Ah, good times.
Next year Jack Thompson will have been disbarred for ten years
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Jack Thompson was right, but for the wrong reasons.
I would have rather taken the stigma of being a devil-worshipping cannibalistic gamer than what we have right now.
I hate to say it, but I agree. Video games were better as a niche hobby.
In retrospect I prefer Jack. This is like beating Hitler and getting Islam.
simply ebic
Clinton was after, in 2005. (((Lieberman and Kohl))) began their attack in 1993.
Thanks Anita and gaming press for showing us all that there are worse things than this asshole. Really fucking weird that the people who criticized him most are the people who fucking became him eventually. I mean what, was his hair not purple enough? Or is it just that he didn't cite soggy knees as his reason for having an irrational hatred of everything in vidya?
He wasn't a liberal
I'd be funny, if it wasn't so awful.
Jack Thompson complained only about the violence before the rainbow pubes were a thing, calling FPSs "Murder simulators"
I'm not sure what to take away over the last decade, the military loves violent military shooters as it desensitizes and conditions an entire generation to violence aswell as giving them free advertising, then on the other hand muh toxicity and bubble wrap space gets political support also. Do they want killer zog bots or weaponized pussies?
They tried to do the same thing with the recording industry. It's all about big companies trying to consolidate the market so they don't have any competition. That's why I always laugh at console war fags when Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo are both part of the same exact group. Out of the major consoles through the gaming boom guess who isn't - SEGA
or maybe there's more going on like it's lots of different groups of people trying to push their way which clash with others directly, indirect, intentional and unintentional.
To continue a bit you've got to be pretty dense to see this as a way to "censor" games. You make the games that are more "graphic and violent with mature content" more controversial even taboo and you have more people wanting to buy those games and sales go through the roof cause the average person is going to want to have what they keep being told they can't have. It's all about making money and you being a consumer and you are literally bred like cattle to consume until you die.
polite sage for double post
both are shit. you shouldn't prefer one shitty option over another ever.
He got disbarred because he emailed gay porn to a judge, it was pretty hilarious.
Right for some of the stuff he spouted, but my God, he was retroactively a retard who was used by the people who supported him as the figurehead scapegoat while they got away scot-free, only thing I do respect him on is fighting against that bitch Janet Reno.
Fuck yeah it was good times. I'll take ineffective Christian moms and Liberals posing as Christians over SJW's any day, any year, any decade.
I don't believe in your silly religion of the past. Jack Thompson never existed.
Lay off the weed bro.
Jack Thompson did nothing wrong.
He warned us, but we didn't listen
Vidya could've had an honorable death, but we had to push forward. Now we must face the demon that is the current year.
I think we're living in the dark timeline.
Sack up you pussies. Life is a game, and I was around when halfchan anons were organizing multi angle raids on Jack Thompson.
Jack was the boss in the last game. This is the sequel.
If beating bosses doesnt sound fun I think you have the wrong pastime.
Remember this? When they were still pretending they didn't outright want games they dislike banned.
I'm going to say right now that I didn't webm it because my internet is assfuck retarded and will sometimes just abort a download before I've even started it. This one in particular just doesn't want to start.
If you can't webm a video, you should post he hooktube link like this hooktube.com
This is the first I've even heard of the site. I like that it has a download button, for all the good it does me with this retarded internet.
Maybe he's a NEET now who plays JRPGs and posts on chans?
Complete bullshit. If you were ever to experience real violence, and smell it, you'd know it is nothing like a video game. It's like saying Tom and Jerry are the equivalent of watching someone get his skull beaten in with a hammer live.
It's good, because it allegedly denies views and add revenue to the channel that posted a video. You can also see the comments which is also a plus.
Military has helped to fund some FPS games though so some pencil pusher that works for DoD probably believes the bullshit.
I think I'll probably not use it that much then. Most of what I watch is stuff I want to watch. I block the ads anyway because I'm a bad goyim.
The military funds games because they are a good learning tools. Go play Full Spectrum Warrior, it's a simplified version of a simulator that was developed for the military for use in training their officers in squad tactics. There is basically zero violence in that game, the enemies don't even bleed when shot.
That's not really the point if you're going for societal control. Sure the real fight is much different, and someone who's been "desensitized" by games will recognize it as crap, but someone who never goes into a fight in the first place and has a warped view of violence won't really sympathize with others when violence comes around. At least that's the idea.
By romanticizing violence, you can have support from your people to brutalize neighboring countries. Presumably this is why the whole arena gladiatorial combat spectator sport thing was in existence during the old days.
You're not gearing people up for a fight, you're dulling their reactions so you can get away with whatever you want in regards to force without your country pulling an anti-war protest like what happened with Vietnam.
Note that most citizens today are just plain unaware of the US's involvement in "peacekeeping" most likely because this strategy has either failed and they're being tightlipped or resorting to he-said-she-said distractions like all the shit they're piling in the news all the time or it worked well.
Frankly I don't think it's the latter, the internet has opened up a lot of inter-country contact and it's damned impossible to get people to not care because bonds have been made and can't be unmade.