No Blizzard games on Steam

Why won't Blizzard start releasing their games on steam? Don't they realize that some people prefer to not have a buttload of programs to have their games in instead of one?
I'd happily buy something like Diablo 2 or Starcraft Remaster at full price if it were on steam, but as it stands the last Blizzard game I ever spent money on was Rock'n'Roll Racing.
I'm just not downloading another game manager, I'm sorry.

crawl back to whatever subreddit you came from

>Why can't they just put their games on Steam so I can make poor purchasing decisions and enrich two terrible companies at once?

10/10 OP you're a winner

No cut for hosting

Diablo 2 is bad now?

I know playing post-W3 is suicide act and I'm a fucking gook. Fucking Korean!
Pirate every Blizzard games available and do not play any modern nu-Blizzard shit, for your own sake.

Blizz north isn't blizzard

As much as I hate Blizzard, they were smart to have their own clients and shit.

You don't need a client at all to run that game.

Diablo 2 has nothing to do with anything I said boyo

This faggot speaks truth.
Everything worth playing, you should have already have had in your ownership for the past twenty years.

If you don't own it? Then fucking torrent it. Eat shit. Otherwise you're a loser that deserves to get fucked.

Apart from turning Diablo 3 into MMO what's wrong with blizzard exactly?

Diablo was made by Condor games which was later acquired by Blizzard and relabelled BlizzardNorth.

And that's just with their games in terms of their quality and practices. That's not even going into their politics and what they're doing to vidya and what they've done to the industry.

fuck off

Why won't EA start releasing their games on steam? Don't they realize that some people prefer to not have a buttload of programs to have their games in instead of one?

I'd happily buy something like Sims 2 or Command and Conquer Red Alerd 2 at full price if it were on steam, but as it stands the last EA game I ever spent money on was Sims Medieval real shit not copy pasta. I can't even play the shitty game on steam.

I'm just not downloading origin, I'm sorry.

They're literally too big to need to. They have their own god damn convention instead of E3.

kys nigger

they want to be their own super jew and not play into another jew's games of copying apple and making everyone pay a 30% revenue tithe to host games

Diablo doesn't use Blizzard launcher. You download a Downloader peer to peer/installer with your keycode already implemented. It then installs the game as standalone product.
Same with starcraft
oh… the remaster likely was implemented into the launcher. I haven't checked.

Never played it and never will. But it supposedly did what it was set out to do really well? I.e. being babby's first mmo.
What's wrong with TF2 that isn't shit?
Once again what's wrong with SC that isn't shit.
Well yeah why would you re-release shit game? Oh right, because koreans love it and you can make dosh off the tournaments.

DIablo 3 is literally fucking mmo, like poe or pso2.
What are you on about?

because they have to give valve 30%, a shekel lord ran the numbers and the missed sales of people who dont want to download vs making those sales at 70% is probably not worth it. or alternatively losing those sales can be rationalized so long as it grows their own platforms so they can make 100% on later titles.

You're going to have to explain this one. Not only does Brood War have a more consistent atmosphere and design, overall better balance and two challenging campaigns that provide a proper player experience of each faction.
SC2 is blunders from WoL onwards, the campaign featuring several BW units that you can't use in skirmish meaning you can finish the campaign and be utterly unprepared for multiplayer, poor balance that created the rise of muh APM and a disaster of a story that rewrites the previous games plot in favour of rehashing a love story that was more interesting when dashed, and leaving the Protoss as side material until their own fucking game came out.
Even examining singular units its hard to find a place where SC2 improves on Brood War.

t. korean

I never even played competitive. You can just appreciate it from a design perspective with basic analytical skills.

Terrible pathfinding, UI and keybinding limitations alone make it shit. Whatever the fuck do you mean by "design" beyond that I don't know.

Terrible pathfinding and keybinding limitations ended up working in the games favour because it developed two metagame styles of high macro vs high micro ability.
Once removed, any joe schmoe can manage his entire economy and military off of as little as 3-6 hotkeys.
Design encompasses every aspect of the game, from story to gameplay to visuals to sound. How you choose to overlook all of the merits of the game for those few flaws, which worked in the games favour for balance, and yet praise SC2 as the 'good' starcraft is beyond me. You have to ignore some pretty fucking obvious flaws to think its better.

Because it's an extremely incompetent company that will gladly sacrifice profits and audience time and time again for the sake of not admitting they are wrong.
See: Overcuck bleeding players for half it's existence because of constant braindead decision they never undo and WoW being plain garbage for a good 10 years now

This is a shallow analysis too. I could provide a fucking mountain of evidence condemning blizzard, but your post reeks of either bait, or you being such a newfag that you wouldn't deserve to be spoonfed.

Also there is nothing wrong with selling cosmetics as long as they don't affect the gameplay.

For a PC game, that is full price.

No? No it's not. 60$ is a full price for PC game.

Fuck off newfag

Ebin downvote fellow redditor.

FTFY fellow Redditor.


The fact that you think cosmetic items aren't content means you're fucking retarded.

private server when

Only thing Blizzards done right is not give Gabe more hamburger meat. Amazing how the most you can count on with shitty companies is that there's still some form of competition.

Because blizzard with 5 games have the marked to half the steam library together?

It should've been deleted half a day ago.

It always was


So should you're mum.


Sure a lot of hating in there

Blizzard has their own launcher called

If anything, they'd throw the old games there, not on Steam.
Although it's stupid that they don't also offer it on steam and maximize profit, they probably want people to have installed and be seduced by their other games. That's up to statistics and data mining.

WoW was good until WoD, compared to anything before WoD
WoW was truly good until MoP, when they started pruning hybrids and homogenizing every class, although MoP was still fun nevertheless.

1.-BC (attunements, not casual friendly, every class was fun and level of uniqueness, could fuck around with talents and make fun specs, lots of content off the get-go)
2.- WOTLK: broken, but really fun. Again could do whatever and have fun. Lots of content. However WOTLK started casualization. It does have great content, though, so that's why it is #2.
3.- Vanilla experience: The game was a true MMO. Broken and tedious and outdated for today, just like RO is unplayable now. However you can still play it and enjoy its different direction and more hardcore approach. Vanilla was a game you raided to get big fat loot to stomp nerds in BGs with. That's about it. Once you know all the content all that is left is a grind, like terraria. The other 2 are better for PvP and PvE, but definitely an experience you should try once, pref with buddies to raid with. Nostalgiafags like to circlejerk over it, but Raiding wasn't as good as the previous two. If anything, it was a chore and the mechanics were bare bones.
4.- Cata/MoP: I say both because both were great in their own right, depending what class you played as. Cata was broken with pve gear in pvp, but it was fun. Cata raiding was also good. The issue was content droughts. Both expansions had content droughts with not much happening. Aside from that, both were enjoyable. Cata had better, if not the best out of any expansion, leveling zones. MoP had great geography and PvP was for the first time getting a semblance of balance after its first season. The Timeless Isle was and still is the best replayable quest hub of all its copies (tanaan jungle, broken shore, argus). They're both decent expansions. If I had to include live server experience however, I'd have to put MoP first because Cata used alot of dev time on revamping leveling zones instead of content, which resulted in lots of content drought, while MoP stayed at a proper pace until waiting on the next expansion.

5.- WoD:The worst expansion. Worst world hub, worst leveling zones, worst balance. The only thing WoD had better over legion was that everybody had high mobility and an actual 1 second global cooldown, that alone makes it better than grindy Legion with slow gameplay and pruned abilities.

6.- Legion is grindy and with lots of RNG. Props in balancing yet another hero class, but the game is very repetitive, grindy and boring. At least there's things to do and not just sit on your garrison 24/7 and do weekly raid. Probably the worst expansion for gameplay, because of pruning and 1.5 global cooldown. Legion is a skinner's box. Also most alt unfriendly expansion

It's sad when fucking WoD is better than Legion. Legion is better for PvE content than WoD, but the gameplay is fucking fluff sugarcoated with RNG, procs and passives.

Good job nintoddlers.

Even as someone who acknowledges that Blizzard has shown more competence with Overwatch during the past year than Valve has done with TF2 for the past decade the game is sorely lacking in features that should be the standard in FPS.