Has there been a game series ruined by its fandom!
Has there been a game series ruined by its fandom!
Yes, there's been several actually.
Fallout: New Vegas is a good example.
Rick and Morty is reddit garbage. It was never good and anyone here who enjoyed it should feel ashamed.
Obviously anything Bethesda touches also qualifies. But NV fans are so autistic about the game that fail to realize that it, too, is complete shit in many ways.
I really want to make a thread long tl;dr to completely fucking destroy the Holla Forums shitposter that tried proving this wrong.
Fallout 4 is perfect in every way and it has a rich, vibrant fanbase full of creative programmers and designers.
Undertale and Sonic immediately come to mind.
no that's naturally a mediocre game, the fanbase just added mods that slightly improve it
TF2 and Counter Strike
What no diversity goy? What are ya kid, some kind of nazi or something?
I've been watching that show since season 1. Never have I thought of it as intellectual or profound, just a cartoon. It's mildly amusing to me and I know one of the creators is a hardcore SJW.
Every game I play. Everyone I love is tainted either by pre teens or faggots.
stop playing shit games
So, what fallout game isn't complete shit?
Half-Life. The HL2 fandom is one of the worst on the planet
How can they be ruined if they were never good to begin with?
Never understood the rick and morty craze. I watched it and it's just randumb comedy with hints of nihilism. Mean spirited with no pay off. One of those fad shows that a bunch of people tricked into being good and a lot of people fell for it.
I know you're b8, but come on
I don't like Rick and Morty much, but that image is pretty fucking retarded.
The second panel in seems to imply that pessimistic nihilism and apathy are for whatever reason off limits for humor, which is absolute horseshit. Not every show has to only portray nihilism in only the way that Holla Forums approves.
I never watched past season 1, but the "Wubba lubba dub dub" thing was entirely self aware. The joke was characters in shows making stupid catch phrases. He even says "Hey, that's my new catch phrase now, and I'm going to start saying it all the time" or something. I assume Mr. Poopy Butthole is a similar self-aware gag, in which the joke is its own inanity. I'm not saying the jokes are good, but for an image critiquing the humor, it's a little odd to specifically bring up self-aware humor and avoid mentioning that it's tongue-in-cheek.
You can fuck right off.
You can fuck right off again. You don't have to have experienced violence to watch violent media. There is literally no reason to bring up somebody's personal experience with "true trauma" in the context of film violence, like it's fucking relevant. The violence is certainly not "daring" but it's also not necessarily for "cheap shock", anymore than the good head explosions in Dawn of the Dead. Humor in violence is hardly new, and hardly worth getting offended at like a conservative Christian housewife, even with your bullshit "It's better when there's a political message! Violence should only be humorous when it's satire!" I enjoy Verhoeven's work, but highbrow violence intertwined with masterful satire existing (eg. Robocop) does not mean that humorous violence can't exist in other forms, regardless of how poetically you want to describe a man being viciously gunned down by a giant robot.
I don't know shit about the McDonald's episode, but given the nonsense in the rest of the image, I can only assume it's being exaggerated or taken out of context.
The Rick and Morty fanbase is pretty awful, and the show is generally passable at best, but Holla Forums's self-righteous pseudo-intellectual contrarianism is painful, and any claim of good taste is rich coming from that shithole.
freindo, are you actually saging a post. I really hope you are being tongue in cheek or something.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand My Little Pony. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of the most advanced psychology most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. Theres also Twilight's altruistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterization- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that theyre not just funny- they say something deep about FRIENDSHIP. As a consequence people who dislike My Little Pony truly ARE betafag loners- of course they wouldnt appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rainbow Dashs existential catchphrase So awesome /)^3^(\, which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenevs Russian epic Fathers and Sons. Im smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Jim Millers genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. And yes, by the way, i DO have a My Little Pony tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. Its for the ladies eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that theyre within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.
I'm saging because I'm making a post that isn't relevant to the topic of the thread. It's rude to bump when off-topic.
Not really relevant these days, I guess, but it's an old habit.
Someone post it
Not what you're looking for, but a taste of what is to come.
Early Access games. Seriously.
True, but other than retarded devs, the fans often contribute the most to the shit pile simply because they think they're the most important because they supported the game early. Look at My Summer Car, comfy little game where you spend a 1995 Finnish summer building a shitty car and drinking beer in the sauna while managing your basic needs. Simple, yes? Lately, the game has been getting updates to make it more tedious. Why? The fanbase. They all think they're some elite club and the game should cater strictly to them, simply because they've been there from the beginning.
A combination of my own burnout of Souls games, becoming more critical of them combined with seeing the dogshit fanbase and blind adoration of them has ruined them for me to the point where I never want to play any of them again.
Git Gud you fucking faggot
Where my pickle rickers at?
So, they are being "ironic". Sounds pretty reddit to me.
Sure seems to be the new hip trend to hate on Rick and Morty at any given chance. I'm not even a fan of the show but you trend hoppers are more annoying than the faggoty jokes in the show. "Hey guys I hate Rick and Morty too, do I fit in yet? Am I cool now? Is my opinion the correct one?" This thread had nothing to do with the show, fags. Sage for off topic.
I like House
I would argue the first Five Nights at Freddy's. It was a neat proof-of-concept in spite of its questionable execution, and had room to be expanded upon. Of course, kids and furries had to give the creator the easy path to success, and he just decided to make it a multi-tasking simulator with creepypasta-about-super-smash-brothers-written-by-a-13-year-old-tier """"lore""""".
And what makes you think the dev should cater to you, you fucking faggot?
Like almost every show and videogame out there?
and the atheist has arrived
Hey retard, they're not saying "nihilism" isn't off-limits for humor
They're saying that the way its done in Reddit and Morty is childish, surface-level, and cancerous much like a redditor would be
The rest of your post is emotional hand-wringing at chan-style tone and mockery
Never post again.
Nah, its more likely you're saging because you're butthurt. Your post reeked of it.
Actually fucking neck yourself
Blunderfail actually had its fandom gang up on its creator iirc
Or maybe it was FNAF, I can't remember
Good one. Real original. Much funnier than a Rick and Morty joke. Sage because I am butthurt.
You seem rather bothered friend who is totally not a redditor. You must not be very used to imageboards. Here's some friendly advice: Lurk more and learn what "bantz" are