by today's standards, if you like ANY of these games:
you are automatically a full blown furry.
this shit is so fucking annoying, you aren't even allowed to like good games without being labeled a furry by turbo autistic.
it has become IMPOSSIBLE to talk about any of these games without screeching retards coming into the thread yelling about fur.
By today's standards, if you like ANY of these games:
Other urls found in this thread:
always was shit
always was shit
naughty dog ripping off other games since the beginging of time
anything past 3 is shit
the frog
That's because theres a 99% chance they are furfaggots
thats the problem, the standards for what a furry IS have changed
it used to be that furries were the people who wore ears and tails in public, had a $6000 fur suit, and inserted their fursona into everything.
but now, you are furfag if you like any furry characters, or find them at ALL sexually attractive.
Its because dipshits can't tell the difference between a fox that flies a plane and a 40 year old unemployed man who creeps around in a painted carpet. Anthropomorphic characters are not furry, furries are furry. I have no fucking idea why this is so hard to understand.
People who like Spyro are called "scalies" user.
You forgot
i dont even know those last 3. but that artist needs to do more dickgirls
Damn shame. Why does it have to be hard just to enjoy the cuter things in life?
Fucking furry degenerate.
And you're doing this thing because?
i know, why do people have to discriminate against me just for watching cute stuff that makes you feel good like my little horsie ?
doing what thing, you faggot?
He's a closet furry.
Yes. Because even the slightest hint of such degeneracy must be zealously purged. Collateral damage in this war is an acceptable cost.
warhammerfags are more autistic than most furries tbqhfam
those aren't warhammerfags, most warhammerfags hate imperiumshits
The only Imperium faction that is hated right now are IG due to the incredible balancing job GW has performed, once again.
Oi aughta crump ya fer dat ya git!
I know at the age of 12 being contrarian for contrarian sake is still cool but the adults are trying to have a discussion here sweetie.
As for OP what did you expect? Hyper autists, normalfags and cultural vampires latched onto something you loved and destroyed it. Examples of such are posted here daily or in extreme cases hourly.
Not an argument faggot.
Welcome to the internet. Enjoy your stay.
I want half chan to go back.
False, no one gets called furry for liking those games. Also you're the furry shitposter who posts the same threads about lack of furry females in modern titles, so off yourself.
Tropical Freeze was a fine game, good sir, and I shall take offense at any further protestations to the contrary.
this thread is fucking cancer
burn it all to the ground
The fact you can't appreciate a good shitposting thread is a bad sign you don't know how to enjoy life anymore, user.
This is the reason why. Furfags couldn't keep their shit fetish to themselves. They had to go and shit up everything they could with it. Furries deserve every bit of shit that they get.
True, specially for Adventures. Foxes are generally furfag magnets.
why aren't there more furry chicks in games anymore? its not fair.
Well since i purchased back on the n64 for $120 dollarydoos (Perfect Dark being the only other game priced that high - because it came with an expansion pack) i guess i could elaborate.
Conker was underrated, overpriced and had near non-existent marketing for a reason. Nintendo and Rares relationship was toxic enough and Nintendo didnt want to deal with the headache that was BFD. The nips couldnt understand that a cutesy squirrel was being marketed away from children and to older gamers. It was financial suicide from Nintendos point of view, which is why its such an obscure title. Apart from Holla Forums or Jontron ive never heard it brought up again.
Given everyone was against it from the start im surprised Rare stuck to their guns. The only other conker games were a gbc kids game and his inclusion in diddy kong racing so the potential audience fo BFD would be small to say the least. Yet despite these it was remastered for the OG xbox (or 360 i cant remember) so it must have done well enough to warrant that.
The writing was well done, the game play adequate and musical score was incredible. The fact your weapons changed with every setting was refreshing and forced variety onto the player. The split screen multiplayer probably got just as many hours out of me and my mates as goldeneye or perfect dark. The teddy bots on hard were pretty challenging back then too.
Not an arguement, state why you think its overrated and stop acting like a 12 year old.
3rd - 6th Edition Imp Guard player here, can you elaborate more on this user? I stopped playing 40k about 4 or 5 years ago.
I have never heard of this "Bonjo Kazooie" is it as good as Banjo Kazooie?
back to reddit kiddo
it clear you are a "full blown" furry only because you are complaining about it.
She dies at the end, i cry ebery tiem.
Alright so the new codex for Guard came out and they are god tier. Their point costs are completely out of whack, Conscripts are a ridiculous meatwad for their point cost that are more durable per point than Space Marines, Orks, or whatever the fuck else you want to use as an example.
They can stack orders over and over, their regiment bonuses are ridiculous, Commissars are cheap as fuck and completely negate any drawbacks of the IGs infantry squads, and Leman Russes got buffed too. Shadowswords fucking one shot all heavies like it's nothing, and since IG are a shooty army in general most people are losing half their shit on turn 1. They absolutely destroy everything right now and they have won pretty much every tournament held so far.
They are rapidly reaching 7th Edition Taudar WAACfag status and some stores are already talking about banning them or creating custom rules for them. 8th is still having codexes drop (the Eldar is this weekend) so it's not guaranteed that the IG will stay top dog but right now they are undisputed kings causing rivers of tears to flow.
Pic related is the IG players reaction to all of this.
go shitpost on Holla Forums faggot
I'm guessing the reason you can't discuss the games you posted is because you project your weird furry shit into the conversations.
Fuck thats bad, did Matt Ward write the codex? He was responsible for the clusterfuck that were the blood angels back around 4th/5th. Man the reason i jumped ship from black templar to IG was because they were such a hard army to win with. Hands down I have more losses under my belt as guard than victories but hell those victories felt earnt.
Cheers for the reply i always get curious about 40k every 12 months or so but cbf getting back into it. Might go lurk /tg/ for a while.
the remake had tf2 multiplayer,TWO YEARS before tf2 came out. go watch a couple videos, the sneaker and thermophiles in the multiplayer are basically fucking 1 for 1 of the spy and pyro in TF2, even the demo and heavy are very similar,
and then of course… there was this little semen demon, who rivaled berri for sexiest furry.
oh man, i remember being like 13 when this game first came out, and having some of my first faps to these furry bitches.
might have had some long term damage….
there's only one good starfox game, why would anyone bother with it? The game play is slow and boring, the music is forgettable, the puppet aesthetic is weird and doesn't benefit anything.
actually, donkey kong seems to be the exception to this rule for some weird reason
It could be because it pre-dates the online furry communities. Similarly, there's various shows commonly associated with furries, but old stuff like Merry Melodies or Looney Tunes aren't usually lumped in with them.
F-furries didnt exist before the internet!
By today's standards, everyone at Disney and Warner bros, and all of ancient Egypt were furries :^)
Really gets the noggin' joggin'
Epic dude. Simply epic. Have an upvote XD