Hat in Time devs: "It's a feature!"

I know for a fact this isn't a feature because I opened console commands and spawned tokens and when I ran out of things to get in the rift orb slot machine there's no diologue telling me "there's nothing left to receive". it just eats the tokens and sometimes crashes the game.
And even if that WERE the case. fucking think about it; this is a collect-a-thon where you can't collect every item in the vanilla game.

Don't forget, they also lied about co-op. It's no where to be found. It was removed so they didn't have to wait to get multiplayer certification on ps4/xbone for release. yet they still advertised it having co-op at launch.

Other urls found in this thread:


I present to you the likeness of the video game dev.

it was a fun game
I dont care

Just sayin

loli porn when?

That's pretty stupid but I don't care about getting all the extras and who the fuck wants to play this with multiplayer? And when are the modding tools going to be a thing?

You're missing the point. It doesn't matter if there's multiplayer or not, it's because the dev said there would be multiplayer but it's not there. That's blatant false advertising.

Additionally, they made an incomplete game and said "lol mods will fix it"

Since this is a Hat in Time thread and I assume everyone who wanted to play it has either bought it or pirated it at this point, what are your thoughts?
I pirated it, myself, and I think it was very cute. Not a particularly long game and the collectathon wasn't abysmal as most 3D platformers make it.
The art in the game is superb, I gotta say.

Wew fucking lad.


The art may be good, but some of the models are very bad or unpolished. Hat kid and moustache girl's models don't look anywhere near as good as the art, for example.

Yes that's shitty of the devs to promise a feature and not have it on release, I agree. Base gameplay is good though and that's all I really care about and these little problems (getting all the different hat fashions and music track swaps I guess) will actually be fixed by mods (because I will fucking mod that). There are bigger problems like some weird models and invisible walls in time rifts that affect the actual game


I want to fuck Erin

Yeah, I can agree to that. I also wish Mustache girl didn't have a mustache. Makes her much less fappable.

Not the first time this happened.

you monster, i hope you marry a 3DPD women


It's totally a loli, it says so on the book right there. She is just a bit tall

This game was also originally supposed to come out three bloody years ago, was it not?
I love how normalfags whine about how this piece of unpolished shite was "overshadowed by Cuphead", when really, it was simply forgotten because it took five bloody years to come out after the kickstarter.

Have we gotten any lewd/pantsu mods yet?

Wrong demographic user

Kickstarter is not an advertisement for a product because the product does not exist. It's only a solicitation for money.

WHAT game is this

It's a crop of a porn pic

It's your IQ.
It doesn't exist.


Pedofags get >>>/out/

OP, I'm not going to defend the developers, but multiplayer isn't scrapped, it's coming.

Even if the game ends up sucking, at least we got Hat Loli.

/agdg/ makes games faster than these fuckers do.

fuck off retard


AGDG makes RPGMaker games and 5 minute long unity games faster, yes. Yeah, this is unacceptably slow, but it's still a better game than Yooka Laylee at least. Even if it's missing multiplayer and workshop support and A FUCKING TOTALS SCREEN. I mean how the FUCK do you make a 3d collectathon platformer without a totals screen?

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

It's too late.
It was always too late.

Mark, filter this copypasta to "please disregard me, i suck cocks"

I loved the gameplay and the art/music. More challenge levels would be nice.

Yeah man.

Anyway I would like to add more environmental objects to interact with like the mushrooms in subcon forest, the parasols in mafia town, etc etc. as well as powerups like the shoes in banjo kazooie. I was also thinking of a badge that resets the amount of green collectables/money/whatever they're called you get each time you enter a level but you gain movespeed and jump-height as you gather them


Oh you think you're SOOOO CLEVER. Not even mr. metokur could realize that was hard bait
Watch Earthworm Jim instead. It's got the humor.

It's a pasta retard.


I want to cum on her mustache.

So basically the dev's a fucking retard that goes "b-but mods will fix it"
He's our goy

He is a chosen one though.

Wait shit, wrong dev in mind

Well. they ran a kikestarter, so they're definitely the chosen people.

Found the newfag

Fucking birdstop.



I don't even like collectathons and this disgusts me.

Have you put together the relics? Have you done the time vortexes?

The relics is the only thing I haven't done. They lead to a time piece? Didn't think they were that important.

It's not really a collectathon because they don't do shit like "collect 100 coins to get a star" or "100 notes to get a jiggy." The collecting is extremely lax. 40 time peices, yarn is irrelevant after you get all the hats, and who gives a fuck about some remixes or hat skins in a slot machine?

You're too late my friend.

Yeah, they unlock time vortexes. And you have gone back to levels too, right? I know Mafiatown gets a number of time pieces later on.

You never got a jiggy for 100 notes.

Oh right, I haven't played it in ages so I forget. Notes were for access to certain doors I remember that now. Still, that is a barrier of entry only passed via large amounts of collection. This game doesn't have that same barrier really. Some levels unlock via spending Pons but I always had more than enough without even trying.

I had forgotten about the race in Mafia town, which was my 39th piece. Seems like that was the only one I forgot from there. As for relics, I think the only thing I'm missing is one of the cows. I'm sure I'll be able to find it with that one badge. I'll get on that tomorrow.
Thanks for the help.

Brunettes with green/blue eyes are God-tier. Even moreso if they're lolis or have a simple, neat ponytail.

Mafia boss in a jar has a relic hunter badge for you. There's a platform in the dweller room off of the peaks, one in the brew room off of the movies and two in the main room.

Face it, it's another failed Kikestarter.
Why'd you expect anything good out of a game advertising itself as "cute as heck."

Didn't the main game dev/schmuck own SLAG gaming in tf2? Also, he got into some shit with MaxofS2D years ago, iirc. Not only that, but wasn't this in development for years?


i knew the guy somewhat, he tends to spread himself too thin, while the game was in it's pre-alpha he was working 3 mods for tf2. the guy can work but just puts too much on himself for his own good, but overall a nice guy

Yeah lead dev is the artist formerly known as Mecha the Slag, and MaxofS2D is a degenerate furfag that no one cares about. The game did take quite a long time to release but it's a small team so it's not surprising.

Tell more

lol nice try

Max was a furfag? Since when? Last time I heard/saw of him was when he was starting his Dota 2 models/animations.

Muh nigga


So the drawfag delivered? Looks like this night will be longer than expected

Imagine an inchling hat girl being used as an onahole fairy.

Looks like DQV Bianca fan art to me.

Are you new here?


Game tracks nothing. Even the "badge" for relics only tracks shit in chests. So no real way to tell if you got what you needed since the yarn and tokens dont count towards % completed. Why give badges descriptiors like "Attack" for the Hook, "Weapon" for Projectile Badge, and "Automatic" for everything else? Also why even list Umbrella as a weapon at all? Planned content that got cut because they just had too much money. 300K to make their 30K game, its just so hard to know what to do with all that extra cash. You try using it as TP or burning it for heat but in the end you just waste time and have to deliver a shit game because you wasted time thinking about how to spend all those fun bucks.



Mario comes out in 10 days, fuck this shit. I might play that snake game.

If anime taught me anything it's that they exist to break. Or be sabotaged. Then she whispers that fact to you just before you climax, while trapping you inside.

i only like the vanilla items and colour scheme anyways

That was shilling faggots who were upset that Chad went from playing football and beating them up in highschool for being nerds, to fucking all the girls, to making a fucking video game with none of the bullshit that's challenging, popular/successful, and appealing.

Holy shit devs, what the fuck are you doing? 2 brothers form an indie-studio and makes a game where they hand drew all the graphics, hired a composer, and funded it all by themselves (took out a 2nd mortgage and quit their jobs). They ended up making a solid game with great music and presentation, solid and difficult gameplay, no drm, no early access, no mods to fix it, no day 1 patch, no dlc, and it just fucking works for $20. It sells 1 million in 2 weeks.

I had a lot of fun and quite enjoyed the game. It's not perfect by any means, but the core gameplay is solid, it has a nice art style, and I really liked the music. The Alpine Skyline music in general gave me some heavy Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles vibes, and I really enjoyed that. I hope that the developers learn from their experiences and make a sequel that refines and expands upon what they've created. I don't give a shit about no multiplayer and fucked up Rift Tokens because I had no hype going into this game and came out pleasantly surprised.

Kinda wondering how they'll treat console versions of the game now considering they aren't exactly mod friendly. Be entertaining if they could never be completed.

I genuinely don't like the lead dev of this game. He had some old beefs under the alias "Mecha the slag" under which he made mods for team fortress and he apparently treated a lot of the people working for him like shit, I think he even made a dox site for one of his animators.

hi max

I liked the game a lot. The game is good, really good actually. I didn't make this thread because I hated the game. The devs just pulled some shitty practices that should be called out.

Holy shit I was just thinking this earlier today; specifically Echos of Time.

I'm calling the cops.

Oh WOOOW so you are telling me that this piece of shit kikestarter game made by a bunch of nobody amateurs is filled with flaws and weird design choices. Who could have predicted it? But it's okay after all, you just bought it because you are an eternally horny weeb faggot and the fact that you play as a little girl is enticing to you. Of course that the developers knew about this since DAY MOTHERFUCKING ONE, they might be retarded on many ways but they still know their audience.

I think there is a good game in there somewhere but it's such a muddled mess that I can't play it, I hate the voice acting, I hate the music, I hate the level design, I hate the level gimmicks but moving the character feels really good, It seems like they read up on how nintendo does it i.e making a box in an engine and not moving on until it is fun to move the box about, only they forgot the rest of the game needs to be good for it to work.

The movement is not stiff enough, jumps are to easy to fall back on. With 64 or sunshine and the jumps are stiff and you can only recover by using your moves, you have very quick acceleration making a run up almost non-existent. There's also not enough slopes to go fast on by sliding on it and you can't do much against inclines for going fast other than the usual jump and dash. A Hat in Time there's only a high peak of quality in chapter 2 apart from dj groove's stages but after that a bad roll in quality during chapter 3 and 4, however they bring it back up during chapter 3's boss fight but the game broke the floor during chapter 4. The voice acting was only irritating with mustache girl, everyone who was voice-acted played an okay to good part. The music is very distinct and thematic, if you closed your eyes and randomly shuffled the soundtrack and listen to it after playing the game, you would distinctive feel for the majority of the track of what context and/or the chapter it is in, despite being a collect-a-thon the music is never tires your ears to the point where you want to stop the music, so it is not that bad. The gimmicks are short but can be off-putting considering they make up around 20% of the game's true worth. The biggest problem is the badges are clearly an afterthought and making worlds different yet still completing objectives warp you back to the hub level, makes no sense when it comes to chapter 3 and 4. Maybe because I was expecting worlds to contain different structure and rules on each chapter, but that was not the case. To say the movement is good, that is a long shot, as Hat Girl is too simple even with the hats combined, the Ice hat cannot deal any damage to foes and only acts a gate of strict and static movement.

how did you get everything backwards

i used to play on is server on both tf2 and gmod. he did a lot of mods, and nothing simple to, i recall he made tf2ware and was working on ver 2 when the game was in development, a new version of zombie fortress, and parkour fortress. guy was a BIG mirror edge fan. sadly you cant find any of his old videos on youtube, they are not on his channel anymore. but when the game was being worked on before the kickstarter, he would constantly show off his work on the forums. then the kickstarter happened, after that he still would show off his work, the last thing he showed was subcon forest, i guess he overestimated himself, his team, and what the time it would take to make the game. but the guy is not incompetent, i seen a lot of what he made in his tf2 maps put into his game, im mostly shocked at what he forgot.

i forgot to add, i also know he is from denmark if that means anything. is it pozed or something, i dont keep track of that place pacifically

The Denmark government had a "do it for Denmark" campaign to try to spur a new white baby boom, so they aren't lost yet.

who has that pic of the japs drawing loli as the brits call them pedos as the sandniggers are raping the loli?

Speaking of which, how do the earthworm jim cartoons hold up?
I will have to raise a kid soon. I'm currently looking for non pozzed children's cartoons or ones where the redpills outweight any poz in it.

Allow me to dump my own personal review that no one asked for.

Playing the game, I got a lot of Sunshine vibes. The controls are easy enough to get into, and while some things (namely the occasional camera fuckery or the odd homing attacks that require you to use your refreshed jump every time you hit a target) can be iffy I never found myself getting *frustrated* when dealing with them. Hat Kid felt satisfying to control, in my opinion. The levels are large, and while for some that might be a complaint, I found it made for satisfying use of movement mechanics (IE, if you press the dive button, then press it again a moment after Hat Kid touches the ground, you'll get a small speed boost). Each act in a chapter tends to change the levels in various, albeit, inconsistent, ways. Chapter 1 is more or less the same, just with different environmental conditions, and then it's flooded with lava in one act. Chapter 2 was amazing with the train levels. Chapter 3 kind of slows things down again for a more somber atmosphere, and Chapter 4 does the opposite, inviting you to gather 4 time pieces in one go (It's almost a hub world in its own right. The level is massive with a central area, 4 large sub areas that cover different elements, and then a few small sub areas for other small goodies) before dropping artillery on you to try to stop you from getting a 5th. Personally, I loved this. There are some other small nuances in the level design, too. The game makes excellent use of its verticality in regards to straying from the beaten path. I usually never bother with anything that's not my "main quest," but oftentimes here I found myself curious just to get whatever goodie was hiding around the corner, and while with a lot of games I'd say something like "fuck, I have to go back after going through all the trouble of getting this," most often I found myself either able to literally dive back to where I was, or finding some other shortcut to get back.

I don't particularly have any gripes with the lack of multiplayer or for a system that is effectively there for aesthetic reasons– as shallow as it is, being able to get colors and hats helps in making your game feel like it's yours. Multiplayer is supposed to be patched in along with Chapter 6 with the next large content update, if steam forums are anything to go by.

For only having 40 time pieces though, the game sure felt like a rather wholesome experience, at least for me. I wound up clocking 10 hours on it, going for 100% at a rather leisurely pace. I actually picked the game up while I was in a rather sour mood and it cheered me up quite a bit, both in regards to its gameplay and its dialogue. For 30 dollars, I'd say it was worth the time I spent on it, at the very least. It accomplished what it set to do at its core: be an homage to GC era platformers, while also standing on its own. For Mecha the Slag's first earnest foray into game dev, I'd say he shows much more promise than most other devs in the >current year.

Anyway, is the game good? Kinda reminds me of Ape Escape 3 Just in being a cute loli platformer. , which was fun.


Mistaking a drawing with a real child is the same as mistaking a man that believes to be a woman with a woman

Probably they'll just add more mini rift stages exclusively for console version and called for the day.

You got them mixed up, Mecha is a furfag who wanted to force Maxoflenslflares into his furfag shit and Max is a degenerate socjus who wanted to enforce muh feminism onto Mecha's server. It was literally Degenerate vs. Degenerate.
Speaking of, is he involved in the finished game at all?

Watching 2D loli considered worse crime than rape itself in my country's legal system. Our last Feminist female president implanted this law, bt the "Special Youth Protection Juristic Act". One of my online friend sentenced 5 years in jail for watching Japanese hentai. Even kids goes jail for this law. I ain't joking. A 14 years old girl registered onto sex offender list because she watched gay yaoi novel from the internet. She later killed herself.
Don't let it happen in your country. Fuck BBC and fuck SJWs. I want to die.


Nice of her to let Hitler have a turn.

I'm glad I don't live in worst korea anymore. Sorry though you guys need to lynch some people

>lynch some people
No, user. We need to lynch at least 10% of entire population of gookland, according to my observation of cancerous gook internet. And the 10% is generous percentage I gave. I'm thinking more than 20% to make this country functional. I see majority of sheeples here live fine with these draconian, outright Orwellian laws or even think these laws are for greater good. They call each other 'pedo' for watching Magical Illiya or MaiDraon. In totally serious mood. They even call child protect services or internet police to hunt down those evil 2D gobbling lolicons, and even worse people actually goes jail for it. It's complete Orwellian state now. Everyone is goon here.
Polite sage for off-topic.

Meanwhile, our politicians watch so much pornography and have so many sexual favors done that they are unable to even create such a law without destroying their political careers. Gotta love pastafags.

Tell me more stories, gookanons

Please bring these laws to the US.

for the US some state it is allowed other not, i forget which ones, but i forgot it all, anyone has the image of where it is legal and where it's not?

Reminder that this person regularly posts in the GG threads and is an anti-Park shill.
How can you let one poster change your whole view on Korea? Don't believe everything you read on imageboards.

where are the meems

Commit suicide

Reanon, you sneaky motherfucker, are you with those inglorious Korean Neo-con commies or just fucking with me as you always did? Go back to your thread. I ain't gonna reply more, it's derail. I'll promise I'm not gonna bully you for your corpse waifu, no more.


Is Shad ok?

Hopefully he gets Bubba's shaft in jail. They don't like kid diddlers.

4chan pls leaf

That's why they are trying to legalize pedophilia and beastiality in the western world.

Just stay in your designated shitting thread. You don't want to become a hated known poster, do you?

Holla Forums - Where liking 2D futa is degenerate and gay because you're still fapping to dicks you homo, but 2D loli isn't pedophilia even though you're still just fapping to children.


Damn, I feel bad for you koreanon.

Fapping is degenerate period. Also, loli includes early teens, which is hebephilia :^)

Utilizing the volume of the average penis I found earlier, 9.72 in cubed, I get 0001592828 meters cubed. This means the penis is 2.19% of an adult males volume. Assuming a lack of testosterone or female hormones makes the person a female, balls ignored for ease, fucking a trap is only 2.19% homo.

Hello, comrade

Science solved another mystery of mankind; is trap gay or not? The answer is yes, it's gay. But it's only 2.19% gay.

*Also, futa isn't as gay as traps. And all of it is because you're masturbating too much, and that includes lolicon.


I'm no communist.

Thanks user

Post your Hat Girls.

i stole it

I thought that was being turned on by the idea of fucking jews?

He was talking about futa, not traps.
And, you're stilling fucking a faggot. Faggots are effeminate and are often pederasts, and young boys do not have much testosterone.
Therefore fucking a trap is still gay, because you're fucking a male.


That's not a loli, that's a woman with small tits.

To be honest they're terrified of their own women, back in Israel. Yet they've got to protect them from the harmful Arab x Jew erotic novels because they might undermine their racial purity. Why do you think they go after lolis so much?

I don't hate him

I do

Why are all kikes so fucking ugly. They look like mutants trying to look human.

Who is the demographic then?

Reread his post retard. Even normalfags are aware that's copypasta, so "newfag" isn't even the right insult.

So the loli isn't wearing any pants, and that dev is named awoo. But why?

us channers on Holla Forums


Provide evidence of Mecha being a furry, cause I haven't seen it. Max did not have any part in A Hat In Time for obvious reasons.

This, and everything else on that screenshot.

It's worse than pleb, it's peasant.



I-it's okay user. Just do better next time.

nigga what ur doin'

alright, show me the right way of using a computer. I wanna see your screens.




Nothing more than a media consumption device for idiots. If you want to post while being away from your workstation use an ultrabook not a toy for children.


Rate my OC niggers.


And being full gay is also only 2.19% homo. Therefore, a trap and a homo make up the same percentage of gay.

It's shit.
What were you even trying to accomplish?

Isn't Brave compromised?

What's wrong with it? Help me improve user.

Wont matter for you because you'll keep using windows 10.

Do you have eyes you stupid motherfucker?

Again, what were you trying to make here?
If you just wanted to point out the dev's responses, you could have just tucked them under the OP and the first post. No need for silly red lines.

Besides, it's not something worth documenting like that since you have so little material.
The dev caps are enough.

This is a good thing you gook-kike.

I thought about doing that, but I decided to put them next to the OP. Thank you user :^)

Wont matter for you because you'll keep using windows.

Windows is the only decent OS for gaming.

o icy wat ur doin thar anone ill hav u no tat i hav and ol windbox vers an donut downlod updats frum macintosh

What if you only play DOOM?

Damn, would've been better had I said "micintosh", I think. Oh well.

Then I guess that even a calculator will do.

Not anymore though. But whatever.

Do you have cancer in your brain?

Fucking casuals.

It is your fault you cannot use less user friendly software.

know i arn mearly spaking 2 thos one teh sam intelektual plain ace afrika

I bet the car doesn't work.


Look at the reflection of the car.next to the nigger.


Still looks kind of fishy, but I am pretty sure I see someone in the car reflection.

that third picture I can vouch for, but we need to invent something safer.

Well, better than before.

What the fuck, when did I put an arrow?
*I am curious about some of those tabs though, like "how-to screenshot…"
I am tired I guess.

it's just an empty notepad file I made for this

But why?

because it's funny

Okay then. user do you have Asperger's?

none of those look comfy
having to turn your head like that gets extremely uncomfortable very quickly
the wrist position in #3 would ache very quickly not to mention if he bumps the table a fucking monitor is gonna land on his face

Lurk the fuck more.

this is what really the game is about

I don't think so, but I am hungry for some chinese though

oh shit that is a chubby kek for me

Holy fucking shit I am beyond angry right now
^ these are called arrows you fucking double nigger
I understand the tab joke that shit is on other sites besides 8cuck. I was curious about the notepad one specifically and also, I did not think that user was doing that as he wasn't before.
Kill yourself you rancid fuck.


Fuck off retard. Linux looks like an absolute bitch to learn for the vast majority of people. This applies even to Holla Forums, though there is a much larger minority who uses it here than any other vidya forum.

You deserve to be curbstomped by niggers.


Oh my god user…

I can play hat in time on linux.

The only games you cant play on linux are really triple AAA shite. Thats worth going to windows? and windows is shit Always has been a terrible OS and always will be They almost had something with 7 before they fucked up with 8/10.

Hello microsoft drone.


Can you read you dumb nigger faggot? I called it an "arrow", not a "meme arrow".

That first one is a caret and the others are a less-than and greater-than sign, respectively.

15mb is really nice. Thanks for webming that video.

What's the source on that doujin, anyway? Reverse image search doesn't return anything since the only pictures I've seen had the (you)s photoshopped on.

Energy kyouka

Is this what (((you))) want?

Fuck you
Buy LawBreakers

Shaking my head to be honest family.


Oh I sure enjoy all the professional audio and video editing software for Linux…oh wait

I think they were even IN some AGDG threads.
There's some places that need polish (Mafia guy in into gets "stuck" in a square hole rather than one smaller than him, Mafia Boss has a shitty transition into his boss battle) and I can forgive a lack of polish for their first game- but not being able to 100% all extras is unforgivable.

And why should Tokens from mods even count?
Have Tokens and the stuff they unlock, and "Mod Tokens" that only unlock Mod costumes/colors/music and the like.

Is there nude mod yet?





That's an absolute masterpiece

But that logic makes two gay men fucking 2.19% homosexual, which becomes the base line for homosexuality. That's as fucking gay as you can get, you faggot.

Most other games give you a special reward when you collect 100%; such as a secret boss or cutscene change. This isn't one of them. At least make the last choice mean something.

Any pregnant hat girl art yet? I'll take that as a consolation prize.

The math only applies to traps, because in a trap, the only masculine part of them is their penis. For an actual manly man, you get 100% male.

Nude mod when?

Does loli r63 chris hansen exist?

im willing to extend patience towards those who make loli games

I'm sorry, this game is 30 bucks? What the fuck is this shit? I'm glad I pirated it.

First level was alright because it's big and open and you can run around, jump and find stuff without too much of a hassle. But the more you play the more you see how utterly unpolished it is.

The grappling hook is something you need to EQUIP, why isn't it a key ability always active? And when you swing the camera locks at an angle instead of behind your character??

I find myself enjoy exploring things until the game starts giving you tiny platforms or timed jumping puzzles, as if the camera isn't a fucking chore.

This shit looks way too much like shadman's fucking art. Fuck it seems like everything is copying his style lately.

Shit legit triggers me as a survivor of child abuse, and I rather not even talk about it, but I'm seeing that faggot everywhere and it makes me uncomfortable

In some ways, Holla Forums and SJW-tumblr have a lot more in common that meets the eye

Shut the fuck up idiot

No faggot fuck off. Go get fucking lost in the woods where you'll be fucked in the ass by bees.

Kids aren't for sexualizing you stupid faggot. Stop being a fucking immature piece of shit, lose weight and start looking for real women.

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong place, reddit's two blocks down.

It's like pottery.

Cry more, nigger.

Just leave this place, nobody is forcing you to post here, wrongthink not welcome.

3D is pig disgusting.

I dont even like loli and I still had a great time playing this, same goes for unteralterbach too. Maybe you should get your mental issues sorted out instead of accepting them. A hat in time isnt even sexualizing the main character, its just a cute character for a cute platformer.

What the fuck is going on with this thread and this board. Did we have a new reddit or 4chan exodus since late september?

All me

Obviously that isn't true. Go to reddit with your sob story, faggot.

What was inevitably going to happen, Holla Forums has become the right wing version of tumblr.

Get over it faggot. You're not the only person with a shitty past.

I remember a thread not very long ago where Mark showed up and promised he'd ban obvious goons, sjws and cuckchanners when reported. Should've screencapped it. So much for trusting that obese kike.

You got diddled, get over it. Everyone here is fucked in the head.

(not me)

(not me)
Forgot to say: All me.

What about all the cell in their body having a XY pair of chromosomes?

A cell is male if it has the 21th pair as XY, and all the cells in the trap's body have XY, so the trap is made up completely of male cells, and thus a male and 100% gay.

2d=kids somehow

Has that worked for you even one single time, user? I've given up.

I want to cum in the hat.

Yes it has. You do what you choose mang.


Ever wonder why Gen Z kids are more conservative?
One of Chowder's characters is literally a Rat with a candle on its head always scheming to make more money

Sorry forgot to sage for Holla Forums shitposting.

I still mostly use windows 7 just for videogames, but the cars in that image should be reversed because windows is the most retarded broken piece of shit ever.
Windows is just nothing but problems, and they fucking charge you money for it.
Also, pic related.

shameful, user.

Get the fuck.into the trash with splatoon, the fbi.has been notified

there's an alternate ending where if you meet mustache girl and attempt to leave, but you get put right back where you were

Wow. This actually runs really well in Wine.

Lookin' good

Load times are a tad longer, but with Gallium D3D9 it runs almost as well as on my Win7 box. It's getting to the point where you almost can't make fun of Wine anymore.

Wow. that webm

pussy is still pussy

What the fuck happened in this thread?

I genuinely liked it but its a bit short. The Mario Sunshine comparison is apropos but instead of wearing out its welcome it could actually use a bit more collectibles. That said I still haven 100% but plan on replaying it one the Chapter 6 content is released. Hopefully their is a patch for the gog version

This has been happening for about a week now in several threads, you also arent seeing the amount of deleted posts. We are having a cuckchan invasion

Do you mean in general?

Who gives a shit? His art is garbage and likes drawing niggers, trannies and his mother.

I'm actually surprised no one has gone through and uploaded all the art for all the chapters and stages yet.

I know that but this thread is fucked even compared to the last two weeks.


Good stuff

source on the music? Sounds like hotline miami


Pretty sure shad has never been ok.


Get out, phoneposter.

He's a decent person. He will be the first person to call his art shit though. Not his fault people buy it.

You can't get more Holla Forums than that.

I really hate how her eyes just float in front of her face. If the eyebrows can have a special render order to appear behind the hair why can't the eyes be closer to or inside her face without clipping?


Cells don't have genders you mongoloid. That is not how biology works.

They're still holding your genetic information.

I missed these.

Same reason why Spyro's eyes float out a bit from his face: to give a subtle perception of depth to them. It would look far more bizarre if they were flush against the head model.


Yes, ATMs, and various other public kiosk machines, do tend to run Windows embedded. Is this your first time existing in general?


I'm just gonna stick to autism games like Factorio and My Summer Car.

So any 3D porn of the Hat girl yet?

Wait for Skuddbutt.

no but you can bet she has 3d porn of you

I fucking loved that game and the entire concept of it


Is there some kind of config thing I have to edit to get it to detect my controller? I know I had some problems with getting the game to launch since it wanting a higher resolution than my computer so I had to manually edit it in.

well, I pirated it, liked it, and the dev is still gonna make tons of money, so everybody should be happy.

I thought that was a Wind Waker mod for the PC

that is one of my favorite hentais, along with JK bitch, we need so much more of this type of ganguro slut/whore/cumdump

meh, the only good part was the /ss/


What? It's reverse pedophilia if anything

/ss/: the fetish for faggot pedophiles who can only get hard by little boy dick, but can't admit it.

sounds like projecting to me

There's also the curvy domineering/caring women. Iori is a prime example of that.

Most of that is shit animation and shit-tier fetishes. Wish for drawings.


Did this game really flop? It's a shame because it's the only good 3d platformer released in forever.

No wonder minus8 hates himself.

It didn't flop, there's just not much to talk about until co-op and mod support come out.

Wikipedia says it sold only 50,000 copies.

I don't see the problem

It's a neat game.

I feel I must autistically point out, that in the case of 2D traps the only good ones, you must look to the skeletal structure of the drawing. To say the DNA structure makes it gay you'd have to assume the fictional drawing is following a principle of realistic DNA structure in the first place. For any trap that's merely an animu grill with a dick pasted on instead of vagoo, this is clearly not the case since they lack the proper shoulder to hip ratio that would occur if they were genetically male. They are thus an inhuman creature of fantasy, like the futanari. 3DPD abomination edge cases don't really count if you want to argue there are real futas. If you were to then take the ridiculous argument that the only gay part is the dick, which user has made even more nonsensical by excluding balls for some unknown reason, then it would be those 2D traps with a female skeletal structure evidenced by how they're drawn and those traps only that it could be considered only 2.19% gay to be attracted to. Again though, this is taking a retarded premise. It's still gay because there's a cock.

Yeah, and bara isn't gay.

Shame Gallium 9 wont work with Nvidia, which is what 80% of us are using.

Have these obligatory images too fam.

Those are clearly

I forget this one, its about drivers for wangdows.

50,000 * Game Price - Digital jew percentage = ?

80% of you are idiots.

Shame nvidia won't work with the people who want to make their hardware functional.

please respond

what controller fuckface

Xbox 360 knock off. Worked with all the other games I have installed but not this one.

testing bump limit