Amateur Gamedev General ~ /agdg/ + /vm/

"Dreams of progress" edition


>Beginner's guide: >>>/agdg/29080

Polite reminder that the wiki exists, you are encouraged to contribute to it if you can (even if it's just your game page)

Other urls found in this thread: ZiGf3NAPApPj99n8a3xvz4=!Advanced-Lighting/Shadows/Shadow-Mapping


What time does Demo Day start?
user suggested we update our project pages, have a separate rolling/sticky for anons to play our games, and also post on /agdg/

i'll update the demo day wiki page so it's clearer, and so the current plans are formalized, give me a few tho

Yes, but are we making the thread at a certain time that day? Midnight? Noon? 2 pm?

not sure on the exact timing due to time zones.
Concerning the relative time I'm assuming midnight on 11/11.
Though, it's going to be sort of "off the cuff" this time in terms of timing as I'm sure a lot of anons are in different time zones.
On another note, someone needs to contact mark about the possibility of a separate thread…. due to the possibility of our cyclical not being at page 13/700 posts… so not sure there as I don't have twitter.

I'm still looking for someone that played old 3D platformers (mario, banjo, crash etc) during their formative years to ask a few questions to as part of my research.

Can't offer anything but my gratitude. Lemme know if anyone is interested.

Sure, post contact or whatever

look at this video, it's related

Send me an email at
[email protected]

I think we might need to use something closer to a chat service but we can set that up via email.

I have this as part of my research, what inspired me originally.

Sent ;)

I got nothing

Check your junkmail? It's from [email protected]




Seems more like you'd get an undeclared variable exception during compilation, but maybe I'm nitpicking?

You have to be clinically retarded to mess up pointers. That said, pointers are very bad for performance. That also includes references, offsets, and all the other shit that makes CPU fetch data from arbitrary locations in RAM.

Still getting the hang of Aseprite on my laptop, but I broke my main texture I was using into 5 different images (floor, object, block, actor, effect), and made a pretty nifty debug thing that toggles flags on F1-F8, and builds up one big string with newlines and has the appearance of collapsing away when I disable shit

No you declare a pointer that points to 0x00000000, writing to it obviously will trigger segfault.

The first variable says *ptr, the second variable says *prt. The compiler wouldn't complain about that?

It has been a long time since I've done anything with C++ so maybe I'm wrong there, but it seems to me the compiler should complain about a variable being used when it hasn't been declared earlier, before you even get anywhere near any possible runtime errors.

Which tileset do you guys think looks better? I think the one on the left is more visually appealing, but I was really hoping for a more detailed style.

I'll make actual progress soon, I swear.

It's a typo, don't pick at it.

They both look like shit user, like those cheesy ass B-grade RPGs from NES.

I'm not much of an artist.

left looks better

It was meant to be C code. Pic related is the entire thing that causes a Segfault, compiled using gcc.
You aren't entirely wrong, if foo() wasn't used and those two lines were placed inside main you do get an undeclared variable exception.

See if you can improve it, but definitely the left one seems better. It has implied detail (with the faded splotches on the grass), and doesn't look as busy as the one on the right.

Who was that one user that was making an actiony LoZ-like game with great spritework? See what they do and try to copy it.

Why the fuck would you write that? What you think was gonna happen? Pointer needs to point somewhere, and you didn't gave it address of allocated memory, just some random value.

int memory[ 128 ];int * stackptr = &memory;int * heapptr = malloc ( sizeof ( int ) * 128 );

Actually in the first example you don't need the "address" operator, "memory" is already a pointer. But if it wasn't an array and just a single int, then that's what you do.

I was trying to cause a segmentation fault to show that the code in would cause a segmentation fault.

I was actually looking more at Superstar Saga for inspiration. Aethyr's graphics are a little too busy for my tastes.

The one on the left looks better, and I'd say that the one on the right has too much detail. Reminds me of the swamp texture in zelda II.

Duh. Writing to an unmapped memory location is how OS detects a segfault.

Your contrast is fucked in both of them.

I guess I'm going with the one on the left, but do you have any suggestions for fixing it? I'm trying to stick to a specific palette.

I'm butting in but I'm trying to learn pointers.
#include int main(int argc, char* argv[]){ int i = 0; int *intPtr = &i; printf("%d\n",*intPtr); return 0;}

Why do I need to declare a type for the pointer? like int *etc? Isn't it just a memory address? Or is it for the size of the address? what's going on here exactly?

I would imagine it like this

0x0000 (this one happens to be an int)
0x0001 (this one happens to be a char)

the ptr should just point to 0x0001 and not care if it's technically an int or not.

Not positive, but my guess would be that you need to declare a type for a pointer so that when you dereference that pointer the compiler knows what data type to return it as.

Like, if you declared a char pointer and an int pointer to the same address, and then dereferenced them both, you would get a char and an int of the data in that memory address.


Pointer is just an address. The type of pointer tells compiler what type of data resides by that address (more importantly, its size). And yes it doesn't cares if the data is actually what you say it is.
double foo = 3.14159;int * bar = &foo;printf ( "%d\n", *bar );;

Palettes are gay as fuck.

Is that Sam?

You can use pointers as any type you want with casting, and in some cases it's useful, but it mostly means you can fuck things up. They're declared this way to make it less likely you'll fuck up.

Fuck off Sam

Yes. I made him for debug shit, but he'll be hidden somewhere in the finished version.

Post yfw you will never be as much of a shit coder as kyren from cucklefish

Why not combine them?

thanks anons

that's really cool actually

What am I missing here? It seems like they did a lazy implementation that is optimized for their game

The middle one's colors are the best out of these three. Also, on the border between grass and dirt it's very hard to make out (at least for me) whether grass is over the dirt or dirt over the grass. Remove the shadow from the bottom to make grass seem more elevated. Something like pic rel.

If you don't see it then you are a bad programmer.

Well shit, that looks fantastic. Guess I'm doing this, then.

It just sounds like you want to highroad everyone for not digging through 3 files of 500+ lines of code to find whatever you're nitpicking about.

Just skimming through the readme should make it clear that kyren has no idea what he's doing.

That's what happens when you have a team of idea guys hire 18 artists and like 3 idiots that do some semblance of code work.
Christ starbound is a mess.

Oh. I jumped straight to his template files.

There's a lot of retardation in that readme, like using 'being simple' as an excuse for all his short comings, but I think the funniest bit was:

Thanks for archiving the last thread eschabro

you missed 13653860 tho. I'll be adding that to the wiki page

Starbound has some mechanically sort of impressive things in it, compared to most games. For example the lighting system and water pressure. Physics are very solid too.

Remember when they dumped most of their source by accident?
Great devs indeed.

No the inferno rifle doesn't launch skeletons. I was just fucking around.
What it really does is vent different levels of fireballs depending on how hot the gun is running.

Stage 1 of the vent does a basic spreadgun shot of the normal fireballs, nothing fancy, but hey, the vent doesn't cost ammo.
Stage 2 shoots bigger fireballs that have splash damage and hit harder
and Stage 3 launches far bigger fireballs that hit like freight trains and leaves fire all over the goddamn place
The weapon passively generates heat as well, even when holstered. So you could theoretically never fire the gun and use the vent attacks only, but it'd take a long ass time to build up to a level 3 vent.

It usually is actually faster to copy values and use them from a single point than reference to them with pointers.

Humble request that a musicfag adds some recommended learning material to the wiki.

I wish I was more creative.
I wish I had a stronger vision for a good game.
I wish I could actually do good character design in a timely manner.
I wish I had a better idea of what to do in terms of (concept/game/etc.) design to turn this engine into a fun game prototype.
You wish this wasn't a blogpost.

All of this engineering and 3D modeling/rigging/animation experience is going to go to waste at this rate.
Maybe what I need is an ideasguy or drawfag or something to compensate for my lack of creativity, I don't know.
Or maybe I just need to trial-and-error, making random and/or weird shit and it'll work out somehow.

I guess for now I'll eat some dinner and sleep on it…
Maybe I'll do the katana, since I have a really good idea for the name of the sword that can also be used as the seed for an interesting design (although I'm doubtful how interesting my weapon design can get as I have only been focused on character design and modeling up to this point. Game design is the study of everything.)

Meant game dev…

Maybe try not getting too focused on details, like what specific weapons your character uses. Start with broad strokes for everything and refine it later.

Those are all things you can practice, even creativity. It doesn't come naturally, despite what most people would tell you.
Also, don't be afraid to be derivative. True originality almost never exists these days, it's the combination of different influences that makes something interesting. A lot of games (especially indies) start out as clones of other games. Even basing a character off someone is fair game, as long as you change it up enough.

focus on one thing at a time, but make sure you don't get stuck.
if it's something you can change later just pick something and roll with it. i've changed my protagonist's design 5 times and gone through 12 different weapons before finally getting it the way i want.
it sucks, but if you don't have any ideas or can't decide it's hard to force stuff like that, and it'll eventually come to you later on.

Make the simplest game you can, because it will naturally become the game it wants to be, and you will hit feature creep

Right I'm going crazy over this fucking linker error. Maybe this is not the best place for matters like this but I'll give it a shot in the hope that someone here has some valuable comments. ZiGf3NAPApPj99n8a3xvz4=

I stripped the paste back to the bare essentials, I hope I didn't miss anything important.
As far as I can tell I'm following a pretty normal pattern of forward declarations and minimizing includes, which normally works fine. It's unrelated to external dependencies (so 99% of fucking stackoverflow results are irrelevant). I triple checked the definitions for typo's and namespace mismatches, pretty fucking sure it's all good unless I have gone retarded I am living in a fictional reality inside of my head.

Forgot to mention: all files are definitely included in the project and compiled.

That's not very hard to achieve


Wouldn't suprise me. The C++ STL is pretty shit.

linker errors are some of the worst errors cause they don't tell whats wrong at all
Like the error is probably not really related to the actual problem at all
You should be using #pragma once for header files that way you don't need to worry so much about double including
also you should be including stuff in header files not source files
the only thing included in the source should be the accompanying header file and nothing else
in general if you are making small classes you start with just the header file and only add a cpp file if you need it
other than that the code you wrote is just a huge mess
In general using forward declarations is a sign of bad code structure and you are using a lot of them
It seems to me like there are a lot of unnecessary classes and files and could be simplified a lot

Looks to me like it's something to do with the name mangling. Try doing some extern voodoo.

Also, where are your constructors? That might be fucking with the linker.

Looks more like rocks.

I think as long as you fap in moderation (preferably not to porn), you'll be alright.

So I made a pretty good stride in improving the "feel" of my visuals today. I finally figured out a good way to render at a low resolution and upscale using Unity. So no more rixels when I rotate, objects scale down to the pixel level, and overall things will look a LOT better now.

The only thing, is that I made my placeholder UI elements(health bars/fonts/etc) a little too big, so I need to scale them down so they dont get all blurry and ugly.

You forgot to put a namespace around everything in remote_client.cpp. (You used "using namespace", which is wrong.)

I mostly agree, I do think they're usually related but they tend to be uninformative and only point you in a very general direction.

Sorry for the confusion. I am using them, I just left them out of the paste without thinking about the confusion that might cause.

Yeah have fun waiting for you compiler to finish. I mean, I suppose it's a subjective thing, but in my experience it's very standard (among professionals) to leave them out of the headers as much as possible because they will make compilation longer and bloat up the namespaces. If you're going to use some module, you don't care about what specific shit that module internally uses, and you don't want to expose what you don't need. You only care about the module itself, so it absolutely makes sense to me that whatever shit the module uses will be included in its implementation, not its header, when possible.

I've learned to do the opposite: add a cpp for every header, even if you don't 'need' it. This is so you know compile time if your header is not able to compile by itself. If you're going to include it, you want to be sure the header itself is enough. Of course, if the header has forward declarations you will still need to include their definitions seperately: but only if you are going to actually use them.

Right, I think what I've said above applies here too, and keep in mind I stripped back a lot of the context, and tried to only present what is giving me the problem.
If you disagree with anything I've said, I'd be happy to hear your thoughts though.

They're all c++ functions as part of classes, I don't think extern is relevant here.

I left them out because they don't seem relevant here. (Even if I didn't have them, the compiler would generate default constructors though)

Again sorry for any confusion caused by stripping out so much of the context surrounding the snippets, there's quite a lot of code surrounding this actually but I am pretty certain none of it would influence the linker errors (inb4 this is where my mistake lies), because supposedly it's simply "I can't find the implementation for this function!", however I do have a function with that signature. The declaration is obviously found because it compiles, it just somehow doesn't link properly.

That would be true if you were talking about a header, but it's the .cpp, where you literally use a namespace.
In the header, I do surround my declarations with the namespace.

That looks petty damn good, user.

Thanks! Do you think it would be worth it to add in some sort of CRT-type shader as an option for people to use? I know some people hate that stuff but I also know some people who like the original, real-life look of these older games as they were played and would rather have that. I've not tried working with custom shaders in Unity though so it'd be a learning process.

If it's an option you can turn on and off, and you really want to add it, I don't see a reason why not to.

I forgot to mention that it seems directly related to the Connection class (in combination with RemoteClient), because any RemoteClient functions that do not have Connection* as return type or parameter have no problem linking.
This shit's bizarre. I was never the greatest at structuring code, but I suppose I'll have to try to simplify things and work around it.

It's kinda hard to judge with how much you left out but it wouldn't really surprise if the bug was outside the code regardless
you are right about it being preference but i've found that avoiding cpp files and avoiding forward declarations in particular helps prevent these kind of linker errors
with what you've provided here it's nearly impossible to figure out why exactly it's giving you this error
Also wheres the compile command?

Good lord, I found it!

I another header file I forwarrd declared Connection inside of a parater because in that whole file it was only used once, and I was lazy:
namespace network {void likeThisExample(class Connection* connection)};
Well, that lazy mistake declared a class named Connection outside the namespace network. What was intended:
namespace network {class Connection;void likeThisExample(Connection* connection)};

wtf I'm dyslexic now

Morning lads. Some small movement forward here.

Use the left. The right is waaayyyyyyy too busy.

I chuckled.

I'll be here all week, be sure to tip your waitress.

Well I'm back from my colonoscopy. Looking forward to deving the next 7 of 10 days when i get back home

CRT shader in progress. I've made it so you can set the gamma, which is kinda fun to play with. I wonder how much control I should give the user over scan lines and that sort of thing?

Right now i am making a horrorgame walking simulator and i need some advice. Normally a game like that starts off by making you walk around without any actual enemy encounters happening to build the atmosphere for like 15 minutes, but i had the idea to blast an enemy into the face of the player within the first minute when he is absolutely not expecting it. Is that cold bucket of water a good idea or would that prevent building the atmosphere?

could throw a jump scare like a angry dog at them?

looks good mate

I planned it to be more or less like this:
Now the player is forced to fight or run, leaving the player with an unexpected crisis. It's meant to make the player feel overwhelmed from the very start.

The first Deadspace did something similar. You encounter the enemies within like 5 minutes iirc, and it puts you in a situation where you have no weapons and are forced to run. It worked well imo, but you HAVE to cascade properly after it. Let the realization of the situation after that encounter dawn organically. They failed with this in the sequels if you ask me.

Weimar republic for example is a demoralization, not depressive state of living.

You're right, completely forgot about the beginning of deadspace thanks. Good to know that there is at least one instance where it worked well, so i am not treating on completely unknown territory.

Hope everything is ok, user.

Please, for the love of everything holy, do not force a CRT filter on your customers. Having grown up with the real deal, they always look like shit to me, I prefer to have them off. I wish I had never sold my last, big, awesome Sony "flatscreen" CRT

If it occurs within, literally, the first minute of gameplay, it better be core to your game experience. Is blasting enemies into the players face going to be a consistent theme in your game? If it occurs once, very early on, and there is no frame/context/meaning to it, then it would not build atmosphere.

That sounds good to me.

Going to second this. Build tension, make it a minor jump scare, then ESCALATE when they let their guard down

Doctor said I had a 75% improvement over last year (on account of being on proper meds), and aside from some minor ulcerations, I'm in great shape


Crohn's, actually.

Sucks user, I feel for you mate.
polite sage

Is anyone going to object or care at all if I post progress on learning to draw here? I'm doing it specifically for gamedev, though I understand that it's not really video games itself. I figure it's at least as AGDG-related as learning to make music is.

I don't see a problem with it, but I do remember an user that drew lewd of his game or a nude character or something to that effect, and ended up making the thread really low quality because he kept being belligerant towards criticism, and also lightly spamming

I have no problem with it, but you could also try /ani/, /art/, /loomis/, /drc/, or /dpd/.

I don't see a problem with that either. What mentioned is a general problem. Not everyone can handle criticism, and, if you can't, it doesn't matter what you post.

I don't care much either way though I'd personally only post art progress related to gamedev on some level.

This might help too:


misleading advertisement

That shouldn't be an issue. I ask for code help here all the time. I'd rather be criticized in the short term than not improve in the long term.

Those are good places overall, but they're dead enough that I don't think I'd get sufficient feedback there in any timely manner. The Holla Forums draw thread is similarly dead. In addition, I think to prioritize AGDG because it's full of people with the same goals as me, who are going to criticize my work with attaining those goals in mind, when it's relevant.

I have mixed opinions on that. On one hand, this thread should be about video games, but on the other hand, that same line of logic also rules out all beginner level 3D modeling, music making, writing, and even programming that isn't intended to go into a particular game, even though it's a necessary step to get to gamedev. A large number of the people in this thread are here specifically because they aren't yet good enough to make the things that will go in their game.

No problem, mate.

got you covered fam

Added two new sprites; Mirror allows you to pass laser beams without dying, while the Vest allows you to withstand an explosion without dying (possibly once, possibly many times, not sure)

Yes the vest is supposed to resemble the Bomberman one

KEK, those tendons. 10/10, would fetish.

I got some pictures to help you with the modeling.

someone make a decent horror RTS already tbh

How do you approach an horror RTS?

Thanks, that actually helps. Feet get the worst treatment in games, total after-thought (if they are ever thought of in the first place).

also I played speebot and liked it but it was literally just freeware tier and when I looked it up I found the dev posting in some forum about it so I refunded it tbh

Go away Chaosyourgod

The mirror is way more detailed than the vest. Vest looks like something from Undertale.

Do you have to strategically run away from the monster? Because if you actually have a fighting chance against them, then it's not THAT scary.

I feel you, still trying to come up with the optimal approach for my own assets.

Could you post your entire sprite sheet? I can give some feedback all at once then.

I would handle it imagining a moving base some powerful entity encapsulating the map slowly while also projecting smaller parts of it on the map which produce various creatures in which the player has to deal with.

I could go more into it tbh

honk pls

being able to fight the monsters doesn't remove from the horror aspect of it unless it's dealt with poorly

It could be about trying to balance the survival of people you have little control over with other tasks. Like imagine the feeling when you're preoccupied with strengthening barricades or something, only to see the "SURVIVORS" counter suddenly start dropping.

I have a couple

There's a difference between the "horror" genre and something actually being "scary". Horror doesn't always imply frightening in the classic sense, it refers more to the themes imo.

is it themes or is it atmosphere though? because I've seen plenty of games have various "spooky" horrorish styles to them but they're clearly not a horror game but on the other hand I've been unnerved by alot of stupid shit just because it had the right atmosphere to it

At least I've been able to find some time to practice music shit every once in a while.

That's not me you dumb cunt

This series is really decent.

stop being you then twat

also even I used to 3d model not very well though

BornCG is really good. He does a good job at explaining step by step even the most basic things of the UI which is the biggest hurdle when trying Blender for the first time. He has so many videos about so many things i still go back from time to time to refresh my memory

I'll check it out. Thanks, user. Do you know if blender or maya is better for learning 3d modeling? I don't mind pirating maya now and buying later if I ever finish a game if it's better for beginners.

Not as bad as your "sprites" as least.

Maybe these will help? i dont have the others thom i think chaper 7 is the latest one

What are your dreams and aspirations? Do you want to be part of a 3D art team some day? Make vidya professionally? Go Maya.
Like FOSS? Go Blender. A lot of people have gripes with the UI, and while Blender is not perfect, I love it.

Basically. Its hard to say one is better than the other, you can be amazing with Maya or Blender, then one day decide to try the other one and you will just be stumped with the UI and wonder what the fuck is going on.
One is free, open source and has lots of neat plugins.
Maya is not free and… i dont know anything else about it. I always thought it was more popular but i dont actually know

do you like the mushroom man best or the cyber furfag since it's one of your peoples

I just want to quietly make vidya for fun. Professional anything involving gamedev is shit. Maybe blender is the better choice then since I'm a poor libre fag.

I can't get a grasp when it comes to Blender's controls since they are way different from any other 3D software's controls overall, other than that I try to make my stuff as cross platform compatible as Maya allows me to.

Go with Blender for now then, mate. Libre is the way to go.

I played with blander and I didn't like it tbh, I went from maya to 3d studio max when I was modeling tbh

Hm… Nothing I didn't already know, but it was a good refresher. I've always been bad at the "first pass" when drawing

Blender relies a lot in learning keyboard shortcuts, sometimes to open specific menus.

Hey, this is pretty cool. Thanks for posting these user, I've always been interested in how to do proper spritework.

A shield to protect you from monsters

#include int main( int argc, char *argv[] ){ int x = 0xFFBB12FA; int *ptr = &x; unsigned char *ptr2 = &x; unsigned char *ptr3 = &x; ptr3 += 2; printf( "%X, %X, %X\n", *ptr, *ptr2, *ptr3 ); void *the_void = &x; printf( "%X\n", *(int*)the_void ); printf( "%X\n", *(unsigned char*)the_void );}


If you use Blender I would suggest you set up your User Preferences (Ctrl-Alt-U) like pic related. Also, in the "Addons" tab, enable tinyCAD Mesh tools and LoopTools. Then hit "Save User Settings" or else you'll lose your changes on next launch.

Subhuman C# dev here, what's this magic number?

Done. I'll try to stop making excuses and start learning blender soon. Better to start sooner rather than later that way if I actually start a game with the intent to finish it I'll have the ability to do art for it.

It's not a magic number, it's just the hex value he happened to use.

Does that compile without casting &x to unsigned char * for *ptr2 and *ptr3? It doesn't on my machine.

#include int main( int argc, char *argv[] ){ int x = 0x00474146; int *ptr = &x; unsigned char *ptr2 = &x; unsigned char *ptr3 = &x; ptr2 += 1; ptr3 += 2; printf( "%c %c %c\n", *ptr, *ptr2, *ptr3 );}

That's literally what a magic number is

Most magic numbers tend to have some significance though, that example works for any number. I guess he could define it as some named constant, but the example is pretty trivial so it's not really that necessary. Polite sage for kinda off-topic.


How the heck do shaders work?
If I want diffuse lighting and stencil shadows, can I do them separately or do I have to make one shader that does both? So far it sounds like I do one pass with a shader that renders to a depth buffer on an FBO, and then another pass using a shader that does my normal diffuse lighting but also checks the depth buffer. So I couldn't just make a bunch of graphic effects and just turn them on and off?
Can someone pretty please hold my hand and teach me how to gamedev

Disagree strongly, if Half-Life was an actual horror game it would be extremely scary but as it is now it's not at all unless you're a ten year old in 1998 playing it for the first time.

This is what you need:
For shadow mapping using the depth buffer:!Advanced-Lighting/Shadows/Shadow-Mapping

Unfortunately, I'm not too familiar with resources for stencil-buffer or volumetric shadows off the top of my head.

the volumetric shadow part is basically just occlusion culling, but instead you use the lights dir vector to determine what the shape is occluding; then it's just fancy interpolation of the resulting values.
So the term would be, "shadow frustum", is what you're looking for.
Look here for a stepping off point:

Here's a good read on volumetric shadows:

How iconic would you say Mario's Pivot Jump (running in one direction, pointint the stick in the opposite direction, and then jumping backwards) is?

I've got a bunch of shit planned and working for my game, but this is my all time favorite movement from all the 3D Marios, is it bad just taking it as it is?
Should I tweak it?
Should I just leave it be and find something else?

Take it if it fits, its just all around intuitive. There is a reason everyone tried(and also failed) to imitate Marios physics in gemeral since the first one came out. It's really good.

In Kirby Super Star, there's a Yo-Yo ability.
If you press down, then up, then B, you do this move where you spin up in the air.

The input is not unique to Mario. I would think the resulting somersault action is pretty unique to 3D Mario, though…

I think it might be worth trying to get something that works similarly without copying it straight away, I'd still like to do something during my Pivoting animation though, it's a nice interaction and it feels empty to just leave it as it is

Just a random 32-bit signed integer number written in hexadecimal format.

That's perfect. It's what the compiler should do. It's an implicit cast, but you can write it out too if you want. It's handy way of pulling out bytes from a 32 or 64 bit integer. This stuff actually reads better written in assembly. One of the reasons C is kind of a bummer for some things.

assembly on a modern Intel is some real bullshit though. Some of the opcodes aren't even documented. BIOS/firmware is a half-mile deep shithole of broken glass. One of the reasons I'm really interested in the Power9 stuff coming out now.

You cant really copyright jumping afaik. As long as you're not ripping the animation youre probably safe. This area can get really muddy if you go too far though.

It's not about copyright, it's more of an ethical question

I hear ya, but it can also be a legal one so it's worth paying attention to. FWIW i still think youre fine to use it do long as you arent just straight up copying animations and overall game design. Referencing and derivative types of work are cool and I see them more as homages/paying respect than anything. Just my opinion.

while you are at it, on the Input tab check the emulate 3 button mouse box and use it
this is because most mouses are chinese pieces of shit and the middle button is the first part that breaks for blender users
on the Theme tab change the theme to one with proper contrast like north, modo or science lab
on the File tab check the show thumbnails box

Didn't know this existed, my life is now way easier.
as a thank you let me tell you that you can copypaste from different blender windows, is way faster than using the append menu, pretty useful to build/use huge libraries once the demo day is over i will start working on a gun parts library

half life isn't a horror game though and never tried to be, it's a action game

It definitely has horror themes though.

such as?

Is it better to change the shape of one collider, or having multiple ones that are deactivated and activating them when they're needed?

cmon the whole design of the zombies, the concept of the headcrab things. Those guys fit right in with the idea of horror.

Do you refer to Unity colliders? If so, the more complicated your colliders are the worse its gonna be for the physics engine in my experience. Keep em as simple as you possibly can without messing with the experience.

I'm going to get an internet black out and everything in my computer is setup for gamedev Under GNU/Linux :^) What open-source software should i know before i get shut-down?


Already compiled the latest master and downloaded the docs. But anything that would produce music, sprites (and tiles) would be good to know.

I got Godot, blender, Krita, gimp, substance painter under wine.

Aseprite (compile it yourself, the license is retarded), Aria Maestosa for simple midi editing or Famitracker.

LMMS for music, GraphicsGale for 2D pixel graphics. Krita and Gimp for more advanced 2D graphics.

I hope this doesn't bleed into studying.

I just got the VST plugin working. LMMS is sure an amazing addition when I'll have nothing better to do other than fucking around and not go outside. Thanks user!


I made the inferno rifle easier to read

Graphicsgale is okay but it lacks some vital tools that will seriously speed up your workflow esp on larger sprites like multiple dither pattern gradients. The plus side to it is that it's free of any kinds of full retard comments by the dev to my knowledge.
But their exist better tools that are easier to use. Asesprite for one, but that is no longer free.

It comes with a book now?

Id say multiple ones. My reasoning is that its easier to think of it being in terms of A or B, rather than worrying if the collider is shaped like A or was it altered

Yes, do it as a respectful derivative rather than straight and lazy copying. You can feel the difference, somehow.

Also as far as legality that user said, "look and feel" is a concept, but parody exists. Just use common sense and ultimately put in the effort and it should be good

Just managed to compile it. What the fuck is this license?

It's like all the big game engines advertising themselves as open source but they really just want others to fix their fuckups for free while they charge a monthly subscription. And the number of third party FOSS libraries referenced makes me wonder if any of it is actually written by him.

It's kind of genius actually. If you're a pleb then git gud, pay up, or gtfo.

Maybe I'll do the same for my game. It'll be free to anyone who learns to compile software.

This is probably the biggest "thing" I"ll have to make for my game but anyone got any guides or good explosion sprites to look at?

This is what I'm doing for my puzzle game. I think I can reasonably get $10-$15 USD for it when it's finished (maybe find a sweet spot like $12.95), and I want to release the source code in some capacity.

I made it better.
By "readable" I meant being able to tell the status of the weapon's heat level. But I decided to stop being a retard and made something that actually made sense.

is this just another doom mod?


DST happens on November 5th, you guys get an extra hour to work on your game before demo day

DST already happened unless you're a burger

you could do it like id software did, all the assets and level map data have to be purchased to play the game, but you got the engine and dev tools to make your own gay game

Sounds like an interesting keikaku. I don't really see any downside to it either, it's basically like releasing supercharged modding tools.

Why are we here? Just to suffer?

Modo's increadibly easy to torrent, I might even be able to spoonfeed you a version if you want

I'm extremely paranoid about pirating software. Seen way too many friends fuck up their PCs downloading shit they thought was clean. Last time I tried pirating something was Adobe CS6 Master Collection and all the comments said it was clean, but to be safe I installed it on a laptop with a fresh install of Windows that was 100% expendable and sure enough I immediately spot that it's running some shit in the background. A couple of websites running Cloudflare or some shit immediately recognized that I had become one with the botnet and blocked access from my IP.

Also I'd feel like a dick trying to make money off models made in pirated software. I just want Blender to have good spline cage modeling, then everything would be fine.

CGPeers is really good about vetting downloads, since they're a private tracker. Registrations are on the 15th of the month, mark it on your calendar.

Thanks for the tip, never heard of them before but I love private trackers for sure. If I do pirate something it will probably just be some version of 3DS Max. In the early days of college they still made you pay for their limited student version but at "only" about $500 or something, it wasn't until later they made student versions truly free, so I figure pirating their stuff would just be getting what I already paid for.

Such is life

Have any of you sent a game to the ESRB? How did the process work?

You don't have to do that unless you want to sell physical copies in stores, it costs a ton of money AFAIK, so I am 99.99% sure no one here has done it.

and now with sound.

This kind of thing always irks me.
Knowing the giant-ass saga that led to this rule becoming a thing, despite its omission, makes it kinda funny in a dramatic irony kind of way.

What was that, hot coffee?

Or, you know, you could just not get an ESRB rating at all, it's not like it matters in this day and age.
Just sell it online, bam, you're good.

Or fuck it, if you want to sell something in physical copies make a store yourself and send those copies to people that buy them. Easy as shit to circumvent them.


I know, it's just ridiculous that the system works that way in the first place.

I love everything about this.
Also, morning lads.

Just run the software in a VM first, no need to mess up your computer with sketchy shit.

sure but when you first saw one did you ever feel any kinda emotion horror is supposed to bring? not even as a kid those things never scared me, I think the issue with it was the over all colour scheme of the game and sound design something they only sort of fixed in hl2 as well tbh

Physical copies in stores or if you want to do a console release. Console manufacturers demand an ESRB rating because they're all run by retards who think that Adults Only rated games shouldn't be allowed to exist. Similar to how for a long time (((Hollywood))) decided that they need to stop making R rated movies because they thought only PG-13 movies would sell As if you needed anymore reason to believe AAA is Hollywood 2.0

I'm back after 5 months

Glad to see you back. You probably noticed we have a wiki now. Wanna add your game to it?

What progress did you make?

I noticed something with a script I made like last month.
Basically to move on slopes without weird shit happening I take my Movement Vector (the Green one that starts from the head) and Cross it two times with the normal of the slope under him.

This works, however I just noticed that it makes my actual movement vector shorter, cutting my speed into about half. This works fine for when he's walking uphill, however the speed is also cut when he's going downhill.

How would you fix this?

Thanks. I have a custom loading system that's always existed and some bees that have always existed, but now I'm attempting to combine them. It's not going well.

I seem to recall a voice actor or something who was in a walking simulator that was underaged and some shit about a nude model being ripped

Could you not just get the angle between your vector and the slope, then shift your vector by that amount. Then you can freely apply manipulations to the speed based off the type of slope he's on. IE you could have some tags for your slopes that apply all kimds of fun and weird shit to movement.

But if you just wanted to change speed, my first thought is 1. get the slope between the horizontal forward vector of the char and the surface under him. 2. If it's positive apply some decrease in speed scaling with the slope. If its negative(ie facing down) apply a positive increase based on the steepness if the angle.
There may be more to it but that's a nice and simple process.

Back to the grindstone after a few days of feeling like shit. Got transparency support in walls and fixed some annoying bugs.

Vector projection so the excess is added onto the new vector.

Normalize the red vector, then multiply it with the length of the green one, or if you want him to move faster downhill multiply it by green's length + the difference in their lengths, maybe with the difference multiplied with a value between 0 and 1.

That wouldn't improve things much, pic related

Can I just rotate a vector without crossing?

Ah shit yeah, I meant what you said.

Isn't that going to make it impossible to have different speeds depending on how much a stick is titlted?

Ah I guess probably not if I multiply it with the green one

Sorry, I'm just thinking how I would approach it. I'm not actually sure if you can do that or how you're controlling movement, just a thought. It's the first thing I would have tried, probably.

I tried using

To rotate my vector but it didn't quite work out.

But this worked up until the "speeding up" when going downhill. although I think I can figure that out myself.


Do you guys get this thing where your eyes feel constantly tired all the time?

I don't think this is good

Do you wear glasses or have had your eyes checked?

Is there a place or resource where I can see some low-poly models. The low poly tf2 pics are perfect, I just need more.

I wear glasses, I get my eyes checked every year, except not seeing well I'm fine.

You want models or just those 2d presentations like your pic? If the second then thread or two ago user posted a link to huge amounts of pics showing low poly models. Try to check the archive.

remember to take breaks every so often if you think it's eyestrain related.
i once had to sit for three days and do nothing because i animated too long consecutively, for too many days in a row. it hurt to move my eyes.

The presentations preferably. I'm trying to get an idea of how many resources you can use to get a good low poly model.

Pinterest, which in general is a very good site for inspiration.

Oh damn. I'll check this out

Yes, as part of a larger condition. Take breaks, use Flux/SunsetScreen, and get enough sleep. You may also want to try eye drops.

That can happen if you have your eyes focused on one depth for too long, aka staring at a screen for hours on end. The easiest way to combat this is to just look around at something else every so often to refocus your eyes. Talking breaks and having proper lighting also help.

Is there a simple workaround to stop an SDL window from freezing when it's being dragged on Windows?

So I have a kinematic body (the player), and I want the body to be able to swing from a rope, which is made of several rigidbodies and spring joints. The player can grab the end of the rope via a pin joint, but the player is still affected by gravity and will pull the rope until it breaks. One potential workaround I've tried is disabling gravity on the player when attached to the rope, but that messes up the feel of the movement and isn't how I like to code, given that it's simply patching up an edge case instead of finding a solution. Any ideas on how to achieve something like this?

I think that's the default behavior of Windows; but I'm not entirely sure because I dev on linux w/ sfml. Anyway, there's probably a loop somewhere in your code that processes events that happen in the window, try writing something to the effect of:
while (window.isOpen()) {Event event; while (window.pollEvent(event)) { if (event == WINDOW_CHANGED_SIZE || WINDOW_DRAGGED) window.display() }}

No idea, but I remember hearing that back in the day, using OpenGL and dragging a window across two monitors and having it display right was a nightmare

Here's a fun one

I have no fucking idea what the deal is with that. It happens every month or two and the last time I visited a hospital for it, they said they could keep me for observation. Take care of your eyes, they're important.

Meant for and

Tiled is a simple and pretty decent tile map editor.

Holy shite user that's fucking perfect. Thanks!

Ask the ESRB to rate it for free. When they don't, slap "ESRB Refused to Rate this Game! Hardcore Gamers Only!" on your box art.

What sort of thing could steal tools from a player?

Chip's Challenge had a "thief" tile, and while a jew would be amusing and fitting, it wouldn't be suitable outside this board

If you wanna be subtle, you can try something like this.

She's a genius.

Holy fuck

That's hilarious.
Maybe I could settle for a Goblin called the Grabbler

does / why does blender eat a quarter of my possessing whenever im previewing animation? so im animating attacks on 24 frames and im planing on playing with the speed of animations at run time so i'm running the preview at 98 fps BUT i can only get 60 frames at best and sometimes it dips to 30-29 fps… so is there a fix or a work around or do i just have to deal with it?

pic related, good film made by the guy who wrote the animation survival guide. spent 30 years making it ended getting fucked and his literal "magnum opus" butchered at the behest of Warner bothers for the final funding that he needed to finish it. (the addition of musical numbers for no other reason than they wanted a Disney movie.) has a jewish thief and some black faced "servants" no wonder its basically never sold anywhere.

Oh shit it's being coherent

Wish I knew. I get the same problem if I try to play animations with a dopesheet window open. It also seems to not like multi-monitor setups.

I'll never achieve this level of subtle.
I'll just go straight to the rapture.

Oh not even for the sake of being political, I'm just happy the characters I half concepted fit together and work for an excuse plot. Everything else is gravy

so, how is one supposed to animate attacks? i was planing on just animating part of the upper body and running on top of the regular movement of the character. particularly the legs. having a primary attack and a secondary attack for each weapon class with a "chain" attack on the primary. going from: rest, weapon ready, swing, alt weapon ready, alt swing, skipping to weapon ready….(showing the loop)

is this a acceptable setup? how hard would it be to implement in game?


Good work. Is the sprite for wisp still a WIP? Looks like it could use some shading.

Yeah it's still WIP, since they'll appear on the UI and not as gameplay elements, so it's low priority. I did make a bunch of faces I can slap onto them, though. The tongue would be an "accessory" that would override the mouth style.

I love when separate ideas fall into place and start making sense. It's like mental Tetris.


Never happens to me when I shower, but plenty of times when I get an idea while falling asleep.

Get those bath crayons already you punk.

The rigging looks fine you'll just have to take your time of polishing.

You are setting yourself up to become less than you could be, my guy.

as you get droned for wrong think.

I'd rather we not devolve into /g/ shitposting, but precautions are being taken. The point is that you should always have a way to get your ideas down immediately, no matter what you're doing, because you might not remember them later. If you prefer, do it in a way that only you can understand. I also keep a mini notebook in my back pocket, just in case.

Just a reminder that more devs probably use Twitter than Tumblr. One of the popular dev tags on Twitter is #ScreenshotSaturday, which is both tomorrow and demo day. In fact, Feb's 2/2 demo day falls on a Friday, which means you can publish your game to anons, get some feedback, then shill to normalfags.

Lots of advertising opportunities



Generally speaking melee attack animations look awful unless they take the whole body into account. It's a much better idea to make animations that use the entire body- make attack animations for standing still, make attack animations for moving forward, sideways, etc. Almost every game out there does something like this for melee attacks. Typically being able to move completely freely while attacking creates this "lawnmower" effect which just feels awful to play (eg: Twilight Princess). Some games do it well though, like Ruiner.

Watch embed related and a few of the related videos to get a good idea of how people actually move when swingan weapons around in reality.

I'm sick of 4chan bringing their nigger memes and ~ironic vernacular~ here. You write like niggers, you think like niggers, you might as well be niggers.

Your loop setup sounds good, but like the other anons said you should animate the entire body. Animations are a pain. I've realized that even after quite a bit of polish and iteration my animations suck ass, while being absolutely integral to the game feeling any good at all. I think you either have to have the drive and motivation to get good as an animator or to outsource it somehow if you want really good animations

This is one of the few threads they actively respond to reports on

thx, i really don't know what i should do i want combat to be fun and solid but i don't have a real plan for it other than melee

In fighting games, combat tends to be based around a rock-paper-scissors triangle: attack-beats-grabs-beats-shields-beats-attacks.

Looking at 3D games with combat such as Zelda, however, you'll find they throw out grabbing (probably due to the camera angle).
Thus the shield tends to make you invincible in these games.

So how did they make the combat interesting in 3D Zelda when you can just press a button to become invincible indefinitely?
One thing they did was make enemies put up a shield of their own when not attacking. The enemies thus became invincible for periods of time, giving the feeling of combat/trading blows for most players who just started spamming the sword button whenever they encountered an enemy.
However, while this design method gives the feeling of complex combat initially…
Upon closer examination as a seasoned gamer, it all boils down to a simple strategy of "wait, attack".
(See at 8:03, I'm usually not a fan of goofy videos like these but this particular video is a good analysis, the whole video might give you some good ideas regarding action-adventure gameplay in general)

It also may be worth considering that fighting games univerally adopted projectiles at a certain point in their history, as this allowed fighters to continue to interact with each other at a distance. See embed related.

Finally, I think the best combat you'll see in games is combat that focuses on player movement.
Say, you start swinging your sword, and the sword swing lasts 60 frames and…You can't do ANYTHING else that whole time? You might want to think about speeding up certain animations so that player input doesn't get discarded nearly as often.

user, I've got a twist for you you're not going to believe They ARE niggers

Oh no

"Oh cool he's showing off some wire-frame surface."
"Oh God."


Honestly it looks like Yandev-tier if/else chains, judging from the structure

Not much of a progress pic, but I spent most of today (several hours) completely gutting my placeholder code in some areas and reworking it into a more structured framework.

Basically I made a manager object hold instances of a particular type (indexed by name, position, and id) and a "blueprint" which contains an instance plus some meta deta. Client code just tells the manager to Create(type, position) and it handles the rest.

Pic related is mass spawning 1,200 short animation objects that draw an image and then disappear afterwards. Maybe 1% impact on my CPU and spamming the command for a few seconds only cost a few hundred KB of memory that got recycled

what in the god damn


So this is the power of unreal, wow….

I made like 6 explosion animations play on every tile to stress test it.


I can't wait until you're done with this so we don't have to look at your boring doom mod anymore.

Damn, I thought rustfag was gone for good.

we're replying to this post

Okay time for bed

Is there any advantage to disabling backface culling? I noticed a lot of games do it. Blender doesn't let me make double sided faces without duplicating a vertex (making it really messy and akward to deal with), and I can see this becoming a MASSIVE problem when shit like trees come up. I get the feeling disabling backfacing all together is overkill though.

Your work is good, though. Get some rest and keep it up.

I'm still wondering what happen to the day of the dead fps dev, does anybody know what happen to him?

Took me three days to figure this out but I did it. I can rotate the elbow!

Also, would someone add this IK tutorial by Thrite to wiki? For 2 months it has been wasting away on nonpublic but I think it's pretty helpful and to the point as an entry level tutorial.

my webm got cut off

I haven't seen him in ages. Probably another lost dev, whether it be through not enough time or loss of interest.

A damn shame. I only really remember the tits.

Wew, lad.

Stopped fucking around to introduce some UI features I've wanted to add for ages.

I recognize that icon… Seems like I'll have to change it

Late Halloween post. Shit's just spooky.

I've been planning to add his arena FPS to the wiki for a while now but I think it will be in the "on hiatus" category…

even the damage values work. It's all up for tweaking, tho.

If you want attacks during movement, I'd set it up like I remember the Ys games around Ys Origin do it - use fast, spammable attacks that stop you during startup, move you a step or two while you swing and recover pretty quickly if you don't take another swing/cancel into another swing if you attack again.

Frankly I think you should just drop the blocking part and just have attacks and movement, so the main part of the gameplay is just using your basic movement options and maybe a bit of foresight to dodge attacks and hit during recovery and/or just place a good preemptive attack to stick the monster before it even gets to attack. Dashes or runs should probably also feature because they just feel good, just have to be careful to balance them or to balance the game around them, depending on how fast you want to make the game.

Go fuck yourself

taking another break from my main project. How should I market android shovelware? It'll be fun

Have a load of money, be a publisher for a bunch of other idiots, and put ads to your game in theirs.. It's the only reliable way.

Do this, basically.

You shouldn't have saved this on your computer and you shouldn't have shared this

I would hope this is generated by code somehow

Thanks for that last picture, user. I now have a foot fetish. I have never seen more delicate, pretty feet in my entire fucking life and now I am a degenerate footfag.

I want to die.

nevermind. Toenails are fucking gross.



nice textures,

but in all seriousness how many triangles you running at? those seem to be some high poly table legs and barrels. and that ceiling arch…
i know it "looks better" but could you switch it all to hard edges for the sake of clarity? i want to count those polygons

the cardboard box in the back of the first screenshot looks awfully suspicious, seeing as it has color

Fix your normals.
Look at the table top, there is that gray line going from one corner to the opposite corner. That gray line shouldn't be there, the normals on the table top should all be pointing up but they aren't.

here you go

how do i fix them? thought hitting CTRL + N in edit mode would do the trick

it's all supposed to be textured but i just can't do it. I made this area to show off what i'm able to do because someone wants to hire me for 3D modelling and i was hoping he could let someone else do textures

do those barrels just have massive n-gons on them?

don't know what u mean but i just made a circle mesh and went from there by extruding

so its A polygon with a shitton of sides. rather than being broken up into triangles or quads.

I use this tool

Use 2.8 for shits and giggles.



wanna give me contact info for your new employer? I want to tell him how innovative your are.

Have you tried out to make the dmg number just float up from where they appeared instead of having them parented to the character? As of now it looks pretty weird and stiff and if you'd ever add an enemy that quickly changes direction (ex. runs in zigzags) or teleports it could look like they have a 'number pillar' attached to them.

How will skills be organized? Are you planning a skill tree or something else?

Tried that, didn't like it back then but perhaps it can be implemented better, like making the number disappear faster. Should be easy enough to do.
The enemy movement point is pretty compelling…

The spells will be categorized, with things like auras, weapon skills, projectiles, summoning skills etc being separate tabs in the "spellbook". Some skills will require the character reaching a certain level to unlock.

The idea is to have little restrictions on playstyle.

Is there a good example of a game with a fuckton of trees and not just giant wooden rods in the ground? I want to make a models for a forest but am not sure what the most optimal way to do this is.

Joke's on you, I still have another two whole characters to work on.

carry on user do us proud.

How do you make clothes for a 3D model that animate with the body and that you can swap later for many different outfits? Also can you use Blender cloth physics on Unity?

These barrels better be red and they better explode on the minimal physical contact

too much work, just use the edge split modifier

I mean technically

my workflow is to use a single base mesh that's skinned and model or simulate clothes on top of it, then rig and copy the weight from the base mesh to the clothing and manually touch up the skinning if necessary.
not to my knowledge, but unity has a cloth system that works with skinned meshes if you really want cloth physics.

I will look into it, thanks

Is there anybody that can help me with finding Anime Reference Drawings to sculpt from?
Or even some decent quality premade models I can work from?
I'll even take a good step by step tutorial for blender if anybody can suggest one.

I really just need one single model and then apply shape keys to it but I can't sculpt or model for shit except for editing already made stuff.

or even better if someone can make one for me in exchange for something

I'm fucking lost please help

Cha cha shodanon least I can do
woops that's the "fixed thread number" note, guess it was an actual thread kek

Added to a 3d modeling section in the wiki.
Added a bunch more vids I had in my playlists too so take a look (it's on the game dev resource page).
Been putting it off as I have a lot of links I need to organize in my bookmarks for adding to the wiki, and I'll add those later.
Been a bit busy with IRL stuff

Search "mmd models"
There's some good ones out there.

Search that term, and you'll find some; u may want to just search deviant art or pintrist though they have good references.

Why spend so much time and energy on making a poor quality clone of an existing game?
Why not make something unique? By the time you finish your clone game for "learning purposes" your ship will have sailed.

Maybe look at modular character systems.
Here's a few resources:
Sims modular character creator (clothing part at the end):

look at this channel's playlists:

Sounds cool. What are you working on user?

What should I add to the search if I wanted only naked models?
Naked doesn't seem to work at all

look for "mmd base models" or "mmd base"

Only decent model that is actually modeled naked seems to have a black face created by a second model overlapping with the face.

fuggin hell user calm down with the high res
pfhahah, nice

Note that I've never used MMD models, but I've heard about them in passing; they'll probably have some odd rigging, and will be textured (delete rigging and remove textures, do that yourself).
The idea here is just to get a base for u so it's easier to model… so get a model with the basic contours of the body you want (not necessarily naked).
Retopo the model with a shrinkwrap modifier (look at topology section on wiki for guide) while maintaining good deformation topology for joints, and then customize it as necessary with shape keys; then do your own rig + texturing.

I'll probably have to delete the textures but the rigging does seem to kind of work so I might just keep it since I'd have no idea how to make it over myself.

Can't seem to select the single bones to move them though, weird

well… like it or not if you're making a game you'll need to learn how to rig, weight paint, and deal with at least IK.
Also, if you end up redoing the rig later, and have animations from the previous rig; you'll more than likely have to redo those animations with the new rig.

the mesh needs an armature modifier w/the rig assigned to be moved by the bones, and you need to have the rig selected in object mode to be able to move them in edit mode.
look at rigging tuts on the wiki….

Eh not really, this is the only model I need and I'm only going to be using it for poses, rest of the game is 2D.

Figured out the rigging though


I have no idea how to save an image from this fucking awful site, but I found this amusing

Oh wait there we go

Changed the skateboard physics, and added some sound effects that are totally not stolen from Tony Hawk. Before you would rotate your velocity vector and then the model would rotate to match, but now you rotate the model and a force is applied depending on how fast you are moving sideways. This lets you drift just by turning sharply, no magic drift button needed.

looking extremely radical dude.
kill me


Amazon Go?

lookin pretty good, nice

I swear to God I have NO FUCKING IDEA how someone can get used to this fucking program, God fucking bless you if you managed to get good at this because fuck me I really can't

just tested it on blender 2.78
Try restarting blender… here's my steps: in edit mode, select vert/face/etc, and press "H" to hide. Switch to sculpt for same obj, and it's hidden in sculpting mode.

butt is most important

i have a cracked version of an old but useful abandonware. Do you guys want it? I think it deserves to be shared before i blackout.


Might as well.
upload to mega, and drop a link in the graphics section of the wiki.
Or u can upload to vola, and I'll do the mega/wiki stuff.

I don't have a mega account so make sure you reupload on a link that stays.
If shits doesn't work tell me your vola room.

no luck atm, not sure

Link's not working, are you sure you got the download link for the actual file?

You need the link with the decryption key.

I have mega too much guys sorry. I'll zip it and send it over to .

It is done. head over to the room, the current link will expire in 2 days.

added to wiki, graphics page

what wiki?

Why do we bother updating the OP, when no one reads it?

It's there if someone needs ressources.
And now with texture maker we have a unique software for everyone to get to know.
Straight from fucking 2008.

as long as it works, my man. Just look at the setup I have to use to get my 2004 tablet running.

you using corrective blendshapes or just bones?


New broad when?


Have a pity (you), nodev.



is that 2070 neoplasmid terrorist Sam Hyde