steven universe: attack the light came out for PS4 on halloween, and the xbox one version releases on the 3rd.
are you having fun with the game yet, sonybros?
who is your favorite team comp, area, enemies etc?
garnet is simply the best, right?
steven universe: attack the light came out for PS4 on halloween, and the xbox one version releases on the 3rd.
are you having fun with the game yet, sonybros?
who is your favorite team comp, area, enemies etc?
garnet is simply the best, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
wow user, truly GOTY
look it's the shitposter again
>>>Holla Forums935526
GTFO with that shit and your garbage taste.
I bet you're the faggot making SU threads on Holla Forums too
Hold it right there, jackass. If you are going to go faggot you have to go full on attack mode.
i sure hope so.
ahh, what good video game disscussion about video games, as to be expected on the video game board.
there is nothing about that image i dont love
Is that supposed to be bad?
You mean that bad tumblr cartoon that plagiarized Land of the Lustrous and Tencgi Universe?
well then
dont know bout that, but its the show with great LORE and all plot is progressed through singing and or crying
This is now Chen thread
You're a delusional faggot, and let me explain why, so maybe even your shitposting persona will understand it: No one here likes this shit. Even if it were allowed and even pissy shitposter were stopped from shitting all over this thread, there would be no one to have a discussion with you about this awful game or the series.
You want to talk about Steven Universe? Go to tumblr. Go to reddit. Go to youtube. Go to literally anywhere else in the internet that's ruled by the kind of cancerous faggots who unironically believe this shit is the greatest thing ever aired, especially because of the faggoty propaganda and awful characters. You are not wanted here.
Give up faggot, there's nothing good or remediable about Steven Universe you are just wasting your time expecting one day that it actually becomes good
Lore that's been stolen and coated with tumblr shit.
Sup horsefucker.
haha same
ooooh, i get it. this is like the furry thing.
you all HAVE to say you hate it, and shitpost about it becuase you have built up a giant meme around it, and if you dont also hate it the hivemind will turn against you.
however, everyone secretly loves it and partakes in it constantly.
i get it.
Loli butts are nature's dick massagers m
And i thought i could stay clean today
Even if that were true, no one on Holla Forums or Holla Forums would want to sincerely and seriously discuss this game or this show.
Thing is, SU is a legitimately bad show.
Even furries can at least put out an occasional bit of content that isn't shit.
i mean… you know that there is a 24/7 general for SU on Holla Forums when episodes are airing, right?
I would post a video explaining why but it gets posted every time i feel i need to be more original.
Nigger there's millions of times where anons explained what was wrong with the show but you choose to ignore it because obtuse faggot
Where do you think you are?
No one here would talk about this lgbtBBQ propaganda show.
There isn't anything good about this garbage.
I know you're full of shit because I browse Holla Forums daily and even before all of the threads were purged, they were primarily for shitposting and complaining about how fucking awful the show was.
no dude, i genuinely hat SU and all that it stands for, i ve seen it steal jokes from spongebob, promoting transgender shit, and even just for being a lame as fuck cartoon.
You hat it?
Oh my posts got deleted! Bummer duuude haha duuuuude weed lmao
Check em
Reported for admitting to being a horsefucker.
it's hard to post from mobile
why do you save lewd lolis to your phone?
I think you're just faggot/tumblrina in denial.
Now kys.
So what?
It doesn't mean you can post it here.
Especially, when almost everyone here is tired of regressive delusions in their games.
You don't carry around your loli ?
horses have the absolute best genitals on the planet, male and female.
plus if you are referring specifically to MLP, that show is good. and the waifus are absolutely top tier. i would fuck and or marry any of them at the drop of a hat if i could.
SU wasn't that bad in the first season since they were forced to make it like an actual cartoon, and had to leave out a ton of the gay to get it approved, but after it's shown that Garnet is actually two faggot midgets in a trench coat, then they could say "SEE look at all the gay fan art tumblr is making now." After the gay was introduced into the series any and all progress in the story grinds to a halt since they can now fill the entire show with filler and throw in a slightly gay thing in a random episode and the cancerous fanbase praises it no mater what.
If the actually concepts of the gems and the lore of that universe were given to people who weren't faggot Jews then the show could be good.
You know how I can tell when an internet community is full of insecure people?
When you post something they clearly don't like, so they post outrageous and vulgar things to drown it out, thus making their community an even shittier place.
7chan died because of this sort of behavior. Just saying.
It's pretty homosexual.
don't you get tired of expressing the same comments in every thread you make?
Please kill yourself horsefucker, but not before you embarrass yourself all over the thread
For a second I thought there was a new lewd Yotsuba pic and now I'm disappointed.
Laugh at this normalfag
is this asscastle?
Maybe i shall post this too
I am pretty secure that Steven Universe is shit and that this faggot has made this thread multiple times all with the same result
It's cherry. It's done by the same guy.
That's a gross exaggeration, 7chan could barely be called alive at any point
Oh, this is the pozzed western ripoff of Houseki no Kuni, right?
just edit the pic haha
why live
I thought its demise was caused by too small userbase.
there is one? hmmm this will be a long night
It's a ripoff of everything the creator liked.
She literally stole a character from an old anime and plopped her in the show.
No fucking way, what anime is that from?
Just like how memetale stole everything from Yume Nikki, Cave Story and Earthbound.
Too lazy to webm it
Figures since the theme is ripped straight off David Bowie's space odyssey
As I said, the concept of Gem people was stolen from Land of the Lustrous and put into a tumblrized Tenchi Universe setting. SU rips off from the magical girl genre with Steven as a magical boy. It's all unoriginal shit.
Of course, (((they))) are unable to create anything original.
Can't we report this for being unnecessary or something, what the fuck.
This line is biased as fuck and makes me want to vomit. The character looks like a fucking ape.
Of course. Also the gems in Land of the Lustrous are cute while the ones in SU are intentionally ugly.
Trying to get property of non-object /Holla Forums/howitzer-base/http/post.php:1093
Made a quick and dirty edit.
Fake, didnt get shit when I tried it.
yeah..? stevonnie has been around for like years now. xhe is the best human character in the show.
you are the fag here.
not bad
The saddest thing about this post is that some people actually believe this.
Country specific then
I didn't believe you so i had to try it myself. It redirected me to the Frankfurt School page under the section labeled "Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory"
It's a bunch of objective shit by the way.
It looks interesting.
I will watch it later.
Do you know what kinds of garbage are being approved on wikipedia?
Just look about gamergate on it.
what are you, a mysoginistic racist transphobe?
What?? That's for the ps4? Looks like a movile game, and a very average one btw
I dislike women, majority of them is just too loud and annoying in long period.
My dick refuse to rise for women with other skin color than mine.
I don't like being too long with mentally unstable people.
t. Straight white male.
Go back to Tumblr.
From what I could find the anime was called Ōgon Bat or Golden bat
from kikeapida (Japanese superhero created by Takeo Nagamatsu in 1931)
Evangelion also copied Ogon Bat and Batman and Superman came afterwards as well. Japs invented capeshit wew.
And the gem people from Legend Of Mana, literally everything from it: Healing tears, the core thing, a evil guy formed from various cores, a useless pearl, diamond hierarchy…
What's with this author? I don't even know how to describe his comics. They're surreal and yet somehow really chill, but that doesn't even describe all of it.
This thread again. This is the 3rd time you tried shilling this absolute trash. Get your SU away from this holy place you fucking leftist.
This thread isn't shilling, it's clearly bait.
you fucked up the eye nigger