as bad as I recall, but it's also not as good as it looks either. With the Gladiator mods it definitely doesn't have room except maybe on weapons with already insane base damage like Galatine.

Lots of digits in this thread. Kek is pleased.

Good call. My bad, should have specified damage mods, not the weapon itself. You could use a Mk1-Bo, stuff it full of damage mods, and get the same effect out of it as you would a Nikana Prime or something.

Yeah, you definitely want to avoid it for Exalted weapons outside of personal niche preference anyway but more to the point, you want to treat Exalted weapons just like normal weapons as far as fire rate/speed and other utility mods are concerned.

not with eblade, which doesn't build combo on its ranged attacks, which is what 99% of excals use 99% of the time, which was my point. even then it's still like a 7th or 8th slot and gets reasonably dropped for life strike.

gal prime would be running blood rush which very heavily skews the numbers in favor of true steel, so there's no room for it there.

Really? Huh, that's sad. I also must be from the Berenstein universe because apparently it doesn't have a Slash bias either. Maybe I just looked at Slash Dash and assumed?

However, unless I'm missing something else, SS still doesn't belong on EB because it still loses to Fury or any 90% damage mod. It's probably not a bad filler until one obtains Condition Overload though.

I am aware. Just came across it when testing and included it for completeness' sake. It may not matter too much, but having a weapon that gets the most out of your Exalted weapons' mods is a good idea. In my previous testing Galatine Prime benefited the most from Hysteria's intended mods.




You'ld have a 60/60 mod on to get the guaranteed status procs with chromatic blade. And there's also his passive to account for.
If i remember it all correctly, it varies from slightly better than a 3rd 90% with regular pp and berserker to slightly worse than a 4th with primed pp and regular fury.
It also doesn't fuck with your damage types which is nice.

I had no idea such a shit weapon was so popular.

Which I wasn't, because I imagine the numbers would be similar with and without it. I can make a mock Riven with the passive and another essential mods stats to express it though.
That all sounds about right. My contempt for it comes from thinking it was an essential mod and finding out that it is actually very niche.
I was thinking that after I posted. If adding another elemental would somehow be a detriment and/ or you really need to buff your current elements then it shines there.

Spira isn't popular. Spira Prime is. Since they share the same Riven the disposition is determined by which variant is used more. This is also why Dual Kamas and Nikana have faint dispositions.

well i give up on poe. between the awful shaders you cant turn off and annoying bugs it isnt worth the effort.

what bugs?

Even outside of PoE things are fucky. These two drones have been broken since its launch. I don't mind since it makes Lua spy easier, but there are other drones in other spy missions in less convenient places too.

did they fix him yet or does he still a smoker?

is this some sort of continuation of the guild in tera?


Yo Holla Forums

Just popped a Riven, how shit is it?

Nice quads

With digits like those who cares?

-75% projectile speed on a long range weapon with already low projectile speed.


you sick fucker

Holy shit it's a golden potato

Heard whispers on devstream that they might add Kuva as a regular drop in the Kuva Fortress nodes.

Might actually make me want to go and play those missions. I haven't touched it since I unlocked it.

Dunno about regular drops, but Steve acknowledged that it was dumb it's not there. We can only hope they make it a regular drop there and not something completely retarded like a cache reward.

And I get that. I'm talking more along the lines of negative damage modifiers. Those have no reason to exist for the stated intended purpose of Rivens.
MFW I main Valkyr and farmed her relics and traces as soon as she launched and got each of her prime parts to drop the first time.
MFW I forma'd her twice and quit a week later.


FFS I built Broberon and Banshee prime before I've managed to build Valkyr. RNG plz.

First Prime I ever made tbh, somehow managed to get all her parts on the first few drops, felt great the farm for polymer and circuits after was not so good

You'll get her eventually cowboy.

I understand this was a shitty place to take that screenshot.

Red isn't as classy though.


*Launching Springs behind you* Nothin' personell- oh you're already mulch.
Why does captura have that ugly blur over everything holy fuck.

she's a Valkyrie

Seeing that the runner-up in rarity is a lith rare, it would make sense for most of the value of a set to sit on the chassis. How do the set & chassis stack up in price?

Turn the grain down to 0 in captura settings.

It's still kinda there, the 2d ms paint sprite energy colours aren't helping either.

Side note: Valk breaks her back when she kicks

I looked specifically for a "grain" setting before posting and didn't see it, but found it after you told me to look for it.

Her body contorts in some really weird ways. It also outlines how fucking big her head is. Didn't SS because it's not very flattering.


Obligatory question about the quality of this riven
Fun fact, the mission was to hold a 3x combo multiplier for 30 seconds, the game seem to have forgotten I had Body Count from over a year ago

It's shit.
With the base 5% crit chance, maxing it up would only bring it up to 13%-15% and the -28% damage to Greneer is shit as well since their armor is susceptible to corrosion.

somebody might overlook the proj speed because the other rolls are disgusting.


I don't like that drawback. Seems like it's too harsh…



i might trade you for it

i have always gotten one of the same 3 challenges for all the rivens i got from sorties. its getting strange that this keeps happening.

Nice. Mine was Nyx, back in the day of Tower keys.

I was so young and naive.

Thanks bro. Just need to keep farming V6's and camping trade chat.

I've seen her set vary between 130 and 160p, which isn't bad, but I already have the other 3 pieces. Average price on the market is 40-50, so I split the difference and offer 45 when I'm asking in trade. No takers yet though, and no one has even thought to come at me with a counter offer. I'd go as high as 55, but it's like no one knows how to haggle anymore.

Seconding that other user. Post that shit. I actually made a sword Zaw that I enjoy using.

At least yesterday I got a Catalyst BP. I almost miss the days of near-guaranteed Unairu lenses.

We all were, user. We all were…

I have a valkyr chassis bp and 45p is an agreeable price for it. Have not traded before though, so how is it done?

One of us invites the other to their clan dojo, or else we meet in Maroo's bazaar, find each other, and do the trade there. What's your IGN?

At Maroos bazaar 3.

zuz, it's the second time I ran into this guy today. The first time I said "ow the edge" in chat and he left immediately.

Clan dojo or Maroo's Bazaar on earth.

Sweet. Meet you there.
You're on PC right?

Yes, on PC.

Fun fact, but apparently Maroo's bazaar is now at Mars?

The game conspires to keep me from my Valkitty Prime.

Different relay then? Kronia/Saturn should be empty enough to be on 1 instance.

Can you meet me in instance 4? I keep refreshing but 3 isn't coming up at all.

Oh? Must be that way on PC. It's still on Earth on xbone.

I don't believe we can trade at Relays. Just the Bazaar and clan dojos.

If instance 4 doesn't work out I'll just invite you to my dojo then

Ah, so it appears. I only see Maroo 1,2 and 3. No 4. So invite it is.

Will do, gimme a moment.

Yeah, no idea when it moved. Spent a few minutes looking at Earth thinking I was crazy until I decided to check the alert menu and say (Mars) next to her.

They moved her to mars when PoE launched. Probably to free up more Earth lobby instances for Cetus.

Now it's just a simple matter of Mot until I get two argons and then she will be mine.

Makes sense. Us console peasants will be up to speed in a few days.

how to get ignis wraith?

Clantech iirc. But I don't think every clan has it? Something to do with the event when it came out. I can't really remember.

Our clan has it.

Do you have everything unlocked? The only reason I have been staying in the first one I joined was for research access.

I feel like closing down my own tinyclan and finding a bigger one with all the research done since I'm the only one in it anyway and I've got Opticor out of it and don't know if I want to bother with the rest.

fucking casuals.

Probably need a new thread soon, we page 13.

Wasn't meant to quote, whoops.

I think so.

can it be traded?

Well, I do hate myself, but that's not a reason to utterly waste my time.
Who the fuck am I kidding, it totally is.

Thanks, doc.


Yes, you can trade ignis wraith bps.

:^) wanna trade?

I can live with this re-roll.



look at this disgraceful fuck

at least this week i got a really nice zarr one


Just waltz through all the lasers with limbo. Completely trivializes any spy mission.

… I JUST had to explain these missions to a Limbo, did this fucker not know how to use his frame? I know I don't, I've never had Limbo.

Alliance invite sent.

so I've never actually been in a game where he didn't do pic related to everyone

He's a bitch tho, just unload a chode at him. You must have at least one chode of some kind, like, a lanka or a ferrox maybe.

just loli slap him back.

My first prime was Mag IIRC.

He's not that hard user. Only time I run into problems with him is if I'm leveling a bunch of fodder. Even then I can probably loli laser him to death.

he's a joke now. My manchild can kill him so easily

more sleek

My first riven. Did I do good?

Also, who writes these riven challenges?
"Get 12 kills in a row while wall dashing or wall clinging without touching the floor with a Hobbled Dragon Key equipped."

I guess the crits are nice but god damn man, are you crippled or something?

my recommendation is euthanasia.

Why is this allowed?

Who actually cares that much? To get mad over something so small is almost a 100% chance indicating you have autism. Just don't watch the video, are you retarded?

begone ye (1) who consorts with men