Should I get gta 5? The girl from the halloween ad is pretty hot
Should I get gta 5? The girl from the halloween ad is pretty hot
Do it. Remember to buy it and then kill yourself for wanting to play a game for such a stupid fucking reason.
The halloween girl being hot is not the reason tho
But I might buy it for that scene
No, go play San Andreas again.
The halloween girl isn't in the game. All the females in the game are ugly slags.
its made by cUKstar after all.
Don't do it OP, multiplayer is pure cancer
Also, I saw a few of those rockstar editor movies. Really pulled me in aswell, any of you have experience with it?
That is, I want to make my own.
Because that was the last time GTA was fun.
You didn't like gta 4?
hey hitler, the halloween mode with one killer in the dark and players with flashlights is fun.
1. GTA Vice City
3. GTA San Andreas
4. GTA 2
5. GTA
998. GTA IV
999. GTA V
Back up your claims. I liked gta 4 over vice city.
If you want to play it then play it user. Why do you need Holla Forums's approval? If you waited for Holla Forums to approve every game you played you'd end up playing nothing because even the most loved games on this board have some faggot talking shit. If you're that interested just play the thing already and see for yourself what it's all about.
Just don't buy Shark Cards though I guess it doesn't matter, it's not like they didn't already make their money on that shit. Get ready for every GTA after five to be full of microtransactions, I wouldn't be surprised if they put it in the single-player now.
I'm more looking for general opinions on the game, I'm pretty certain I'm gonna get it.
How hard is it is too cheat money online and not get bammed? It's been a few years so they must have gotten their shit together. I don't want to endlessly grind, atleast that's what I am getting from the forums because that is not worth my time.
I liked it back when I beat it when it first came out on PS3 long before any of the online shit even got in the game. It was a good single-player game. In my opinion online is massively disappointing, while fun when it first came in, and still has bits of fun to be had with friends: it's over-all just a kind of disappointing grind.
Given a couple of big things (Leslie Benzies leaving as head of Rockstar North and the growing trend of microtransactions and whale hunting) I think V will eventually be remembered as the last good GTA so if you like the series you should play it.
I have no idea how easy it would be to hack in money and not get banned. My guess is not very. I know back in the old days people could drop tons of cash on people (the first christmas when online came out that's all hackers did, go in to a server and make everyone millionaires).
They are still milking this shit?
GTA Vice City was the best
One thing I always wondered about GTA, are they criticizing or celebrating capitalism?
For all their whining about wealth, they sure like to profit from the system.
atleast it has blue eyes
Socialism is: GIVE ME FREE SHIT.
They stop being commies once they are wealthy themselves.
Nigger what was wrong with 4?
Let me guess, you're still butthurt the map didn't include a countryside and therefore no planes.
The game was too dirty
What? Too much blood?
GTA 4 stripped all the fun for muh gritty realism and a piss tint. While 4 still does satirical social commentary, it's tonned down significantly and in the result isn't as fun. Expansion campaigns tried to fix that, but they aren't that much fun themselves.
But san andreas is shit too.
No. The Art Style.
But maybe that was their intention.. remake the look of New York
All babies have blue eyes
It's nigger shit, the story is total crap, you'll hate every character you meet in it (except perhaps for Cripplerims), it has no substance, no weight.
The world feels extremely small, driving cars is unsatisfying, the police is full no fun allowed mode, the cheat codes suck horse cock.
Multiplayer is a billion times worse, it's an enormous grind so you can afford some upgrades for your shitbox or an even more ridiculous grind until you can afford a faster shitbox with a price tag of six hundred and sixty six sectillion dollars, or you can purchase
S™H™A™R™K™ C™A™R™D™S™
to be able to afford the totally free
Player interaction is the essence of AIDS, it's chock full of underage faggots that got their mommies to pay for their armored Kuruma meme car to drive-by other players from, and if you blow their kikebox up, guess what, you gotta pay for their insurance and get bad goy points.
GTA V is the essence of distilled shit mixed with the essence of distilled piss, it's terrible in every conceivable way and Kikestar needs to burn to the ground, get resurrected and then raped to death by all of Africa combined for the shit they pulled with Gay Testes Autism 5.
I think they're an enlightened centrist or realize that capitalism shouldn't be a goal in itself, but only a means to another goal.
The social commentary gets boring after you play one game in the series.
I think the only way to keep the series fresh is the next game will feature a female main protagonist.
The salt levels of kids trying to blow up the car with an RPG only to shrug it off and run them over is one of the greatest things to grace that shitshow. Bonus points if they start accusing you of hacking when the car is able to take an ungodly level of damage.
They're still here.
It's nice but how much did you spend on shark cards to get it?
It was fun until you realized the "survivors" could just rush the killer and beat him to death with the flashlights.
I played it on PS3 when it came out and I'm really shocked by how different the PC version is. I don't remember these cutscenes at all.
I recommend you play a good game
Get the fuck out.
What an amazing balanced online experience! I am so glad that i'm being one shot in a plane that may aswell be in the Earth's atompshere because a man used a explsive Sniper rifle!
I'll try going on stealth mode via Lester! Oh wait, everyone can buy literal wallhacks from the store now!
Fuck me I think i'll just go get in a APC instead to avoid all this!
Oh look someone dropped a tenner!
You have been banned from GTA Online.
Welp, there you go, that's the entire experience, if you like the sound of it by all means buy it.
They turned a somewhat wacky crime game into grimdark horrible life simulator where nothing is ever good or fun because fun would get in the way of all the gloom and doom.
which had the worse story?
I'm leaning toward 4 because at least 5 had the decency to be shorter with it's bad story. 4 just goes on and fucking on beating you down with how nothing to fucking do makes your character's life any better.
I fucking loved the driving and feel of the guns in GTA IV, not to mention the vehicle damage system that got gimped for GTA V.
I got it for free for playing original gen. I believe it normally costs $600k which is doable if you're playing as a CEO or VIP and doing deliveries for about 5 hours.
Not really, no. Too "realistic" and I loath Liberty City as a venue. Fuck the east coast IRL, and virtually.
Whatever floats your boat, user.
It simply wasn't "fun", which I know is a subjective thing, but it seemed to want to take itself seriously…when the entire point of GTA is crime simulator/big Hollywood film rip off. I liked the American ganster aspect of GTA (italian, cuban, black or other) and GTA4 wanted to go global, which didn't interest me personally. Niko is not a goddamn American, whereas CJ was. Plus the cars handled like boats, every last fucking one of them. Shit endings split between one dumb choice. Do I need to go on?
No countryside, no planes, no…well, just list about everything 4 left out of SA and yeah, that's a pretty damn good list, actually. I LIKED the RPG elements, like eating, getting fat, working it off. It made CJ, and thereby the world he occupied, more real, and relateable. They tried to get back to this in GTA:V but missed the mark, big time. 4 sucked, and it looked and ran like garbage.
4. At least 5 stays loyal with real Americans, even if it tries to make everybody happy all the time with 3 main characters to choose from, and none to give a real shit about. Want to play as a black gangsta again in 5 like CJ, since we don't have any god damned idea wtf we are doing and we think that was the problem in GTA4? WE GOT YOU, BRUH. Want to play as the italian mobster again? WE FUCKING GOT YO BACK, FAM. Want to play as the psychopathic killer white man (aren't all serial killers white?)? WE GOT THAT SHIT TOO, YO! Oh, but we're going to force you two play the other two and not offer any kind of make your own character option…
Honestly, GTA would be better IMHO without a story and just a dynamic world anarchy simulator.
characters blend in the dark, better for halloween
IV had some direction, V was all about watching a cuck, a nigger and a leaf trying to get dat paper
You can still play golf and all that other crap, that compensates not being able to go to fucking burgershot and get fat.
I got GTAV a while ago when it was on clearance at HillbillyMart for $20. Seven fucking DVDs nigger, and you still gotta download shit.
Installed it, played it through once, didn't even fuck around with the side missions and collectables like I did with Vice City. Played a single introductory race online. Then uninstalled it.
I was considering installing it again to fuck around with mods, but after the bullshit CockStar pulled trying to kill modding, naw… fuck them and fuck GTAV.
And is it just me, or is was GTAV super-fucking easy? I hadn't played a GTA game on PC since the top-down originals - but I breezed through GTAV and I'm not sure how much of that was just thanks to having a KB & Mouse to use, and how much of it was just the game being nerfed into the ground to help draw in the casuals.
It was absolutely too easy. I played through it on the PS3 a long time ago, and on PC a couple of months back, and the game just wasn't designed with a mouse and keyboard in mind. Almost all of the enemies in the game take a shitload of bullets to the chest, but drop in one headshot, and shooting from a car at another car is much easier.
I wanted to play GTAO but they only way to have fun, earn xp and credits is to play with other people.
And those other people better be your friends or at least chill, because you'll always get a fucking 12 year old who thinks its the highest form of entertainment to crash into you and blow you away with a stickybomb. Or worse, some bullshit hacker who can fucking headshot you a mile off while you zigzag all over the place with a car.
No, online is unplayable unless you shell out hundreds of jewgolds, maybe thousands to enjoy. If you really are desperate to play download some modder menus and get lodsofemone. Don't worry about getting banned, only legit players do after grinding for weeks.
that shit is a great pleb filter, all the neets sperg out cause the driving is realistic and weighty not weightless arcade bullshit where your car goes flying in the air from hitting a curb like in san andreas
san andreas really is the biggest case of nostalgia googles in videogames I think, i'll take 4's less varied selection of missions over san andreas's poorly designed missions, go replay that shit, every couple missions you get to one that reminds why it's a shitheap
for every good mission that you remember in SA like the sweet bike chase through the reservoir there are 5 awful missions to offset it
Now i know why everyone and their dog were using these edgelord goggles. This is a whole new level of kikery.
No, don't do it. If you want to play GTA 5, do not support Rockstar and pirate it, Online is an unplayable mess because at least 15% (yes, 15%, I am not exaggerating) of the playerbase cheats without repercussion. ALso, nearly every girl you see in concept art is not present in the game or has an extremely minuscule presence (i.e. the female cop gets assassinated in one online mission that takes like one minute to complete)
Trust me, do NOT buy this piece of shit. It's unplayable due to the absolutely INSANE amount of cheaters (the game is peer to peer and doesn't have localized servers, so you play with mostly chinks and slavs - go figure), I have 1k hours messing around with friends but that's it, normal Online is not playable in the slightest. Don't fucking do it, I am warning you.
Of course you should you fucking faggot child, it's gta. Stay away from online.
It's a shame because there are some nice cars like the one from Knight Rider but they're locked behind the gang shit and the insane amount of money. Same with the car parts and weapons locked behind the XP progression.
I have it on pc but I don't want to lose my account because of a kid who decided to drop a ton of cash on every player on the server.
From the minute these claims came up there has not been one shred of evidence, I've never been banned with 1k hours and people have showered me with money at least 20 times.
Have you ever been baited 2
No, they abandoned the single player part to only focus on the online portion which is terrible as it's just a massive fucking endless grindfest that puts Warframe to shame, they made sure to make everything cost a stupidly high amount of in game money to push people into buying their (((shark cards))).
Just download Multi Theft Auto and SA and play that instead if you're looking for online play it's better.
Oh and I guarantee you they will pull the same shit with red dead redemption 2 just you watch.
If you've not played it give it a go but as others mentioned don't imagine the MP is anything other than a clusterfuck of cheating cunts and shit rules that undermine the spirit of freedom you'd want.
Funny enough, I have been showered with money plenty of times, me and a buddy. Then another friend of ours refuses to take part for fear of losing his account. Between the three of us, he's the only one who has been banned. So trust me, better off just having fun and facing the bullshit consequences. Because nothing actually matters.
Thanks for beta testing!
this is your reminder hacking in GTAO is still big, the new anticheat was beaten within a day, now menus are working out the best ways to drop money and XP.
So it's fake?
People got banned back when moneydrops came into the game and billions were being tranferred to users via the ingame money transfer, only problem is Rockstar like every other time with a banwave got many legitimate players with each wave.
Nowadays the modder protection is enough to disable rockstars own anti-cheat mechanics.
vice city/san andreas had the best story/setting
4 was best in gameplay though, get that
A downgrade in every single meaningful way compared to GTA SA, fuck off.
vehicle variety*
such as jets, tanks, jetpacks, etc.
I made the dumb mistake of falling for the shills and got the physical PC version.
Your 15% figure is even worse depending on region, for instance if you fall in a south american lobby for some ungodly reason you'll have multiple people blatantly cheating on every lobby guaranteed, and possibly more hiding it (there's always also that one cheater who doesnt fuck with you and drops money, or a guy who can't be assed to drive everywhere and just teleports). It doesn't even have to be a full server, if there's 10 people online it's bound to happen.
For some reason germans also love to cheat, if it's a lone german he's not cheating but if you see a pack of germans they're all cheaters. I had a good experience when I was thrown with koreans, I played with plenty of them and not one was cheating. But I only know japanese so I have to rely on the koreans speaking english or being weaboos too, and then we have 300 ping to each other. The japanese themselves cheat regularly however.
GTA5 is even worse than gta4 in basically every way, and gta 4 was already hot garbage. There's 1 thing gta 5 is good for and it's making a private lobby and fucking around the map with 3-5 friends. Basically you do what you're supposed to do in gta, except now you get to do it with others, and even that doesn't last long because there's not anything to do besides crowding a car and running around with 5 stars, which is too easy even if you're alone without an armored car.
Also the netcode is so shit it fucks up even when you're playing only with people on the same city as you, I played with people I had sub-20ms pings to on a private lobby and the lag was unbearable as it always is.
The time I got the most out of my money's worth was when some guy taught me a bunch of glitches that allowed me to use motorbikes to fly or use any bump as a ramp to the skies, that was genuinely fun.
You're too kind. That would be gta 3 on ps2, gta 4 is some 15fps on a good day.
Yeah, I bought it when it came out for PC and I regret it pretty hard. The worst part is that this is one of the few modern games to have huge potential, but it's thrown down the shitter because microtransactions, peer to peer, and they can't be fucked to do anything about the cheaters making it quite literally unplayable.
Typical Holla Forums
Try thinking with dubs instead.
Your non-digits, what do they mean?
And fuck you the girl is hot
i hope you learned your lesson
Thats like betting against the sun setting. Real question is how half assed the single player story will be.
It feels like the fucking "matchmaking", if you want to call it that, purposely sticks you with russians and chinks whenever you try and join a lobby. I don't understand why rockstar thinks its such a great idea to connect us to people on the other side of the fucking planet with 56k tier connections when we want to play a fucking video game.
revive bump
GTA games are always piss easy outside of bullshit mission which are never hard because of gunfights, they're hard because of bullshit (i.e. Freefall from GTA SA)
i found 5 way easier than any other, but i also found that they've dialed in the controls on almost every form of movement or shooting to the point where it's a science now. i don't like GTAV's story, or characters, or really anything about it but credit where it's due, the controls feel really good
more 80s themed content?
You tryin to bait me?
Cause you're doing a hell of a good job if you are
No. You'll get banned for no reason or your account wiped while being fucked with by more hackers than the population of China. It happened to me, my account was reset to $0 as rockstar's lazy 'solution' to hackers injecting money into everyone's accounts. You literally have to cheat to play this game as legit players can't make progress because of the developer.
Them mean that you should check 'em.
You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Sharkcards are for lazy faggots. I've earned $53.8 million in GTA 5 without ever having spent a single cent of IRL money outside of having to buy the game.
It's not bait. It's just fact that performance destroying bugs have been brought about with every patch mant to protect their kike cards
Have you considered suicide? You should.
But that's redundant user.
A lot like real life. If people stop clustering together like cowardly faggots and fight back, most of these killing sprees would be over in record time.
Daily reminder that GTA V has the worst protagonists of any GTA game ever, which includes III
normalfags everyone
the only thing I do in this game is fly around in a chinook trying to drop cars on other people in free roam, or pick up their car to drop on other people
i would buy it but in current year they would cuck the player in a heart beat.
I want a GTA with a hot chick as main character, no stupid woman stronk shit, but manipulating other people as a means to money and power.
That's not even the worst idea ever because every GTA game aside from IV has absolutely fucking TERRIBLE gunplay
Fuck, now i gotta wait for p0ison to finish his menu.
fuck off, faggot
Half of the playable characters in GTA1 were women.
Saints Row was objectively better playing as a woman, too.
I can't imagine R* making a decent female character. It's like R* philosophy to make every single character an unlikable cunt.
They better not half ass it and let you prostitute yourself like you can in Saints Row 2 when you play as a female boss.
Well, might as well check the new content, its a fun dress up and car mod game. i guess.
They can't without Benzies. The next GTA will be full-on progressive faggotry where one side of every argument is right.
You ever get the feeling the women are too tall in gtav online?
The trick is to not fuck with people or they'll report you, also make sure your software is up to fucking date.
Way too tall, especially with the high heeled boots, they tower over male players and actually clip through the floor in cutscenes.
Ive dropped trillions at this point and im genuinely surprised nothing has happened yet. Probably helps thats all i ever do, when XP modding is fixed ill be powerleveling whole lobbies like back in the old days.
Also got rid of that engine sticking out, turns out i cant see whats in front of me when its on, whoops!
Not if you're paying money for it
Your character in GTA 1 was also made up of five pixels that didn't speak and had one skin for every single character. You effectively just looked at a drawing of a human being with a name underneath them, then clicked whichever you like best which had zero effect on anything.
People that are retarded enough to actually try that don't live long enough to talk about it.
Women in GTA Online are 6'0 which is ridiculous but it's needed for mutiplayer balance, though they could have easily solved this issue by making all players 5'9 or some shit instead so it doesn't look ridiculous for both genders. This also adds to why they always look like dykes, combined with ugly faces.
That's a pretty cool looking car to be quite honest, haven't played GTA: Online in awhile but it had massive potential for sure.
Fantastic looking cars, GTAO should have been a giant RP game mode.
and look, i found a VF Commodore! lets see how i can make holden/GM proud.
Vice City Stories > Vice City > San Andreas >>>>>>>>>>>> IV >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> V
Typical Commodore, its super heavy and needs a massive engine to push it and can only go fast on the straights. would be a nice straight drag car though.
Any more gta5 discussion?
It's a shame anything that's not a super car or armored car is worthless
It sucks ass big time, there's not much more to say. Worse than every other GTA game combined without a doubt.
Unfortunately yeah.
its fun dressing up and playing race car though.