Yfw Blizzard just announced legacy servers


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why you lying? on the internet of all places

How? Fans figured out how to do this years ago and you kept shutting them down, not only did they figure out how to do it. They did it with multiple expansions not just fucking vanilla.

No, you dipshit. They just announced it on BrazzCringe2017. They also announce what seems to be the last expansion since they have no more villain to pull. Just pure Alliance vs Horde.

It might be the classic game, but blizzard will fuck it up regardless. On top of that they will still implement micro-transactions, which will kill the entire point of legacy servers.

They'll soil the fucking memory of it.
Bastards wouldn't have waited this long unless they were desperate.

Because they are desperate. Like I said, no more giant big bad villain, just faction vs faction in all out war is the main focus of the expac; that is why I surmise this will be the last expac and the reason why they have to keep milking this cow by making vanilla servers.

But it's not finished yet. They're still working on it. It might come out when Valve released Half-Life 3.

Nah they're padding it out because they invented the Void Lords which are the new biggest bad. You'll have this expansion, the expansion that defeats the Burning Legion, another filler expansion and then the Void expansion. Blizzard need to milk their drones for as long as they can.

Do I have to say it?

Aww, man please don't jinx it. I really want to see this shit parade end already,

So why are they fighting now? Didn't they go to space to fight the final boss?

But it's not ending. They just rebooted the whole thing. You think they won't redo the entire progression once more?

Don't worry user you've only got another twenty or thirty years of it.

Jesus christ.
Please don't say that. That's evil even for Blizzard's standards.

Just saw the vods, genius move to be honest, making the next expansion a secondary thing and putting vanila servers on the spotlight, they just won one more year of wow, not that I think they will managed it flawlessly, they will find a way to fuck it up

I better not see you niggers getting hyped, we all know what that leads to

Well if they want to get more life out of it, make it so that the world goes in a different direction after lich king, maybe he actually survives or some crap.

"Classic Access" being a premium over the regular subscription. Calling it now.




To be fair I was part of those people thinking they never would do this. But they went and did it the madmen. The only concern is how will they fuck it up place your bets

sasuga blizzard


offer expires November 7th

I think for a lot of people it might end up being a "too little too late" sort of thing given how long its been asked for, and how often and willing they've been to shut it down. They've had chance after chance to demonstrate some modicum of goodwill, instead they shut down servers, laugh in the fans' faces and pocket the remaining dosh from the drones.


People upset you can't just mash shit anymore.

I do not know, I mean the whole trailer was just Alliance and Horde bashing each other in with Sylvanas and Anduin calling their OP power for plot just to put on the show. The expac name is "Battle for Azeroth" by the way.

That remains to be seen. I surmise some old grognards will go back to it, but this is not 2004. Some actually have lives now, and the casual scum and Cata-babies would not touch that shit from the reactions I saw, so I doubt the longevity of it if the Classic has only like 300k players comprised of only wizards. They probably would not do progression …

You know what, as I am typing this shit. I just have a flash of nightmare. Progression yes. But they will do another TIMELINE of WoW entirely and expand on that vanilla server differently. We are in this ride for another 30 years chaps.

I will not lie. I got a little hyped about vanilla, but then again those days are behind me. And since Cata, I really do not really have much reason to give money to Activision. Blizzard? Yeah, old Blizzard maybe. But not (((them))).

But user, Blizzard has no standards.

Dunno what to feel about Jon anymore. Wish he was still doing unscripted stuff while playing games.

I guarantee that is a blizzard employee.

Great, the opening cinematic is basically the start of the expansion with the battle for lordaeron being the very beginning, Welp Sylvanas is dead…

>It takes Blizzard NINE YEARS to respond to the demand and announce(but not release) a vanilla server.
I hope that you're excited to play your new World of Diversity: Vanilla
World of Warcraft was never good - The good part was the time you spent playing with your friends.

Cinematic is high quality as usual.
Though coming from a person who's never played WoW and only knows the lore up until the end of Frozen Throne (without the books or supplementary material) I gotta say a lot of these characters, factions and races looks unfamiliar to me.

Overwatch is an SJW pandering game, people. Get with the facts.

Finally. That's the last of the original characters right, or is thrall, and the stupid nelves still not dead yet?

It's fanfiction tier, you haven't missed anything worthwhile.

No date though, he just said it would take a long time. Watch them pull the same scam they did with Diablo where you get it if you stay subbed to WoW for a year or something.

Don't even bother with trying to catch up with whats going on now. You can waste your time/life in much much better ways. Besides, the quality of its content is worse than shit. I think I've read fan-fics that were better than what Blizz has done so far.

This. This is the post.

How can anyone be this racist in 2017?

followed immediately by
Because we all know theres another shoe thats gonna drop.

More like a bomb.

You guys ready for pay to play networks on PC?

The interesting part is all the drones that stuck with the game are screaming that Horde vs Alliance is 'boring' and 'ruins the game' WHEN THE LAST EXPANSION HAD FUCKING SPACESHIPS RIGHT OUT OF STARCRAFT AND FUCKING INTERPLANETARY TRAVEL


I sincerely doubt they'll even go through with it. This reeks of desperate marketing and they're banking on everyone forgetting about it just like how everyone seems to have forgotten about "YOU THINK YOU DO BUT YOU DON'T".

Didn't they have !notZerg enemies (including hive structures) in one of the high level desert areas near Ah'Kiraj vanilla?

archives please
This is a stupid amount of gay people to be working for a company, even for blizzard that I gotta see proof
How the fuck did they find so many faggots when they're such a small percentage of the population? Jesus christ

>Coming soon(((TM)))
mfw I fell for the Diablo 3 meme

hello newfag


Qiraji were egyptian bugs, they weren't really that similar compared to actual spaceships flying around.

what happened to the USA? This people are too old to buy into that shit

This entire show reeked of 'we need play retention'. More 'f-free OP cards!' from hearthstone, making fucking sctarcraft 2 free to play AND vanilla WoW servers?

They must be doing bad in some departments over others. I saw diablo get a bigger cheer than hearthstone and morheims fake smile dropped for a second with a look of 'oh fuck we didnt get the right audience' during the opening.

I think Destiny 2 underperforming has something to do with this. Remember that Overwatch and Destiny are the result of that alleged Titan game falling through.

>City of Heroes is still dead

Kikes happened.

Wait wait wait. What? When the hell did they make it p2p? Did they really make it pay to play?

No you nigger, it was always pay once to play forever
Now its going to become completely f2p from what it sounds like

It very well could be the final expansion. They added so many things that have been requested since the very first days. South Seas content, subraces, and possibly old gods content as well.

all they need to mess it up are SJW GMs
thats it

why would it be? it was announced by blizzard

Forgot to mention, level cap 120 as well. Double the original, so this would be a good stopping point.

It's kinda f2p currently. You get a free version that can't be used in ranked.
But you get access to the full game if you have someone in your party who bought it

Reminder to save your shekels from the Blizzkikes. They don't deserve it.


8 years too late. Fuck Blizzard


Who wants to bet it was Activision saying no.

That wouldn't even make sense.

Video games are gay. You've seen them here. You know why they're here.

What's the context for this scene?

A loli stole his sled

Watch Citizen Kane.

The video is literally him unscripted while discussing videogames.

The Frensh.

So from what I understand it's not just them going "you don't want this" It's also some technical reasons behind it which recent articles elaborated on.

This is nu-blizzard so I'm waiting to see HOW they fuck this up. However from the article it seems like all we're gonna get is vanilla WoW with slightly better graphics and the ability to switch between old nad new graphics.


I'm getting angery again.

If any of you buy into this, you deserve whatever hell they throw at you.

I wish the photo was taken by a different drone

People seem to be forgetting one important thing:

Vanilla private servers was buggy as shit cause MangOS and all its derivatives are shit, and a lot of quests and monsters and skills were unbalanced or downright broken because no one had access to actual stats, either because it's been lost in the sands of time, or because it was simply never recorded on the internet properly.

Even if Blizzard finds a way to turn this into a cash shop nightmare of nu-vanilla, it's a great thing for vanilla private servers, since they'll now not only have access to all that data they were missing, but also a modern build of the client that has proper addon API and doesn't shit itself just because you try running it at a 2017 resolution.

If Blizzard pisses vanilla fans off too much I can guarantee you someone will use the material Blizzard is supplying them to make a proper vanilla private server, with cash shop level boosts and heirlooms and every other "Quality of life change" disabled.

Vanilla was also just a buggy piece of shit regardless, but not having the code certainly didn't help

That won't be shut down, surely

I am happy this is happening because now all the wow private servers will have to gitgud or die.

Nothing is more autistic than the people who run them and nothing would make me happier than for them to be assmad.

They're probably going to do something like give you an hour of game time for the classic server in a loot box that you get by playing the live game. Or some other fucking scheme to get you to waste time on that shit

I played WoW for two months in 2007 and never picked it up again. It's so fucking boring doing nothing but grinding for hours to get better equipment to grind even more.

How old were you? I didn't really like it when I was a kid but when I played the vanilla servers as an adult I loved it

They're claiming being a teenager goes up to 29 now.

I was 20

better check numbers before you wreck yourself


The community that wanted a game like classic WoW is long gone. Blizzard is making this for WoW's current community. It won't be anything like what you're hoping for.


So I've been seeing screenshots go around but don't care enough to actually look… did Blizzard announce a new game that straight up coppies 40k but adds more diversity and stronk women?

No, it's just the back story of a character from overwatch.

wow was never good so only retards care

Cuckfornia: The Pozz County


A relationship he didn't want to end just ended. This is especially hard for him because he hates not having power.
The snow globe reminds him of the last time he was truly happy.
Watch the movie, it's good.

why? that's a good thing
better late than never

Lol there's a server hosted in … Bulgaria or the Czech Republic or somewhere in east europe that have been up and running now for years. Blizzard hasn't taken them down because they can't, because the host don't give a shit (because east europe).

They even paid for several "official" advertisements on bus stations and such, promoting their servers a "free alternative to Blizzard's wow".

All it takes is for someone to make the actual server software good, and then someone in said country to host a server outside of Blizzard's lawyer army's jurisdiction and Blizz is fucked.

Faggots, furries, degenerate sex groups, secret societies, political organizations, and jews are all insanely nepotistic and WILL get their fellow members jobs if allowed to, usually claiming them as 'good friends'. It snowballs from there.

Problem isn't the code, problem is a vanilla database which Blizzard doesn't have.

Even when they had the database during actual vanilla the game was really buggy

I was 104 when WoW came out and I enjoyed it.

That is a retarded idea that won't work because the chance of profit off classic would be too low. We will probably just get a sub model like the old days. Remember this is VANILLA, gold isn't thrown at you like in live. You'd be lucky to have enough gold when you hit 40 for mount and the training.

Not true. there are enough people that would "happily pay for official legacy servers". There is some crossover with the people who play private servers.

wouldn't be vanilla anymore.


Wasn't Vanilla plenty "diverse" enough? Also, MoP was decent if you ignored some of the story.

Didn't believe they were going to.
However if they give it stuff like an LFG queue and fuck with raid party numbers it isn't really vanilla.

Already the guy is on record stating it's going to be 1:1 vanilla. We're getting or should be getting according to the interview available the original vanilla experience.

It seems the issue is they'd have to run essentially TWO mmos at the same time. It seems they DO have old builds laying about from what was hinted at and they're trying to rework it so the engine plays a bit nicer with newer hardware.

I've been playing vanilla on a private server for a while, and I love it. I'm gonna keep tabs on this, but I'm not hopeful. The only thing I would want changed is fixing bugs, and maybe a few things that were introduced in TBC like summoning stones actually working. However, adding shit is a slippery slope and I'd much rather go without if it means they think they need to start "balancing" shit.

Just fucking make soul shards stack


I wish anons could do this. We could do so much good, or at least combat the poz spread. It's a shame all our tells could be replicated by some memeing newfags.
I hate to admit it, but that's how these groups get their foot in the door. All it takes is one seemly high qualified rational person who is a member of one of those groups to get a hiring position and you're flooded.

what kind of subhuman would be playing blizzard games in the current year?

Is it wrong that i want it to have random dungeon finder?
Finding groups is so boring.

Wasn't vanilla mostly good because people reminiscence about it now?
Back then it was unbalanced mess, stormstrike fuckery and shadowbolt one shotting people gg no re

Look, vanilla was a product of the time, nothing more. It had horrible pacing, worse leveling, bugs out the ass, horrible balance with several classes being flat useless for most content, but it was a lot of people's first exposure to the MMO genre, so they have delusions about this massive community that never really happened. The user clutter provides the defense that it's hardcore when a majority of content was braindead easy and the walk to the dungeon was harder than the dungeon itself.
People tend to only remember the good parts of something, not the two hours spent waiting for a group for wailing caverns/UBRS/whatever to form. The awful attunement nonsense for raids that took weeks of busy work or large amounts of money. WoW has always been a shitshow, vanilla was a user unfriendly shitshow that was mostly un-datamined so there was a decently immersive world.

you can just get a 28 slot soul bag
hunters also devote a whole bag slot to their class; the quiver or ammo pouch

a whole bag*

The thing is the quiver and the side bags were optional. At least for hunters. The reason WHY you used a quiver was it gave a auto attack speed increase. THe better the quiver the higher the auto attack percentage. I think the best you could get in vanilla was like a 18% increase and that was with that purple tier quiver you got from the epic bow quest.

They might patch out bugs. Who knows, but we have little info and from waht has been told it's still pretty much in the very early stages of development


Guys, i think i found few bullet to make this hivedmind cucking themself further!

I hope they manage to get it out in less than a year. Though I'm afraid they're gonna hold onto it until their new ex pack starts losing subs (which will be pretty quickly, it looks like garbage). So 2 or so years from now. It shouldn't take long, most of the content is done already, they just need to fix the scripting and data. I'm probably gonna try to forget it about for a while.


Someone explain to me why vanilla WoW is any better then current WoW. Aside from the numbers properly scaled from start to finish, which I can completely understand as a good reason, but that can't be the only reason.


Much of the appeal of older games isn't in good design, but in the clunky design that somehow comes together and makes a pretty picture.

Old World of Warcraft had a lot of weird-ass design decisions that nobody would repeat these days. But that's not a bad thing; that weird variation between classes and races is what makes them interesting.

Secondly, the old World of Warcraft is actually more of a MMO in the sense that you have to interact with other people to get shit done. A lack of dungeon finder meant you had to communicate with others to get a dungeon going. 40 man raids aren't challenging in terms of game mechanics, but challenging in actually getting those other 39 idiots to work together for just that one fucking encounter.

After being reminded of the intro cinematic, I can't remember a single gnome being in any cinematic.
Is my memory erasing them or were they that much of an afterthought?

Both gnomes and trolls didn't get into the cinematic. They also both were the races that didn't have their own capital.

As someone that played classic through to cataclysm I've got to ask, why is it that people think spamming general chat with LFG for half an hour every time you want to do a dungeon is better than the group finder? Of all the things that changed as the game went on I never found that one to be detrimental.


Because you actually have to interact with the local server 'community' to get anything done. Dungeon and Raid finder removes the aspect of having to be a part of the game and turns it into a single player game with multiplayer afterthought.

What server is this?

Can you imagine being a Blizzard employee that came on after lich king? The player base saying the changes you made are shit and the original is better? That dispite working their multi colored heads off they can get people excited for the new shit? That your work has been hemorrhaging players, expansion after expansion. And the only hope to keep your job, is to bow to the entitled cis lords and make vanilla servers.
I bet Blizzard, internally, is depressed as fuck.

Yelling LFG in general chat while one other member of your party does the same in the nearest main city isn't what I'd call meaningful interaction with the community.


The few old devs are probably salty as well, they have spent so long thinking they are the best and that they are even better than before. All the people used to love them and then cataclysm came and suddenly people are leaving and nothing you do makes people stay. The only way you can make people play is marketing out the ass.
Warlords of draenor is the best example of this, huge hype, before release they had that infamous line "you think you do but you dont" and then everyone left almost immediately.

Only way you can "fix" modern wow is to just wipe the slate queen and redo it all from scratch like FFXIV did. Its never going to happen though because no one wants to lose their characters.

This new expansion makes me realize that Blizzard won't ever be able to make WC4 because Warcraft is tied up in WoW. This expansion seems like their attempt to create the closest possible thing. I guess it's not so bad, because I wouldn't want modern Blizzard making WC4 anyway.

Prozac must be handed out like candy in the offices.