
The new Link System: yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Link_Summon

Where to play Yu-Gi-Oh!
For online: YGOPro 2, ChinaPro (Links) YGOPro Percy (still no Links) - pastebin.com/m2e9Dzt1
Archive with all games playable on PC (mostly through emulation): pastebin.com/0SHfUYyj
Tag Force 1-6 are the best if you want a story (2006-2011, 6 has only the first 25 XYZ monsters).
Tag Force Special (2015) is the best to play for learning the game with many of the new cards.
The World Championship series (2004-2011) and Duel Academy (2006) are pretty good too. Definitely check out Dungeon Dice Monsters.
All are fun for pet/archetype non-meta decking. Legacy of the Duelist is shit.

Useful Links
yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page (Wiki with information for players, new and old)
yugiohprices.com/ (Yu-Gi-Oh! stock market)
ygodr.blog.jp/ (OCG decklists)
yugiohtopdecks.com/ (TCG decklists)
ygorganization.com/ - blog.livedoor.jp/maxut/ (TCG/OCG news sites)
yugioh.party/ (Probability calculator)
yugioh-card.com/en/limited/ (Ban list)

How to get better
Read the cards.
Playtest and try suggestions.

Other urls found in this thread:


Can we talk about who makes these cancer fucking cards? I'd like to think it's some Brazilian with nothing better to do making all of them.

where did you even find them?

Please just delete this shit.

I just wanted to share the existence of this board with you. >>>/fapioh/
I prefer the cancer cards tbh

well with enough cancer disruption this works
hand traps, solemns, lost winds, FUCKING BAGOOSKA, fire ice hands
and you're pretty much never on a minus, theres tons of recovery
now i just wish the deck had a link 2 gouki, or i had firewall/borreload since i can't do shit with my link 3s. also wish i hadn't traded my full gem-knight deck before the link era because i thought it would be dead



i've been sick of dealing with tdoanes ads

I made a Vampire deck because it was Halloween and I never made a Zombie deck before. It's been pretty good to me so far.

Percy, if you ever lurk 8ch at all, please just give a mobile update with the Legendary Dragon Decks cards and no linkshit.

Percy is working on their link update and they said on their forums that it is comming soon

I just want the damn new cards from LEDD.

Zombies are pretty solid right now.

I googled fake cards, but reaching page 5 of google image in any subject works well enough


got a third rematch and the new link monsters
still hoping i can relace the hands with transmodify


Emergency banlist:

nice job

Looks like ygopro percy finally got links, check its discord.

again this
does nobody pay attention to the thread?

Is Legacy of the Duelist shit because it's focused on meta or did Konami do something special to it

the gameplay in general is shit and theres just no point in playing it

Very dumb AI, bad story based decks and bad non-story based decks. So basically the single player is trash only my 8-year-old brother can enjoy and not even he can always enjoy it.

You also can't even fucking speed up the cards.

Friendly reminder to any average Yugioh fans and anons not to play World Championship 2008 unless you're a masochist who loves nice presentation and want a GX era game with plenty of cards and opponents.

I love how blatantly assholish it is compared to any other game. It's like they were trying to piss off even seasoned players with the sheer assault on your patience and willingness to put up with bullshit disadvantage.

I shamefully had to use a deck with 3 Solar Flare Dragon and plenty of walls just to beat the game because at a certain point my deck just couldn't compete and I didn't have the resources to make anything else, let alone archetype.

if anyone's curious heres the guy i was shilling in last bread
we did manage to get to top 32

Its legitimately a bad game.

Somehow this is okay for a retail product.

Can't you just fucking destroy them?

While the game is bad I have never experienced bugs.

No the game apparently counts the space as occupied but bugs out and doesnt count the card you just used from that space to exist in the deck at all anymore. Its beyond fucked.

This happened 3 times in the one duel he showed me. I absolutely do not believe you.

Fucking incompetent retardation.

With the advent of links everyone is bitching about how cards are no longer viable in this thread but maybe we should look at the positives and what cards will surely become required.
I really wish Alien infiltrator was slightly better but as it stands it still isn't very useful. At least Blasting Fuse if more viable now though.


Cyberdark Impact will never be good. Actually a lot of good cards came out of it, it's just that the column mechanic bullshit cards will never be good

How are you supposed to play this game nowadays? Make a theme deck for the guaranteed support and hope for the best?

Just get meta decks. This is made easier since in Special all packs in the pack shop are IRL packs, the only difference are packs which were given away in special tournaments and whatever, those you have to unlock in the duel statue and they are divided by attribute, so to get Hundred Eyes Dragon for example you need to get him in the Limited Edition DARK pack.

Has anyone even used Senet Switch since the paywall happened?

The Cyberdark monsters are just cool and a horribly fumbled idea. It really is shit with nothing going for it.

Well, at least their new support made them playable, not that that's saying much since they're still a one-trick pony.

wait for magibullets to come out, then it's actually gonna be good

do you have any meta deck sheet at hand?

No, but I kinda remember the meta at the time, I'm not 100% sure, but if I remember correctly the decks that were meta in the OCG in early 2015 were Shaddolls, Nekroz and Qliphorts, with HEROes being rogue-level purely due to just how much ass Dark Law kicks.

It really annoys me that Percy also his this "can't surrender in your first turn" and penalties for leaving. Seems like all games it from the Chinese core version of the game.

do the penalties actually do anything other than warn you? i dropped tons of times on ygopro2 and it never did anything to me

It does work.
By the way the Gideon server on Percy is the same as Pro2 and maybe something else, but I am not sure.

why does konami hate all the fun archetypes

The Spic one uses gideon too

The TCG server on it?
I never really understood if Checkmate was indeed cross-platform for Percy and DevPro or not.

And then he proceed to set 3 and play handtraps. So he is even a hypocritical Trickstar player.

any way to make gimmick puppets work?
the deck has like no recovery cards/support outside of junk puppet and dreary doll
nightmare can summon a copy of himself from the hand/grave but summoning him is also gimmicky
and you can't even search any of the lv 8s, unless you're foolishing dreary


found scapegoats and transmodifies
also got topologic to justify running thunder ogre
because of that i had to free up extra deck space, so i got rid of the fusions+predaplants. they don't work that well unless i've got the brilliant engine anyways

tbh they work way too well right now
for the moment the meta might end up nicely balance with a lot of good decks
pendulum magicians, krawlers, spyrals, world legacy, metaphys, trickstars
and with all the upcoming link monster support a lot of pendulum era decks (including non pendulum ones) are gonna make comebacks
link format might not have slowed down the game, but hey, they are giving old decks support

Apparently tourney rulings allowed Senet Switch to move an Extra monster to move out of the "linked zone" so you can special summon something else. But, it's a very gimmicky and slow way to set up Link monsters.

embed related

Remove hand traps.

so are true dracos dead or what?
i finally bothered to read what all of them do and i'm surprised that i've never seen anyone running metaltron XII. if he's summoned correctly he can only be killed by kaijus, and if by some chance you manage to kill him, you likely get a free crystal wing or better

Peace is cheaper and with a more annoying effect. True Draco ain't dead, just not the strongest anymore.

Man, Arc Dragon is a blessing.

no its just spyral resort says you cant target spryrals so master peace cant fuck over spyral boards easily also the demise build semes to be the way to go and you have to remember evenly matched is a card now and you kinda have to build around it to some extent
those new links give the deck way to much but overall i find pendlum magicians fun to play i wonder how much they cost to build irl?

what happened to that game? is it fun?

It is shit.

coin flip format with hand traps and no targeting hand trap trap that banished your whole field

what about power of chaos?
or which is the best yugioh game to play against someone in the same pc?

Fuck you, I want my Arc already and I don't want to have to wait for an update with linkshit to get a fucking Odd-Eyes.

What are some fun monsters to build a deck around? My last few runs were an okay Helios deck and a Mojya deck. I also attempted a phantoms spiral dragon and had a blast.

Power of Chaos should still work pretty well, I don't remember any issues with it, there's mods for it of course, but those vary wildly in quality.

master monk

You mean another person? Two people playing on the same PC? There is no such game. Well you can achieve it with Percy, but it is still retarded as fuck and you won't be able to play properly.

I am getting tired of Handtraps. They are getting out of hand. Maxx C is okay tho, he can stay

Percy Pre link has Ark, no idea if he works on a duel the card is visible.

it's the easier than waiting for a banlist to hit whatever is meta right now
as far as i can tell ghost ogre/ash was the only way to effectively stop first turn spyrals with machine dupe in their hand

Do today's cards fucking discard themselves to cancel Summoning or pop the field?

can you make earthbound gods work? I like how they look, especially the lizard, but I don't know if they can be good.

ghost ashe discards itself to stop a special summon from the deck
it was essential to stopping spyrals from using machine duplication

They are big boss monsters not intended to play in the same deck. Your best bet is pick one and build a deck around it.

Maxx C is by far the worst of them, you may as well just scoop the moment your opponent drops it if you don't also have a copy in your hand or a Ghost Ash.

Stopping a Special Summon from the deck sounds perfectly reasonable.

You know that effect can only get out of control if it isn't carefully regulated. I'm paranoid about removing from play going that route because it's the biggest fucking pain in the ass to reliably search out and keep a nonarchetype specific healthy hand of cards that retrieve them.

It might be if that was it's only effect but it can also negate adding any cards from your deck to your hand or sending any cards from the deck to the graveyard.


Now that's bullshit.

Maxx "C" does nothing to stop that, Zoodiacs ran as many copies of it as they were allowed to too,it just meant whoever drew it first won.

Handtraps, let’s talk about them.

Well of course not silly they're only useful in it :^)
Them power creeping out actual trap cards other than the solemn one's is worrisome.
Maxx C is at least, other's, like most traps, are more situational.
In the current meta I could definitely see 2 but 3 might got awfully bricky fast for cards that just stop your opponent from doing things, while Maxx C helps you do things.

so anyone got suggestions for pizza toppings? i've got tomato sauce, wieners and feta cheese and i've also been thinking of maybe putting an egg on top

YuGiOh got banned at the local game store because the people who played it at the store were absolute human garbage is that a running trend in the community or is it just south jersey?

Sauce on this? Did the post a notice on the door?

I hope those fully aware little shits get beaten bloody by karma.

No but they stopped having yugioh events at the store and stopped selling products and directly banned some people

update: they found my box and the staples/some of the extra deck without protectors, + my mat
still missing the goukis, 2 ghost ogres and my more expensive link monsters, but i have all my solemns, twin twisters, maxx c and desires so its not the end of the world
i'm pretty much the only one there playing goukis so if we ever see anyone running the whole deck we'll have an idea on who might have taken them

I'm happy for you, user. Your shit luck legit pissed me off.

Story time:

I wanted to play a yugioh game after a long time (the last i played was on psp) so i researched which one was the latest, and it turns out it's for phones. I groan but i still download it in the background while i keep looking.
The second latest is on 3ds
it's in japanese
but there's a patch!
In the first 10 minutes the characters are calling eachother "faggot" and "shit" everywhere.
The game doesn't let you customize your deck
You can only use premade decks. You can't choose your cards in a card game.
The third last, is legacy of the duelist. Before that is Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V Tag Force Special and i stopped watching the anime after GX, so i won't recognize over half the characters or the new type of cards/rule.

For now i'm just playing Duel links which is almost ok-ish since i don't have alternatives. It's just boring being so limited in the choice of cards and see everyone use almost the same deck in pvp.


anyways since i'm not running goukis anymore, anyone got suggestions for my shitty spam deck?


Subverted badassery fat dragon archetype when? I want to disrespect the fuck out of metafags with Yugioh dragons that would be taken seriously if they weren't gluttonous fucks who love to eat.

I was insulting Cyberdark Impact, which is practically THE normalfag meme, but it's still perfectly valid.

I'd like to try and get a bunch of dumpy fatty dragons into an imposing deck. I loved winning with Ojamas and Dustons just because they looked so dorky. A bunch of nerd dragons would work just as great.


Years ago when I was worse with autism, I literally wanted to kill the obvious little bitch that changed this funny ass self depreciating name.

How is my Spyral build? Built it with what I have on hand, it could be better if I spent cash but I'm really cheap/stingy on single card purchases so everything I have I either pulled or traded for.
Been sticking with 2 Last Resorts because everyone is always waiting for me to drop either it or Sleeper to interrupt if they see I'm not able to go off with link monsters or just as an endgame card because everyone always forgets about the "tribute 1 card so the equipped monster can attack directly" part.
Denko/Anti-spell are just there for the Paleo and Pendulum Magician players that I play with the most often.
Still haven't made a side deck and have an empty slot in my extra because I don't know what to put there but it will most likely be a rank 4 because that's what I have.

Awww..they changed the named to Googly-Eyes Drum Dragon.

feels good

I wanna gently hold that dragons hand

mind as well just get more foolish burial goods and missions instead of the double summon

How do I stop Trap Stun from fucking getting blown up so I can enjoy Chimeratech Overdragon OTK?


I didn't know Dracoslayers and Amorphages were able to or intended to work together. Fucking weird.

Fuck, I meant Infernoids. Must have been an Amorphage Field Spell that made me think that.

>playing Duel Links for anyone who cares

On top of this in the current meta Reliquished is all about control and manipulation, not just monster stealing. The effect's devastating enough to make people second guess things and switch up their approach, which makes them easy to read. and on top of that his LESSER skill is to take a look at your set cards for free until he's down to 3000 life points.

He used to be a boss character that you could unlock in limited events, but now they released him as a standard duelist you can unlock easily, his Relinquished monster used to be the meta too, but people moved on since his deck is rather time consuming to set up, needing 3 copies of 3 ultra rares from the first two big boxes, those being Senju, Sonic Bird and Sphere Kuriboh. thank god they're that stupid, because Pegasus is still a pretty damned good boss character to throw around, if you know his skills are based around condition, you know exactly when the right time to pop his skill, even if your deck only has one copy of each, you can STILL be competitive if you load it up with stall cards and high stat level 4's, while building the full deck as you go, which doesn't actually take that long, maybe a month or so if you play 30 minutes when you're off for lunch per day.
people want to have everything at the moment they want it, but a wise man never pays a dime, he just has fun with the game without getting a spoiled hissy fit because he can't access something immediately
The game hands out gems like candy, there's no reason for most people outside of whales to spend cash, and while the top rankings are full of hackers and whales, it's not about being the best in a silly phone game based on a flawed childhood anime, it's about having fun.

Except when you max out your characters you start getting gems only from events. And most of the time they do not give too many gems.

If you've maxed out your characters already, you've been playing for waaaaaay too fucking long and should already have every box two times over at the least, assuming you've also been doing the events.

At current the game has 23 characters, each with equal gem rewards that total out to 2,290 gems per character, for a total of 52,670 gems.

This is NOT factoring in the automatic rewards for leveling the base characters at Levels 10 and 30 (50 and 50 gems respectively), the other two rewards being cosmetic card covers and table covers, total gem value factoring in at 1600 for 16 base characters, total being 54,270 gems.

And this is NOT counting daily and weekly events, stage challenge advancement which I'm not bothering to calculate since there's 50 stages per series at a total of 100 stages, some of the later stage events (read closest thing to bosses the game has) hand 50 gems per challenge, the final I think being 7 challenges with 50 gems per completion.

Weekly events (Duel-A-Thon, character events, roaming duelist events) all give out nice amounts of gems, Roaming duelists give out the least but introduce free cards and new archetypes, most of which tend to be game dominators or much needed support that will release when they balance the character as a standard.

There are multiple ways to get cards outside of boxes, and you're certainly not going to clear them out for the N cards or R cards, so you'll always end up getting what you want and resetting, almost never hitting the 10,000 or 4000 gem mark (main and mini box total cost) unless you're REALLY FUCKING unlucky.

I'm currently going for the most expensive option at the moment and searching for3 copies of 3-4 UR cards out of first two main boxes since I REALLY want to run a Ritual deck, but literally every other deck is available through multiple means, some even made out of cards not from the boxes.

This is not hard, and you have to realize this is not a console or PC game, it's mobile, which means you're not supposed to take it seriously at all and it's a gradual game. You're not going to get everything at once, and the charm of the game is the struggle between incomplete decks and trying to make them viable with the cards you have at current. It's not for everyone, but the thing is I've wiped the floor with P2W Fire King and Gladiator Beast retards without having to pay a single cent, because they keep fucking their viability by having 3 copies of everything and I actually learned how dumb that is in a 20 card format. And that's what keeps me playing the game.

Also it helps that you can set duels to Auto and do your laundry or some shit.

You have a good attitude about the game. I haven't gotten into Yugioh much aside from playing Percy here and there, watching some of both the original anime and GX as a kid and watching a decent amount of the marathon that was on Twitch, and then playing GX Duel Academy for GBA on and off all throughout my life since I was little. That GBA game was surprisingly good and when I bought a GBA it was one of the first games to come to mind that I wanted; atmosphere is completely god damn dreamlike and comfy in some way that feels distinctly "Yugioh" and has a lot of cool features and quality of life options. One of my favorite parts of playing it isn't only the fact that the game is fun to play, but also the fact that there are so many bits of culture surrounding it. I actually really enjoy how god damn stupid the 4kids dub can get and how campy it is, and playing anime rules Yugioh sounds like a fucking hilarious time. I can get into Yugioh seriously, but when I'm playing it I'm also always interested in how my opponent built their deck and what kind of moves they're going to make, and I like laughing about random shit that happens with them, too. I used to take losses personally and get upset over the RNG, but then I just grew up and realized that it's actually a damn fun time, and that trading card games always have a bit of RNG that keeps things fresh.

It's a fun franchise and I hope to get into it more. I was thinking about watching through the anime a bit more whenever I'm in the mood for something really cheesy and comfy, since I love that kind of shit, but I also wanna learn more about the game. I know all of the rules really well, but getting into it sounds like a fun undertaking. I really enjoy laughing about the shadow realm and shit with friends and I'm kind of sad that 4kids is dying because I really wish they would make more fucking retarded, but all too campy dubs.

Holy fucking shit it's true.

What the fuck happened for that to happen?

I have to fuck off, so I am not reading all of this post, but don't be shilling.
A single box cost 10 000 gems. That can easily take two weeks of just doing ~3 times a day a full swipe of the SDs and getting some level up rewards. Old boxes with 99.98% shitty cards in them are still relevant and you need to buy x 3 if you want to have the good cards. And there have been weeks during which the events have been so shitty you get almost no gems from them. Competitive f2p is close to impossible. You can only do "fun decks" and you will be very limited with that too. Saying you will almost never hit the bottom is pure bullshit. You will, often. I just did twice in a row for an old small flame box. And you don't have 10 magical ways to get cards. Most of the ticket cards are shit and are limited to just a few a month.
If I had started when the game started it seems like thanks to many of the early bonuses I might have had all cards by now (and even that is questionable), but from this point, with how often new releases are, getting what you might want, or might need (if competitively) is just a pipe dream.
It is a shitty with an endless farm and with a sort of an interesting format.

you just suck at the game and don't make your own decks. I know about GameA too, bud, and most of their decks are shit because they're user submitted and need a fucking overhaul to work.

And if you're playing it and clearing out your duel uses every time you do, you're not playing optimally if we're talking farm wise.

And no one's pretending that it isn't mobileshit, I just happen to like it.

get a ROM of Duelist of the Roses.

Yugioh x War of the Roses aka the fucking Tudor wars
Made before the game was official and hol-eeeeee fuck is it weird.

I should say, that because everyone else is a lazy shit and no one is organizing one, when I have more time, maybe in late December or next year, I will try to organize some Duel Linkish format tournament in Percy. Percy already has Speed Duel format in it.

Nigga. That statement is so many levels of stupid that I really don't have the time to get into. If it is just a mobileshit then stop defending it this much.

You're kinda fishing for it, honestly. If you don't have "time to fish" for any of this, why the fuck are you here and why the fuck do you care to comment ON a mobile game at all? You clearly have some sort of investment to tell someone their tastes are shit, like you're parroting something you heard to assert some sort of popular opinion that you hold dear.

That's what pisses me off about you, no one else bothered to comment, and you HAVE to come in and call something shit because you were told it was and have a compulsion to parrot it, like you don't even think for yourself. Do you realize that you do this?

I believe I saw Joel stream that game a bit ago. It looked crazy; almost fanfiction-tier and I think that that's absolutely beautiful. I might give it a try someday, it seemed pretty batshit.

There's no reason to start some huge fight over this. I think you both have good points; freemium games are kind of a big shame, and I think it's also great if you're able to find something you enjoy, and I hope you have lots of fun with those games you like. But really, a certain game isn't for everyone; someone might have found an efficient way to get the currency in the game to the point where they can have more fun with it, while someone else just thinks it's not worth the effort altogether and would rather just play one of the complete console/handheld games and just be able to have things be a bit more solid.

Here then, as someone who tried out Duel Links. It's shitty even by a mobile game standards. The environments and UI are trash and heavily restricted by the format and while manageable due to deck size it still hurts my eyes to look at. The fact that the English version is years behind Japanese, both format and character availability wise is only a bonus if you started the English version as soon as it was released. It took all the worst parts of the old GBA and DS Yugioh games and monetized them.

Duel of Roses is not a Yugioh but holy shit is it fun if you're know what you're doing.

And now you are going full retard. I have been playing the damn game for months and have lately side tracked it to my brother. I am not parroting anything else but my own experience. Why do you think I am saying I consider organizing a Speed Format tournament? I enjoy the gameplay, but the impossible to farm farming is bullshit beyond believe. I am sorry if I didn't choose to stick in silver and surrender myself 10 times in a row after every 10 wins so I have to make actually half-descent decks if I want to win and that is a quest set to make you want kill yourself even when just making a "fun" deck. Again, something I have experienced myself.

Oh and one more thing, the lack of fucking decency to let you port cards you physically own is something even the fucking Pokemon Trading Card Game gives you.

I don't mean for any fans of the game to take this the wrong way, but those god damn cards are really damn expensive and then the game itself just feels kinda boring compared to how crazy Yugioh can be. I haven't tried Magic yet but I'm gonna sit down with it someday and try to learn, because it sounds pretty fun, too. Like seriously it was 90 dollars for a box set of booster packs from a new set in Pokemon TCG and then it was like 30 or 40 for a newly released Yugioh set. It doesn't seem like new sets are too interesting from what I've heard about them, but I've always been kind of a faggot for opening booster packs because the experience is just so comfy and exciting. Pokemon TCG can still be fun though, it's just that I think I prefer Yugioh; and I grew up with Pokemon more than I did Yugioh.

And yeah I remember GX Duel Academy having a Deck Machine you could use to bring your cards in as long as you could afford them; it was pricey but you could get your favorite rare cards from your deck and then just buy ingame booster packs for cheaper and put your actual real deck together ingame. I've heard about the online Pokemon TCG game doing that, too; pretty nice feature, honestly. I appreciate that kind of thing.

That was what I was referring to, I don't like the Pokemon TCG either but my younger brother played it and that's why I know Pokemon TCG has this function which alleviates the bullshit of "encouraging you" to buy digital cards on top of your physical ones. Granted I know the mobile game has to jew whales to death so they can have the most meta decks but at least let me have 1 copy of each card I own if not 3.

Honestly I don't think that mobile game game sounds too appealing if that's what it's like. I adore the video games that let me get immersed in a comfy and cool atmosphere that's more than what playing the game alone would be like, and I think it's fun to grind for money or whatever in them to get new cards, and I really like how in games like GX on the GBA from what I've played of it it has more of an anime-ish plotline that gives you some extra stakes to your real world dueling knowledge. Yeah I like to refer to it as "dueling". I think it's campy and fun and it puts a smile on my face.

Honestly it seems like that mobile game might have a bit too MUCH grinding for my tastes, because even in the normal games if you were grinding to buy boosters, you could buy a couple or a few boosters for every duel you one, so you'd always be at least getting more cards to use, even if you weren't getting the one rare one you really needed for your deck. Plus I think there's something satisfying about dumping a shitton of it down on getting like 50 of a single booster pack just to get all of the cards in the set, in those games.

nearly impossible with AP bullshit. I will admit the format for dueling was well made for the mobile but they limit you to a certain number of duels at a time, and those duels are against NPCs that are so awful that the developers gave you a "auto play" feature so that you don't go crazy dueling them rather then give them good decks. In addition, grinding for mats is fun in a JRPGish way and I remember the 5D Yugioh game where you roleplay as some 6th signer or bullshit was really satisfying, but they take that grind and stretch it out almost 5 times as much for how much resources it takes to get a pack. So you're desperately clawing to get even the most basic resources to get your deck started. I will say that the box set idea of "eventually you will get the UR cards in this set" was nice but the price of individual kills me.

pbage? Is that somtehing to do with the mobile game? I've never touched it before so I wouldn't know. I stopped being familiar-ish with things after GX and the only thing I know about 5D's is that there are a lot of motorcycles and that's pretty damn cool. I might check it out someday, but, yeah, what the hell is .pbage again?

I mistyped
please kill me

Oh, yeah, mobage. That's what I was saying. I can't really get into that shit nor do I want to. I was saying it was comfy because in the other actual console/handheld games you could just grind to get more cards and it always felt satisfying when you did. The grind in a mobile game is always very soulless and almost feels more like work rather than a cool goal to work towards.

What's the status of Kaiser Colosseum? I can't run a Kaiju deck with it still banned.

Unlimited in the OCG
Still forbidden in the TCG

They completely changed it's effect.

Bastard….them Japs got all the luck…


Is there a version of Percy with the Link stuff? The one I have doesn't.

mega.nz/#!Cc8CjRQR!kA4vmisRfdgGn8KOURWLoASy_DAGcsrjBI5jUX3DUko or

Thanks, bud.

What would win? Full powered Dragunity or full powered Infernity?

All can have any amount of cards they need to run in 3s, meaning they can both easily come back from Trishula instantly. But they can both only use their own Synchros and whatever their decks were expected to use that they could make.

Holy shit, this. I don't know why anyone likes it when there's literally much better content crammed and better presented experiences on the DS and for a single price. They don't know what they're missing.

I'm never going to stop being pissed beyond the fuck off about Ra.

Just proof Shitnami doesn't understand anything. A bunch of out of uncaring touch retards just like the shit in the western video game industry. The entire reason people wanted to use it was because of the sheer power it gained from tributes, making it so that only paying until you only have 100 LP is full fucking retard and needs to be beaten. Made it completely fucking worthless with ATK retardation alone.

I don't think ever thought of them being competitive cards.

It's not fucking fair Obelisk and Slifer both got actual usable cards faithful to their beloved source and Ra couldn't even just get the tribute ATK for at least gigantic beatstick that can spend 1000 to blow up a monster in its way just because it was released in 5DS and those retards thought it was remotely a problem.

There's no reason not to errata just that in for that particular fan favorite card or at least not fucking force you to spend all up 100 LP just to have any fucking ATK.

Ra isn't even a game ender, Slifer and Obelisk have effects that dominate the field, Slifer's 2000 ATK down "fuck you" and Obelisk's complete and utter immunity to targeting by effects of any kind make them hard to remove, but Ra players can get fucking killed by a Sparks effect damage card.

ANY deck that runs effect damage of any sort can destroy a Ra player. They added tertiary cards to up Ra's attack to 4000 through effects and cycle-revive it, but you can't use it with the other god cards in a deck as a result since there's way too many dead cards focused around one monster that should have had a better effect in the first place.

How can I unfuck myself? I just got the inspiration to deck build and now I can't do shit.

Get Percy. You can play on the same server as Pro2 players and Spaniards.

K, is this the most up to date version then?

Don't know what that is. I would suggest the mediafire link from above as it was copy-pasted from the discord server.
The good thing about Percy is that it has a very good autoupdater with it. So you won't have to worry about a damn thing any more. You mind consider moving your picture folder to Percy though, as per default percy uses no pics and it downloads low res ones automatically when the card is loaded for the first time.

Ah, sounds good. The mediafire link at the top of the thread is dead so I just went with the earlier posted link, seemed to be the same thing.

Ah, I didn't go. Probably it is. You will get updates almost every day. But the immediate ones are only on the EU/USA Percy servers. The cross-play Gideon updates slower, but not that much slower, as far as I know.

Actually I just confirmed it. That is the new official link anyway. Probably because mediafire randomly deletes stuff for copy-right reasons.

I despise Shitnami so fucking much I can't stand it.

Does anyone have replays on 2011?

I seriously need to know something.


That place is blessed

anyone got ideas on how to make utopia work? it's not exactly bricky but plays range from making a nearly unkillable utopia the lightning+missus radiant+leo arms, to making a single leo arms and crying because of link format
also any reason why ygopro isn't letting me summon the utopic dragon using utopia the lighting? it works fine with the other utopias

It's like the perfect mix of garbage anime and card mechanics. Hello autism.

You can't Rank-Up Lightning at all. Utopic Dragun is obviously considered doing that since you have to discard that kind of card for it anyways.

How the fuck did this complete absence of logic not get slapped. Literally fucking fake difficulty.

Duel Links is on steam in case anyone cares. It is one hell of a cancer game. That I still play for some reason.

ygopro>hearthstone=magic games>duel links>legacy of the duelist


prove me wrong
how is jew links any better

then jewstone? not even a contest


you're not talking about the same game i'm talking about

Oh I'm sorry let me fix that for you
Is that better?

just don't play standard
i don't
i don't see a reason why i should play it


i don't like duel links because of the fact the gameplay itself is a limited version of regular yugioh. the formats don't matter for me as long as i can play what i want
at least hearthstone is it's own thing completely different from magic

Is there a mobile version with new cards and no linkshit yet?

You are very, very late.
But in fact I don't think Percy's mobile has updated yet to Links, but they haven't updated in like 10 months or something.

I will say that Seeker and Ishizu are only as difficult as your useless Story Decks. Going up against an Exodia rush without a single Card Destruction? Retarded.

And it is garbage.

how is duel links any better

Because Hearthstone has one of the worst pay models out there. As awful as Duel links is at least it doesn't rip you off nearly as bad as hearthstone.

I made this fun LP deck but I forgot to add a card for returning monsters to the deck.

Any recommendations?

What god forsaken game is that?

Yugioh Duel Monsters

I don't fucking want them, I just want the new cards from Legendary Dragon Decks.

Borreload > Firewall

i'm sorry, let me just kaiju your untargetable boss monster to a zone i'm pointing and also clear the rest of your board
and it's even the cheapest of the three

He and FWD cost the same, except that FWD can use any monsters (which includes tokens) so in a way it is easier to summon. Still Getting kaiju'ed is a thing for literally anything.

Muh dick
I'll take what i can get.

i'm even more surprised that gem-knights got a link monster, and it pretty much fixes every single issue with consistency they've ever had
i fucking hate myself for selling my gem-knights, i really thought links would kill them
now just give me a d/d/d / fiend / cardian link monster and i'll be happy. they hardly ever give decent support to anime decks unless it's the protagonist

Looking at this it seems an even better opening into Artorigus than Medraut and Borz. Between this and Glory to the Noble Knights, the deck is gonna be a lot more consistent. Kinda a shame that they didn't have Isolde make the cards linked to it untributable, but guess Glory can solve that.

Also both characters are new on there, The blond lady is obviously Isolde. So who's the black haired girl? Morgan Le Fay? I wonder if this hinting at even more noble knight support down the road. Usually with noble knights any card with multiple characters showing get their own separate card at some point, only exception to this so far is Noble Knight Brothers.

Gem Knights seemed like an obvious one to me, it's a fusion focused deck and without it's ability to spam fusions it loses most of it's playing power. It kinda needed a link, like Heros did. Noble Knight surprised me because of the fact Noble Knights don't really have the swarming power to go into the extra deck too much. So it's need of a link monster was a lot less needed compared to other decks. I'm glad though, Noble Knights are my favorite cards even if they are utter shit.

That would be really good, I just wish they got some main deck support so they stopped being BRICK CITY

I have nothing to add. Just wanted to share this Yo-gi-oh image

Yeah but what other monster wipes the rest of your board for free by them kaijuing 1 other monster on your board.

Reminder that Kuriboh decks have 5000 and 4000 beatstick normal boss monsters, and a deck full of Kuriboh type monsters can be used to summon Link monsters as well.

If you want to fuck shit up, Kuriboh decks seem to be shit kickers right now, the only thing you really have to do with these is adding Links to your Extra Deck. Hell, you could even get rid of Dystopia and Neosphere and focus expressly on Links and you'll still be bangin, Link summoning is really fucking easy yo get off with Kuriboh swarm tactics, and the sheer amount of hand traps you'll have will be infuriating to your opponent.

What do you think she does with Timaeus?

It's an alright design. My favorite Dark Magician Girl artwork is still that Japanese anniversary card though.

One's a -3, one's a -1 and both die to Utopia Lightning.

Anyone found any good black Friday/cyber Monday deals yet?

I'll stick to my 11k meme king.

Oops, there goes your setup.

How can these go unchecked for the entire thread?

You sure know a lot about Noble Knights.

Considering every noble knight has an ATK above 1500 and relies on normal summoning to get off effects, a single Crush Card Virus or Doom Virus Dragon set first turn can fuck an entire hand since the rest of the archetype is Equip cards with not as much emphasis on backrow defense, the cards have to be equipped first to get these protection effects.

I used to play them before they got the support they have now, and nothing much has changed. On top of that Kuribohs still have room for anti-backrow cards and have to use them since those are a stark counter to the heavy amount of monster effects that go on.

also there's no guaruntee that Royal Decree will get off first turn, likewise with the Crush Virus, so if neither on either side gets off, the constant revival wall from Kuriboh will stall enough usually to get things set up.

Also check this shit.


Yeah it's not like they have an equip spell that prevents destruction and many, many ways to search and revive it.


Really, nigga? By "Completely different" did you mean "Basically magic, but without phases, restrictive, and basically just super shallow"? Both games feature a gradually increasing resource that is spent on spells/monsters, HS also has summoning sickness and Charge is just fucking Haste, HS also borrowed First Strike and trample. Everything else in the game feels like something HS had to "settle" for, Secrets are just a watered down version of Instants, class abilities are a lazy placeholder where Magic's color theming could have been. Hearthstone couldn't be MORE influenced by Magic.

t. lifetime magic player

Also, Duel Links is fun

yeah, you'd think the sarcasm was obvious enough

y-you… too…

Why are people playing Duel Links when Legacy of The Duelist is better?


The only thing Duel Links did better is having voice actors and monster summoning animations, that's it.

Yes, LoTD multiplayer is dead but if you're playing these games for competitive online you're a fucking retard. That's what YGOPro is for. The charm of LoTD is the comfy character duels and oldschool slow paced meta.

Also can someone confirm the fitgirl repack is legit?

I just formatted and installed a fresh Windows, no way am I gonna get a virus again.

Is there anywhere I can play Duel Monsters instead of Wank Lolies (aka synchro pendulum XYZ link etc)

Fuck Konami.

how are skull servants in the link era?

Partly I just hate opening packs in LoTD, its so fucking slow and you cant buy them in bulk and then go through them all.
Tag force special is still the best yu-gi-oh Game.


vendreads are better so there's just not much of a reason to run skulls
t. someone who owns pretty much every zombie archetype

It used to be that even if I lost with the deck I still had fun as it would get some irritation out of my opponent, but I can't even do that with these fast paced new mechanics.


does the fitgirl repack have a virus or not?

i really want to play legacy of the duelist

Is duel links worth it to invest time in?
I have a feeling that the grind I'm doing is a total waste of time.

There is no virus, you tard.

Nope, it is shit. Better pick up some of the handheld games with an android emulator if you want a game for your phone.

Are you really sure it has no virus? Did you scan it yourself?

If you are this stupid just fuck off.

How gullible are you.

I use Common Sense 2017, and since MEGA has no system where people can leave comments, there is good way to see whether the folder is safe or not.

Those udders are amazing.

Have you considered getting sandbox if you're going to be this retarded?

You're not a stranger, you're my fellow 8channer.

About the same as they were in the Arc V era, Needle Fiber might help a little though.

Try Krawlers, they're frustrating to play against.

how do i make these big bois work?
they're pretty much limited to one summon per turn unless i run pseudo space/diagram and those feel like overkill


I'm sure Arkana Dark Magician can be argued as a nigger, but a purest untouched slut delicious 2D brown DMG obviously wouldn't be.

Arkana Dark Magician Girl fucking when?

Latin Spanish is better.

You're still immune from literally any faggotry or cancer you couldn't even fathom outside of 2D world. Don't ever leave it.

you throw them out the window and play qliphorts instead

What the fuck.
It seems like Percy has gone full retard and now it has a patreon page. A patreon page.
But then again, DevPro was already charging people for card covers and are somehow still legally not murdered, so maybe Percy won't either.


Holy shit F.As are so fucking fun
Why did no one say anything about this?
Are U.As fun too?


Heh, not so fast kiddo.

You just activated my trap card.

gonna buy six samurais this week since they're insanely cheap
anyone got build ideas? i've seen that they can easily bring out firewall and stuff, but i don't have most of the necessary link monsters


well it works


Give her more fucking porn already. Some fucking burger buy and scan the first Momoiro Yuugi already.

You can kind of enjoy it here, but it's obviously not fully seen. doujin-labo.com/eromanga/15367/

can someone pls tell me why I can't target the dragon with that spell card? If there's more context needed I'm an absolute pleb who for nostalgia reasons is trying out this modern yu-gi-oh game so I'm pretty much oblivious to 99% of cards, effects, rules, franchise history & lore etc.

Have you tried reading all the cards on the field?

Lord of D's effect, Dragon Monsters can't be targeted


Best new cards, worst new cards?
Sea Archiver looks like top cancer and/or ideal level 3 XYZ fodder.
Not excited about Cyberse getting a generic toolbox out of Lady Debugger, on summon no less.
Segmental Dragon may have a niche in tko'ing boards of shitty, low-atk fodder, though I doubt wasting the summon is worth it. Mandatory sideboard on control decks, maybe?
Picofarena feels like exactly what Inzektor needed, which is why she'll be instant forbidden. Inzektors snap top-decks like twigs in any other scenario, no matter how hard the creep gets.
Shadoll Construct only has side-arrows so I can see it getting gimped, crazy effects though.
New Crystron seems like a great boon to synchro, maybe Konami's getting over their combo PTSD. I can think of a few super easy tricks already, especially with the wonky synchro tuner summon.
New Gladiator Beast should have erased all effects for attacking Gladiator Beasts instead of merely preventing activation, they could find a neat niche there.
Steelswarm Origin is silly and I love it. I don't think it'll be a wincon on its own, but I might build a deck just to fuck with people. I could see a hybrid Ojama-lswarm control deck working nicely.

Also, for the people who don't want to join some shit discord have the mega to Link ed. Percy:

The best New cards from the VRAINS are either Needlefibber or HeavyMetalfoes. The Aromaseraphy is pretty good too. The Shadoll one has side arrows so you can abuse the rivival effect. Still She should have used Effect Monsters instead of flips, so you could use the fusions too. That and have an arrow pointing down and one sideways

What is this link stuff and the "extra" monster zone?

Is the game so shit now that the new rule is only one extra deck monster until you can link summon and then you can only summon extra deck monsters to a place they point to ?

This kills the synchro, well it's been dead since XYZ, but i didn't think i'll see the day it would be as obsolete as normal fusions were in the synchro days

A new dimension of complete fucking kike cancer bullshit.

The rules have been from the fucking beginning that you simply need the materials to fucking summon a monster. We do not have to accept this shit that has the gall to demand you literally buy these shitty forced new cards just to even play the game as always, not even about competitive viability. We can play older eras and slowly wither this shit to nothing little by little or force Links to simply strategically "connect" yours and the opponents' monsters alike for various game changing effects.

Synchro, Xyz and Pendulum all added entire new strategies and ways to build decks and use monsters to the game, Linkshit only takes away from it and literally locks a fucking mechanic behind a fucking physical paywall. This could not be more indefensible.

This shit doesn't fucking fly with amiibos except for the biggest whiteknight faggots.

Also how do you deny Shadoll bullshit? It seems they can search for any effect monster they need.
Thinking about the Naturia or even Herald of Perfection denial since is the only thing that sounds able to put all the new overpowered effects crap on check.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 100 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

F.A.'s look like they'd go great as synchro material

Some of the obvious things that stick out:
Their basic monsters are flip monsters so anything that counters flips and face-down monsters are bad for them
Effect Negation decks, play Qliphorts.
Don't have an extra deck monster on the field, Shadoll Fusion lets them search their deck for any material if their opponent has an extra deck monster on the field
They're a fusion archetype, there's a number of cards that were made for ruining a fusion deck's day.
That's all that comes to mind.

Come on user, if you're going to post an antique copypasta, at least try and edit it to where it's fitting the topic at hand.

So after picking up like 10 boosters i already have at least 3 of every krawler card and i still can't tell if they intend these to be played with or against world chalice since some cards in the archetype seem to need world chalice cards in your deck.

Whats the deal with these guys? i have most of the WC cards too but fuck paying the prices for the fairy link monster.

they have world chalice names for lore purposes only, kind of like duel terminal stuff
just defend that field spell and you're gold
most important non-crawler for you is the subterror link monster

So..been decided to make a Gem-Knight deck. Bully it.

Why do you only have one Rescue Rabbit?

Complete scrub here, how does YGOPro 2.0 work? Do you download packs? How does the system work?

…..So, I should have more than 1?

user, it's very hard to approach your deck. You don't have any links, you don't have any xyz, you have 9 vanillas, there's a lot of things wrong with your deck. I think we should start with why you have only one Rescue Rabbit in a deck with 9 vanillas.

I thought Gem-Knights are more Fusion heavy?

Well yeah but without links your plays are heavily restricted and it's good to have at least 1 or 2 xyz staples if they're easy enough to summon. You didn't even fill your entire ED either.

Maybe you need to hang yourself from your balls.

Caps or it didn't happen.

Epin lads.

Hi, I like fusion
You're running way to many vanilla's and not enough support
You're running too many gem fusions, I mean the basic one
You're not running the link monster which is fucking bonkers for gems
You're running the trap cards, please stop it post haste
Your extra deck is a mess and a half;
Remove Zicronia
Play another Master
Citrine and Ruby are bad
Use the freed up space for XYZ monsters the the gem link monster
Consider Magnet Reverse
Personally I would consider running Prisma now unless you tech a Hero Lives, considering you can run other normal support like rabbit, Unexpected Dai, or Painful Decision

I can't stress the link monster enough
It's so fucking good, please run it already

*wouldn't consider running prisma
Always got to get one fucking thing wrong don't I?

The Graveyard and Banished zones are incredibly important as of this time, especially in the TCG
For Shaddolls it could be as easy as running things like Dark Law with Mask Change 2, any dark based deck can run that. Just make sure anything that goes to the grave is banished and you're assure victory until they draw Cosmic Typhoon or Dark Hole or whatever, then you actually have to think again
Or ya know, run Ash Blossom and side Shadow Imprisoning, that could work too

And I left sage on
Man I really am retarded
I'll go end myself now

Thanks, this should also do the job of dealing those Bujingi faggots

Alright, thanks for the advice. So, no trap cards then? I never played Link Monster before to be quite honest.

You can still run traps, but gem-knights are a very fast pasted deck going for either an OTK or kill the next turn, so not alot if you must
Gem-knight traps however, the archtype specific ones, are bad. Do not run

I was expecting fucking hentai, not that shit.

in current format? no point in any of those traps or prisma
run predaplants, they fix consistency problems
also too many normals, you don't need the aqua one if you're not even gonna run his fusions
tripple lady brilliant diamond is pointless. do one, 2-3 master diamond and 3 lapis
with the upcoming support, you don't even need predaplants, just get stuff to help you get gem-knight monsters on the field to make their link monster, after which you're gold

that one's pointless, they only have like 1-2 possible targets for it
d.d.r. is better

I'd say about 4 relevant targets
Lapis Lazuli
And Phantom Core
Though you're probably right with D.D.R, considering

except that you can only summon her once per turn. so for an otk-themed deck, you won't be able to resummon her

Yes that is correct

Why the fuck is there yuri of Yuzu and Masumi?

here's an example
i'm sure there's some nearly infinite loop ftk in here, but i haven't bothered to figure it out yet

Picked up a couple of the new spirit warriors pack and got some weather painters, they look nice in a Madolche kind of way, anyone tried them out?

lol fag
anyways, just run magibullets, they're more consistant

fucking Onlinefags

i have like 5 irl decks, i'm just saying you're an idiot if you buy packs instead of singles

I rarely grab a pack on sale because it's cheaper than ordering certain cards and actually pulling what I want would be fucking cathartic.

Imagine if Gagaga archetype had Gagagigo monsters too hahaha
With the effect of my Gagaga Giga Gagagigo i special summon Gagaga Gogiga Gagagigo haha

New OCG Banlist
I didn't saw coming Ancient Fairy Dragon or them touching Firewall or Grinder Golem (New Card and Resent Reprint)
Thoughts? Will our next banlist do something similar?
Also new cards:
The Junk Link is shit, more rokket support which makes me really happy and the Gouki Field spell which has a strong but slow effect. The best new card is the Pendulum Draw Power card. While limiting, it can be used at the end of a combo to gain more so I see it as a 2 off in most Pendulum decks

Is there some kind of cancerous combo with SPYRALs that this was a part of?
Not surprising at all as the possibility of endless self-bouncing is always cancer.

Warning got Semi-Limited? Neat. 3 Spyral cards getting Limited…not neat.

This. Practically no cost (other than LP) field search

I understand completely now.

millennial Holla Forumsfags made them

The Links VRAINS pack is basically all but cancelled for the TCG, since they are importing Heavymetalfoes Electrumite as a Secret. Curious, the Lightsworn Dominion as a Secret, and Isolde, Two Tales of the Noble Knights as an Ultra in the next set.

Lads, should we make a team?

Is this a common thing? Am I stuck trying to farm __, _ of faggot cards to complement my faggotory trap and magic cards that only work on those cards or am I just missing something?

While YGO has become a lot more archetype centred, which is good, it hasn't actually become nearly close to being archetype centred alone. Most archetype cards are shit. You will end up using the best cards only, maybe the best cards from another archetype too as an engine and then some staples.
But it is not like you can complain if you liked old YGO. There is a lot more variety.

That aside yes cards that have great effects are balanced by the fact that said cards can only be used on/with certain other cards. You find an archetype who's play style you like and go with it.

I know that was an issue back when I played it but a lot of decks felt more flexable as opposed to seeing cards that only support crystal monsters, darkfiend, and des frogs.

Are toons even an issue anymore? I knew the fell by the wayside when undead faggtory was the norm. DM niggtory was shut down fairly well though, it was only an issue when that one block came out that might as well been named "Hope you like tokens, nigger: DM edition".

It's to prevent you from picking a single best arrangement to stomp everyone with so actual strategy is somewhat involved.

used to be you built your deck around a single type like Fiend or Winged Beast and you can still do that, but Archetype cards are amazing at the cost of only being able to be used on a specific set which may not be the same type.

Toons are generally slow to work and rely heavily on Toon Kingdom to actually dominate, so if your opening hand doesn't have a Toon search, Field search, Toon Kingdom or draw card you're fuckity fucked up the ass and have to stall or work with monsters that aren't exactly viable when without a Field spell.

And since it's a single field spell with no protection from destruction good luck OTKing in the first few turns you need to set up.

That said, when it works and is protected, there's almost no way to stop it since the monsters can't be destroyed at all and they're mid level attack, so if your opponent tries to bleed you it's not going to be fast enough before Golem, Red-Eyes and DM Girl fuck them over.

It has great archetype support and a huge amount of search options but only one strategy that's canned if that one field spell gets fucked.

Playing toons is like rolling dice right now.

If you're complaining about the versatility you can be versatile within an archetype and between acrhetypes for decks. As for generic support, there's plenty, Moon Mirror Shield, Maxx C, and Firewall Dragon come to mind for cards that are generic. It would be true that yes, you probably can't make a deck purely out of generic parts completely. But as said here. If everything is generic everything would be almost the exact same. The trade off for cards that are purely focused on other cards in an archetype is that they can have really strong effects but only in tandem.
I wouldn't say so but the Kuriboh archetype got new support and Konami does plenty of strange things when it comes to cards made years ago so who knows. Maybe they'll get a new link card that's broken as shit.

Neither one of those were real decks, the only archetype that ever mattered before the 5Ds era were Gravekeepers or maybe Dark World, D-heros if you can even count them when decks used about 7 of them max.

That actually makes a lot of sense. I got enough DP to pick up my favorite Structure deck from back in the day and try to cheese with zombies. I'll look into playing with more archetypes but the problem is that most AI decks seem to be built real fucking tight while I have some gadget deck bullshit. Thanks for the clarification and the Toon tips.
>tfw I might try for toons in this game since Pegasus was my favorite Naruto: the card game anime.

Fairy Dragon died for our sins.
Glad Spyshit's getting hit, sad Mathe is getting hit (again), Maxx back at 3 and Warning at 2 may give zoo decks a reason to not all-in.

Don't put regular type decks by the wayside, though, there's plenty of type cards, that while they don't do crazy shit like some of the power plays, they ARE exceedingly consistent.

It's basically a tradeoff here, do you want to be able to do crazy shit that can't be countered when pulled off, or do you want to own consistently?

Each type itself can be played like an Archetype by mixing and matching effects from different areas, it's all about what you can DO with these effects, what sets mesh well and search themselves, etc etc.

Fiends focus on milling and banishment tactics and have a 4000/4000 beater in Darkness Neosphere that's easy to summon, Zombies focus on stealing and overwhelming, Dragons focus on graveyard ressurection and piercing damage, Beasts focus on general attack increases and a variety of monster effects across the board, Warriors focus on OP as shit equip cards and so on and so forth.

The only thing that's stopping you is your own creativity and drive. It's gotten to a point where you could actually make a Duel Academy for classes on this shit, shit's ridiculous and the biggest barrier in making a deck is the people parroting shit they heard and copying, people are fucking lazy when it comes to breaking this shit down and actually making their own deck.

This doesn't fucking seem like reason enough for a full blown ban.

I didn't even know she did anything besides give you a Field Spell search. Even then, that's just a single Level 4 or lower SS from the hand and she's had that for years.

I think with enough dedication I could make a pure DARK graveyard and removed from play manipulating deck thanks to older cards like The Dark Creator, Rainbow Dark Dragon and little Level 3 Doomsday Horror before even getting into the new Fusions (Starving Venom), Synchros and Xyzs.

You could but it won't do much with those, Dark Synchro is a semi-competetive deck but it's focus is entirely on killing your opponent's opening hand with 3 Psy-Framelord Omega. The hit to Gofu took the wind out of it's sails though.

Ban is in anticipation of a number of AFD-abusing engines and locks from new cards about to hit the floor, she was already kicking up trouble with a combo in both ABCs and SPYRAL as-is.

I'm not using that faggot shit.

why do they keep teasing me
supply/backup squad were almost good cards, and even then, they don't help the archetype

Savor that one win in fifty matches then, those cards were garbage when they were printed let alone after ten years of power creep.

orkz > goblins