
I've heard this game's OST posted around here but has anyone played this game before? If so any emulators?

I have, the sequel (Forever Kingdom) stood up much better against the test of time. Evergrace was pretty much a hardware tech demo.
No idea.

I have, you get the choice between two characters to play as. The gameplay is pretty familiar if you've played any other From Soft game, the item shop music is unforgettable in its madness.

I played a bit of it on PCSX2.
It emulates well.
Game itself is pretty shit. It has some neat ideas, like eqiupment properly displayed on characters.

Yea it sounds like the composer was on acid.

This actually sounds pretty great, though.

It's interesting.

How is Forever Kingdom anyhow? And I mean not just in comparison to Evergrace, but on it's own legs, so to speak?

Every fucking time

I don't know about shit it's different but not bad.


No, that's this.

Its runs well enough on PCSX2. Mipmapping isn't accurately emulated so you'll see some weird effects but nothing gamebreaking.

hows the ffps?

You just can't understand the Japanese indie underground scene.

I bought the game, it's pretty ok but it was clearly

Is it wrong that I can't readily tell if that's an accidental typo, or an intentional meta-statement about something being unfinished?

Both games feel very alien and strange, but Forever Kingdom is an okay game on its own. You control 3 characters and switch between them.

depends on your CPU

I love any chance to post music from this games soundtrack. It's some truly fascinating stuff.

Started to play it and it's pretty wacky but in a good way.


Don't get the fascination with this OST. It takes liberties sure but it still sounds cluttered and like they overlap 2 songs on 1. I guess it comes down to preference but there's people who listen to garbage who say the same thing. If you want a Japanese OST that takes liberties but can actually be digested try PS1 games. They know what the fuck is up.

needed to add "an early PS2 action game" to that comment.

I do see what you mean, especially when listening on lower end gear. I'm using a cheap 32$ dynamic driver earphone and it sounds like shit, but sounds significantly more separated and spaced out on my FLC 8S. Mixing definitely needed much work nonetheless.

I played both evergrace and forever kingdom. They were worth playing as I was a RPG nut at the time. Forever kingdom branched outward in uniqueness. I liked the world they created in both games, a diamond in the budget rough is what they are remembered as. The ost is very strange, but interesting.

This is one of the first soundtracks Kota Hoshino worked on, who'd continue to do keep doing the music for From Software games, most notably for the Armored Core franchise.

I played Evergrace in highschool, it was absolute trash, don't play.

I played Evergrace in my retirement home, it was great, please play it

I don't see what you mean with your audiophile speak and I save lossless and listen to plunderphonics. The OST simply has to much texture that doesn't mesh to form any kind of rhythm. I don't see how people can listen to outside of novelty. At least the stuff I'm posting has some sort of structure to it. I don't mind certain songs that break more traditional methods but I at least want to hear something that resembles a noise that I can identify to some extent with. Also embed is spoiler as fuck as it's endgame stuff.

Oh my lord. I remember this game. I had this game. I could never remember the title and was almost ready to consign it as some fever dream I imagined up, but it was real all along and I know the title of it now.

It was the shit.

Well the gameplay WAS shit so I guess that's sorta the same. No really though unless the gameplay changes a ton by the third tier fighting matches it's completely possible to never lose the atmosphere and setting make the game worth playing though. It's one of the few games that would work better as a remake. Embed related takes place in a cloning lab, where disturbed angelic voices sing as you play god

Forgot embed

I want cuckchan gone.

You sure know a lot about how cuckchan works Mr newfriend


It is when you can easily pirate it and try it yourself.




Anybody who wasted there time making a thread asking if a game is worth playing is never going to contribute to said thread because they have nothing to discuss about it until they've played a good amount of it. Therefore OP will almost always be a (1) and done faggot or maybe get a few posts in and then stop like this one. If you want to ask if a game is worth playing to make a thread about it. Ask in a thread. Preferably the QTDDTOT or the "What are you playing?" threads.
