It's Trump's employees' and contractors' fault for believing him when he said he'd pay them.
It's Trump's employees' and contractors' fault for believing him when he said he'd pay them
Other urls found in this thread:
it was an issue because their way of marketing and talking about the game left people able to put their own hopes and dreams into what the game would be
regardless of the lies
imo anyway you can see a lot of that in pretty much any facet of society. people put their own credibility and desires into shit and over inflate its importance
it was kinda fun for like the first few hours
theres just a certain point where you realize there's no worthwhile payoff
was it worth the 60$ or whatever the price was
god fucking dammit
pfft fuck no
I usually just make them race bait about dindu nuffins.
Vote! Please vote! Celebrities vote too!
...the day i vote is the day Hillary gives me a hummer
I wonder if more people tend to click on the link on the front page with a title like that. Probably.
This place is really slow lately. I never really listened much to the people who used to think we needed more people before because we were still pretty active but now its like 3-4 people in a thread a lot of the time.
for real tho, whos the rabbit?
also late afternoon on a weekday...
itonly even works on windows idk who thought iwas a good idea
People actually pay contractors?
I think our board is taken off anything.
It never appears in the top boards even though it's PPH is one of the highest. It doesn't appear on any "suggested boards" lists ever either or any of the stuff on the homepage.
oh yeah I know why it is and I too am guilty of the infamous preordering of games though to be fair it's usually for the extra things that come with it lol, it just seems like this was very predictable for a game being promoted with so many wild features from a company relatively indie and unknown
britpol is fairly comfy
heh... woulda look at that
Guess it's changed.
It used to not.
goddomn I love this song
the anime version somebody linked was trash
but this is pretty great tobeh
It's almost midnight on a friday.
that feel when lesser velocity than your predecessor
i havent preordered anything in awhile
nothing interests me
The active animus thread is almost always top or near top for me on the speediest threads thing. That is why we get more people who actually have no idea what this is since that feature was added I thought. Some people did moan it was cheating the system the way we do threads though I think.
Then again, I don't visit any other boards since this place's entire existence is just for autistic GamerGate shit.
it's best not to anyway
majority of posters are also american
are you sure its not just you that has the autism?
Used to have more europeans I guess.
Go steal people from the waifu circlejerk that is now on Holla Forums permanently.
yeah i find myself more interested in random shit like recording microphones and food replacement drinks
What reason do you have to even go to the homepage?
I honestly have no idea what sort of "politics" goes on behind the scenes of this -chan but I don't really get why people would bitch about it since the site's whole purpose is "create your board".
Holla Forums only ever became of note when it was used for GamerGate shitposting.
strange that at the time we have 2 canadians, 3 americans, one user from norway, you and 2 brits.
must be late for them euronigas...
and 7chan only ever became of note when it was used for anti snacks shitposting, right?
just to verify or refute your assertion...
also i go to other boards on occasion
7chan was only ever marginally "alive" whenever 4chan was down.
You poor thing.
i dont always lurk, but when I do.... I lurk FUCKING HAAAAARD
What do they even talk about? Other than waifus? I haven't looked much but it seems like those katawa shoujo /vg/ generals which have had like 3000 threads and don't have anything more to talk about yet still keep going.
There aren't that many people missing either. I wonder where everyone goes when they leave places like these. When communities thin out, it sometimes feel like logically, other communities would grow but that doesn't seem to be the case.
glad to see weve surpassed it then, seeing as boards like Holla Forums get plenty of posts per hour
I am honestly pitying you right now.
In terms of traffic, 4chan is still the most visited and posted on of the English ones.
I barely bother with any board nowadays anywhere really. There was a link to a thread about it on the page when the feature was added though.
It is just the same kind of thing as this but most of the time there is even less actual conversation from my observations. They seemed to know each other though.
doesnt matter, Holla Forums to me has that nice sweet spot between post rate and post quality, it makes /g/ look like an absolute shit show, barely worth bothering with
The last time I paid any attention to anything that happens on this site that isn't this board was during the switch.
And that was just because it was hilarious to see the events unfold around a literal methhead and hotwheels failing to do anything.
idek... when I take a break its often for long periods nowhere but rl.
really tho everyone has thier own avail time for threading.
seems like were missing
2 more brits
1 aussie
10 more americans
2 other canadians
1 pol
2 norweigans
1 finnish
1 indonesian
1 korean
1 dane
1 no region
just off the top of my head
and i honestly dont need your pity faggot.. lol
jk lu
You will have a pity party and no one will be goddamn invited, you miser.
The switch? Was that when they tried to move to that new software and it failed miserably?
one of the two sounds very interesting, found out much about microphones?
Yeah. And everything shit itself.
wonderful... im ok with this
found out which one id get
Merging two communities where both have their own circlejerk sort of make it split either way I think.
was there that many nrowegians
does flan even count
isnt tokai the polish one?
i forgot ikt's region
That was quite amusing at the time.
Some of them use namesync as well. I guess nobody moderating 4chan cares enough anymore to ban them like our threads back in the day.
kurwa fuck pyccin blyat
moving forward im just lumping all swedes, norweigians and swiss into a single category
poles get out
I kind of figured. I loved the shaka dudes
Have you met him before?
netherlands... i was waaaay off
They still seem to care the times people have tried going back to 4chan.
Why swiss? Swiss are more like german/french.
kanker polen
Some time would have to be the first.
because i can... and 'murica
It's almost like lumping norwegians and swedes with italians.
Don't be a bigot.
Just because they're all taking massive influxes of Muslim "refugees" and proclaiming how progressive it makes them doesn't mean they're all the same.
and mexicans with Spaniards... i know
I just dont care is the thing
At least mexicans and spanish people speak the same language and are at least partly of the same ancestry...
I dont think I understood that..
and here i was just trying to piss off individuals from random nations for my own personal amuzement
...just had to go and make it about politics. asshole
do you burn calories by tapping your leg or bouncing on the chair
I didn't meet him, no. But if you give me the number, I could call him and make friends.
thats like saying americans speak the same language as the brits. its not even the same like at all...
its topsy turvy day!
I go for a jog.
You're Canadian, which is just gay, liberal America ran by a high school drama teacher.
When I speak english, do I speak american english or british english?
does it look like a bee?
Trump a dump
but that means going outside
Ihave no room for a huge one of those things at the cashier in foodstores that move groceries
Maybe it is just this community then.
pretty sure ive been in country long enough now to be considered Americanized...
the fuck should i know?
probably have that hilarious swedish accent underpinned by that slow sounding drawl making it obvious english is not your native tongue. its cute really
Sama so old he emigrated from new france
also doots can confirm american English and brit English are completely different...
if he actually read my posts that is
the king bee mic
They're racist.
People are always surprised saying I speak better english than they expected, I think people generally have very low expectations.
Colour and color being huge examples
i enjoy being a meme for doots...
Shaking your leg, or bouncing in your seat, are not exactly high-energy activities.
If u got diabeetus it could be
vocaroo me something... preferably degrading in your swedish english voice
Yeti = elite
a great choice too, what is the price?
Pretty sure Neru already has diabetes from being like six hundred pounds and eating nothing but donuts.
I don't think the excessive cappu helps either
half the king bee too so that is even better
it's that guy who says
Tell me something interesting.
interesting user.
It's Enth.
but if I end up doing it for like 4-6 hours a day
Maybe later, I just became busy.
Give me your number.
who is?
Did they ever actually transition or no?
I can't even remember.
i dont recall at this point... to my knowledge there werent any post op images
kinda wanna see nin's post op
(919) 867-5309
Dont all the animus transexus keep their dicks?
smiles didn't
Nin ftm???
i sure hope so
Got proof you charlatan
I meant transitioning like HRT, not donger surgery.
Smiles is a real girl
yes she is
don't let anyone tell you otherwise
They have a penis.
lol... nin 4 best trap
i fairly sure one actually did have the surgery but yeah... i meant tansitioning
It's why you hate her. You are a woman hater
Raise your dongers
I dont cross dress though
Who has a penis?
Wow fucking cismale
i dont believe smiles was irl female...
Are you fucking for real tsuchi
are you for real
tranny chaser tsuchi at it again
I raised my donger once, don't recommend it.
Sama, it isnt like god or global warming, smiles is grill
It's like the most immature way possible to say penis.
It's really interesting to hear early versions of songs like this
Bet 1/2 posters here are too young to own an n64
...thats like real neat and shit but like it doesnt matter, not like id ever get to hit
I had a gamecube
was that backwards compatible
bet like 1/50 posters here dont know theyve re-released the nes console
I got an N64 for Christmas when I was 4, got Pokemon Stadium and we had no idea how to play.
Good times.
That looks too much like "oniichan".
The Japs are too Freudian.
Why not?
it had a GBA adapter
for mario tennis
getting awful defensive about it... someones ashamed of ones inprivate activities
I had pogeyman stadium and golden eye and zelda was so awesome.
Bet you think pong means a "wiff" lol youngfags
The only use for the GBA adapter was to force your friend to play as Tingle when playing Wind Waker.
tfw no friends
Boob probably looks a lot like Bob to some ESL.
It was pretty much the beginning of third impact.
My mom bought me Pokemon Yellow on my first day of kindergarten and I couldn't figure out how to get out of the house for like 30 minutes.
we can still do it for
...a mere 28 bucks plus shipping
navi just wanted link's attention, poor mouthy fairy then he died looking for her
Daaw, i used to love red and blue. Shit used to be intense. Me and my cousins would get our connectors and duel.
My grandmother always said we'd get square eyes. Baka
...and thats why, you always listen.
rip neru
i have a ps2 that can play ps1 games, but the disks are getting old, as are the controllers
Remember whe 2 cokes, chocolate and sweets cost 70p? We had it so lit!!!
I wish mario party 1 was not such a violent game towards your controller it was a pretty good game overall
the 2nd-4th were among the best tobe honest
it was rare having people to play with
What does "square eyes" mean?
Stop that!
Hi bestie ^_^
Back in my day a Mars Bar was 30p.
back in the day i could get a pack of smokes for 70 cents while you faggots were eating junk food and playing video games
Like, your eyes would turn into a square.... because YOU stared at a screen for so long 📺
This was back in the day when we used to spend a good 8 hours outdoors lol
A battered mars bar was bout fiddy pee
Sama be like "NERDS"
now theres a 600 percent markup and and were all doing the exact same thing as 20 years ago
But why would it turn it into a square?
Evening. You survived to the weekend. Give yourself a pat on the back.
I mean... i have squared glasses so...
the price of candy has like doubled ;_;
How come we hsve to pay 80p for a freddo?????????
hate symbol tax
its clearly a conspiracy of the capitalist patriarchy, we should totes seize the means of freddo production
i was a loner as a kid, barely ever played with others outside of school
It was cute, even if you were just a loli.
Mine goes up in increments of 1200..
Surviving isn't the same as living though.
It has been a rough week.
Wow much hipster.
exactly senpai
I would tell you the brand but... i bet you have never even heard of it
Are you a lolicon?
My dpi isn't even at 1200.
I remember when I got Pokemon Silver
I was a little kid and it was my birthday, the white guy at toysrus unlocked it from the glass and everything
I was jumping with joy
These feels... i...
I'm a lolicon
My lical crooked games dealer is still in business
No pefo
No pedo
i had the same thing with soul silver
chipped consoles were pretty cash money tho
You know you like it.
I like mine at 800 or 1800.. any higher and im just hindering myself
I am NOT
shouldn't have said that now ui's going to be all over me
Absolutely disgusting.
You were there when they bought your birthday present?
Grim is here
I got Pokemon Yellow with a Yellow GBC and my sibling got Pokemon Red with a Red GBC. My conclusion from that was that I was probably the favourite.
irl pig disgusting back off.
:D normie mainstream hate is my fetish
Red > yellow
I've been using 800 dpi for as long as I can remember.
I bumped it up to 900 to see if it would help with cross-screen jumps but I'm mega bad cause muscle memory.
Wow you must hate me
I feel like dling a pokemon rom
As a kid I thought the fact that I had Pikachu to follow me around meant my game was better.
How the fuck do you guys work at such low DPIs?
yuss I felt like I was intruding on others
if I ever get rich I will crash the candy and pastry market
age has nothing to do with loli
take this old ass loli for example
Yeah, back then my parents didn't want to get confused and buy the wrong thing, so we just went to the toysrus after the cake. Shit was lit.
flan is here
I can play with higher, I just prefer 800
That just means were better than everyone else
No, dont!
Fucking pedo scum
I use 1800 dpi
I use an xbox controller so
these metal gymnastics
i rate it a 9
WASD inferior
fuken love triggering scoots... ohhhh yea thats good shit
What style do you use
By moving my mouse more than a cm.
I quit, back to 800.
lol damn, nice
I got my gbc with red, never even heard of yellow
Lower than 2400 feels weird to me, tbh.
I'm usually on 3200.
I mean. I guess.
thats what christmas is for~
2much fam
You can probably get used to it if you leave it there for a week and stuff
too much
But the stocking was the best part of Christmas.
I failed Kneesocks before I got to the PP jumps, I can't deal
christmas was an american holiday to my parents so all they did was get a tree and some lights ;;
Rem pls
My DPI shift almost doubles it.
DPI 12000 with 100 sensitivity.
It's like the world has stops when I turn.
Btw, if anyone seriously tries to tell you they play on 12000 DPI, they're lying through their teeth.
Cs:go is memer bs
I would use a dpi modifier to slow my dpi down, so I could snipe people ezpz
ayy osu? man I used to be ranked 24k but I stopped playing for the most part.
when I use a mouse I use mouse only no keyboard
I believe in you.
You need raw input for osu!
I probably wont even do that this year now I live alone.
I use like 400-600 dpi anything higher and my mouse starts shaking really violently
Have we started the fire???
low DPI microsoft WMO master race
I used to do that, actually.
But then I stopped sniping.
that's just you shaking from all the caffeine neru
I've always wanted to have a white christmas
with white, christian people
is that weird
It is quite enjoyable, so no.
christmas cookies
pajamas with airplanes
the whole shebang
white people christmas is just all of your relatives together in one place barely pretending they don't hate eachother and then eating my grandma's bomb ass turkey and baked beans
Grim. One year. We should do xmas.
o i c
hi guero
you're jewish...
I don't think anyone really is actually Christian in the UK nowadays. There was literally one girl at my school and one guy at university who was super into it. I think when the census comes back at around 50-60% most people are just picking it by default or it is old people.
People with good christian morals don't feel the need for presents. We like to just share our happiness and time with each other in a bonding way over a good glazed ham.
Ut i amalso 99.99%white
I do not know. You were calling me last night.
Did you actually call it?~
Kinda wanna, but kinda dont wanna
It will suck me back in
also my grandfather spends almost five hundred bucks on christmas lights and then I help him put them up and listen to classic rock
this is the only good part of the holiday season
hey buddy
hope your break helped you center yourself and shit
you've just described the same thing with a family that isn't in shambles
Oh yeah, nevermind.
Oh, okay.
i'm white
You can bring scarlet, alison and wolfie over here and we can have a wholesome christian white christmas over here.
I find it more fun to use a mouse only for the extra challenge, but normally id use a tablet. I can still ar9 with a mouse though
Youre stalking my replies
I will if you want me to, but idk if I can handle mouse
heh... 400 dpi, 9000 ips
who knew
I-it's not my fault...
I can't not look at you, Nii-sama.
Or you can just mouse / keyboard like a non-pleb.
Nah, it's fine.
Grim dont go they'll burn you for being dark
I do sometimes. I like using a tablet because it's easier for me, but that also doesn't mean using a tablet is easier because some people can't do it.
My family is very tolerant and open to all of those who don't have christmas to share with others.
We sometimes invite homeless people over for a good meal and hand out leftovers to homeless people on christmas day. Same with thanksgiving.
are they tolerant of your pedophilia too
S. A. V. A. G. E.
so grim should go????? :^)
like i've said before.... my life is an open book I hold no secrets.
everyone I know knows i'm not straight and do stuff with trannies and jerk off to loli
Pedo scum
oh yeah what did they say to that
Doesn't he claim to be a redskin?
So how's it a "white Christian Christmas" if they're not even white?
these are not good vibrations
You cant stop me from doing it
They respect me even if they don't agree with it, and I have a lot of friends for this reason.
gonna drown myself in m&m's
looks like a dying old man with parkinsons trying to control a mouse
I'm not doing anything
gotta bully or else clown will eat me oooooor animus dies? I forget what people keep saying about it being needed here for, just trust me I am a doctor
For you.
drown yourself in men?
"Muslims and Men"?
pathological liar
quantity is important huh
what a shallow statement. you are truly the kind of person who needs to be advocating christianity here
a clown will eat you
I have actual friends who care about me and would fight for me if I was in a bad situation.
I don't hold fake friends
it used to be so bad you could not see the favicons a few years ago
Damn. Maybe a christmas with some nice cheery old people then
but still
o u 2?
that sounds really nice
you're so mean...
Jesus fucking christ
You're going to get as fat as Neru.
Im 40% irish
The deception
The horror
Also im like 15 %scandi kek
I think it changes every few minutes.
whatever you need to tell yourself
i was telling kyle i think you should stay away from this place some of most of the time anyway
being here too much seems to get to your head sometimes :/
i think there is something in the air that makes everyone around there crazy
Effortful responses. I think that most people who even bother ever to go to church only go to church in the UK for the carols.
knowing how well ui is keen on believing conspiracies he'd probably agree
Flouride in the water
iz da chem trails
We usually start with appetizers and watch some football or something, and then we hand out presents (usually small gifts of appreciation and handmade) then we cook together and drink a little bit of wine over some board games and then pray over the feast and dig in, and after dinner we tend to usually have home made cherry and apple pie and christmas cookies.
Is it wrong to believe conspiracies when so many have been proven true.
Its real
chemtrails man
turnin the freakin frogs gay
Every Oregonian we've had has been a gay/tranny Republican. One spams his cheap ARs and the others just spam Trump related "facts".
Fucking reptile men
I actually really like Nepgear's theme from Victory.
so are you agreeing with me
that seems like a weird insecurity problem imo
Nico nico ni
David Icke was right.
you know what Stuart, I like you
like you're afraid of being conflated with tumblr so you go towards the other spectrum of batshit insanity
:( the beatles made manson do it
Nico Nico-nii~ Anata no Heart ni Nico Nico-nii, Egao todokeru Yazawa Nico Nico~ Nico-nii te oboeteru Love Nico~
I have that in a notepad just for you.
hah im not like those other trannies
fuck minorities. except me
Considering my extensive knowledge on chemistry I can say un anecdotally that chemtrails are real, and that the next genocide will be chemical.
Just be glad it isn't the liberal fags that run portland. We are the most liberal state in the US.
I fuck minorities
In the ass and mouth
I fuck mouths right in the minority.
can i quote you on that
I wanna be the minority
it's a spooky day with all those clowns doing evil things lately
you know it baby just a prank bro though
If 99.99999% of conspiracy theories are utterly retarded nonsense, do the .00001% validate just throwing shit at a wall and hoping it sticks?
I'm from fucking Texas.
If anyone ever has the need/desire to constantly affirm and brag that you own firearms, yeah, they've got a microdick.
Like open carry nonsense. It's just announcing to the world you're a woefully emasculated dude.
well i hopped into my pickup truck
pointed the compass down south
over dusty roads i rode
to fuck minoritys in the mouth
thank y'all trump 2016
I don't need your authority
Do whatever you want. I'm not your parent.
aint nothing wrong with open carry
I was kind of expecting rode to rhyme with chode there for some reason.
good shit lol
im unfamiliar
but if everyone has guns then the good people can stop the bad people who have guns
"the chemtrails in the air are making me retarded, vote for trump and free prepubescent pussy" -Ui 2016
what if i show you my dick and my gun at the same time and neither are small
riding round my pickup truck
looking out for browns for some fuck
over dusty roads i rode
to bury in them my rotten chode
like I mean an obscene amount of tabs
I feel like that 3 aspirin,caffeine,sugar and little bit of alcohol are destroying my brain
*Tokai will remember this
true poet™
guess he went potato
i feel a little guilty
this is disgusting neru
how do you even navigate that barrage of shit
Excuse me
globalist. democrats.
"I am John Wayne irl and totally not compensating with a hero complex."
If you're so easily emasculated that you feel the need to show off that you own a gun, then yeah. You got issues and the slightest thing will set off a crippling sense of inadequacy.
Get outta muh country
globalism is literally the devil. The UN is the devil.
open carry
but only for whites
im uncomfortable with a negro with a gun
hey now my sense of inadequacy doesn't even need to be set off
it's always there
Googled it.
internationalism > nationalism > globalism
I managed
the devil is bad guyz
eh clowns are so lame
couldve picked something better
I'm sure you're adequate where it counts, Guero.
UN Owen was her.
I'm surprised with how fearful the western world is at this point that we still have actual clown jobs that do anywhere near semi decent here hire this possible creep in makeup to hang around your kids
I'm adequate all over, baby.
Achtung baby
You are the least adequate person I know.
Quit trying to turn Guero gay.
Even Cupcake failed.
i think they have background checks
I have had some success.
It's good enough.
I try to coast on adequate because if people know you're anything more than that you suddenly have expectations and shit.
Anyway I'm out.
No, wait.
already wtf
Probably on break
I wanted to ask squash something
I really hate it when people do that. Do a good job on something once and then that is baseline expectation and you get asked again and again to do the same thing at the same level. Do a shit job of it and you will never get asked again.
Break uf pussy
oh right work
people do that
If you stay, he'll text you back.
Yeah, same
and this is why i dont volunteer for shit anymore... people have to drag it out of me.
darwin txt me bb
Tfw no one txts u
they dont love you like i love you
I do at least an adequate job of anything I agree to.
I don't intentionally do poorly just because I don't want to be asked again.
Depends on the task, and who's asking.
For the right things, or the right people, I'll volunteer.
Otherwise you're going to have to coax it out of me.
i get that cutesie bullshit all the time where someone is like "we need someone to handle this"
and all eyes in the room pan over to me and im like... fuck
the bad ones can still slip through sadly
I just pretend not to notice.
i wonder how many traps can actually produce cum
I can't
damn shame most of us can't
So fucking find someone to fuck instead of bitching about it on a shitty image board.
i lack that talent... they know im felly attentive and constantly on alert. ive passed up things like maybe twice when i legitimately couldnt handle it at the time and gave valid reasons. so im basically just a pushover
im not too in the know on the subject
i do just fine
do you get that sweet ass no refractory period?
Same really. If I can't be bothered to do it well I would rather not do it at all. I have just observed people who I know to be competent at something do a poor job on purpose so that they wouldn't be asked again in future. The most obvious example of this I can think of is being "good with computers" and then you get volunteered to fix any family members/friends computer infected with a ton of malware when they could have fixed it easily themselves if they had just used google.
nor am I, gonna jump out for a bit talk to you later sebs
buh bye
I had/still recovering from rhabdomyolysis
from exercising
I try to improbe myself and life is just like "here's a rare ass disease that could kill you"
whats the doc saying about your kidney function?
Someone should make a legally binding agreement that forces the two parties to specify what "work" is how how much said "work" costs.
We should call it a contract!
Make contract become magical girl.
we caught it early thankfully, doc didn't really tell me the status of my kidneys. I was in so much pain/panic when I actually got to the hospital that I full on hallucinated someone holding my hand and have encountered some memory loss
doc's orders say I can't exercise for a month and have to drink more than half a gallon of water a day