The Evil Inside

What the heeeeeell?

A reminder that EW2 won't be a semi-decent RE4 clone and is instead written and directed by some gaijin, so expect spoopy walking simulator with jump scares.

We're supposed to be hunting down Leslie/Ruvik as he finds a way to murder thousands in the real world and basically turn reality into what he made out of his STEM world. That was the whole fucking ending. That was the set up for the sequel. That would have been the whole damn plot of the second game. And they just forget it why? Who cares about the personal drama you already knew about if you read the stupid person journal entries. They decided to just make a different game, a different continuity, basically a different IP minus some shared features.

personal journal entries*
god dammit I cant even fucking type right now

so does this mean joseph oda doesnt come back as a villain?

As far as I know, he isn't even mentioned in TEW2

I played The Last of Us for the first time recently, and realized it plays almost exactly like The Evil Within 1. However the stealth is more arbitrary and the special zombies are a pain in the ass since the beginning. It's just not fun.

Your dupes speak the truth my man. They had it by the balls to be something great. Hell, they didn't even need the spoopy matrix world, Seb was fucked royaly by Ruvick in the end and the ending implied that either Leslie is Ruvik or that Seb and Leslie are hosting parts of Ruvik's conciousness with Seb having the most of it due to him killing him and getting more exposed.

We could have had some proto-RE4 shit with Seb in the real world getting drunk as a way to dump Ruvik's psycho influence while Ruvik-Leslie tries to be as Wesker / Psycho-Joker as possible while struggling to fully take over Leslie and you as Seb would be battling "ghosts" and your traumas along with amalgamated nightmares that still reside in your brain.

Hell, in the event Ruvik made an upgraded STEM and forced say a whole town to see hallucinations in broad daylight as a way to control them and basically be like a Scarecrow plot while Seb is struggling as the game pushes on and some things like, a potential "retcon" of Kidman being good and Joseph being alive at the start of the game be a twist and they actually represent sides of Seb that he has and saw in the two rookies. Think prototype Dead Space 3 where "Carver" was Isaac's hallucination and representation of his darker side but also of an idealistic representation of "strength" - tough, burly etc

Not to mention that letting the DLC gaijin direct this thing and have more gaijin writers did this game a huge deservice, especially because they thought they were so smart they could fool us into thinking "Oh hey look, if TEW1 was RE1 / RE4, then TEW is RE2 with its open city full of zombies except not really and since its AAA western design, you have crafting, botched upgrade system, more action less enemies crawling around the city compared to RE2 and Zennimax collectables".

Fine, it's inexcusable they dropped the planned lead for the sequel. But that fanfiction tier shit would be way worse.

Honestly, I did this spergy post to illustrate that anything from Mikami or some random dude not from Bethesda would have made the whole thing better.

Ruvik a cute

OP, the DLC writer faggot replaced Shinji Mikami as director, and no "Executive Producer" means jack shit. Why do you think the story is all about Mobius bullshit and then at the end every fucking loose end other than Ruvik is wrapped up. Fucking mistake to pirate this shit, the entire game is what is fucking wrong with modern gaming, it didn't felt right, and horror was non-existent.

Yes he is, he's the final slide and very possibly a DLC hook.

They seem to cut all mention of Ruvik out of the flashback scenes and everywhere else in TEW2. It's a real shame, because he's probably one of the best vidya villains of the decade.

Oh, yeah, The Evil Within. One of ZeniMax Media Inc.'s most famous products.

zeni/beth just published it
Look at the credits, it's all japs.
Shinji Mikami directed and wrote it.


All the writing in this game is trash, from the fundamentals of the story to the derivative execution, but the dialog is particularly galling. It's the dumbest ending I've seen in a long time. The spooky horror has no creative inspiration or artistic intent.

The people who made this game should feel bad.

looks like I have to go randomly shit on a game I don't like that has some discussion, just to keep the cycle going.

Was much more invested in saving the loli daughteru in EW2 than I was about whatever Ruvik was asshurt about in EW1

back to reddit

He's right, though. Having a personal motivation really helped Sebastian's character as opposed to "what is this random shit".

everybody with different opinion than mine is from reddit! look at me i'm a retarded child and can't handle reality!

Sebastian and Kid are back but where the fuck is Jonathan? Huh? Kid even handwaves "As you know Jonathan is alive and well…". Why not include him in the game then?

You mean Joseph. And yeah, I agree, I was disappointed that he was not in the game, and his fate is still unknown. Granted, it was very obvious that he syrvived in the first game, and Sebastian is just retarded. Joseph was shot in the fucking shoulder, it was obviously a nonlethal wound.

Can't blame em. Ruvik was a boring character. In fact I liked that 2 had multiple psychos to fight instead of just one bland one. All of which were more interesting than emo Ruvik.

I think it did an okayish job, at least a lot better than the first game did in trying to be a RE4 clone.

You know why, (((DLC)))

You guys pointed out that the writing and the story is utter shit so i don't have to.
But let's get into the gameplay talk too.
-First of all, it's simplified. Big surprise huh?
-Glitches all over the place. Another great surprise.
-No match system.
-The AI is pathetic, making the game easy as fuck, even on harder difficulties.
-The enemies are shamlessly reused throughout the game, including most of the "bosses".
-There is a pathetic attempt at catering towards the fans of the first game by having a boss-rush with the first game's bosses. But it's incredibly simple and easy.
-Many, many, many cutscenes, forced walk-and-chat, pointless and skippable dialoge options.
-You can pause the game at any time and craft ammunition. Yes, even in mid-fights.

Feel free to add more points if you can.
As i see it, this is a total failure as a sequel and as a stand alone game.

He just wanted to be with his incestous sister again.

I liked him as a character. His loneliness and fear of fire also made him somewhat look like a normal human rather than random psycho vidya antagonist.

Thanks, for some reason i remembered that he had a Joestar name, but forgot which exactly.

How many Evil Within threads do we need?
what is with all the TEW shills?

Movement felt kinda floaty to me tbh. Also Sebastian sometimes does this weird glitchy jig when you enter or exit stealth.
The exclusion of match system kinda made sense (from story perspective at least). The game tricks you into thinking that Lily burned up with the house but instead she was abducted by Moebius. Emoboy from the first game had a pyrophobia because of some story shit involving his sister being immolated before his eyes or someshit? It is only natural that in his world fire would be the ultimate threat. Lily doens't have any of that shit since she's innocent, her world would've been stable if only psycho squad didn't tamper with it.
Bosses of the game felt shitty. Cackling bitch i loved probably the most since she was the most aggressive and dangerous one. Stefano is gr8. Pyro is a joke. Nigger dies in a cutscene, however i loved the boss rush. Myra a shit (i love the gooey visuals though), you can easily skip her bossfight if you want.
The most glaring downgrade from the first game is imo is enemy variety as you pointed out. The first game had an insane amount of details when it came to run-o-the-mill enemies (burning corpses, two-headed dudes, instakill chainsaw dudes, snipers, etc.). In EW2 there's like three enemy types with one superpowered variant of the regular zombie.
Also there's couple of semioptional? bosses, but they are reused constantly. EW1 had minibosses, but every one of them was a one-nighter gig.

Wait, what?

I'm enjoying this game a lot more than the original tbh fam.
The village and subsequent sections of EW1 were great but then the game just became a string of shitty scripted setpieces. EW1 may be easier and infected with a little western cancer, but it's far more consistent and overall fun, I think yiu guys are just comparing the best parts of EW1 with the worst of EW2. Sure the best of EW2 doesn't come close to the best of the original, but the shitty parts aren't nearly as shitty or as numerous, it's like a flatter curve with a higher average than EW1 IMO.

Yeah it's a problem the first game had too, but it's a lot more noticeable here since the camera is zoomed in a lot closer this time.
Yeah had the same thing happen for me a lot too
Compared to the awful shitshow bosses from the first game they're masterpieces. I mean Jesus at least this game had a final boss fight.
Yes and no. First game had more variety but they only showed up a few times. Majority of the enemies were just reskins of the haunted and not even good ones like they did with 2.
tbh I'm completely glad they didn't have it. The amount of enemies that were given guns at the end of EW1 was awful. I mean Jesus I get that they want to copy RE4, but they shouldn't try and copy the worst part of RE4. For once it was nice to play an RE4 clone that didn't try and copy the mistakes from the island section of the game.
What? You fight the chainsaw guy like 3 times and he's like one of the two minibosses you fight.


You are pathetic contrarians.

But user, contrarians are the ones who shit on decent games just to be hip and edgy.

What I don't get is why EW2 has open world shit in it. What possessed them to add that to a series whose only entry had extremely linear levels?

Bethesda is like a hammer. Publisher or developer, they see a videogame and they have to insert an open world in there.

It's a really small "open" world, I'd say it's more like a hub world really, to the point that setting map markers is pretty much useless since you always know where to go. It's more Silent Hill style, not a huge map crammed with junk.

Still can't wrap my brain around the whole setting for the series.

Okay - so it's a computer program running on wetware of a core sample (Ruvik and Lily). But why the fuck is there echoes from Sebastian's past in the second game? Does Lily somehow gain the memories of people plugged into the system? Why the Moebius system was hardwired into this experimental shit? I'm pretty sure the big cheese in the intro says that the system's fucking sweet, but it's still an experiment. Why lay all the eggs in one basket, get my drift? This is even weirder considering the events of the previous game.

The Beacon segments are from Sebastian's own memory, obviously. When he deals with his demons, the Beacon stuff disappears. The only point where it shows up again is when the Nigger digs through Sebastian's thoughts to try and guilt trip him.

From the EW2 Wikipedia page (paragraph about Development):
"The story of the game was penned by Syoji Ishimine and Trent Haaga. One of their focuses was to make the game's story easier for players to comprehend and understand, a response to the criticism of the first game where the game's plot gets too complicated by the end."

That's why the end of EW1 is never mentioned again. It was simply deemed too difficult to grasp and that's not the AAA, millions of units selling way.

Here's what I don't get with these games, it's basically The Matrixtm controlled by a madman, right? So why doesn't the mad man make all the ammo, guns, meds go poof? I mean it makes more sense why that doesn't happen in the second one since Mobius had put in subtunnels and shit, but why not just make guns that have infinite ammo? I mean it's the fucking matrix.

why 3 threads

It's not an open world game, it has two hub worlds which are pretty small. You can backtrack which is probably what they meant with open world. one hub also gets blocked off later on.

jesus, i thought normalfags don't care for a game after they finished it.
Maybe they meant the way they are going to tell it.

Agree, in one part of the game you have to get the electricity running again down in the tunnels. I mean, wut.
That's why the idea with ruben bringing Stem into the real world would have made more sense or atleast simplified.
I'm pretty sure there will be a third game that will end the story somewhere like that.
Nigger priest and IT-Nigger thanks to bethesda cucks

One the files in the 2nd game mentions mobius is planning to make a wireless STEM, so they don't have to use those tub pods anymore. So there would be a coma epidemic probably if they make a 3rd one.



i went back re4 to compare and movement/aiming feels so much better there. turning in particular makes sebastian feel like a complete fatty and his base walkspeed itself is infuriating. it's amazing how the manage to make it feel worse to play than a game from 10+ years ago

the first game sort of alluded to the idea that it was a mass consciousness that took something from everyone involved and ruvik i can never get over how stupid that name is just happened to be lucid within it but he wasn't omnipresent. in 2, they just turned it into the matrix but they also manage to make the first game even dumber. the implication that every ghoul is an individual and not a memory or some shit means that somehow ruvik & jimmenez were abducting thousands of people and storing them in the hospital in some capacity

Dude, Ruvik = Rorschach VA.
He has the best voice in the game.
Are you really trying to say Stefano is better?

What the god damn motherfucking hell?
Are you shitting me? I hate Bethesda so much.

You're right I take it back, Stefano is actually a little bit worse than Ruvik, but Theodore and Myra were both more interesting psychos than Ruvik was.
Good voice acting doesn't make a bad character suddenly good. Having a good VA doesn't change the fact that Ruvik is a boring edgy emo kid.

Don't think so, the plot of the current game is basically "what if Last of Us Joel could save his baby girl"? Effective, emotional, yes, but not really a pinnacle of originality or depth. And because we know what STEM is, because the plot is so straightforward, there's just no horror or surprise in this game. You run around from one big objective to the next (with perhaps a few side objectives), knowing in advance what is going to happen, try to enjoy the stealth and gunplay a little and that's about it.

The main positive for me was the first open area. There was stuff to do, stuff to discover. Little events here and there. But after that locale, you've pretty much seen everything the game has to offer in the way of gameplay. The little events make place for gauntlets of enemies that require pretty much the exact same tactics as in the first parts of the game.

Oh well. I kinda hoped for EW2 to have more head games and a new form of evil within (maybe even without, for example because of the STEM event, Sebastian starts seeing horrors in reality, driving him mad, getting him to believe that only by going back to STEM he can make it stop or such), but then I read the Wikipedia page and realised this was never going to happen. Safe and predictable, streamlined, common denominator, that's how AAA likes it.

You know, I wouldn't even be surprised if that criticism hadn't come from gamers, but from game journalists in their reviews and Bethesda took notice. On that note, here's a little story I came across this morning (not EW related, but still wanted to share):

So incompetent twits like these get a soapbox to influence a large audience. There's no scale able to measure how much I loathe this.