Threadly reminder, this is the origin of R&M from 2006.
I'm convinced that this was an elaborate troll on rick and morty fans by one of ours pretending to be so cancerous and autistic that Justin Roiland gave up on the series as penance.
Could be both. I have no clue but this guy is known as an autist now.
Left to go become the Hokage.
Meh, doubtful tbh. If he ate a steaming pile of dogshit, to elaborately troll the shows fandom because that's what he thinks of the fan base. The guy still ate steaming dogshit.
Well it worked. Watching the internet turn on that shit show overnight was great. At least until they started trying to associate it with image boards.
Now if only he could do the same for Marvel, Star Wars, DC, Bethesda, and Ubisoft, he'd be the biggest god damn hero of his generation.
When did he eat a pile of dog shit?
I mean it was mostly a 4chan thing, but still.
I'll be the one to ask. Why do you have such opulent skeletons?
Tombstones are for peasants.
4chan had tripfags, yes.
So are they nobillity who are preserved as a statue
that's pretty cool to be honest
I don't really know, though I'd be happy to see this collection grow.
racist much?
Then they can have all the credit and the spotlight.
Have him go on bazinga theory, daytime tv, CNN, Killary's book tour
while he's at it in that case. It won't happen, but if you're going to dream might as well dream big.
That dude has serious grill work.
Glad he and I finally agree on something
If it was Quebec i would fly over and offer my services to make a dirty bomb.
"If you nuke your own country, you win"
They're called Catacomb saints if anyone is interested.
Polite sage for offtopic.
5 years ago, 5 years meant more then than 5 years means today
Nope. I have seen people do that unironically at my college.
This fucking trend will never end, you'll have people retarded enough to unironically do it, and then you'll have people who will ironically do it because they know it looks retarded.
People hate R&M fans not the show.
Even if he was "merely pretending" does that make it any better? Maybe very slightly, but it's still fucking retarded and embarrassing. Acting retarded is still being retarded, it just removes the excuse of actually being retarded.
someone needs to make a piccolo reskin of Rick for this
Is the sandnigger music edited in and that's why she's laughing?
But this reminds me of a story and a hue thread seems the best place to tell it.
The other guys were playing it over voicechat
I meant is it edited in or is it playing over voice chat.
I was merely pretending to be retarded. haha.
They were playing it over the voice chat and that's why she started laughing.
This can't be real.
Fuck, I want in on that. Think I can still find this garbage juice at a rural McDonalds?
Canada has to be the the most cucked country on earth after Sweden
No chance. McDicks made only a little of it and redditards arrived in such quantities that police actually had to be dispatched to prevent riots.
I found it in less than a minute. Quit being a lazy fuck and find things yourself.
Most of the retards either live in Ontario or B.C., so it's not that horrible. The real problem stems from having a trust fund kid who always makes "popular" decisions as PM.
If only I had gone to some backwater McDonalds already I might have been able to flip some of these on ebay. I could put together a nice computer with that kinda money or get a new washer or literally anything with some fucking utility that these spoiled autists who can affored to pay 1 grand for reddit sauce would never do without.
I wonder if these are from McDonalds employees, you'd be silly not to stash some and take them home to exploit redditors.
It feels good to be teased doesn't it? But seriously,
>>>/rec/ and learn how to do it yourself.
That's what I'd be doing.
I remember when she was supposed to be girl Soldier from tf2.
honestly id be a fan too if I saw this on newgrounds back in 2006.
I know of at least one guy who's manager basically hoarded all the sauce and sold it on eBay, taking a 20% cut and splitting the rest among the staff in exchange for their silence.
Off to the gulag with you.
Redditors exist to be exploited.
What's stopping your from taking random BBQ dip sauce, slapping a R&M fanart on it and calling it official merchandising from McSpankies
this is satire, if you think otherwise you have below 100IQ allright
its not just bbq, just dump a bit of sriracha sauce or even better the new sriracha mac sauce
even though it's kind of fake, it's still funny in an odd way.
Why is he struggling so hard not to break into a grin and start giggling when talking about a terrorist attack that killed dozens of his countrymen?
Thing is, who cares about the taste? It's not why the people are buying it anyway, you could put some off brand tomato sauce and mix it with a bit of vinegar and dandruff, enclose it with those air tight machines that you can buy off from cheap from a chinese convenience store and boom, you got a sauce to sell to reddittors.
If you check out this retard's YT channel you'll notice that he's also a "kekistani alt-right" tier faggot and claims that he did this ironically.
I think that train has passed. McDonalds will start supplying the autists their sauce, likely to keep them from chimping out like rabid niggers.
the age of progressiveness has made me just instantly fucking adore any woman who can handle the banter
Is the joke that they know even less about the last three things than the first three because I bet you that's actually the case.
Because comedians can you even call him a comedian anymore? are cynical assholes that laugh at tragic and morbid things, much like people here do.
Nevermind that, just lift some jam packets from a Denny's and put a new label on it.
They'll have to stop making it at some point. Whether it's next week or next year, there's going to be retards clamoring for more chicken nugget sauce.
Yeah, okay, but most of us have the good sense to put on a sombre facade when out in public and at least pretend to commiserate with the rest of the normalfags. There's something fucked in his head if he can't stop himself from grinning when talking about a recent tragedy on national television.
By then some new cancer will come along and get the attention of the reddit magpies.
Fuck it, just glue empty containers closed and fill them with soap. Bam. Counterfeit leddit sauce.
Fuck you, John Oliver.
Of course he's fucked in the head. Most celebrities are.
If fucking My Little Pony of all things can gain an audience beyond pre-teen girls, there's bound to be a handful of autists that will continue to cling onto Rick and Morty well after the show is cancelled.
They look like they're either being castrated or circumcised.
They probably are, but the idea of niggers being Egyptian foreskin scrubbers is more funny.
But the one on the left is clearly being restrained.
sauce? artist looks familiar but i can't reverse image search it
The wolf would literally just fucking eat one or two. There are predators that rely specifically on going after big groups of animals because they can always get at least one weak one or straggler. Not to mention they can't be together at all times, or if the wolves just banded together cause they're all fucking together now. What a retarded metaphor.
Obviously. It's so the normalfags can brag and signal about how they had "rick and morty sauce". Consumer whores.
His descripion of nazis and explanation of why you shouldn't tolerate them applies pretty much 1:1 to Islam…
The best toddlercon artist out there nishi iori
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid.
Fug thanks, can't believe I forgot him.
Wasn't this adapted into a cartoon at some point?
Could be.
I smirked and simultaniously cant find out if troll or narcistic.
These people are children.
It's even worse because they directly contradict themselves. They say not to engage on page one and three, but all of page two is about engaging so they relent.
It's copypasta the fact you didn't realize that though worries me about how much you've lurked in these threads. It's posted every time Rick and Morty is mentioned.
And people say the two are nothing alike.
Wow user you're really smart.
“He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster . . . when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you”
That's not even the appropriate quote for that you fuck.
The whole story is an absolute pile of shit in terms of common sense, the pigs basically destroy the balance of their own ecosystem in the long run by denying food to the natural predator that keeps their population in check
So the metaphor should actually go somewhat like this
Remember user, it's perfectly fine to dehumanize those with beliefs that are radically divergent from your own. The world was a better place when we just killed prisoners of war rather than taking care of them.
Good observation user, you sound really smart.
Hitler breathed air, user. You would never do something that Hitler did, right?
This, all fucking nazis, gommies and fenceshitters are all the fucking same anyways.
Fucking nazis/gommies/fenceshitters, I swear.
Fucking faggots can't into cyclic manifestation.
Haven't seen that one. Can't say I disapprove.
Of course people like to categorize things and that helps define the world, but when your categorizations start warping your reality, it stops being helpful and starts being a hindrance. Both sides suffer from this and can't look past their own prejudices. When you pick a side, you will inevitably look at the world through a lens. Not saying both sides don't have their merits, but true discussion can never happen between the two, because everyone in their respective groups are too afraid to speak out. Even if there was some sort of agreement between the sides, it won't be possible because they can never betray the group they belong to, and admitting to anything less is heresy.
Your problem is that you cannot separate ideology from belonging to a group. Any criticism, whatever it may be, is always stifled and it inevitably turns into an echo-chamber because of that. There can never be any fruitful discussion, because it will always devolve into shit-flinging and discussions into why everyone else "just doesn't get it." Of course no one gets it if you call everyone idiots for it. If you cannot have open discussions without fearing to be labeled a wrongthinker, it will ALWAYS amount to nothing. Holla Forums propaganda is the same as Holla Forums propaganda for this reason.
You're starting from the premise that conversation and discussion actually change the world, when a cursory look at reality shows that is not the case.
But leftists aren't people. How can you dehumanize that which was never human to begin with?
Succ a grate leader. goin to legalis the wwed.
Could he be, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
Problematic ideologies should be purged but that doesn't stop them from being human at any point other then to lesson the emotional impact of killing or disagreeing,.
Put down the soy and pick up some weights, jesus christ you are a faggot.
Way to miss the point you fucking ideologue.
So you are saying that if it's anything emotionally driven, it is always irrational? I beg to differ. Your idea of my post is also very simplified. Whereas I am presenting the thought that both sides can never agree on anything because of their constant shitflinging, you like to think that I am taking some sort of high-ground for pointing this out.
Well gee, I guess people formed communities without any sort of communication then. Literally everything that has been created by human hands since forever has needed some form of communication and understanding.
They are until you kill them.
That is pretty much the case, given we've inherited most of our social infrastructure from when we didn't have language.
You've denatured those words to the point where they mean nothing.
Spoken language isn't the only way of communication.
Me pointing a finger somewhere communicates you that I want you to look at/go to wherever I'm pointing at, I know it, you know it and no words had to be said.
Yes, humans, disgusting and abhorrent humans that I don't like, but at no point did they stop being human unless gene splicing has been a thing that I wasn't aware of.
No, it itself is not irrational, people's reaction to anything that involves emotional context instantly compromises any logical reasoning. And instead, they will choose a side like and justify it post fact with whatever fits their point of view. The is a proven phenomena that humans do all the time to retain sanity, see cognitive dissonance and backfire effect for humans being unable to deal with facts that contradict their current world view.
Once again, you've denatured those words to the point where they no longer apply to the original conversation we're having. You're trying to defend they idea that discussion will resolve in group/out group distinctions as a class of distinctions. That is nonsense.
More like you completely misunderstand why reasoning exists: it's to help the organism resolve fucking drive states, not to create abstracted structures of "knowledge."
That's where you are wrong.
They're called "useful idiots" for a reason, user.
Dehumanizing the opposition; check. Even if they look ridiculous, they always have some sort of goal. Even enemies have reasons that sound logical to them. I would wager a guess that people on here wouldn't be so fervent if they weren't sitting in their basements instead of talking to real-life examples of their "enemies."
Remove Toronto and a Trump-tier president would be elected easily as long as he promises weed for the BC vote.
Apparently you think the dominant form of communication is body language or some shit.
Or hell, violence. You're not taking a cursory look, you're fellating your bias on this one. So go do that somewhere else if you want to be a retard.
Violence and the threat of it is the dominant form of communication.
This is correct, there is a truth that can justify any belief you have with the advent of the internet were people just google for studies or other things that prove their viewpoints and ignore other's that do not. So much knowledge is available that you now get to cherry pick what you agree with is true as there's no need to look at anything that doesn't already agree with you.
You are correct that you don't have to agree to coexist. After all, slaves coexist with their masters as well in a perfectly functioning society a few hundred years ago. You can disagree with someone and still be able to trade resources with him (lacks emotional context most of the time) but not want to talk with him on anything not related to the current business on hand.
Oh yeah shit all over the sets of every single 'couch show' for middle-aged women. Fuck. Thank God for all day cooking shows on Create otherwise I'd kill people every time I had to sit in a waiting room for longer than a half hour.
Turning off the tv is the only way to keep Ellen's speech-daggers from piercing my skull, and that's a social faux-pas most of a the time. Might as well change it to something I like.
How does it solve things, by the way, how does it contribute to BUILDING a society?
If it were the dominant form of communication, then society wasn't exist, and if you were to explain it to me here, then you'd prove that it WASN'T the dominant form of communication because you just used non-violent means to get your point across.
And that's the dominant form of communication.
You know right that Holla Forums is centrist
What a fucking retard
Ah this perfectly explains why everyone can look at the same set of facts and draw wildly different conclusions on a near constant basis.
Because violence creates hierarchies, which create action. Also, the basic unit of human society is the armed band of men.
“Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms”.
Not to mention the "peace" of civilized peoples is not provided by "discursive reason" or any nonsense like that, but by the continual threat of violence.
There's a reason why most city states in the history of the classical west started as coalitions of soldier-farmers. Property + weaponry = government.
Human rights are the best weapon the state department has ever created.
What is wrong with basic human rights?
Last thread reminded me of how my first girlfriend started crying because I was circumcised. She didn't even see it (and never did) but was in tears because I wouldn't "fully experience the pleasure." We had a fucked up relationship.
I'm fine with being circumcised but I think it's clearly a matter of religious belief and not something that all goy should be mandated to do.
That they're given for free instead of earned.
Pretty words to force everyone to follow the ruling coalition's line. Any infraction or attempt at independence can be justified by the nebulous concept.
*Any punishment of infraction or attempt
So, basically the old "road to Hell paved with good intentions" fallacy?
Alright, you got me, I'm a dirty gommunist. I used the wrong word and so you completely disregard the point I was trying to make, so let me write it out for you. Their goals and logic are not always rationally sound, but there is a logic. Where there is logic, there can be discussion. Not everyone will listen, but there are always some that do.
Now that is a gross oversimplification. There are institutions that monitor this, and while everyone outside of academia are distrustful of them, their existence and the work they make has enabled our very state of being. If your entire life has been spent on imageboards, you're going to see a lot more examples of information being abused and presented as truth.
This is a valid point, but even if a slave-master relationship can exist, it is a woefully one-sided and inhuman affair. It is easy to laugh when you're the master, but if the system ever turned on you, it would be an entirely different story.
You are forgetting that behind every show of force, there is an agreement to be had between a group of people. Humans happen to be a violent force on this earth, but we are capable of peaceful communication and rationale. I don't know about you, but I would much rather try talking than fighting. Communication is something that needs to be used first and violence the very last when all other options are exhausted.
I worded that poorly. If you want to get philosophical then YES, there isn't any clear-cut answer out there by which this world revolves around. Life evolved TO EXIST. Beyond that, there is nothing else to glean from this life, except to make our existence as long-lived and prosperous as possible. I would much rather live in peace and in a humane society than under constant terror.
The intentions were never 'good' in the moral sense. It's a tool, it has a purpose, and its purpose is to give them "moral" freedom to act.
Human rights exist so that you can sit comfortably at your computer and talk about arm-chair politics. That reason enough for it's existence? By all means, go live in the Middle-East to see what it's truly like to live in "freedom."
Reliability, makes people weak knowing someone will cry mercy for them instead of relying on their own capabilities. Enables moralless behavior knowing that someone will jump in their defense on the mere basis of existing and knowing its much harder for you to get killed. If criminals publicly received an axe to the face there would be much less crime which in itself result in less dead.
Is this ironic?
nigga that's like calling the slippery slope a fallacy
Except that's clearly untrue, given that the modern political concept of human rights is only like, what, ninety years old, and humans have had urbanized societies for the past eighteen thousand years. Not to mention the people of equivalent socio-economic status to me in the middle east are living extremely comfortably.
The middle east wasn't half as bad as it is after MURICA started delivering (((freedom))) there
Nah don't put this shit on anybody specifically. We can only really be blamed for not allowing a empire to form there naturally, as is the region's general history. That's because we're trying to hold the space "open" for Israel to grab.
Yeah, you're right. That was a poor choice of words. What would be better term?
Wait are you that faggot who was on Fullderp
Human rights are minor deities or spirits, whose numbers and demands are continuously growing. Any State which fails to worship them properly is guaranteed to be swiftly invaded by America, as the Right to self-determination is one of the least important.
No, you confused me with someone else. The only faggot thing I did was creating Crisis in the Kremlin thread.
You assume that everyone will listen to what an institution says and not whoever they want to agree with, see.
What does laughing have to do with anything? Of course someone is going to get the shit end of the stick, this is and always will be a thing. This is an example of at least one person heavily disagreeing with another in the current situation he is on a societal level, and it still functions. You don't need to be able to perfectly reason with everyone in order to exist, in fact you don't need anything close. Even animals can build complex social structures, or even complex structures. Well, if you consider a termite mound much more intricate then just plain old dirt I guess.
I recommend the book "Beyond Human Rights".
Great plan for electoral success.
Has there ever been a case of actual democracy, as in everyone votes for everything?
Either way Democracy is inherently retarded.
Its pretty clear hes being ironic. Though the ree was probably deliberately trying to be funny. Another thing that points towards this being a rude is the Naruto run he does. Still hes autistic and probably a faggot who joined 4chan in 2015
It's been tried in communes, like all "consent" based societies, it collapses into force really quickly. Like days quickly.
Pretty much everyone who supports democracy only does so because they don't believe they can achieve personal power on their own, despite coveting it.
casual kek
There's some footage of it in "All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace", a 3 part documentary on why transhumanism is dumb.
So human rights exist OUTSIDE of morals? Try again.
Whatever the definition you like to believe, the fact of the matter is that human rights enable a people's continued existence. The right to exist as you are, to not be hounded for your beliefs or for your looks, etc. Those are rights that weren't always there and had to be fought for.
Even so, institutions make most of the heavy lifting to bring us those studies. It is not exactly easy to make them, either. Their existence relies solely on the fact that things can be studied and have information to reveal. But the nature of studies and science is slow, and finding true information will always take time.
Yes, someone is always at the bottom. It's a fact, but it doesn't make it any less wrong.
My grade 6 textbook was happy to point out indian tribes were all communal and democratic
Please do not confuse them with innocence.
Fuck you fascist!
Once again, this is the exact opposite of the truth. Societies that adopt them see precipitous plunges in birth rates.
Just like how people like MLP and Dark Souls, but hate their fanbases, right user?
Go to the Middle-east or Africa, they don't like the human rights meme over there.
Makes me laugh every time.
Fugg forgot spoiler
Wait, so, nobody actually lived prior to the 17th century? :^)
Yes that is true, fanbases are usually what ruins a product. It isnt R&M's case though, both the product and the fans are awful
Have fun
Nothing you've stated contradicts the fact that people will believe unscientific studies if it supports their point of view (anti-vaccine proponents) or anecdotal evidence or anything they can get their hands on to support their world view.
Unironically this.
Euthanize yourself.
Except there's not. Observation infinitely subdivides shit.
Yes. In fact human rights come into play only when we exit morals. Human rights do not defend the moral individual, they defend the immoral one. And its only moral to remove the immoral.
Our quality of life is because of mass exploitation in Asia. In order to have our comforts, they must suffer.
And i don't find anything wrong with that. Its so far removed you cant and dont think about it. Its just the way things are.
You seriously think that studies just happen out of nowhere? Science is a fucking business.
It's fucking hilarious
Not if you kill ten.
Has this ever worked? How long has this meme been around?
Since communists gotten into institution so almost a century now.
I'm also willing to compromise Capital Punishment with Lifetime in a gulag-like institution.
Depends on how you define work. There are people who have gone to prison, realized it was shit and gotten their life together. Regards uncle who was sent to prison for alleged assault who is a pretty chill dude but if your talking about on a wide systematic level. I wouldn't have data on hand but I assume it varies with crime. (Murderers are harder to rehabilitate than petty thieves on average)
A good example of democracy completely shitting itself is Athens during the peloponnesian war.
Well, if they believe it, that's their problem. The more you study a subject, the more well-versed you are. Is it any surprise that conspiracy theorists and the like are mentally unstable or uneducated?
Do I really need to explain why being at the bottom of the hierarchy sucks?
Of course, but that money does not come out of thin air, it needs incentive and that incentive is promising studies.
I don't know what you are basing this off of, but if you are referring to examples like , of course that is wrong. That is simply red-tape and bureaucracy warping the original meaning. Human rights are needed for the existence of the rest of us, but the exception proves the rule, right?
Substantiate this. Did humans not exist before WW2?
How so then, jackass?
Great logic bubbo.
Author's note:
Exactly the more you study a subject you find things that prove your personal point of view rather than anything else if it's emotionally driven. Things that lack emotional context aren't hard to study though, compare.
Can you guess which one of these doesn't involve emotional context?
No, you need to explain why someone being on the bottom is a bad thing. Not on just a "you'd feel bad if you were in that situation too!" but why it is bad some people are not equal to others.
i wonder if anyone would actually believe that
Deformed little gremlin resting on a bed while a couple of anatomically normal gooks fuck on top of him giving enough space for the freak to breathe and so fluids can fall on top of him, the creature pretends to cry and whine like a child as this happens. You can see it's deformed torso and fucked up legs. You are disgusted and decide to close the tab as you wonder why people would ever watch such a thing. Is it morbid curiosity? Probably. To feel better about themselves? Most certainly.
20 aeons in mspaint
Western civilization began in 1945 :^)
What is it with leftists and making everything into wordswordswords?
I think it's because people believe it would feel like a straight shota doujin, but end up seeing some hotwheels looking motherfucker.
What is the basis for determining if something is a human right or not? Is it not more accurate to simply call it human privilege, since someone somewhere must decide to grant it to you?
Why is it not a human right to defend one's nation from invaders by deporting all of that invading ethnicity? What is the authority on that?
Genocide is apparently able to be rationalized according to antifas.
Brevity is the soul of wit, and leftists are witless.
isn't this shit just sweet and sour sauce plus BBQ sauce mixed?
couldn't you just mix a jug of the shit call it, szcehaun sauce and rake i n money?
Its Mister Homosexual to you.
The term has lost its meaning, changing it from something unalienable that deserves protection to meaning "I really really like this thing".
Or you can just buy a ton of it at your local store, the faggots wanted the mcdonalds one specifically.
Here you go, this is how Antifa view Nazi ideology.
thatswhat I mean, buy the generic shit, rebrand it as the McDonalds shit and rake in the money
does that refer to what antifa thinks of them or what antifa thinks that they think?
Because it's a human right to go anywhere you want and stay there, by the way remove locks from your doors you bigot
It can go both ways, but I was thinking about the latter when I wrote that.
If everyone thought this way, and everyone just went to war with each other to prove their claims, then the last race/culture standing would be objectively superior and a master race, and worldwide society would be better for it. Why contain it?
no porn of her?
user that's already what's happening.
The problem with human rights they are easily abused and they don't actually protect those who really need protection, e.g. minors getting circumcised, as they can't even give consent.
Cultural diversity on a global scale would be fine, but too much diversity inside a country merely creates a clusterfuck
It isn't because we're not passing out guns to everyone and saying "kill all the niggers and mudslimes and faggots." What's happening right now is fucked psy-ops that is run by jews and 99% of the population is lemmings falling for it who don't realize they're in a non-violent war.
I mean everyone LITERALLY try to kill each other so we can finally have a clear victor and shut up about racism and skin-based charity cases, because there won't be any other races left. No mind games. No trying to keep the opposition around as useful idiots.
Not that I know of.
You can take this whole comic, change a few words and make it about islam and it wouldn't miss a beat of its killing idology of "You must destroy them and their entire family" schtick
It's always hilarious seeing people cite the UN as being some beacon of righteousness when it comes to human rights, even though the UN themselves state that the "rights" they grant are subject to regulation, as a result making them nothing more than just glorified laws.
poor baby
Nah, all empires run off racial caste systems until they start to involute. Obvious there's more too it tips Evola but no one's ever gone for universal misocide. Even the kikes just want to rule.
Don't racemix with ""people"" 2 shades different from your skin color.
Well except the ones that are trying to Tikkun Olam but whatever, I don't have time for magic fights right now.
uma delicia
uma delicia
why keep the head though
It's a fairly valid thing to ask to convert into SI units
Because it's monkeys eating monkeys. They obviously have no forethought for these kind of things or they think eating brains will make them smarter.
Do you have an archive of this tweet? I can't find it.
Brains taste good though.
Niggers are stupid.
I have eaten cow brains several times before.
Well then be sure to eat some more, I'm sure nothing will happen
I keked.
Yeah why the fuck not. You know what other parts of a cow are tasty as fuck? Kidneys, tongues and livers.
if he likes it so much why doesn't go back to his rainy socialist shit hole?
Once you exterminate the problem the problem ceases to exist.
Nah a single purge is never sufficient. You need an actual martial and later sacredotal caste.
We're at the point where machine automation could take over all the shit jobs we give to lower-class citizens right now.
You have British Columbia, where all the Chinese and homosexuals live, and then Ontario, where all the liberals that aren't in BC live. Otherwise, the rest of Canada is pretty cool.
It's actually kind of impressive that a half-nigger got blond hair and blue eyes, how fucking low are the chances of that actually happening?
You could have just said they're redditors.
Does that include prostitution?
If i was a nigger I'd stab him on the streets after mugging him.
after all, muh dik, share your money with me wite boi.
As with the last time I saw pic 2: Who the fuck says 'penis' while gaming? While I know the obvious answer is 'a faggot' I crave far more complexity in this world.
It's never going to happen, it will drastically affect specific jobs but it will never be able to take over. I constantly see people jerking off about how super amazing self-driving cars are going to be, which they fail to realise will most likely be restricted to self-driving-only lanes thus leaving self-driving cars largely only to highways between large wealthy cities and Commiefornia-type shitholes. I even see transhumanism autists proclaim that the future will be a utopia where noone will have to work because the machines will do everything and the machines that make other machines will be self-replicating, with their only argument being "b-but muh Moore's law".
An especially annoying faggot
When we win, remember these people want you broke, dead, and your children raped and brainwashed and they think it’s funny.
That's liberal MSM for ya.
Aren't the bongs burning up millions setting up an anti-troll police unit to arrest people for being mean on the internet?
That's what I always say. No mercy must be shown to leftists, the only thing a traitor deserves is a slow, painful and humiliating death.
Odd that they'd elect someone who's genuinely suicidal and shows zero concern for his own peoples lives.
Because he’s a jew shill, paid to push the tenets of critical theory, who doesn’t give a flying fuck about his nation or its people.
Colbert, Leibowitz, and Oliver, et. al. have created their shows on a purely dialectic model, and this is perhaps why they are so successful and why many people claim to get actual news and opinion from a comedy show.
Thesis: the liberal talking point
Anti-thesis: Colbert’s character’s response to the liberal talking point
Synthesis: Usually presented through a punchline, a dismissal by Colbert’s character, or from a “rational and intelligent” guest on the show.
The Hegelian dialectic model is perfect for introducing apparent problems into a person’s consciousness. Problems that don’t really affect them, that they have never thought before, and under normal circumstances would have little opinion either way. The Hegelian model allows these ideas to be injected into a person’s consciousness without them even realizing. It emphasizes the glaring import of the issue and conveniently provides you with a resolution in the form of synthesis before you had any chance to use your own rational thinking skills to devise a solution agreeable to you as an individual. Instead you are presented the prepackaged liberal idea and you will likely eat it up hook, line, and sinker because of the comical presentation.
Political “news” through comedy is a very refined and calculated form of propaganda. The real insidiousness of it is its unmistakably hypnotic structure and pacing. All of the segments of John Oliver’s show follow the same repetitive format: present some “argumentation” and “facts” for about 10 seconds, then quickly follow these up with a snarky quip (which themselves overwhelmingly take the form of complete non-sequitur or otherwise absurd metaphor) before any rational processing of the preceding argument can take place in the mind of the viewer. Further telling is that the only ‘beats’ or mental pauses in the show’s pacing exist solely to highlight the approving laughter or applause of the studio audience. Repeat this basic formula without variation 20-40x in a row and you have one of the 12-20 minute “segments” that form the backbone of the show.
The end effect is (obviously) not to deliver information, but rather to literally teach the viewers–on a subconscious level–to mentally associate derisive laughter with any person or opinion that is at odds with the narrative’s take on the chosen issue. And it accomplishes this by maintaining a strict adherence to a roughly 20-second cycle in which a stimulus is presented and a response is cued. This is the sense in which the show is fundamentally hypnotic in effect–even more so than its precursors in the genre (Daily Show, Colbert, etc). Oliver’s show is representative of the media’s increasing mastery of the methodologies of mass conditioning. In fact, it is almost such a perfect technical accomplishment that I would almost have to admire it on technical grounds if it wasn’t in the hands of the entirely wrong people.
Jon Stewart and John Oliver are basically TV preachers. Watching them gives the same sense of quiet superiority your grandma gets from watching The 700 Club. The messages are constantly reinforced, providing that lovely dopamine hit, like an angel’s voice whispering, “You’re right, you’re better, you’re winning!” Hollywood award shows are like church talent shows–the skits and jokes aren’t really funny, but it’s fun to look at the pretty girls and you’re all on the same team. Red Conservativism is a business, selling a set of political products. They don’t make you feel good, they don’t appeal to your morality or your spiritual sense of self, but sometimes you really need one of their core products–like security, jobs, or national defense. Their appeals to “freedom” and “family values” ring hollow these days, but when people are flying planes into buildings, you need a strong member of Conservatism, Inc. in the big chair. And when it came down to the things that really mattered–welfare, Medicare, Social Security, and foreign policy–you knew Red Team couldn’t really do anything Blue Team didn’t approve of, or the Blue faithful would kick them out of office next time.
But Donald Trump didn’t sign that contract. And Donald Trump didn’t win by selling the same old conservative products. Donald Trump started his own religion, and he won a religious victory. The Blue Church is panicking because they’ve just witnessed the birth of a new Red Religion. Not the tired old Christian cliches they defeated back in the ’60s, but a new faith based on cultural identity and outright rejection of the Blue Faith. For the first time in decades, voters explicitly rejected the Blue Church, defying hours of daily cultural programming, years of indoctrination from the schools, and dozens of explicit warnings from HR. We’ve been trained since childhood to obey the pretty people on TV, but for the first time in decades, that didn’t work. Donald Trump won because flyover America wants their culture back, and Blue Team has not been rejected like that before.
The younger ones have grown up in an environment where Blue Faith assumptions cannot even be questioned, except anonymously by the bad kids on Twitter. But now the bad kids are getting bolder, posting funny memes that make you laugh even though John Oliver would not approve, like passing crude dirty pictures under the table in Sunday School. Meryl Streep is panicking because for the first time voters have rejected her and everything her faith has taught her to believe. We laughed at the hippies in 1968, but by 1978 they were teaching in classrooms and sitting behind school administrator desks. Where will the hippies of 2016 be sitting after eight years of Trump? How many of the shitposting Twitter bad boys will start up alternative media outlets, until one of them becomes the new Saturday Night Live? Sam Hyde tried it on Adult Swim, but that was just the early prototype like Mad Magazine for the left. There will be many others after him, and they won’t be stopped by network filters. They’ll come out of nowhere on the web, from the secret places that the inquisitors at Google can’t shut down. And that’s what Meryl Streep is really scared of. She’s not truly aware of it, just like fluttering housewives couldn’t really understand the counterculture threat in 1968. But they feel that something is changing in their safe little world, and they know they have to fight it, because this threat isn’t just passing pointless budget resolutions and selling pointless platitudes about family values. These guys mean business, and they’re fighting on her turf.
I always interpreted Horseshoe Theory not as similarity in ideology, but specifically referring to the steps each side are willing to take to secure said ideology.
Horseshoe theory is the "true communism has never been tried before" of fence shitting.
If you view it that way, then you come to it with the (mis)understanding that objective truth does not exist. Whereas the left MUST operate through subversion and duplicity–because all of its beliefs are objectively, scientifically false–the right may operate in the open, because all it has to do is tell the truth. The problem comes after decades of leftist demoralization (as Yuri Bezmenov would say) when a significant proportion of leftist the population will refuse to accept truth even when it is proven to them. This is mental illness, and is the cause of any “right wing violence”, because you cannot reason with a man divorced of his. Thus you have to forcibly apply truth to power.
Or maybe you’d prefer starving to death in a concentration camp because hey, at least we’re all equal because the government said so!
Retardation and blatant lie, as marxist Utopias have been built all over the world multiple times, but are known commonly as "concentration/labor camps"?
Life needs to be stopped. I cannot live in a world where the primary feeling I experience every day is my gut falling in an endless mineshaft within as retards debase our species. *Someone* should have at least told him to fuck off out of the place or better, knocked his ass off the counter and kicked him while he was on the ground, as it is people are just letting dumbass insane shit occur with no thought of stomping those people out.
This is what cameras in cellphones has wrought.
Lazy cunt.
Enjoy being mentally ill.
I can feel my IQ points rising.
There is a special guillotine reserved for the operators of Britistani zogbot twitter accounts.
fucking cavemen
Who do you think your fooling?
Not making excuses, just want to give context.
Yank media being overreactive and hyperbolic in their reporting applies to *everything* so he's just being a hack pointing it out. Sad that he's such a prominent English voice over there.
like rougly 15% or below that i think
This is why I'll never be rich. I don't think of these things.
We've all sinned here my negro.
Die now.
You did, and it hurt your little leftist feelings so much you felt you needed to comment from the perspective of one who didn’t believe and who didn’t have his feelings hurt. But we saw right through it.
They don't exist, no-one should put faith in that which does not exist.
You = no
So you're saying we let Sweden come first? Sounds pretty cucky to me
Me, though it's usually "You ffffffffucking penis" or "Holy penis!"
I've heard they also read books.
Healsluts? "Oh god, please plunge your gigantic Tank penis into my healcave!"
I don't know if it's purely a leftist thing but there are a such a lot of talentless hacks who can't write well barfing up shit regularly that it feels like it. The niche freaks out there spend so much time talking about themselves and the bullshit they've mired themselves in they gradually become long winded blowhards in every aspect of life.
In the case of Trannykid there, the combined love of condescending tone, being a poor writer, being insane and wanting to be shitty about it all at once takes up a lot of space.
There's that word again.
like fish head soup?
I'm dating a healslut. The stories are true.
second pic is poetry
He doesn't say nigger whilst gaming, so he's clearly a fucking idiot and what can you expect?
I hope you're a dog who's hitting the keys with your nose.
I almost want to let people like him have his multicultural hellscape just so he can be brutally murdered in the streets for not submitting to the Shariah Purity Police.
That's not what fucking apostrophes are for. Goddamn.
You've opened my eyes, I'm against guns now!
He'd submit at the drop of a hat. The only language leftists understand is violence directed at them.
Funny how pigs wouldn't think twice about eating the bald fag.
I love that video.
There's a good reason why gamers are the people who tell jews and the media to eat a dick while everyone else doesn't. The author is a faggot.
Holla Forums really loves Felix, don't they?
Which is why jews are killing the used videogames market by making everything collectable by destroying history, they don't think of themselves as human. I want to hurt them.
No (you) for you.
Nigger, a slippery slope can be a fallacy. Not all slopes are slippery. But most of the ones the left likes are.
This, but ironically unironically :^)
So is the joke that the girl doesn't know about useless trivia they teach you in public education but knows actually important things that could help her in a career just by socializing online?
Holla Forums hates felix like they do all traps because "muh offensive term against trannies implying malicious deception" This one fag does not necessarily represent the whole cancerous group.
I know Rick and Morty fans are obnoxious but every fucker on Twitter is blaming them and defending McDonald's when it McDonald's made a huge advertisement for the sauce in limited resturants and then left their employees to the wolves by providing fucking 20 packets in total.
Well I think you're human, so you can have my (you).
The absolute jewry
They're both gay but you really have to be thirsty for drama to think they are interchangeable.
user he's wearing a dress that obviously means he's a tranny :^)
As well as most of the west. It's an open secret whites are dying out in the west, and its government policies that are doing it, yet these policies are tacitly supported by the media, and your average leftist. I've had family tell me that's its a good thing the west will be brown because there won't be anymore violence or racial segregation. Whites in the west have just gotten used to the idea that the world is trying to eliminate them.
Both are mentally ill and deserve the bullet
You can't kill an idea. 2D traps wil always exist.
Just wait and see
Politics are gay
Tell that to Holla Forums, they're the ones shoving them everywhere.
It's weird, because I assumed it was viral but apparently it was quite obscure until Rick and Morty aired.
a marked improvement
Their goal is destruction of the family unit, redistribution of wealth, and an open boarder society so they can be the rulers and live in opulence while everyone else starves.
Fuck them.
whats stopping you from pouring blood and smegma instead of bbq sauce
Should have seen me during my teenage years
why do newfags always waste dubs?
What author? I'd appreciate a .pdf if possible.
Alain de Benoist
I have a physical copy of the book so I have no idea where you can find a .pdf sorry
Aren't conservative white birthrates the highest out of all of the birth rates apart from Recent African immigrants in the US
I'm trying to think of a space jam pun
I've just noticed those dragon balls aren't in the right positions.
There's something about how cartoonists sometime end up with interesting designs for their enemies.
from a cartooning standpoint these are decent designs, I would read a comic that looked like this (although ideally with different subject material)
of course the "good guys" never look as good in these, because the comics are all strawmen and give almost no attention to the who the author thinks are good guys
Swiss it's like that. People go to vote basically once a week for any bullshit
Simple, because African soldier actually kill you if you try to take them away. Shitty parents get their child taken as always. Right for education is the basic need of everyone as you can see people building schools for niglets in Africa and fining cuckservative if the (((homeschool))) their kids
Go back to play with your toys faggot, grown up are talking
Are you retarded? Mad cow was a thing because farmer gave more proteins to make more milk and have a fatter cow to cut meat from after, but those seeds were full of animal meat especially other cows making them ill. Eating brain of an infected is something bad for you, eating sane brain it's nothing more than having more sugars in you blood
That was some bitter sweet shit
Uma delicia
Top kek
He has so much fruit he could choose from in Brazil but instead he decides to fucking eat a monkey.
Source on the black green dragon that's on the paper?
This will haunt me for the rest of my days.
funny how the author ignores that the alt right are mainly gay twinks
That's Direct contradiction on the same sentence, how can can you have double think like that
Foolish user, we're in the Meme war right now
is your oun maker jammed?