Shin Megami Tensei general: apocalypse on sale never edition
So which are you more excited for SMTV on the Switch or Strange Journey Redux on 3DS? are you hopeful for the future of the ip?
and are you still salt about persona?
Shin Megami Tensei general: apocalypse on sale never edition
So which are you more excited for SMTV on the Switch or Strange Journey Redux on 3DS? are you hopeful for the future of the ip?
and are you still salt about persona?
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Kaneko is back, with just this sliver of hope, demons should at least look good again though they can still fuck up the gameplay.
Get ready for joycon wagglan.
Why would you want to play 4A? Its a worse version of 4. And 4 isn't that good to begin with. Plus 3ds is laughably easy to hack anyway.
Why would i be excited for SMTV being a nunintendo exclusive?
I will point out after the positive response to p5's localization, atlus will hopefully be handling all localization jobs for their games themselves and not let noa touch them so we never have this mess or tms fe again. And if they are smart never make a crossover that is neither series again.
Pretty good preemptive bait, but now that SMTV with Kaneko is switch exclusive, Purse Owners are back to being the laughingstock.
user we all know 'that guy' will never not be mad that normalfags think Persona is the main series. He will never ever get over it.
NuSMT is cucksona tier
Why are you laughing?
why would i be?
Isn't Deep Strange Journey already out? Somebody who speaks nip could say whether or not it's as bad as everyone worried it would be.
Is Kaneko really back? Seems like something Atlus would have revealed right off the bat to generate hype.
Idk, its just a rumor thats been going around. It may or may not be true tbh. Someone said that the dude in the smtv trailer has a kaneko like design though, but i still wouldnt get my hopes up.
I am going to feel bad for the people who beleived that kaneko is back but it turns out hes not.
Then it turns out he was replaced by the guy who drew devil survivor instead
I haven't seen anything that confirms it, but based on the teaser the humans look like they are designed from Kaneko but I'm not sure, to me his designs make humans look doll-like. Seeing their faces would probably confirm it but they haven't shown any.
I'm leaning towards the SMTIV guy. He's basically become a fill-in for Kaneko for character and demon designs now.
I think the trailer is making people think this because it looks very reminiscent of the PS2 FMVs and Nocturne.
Probably, though to be honest I'm more interested in the gameplay than the designer at the moment. The director has already been interviewed
Please provide proof.
One man is not a design team. The reason that Nocturne and IV are so incredibly different is because IV was the Persona departments attempt at mainline and it sucked.
Reminder that in SJ:DEEP, Alex is your daughter from the future who you have to kill which makes you fuck off to the moon and let the Schwarzvelt consume the earth.
the fuck is she doing in the present?
It's only a problem when Nintendo is publishing the game. If Nintendo is not the publisher there is none of these mistakes but the problem is most nip companies are cheap when it comes to Nintendo so they let them publish the work in the west for a nintendo console, mainly because Nintendo is a brand name and automatically they think it's going to make money with that Nintendo logo.
Also, she replaces Mem Aleph as the final boss of the normal neutral ending. You do it as normal but then kill Alex who wants to stop you from using the Cosmic Egg.
Provide proof please.
You guys forgot to ask for proof.
Wait a minute, that hair
You have no source, user. Just dipshits yeling that Kaneko is back with no source either. Besides, Persona 5 is leagues better than 4 and 4F. If they did get Kaneko back, it won't magically make SMTV a better game. It'll make the character designs look nice, but gameplay will still be shit.
Or just wait until the game comes out.
People are just jumping to conclusions, I guess.
I doubt this tbh
Did some people have a problem with IV? i know casuals found it too hard compared to shit like FF13, Pokemon X/Y or Eternal Sonata and the like but it seemed okay. Bit too similar to Etrian Odyssey i some respects though.
IV was shit, between the total lack of difficulty, smirk in general, the lack of a defense stat, and the ruined fusion system, and the lack of dungeons it was hot garbage. That is not even getting into the story or characters which were pretty bad too.
Well it did feel like a reactionary game. Lotta EO, SnK and a fair few other influences were pretty obvious.
Which could be why V looks a lot like its actually a soft reboot touching back on Megami Tensei. It is an anniversary game after all.
The game is pretty difficult user, at the very least for the first 6-10 hours, and then slowly it starts to get easier, but never easy outright
smirk is a broken game mechanic, yes
the lack of a defense stat wasn't great, yeah
It had a pretty decent number of dungeons
Characters were okay; I liked the story as well, my main problem with it was its disjointedness, but the first 20 hours did feel very enjoyable to me. I haven't been able to finish it because I've been away from my 3DS for months and can't get back to it till the winter, but I'm 60 hours in so far.
I'd personally give it a solid 8-8.5/10
It's all on youtube.
Its really too soon to tell either way if V will be any good or not.
The difficulty started to melt away as soon as you had a full party and by the time you hit minotaur had completely vanished thanks in large part to how easy to abuse the fusion system was. By the time I hit tokyo I never once felt threatened by anything. No restrictions on what skills can be inherited(with a handful of exceptions) was a mistake. So was allowing the MC to learn nearly any skill.
I still threatened by plenty of things. There was almost always at least 1-2 optional dungeons/monster lairs in each "section" of tokyo that were usually absurd to deal with.
Medusa was also a pretty huge bitch to deal with too, but she's technically before tokyo as well.
There were parts of tokyo that did feel like absolute bitches to deal with. Usually the ones where you encountered group mobs you couldn't run away from, and you'd get raped if you weren't strong enough to handle them (or if you get smirked). Doesn't mean you're not right about a pretty good chunk of it being pretty easy to just go through.
The area ran by the Ring of Gaea was a bitch to deal with if I remember correctly (I think it was the Ginza region?). The tower rescue portion was a spike in difficulty too. (though the bosses there were not great).
I also remember either the Shibuya area, or the Shinjuku area giving me some trouble (or maybe both)
It really did have a noticeable drop in difficulty for Tokyo, but I don't think all of it was easy.
I wonder if coming back to Nintendo home consoles means they will do with the old games like they did with the sony ones when virtual cosole finally shows up.
Personally i never played Megami Tensei If… and its basically proto persona and i would be interested to see that get a digital rerelease.
I know what you were trying to say user, but that doesn't make me any less mad at you.
P1 and 2 not the dating simulators.
>Atlus will do fuck all with SMT before 3 besides a well made iOS port of SMT 1
I made the mistake of buying a wifi u for FExSMT and Fatal Frame 5. Nintendo ruined both. That's before we mention the localisation, and they have since vowed to step it up and censor things much earlier in development. Fuck Nintendo, I'm buying SMT SJ again when I find it pre owned. But fuck anything else. Even then it's what, 1 extra dungeon. I can ignore it.
I'm still salty about everything surrounding the wii u.
I swear americans get more fucked over every single year.
I'm Europoor.
We also got to enjoy the censorship carried out by NoA. I'm so glad I have Treehouse to defend my sensibilities. I mean an m rated game with suicide and murder is fine, but a bikini photo shoot is too much.
As for #Fe I don't even know where to start with that clusterfuck.
Wait you thought a crossover game would actually be good? Didn't they turn FExSMT into a idol game essentially?
That's my point.
It could have worked well, it could mix characters and include FE permadeath, movement grid with different units and weapon bonuses, and have units summon demon squads.
Instead it was an idol game. That then censored itself saying westerners wouldn't understand the idolshit.
just want to point out that fatal frame 5 was actually not nearly as cucked as the reactionist whiners made it out to be. the bikini photo shoot was a short, shitty scene and wouldn't have made any more sense if the character was wearing the bikini or not, and the zero suit costume we got was pretty fuckin cool then again i kinda have a thing for bodysuits so, you know. i mean, for real, the very, very first ghost you see in ff5 is rocking some monumental sideboob, everyone jiggles like crazy, and there's no xenoblade-tier memery in the translation. it could have been a lot worse
censorship is censorship, apologist cuck.
i just find it really pathetic that people like you get mad about how a shitty scene got "censored" instead of how the game itself just plain isn't very good. no amounts of bikinis would have made the gamepad wagglan less retarded or made the story make more sense, but no, let's get mad about the idol's swimwear
But didn't they announce ahead of time what the game was going to be like via trailers and shit?
At first no, for a long time it was SMTxFire Emblem. It was only later that it became PersonaxNuEmblem now with Idols.
fuck off apologist
You need to learn to read user. Games being good are more important than censorship, but that doesn't make censorship an important issue either.
doesn't not make*
No, there was one trailer with characters shown from each franchise. No gameplay. Nothing. A long time passed and then the idolshit happened. Dipshits lost their shit because all the theories they had were crushed.
Shame I suppose, but I never hold any high hope for crossover games because most of them end up being garbage or gimmicky.
Why does his arm grow the little freak?
but cucked nonetheless.
Wrong. The gameplay is far improved and the story, while not great, isn't boring as fuck. It also has the best ending a nu-SMT game has had in a while.
Is there only one?
I haven't played it so I wouldn't know
I miss Imagine. Heard that the private servers for it are out now but I have no idea how to access them.
There are a few, I assume he means the kill all your friends with the help of demon char ending.
4A didn't fix shit, its the same as 4 but with worse music and HP gated bosses. The characters are even worse than 4's bland, forgettable cast and the only good thing to come out of it was Dagda, who did nothing wrong.
I'd give it a year and check again, still far too early for it to be playable unless you are desperate your turn to try it again.
4, 2 early bad ends, (law and chaos) bonds and anarchy.
Massacre is not a chaos ending. You extirpate YHVH's universe completely and create your own. That could be law, chaos, or neutral.
Dagda is fucking great.
I'm not buying a Switch for one fucking game, and I've already played Strange Journey so the only way I'd get the remake is if it adds some pretty serious new content.
Massacre is just dark-neutral, what happens to the new universe is up to you. Bonds is light-neutral but is pointless anyway as YHVH will keep coming back.
Though I will say, having to kill everyone was kind of stupid. Toki, for example, would not have went against you in that situation.
I was glad to kill fucking Nozomi though, holy shit what an abomination of a character.