I want NINTEDO to die!
I want NINTEDO to die!
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Because one mainstream site had their games taken down? Just lurk most matey. they're fucking everywhere. Emuparadise is the wal-mart of emulators and roms
its petty as fuck. Nintendo is Lawful Evil the company.
A lot of roms on emuparadise were taken down, not just Nintendo's. You can't find Jak and Daxter there anymore.
They're just evil in general, I'm confident they'd have people killed for stealing games if it was in their power.
Yeah and Nintendo set the precedent
This is what happens when companies put up their gay little e shops with retro games.
Abandonware becomes muh intellectual privileges.
it is sick and sad
as if anyone would bother to emulate jak and daxter
there's no game company called "nintedo"
Yeah but someone has to be chaotic evil
I thought the exact same thing looking for mario kart 64, but some mysterious force told me to look at the first 10 results on google instead of throwing a hissy fit on a burmese tile cleaning forum.
I'm not really that mad about emuparadise. I just think "Nintedno" is out of control and worse yet they act with impunity because of the cult of personality surrounding the company
That doesn't change the fact that your OP is lackluster at best, if you were serious about discussing this topic you should've put a little more effort into it.
The assumption at this point should be that if a game's been rereleased, at least in the west, for Nintendo's VC, or Sony's PSN Classics (admittedly this seems to more affect the PS2 games than have seen PS4 rereleases, than PS1 or PS2 games that were on the PS3/PSP/Vita store), expect that you're going to have to look elsewhere than emuparadise for roms or ISOs. Used to be that they'd at least wait until they got hit with a DMCA to remove files, but now they seem to take things down pre-emptively. I'm honestly surprised the original PS2 .hack//G.U. files are still up there since Last Recode just came out, but maybe because that's an actual "remaster" and not just an upscaled-to-"HD" port with trophies, it slides? Time may tell.
Aren't there rom pack torrents?
It is an unlawful distribution of their products. It does reduce the profits they earn re-releasing those games on newer systems. I can't blame them for trying.
There are emuparadise alternatives that still've got Nintendo games available. romhustler.net for example.
I don't put in effort user. Least of all into things!
Then why did you bother making a thread in the first place?
just use the pirate bay
ITT: nintendo tries to find out what are other popular sites by baiting
this nigga fell for it
Wow, talk about bottom of the barrel for finding a reason to hate nintendo. ROMs are on two dozen other sites.
If you want to hate them, at least hate them for being such unbearable cucks about people wanting to hack their consoles.
There's a reason I didn't name any sites. I'm not going to help them. I like stealing their shit.
There are thousands of different sites with Nintendo roms available for download at the moment, are you stupid?
because I exist
If you really cared you would have already gotten the rom, or more likely a full pack of roms for the system. Git gud scrub.
I cordially invite you to cease then.
Well I didn't want that Rom. I just think its absurd because Zelda 1 is less sophisticated than a flash game at this point. I downloaded Advance Wars just yesterday family
Nintendo were the only ones that sent a dmca. Emuparadise just became scared little cowards after that and began taking anything down they thought might get them in trouble.
JEwtendo has always been evil
you want szechuan sauce with that post chief?
Nintendo are still making money selling it. What's their incentive to just give it away?
wew lad
Yeah, in hindsight, I should've >>>/test/ed the post first
Well fuck me, I am such a faggot
Copying isn't stealing.
I cordially invite you to check em
The internet waybackmachine is your friend, user.
Stealing would mean that the original product is no longer avaible– because you removed one or all limited, physical or digital objects regarding towards that product's distribution.
See, i don't really get why they even call it piracy when it's literally copying and pasting data. The internet isn't some fucking archipelago, crackers aren't unshaven scmitar-totin thugs with skulls&crossbones banners and publishers don't even resemble englishman or spanish galleons filled with coffers of gold. Or heck, just coffers of shit because all current games are bottom-of-the-barrel crabbage.
So what's the fucking deal?
Just a big 'ol media scare to paint fags who can ctrl-c ctrl-v as something alike devils?
Who are they fooling?
This thread is getting a lot of reports, but it doesn't break any rules.
They want your money. If you're emulating their games, you probably aren't buying the latest e-shop release (I know I'm not). No amount of rationalisation is going to change this.
I got no glowing in the dark CIA nigger faggots get this website too.
Stop being a faggot. OP.
This, second they realized they could pull a hollyjew and sell "re-releases" and "remakes" to make CEOs extra money from now until the end of time they started being ultra kikes.
HA HA! Time for bully.
I blame disney and their creation of the kikian ip laws.
I didn't say they had an incentive to give it away.
Just wait for the NES Classic to rerelease next year.
Then why are you mad at them for running their business like a business, as opposed to a charity?
What if we already gave them money years ago and just want to replay that old ROM from that one system we had but broke after years of use or just wear, and can't be repaired or replaced because it isn't in production anymore?
Heck, what if we actually have NO MONEY to give to the scumbags in the first place but we still want to try out the game?
Sure, it makes more sense in that regard to block the user from adquiring NEW products, but it's literally abandonware data that they aren't even profiting for, made zero effort porting to their console with a shit-ass halfassed and possibly forked from a real open source emulator and probably never had anything to do with their original developers.
Even less pay said devs, because who gives a shit about who did what? As long as a company can claim copyright over it and completely screw everyone over in the name of profit– Not entretainment, just doublons. Nobody gives a shit.
But they want your money now, not thirty years ago.
I don't think that term applies if they're still selling the game right now, which they are.
I love emulators, but I can't blame a company for wanting to put a stop to something that's syphoning profits away from them. Why would they not want that?
People are triggered by their favorite company being insulted, what a surprise.
I can since I hate them, being a company doesn't protect them from consumers shitting on them.
Because they aren't supposed to make a profit now of something they din't make but have renewable rights for because some jewish schmuck thought it was a good idea to re-re-release a NES game that wasn't even worth half of what you're paying for now eg: console price+eshop subscription+actual cost of eshop game compared to cost of OG console+game rental from local store.
Heck, they don't even bother to emulate it with 100% accuracy. It's literally slapping an random emu that works, maybe, and claiming 15-20 bux for something that has been obtainable for free for years now by anyone who spends 0.2 miliseconds doing a single web search. Then labelling everyone who does the latter as criminals. Fucking idiotic.
I remember being 14 too OP
That's fine, but you just come accross like someone who's very naive and doesn't understand how anything works. You're one step away from "everything should just be free. Communism has never been tried".
Yes you can. Integrity is a thing that exists. You can blame the people controlling the company for putting their own selfish interests ahead of the customer. Being kind and generous are supposed to be virtues people strive to attain.
Or are you the commie-user that always runs off when someone points out you only go for weak targets?
Because people act like they aren't just another shitty corporation like Ubisoft or Activision
Copyright lasting for several decades is bullshit.
I actually live in a communist state and i hate it, it's fucking garbage living here and i hate even more the faggots perpetuating this liberal gibsmethat shithole of a system and ideologe.
That aside, selling 20+ year old games and making a profit of suing people who keep data archives of games is a fucking disgrace. Their company already profited from these games years ago, it's not like they're releasing something new that they have actually put effort on and placed on a CD to sell on a store or some shit.
It's just providing the same service any 2-bit warez site does but with a paywall infront and a lawyer team to fuck everyone else over if they try to do the same– or were already doing the same years before they even thought of this faggotry.
Why do they have an obligation to give something away, to no personal gain, just because that thing is 30 years old. They still sell Star Wars DVDs. They still sell The Beatle's music.
Well of course they're that. They're a company. They exist to make money. Big surprise.
well, obviously there are also game developers who haven't gone out of their way to pull roms
They aren't giving it away, though. Someone else is providing a service by distributing the data, and they're just shutting down that service through legal bullshit instead of fair economic competition. You're just being an amoral fuckwit, now, acting like anything should be allowed in the act of self-interest, even if that self-interest is purely excessive. We might as well let people get away with murder if it tangibly benefits them.
But if we didn't have Nintendo, where would we get the best fap material?
And that's cool of them, but I don't expect it to become the standard.
Wew. Your Holla Forums is showing, lad.
Did you even read what I wrote? Exploiting the legal system isn't capitalism. Capitalism would be providing a better service than emuparadise in order to attract customers (that "fair economic competition I mentioned), not threatening people, with lawsuits, to shut them down. You're defending the act of being a shitty person that harms others to gain profit. Being a shitty person is being a shitty person, no matter if it's by being a selfish corporate fat cat or by being a murderer.
Who is that anime girl and why do I want to jizz on her face?
but there was nothing to check.
Why even bother posting it?
This thread looks fucking fun.
I use CoolROMs.
Just like the name and aesthetic.
Don't fucking pet anons.
This thread is not fun. What are you doing, nigger. You made a huge mistake by clicking on this thread. I should know, I was in it and reading the whole fucking thing before you got here. I will leave now, and you should, too. Stay if you like, but don't say I never warned you.
What a fucking queer. Get it together.
I don't support either, feel free to impale yourself on your horseshoe though cuckold.
How about you die first?
The term is wittol.
Oddly enough, Nintendo was a more decent company when they were run by the Jap mafia hundreds of years ago. Really gets the noggin joggin.
t. Konami
But seriously, what the fuck happened to them? Did their higher ups just get assassinated and replaced by yakuza thugs who just don't know jack about videogames?
All those fuckups can't just be because of business suits meddling too much with the product, right?
since we are having this conversation and many people are saying "I dont blame nintendo" I do not blame nintendo and here is why
nintendo made something a long time ago, and they have a chance to still make money of off it, so it is only logical to try right?
I also do not blame the pirate, he has the ability to get something for free without taking it from anyone, he is as free to take it as he is to breath, so it would be silly for him to pay for it, he is acting logically.
here is where the problem comes in, nintendo can ask for help from an organization who will essentially tell people not to do it, and if you disobey them too much they will just kill you
nintendo is benefiting from the threat of lethal force used to coerce people to buy their videogame
they didnt make this organization though, this is a prison of our own design
didn't mean to reply
Yes exactly that.
Just like how western companies operate.
In my perfect fantasy world, Kim Jong Un would start producing mass amounts of drugs to sell to retards worldwide - which he would use to upgrade his countries internet infrastructure turn his country into a pirate paradise outside of international law, and use his nukes to peacefully defend the sovereignty of his nation against kike aggressors where he would rule as the Pirate King.
Redistributing wealth - as represented by software, music, literature, movies, etc - the revenue of which now deprived to the mass media kikes - not by seizing the means of production, but by directly seizing the production itself.
smh tbh fam
Commie countries are already known for producing a ton of drugs and selling them to retarded foreigners so part 1 of this dream is already real.
At least they make good games.
What was gif-related called?
Watched it once but then forgot about it
Breath of the Wild was shit m8, but at least Odyssey is pretty good.
found the newfag
Why? Because some random ROM host took down their surface links?
You know there's still torrents for literally everything ever forever right?
Nintendo is litterally the only good game developar alive today and probibly the only good one EVER.
So I'm gonna have two tell you to f*ck off, and if you don't head my warming, I'm gonna report you.
Uh oh do we have a Hot Head over here?
Personally, I want to die
kys Mark.
Should be Zenimax tbh.
me too thanks
Sure thing Andrew Ryan
I would rather want to faggots like you to gtfo and kys.
Mickey mouse is still copyrighted. Becauwe Disney pushed to change the laws on how long copyright can last.
you have no one to blame but yourself OP
if that bothers you, youre going to have bigger woes in life soon enough. so they made it harder for you to steal games. well, guess which head jew is about to completely fuck up the internet itself?
Whoa, when did Emuparadise finally lose their nerve?
werent they one of the first?
what did he mean by this?
just a slip of the tongue, you know.
hello tedo
I'll tell you guys a funny story to spare you the pain of going through my same mistakes.
stopped reading there
Although speaking of roms and emulation, anyone have experience with a raspberry pi? I keep getting horrible input lag on most games and playing SMB3 on NES will result in the game playing like it's been sped up. Like the music and animations are faster (still input lag tho).
Then you're fucked. You're not entitled to the property of other people.
Fuck off you commie POS.
Ok so?
Not to mention the gay propaganda on their website.
Just show up from >>>/cuckchan/
You have to go back.
Name another cheap single board computer.
Just curious is you have an alternative.
Do your own research. I don't even care about their products, just warning people who they are.
I don't give a shit about the politics pushed in the PR of a company so long as the company makes a good product.
It's when the politics of that company start to make the product bad that I have a problem with it. With things like video games and movies and other media you can definitely have this effect and which is why I haven't really bothered with western made games in the recent years. Heck, I really have a hard time remembering the last western made game I've bought in the last 2 or 3 years.
With hardware it is a bit more difficult to do. You have no way of "diversifying" your hardware engineering team with people that have no skills related to the development of the actual hardware. You can't bring in some pink-haired "writer" and there is no room for politics to slide in. It either works to specs or it's shit. There's no subjectivity to be sold here.
The moment a company takes a political stance they turn their business political and if you buy their products knowing their political stance you are agreeing with them.
Please go back to >>>/cuckchan/
Guess what, there are better products out there not made by cucks.
Explain pic related.
You're one dumb nigger aren't you?
Nintendo are the biggest liars this side of Breitbart when it comes to "piracy is killing us" claims.
go play Ethnic Cleaning and then cry endlessly because Zoe exists, bitch.
fuck you, you stupid fucking cunt. Gerstmann, not Quinn, if you were legit.
I don't understand Nintendo. They were doubling down on amiibos, making one off amiibos that only really worked in one game but had essential content behind it.
Then they release Odyssey and none of the amiibo content is exclusive, you can earn it all.
You wanna pack up your shit, >>>Holla Forums ?
It's basically their version of pay to win. The Smash Bros zelda themed amiibos would give you various items in Breath Of The Wild. Sometimes a chance to get a certain costume piece (toon link gave you a chance for toon link stuff, adult link for OOT stuff, retro/8bit link gave you a chance for LOZ 1 stuff) but mostly a bunch of food and arrows and shit. Makes the game a whole lot easier.
I don't understand your point about Microsoft. What about them?
hello tedo
goodbye tedo
I want this to be real tbh
hello tedo
Pajeet diversity hires, and I'm not just talking about their tech support, are why they've made so many retarded hardware decisions with the Xbone. The debacle that is the Metro UI in Wangblows was designed by a womyn, most likely another diversity hire or promotion. Don't tell me these tech companies don't engage in (((diversity))) hiring and virtue signalling you disingenuous fuck.
Same overarching company, same people running it, what's the difference?
I never said that they don't engage in those practices I just said it would likely be harder to do with hardware because you can't fuck it up and put a subjective spin on it like you can with a piece of software or other media.
I also said that if said practices start fucking up the products then I don't bother with them. The only reason why I still run Windows 7 is because I need it for games on the PC. Otherwise I'd be using linux primarily.
It is odd, however, that raspberry pi was even brought into a gamergate thing. They don't make gaming hardware they just make a popular single board machine that is used by others to make emulator boxes out of.
It would be like Nintendo commenting on some scandal happening within the industry surrounding books/printed media. Just out of place.
Yeah, you did:
Welcome to reality sweetheart, because these companies are doing exactly that.
Ok cool. And when the products they produce are shitty I will stop buying them. Why is this such a hard concept for you to grasp?
What exactly are you trying to convince me to do here?
Fuck off back to cuckchan, for one.
hello tedo
bad goy
Bethesdrones can get fucked.
Too bad, Breath of the Wild, Samus Returns and Odyssey have bought them at least ten years.
Wasn't that shit? Too bad people are encouraging the Switch, it's the wrong direction for them to go in.
>buying something ironically
Are you some kind of console pleb?
fucking kek, I remember that stupid shit
Hello Tedo.
Too soon.
I see
I actually love pet rats. They're basically non-retarded hamsters who don't try to bite you whenever you pick them up.
There's a ton of them.
Fucking flag. CM needs to sort this shit.
The ASUS Tinker board, a bit more pricey but has way better specs than the Pi, its probably the best one around.
O-Droid, Beagleboard, Orange Pi, Banana Pi, Cubieboard and Nano Pi.
Most of these are cheaper and more powerful in case of Orange and Banana Pi, or slightly more expensive but a lot more powerful in case of O-Droid, the O-Droid XU4 is seriously impressive and over twice as fast with a pricetag of $59.
Reminder that its ok when Nintendo does it.
And that that goes doubly for this board.
forgot pics
No, its not. We shat on Nintendo for its dubious copyright practices for multiple times on here. Please stop lying.
And the guy who made the game shilled for Metroid 2 Mercury Steam Returns.
Besides the fact that we had multiple users defending the takedown of AM2R.
i just loaded up smb3 on my pi2 and it ran fine, something wrong with your install maybe?
Galo sengen
Nutendo is 100% pure cancer but use a search engine, you idiot.
And yet every single time Nintendo shits out a new turd everyone here eats it up.