
Other urls found in this thread:


oh god please no

Could you act at least a bit less like someone who just discovered the internet?

please YES
Dragon butts are the best. Too bad I lost that folder.



It was an ironic joke user.
Pretty much.

Good thing goons are already here (^:

Call me when he actually makes it, and it doesn't involve actual dragons

i wonder how all those hipster drakengard fans feel now that they will never get a game with taro's "deep plots and compelling characters" again because muh dick sells 100x better.

Depends on his next game

Drakengard/Nier used to be about surprisingly good narrative in rough gameplay. Now it's just muh 2B when she's objectively, and intentionally, the worst girl Taro's ever made.
I'm slowly coming to entertain the thought even Other M wasn't as bad as a franchise ruiner as Automata is.


Just because he makes some hentai 1 time doesn't mean he'll stop making good games.
You don't actually believe this do you?

The important question would be, what would a porno directed by Yoko Taro look like? We've already confirmed he's an ass man, so I expect the booty to be 10/10 at least.


That's the thing, will he be able to actually do it.

I personally doubt it, but I hope he can do it one day.

It just excites you.


History has proven you wrong time and time again.

Taro is a faggot
Automata and D3 were Sub Par
Drakengard and NieR were the only games of merit he has ever ⁽ᵃᶰᵈ ʷᶦᶫᶫ ᵉᵛᵉʳ ᶫᵒᶫ⁾ Create/Direct
Its all downhill from here boys.


Nope. Even the prettiest start squeeling like someone is torturing them.


Well, you're not wrong.

What the fuck? As in he is going to record himself fucking some cum dumpster whore? Or is he going to "direct" a pornographic film? Whichever it is I find it absolutely jewish and disgusting.

Are you a homo?

He should try making porn games better yet and give fans the best of both.

Imagine how eternally destroyed and wonderfully suicidal retards would be if porn/H games ever somehow became a powerhouse that kept gaining interest and profit.

The fact he didn't say hentai makes me think it will be with 3DPDs. And it is not like SE would let him to use their franchises to make porn.


Porn parodies don't need permission, my dude.

My dick is ready.

that would be extremely disappointing.

At least when women fake their orgasms I don't want it to sound like shit.

Another finger of the monkeys paw curls inward

Taro is not a nobody. If he makes a cosplay porn with his name on it, they will fire his ass.

It is 3DPD, he said Adult Video or AV which is the japanese equivalent to american jewish pornography.

This would be great if Japan didn't censor their porn.


Directing porn is a jewish thing and I find it utterly disgusting and depraved.

Meh, japanese porn is mostly shit, it's either the men being weak faggots and getting pissed on or the women acting like they are being raped. The only jap porn that I like is lesbian kissing

Pornography is inherently jewish

I find you a jewish and depraved thing. Get out of this website, oven-dodger.

Because Automata wasn’t filled with those deep plots.

What kind of retardation are you on to think that way, user? Did you decide to just jump on the hate bandwagon to make yourself think you’re cool?


What did I say to offend you this badly user?

you threatened his cummies.

He's trying to abuse disgust based reactionary shit, thinking this is a place that abhors porn.

Do you hate the concept of sex then?

This is the end result of Yoko Taro getting sent all of that 2B and 9S porn.




I abhor 3DPD porn and have nothing against the concept of sex just because I don't like pornography.

Only a jew goes around calling stuff meaningless pejoratives. Seriously, "depraved, jewish and disgusting". If you changed jewish to misogynistic you would've done a 10/10 feminist impression.

He's right tho. They squeal like pigs

They started making tentacle porn only when the government was cracking down on normal one.
Also the reason there are no female actors in kabuki, even though kabuki was started by women, is because their fans (Edo-time idol fans basically) were crazy. But then when women roles were started being played by young boys they lusted even harder after them.

You are comparing some ancient painting to the modern japanese porn industry which is definitely a direct result of the western one.

Sorry for threatening your masturbatory addiction.

I actually agree with him. It all sounds the same, like someone is torturing them and they're trying to sound like they're kids who don't want to do something.

How retarded are you?

Who wants to jerk off while sad?



and you are grasping at straws at this point


You've even got the passive-agressiveness down to a T. This shit is impressive.

Just keep fapping guys.

Why bother working out or improving yourself, when you can watch porn.
Also, please, absolutely

It's popularity increased after crack down that doesn't mean it didn't exist plenty before hand.

It makes perfect sense, the jews lost money on purpose to create the Japanese porn industry.

Reading your posts is embarrasing. Japan was very sexually repressive in earlier periods.

I bet there was a guy like you in ancient times. He would watch the muslims invade, butcher and convert locals, then turn around and say:

Obviously the Japanese evolved from rats.

at the speed of light

Just keep enjoying your japanese porn, there's no use tacking turboweebs who will justify anything Japan does. Might as well ban me now for disrespecting Nippon.

The fuck are you talking about?

Stop using that fucking retarded term.


Even the mature oppaiyoukai?

I bet there was a guy like you in ancient times. He would watch all the others masturbate get angry that he couldn't get it up, turn around and say


Good because 2B is asking for a furious dicking.


oh sweet cherryboi.

Japs with large breasts are very rare and I don't expect a glorified prostitute to not have fake tits.


There's no use arguing with you, enjoy your subversion and self-deprecation obfuscated as smugness.

I bet there was a witch like you in ancient times. Caught sacrificing a baby to baphomet you would later be executed. On the pyre, while burning you would shout:

You're a little late on the draw there bud.

youkai aren't real user

Literally what the OP was about.



No, this is an evergreen thread, no leaves here, honest!

Whatever dude, she is still an ugly whore carrying the Grand Canyon between her legs.

Love you too user, have a nice hypocritical fap later on.

What dumbass incompetent witch gets caught anyway? Even if that happened then I'd just turn into mist and fly away or something like that.

I love when antipornautist shows up and makes an ass out of himself.

Truly, the retards of ancient times.

I have been on nofap for two months.


lmaoing @ ur lifes.

This is literally the first time that I ever post about this. Thinking that more than one person sharing some idea are a single entity is a sign of autism.

D-don't bully me, or you will suffer a horrible witch curse!

More like a bitch curse


I’m not the one attributing porn and fapping to your retarded ass scenarios, antipornautist. The only ones with autism here are you and your “friends”.

And i wouldn't get to excited about him directing porn, judging by how well hes been directing his latest games…

I'm not whoever you claim.

Actually crusaders were famous for their stench.

I’m having a giggle.

Don't get between an addict and his dope.

so was your mom



Keep telling yourself that. You can all easily be lumped together due to your views being absolutely batshit insane.


The stench of death of peasantry and sand infidels that is.

I'm having a giggle.

They just didn't bathe actually. It is one of the common problems of the West at the time.


Too bad the glorified Sans cosplayer will just release straight porn


Pretty accurate huh

Wanting others to stop their pornography addiction keeping them down and to better themselves sure is "absolutely batshit insane" ain't it?

Do you run into ice cream parlors slapping cones out of people's hands screaming "you addict!"?

Western armies were smelly in general, deserts or no deserts. Westerners weren't as hygienic as Eastern Asians, which tended to bathe daily. It is usually attributed to religious differences.

Oh man user you sure are a moral authority with your internet role playing buddies. You’re right! Everyone should bow down to you because you are righteous and not batshit insane at all. Fuckin kek.

You keep embarrassing yourself more with each post, you really ought to stop.

Crusading would still smell amazing.

What. You don't seriously think jacking off at most 2-3 times a day is something that "keeps you down" do you? Or is this some weird projection thing?

What the fuck Holla Forums I thought we were better than this

Getting so uppity and defensive over pointing out that something addictive is in fact addictive is something that only an addict will do

What buddies?

take a look at this slanteye


Would it really. I mean, you are slaying Arabs. Would dirty arabs would really smell good when cut in half?

It definitely is

Nothing's stopping him from making a deep hentai game with deep plot.


It's actually linked to causing depression as it increases your dopamine levels so high to the point where you feel bad if you don't do it, but the OP isn't handling it in the best way possible.

He'll be more successful if he drops that advice in a depression or mental illness thread because people are receptive when they're at a critical point.

Keep in mind you're not going to convince anyone, no matter how good your intentions. It's the same as with any addiction, doesn't matter how harmful or harmless t is. People will either try to justify it, call you a killjoy or admit to it but accept their situation and change nothing. Try helping those who actually want it.

Thanks user.

Nice non-arguments. Do you have any proof masturbation is addictive other than "muh dopamine". And if you do, is it any more addictivd than real sex(which I assume you have no problem with)?

Name me one good writer who does stuff Taro does better. Name one.

East Asians have less apocrine sweat glands than Europeans anyway, so they would smell less anyway.

Masturbating too much can reduce your ability to orgasm during real sex.


Yet they bathe more. For far longer time.


New to this thread/conversation, but being addicted to real sex makes a person go out and pursue it, which in turn makes them live a life full of achievement and prosperity, because women don't get with broke losers who don't do anything (unless they're really fat or ugly). Being addicted to masturbation just results in shut-ins who don't care about anything.

Personally i couldn't care less about the porn he makes, it just irks me how Yoko taro maintains "Le ebin niche dev xD" status after releasing so many blunders.

Correlation =! Causation. People who are depressed masturbate a lot because it's something that feels good no matter your state of mind, it doesn't mean that masturbation depresses people. And well you're right that if you don't get your dopamine levels up every ocne in a while you'll be depressed, you always find something to keep your dopamine levels up, be it exercise, masturbation, videogames, etc.

Yeah. Also nofap increases your testosterone levels by 400% and gives you the ability to shapeshift

Releasing infidelic scum from their mortal forms and sending them to God would definitely smell amazing.

Why are you even replying to me?

Is it because of the hot springs?

I'll drop this here, this is my last post.

I really hope you aren't actually this naive

ayyy edgy trips

Really unbiased and trustworthy source right there, user.

Playing with dicks is pretty gay. Also why were so many of you faggots clueless about JAV is to begin with? Worthless leddit cock fondlers, the lot of you.

He's just fucking with you.

But the ones who supposedly didn't bathe daily were the ones who managed to conquer vast swathes of land, unite relatively peacefully with neighboring tribes, and eventually came to control a large portion of modern-day China.

JAV isn't that good.

No, this isn't a myth, grip pressure and vaginal pressure aren't comparable and a learned response to the former can lessen the effect of the latter.


They sound like high pitched cats, I can't take it seriously at all.

I wasn't kidding about the nofap either. Once I got to the point where I could turn my hands into metal and it was pretty useful in the office, unfortunately I ended up masturbating a week later with scissor hands and ended up circumcising myself.

You can also very well get addicted to sex and live a hedonistic lifestyle that way. Really, you can get addicted to anything that feels good or your brain thinks is good for it. The problem is we have a lot of "shortcuts" or means that serve the same effect but are far removed from their original purpose, as well as a bunch of distractions.

Probably around 95% of the people here are addicted to browsing shit online because they have no easier means of social interaction or spending their time, me included. Everyone I've talked to who tries to pursue a creative goal keeps complaining about getting distracted by something as simple as Holla Forums or twitter or what have you. Too many impulses and distractions in the current year.

No. If we go to very back in history, at first it was because Eastern Asia was civilised earlier. At some point civilisation spread and so did taking a bath. But Christianity eventually ruined that by claiming that public baths are immoral. And also there were a lot of believes about the dirt on your body protecting you from illness and water caring a lot of diseases, which might not have been completely untrue, considering the modern India tier shit problems people had at some places (though not all).

Yes, that was the golden age of bathing, before it ended.

what are you homo?


Actually, a distinction must be made between the zealots that preceded Crusaders and the Crusader Army itself. The former was a bunch of Christian fanatics, thieves, assassins, wenches, peasants, carpenters and so forth so on, who were attracted by the idea of pillaging the rich Anatolian and Syrian lands, avenge their own families who were murdered by Islamic Jihadis, spread Christendom as far as the eye can see and because they didn't invent the papers yet. They were armed with rudimentary weapons, smelt like shit, were often found pursuing material desires and fornicating around the camps and would just bring in a lot of squalor with them. However, they ended up being somewhat useful to the Crusaders in that they were usually the first horde to come knocking at the enemy's gate, getting murdered by the hundreds and basically just prepping up the battlefield by tiring the enemy's defenses. They're also cited to be the main cause as to why the first Crusades were so bloody: while the soldiers would massacre Islamic Judeans, the peasants couldn't tell any religious group apart and just went ahead and killed and pillaged as much as possible.

You expect me to believe you weren't already circumcised?

Nifty meme man, though a fat man and starving man often share the same appetites


Once read AV women do that so if they try to move into TV or something they can say they didn't want to and therefor not really a whore.

too fat
too annnoying looking

Of course I wasn't circumcised, I'm just one of you regular goy- guys!

I bet the same thing happens between the gay community and (You)

Sauce ?

You couldn't be more wrong if you tried.


I want TRSodomite & /freech/ to leave

I bet HALF of the posters in this thread haven't even played the games and only vaguely know about these games via all of 2B R34


I just want to play the original Nier again tbh.

user the women has world renowned naturally large breast. Not knowing who she is, is like not knowing who Nonsummerjack is.

literally who

are you just pretending to be retarded? anyway here is you last (you)

A chin assuming the form of a woman.

Asian sameface makes for a far less memorable person to us filthy gaijin oldfags.


I have been posting here for almost three years now and I still get called a newfag from time to time for not knowing who some rando is.



The way this song just kicks is like C418 sweden does in minecraft and you dont really see that kind of soul in AAA faggotry ever


NieR is one of my favourite games

its time to go back
fucking shame we cant have a Toro thread without obvious Goons & summerfags shitting up the board

If i could kill you and get away with it i would.

Kill yourself faggot

Daily reminder Yoko is based

I've been glossing over JAV actress pics for many years, bub, and I don't see that changing.


There is a disturbing lack of lewds in this thread. Let me help counteract that.

He's a man of extremes but has to border near the danger zone of immoral or banned everywhere (he's stuck with a publisher), he tries to push that in his games, but the video might get around it.

You know user, I looked at all your posts in this whole thread and I have to say its pretty funny to see a lack of yours to your blatant bait-posting.
Here's one out of pity before your filter.


I'm pretty sure that he is joking and all you idiots are taking his word literally.


yes indeed

God, you are dense.

I can't wait to jerk off to some aronofsky-esque fever dream porn where after I cum it turns out that the woman in the video is a man and also a dragon robot whose mecha-vagina transports semen to the hell realm to raise an army of demons to kill the universe or whatever

Website aside, are the arguments sound?

it isn't bait posting if i'm right user.


How am I a goon for not knowing about your favorite pornstar?

The best way to know if something is telling the truth is by checking their sources although the name of the website may indicate some bias.

Capital G, eh?

Fucking glorious

Pic related, it's you.


But user i enjoy Drakengard and NieR and i can criticise the director and series however i please, to be honest i was hoping for discussion on the games.

I didn't plan on triggering so many taro/squeenix fanboys into goonposting but im glad i did


Thank you for making it clear why you don't know who she is.

Im not surprised in the slightest that Automata fanboys produce the saltiest bitch Tears

Heres an ebin maymay you can use next time someone disagrees with you user


stop giving (you)s user

Why? Jesus dude, you are autistic as FUCK over people not knowing about some chink you wank it to.

I'm not mad at Taro at all though.


You've spent like 10 posts now damage controlling the fact that you don't understand a cornerstone of 8/v/ lore. Who's the real autist here?

I swear it's the same shitposter trying to push that meme, like the same pajeet who was trying to force cumskin over on /news/

According to who?
This thread is pure concentrated retardation, like where are all you retards coming from?

It's true when compared to a shut-in though. They'll both be miserable but the one who goes out actually gets rewarded, even if his life may also be shit.

Jojo's Bizarre adventure is basically modern sailor moon and naruto mashed together with faggotry to boot.


Then the sperms turns out to be your mother and you become your own grandpa from another dimension.

Nothing wrong with a little musk.

Imagine her eating a fruit and having you swallow the pasty grool with motor oil, mmmmm.

You don't have a chance in hell with her.

The face kills it

Not thick enough. Even I have bigger tits than her, and I'm a man.

Nice, the cringe squad is here.

Still better than "vagibros" and "NERMIES XD"

See: Super Paper Mario.

Budget and the audience. Normalfags hate shit that's actually profound, most of the time, normalfaggots are so dissonant that they can't combine lust and love into one medium and need to have them separated at all costs.

Not good enough user…
If you dont throat Taros smelly sushicock and sacrifice your firstborn child then swear 2B as grorious waifu fapbait the denizens of this thread will never be content.

Keep digging that hole. Maybe you'll find some ancient Holla Forums threads down there and finally understand the joke.

God damn you have nothing, do you?

Neck yourself faggot, I don't know who "Hitomi" is and have zero interest on knowing about her.

I have better taste in videogames than you people

Sure user


There's just so much shit in your post I don't care enough to point it all out.

And here I hoped no one would reply to that shitty bait.

posting this image just for you

What about dragon tits?

I hope he for the most part sticks with vidya though


I was only pretending to be retarded.





So much for fair moderation huh?


Thanks for proving my point, retards

Japan is just bizarro world isn't it?

Please lurk more before talking about this stuff, or better yet go back to cuckchan were everyone can spoofed you with a screencap

Moderation isn't fair though, and there isn't a single moderator here that claims that.

But you can hold a dragon closer to you without mounds of fat getting in the way.

Automata was great and the only complaint I had about it (that can't also be said about the original) is that it didn't make me cry.


I know it isn't even though that was what Mark promised. It just pisses me off that the guy I was arguing with who was shitting up the thread as much as me gets to keep his posts and I get branded a goon.

There's a replacement for tits on a dragon a tick tail and thighs.
Still won't fix that flat dragons tend to be fucking gay shit.

Serves you right, you trusted a kike.

I've got nothing against flat, but tits and ass are the best combo. Occasionally I'm into flat, but I'm not the type to seek it out.



I was being lenient on the moderation a few days earlier but this board really HAS become edgy cuck/v/. I was hoping at least two more years before it went full spiral to the shitters but Mark and his lard tards have gone full retard.

Good Job. You've given us the authentic 4cancer experience!
I'm sure you're doing it on purpose at this point. There is no way anyone can accidentally remove dissenters who want shallow shitposters to fuck off.

Worst part about this is, Mark is still lacking enough self awareness to NOT realize that he is banning the wrong people and the board will suffer for it.
He sure as hell has become more incompetent.


How come Mark can't enforce rule 8 in 4am, just today it was full of avatarfags.
What's even going on in that jew brain of his?

Cakeboy, you did a good job cleaning up this thread.

You shut your fucking mouth right this instant.

Except he didn't? Half the shitposts are still up, the most vacuous posts remain here while any anons with common sense telling them to fuck off get banned.

tip-top-kek, regular-looking posters get better treatment than ones who look like (or are) goons, who'd have expected?
Fuck off fag

Congratulations, you are just the kind of retarded blind cocksucking goy that Mark wants here.

Taro x Goro collab when? Live action Kaine jacking off in the woods or corpse-raping NEVER EVER

You keep believing that buddy. Here's your last (you). Filtered.

Typical addicts.

That image is from china, not japan.


Maybe we'll finally see how that giant white woman got pregnant.

dayum shame

I want to sodomize that.

Hey, to each his own fag

Eww get the fuck out with that shit

Gee user have you ever seen this cool site called dihydrogen monoxide.org? It has all the latest facts about this compound you should stay away from!

A fucking hack who's on the same faggot-level of Kojima now wants to make a degenerate form of """"""entertainment""""""
Anyone who backs him deserves to be exiled from society and live in the woods with bears who fuck them in the ass.

ad hominem

I coud care one way or the other but this post made me laugh my fucking ass off.

How wrong you are!

More like no argument to refute it. Post facts from a better source.

Go back to tumblr, now.

Fucking kek keep it together Holla Forums.


I don't give a shit about your drama, I just like pointing out clear bullshit arguments when I see them

That's exactly what I was saying in my post. I don't get where you're coming at me from.



Kaz is unable to get his dick up at anything why would he care about a community based around sodomy?

Great post leftypol.

Ah, I see the closet-normalfags have already infested this board to the point where they have power. If it's not the goon cancer you so hate, it's you in question.
It's been nice everyone but Holla Forums has shown its sign of decay and this is it.

See you next week.


How the fuck am I leftypol you inane cunt?

the best kind
I just hope it's not 3DPD

Read the article, it is.

Maybe next month. I don't come here as often anymore due to the post quality dipping as hard as it has now. I'm actually a bit glad, because now I have more free time.

Not really coming at you, just stating the obvious to be honest.

Besides that post of mine, when was Kaz mentioned?

Truly the fullchan experience(tm)

I though you implied.

You sure you wanna pull out the 'goon' card when your image source stems directly from imgur, tumblr and Facebook? Plenty of more cancerous sites from the link below.
Fucking hypocrite.

Huh, I guess that image does make sense in that context. To be honest, I kind of just grabbed the first tangentially related image I could find.

t. butthurt autist

I came ;3

No I clearly don't.

I have never fucking once been on that site and I'm not going to make the mistake now.

your lack of another source is what condemned you, retard.

This man should be allowed to freely express his art.

You don't want facts you want to bitch. Post citations or fuck off.

Source for what? I wasn't the one arguing with you to begin with, retard. We have IDs you know.


I didn't post the noporn shit to begin with and I couldn't care less of a shit about it. why is everyone on this thread so damn aggressive?

yeah, no I don't see a problem

even without the fake tits Shinukii is hot as fuck

Not fake as in implants, fake as in a literal silicon prop she wears for shoots. Still fapped


I missed the show

Even better, tear off and reveal pettan.

who would of thought that Taro was actually a furry all along


They weren't goonposts, just anons sperging at a 3DPDfag.


you get two different sizes to play with, brilliant

There's something about her face that disgusts me, but I can't figure out what it is. Maybe it's her lips.

well she's obviously got on her weight in makeup

But he already made Bayonetta.

It's definitely that, and the eyes.


If you have nothing to say don't say anything at all.


Never go full retard


Why were the 2B pics posts deleted?

That's true there will likely be plenty of (((netorare))) in it.

Can't deny those trips, so source please?


Because she's a shit tier waifu

why are all "gods" from any media just degenerates with "specific" taste for erotism?
even "the god of manga" was a fucking furry for fuck sake

you can literally fuck 2B if you get all the endings from drakengard 3 and then port them to your nier automata folder

The power of perversion out-excels all other powers. The people who make a living off of it are usually the last to be deterred in their visions.

Is that fucking TF porn in the left corner?

Fuck, forgot the other one

What is this man talking about? I would really like to know.

Seems it got deleted


I wonder what the writing in the background says

she looks more natal when she isn't in "European" costumes (lack of a better word).


Calling someone out on their stupid shit ain't salt famalam, it's the truth. People who posted 3DPD display shitters were one of the many cancers that killed halfchan.

Why is every thread like this?

because goons will be goons

We hate each other. Better question is; Why the /hell/ does Mark even bother salvaging threads like these that contribute to very little discussion? This shit is barely videogames, it doesn't mention new content or fresh IP's, but possible new content without much adding to it. I'm not surprised it would derail like this, there isn't enough substance to keep an appropriate discussion going.

Not only goons, but normalfags, redditors and tumblr browsers also think they're in good company here, and with the shitshow that is moderation; they might as well be. Which would be fine really, this site is made to recruit people all over the web. The problem is, they can't keep it in their pants, combine that with marks floppy floppy rule enforcement.
All that Which leads to a lack of quality control.

Now get an easily triggered goon and pin them against a horny virgin tumblr user that jerks it violent to used goods and attention whores, then add shitposting Dank unfunny memers to boot. It's a surefire way to kill any sort of productivity and useful discussion. Of course, people here will disagree because what I say goes against their bias and they don't want to be removed from the premises, even if their idiocy ruins it for the rest of us, but it's okay when they do it. If you don't think so, you're [whatever they dislike]. It's a violent circle.

Yoko Taro is a stage name right? first name is super female and last name is literally "eldest son"


Yoko is the family name.

I dunno, mark is incompetent but he tends to keep to threads which he's only interested in (which is just weeb shit) the issue is more his vols but they seem to be doing alright as of late.

the whole deleting and banning of opinions that he disagrees with is a huge issue I see more often then not but on the other hand I can't see those peoples posting histories either, so they could be shitting up the entire site for all I know and then just be screeching "how dare you muh freedoms of speech!?!~" when finally confronted on some unrelated topic side lining it into them being a victim rather then a fiend.

don't forget that there's alot of really autistic fuckers natives who are so adamant on their opinions and so lacking in the ability to cobble together a coherent argument which has foundings and hard evidences rather then just feelings and trends.

Nope, that is his actual name.

You are right. My apologies, sincerely, OP.
I thought this too before I posted but I hoped people would talk about various things other than the possibilities for a porn/hentai directed by Yoko Taro would look like. Like the fact that he lead his comment with "I would do anything for money" including drakengard remastered, and at some earlier date he said he'd like do a proper Nier. (meaning he didn't like how the original Nier turned out)

user, nothing you've said in this post is correct.

Being "salty" doesn't make it any less true. Whether it was Mark streaming Sonic Mania or something else entirely, there's more newfags and cuckchan refugees than ever before.

user the faggot was a goon who got banned for shitting up the thread and was ban evading to bitch about being banned. Mark is fine, the volunteer hotpockets are trash.

Yes, and you do what you always do when dealing with newfags and cuckchan rapefugees
Sage, report, bully and move on

There's no crackdown on normal porn, and tentacle porn is an anime thing and even there it's in the minority.

Because mark is a massive kike, duh.

I'm sure Kaneko would watch it.

Surprised you didn't have both images. They seemed to both be from a "There are two types of people in the world" type of set.


This, people trying to make a community based on porn are retards

Funny, didn't furfags base their identity off of it?

Angelus is voiced by a dude in japanese DoD.
-t. a guy who finished DoD1 undubbed a few weeks ago.

inb4 that Gigas porn done with fursuits

But why ?

Japan really does give 0 fucks about nudity. I'm amazed they wear clothes in the summer tbh.