/Total War/
Hey look, it's *not* the globe. I'm hungry.
Why. Athel Loren would be like 1 zone.
Don't we already have two threads for Total War?
I don't understand. Why wouldn't the whole "earth" be The Empire? Doesn't the Empire of Human take up like 30 million solar systems or something like that?
'Rise of Persia' is the closest thing we have, but that mod is fucking dead. v3 is never coming out.
it touches my war boner itch, however, like some other user said, it wouldn't really be that good as a TW game
I don't know man, I know literally nill things about warhammer lore
other /total war/ is bump locked, and the other thread is more about shitposting on warhammer
Warhammer fantasy and warhammer 40k are two separate universes*.
*Maybe not
anyway, serious game related question over Attila
playing as the great migrators, when do you settle? is it worth it?
from what I could gather the roving bands are cheaper and quicker to build stuff (limited by growth), however their buildings are much lower output compared to the fixed ones,
and thus, hordes are nice but very expansive to maintain an elite army, so they can also be vulnerable to stronger armies if you're trying to keep only garrison forces
but likewise, having mobile cities you can keep on the move, trying to avoid enemy death stacks and sacking your way to whatever
the game isn't that bad, but this mechanic is really retarded
Did you not garrison armies at the ritual sites? The combined forces of a fully developed garrison and a good army are easy autoresolve wins.
it pays off to wait to complete the ritual until you're overpowered as fuck because their isn't really a time limit and the ai will fuck with each other to prevent other rituals from completing
I expanded too much so my armies are spread out. if I garrison my armies and chaos spawns at the edge of my territory then I lose everythin up to my capital. I'm considering savescumming
I would wait, but the elves are in the lead. I need to catch up.
what happens when they complete the ritual before me?
That's warhammer 40k, in warhammer fantasy (or just "warhammer" seeing as it came first) humans aren't really united at all, I dont think they are even the dominant species. They do still have an emperor though.
It's pretty clear that they're separate now, I think. It used to be that the 40K universe was a world inside a wizard's crystal ball and that the fantasy universe was a planet trapped in a perpetual warp storm but they quietly stopped talking about it.
On topic, Europa Barbarorum is really good. I thought that
would make it tedious to play but they actually managed to make a compelling mod with solid gameplay. Buildings are really expensive so you need to choose where and what to develop carefully. Units are expensive as fuck too compared to the base game so you can't just spam units. My only issue is that the AI players get high command generals for free. Even my veteran of a dozen battles only has 3 command stars. Still, it's not like I've lost a battle yet.
Some of the old lore that hasn't been specifically retconned has heavily implied that the two universes are the same in some manner.
Its unclear how, since magic in warhammer is nothing like psycher powers in 40k. And 40k orks know instinctively how to make guns and advanced tech, something regular warhammer orcs do not.
There is definitely some kind of connection.
Provinces of the combined map were leaked, they only removed provinces in Southlands and I think in Naggaroth, Old World is still the same size plus Skavenblight.
fucking CA cutting corners thinking we won't notice
I'm really hoping the Mortal Empires update can be cracked.
Eh? It works fine for me
Really worried about that, especially if it can't and other companies notice and start getting ideas
Yeah, because you have to have both games to get the update, so how would you crack that exactly? Wouldn't both cracked game versions have to be both updates to the last patch? WH1 still hasn't received the Norsca crack yet. The mortal empires update looks great, but I'm still not giving a dime to these greedy kikes at Sega/CA.
Damn shame too, if they weren't such greedy cocksuckers they would probably get more sales.
It's called the warp and that's all there really is now. In older campaigns you could get bolters and other 40k weapons as rewards because Chaos wanted to win so badly they cheated. I think it is safe to say that they are separate completely now that the Great Horned Rat is Chaos god of what I don't fucking know. It's really retarded
They work fine for me too.
They speak with all the quotable lines you'd expect from quality voice acting for this unit. Really fits their character.
isn't 40K just warhammer 40 thousand years in the future
then it makes perfect sense of so much stuff being different and species evolving
No shit you dumb faggot.
I am the one getting called dumb for just pointing the obvious?
I think Napoleon total war has a Great War mod. Artillery is overpowered as hell and the AI is too dumb to move away from it, so basically you're getting the most authentic WWI experience possible.
No, 40k is explicitly the real world 40 thousand years in the future. Warhammer Fantasy actually takes place in an entirely ficional realm.
I still have it installed on my game. It's fun as fuck watching 3 entire armies get mowed down by 15 units of machine guns while they desperately scramble to get a usable formation that won't blast half of their forces away with friendly fire.
Never played this mod, is it worth it just to play the German empire?
I don't know if it's still being worked on, but from what I remember, the campaign is a little buggy as the ai will zerg rush with conscripts and the pathfinding is kind of fucked. I use it mostly for custom battles.
I like Warhammer and I like Total War, I don't like Total War Warhammer.
On EB, with giant empires you often need to disband some starting units that cost way too much.
Carthage for example, you're losing money because of upkeep. So you have to either disband some navy or elephants.
Besides that, excellent mod. Only 270's BC kids will remember this.
People in the last thread were talking about mortars and howitzers in Empire being OP, what mods were you using? At release they could completely destroy a line infantry unit before it could get across the battlefield, but then later they got nerfed. I tried Empire again recently and the mortars wouldn't be able to take out a single enemy unit in a siege before time ran out. The shrapnel shells were also completely broken, and would just fly over the heads of the enemy.
Darthmod of course
Percussion shots can still route line infantry in one or two solid hits and if something walks into a cloud of quicklime it can easily kill more then half the unit. If you're just using one or two mortar batteries, use more. Also, if they're placed at odd angles it'll sometimes cause the shot to go way over or way under.
Great job at not including the best absolute madrat.
Aren't Phoenix Guard supposed to be silent?
If this was a historical title I'd agree with you. But every race is unique in ways that requires a lot more work to implement than normal. This is why the DLC whoring doesn't really bother me a much as it normally would.
serious question though, anyone?
feels like barely anyone actually played attila
Tried it, didn't like it. Felt like a shell of what it could be and what other Total War games are. I think I actually disliked it so much at the time I straight up refunded it.
really? this is one of the most challenging and in-depth campaign TW game I've seen so far
literally, I begun as one of the great migrators, everything was all good and dandy raiding and pillaging around,
however when I finally decided to settle down my economy went down the drain and I'm now facing constant rebellions, not to mention the threat of romans around the corner
Either grab somewhere defensible like Iberia or Britain or stay running around raiding shit until Attila shows up and everyone starts throwing everything at him. Britain is the best place to get since once you secure the isles no one can touch you otherwise places next to the mediterranean are the ones you'll want to settle since during the campaign you'll get ice age events that will drastically drop food production of everywhere else.
Unless they want to take away the disease aspect of Nurgle and give that to ratboy and just make Nurgle a pure death god then it really doesn't make much sense.
lol, looks like someone tried really hard not to make a map of the world. Warhammer universe is gay as fuck and for fags. Total war is best when it's historical
I've settled in the Iberia peninsula, specifically, the corner of Galicia
I was able to raid pretty much every roman city on the way there, they are hard at first but as soon as the huns everyone starts to pile up against them
still its good to try and avoid their stacks, otherwise it would be certain death, managed to pile 25k that way
still when I finally went to settle, got a whole province, but the even then massive public order, food, religion, plus foreign buildings penalties where piling up
nearly got dead between revolts and romans armies gangbang,
only a few years later I was able to stabilize it and start getting some financial security,
still its one of the coolest features in campaign I've ever seen in TW, it totally changes the overall scheme of things
and for some reason I just can't stop playing it
I don't question it. I stopped paying attention after they released End Times because of how stupid it became. "Oh no! Slaanesh has been kidnapped even though he/she/it probably enjoys the attention so we must start a civil war between loyalist demons and Khornate/the retards who like Archaon demons! But wait! THERE'S SIMGARINES! FUCKING WOW! ALSO, ALL OF THE ELVES ARE ONE RACE AGAIN UNDER THE TRUE PHOENIX KING(tm) MALERION(tm)! WOAH!"
study cartology, come back.
these maps are purposefully distorted to highlight different features, such as cities ports rivers islands and bays. a ship carryied many maps for many purposes
I could be wrong but I think I recall some fluff in RT days implying that the Warhammer world was a planet in the eye of terror.
It's about the only way I could see all the races on ne planet anyway.
Cave men era?
yep, here is a leaked map with all the provinces
Are you retarded?
Maybe he's just not white or asian.
From the top of my head, imperial troops from Warhammer Fantasy finds KALDOR DRAIGO inside a Nurgle controlled part of the warp. Also just as some kind of easter eggs some skaven contact a Eldar Craftworld after raiding a lizardmen city and finding a device.
sources? are they from the End Times Novel?
That sucks.
I kinda wished to see Chaos Dwarves, orge kingdoms and nippon in WH3.
I thought it was confirmed that the "silver knight" that was seen in the Warp was a Storm Eternal or whatever the fuck those not-Ultragroundmarines are.
Yes it is.
They justified the squish as diversifying gameplay, turns out freakish huge continent just limits what factions you end up fighting on the early rounds, also if the leak is true they kept the chaos wastes so it seems we are using this map for wh3
If I am not mistaken it was Matt Ward that wrote that bit and it`s no secret he loves Kaldor Draigo, the description is ambiguous enough so we will never be sure.
The squish can also be justified in that there is no naval combat unless they are planning that for the third game, but that is highly unlikely so travelling from Nippon to Ulthuan would take a bakers dozen worth of turns with high risk low rewards as autoresolve is always fucked in Total War.
OP's picture is a map of the Warhammer Fantasy world, not ours
Was it Legit (Heard it from my Friend) that Malekith Did Nothing Wrong and that The Previous Phoenix Kangz cheated using magic, He got burned not because he had evil intent but because he got scared of not being a good leader and Dark Elves existance was justified because the phoenix kings were all not worthy and as punishment for putting pretenders on the thrown and it was ok for Malekith to genocide his own people then millennium later they just slap his wrist and became phoenix king
Yeah, apparently Malekith was a pretty nice guy after all and the thousand year civil war, kidnappings, enslavement, trying to sink the entire continent into the sea out of spite when he couldn't win the war, millenia of murderraping everyone, chaos cults and all that stuff, it was just a misunderstanding, so only the unreasonable elves would hold any kind of grudges over that…
I thought the the korned rat was nurgle? or is that just clan pestilence smoking one too many mushrooms with the night goblins?
oh they will come soon user, As DLC
Early lore had the Horned Rat "nibbling at the edges of Nurgles realm" implying he was trying to take over Nurgles place as Chaos God of disease. Later lore makes clan Pestilens seem more like Nurgles 5th column in the Skaven, Pestinlens being the cause of both Skaven civil wars and responsible for causing the Skaven population to collapse via plague every time it gets too big, thereby reducing the number of worshipers to give the Horned Rat power.
I beg to differ, but either it would concentrate its scope only around Verdun's area so it makes sense that hundreds upon hundreds of soldiers lose lives over there, or it was a big World War kind of map with regions coupled as a concept to individual cities, so you can for example take possession of Strasbourg as Germany but, unless you specifically won against the French, the Alsace region would still fall within their influence. I also thought that cities could be divided into leisure cities (to drive the economy, build a spy network and overall to function as neutral zones for non-aligned countries), industrial cities (to recruit mechanized units instead of plain infantry) and tertiary cities (so research, diplomacy etc. would find their cores there) and most of the building construction would be centered around rebuilding what gets destroyed as well as managing technological advancements rather than stuff like religion or law. It could also provide a bigger challenge with a cap to how many troops each region would be physically able to output and it would give troops from varying races but administered by a single country more variety.
I used to like i.
Then aAge of Shitmar happened and GW basically killed it.
Can't even give a shit about CAs game thanks to their incredible jewery.
But user, Warhammer I was based on the old Storm of Chaos campaign, not endtimes or age of sigmarines
2.3 never ever
I feel Attila was really underrated because people still were sore over Rome 2, the game wasn't perfect but captured the apocalyptic feeling of the era really well.
only annoying part is that AI rarely Colonize which leads to a wasteland late game
There are mods that make the AI settle desolated regions.
true, but there are still cases they rarely venture out and get said Settlements
if we're on the topic of attila, is there a way to pirate the DLC's and have them run on a legitimate steam version? i bought the game ages ago while it was on sale for cheap, but never bothered to even install it since i figured without any DLC it would be a pile of shit
I see you guys always talk about campaigns but I never play the campaign, I just set up custom battles and imagine a story in my mind. Am I exceptionally autistic?
I don't think that is entirely true, colonizing is expensive but not ''that' 'much
and if it was too cheap, there would be nearly no point on razing it at all
besides that, very few factions to burn it to the ground, and the only that benefits from it is Attila Huns I've think
what should actually happen is that the uprooted tribes to travel do desolate places where they can grow a bit and settle (I've seen it happen)
what really is annoying as fuck, is that looting earns more money than sacking in most instances,
and that rebels usually take over a lot shit due to the rampant low public order and the AI inability to deal with it
While orks and orcs are indeed not the same thing, I should point out that there is a such thing as feral orks in 40K.
Well it seems like it wont be long now if the thread on twc is to be believed
If they where 40k orks, wouldn't they reproduce at an insane rate, overrunning the whole planet in a matter of a few years at most, and more pressingly, as the ork population grows, shouldn't mekboys and the like crop up and the orks start to develop tech of their own, far beyond what a medieval society on one continent could ever hope to control?
Where are the bigger squig variants that crop up where orks are?
Also, what is the 40k equivalent of a black orc?
this is lewd
wtf are those graphics dude you can play much better games by ca they released like this year
The only reason Orcs haven't overrun the planet is because of retconned lore about them needing to reproduce with their BGC. Yes, you heard me right, there was at one point, female Orcs. As for a Black Orc equivalent, wouldn't that be Meganobz?
Carthaginians shouldn't be blacks either
So are the Persians and Egyptians. Shit map tbh.
Fixed after 9,001 hours in MS Paint and half as much in GIMP.
Just realize the original still has some paint problems. Here's a better one. Also, decided to make the Arab a bit darker.
If Only Sassanid Empire Kicked Mohammed's Ass then Islam wouldn't have risen
amazing that nearly always racism is following by a strong display stupidity
Okay, think all the errors are fixed.
You nigger faggot, you don't have to a "racist" to get upset when history is presented ahistorically. Iberians are Germanic, Nubians are close to Egyptians and are both red (not to be confused with the Nubi, who are black), and Carthaginians were a Semitic people, not fucking niggers like you.
go back to cuckchan you faggot
I hate how much everything fucking costs in that game.
lol no it's been in 5.1 for years now and there's been no word from the author
Are you talking about yourself?
any anons playing Darthmod mod for Napoleon, How do you enable Embed related, Because said mod removed march songs
In the launcher under sounds
ok, thanks user
Thank you for correcting the record ;) . We wouldn't want to misrepresent history now
The Medieval II expansion doesn't count
Why not?
because it's an expansion. Frankly, a game centered around that area and time period would be quite lacking in unit variety and strategic capabilities
I want the entire game designed around it and I want it designed with the benefits of modern hardware
Fucking hated that Stainless Steel removed the Americas from the map.
It really would not be. The second image in alone shows a huge variety in gear and armnants for Aztec troops from Tenochtitlan, there's a similar amount of variety for other kingdoms and empires in the region, though we have less records of what they were for others, but still a decent amount.
I can dump more pages from that book that goes over different troop types and military gear, though it describes more about what they wore moreso then what they did or how they were used in battle (since unfornately none of our primary sources really go into detail about mesoamerican battle tactics and organization, only military organization in terms of ranks and equipment).
There's enough variety for sure, though the gameplay might need to be redesiend with some mechanices replaced or changed due to the lack of calvery (since there were no beasts of burden or horses in the region). It's not well known, but Mesoamerica actually did have siege towers (you can see one in a maya mural at chichen itza), so siege weapons and platforms are still do-able.
Let me know if you want me to keep dumping.
Are the killing animations that noticeable in Empire/Napoleonic total war? From videos it looks atrocious.
Also, of the two, which should I get/is there a huge difference between them?
Pic of the siege tower in the mural. It's a bit hard to see but it's in the lower right
I'm heading to bed since it's 4am but if people want more info on aztec/mesoamerican troop types and shit I can dump more stuff/link to resources tommorow
Go drink some soy.
They're fucking horrible. Fort battles are unplayable since units will be stuck doing kill moves for 30 minutes.
If you try to use cavalry to mop up retreating enemy units you have to babysit them so they will keep attacking the unit. They will only attack one enemy unit in a kill move and then do nothing else unless told.
So why is it recommended on Holla Forums's wiki? And I assume the later games (like Shogun 2) are better?
dunno lol
Same engine, same problems. No amount of polish can cover up the fact that units will only fight 1 on 1. So even if a 200 unit Samurai regiment is surrounding 5 Yari Ashigaru only 5 Samurai will fight while everyone else sits around.
Basically Maya/Inca/Aztec + Ancient aliens.
So wait until they decide to use a new engine then? That's a shame. I was looking forward to playing Shogun 2.
The ayy kangz should be a tongue-in-cheek DLC, like Blood Dragon or something.
No damage sponge heroes are gay and don't belong in total war.
What is the difference between the first and second TW Warhammer game? Why are they making a sequel so soon?
He's not wrong, you know.
Well, obviously. But why Warhammer? People already spent $100+ on the first one, and TW is mostly played by people who don't typically fall for these tricks r-right?. Do they really expect people to fork over another $100+? There's hardly a difference between the two games I'm willing to bet.
The incans were andean m8, they were as far from the aztecs as rome is from baghdad.
They don't belong in TW I agree, but they're not gay.
So, for Wawa 1 & 2, Is the Steel Faith mod good enough, or is there any mod that should be recommended to play? Im curious.
How can you stand them?
I can't think of a more annoying unit type.
Also, nice Pergamon.
I was thinking about playing it when the new patch comes out.
I dont really,
I just needed something to soak up arrows while I was fighting Pontus and Armenia and they did pretty good since they could actually block those fucking cataphract charges without losing half the regiment
They have it pretty nice in the beginning since Egypt only has 1 full stack near their region which usually gets half depleted by taking Sardis from the Seleukids and their other settlements only have minor garrisons (had at most 4-5 units+general) which can be taken easily and make some pretty penny
The only annoyance you have really are the Galatians who try to sell themselves as mercenaries to you, which are not worth it (in terms of units, the extra upkeep and its actually one of the requirements for one of the reforms to kill 8 or so stacks) and will become a rebel stack next to Pergamon if you decline their offer
I figured you'd be fighting Egypt early on, since you're allied to the Seleukids.
I don't think they can even recruit anything from most of those towns on the southern Anatolian coast.
I also found it really annoying that the AI can sometimes get a full garrison for free (scripted) when you besiege a city after only one turn, but I haven't been playing the newer versions a lot. I'm just waiting for 2.3.
Is there any way to get real heavy cavalry as Pergamon through reforms?
Yeah the second reform (the one that requires you to kill Galatians) gets you Hetairoi and I think Hippeis, but thats the heaviest cav you are going to get without taking in Persian auxiliaries
Oh well.
At least I get something.
The rest of the roster is pretty good, so it's fine.
why are people so fucking afraid of being related or having nigger ethnicity?
ther eis literately nothing wrong with it, afaik only americans can be this fucking racist
I'm actually french+german, but thanks
I've said it before and will say it again,
< Total War Colonization(?)
not specifically mesoamerica but the whole region during the early colonization period
this way you could get some native american action, age of sailing ships, heavy cannons, very early gunpowder warfare
and the map could spam all the way from north to south america
just fucking play the game, shogun2 is a good one to start though
empire is the first one of the new engine so its the more clunky one, with each new title it got more and more polished
Why should we have to rewrite history books and lie about our ancestors and culture, just to satisfy your need for political correctness and white guilt?
How would you balance Mahuacatls and padded clothing against steel armor, swords, guns and cannons, let alone all the diseases that devastated the vast majority of the natives? Seems to me like it would be heavily in favour of the europeans no matter how you try to balance it…
simple, make it so that colonials have to wait for reinforcements from across the sea until they have established a proper colony. Also make the natives really good at ambushing.
Make natives have combat bonus in the jungle+ easier for them to ambush and higher number of men per unit (native clubmen 250 men as opposed to spanish Rodeleros who have like 160 or 120 men)
The factions that try to colonize either have to wait for reinforcements with a Rome 1 Senate system where you need to do missions to keep the Crown happy or else they cut support which leads to PO malus, diminished morale for the troops and less income or have an EB style building and recruitment system that needs big monetary investments to get unit production started and have some sort of special fog of war for them
that's the point, Spaniards are a culture of very mixed ethinicity, they're more commonly brown than white, just fucking embrace it, it what makes them unique
I've guess that's the point, like fall of the samurai, the natives would need to have a vast advantage in numbers
and besides that, the heavily armored and trained european units would be elite and very high upkeep, the challenge would from they arriving with literally nothing and conquering the caribbean (and also fighting other europeans)
I've guess it could play very similarly as Civ:Col
you arrive at the new world with nearly nothing, settle, have to rely on trade and resources from the old world, juggle with the other colonies, natives and piracy, until you are strong enough to declare independence and survive
How many spaniards do you actually know?
Have you ever been there?
Spain is only brown when compared to nothern europeans. Compared to even latin americans, they are all incredibly white.
And those moors you claimed made them brown? Those guys where more of arabic than anything remotely subsaharan. Just look at contemporary depictions of moors, pics related.
Not exactly something anyone would mistake for nignogs.
user, they're bait WE WUZ KANGZ/SPANISH AND SHEET. though greatest mistake is their Colonies
If Only Spain Genocided us.- flip
user… for fuck sake..
you were the one who got triggered by because some factions where depicted as slightly brown
as if you were afraid of getting a little tan
this is mental retardation, there is a difference between skin color, ethnicity and culture
just because someone is slightly tan doesn't mean they're implied niggers…
not that it matters anyone, wether you're a nigger a white you're dweeb worhtless shit like anyone else
I think you are mixing up ID's faggot, I never even commented on
And considering just how emotional you seem, I would even think that the only one of us who is triggered here, is you.
Why don't you just go back to >>>Holla Forums and leave the adults here to our debate?
Just a friendly reminder that in Rome 1 you can give retinues from one general to another. I guess you can do the same in Medieval 2 as well.
So I never played a Total War game before. I have Rome sitting on my drive but I never booted it up. As a person with decent experience in conventional RTS what an I in for?
Can confirm. You can only do it with some retinues however.
Rome is pretty great, but it's pretty far removed from a conventional RTS. There's no base building for one. If you like empire building then you'll like it. Don't expect Civilization though, the focus is on the combat (it's in the name after all)
Incorrect unless you have a very loose definition of "Brown"
t.somebody who has been to Madrid twice
The same way it was balanced in real life: Logistics, infrastructure, and numbers, as , and say
The idea that the Spanish just came in and curbstomped everything due to superior technology is a myth: Obviously this was a factor, but it was vastly outweighed by the fact that the spainish were low in numbers, did not have the benefits of knowing the terrain or resources around them, and did not have dedicated supply lines or the logistics/infanstructure a traditional army would have, especially since Mesoamerican armies actually typically fought in numbers larger then armies in europe: armies in the hundreds of thousands wasn't uncommon, and contrary to the preception that they were just savages in the jungle, many groops had dedicated organized armies with command structure and the sort of supply lines and logistics you'd see in europe. (Also, most of the spainish switched over to native fiber armor due to the climate and it's suprising effectiveness anyways, and there are a few spainish accounts of Aztec spears, atlatl darts, or other stone and perhaps copper weapons doing damage to steel armor)
What allowed the Spanish to be successful despite this is the native geopolitical situation being unstable, to where many native groups allied with the spanish to overthrow the aztecs (the spainish were actually entirely defeated and surrounded by th Tlaxcalans fairly early on, and were only not finished there due to their choice to spare and ally with them) and therefore giving the spanish access to actual infanstructure and supply lines as well as a much larger amount of infantry, as well as causing aztec city states to erupt into civil wars, and as you say, diseases.
So, basically, give native groups larger numbers and more actuall support, territory, and cities/supplies, and make the colionizers have to make due without that, but with stronger actual units/soldiers and needing to actually use diplomacy to get the natives to fight each other and ally with yourself. Diplomacy has always been a waste of time in total war, this would give it a reason to be used
Guess it's back to Medieval 2.
TW is basically General and Commander simulator from the strategic, and tactical point of view. Everything else plays a very minimal part, diplomacy is just a suggestion, since you can break any treaty immediately after, Towns and cities are already there for you, and can't ever get completely erased, and the tech trees and base building is incredibly minimal.
Expect to learn about things like hammer and anvil strikes, pincer maneuvers, and feint retreats. Once you get online expect to learn about noob boxes, kiting, and elephant, spartan and cataphract spams.
And there is nothing wrong with racism you nigger cunt.
< sound the oars
Nothing, I uninstalled WaWa2 after just playing a couple of battles because it's WaWa again with less content and runs worse. It's just the same game, I didn't even notice any interface or controls improvements like the curved paths orders.
Butterlord is looking good
i hope you copypasta't that from some shitty internet forum posts and you're not really retarded enough to believe this crap.
I may be spend too much time on these replays
motherfucker, firefox is sperging out because of the concat
They might. The combined map is a DLC for WH2, it's not WH3.
You have been misled, user.
Time to wait for a direct dl link
Whats wrong with torrents? And EB has never been save game compatible with an update.
Its just that the dl-speed is going to be shitty since its newly released and everybody is downloading it
But 600kb/s is fast for me
I feel ya
Getting ~600kb/s too
East German countryside internet sucks
South-west German countryside here, it's not much better. 750 kb/s.
Which one of you is using utorrent?
Get back to >>>/cuckchan/
Hello fellow fredditor xD
get new reaction images you use the same 3 all the time
Damn, the flood is even worse than I though
I'm not surprised
I'm basically a ffmpeg wizard now
Interesting trait the Lusitani get
They need to double check some of their stuff
what seem to be the problem mate, don't you enjoy a good sauna?
but wasn't basically a roman thing?
what did youtube mean by this?
Age of Sigmar™, there is no "Warhammer Fantasy"
No, its the old 8th ed Warhammer Fantasy the Total War version is based on. None of that End Times or Sigmarine bullshit here.
If the god damned ground marines don't show how GW doesn't have any good ideas left then I don't know what will.
every warhammer is fantasy
tw warhammer is fantasy tw…
So, could people report videos that use "straight, white male" as literal hate speech?
I´m really weak against heat
Any temperature over 20°C makes me sweat alot
IIRC Saunas were a finnish thing
Playing stainless steel but I'm retarded what faction should i choose?
play as England since they're the easiest faction to start with
I horded as the Boii and migrated to rejoin my cousins in Galatia, now one of my FMs works as a mercenary for the house of Ptolemy.
Also I really appreciate the new raiding feature.
Does EB actually change the game balance of units/mechanics so its more fun to play or is it just another one of those mods that just bloats the game with a gajillion different versions of hoplites/barbarians that are effectively the same and factions up the ass so that when ending your turn it takes several minutes to resume?
nah… these were the famous roman baths, warmed up by coal
I think finnish did the natural warm waters by outside thing
I think I would have preferred him to have died while serving as a mercenary so I don't have to pay the upkeep on his bodyguard tbh
How does it work in comparison to the old one?
Isn't this the kind of shit you have one of your assassins quietly take care of?
so… give us the quick run down on why the fuck play this mod
does it really add that much to the game, or is it just what you can play on your potato machine?
Do you seriously not know about the autisimo ultra deluxe mod that is Europa Barbarorum?
Yes it adds a fuckton of stuff including, but not limited to traits, units, building system(s), an entire AOR system and you get an entire wall of text what happened during that year
and no I dont play it because I got a toaster
EB is fucking ridiculous after like 2 turns in you are fighting STACK AFTER STACK AFTER STACK. Eternal wars of attrition for small territory. I liked just modding rome with just AI mods and Terrae Expugnae for the expanded map and more factions(also you get the correct egyptian army)
For another mod that's pretty good was "Le Montee D'Lempire" for Napoleon total war. It really changes the game and fixes alot of the problems with the combat in that game.
Yeah thats kinda a problem especially as a barbarian faction when you lose like 5k gold per turn, but same thing could be said for Roma Surrectum II where you can recruit entire stacks in just 2 turns even in the early game
The only other historical mod I really liked for Rome 1 was Rome Total Realism since its EB lite and IIRC is based on the Extended Cultures mod
Never played much of Napoleon TW but I remember that mod being pretty good
Speaking of Nappy: Is that Great War mod still being worked on or has it met its death?
It's true, though. Go look up the numbers of the combatants during the final siege of Tenochtitlan, for instance: The combined Tontac and Tlaxcala army that helped the Spanish had 100,000-200,000 soldiers, and the defending Aztec force was 200,000 - 300,000 men strong. The Aztec army that conquered Coixtlahuacan had 200,000 troops, and the army that conquered Tutupec had 400,000. There's also another that I forgot the exact campaign for that there was said to be an army of 700,000 people, but that and perhaps the Tutpec number are obviously exgaggerrated, but given that even for the battles we have numbers from for the Spanish are 100,000-300,000, clearly that as much really did happen.
It seems excessive, but it becomes less so when you consider that one of the forms of tribute Aztec controlled city states owed the empire was manpower during campaigns and all men had mandatory military service, so the "load" on any given city from it's inhabitants being used in war was diffused throughout multiple cities, and said cities were about as populated as european ones.
Also dumping more stuff from while i'm at it
Should be noted this is 200,000 combatants and another 100,000 supplymen/porters, which, again, seems excessive but makes sense in light of how Tributaries were expected to contribute in times of war and given that there were no beasts of burden to help transport supplies.
And here I was just having a laugh with my friends of how Total War is reddit garbage.
Also, in scan12.jpg is says that the Tlaxcalans joined cortes after Cortes defeated them, but as far as I know it was the opposite: The Tlaxcalans had surronded and defeated the spanish, but two of the Tlatoani (basically kings) of Tlaxcallan city states got the Tlaxcalla general to spare them.
Here's the map and legendary lords for mortal empires. It comes out on the 26th and will hopefully be cracked soon after.
How is it gonna get cracked though if you need both games to get the update? The first game is still missing the Norsca update, which would have to be cracked again by CPY, STP, or Codex, and I'm pretty sure none of them are working on it.
Looks small as hell to be honest, the old world map is so fucking boring and bland, they should have just combined both maps without cutting it off, but muh technical reasons.
Why does anybody believe that Mortal Empires can fix a game that has no strategy, diplomacy or a functional AI to begin with?
Does EB 2 have 0-turn recruitment?
Its running on Med2, so it has the recruitment slot system instead of Rome's 1 turn system. During the seasons of summer, spring and autumn you'll only have 1 or 2 recruitment slots open that you can use. But during the winter, these can double or triple in size as historically the production and storage of arms in times of war took place in the winter. Also the number of recruitment slots you have (and what units you can even recruit) can depend on the government type of a settlement.
Using the Roman Republics government system as an example, after conquering a region outside of Italy the player has to set up the Pacificatio Regionis. This government type essentially represents a rudimentary form of military occupation. It offers no recruitment options, very few building options and only provides a small bonus to law. From there the player can either choose to set up a Civitas Libera (Free City) or Provincia Romana (Roman Province). The Civitas Libera enables the recruitment of a special character known as a client ruler. Essentially he acts like an FM, but is not apart of the family and his name is drawn from the local population rather than a Roman name. This type of government enables local recruitment with a very slow refresh rate on units, and has 3 free upkeep unit slots. The autonomy held by those in the region gives them a 10% bonus to happiness, but a result of this means that Western Mediterranean Polities (the culture group the Romans belong to) isn't going to grow as a majority. Also since the settlement is essentially a tributary state to the wider Roman Republic, they would have to pay a grain tribute every year or so. So the farming output of the settlement is lowered, meaning less growth in the city. Should the client ruler die, the player has to 'demolish' the Civitas Libera government and rebuild it again to be given another client ruler. During this time, unrest can become a serious issue, so the death of a client ruler means a period of instability and uncertainty for the population and so the player may want to garrison the city with faction troops so as to avoid any revolts. The Provincia Romana is a type of government which is meant to represent Roman authority over the province. But before the Marian reforms, it doesn't offer any recruitment options and has to be garrisoned with troops from Italy. After the Marian reforms, auxiliary recruitment opens up for that province. As well as that, it makes the option for building colonies available. Colonies represent the active measures the Roman Republic took to settle provinces outside of Italy with Romans, through land grants given from military pensions and government sponsored "migrations". They help in converting a provinces culture to Western Mediterranean Polities up to a certain point and can either provide a bonus or a penalty to public order depending on the culture present. As a result this opens up a few limited recruitment options for the Cohors Reformata and the Antesignani. Also keep in mind that colonies can be built in Italy before the Marian reforms.
Carthaginians weren't black, stupid
What the fuck has happened to this place? I want to puke. Never come back retard.
So many missed opportunities.
This starting position could have been interesting.
Could have been a nice change of pace for a dwarf faction to start primarily fighting undead and dealing with the empire instead of greenskins
Either could have been interesting changes and a Kraka Drak campaign could have been a fun challenge for gluttons for punishment.
Couldn't they easily have made a start for Sarthorael over there with the goal of marching south and sticking it to the lizards or invading Ulthuan?
Other things I would have liked to see would be playable Vampire Coast undead, a beastman horde in Nagaroth and playable orc factions in either lustria, southlands or grom the paunch in Ulthuan.
I guess they didn't really mean it when they said they where going to move around some of the old lords…
here is your (you), and don't be silly pretending you have friends…
The are planning on changing many Old World LL starting positions later.
you have 10 seconds to tell me why you aren't playing EB2
because eb1 is better and finished
because I´m taking a break after the shitshow that was my England conquest and the slog that was my Gaul conquest
Is it still an unstable mess? Every save I've played always gets to the point where it crashes on a certain turn.
Because Rome 1 feels a lot better than Med 2. I don't know why, something puts me off about Med 2, it's a great game, no doubt, but I don't like it so much.
those are very well done shields
I'm not playing however, because even a single of those shields would max out the game resolution
How long do your battles usually take? I find mine drag around 10 minutes each.
It's not finished. I'm going to wait for it to be 100% finished, instead of 75% that it is currently.
why would you blitz everybody before turn 150?
Britannia was undefended and has a region which makes like 5k gold from mines alone
As for Gaul: I saw how both factions there were spread thin from conquering new regions and decided that now was the best time to conquer them
Now I´m just taking some rebel regions and probably attack Massilia and them turtle the fuck up will Rome is busy fighting Epirus
man, I do fucking love watching some o these replays, they so fucking cinematic
if you take out the music and the sports narrator, do some proper editing they could be pretty damn good
I just noticed that most of the TW eventually come to be released for linux too (all but the newer wawa)
it even makes me want to buy, but holy fuck nearly 200 buckaroos for a game with whole dlc package
can anyone attest if they work on linux, with which drivers?
It shouldn't be hard to mod the starting placement. Not splitting up the old factions was a bit lazy though, yes.
That's why. How do you fucks manage to play this for any amount of time? My saves are always getting memed on with guaranteed turn end crashing.
Which game?
How do I get gud with brettonia? I like their style and stuff but i cant play as them at all, their infantry is shit and their archers are garbage. I guess their cavalry is good but after the initial shock cavalry just gets butchered by all the other factions infantry.
You need to micro the fuck out of your cav, bring a ton of it and make sure you cycle charge like a motherfucker.
Heavy cav is not for fighting in the meat grinder, its for shocking your enemy into panic. Don't ever fool yourself into thinking your cav should stick around after a charge and always get them clear if the enemy tries to surround them.
Some Mortal Empires campaign footage.
why don't you post the problem lad instead of complaining about it?
does it crash after you do something specific, like constructing a certain building or recruiting a unit? or is a crash that repeats even after loading continuously on turn 20? what faction are you playing? are you alt tabbing?
check the logs folder in mods/EBII, and just check everywhere you can think of where you might be able to find a crash log
With 2.2b it was usually an issue with whatever was happening at that turn, as in I could reload a save (the saves that didn't crash when I attempted to load them) cancel all constructions, recruitment, and movement and it would still crash at whatever turn that save decided it didn't like. Furthest I got was turn 140, average was ~30.
I've made a fresh install of MTW2, patched it to 1.5, redownloaded EB on the off chance there was an issue with the download, and slapped EBII 2.3 on, but haven't gotten a chance to play it yet. Hopefully one of these will fix my issues.
their pikeman seem to be good, let your infantry engage with the enemy and flank them with cavalry, if they manage to get a back charge its pretty much done
You should try this game user.
did you get it working? from what i understood from the crashlog it seems like all the items under the [data.missing] tag are all vanilla med2 items. the game is trying read from the vanilla game rather than the mod and can't find shit. eg, the mesoamerican portraits for witches, heretics, inquisitors, princesses etc. these aren't included in EB2. its also trying to load up the norman and saxon faction icons from the vanilla game campaign menu that acts as a little prologue. im pretty sure this is all standard stuff, since they're all [warning] tags as well and im sure it happens to everyone elses game versions but nothing is ever recorded in the crash logs since it doesn't crash.
it could be save file corruption as well. if you alt tab the game a lot it can cause save files to shit themselves. even just doing it once can fuck things up.
Yeah, that's why my thought was to attempt the 1.5 patch.
I've got it playable now, so long as I ctrl+s before ending turns. Up to turn 50 and no unavoidable end of turn crashing.
Dwarves are looking pretty fucked for the Mortal Empires patch.
They've been getting the short end of the stick forever now
which historical title is in the works? so far I've seen only hearsay
Fucking niggers, can't even educate themselves
Basically it might be Russian-Japanese War or boxer revolution
"we have recently been looking at ways in which we might get back to historical content before we release the next major historical Total War"
sorry user, i thought it automatically refers to this article and its statement
"If you liked Fall of the Samurai, and the kind of gameplay we delivered with it, then you’re going to enjoy what we’ve got planned for our first Saga title."
Mysterious trait
remember user, never give up Do it for Uncle Adolf
pretty much why every major empire attempt failed…
These fleets appear in the most random spots
were you expecting them to build ships at sea?
how the fuck do I get them to fuck off forever
Need to kill all the legendary lords. Archaeon, Sarthurial, Sigvald, and Kholek.
you have to kill all of them, horde armies dont have cities they just kinda shit out more lords until the last one is dead.
Speaking of chaos how come sarthoriel is not a legendary lord? the only reason id want to play anything involving tzeentch and I cant because reasons.
isn't this shit programmed on Warscape too?
Keep spreading misinfo likely spiuted by a Redditor trying to gain karma son.
Next you'll tell me Master diffciulty in S.T.A.L.K.E.R makes you deal more damage to NPCs.
Old engine is still better though, makes me wonder why they ever bothered making warscape.
Because the old one lwas old as fuck, ooks like shit and has shit basic animations?
Medieval 2 is a top tier game, but all I said still holds true, you know this as better than I do.
Because they needed an engine that could handle tons of musket fire well for Empire and Napoleon, with less emphasis on brawls and melee, so it got flashy synchkill animations and shit too.
Then some exec got the bright idea to just repurpose the warscape engine when they made shogun, and people liked the flashy animations, atmosphere and style so much CA figured they'd be better off polishing off the warscape engine for every new game instead of making one that can handle melee as well as the engine they used in Rome 1 and Medieval 2.
Damned shame.
I still miss the big siege battles from Medieval 2. It was so much better when you could plan where to hit a city as an attacker, with diversionary assaults on one side of the city to draw the defenders there while sneaking in troops on the other side to open a gate, or laying ambushes and layering your defence to hold off several stacks of angry mongols trying to storm your city.
Don't even get me started on the kind of fighting you had to go through to dig a full stack of defenders out of a Citadel with 3 layers of walls and defences…
Just look up some of Pixelated Apollo's medieval 2 sieges if you don't get how great they where.
wo nice throwback son!
you don't really know much about game development, do you kiddo?
Git gud, and dwarves suck
I understand perfectly well that its cheaper to reuse warscape than make a new engine, but warscape is nearly 10 years old and was never ideal for what its been used for ever since Napoleon.
And not only is the engine dated, but it was never designed for mass melees, but for musket firefights, and the engine has shown it in every game since, with unit collision issues and units blobing up in melees ever since.
No matter how bad or dysfunctional games CA makes, dumb fucks like people in this thread are still going to keep buying them.
user let me explain you something… with each new game iteration they slowly improve the engine where its needed while reusing most of the source code
and basically every software out there does the same, simply because reinventing the wheel most of the time takes unnecessary effort (welcome to windows with decrypt code from the 90s)
and have you actually played the latest historical titles to complain out of your ass so much? the last one, Attila had rock solid mechanics and really fuckin balanced combat
seriously what are you expecting? even the latest major triple A rpgs like fallout or skyrim have serious clipping glitches, and that is only with a handful of entities in fight at the moment
if you're asking for realistic edge detect and animations for thousands of units running at the same time, your computer would melt to process that, vydia isn't real life….
Yes , blah blah blah.
But they had an engine that did it a lot better in Medieval 2 more than 10 years ago.
I almost believed you until you mentioned Bethesda games in a good light. Next time use waifu games and weabs will come out of the woodwork to defend you.
did they really, are you sure you're not just nostalgia fagging?
because I've played it and remember, the melee rumble being just people bumping into each other, and the siege battles literally being the queue simulator from hell (ladders, getting up and down walls)
I literally said that those games and full of glitches, and that's a good light for ya
go back to your dank meme squad will ya
Are you sure you have actually played TW's from before atilla or are you just retarded?
From your history in this thread its painfully obvious you don't know jack about Rome 1 or Medieval.
Quot erat demonstratum
Not bothering with siege towers for storming defended walls. Not shelling the walls with artillery to open gaps you can assault and clearing infantry from the walls in advance, not tunneling under the walls to bring them down no matter what the defenders might do.
Nope, the ladders are surely the only way…
That you are using bethesda as a positive example of development only shows the true extend of your staggering level of utter stupidity.
Please do mankind a favour and kill yourself before you accidentally procreate.
Funky helmet
So I've been playing a Steel Faith Mortal Empires campaign as the High Elves on Hard. Holy fucking shit, the Chaos invasions are ridiculous. When Archaeon finally arrived, there were at least 10 stacks of Chaos armies placed right on my doorstep to the north and south of Ulthuan.
that's not what I've said jackass, your point on the engine is that i made melee combat ass, what I've said is that it was pretty much worse ass
I didn't say that either, stop projecting your shit stupidity
Oh boy
You said it was worse BECAUSE sieges where just waiting around for your troops to scale ladders.
An observation that betrays just how poorly you understand how sieges in Rome 1 or Medieval 2 worked.
Your observations of how melees worked in the old engine are similarly overly simplistic.
Its obvious you have never spent much getting to know either before writing them off, since you are most likely some little millenial twat who thinks Atilla is teh greaetast evar because its the first good one you played.
Yes they're are which is why I'm worried that nigger was baiting.
How do you usually build my man?
Well I've been looking at the steam discussion board for the Mortal realms and it turns out that the Chaos invasion is utterly fucked.
The waves of Chaos ignore all other factions and track you specifically down meaning endless waves of 20 unit armies howling for your blood.
I don't even think Norscea had a tabletop army so CA literally built them from scratch off of lore and a few models I think.
its true, playing as the High Elves when chaos invades around turn 155 all of them zerg rush towards me. Though if you want them to attack other factions make sure you have Vassals not military allies
They have a mod that outright removes chaos invasion, I would consider it better alternative because I imagine when you start to actually conquer the map others will wage war due to great power penalty.
Great power is a massive bitch with mortal empires since your allies soon will kill you and the only ones loyal would be your vassals
Diplomacy in Mortal Empires, like the Vortex Campaign has one important trick to it.
AI factions like you more, the more your agents fuck other other factions they don't like.
Simple to use in practice, as I try to get as many wizards stealing research from enemies that I can, and each time you do, all factions that dislike or is at war with your target, will like you more. In my last mazdamundi campaign I had a +870 standing with everyone but the darkelves and the skaven I had wiped out. That was from a group of skink priests who had been working for 50-60 turns constantly stealing research every turn.
So if you want to get on the good side of, say the dwarves, send a ton of agents after the orcs, if you want the empire to like you, sick the agents on the undead factions and so on.
ok user, i'll try that ana thanks
FYI to those of you playing Med 2 on a good PC, in the medieval2.preference.cfg you can set unit_detail to "highest" and it will remove the sprite draw distances all together.
Make sure to save and set to read only after though to make sure changes go through. Not sure if it works the same with RTW
Currently playing Attila on very hard with the franks.
Have an easy time to be honest, thankfully, my germanic barbarian bros are not prone to treachery, even on Very Hard.
wow just like every fucking total war
Like it should be, the end times happened for a reason m8.
user are you talking about the new Total War Game that CA claims it has same gameplay as Fall of the Samurai?
The article only mentioned Fall of the Samurai as an example of the kind of scope they are going for. With it being about one specific war instead of an entire era. Like Napoleon compared to Empire.
The article also said the next historical game like that would be based on Rome 2, like Atilla was. Probably going to be about some roman civil war or other. They had so many so its impossible to narrow it down, but if I was to guess I'd think its was that kerfluffle about Mark Anthony and Octavian. But there's too many options to be sure.
Don't know if i should be afraid but remastered Alexander the Great?
since Attila = Rome: Barbarian Invasion
Alexander = Unrevealed total war game
Since there's currently no crack for Mortal Empires, is there any way to make II playable; i.e. to avoid watching all of my cities destroyed by doom stacks?
Stationing armies anywhere doesn't seem to work because they just spawn further away.
user you can bait them into spawning into one area by leaving one settlement defenseless (No walls and tier 1-2 settlement) then move in 5 or more of your armies to easily kill the stacks
Attila has a climate change mechanic in it that made me uninstall it. I was enjoying the hell out of it until I learned about that. Who wants to build an empire, only for every single thing to turn to ice?
The Middle East was prosperous because of climate change, not covered in fucking ice!
anons, new info on Historical total war
I don't think the climate change goes to the Middle east, in fact, Middle east has the heatstroke mechanic.