Has Japan ever produced an actual RPG?

Cause all I see coming from those slit-eyed mongrels are shitty action games with leveling up.

They've made some good tabletop games, but you have to remember the average Nip doesn't know what an RPG actually is. They think leveling up and getting better stats makes a game an RPG.

next you're gonna tell me new vegas is a good game

Enjoy being pumped up for 12 times in a row as you kill God yet again.
They still haven't gotten past the first few Ultimas/Wizardrys after all these years.

At least make an SRPG or Adventure game with RPG elements ala Xanadu Next.

Shit ton of Wizardry clones
Zill O'll.

Still better than any Persona past its second entry.

I'm keeping this thread open in a different tab so I can watch the shit show unfold

Eh… one in every like 20 Nip TRPGs is actually good. However you do get some god-tier stuff, like Ryuutama, which is basically THE Harvest Moon Factory simulator.(Seriously, I would love to see a storytime of Holla Forums or /tg/ playing comfy town and explorer simulator as they autism waifus together. It'd be like Towergirls, but with a point to it)

Meido RPG is also pretty good if you can get the right sort of players for it.

That seems to be a problem with a lot of western devs too nowadays. Witcher games and World of Warcraft, for example.

The Japs made Dragon's Dogma. So they're not completely useless.


Honestly, I mainly made this thread to bother weebs, but I won't complain if I actually get some good recommendations.

Play Ryuutama, or Golden Sky Stories. They're the tabletop equivalents of Rune Factory and Animal Crossing respectively.

Still, this OP is shit is only going to create unwanted and pointless division, Nips can still create good games even if most of their games in the supposedely RPG genre are barely RPGs.

Suck my phallus OP you cockgobbler.

Dump it.

Metal Max series
Shin Megami Tensei series
Chrono Trigger
Dark Spire
Kings Field
Stranger of Sword City

And the most important - Way of the Samurai series

Looks kind of average, don't bother dumping it

Oh my sweet summer child

Mega Man Battle Network!!!
Seriously, this series is IT. Strategy WITH action, for GBA no less. Start with 2 or 3 if you don't do a whole playthrough, skip 4 if you're a completionist, and 6 is the best Multiplayer and general player options. I'm also the weird fuck that puts 5 closer to the best in the series, not the worst.

I've become jaded after hundreds of hours spent on sadpanda forgive me user

Those aren't RPGs, sparky.

Tactics Ogre and Valkyrie Profile as well. Really the japs are probably the best at making games with proper choice and consequences.

That armor is a nigger?


This thread will get serious replies.

user I masturbate to everything from Scat to NTR on a regular basis and if you can't appreciate Groovetube or anything besides edgy fetishes you're fucking gay, pure and simple.
Do you also think Takatsu, Keso and Kuroinu Juu are average?

I love Asanagi and Shindoll but I still don't understand how can people fap to them and only to them and yet theres a whole fanbase of edgelords who do precisely that.
Diversify your tastes nigger

Reading Sister Breeder from an artist who generally only does NTR and not much outside of it but still maintaining the mind break despite what seemed to be some vanilla, which from this artist I think its impossible, was amazing.

A great fap indeed

You see, I can be autistic and move goalposts too.

If you aren't just looking for a thread full of shitposts and no discussion, you should define what an "actual RPG" is so people can answer your question. Your image sort of implies it, but you should make it clear so there's no confusion on what you're looking for.

In all honesty no, the Japanese market has no room for depth and it's about doing the same thing over and over to print easy money from NEETs. The Japanese market is a place where if you are new you aren't going to be able to shoot for the stars with a team of 20 people and you will have to slave away for a shitty corporation like Konami, Square Enix or Capcom, and as such it has no room for smaller teams and innovation. jRPGs are only RPGs in name and it doesn't really follow the most important part of RPG design, choice and consequence. C&C is easily the most important part of a real RPG as it puts the "RP" in it and allows you to take your character in your direction, from my experience there is little to no choices in JRPGs and most quests in them are meaningless busywork, and they don't have any actual choices to make to boot like good RPGs do so it's just busywork and nothing more, even a mechanically simple quest or mission can be great if you include some form of choice and consequence, take for example Elex, the last RPG I played, there's a really mechanically simple mission to get inside a heavily guarded city, and you can work with the Outlaws outside it to get a fake ID, but what they want in return is for you to go and give another ID to some friends they have in the city. You could also declare this to a guard and get a real ID or take the other fake ID to a overseer for research, if you choose to side with Outlaws you have the Outlaws have a easier shot to take over the city in their planned rebellion and vice versa if you side with authority. So what started off as a mechanically simple delivery quest, ended up as much more due to dialogue and C&C.
At least, that's my view of it, so TL;DR Japs can't into C&C and because of it can't into good RPG.

Oh wait, this thread was bumplocked because of WIDF (Weeb Internet Defense Force) and Mark found it a verboten opinion to have. Funny, if you can't censor an opinion outright, you just bumplock it and no one sees it anyway. It's the same shit cuckchan and Reddit does.

Their visual novels could actually be considered more of an rpg than those jrpgs they make, because you actually decide what the fuck you are going to do

We should get to a conseus of what is the most rpg game nips ever made.

I vote for Way of the Samurai 4

I agree that JRPGs are low on actual choice and therefore are poor on role-playing, but even tabletop RPGs aren't all diplomacy and LARPing; a fair amount of it is mechanics, random encounters (battles), and an overarching plot, and that's where JRPGs are on solid ground. Add to this that most JRPGs are colorful and have great music compared to WRPGs, and i'd definitely say JRPGs are superior. FF7 and Fallout 1 both came out in 1997, and FF7 is better in every way, unless you love top-down views, lots of brown, and a vaguely creepy ambient soundtrack.

Imagine if bethesda knew how to make armor like this.

I know Mark shadow-bumplocked this, and that it's mostly a bait thread, but I do have one thing to say.
If you can't create your own character, you aren't playing an RPG.

So witcher 3 isn't an rpg because no matter what you do you always will save ciri in the end…God…you are fucking retarded…Just make the world a better place by killing yourself…