Welcome to Gook Troop, starring IKT.
Welcome to Gook Troop, starring IKT
Other urls found in this thread:
I wish it was
When do you think you will :3
at least there's no rush~
hard a s a fucking diamond
Do you know what the filter is called
I wanna gypsify my uyyuis >//
Who said I was going to?
I love you more than life its self and would take a bullet for you.
fuck man
I just like loaded up a fresh ass vape bowl
then on my first hit
it hit too hard and i coughed into the tube and exxhaled it all
the whole fucking bowl
it all went into the heating element
and the element is burning at labove fahrenheit 415
right so fucking
it combusted hen it hit the eleent
then my vape was just like blowing out so much weed smoke
i had to hit that shit and it tasted bad
and i lost my whole bowl
very lame
these are for you
It's just the negative one lol
You did
ilu bard sis
i'm just content with not rushing into things anymore. Life is short, but I know it doesn't end for those who found the narrow pathway to eternity. It will be a lifelong journey from here on this righteous path.
Keep them on, lets just hold hands and cuddle instead.
I did?
why are you guys doing this to me in front of everybody........
i cant handle it anymore...
Socialist uprising when
Everything is unscoped or public
I can't remember saying that.
I can't hold back my love anymore.
Because you suck major ass
Everything shall be a global variable.
We shall use #DEFINE for every little detail
I do no such thing.
I can't stand these fuckers who give me a bigger bill than what they are paying for and still try to match the exact change
the UN and globalism play into the new age which is satan's age old lies. It is luciferianism
“Evidence of the growth of the human intellect along the needed receptive lines [for the preparation of the New Age] can be seen in the 'planning' of various nations and in the efforts of the United Nations to formulate a world plan... From the very start of this unfoldment, three occult factors have governed the development of all these plans.” SOURCE: [Alice B. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age (Lucis Press, 1955), Vol. II, p.35.]
I'm going to bed.
I like hearing yoru take on things from a cashiers persepective so I can better myself as a shopper
sweetest dreams ban archives master san
Don't wake up
They are worse than lotto players
i fucking HATE lottery players at clerk stores
im illuminate
Aren't you the guy that fucks kids and claims to be a psychopath?
How does any of that contrast with him making fun of obsessive radical Christians?
Everyone that comes in my store just needs their ass beat tbh
He's been claiming for most of this thread that he IS an obsessive radical Christian.
i'm the type of nigga who walk in at 3 or 4 a.m
buy like 7 bucks in chocolate and stare at my feet before leaving and dropping my shit
Oh, I haven't been paying attention
ui is reformed satanist
Oh it's sarcasm
Come on Test
Dont talk to ui, trst
Test, dont do it
hey i was looking for you earlier!!!!1
I made a meme that reminded me of you
pic related
its the meme~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
Why lol
The fuck has gotten into Lewds?
A guy, maybe
because I am high as fuck every night
I used to be. I was a satanist, and I tell you there's still time to change the road you're on to eternal damnation. Open your heart.
I have never touched a child inappropriately, and yes I am a christian, but I am not radical in my beliefs. On the being psychopathic thing I believe I actually am and have been told by several pyschs I have aspd
thats obviously blood chan
He an asspie
I've pasted it like three times now.
Fuck this site.
I'm not treying to be rude, but by definition I think you are with your love of boy bands and posters and shit.
Sarcasm requires that you tell it in such a way that people are in on it being a joke based on your tone. Nobody seems to be taking it as a joke, and judging by the way he talked about it in the last thread, whether it's true or not I don't believe he wants it taken as a joke. He's been talking for a while now about how he's saved.
nothing wrong with listening to the backstreet boys t b honest
Bsb pretty lit as fooq
Lewds is a bottom.
Did you give him sum fuk?
There was that big euro meetup of animus posters that one time.
"Asperger syndrome was generally considered to be on the “high functioning” end of the spectrum. Affected children and adults have difficulty with social interactions and exhibit a restricted range of interests and/or repetitive behaviors. Motor development may be delayed, leading to clumsiness or uncoordinated motor movements. "
literally none of this describes me.
I have never had problems interacting with people(salesman) and have excellent motor skills. I also hate doing things repetitively
The worst feeling Is that you will never be able to experience a euro meetup because we're american
Bullshit. Lyin ui at it again.
Lyin, creeper ui
i want stocking to cut off my balls and prepare them in a stu and force feed it to me after she ties me up and slathers me in ketchup
Hahahaha so randumb xdddddd
I'm done with your child like behavior.
here comes the HOT spicy MeAtbaLLs
Font compare me to achild i dont want your rape
How did they even afford to meet up?
Who paid for anything?
Ui is a slimeball, sleezy, pedo, lying piece of shit.
Welfare must cover more and more things these days.
Don't kinkshame me
Thank fuck for brexit
There is nothing wrong with Ui.
Eat my ass, scoots.
haters gonna hate
i bet she tastes like cotton candy
I bet this image will trigger someone
Ui fuck off back to scarlets dungeon you fat nolife
stocking is a grown adult
Are you seriously calling me fat?
rogl look in the mirror
shes not even fully naked
Im disappointed in you
Yes, you fat heap of shit.
Nice cameo in jurassic park. As a huge pile of shit.
Fat cunt
How's it going?
is this better soto
Ui so fat he makes swedish fish look skinny as fuck
Ui a fucking flabmaster
Kill yourself pedo acum
tremendously peachy, swell, dandy, far out, groovy.
job interview tomorrow because i've grown bored of not working.
Ui aka the fattest liar you ever knew
I do prefer partially undressed stocking though.
I hear shrek was a homage to ui
Oh, that's going to be good!
I had a few job interviews for CNC machinist and welding, but I wasn't chosen. I'll keep trying to get those careers though. hbu
I'm at a geo conference in Denver right now
Just got back from barhopping with friends and I should really be in bed now.
The more he "insults me" the more I think he likes me.
I am in bed, but I should really be asleep.
It would be shame if ui died in their sleep. Kindof looking forward to him being lynched by the neighborhood parents
Go pay for Erins drug habits or something. Leave me alone loser.
but you're posting mostly-lewd stocking, so that makes it worth being around
No. leave. Pedo scum.
This is what this "exchange" reminds me of.
Yea it is worth it tbh
Ui is large like jupiter lololol
you're bigger than me
not nearly as tall though
In the dick department
Gg pedo fag
VERY worth!
i'm hung like planet pluto
Typical fattie raging because of ravioli 😂
I doubt that, and people have said I have a nice dick.
picc related me in real life with my owner
post your dick scoots
Kids dont count you sick fuck
havent heard from based #erin
in a while
Hope she is well
My dick takes too many megapixels to phito
Ui a fat pedo
He isn't comfortable as he cant manipulate me
Lyin ui
tfw the only people w/ my noods are DEAD
last I heard she was delving further into schizophrenia
Privilege welfare
poor girl
happens to the best of them
I'm disappointed
we wasted
Remove Grim.
Kinda broad at the shoulder
and narrow at the hip
and everybody knew you never gave no lip
to big John
Big John
I like how i'm never included in animus things
except one
Our History proudly starts with the death of Drunky, who, while completely inebriated, fell off of the Eiffel Tower while he was getting head from a polish prostitute.
Down below, our future Supreme Leader, Nymph, was wandering the streets of Paris after receiving a fresh skullfucking in his left eyesocket from Yan. His brain was severely damaged causing hallucinations and a fascinating drop in his IQ.
Nymph stumbled upon the corpse of Drunky, and became instantly inspired by his death, promptly pulling down his pants and holding in his hands the precious final excrements of Drunky, which were magical and could talk.
Turd-chan whispered to Nymph.
"You must forge a new world order and bring about final peace to the planet."
"Okay." replied Nymph, who then boldly set out on his quest to conquer the entirety of civilization and the known world.
Nymph promptly sought out some psychopathic cunt and established that they would be his advisor. They agreed, believing Nymph would make a perfect figurehead for a form of government, and also being totally out of their fucking mind.
The new advisor handed Nymph a list of potential recruits to help establish our proud new body of government. He first set out to recruit Ui, whom was set in charge of all Military operations and made General of our mighty armies, and then Luka, whom was made Leader of Central Intelligence, carrying out all stealth operations in for the good of the Order.
With his military set in place, Nymph set forth and began his campaign, Turd-chan in hand.
His army swept over the gloves like a plague, able to easily triumph over nations with their brilliant strategy of never actually being taken seriously.
Soon, all the world was under the proud rule of his might iron fist. Nymph commanded "Bring me the biggest fucking Jew in the world." And a Robot was brought before him. "You are now my treasurer, spend the world's currency wisely and weave it all into one new form."
"Beep Boop."
Nymph's first decree as Supreme Leader was that Eva would be made to clean up all of his messes forever.
And we have since enjoyed an age of prosperity and peace under his wise and caring rule.
andHobbes, Darwin (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882) was an English Shitposter.[I] He established that all species of life have descended over time from common ancestors,[1] and proposed the scientific theory that this branching pattern of Shitposting and derivatives of autism resulted from a process that he called Bernism, in which the struggle for existence has a similar effect to the artificial selection involved in selective breeding (TP, Punk, Light, Eva, Alice, etc).[2]
Darwin published his theory of shitposting with compelling evidence in his 1859 book "namesync", overcoming scientific rejection of earlier concepts of Holla Forums. [3][4] By the 1870s the shitposting community and much of the general public had accepted Bern as a slut. However, many favoured competing explanations and it was not until the emergence of the modern evolutionary synthesis from the 1930s to the 1950s that a broad consensus developed in which natural shitposting was the basic mechanism of Holla Forums.[5][6] In modified form, Darwin's discovery is the unifying theory of the autists, thus creating the cancer killing Holla Forums .[7][8]
Atleast eva wasnt a fat pedo
Leave, ui.
I stay now
my thread mommy bern never loved me
This is why I am the way I am
Name drop
im not there lol
Cupcake is my thread daddy uwah
POST more !!!!11!!!
you just otta be in the threads when these things get made
although idk if anyone really knows who made that anyways
someone dropped it in thread as user I think
i wish my thread parents were that cool
They gib naem and taught me to namepost.
Back when scooz was just a boxxy poster.
kuus was my thread mom
bard is my sissy
All I wanted to do was live my life. I didn't think I ever bothered anybody, sure I'm a bit of an asshole sometimes but that's part of having fun in life, you know? I've had a terrible fucking life as it is, I've worked my ass off to get where I am and I was still working my fucking ass off every damn day, and even though it seemed hopeless I had never given up hope, until now.
This is just too much, way too much for me to handle.
Yeah, we all make some stupid mistakes sometimes....and I made mine. But what's important is I was trying to change, I was busting my ass to fix it. I started going to drug counseling, therapy, anything to help me change my ways, you know?
But some bitch who thinks it's funny to ruin lives didn't care, she didn't give a fuck that she was destroying an entire fucking life with what she was doing.
I trusted her, and this is where it got me. Now I don't know if I'll ever be able to trust someone again.
Me and Wish had gotten to know each other quite well outside these threads, become pretty good friends, or so I thought. It was just a charade for what she had planned.
I let my guard down one night, before I had started going to counseling and therapy, back when I still did the stuff. I was pretty fucking stoned one night and like an idiot I video chatted with her while I did the stuff.
She recorded it all, took video and pictures, and sent it as an anonymous email to my dean and the other higher-ups explaining to them how bad of a person I was. The other day when I try going back to my dorm was when it all hit me. They pulled me into his office, and that's when my future was crushed, all because of what she did. Not only kicked out of university, but my parents won't let me stay with them either because they were told by the school, and my parents are 100% against drugs.
And this was all done by someone you all think is oh-so-friendly.
The witch named Wish.
Garee ols
've had sort of an "awakening" in my life, I'm starting to have a lot of regrets about things I've done and really want a purpose in my life, I want to do something, be somewhere, have a path to walk.
I've started analyzing problems with me and I'm trying to fix myself in some ways. I'm severely disappointed in myself in the choices I've made it's just....hard to believe
I've had 2 jobs now and I've squandered all the opportunities both of them gave to me.
I'm 20 and a half and even though I've had 2 jobs I spent all my money on my addictions instead of things to better my life like I should have. I should've bought a car for transportation, spent money on going to university or something, things that could help me.
I've always been a self-destructive person and it's taken me this long to realize it.
Instead of bettering my life, I spent all my money on my addictions, weed, pills, alcohol, video games, just to waste my life away.
I don't know what I should be doing, what or who I want to be.
I crave structure and I don't know how to get it.
Because I disliked someone that everyone loved, once I did that I was painted one way with a paint that I'd never wash off...
I did have real life friends, but shortly after my sickness got worse, they got distant. Further and further until they just stopped replying. The ones online? Fickle at best, They like to stab me in the back or choose people over me, it sucks. It's happened so much that I can pick out the signs and everything.
I think I'm going to lock myself in the bathroom, run the water and cry some... I'll be back in a little
Creep creep
through jesus christ and scripture is structure fam
ah nah thats just a vintage GarEE
I find my structure in music
Sup fegette
Music is nice too
cats cant drink milk its toxic to them
Gitta git that ❤️
H'weeee meees pureetee poasteeen
@bard 2
H'weee weeeel bee ryt bahk
H'wee leevin h'wurk
Pritty needs to return to shitposting!wew!
see you heretic
i want these ggloves
I do fire poi and led poi. never been great at gloving>>1360233
I forgot how terrible it feels to drink a shit ton of milk while eating watermelon. Almost reminds me of the crystal pepsi guy, it's great at first, then it hits you.
you mean the L. A Beast!
I son't have many fearsm except spiders and guy on a buffalo
Yeah that's the guy, I wonder if drinking that stuff had any lasting effects.
What about a spider riding a buffalo.
I dont think so
I follow him on fb and he posts quite a bit about how he walks a whole lotta mmiles everyday
hes in prettty decent shape
he does a whole lotta other crazy ass stuff too with like peppers or cactuses and stuff
I would probably die from heart attack
sleepy time.
What's this about cacti? Was he the guy who jumped into a huge pile of them?
Does the spider riding something trigger you or is it the buffalo itself? Maybe the improbability and danger of these beats working together. These are important questions.
Id be more afraid of guy riding a buffalo as the guy has intelligence and buffalo is natural tank made of pure muscle. the combo is unbeatable
niin onee chan
lol nahh he just ate one or 10
how often do you guys cry
Don't let the Buffalo Spider bite.
This spider has the intelligence to ride and pilot a Buffalo, despite his size, I say he is quite the braniac.
He had to have removed the needles, I don't think its safe to eat with them on, unless its the kinda soft needles that some species have.
whenever i stub my toe
which is pretty often because i can't walk properly
I' never knew australians had tear glands
Maybe they cry insect repellent.
shit I knew she used to do gangster shit but I didn't know how far it went.
Who was she gonna murder?
I know no details just the charge.
shame she didnt murder you.
I'm cumming.
nyaa~~ :3
A nigga chakra flow orochimaru
pet me~
*pet pet
can we get some less cancerous posters please
The cancer is all consuming.
Mike Wazowski
say meow pls
you'd have to leave with us then
Gonna love that new job at the ER
lol @ jack
Should have thought of this sooner
nap time
fucking jack too lulsy
y u so dead
watching a mentally retarded person attempt to complete banjo kazooie is an interesting, if painful experience
dead bread
Because I'm dead inside Also are you a nurse or a doctor?
posting fish bait
Nah, just transporting said things for now
Pays fine as fuck tho
ER's hectic as fuck tho. Good luck delivering screaming people.
Always made me wonder, what will traps look like when they get old? I imagine time is not as kind to them as a normal guy.
Waking up sucking fucks.
Permanent sleep is no longer a dream!
I call this one "Neko IRL"
ilu qt
Iori will never stomp on you
Someone woke me from my nap.
i thought ur pets were speciaaaaallll
Gyaru traps are neat.
they can be if you think of them as such
scoob pls
Anta Baka?!
Atleast when I woke up I heard mister deliveryman delivering my stuff.
Saké and Scotch.
Time for sandwiches and a stiff one.
lmao i bet you have a stiff one, homo
Good evening.
What does that mean?
Good afternoon ^^
Teach me more.
Ik vind je lief :3
What does that one mean?
I demand attention
I think you're sweet.
Say please.
I wish I could teach you stuff.
C-can I have some attention, please...?
I mean, if it isn't too much trouble...
Honk Honk
[s] bitch [/s]
That doesn't sound like please.
You may have my attention ^^
pls no bsod
Marry me pussy~
going nini
Leer me Japans, alsjeblieft :3
nap time
Later, baka.
Rest well!
Watashi no ikt ga kawaii~
Shingeki no IKT
Watashi wa kawaiii~
daijoubu ka?
I support it.
Not an item, no.
You're the one who called him "My Ikt"~
too many thread couples
In endearment.
Shh, it's okay.
You don't have to be embarrassed.
Not a good joke.
Nanda watashi?
Sorry, wife.
Whoah, it really is butchered german
Rolled 1 (1d10)1 Akiba's Trip
2 Final Fantasy
3 Valkyria Chronicles
4 Tales of Zesty Rita
5 They Bleed Pixels
6 Agarest Wars
7 Child of Light
8 Dragon Age
9 Skyrim
0 God Eater
Trump in league with the Israelis.
Well. What hope do you have now Jack./
I don't have a democrat rubber spine
Guess I support Israel now
Hail Mossad
The Bear Jew
actually I have no idea where nuts come from like do they grow on nut trees or do they grow in the ground like onions or do they come from animals like honey from bees or from processed plant material like pasta from corn flour stuff or something else
They grow on a bush type thing.
Falling coconuts kill at least 150 people each year
Milky Joe and the CoCoNuts.
People nuts fall at least 150 cocos each year.
*Quiet boof*
Morning. It's kind of slow today.
It would seem so. Monday and all. Its my weekend too. Oh well. Booze and NFL tonight. Late scootday.
How is it on your end?
You've never seen a walnut tree ?
Well enough. I got a new phone and am setting it up over the last 24 hours.
Beyond that I kind of want more sleep, but need to be awake for work in a few hours.
We had a walnut tree near our house on my aunts lawn. Was great for snackage in early fall.
Coffee or caffeine sound like good options.
Is the phone a good fit?
I saw briefly you and someone else discussing it yesterday.
Its not a top of the line model is it?
More practical/function over fanciness.
50 bucks and a pay as you go card plan.
It does what I need and is large enough for my hands. It's very thin though.
Big phones ftw. I am always getting people commenting on the size of my phone. "It may aswell be a tablet" etc etc.
Shit is superb though.
And the main thing is that the phone matches your needs.
Yeah, I don't get the small phone craze. I need something to match how large my hands are, but most of what I see are tiny ass screens. It's ridiculous.
Want to play some OW?
I have very bad co-ordination dut to my joints/ligaments so a large screen is helpful... means I am not making an ass of myself.
Double jointedness is a curse I swear.
And sure, sounds a plan
why doesn't my horrible copy & paste code not work
That gif is creepy
I have seen an acorn tree though and a chestnut tree but only squirrels can eat those nuts I think
i'm sorry
please no more dragon ball z
get on my level
Wow, nice.
How basic do you have to be to play 76?
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ I hope that you are doing well!! Have a great Week! ╰(◡‿◡✿╰)
Rolled 3 (1d10)Let's try this again.
1 Reroll
2 Final Fantasy
3 Valkyria Chronicles
4 Tales of Zesty Rita
5 They Bleed Pixels
6 Agarest Wars
7 Child of Light
8 Dragon Age
9 Skyrim
0 God Eater
what else am I to play when my mains get taken
I thought they fixed that shit
What the fuck Jeff