After the Weinstein scandal, it now appears that perverts are also present within the gaming industry. Some guy who worked at naughty dog shared his experience of sexual harassment (yeah it's a guy and not a girl) on Twitter. What studios do you think also have perverts within their ranks? Will this finally crash the industry?
Sexual Harassment Scandal at Naughty Dog
Other urls found in this thread:
No one will pay attention to this
Guess you could say that employee was a Naughty Dog looking for a bad bitch.
Silly OP, males cannot be sexually harrassed.
He probably deserved it for being hetero male scum
Stop being such a sexist pig, male victims take away attention from real victims.
Naughty Dog will be the focus, but Sony should also be under scrutiny for trying to hush it up.
The ones that bleat the loudest about socio-political shit. Also, given their workplace culture, wouldn't be surprised if nip studios have their own Weinsteins.
Wow, what a naughty dog.
Tim Schafer confirmed for sexual abuser?
It's fucking nothing.
This. This is why nobody takes sexual harassment seriously. Being fired over it rather than Sony HR addressing the issue gives him so much ammo he isn't using. If he isn't lawyering up people will assume he's lying.
lawering cost money but he sound like virtue signaling
Double Fine, EA, Blizzard- and to dabble in other industries- Google, Intel, Microsoft perhaps?
You need to look for who virtue signaled with no prior forcing from SJWs.
This. Same way you find fags and pedos, just find the people complaining the loudest.
Even if he gets a super shitty lawyer and loses, that's at least something. As it is, it's just some guy saying some shit on the internet. What the fuck are we supposed to think or do with that information?
Not a goddamned thing. So why bother even bringing it up and airing your private matters in a public forum?
Unless he names names, this is completely worthless and won't amount to a fart in the wind. It's just the rambling of a near-broke unemployed artist with nothing to lose by clambering onto the current wave of sexual harassment allegations.
That's nonsense and you know it, fags love using this argument "Homophobes are usually in the closet themselves teehee im a fag"
It's called projection. Why do you think SJWs are to quick to call others misogynists?
Nuke california
user it's okay if you like dick man, just calm down.
Friendly reminder they're being so aggressive about this as to overstimulate people and make them tune out not just this case, but any possible future cases as well.
Man I haven't sexually harassed anyone and I feel totally left out on this new craze. Guess I have something to do Monday.
Just wall it. Forget Mexico and build the border to keep California out. With the new laws that got passed, they're gonna pozz themselves into extinction.
If you mean the Weinstein case, I think they're throwing him under the bus (now that he's a has-been and all the whores accusing him are now filthy rich) so the kiddie fiddlers remain undisturbed.
Those sluts are all whining now, trying to act like they're victims but they gladly sucked his dick and would do it again. Only ones I'm giving the benefit of the doubt are the few who ran straight to the cops. Hollywood is a fuckin' cesspool.
Was he being naughty at work?
Get it? Get it? FUCK!
I seriously hope that my state winds up taxing the water they borrow into oblivion down the line.
Isnt naughty dog just a bunch of dickless trannies who make shit sjw games anymore?
Who wants to bet that he was harassed by a her?
or rather a """""her"""""
stulid single quotes
That would be fucked up if true, then again this is pedowood so that's plausible.
I wonder if we can find anything on Cliff Bazinga or Randy Bitchford
You all should rally behind him. Because if sjws don't this will be perfect ammunition.
why is she drinking male ears?
For whom?
>fast forward some years and (((weinstein))) happens
Shameful atempt by an incompetent hack at trying to find a job in a field he initially thought would be easy pickings.
Fuck off Sony Shill
Have you maybe considered the fact that Males get raped too
How about we just hold him to same standard as we hold everybody else who cries sexual harassment on the internet. As in, provide evidence of actual wrongdoing, or fuck off with your attention whoring and baseless accusations.
It shows at the very least that there is enough actionable evidence to try to make a case, and they're willing to put their ass out on the line to prove it.
Doesn't mean they're right, or that you should believe them if just left at that. That's a baseline requirement to meet before any fucks can or should be given.
Get the fuck out of here you jew piece of shit.
Fuck off kike, with you false narrative that males don't get raped
Good example of why you NEVER never put you're dick into crazy. Also, why even have females around a studio in the first place in any significant numbers? Very few can actually contribute, are in fact a drain on morale, and as Naughty Dog and other can now attest, a law suit waiting to happen. Stick with the white men who actually produce for you dumbasses.
You know how convicts get buttfucked to hell? Yeah, that's not because everyone turns gay in prison. That's because homosexual acts are actually rape.
When they groom a child into one of their ranks, it's to rape him in the butt later. immediately And when he is done, the trauma will have him repeat the act toward others.
So don't drink up the bullshit about love toward others of the same sex. You gotta love thy neighbour: what you're not to, is getting raped by him. When asked about, just say that your religion forbids you from getting bumfucked.
How much do you want to bet it was the Jew who raped him?
Lying bitch.
the onus is on him to prove it,until then all of this is hot air and you're a falseflagging e-drama fag
That's oversimplifying. It's true that people molested as children are much, much more likely to become perpetrators of molestation than normal, but it's still more likely that they don't.
Raping a young boy is how homosexuals are created.
What am I looking at
It's a very hard thing to prove, and no one listens or believes males who've been raped
Mattress Girl
Mattress Girl
she made a sex tape reenactment of her supposed rape encounter. In the video she was, at times, on top and only withdrew her consent at some point near the end.
They're damage controlling hard. Choose from the following:
If they deny it and get caught out, they'll be in more shit.
If there's evidence of a payout over the firing including the NDA, he'll win. If he's a retard and didn't make a copy of it, which he likely didn't, it's he said/she said.
Still fucks with development of the boy and they pretty much all ways end up fucked up as an adult
t. someone who was raped
Well if it turns out to be fake then that's pretty shit as it'd be something to prove that the kikes are kid didlers
Everyone saying it's nothing is probably right, but I still want to believe. Fuck nuNaughty Dog, please get destroyed.
That's unfortunate, but it's not anybody else's problem. "Listen and Believe" is bullshit, regardless of who it's coming from.
Why is it always the virtue signalling lefty freaks that have rape victims and shit in the closet?
I dunno what you're on about. I'm not a lefty, and I have a rape victim in my closet.
Raping a young boy is how some homosexuals are created. By your logic, the first homosexual couldn't have existed without some kind of hilarious accident.
I'm not saying that's not the case, I'm only clarifying on that one statistic.
Sorry, dude. Does it significantly affect your life directly at this stage, or just indirectly from unusual development?
Sounds like your mental development has been thoroughly fucked up.
I thought Holla Forums understood they're not welcome here.
men can't be harassed
You're a retard, and also a faggot. Nothing in my post ruled out the (very likely) possibility of a homosexuality being a malfunction of the brain. I said that homosexual child rape/molestation is not always the cause of that malfunction, even though it often is.
Did you read the rest of the post
Yes my mental development was literally fucked up
It's basically a case that it's made me a lot more feminine than I should be as well as having issue in regards to relations
If you've been fucked up by your experiences, that's a reason not to take the things you say seriously, because your damaged mental state is keeping you from thinking rationally.
I responded to the point you made rather than the excuse you gave. I don't consider claiming to be a rape victim a free pass to avoid any criticism of the things you post.
So what you're saying is if I force my cock in your boybussy, it's perfectly legal?
I really hope so, that faggot deserves to have his life ruined.
Was it gay harassment?
Wow, reading that, I had the exact same experience. I worked for internal communications (IC) in a specialized IT corporation.
Like they mainly made like robots and wrote like software for very specific tasks such as for salvaging a shipwreck in deep seas and stuff.
Anyway I was hired for IC and one of the managers there regularly tried to feel me up and literally no-one cared. Because of that I also played it off as a joke until I had to write with him a concept article about some stuff they were doing in his department and he tried to pull me onto his lap. I just ran off to HR and they basically told me it would be 'looked into' and to take the day off. The next Monday I was fired.
If you were a womyn, you'd be rich. Instead, you're an evil homphobe.
I am a womyn and I got treated exactly the same as the guy in the news article. Women like the victims of Weinstein are fortunate he is famous and their complaints get heard.
You mean cheap whores that sucked circumcised cock to play a part in anti-white propaganda?
Whatever your opinion on it you know what I mean
I've been waiting patiently for this to bleed over to vidya, considering how many professional victims are in the industry as well. What a wild ride.
Men are often in a position to do something about being sexual harassed and the wider problem of sexual harassment by beating the shit out of the harasser, but instead they do nothing and then cite reasons like not wanting to get fired or sued, and essentially give sexual harassment their seal of approval. It'll just keep happening because there's no consequences for doing it. It's socially sanctioned. All because of the idiotic mentality that violence is never right.
Maybe he was being pozzed or toxic substances were being mishandled in the offices?
That's because it's a faggot who got rejected and is trying to make bank off it.
t. faggot
"Sexual harassment" is just a contrivance that makes flirting into a crime because lawyers weren't making enough money on sexual assault suits.
underrated post
Wrongful firing lawsuit? Why didn't you? That's a pretty solid open and shut case.
From a comment on playstationlifestyle, not the same guy:
I read it on the internet, it must be true
Which timeline have I just crossed into this time
This is fucking hilarious
It's like I'm in some hellish parody of reality.
It is just a hellish parody of course, this is a dream, I'm sure of it.
What a weird effeminate liberal dream.
No way, a corporation would never bank on the impotent legal resources of a lay person to get away with unethical behavior.
So you were even more expendable than the janitor.
They made a decision weighing the cost/benefit to their livelihood. Like you did when you laughed it off. HR did the right thing, one way or another you would not have been able to function in the company going forward, they just minimized the cost of showing you the door because you were too scared and selfish to see yourself out.
So you are saying that males can't be raped?
Don't starman me bro,
She's the reincarnation of Jeff from Coupling.
Considering these days women can claim rape when they sober up and realise they made a mistake, I guess a man could do that as well.
I wouldn't mind getting snu snu'd if it were possible.
I'm just going to wait to see how this plays out. As stated earlier in the thread, Listen and believe is shit. I'd be wholly unsurprised if this happened, though.
Oh, user. You made me almost spit my hot chocolate. Its been years since I have read this sort of naive uninformed pearl.
A 500lb female land whale with thinning pink hair and problem glasses grabs your junk at work, not accidentally, but really latches on. She twists your balls around in her fingers and rubs the head of your cock, while whispering in your ear about wanting to gobble up your man-meat with her fish taco and carry your child. Is it sexual harassment?
The same comes up behind you in the parking lot after work, and clubs you in the back of the head with her 50lb arm that's wrapped up in ill-fitting fashion clothing like one of those hams tied in string, knocking you out. She force-feeds you viagra and rides your dick until you unconsciously climax, and makes sure to shove as much of your seed inside her gaping baby chute as possible, hoping to get pregnant. You wake up the next day with nigger STDs and a fractured hip from her hippo-like frame bouncing on you. Was it rape?
You never see her again for 3 years, but suddenly you receive a court summons. You're being sued for child support. DNA proves it's yours. Do you want the court to side with her, fucking you out of 50% of every cent you make for the next 18 years, since men can't be sexually harassed or raped?
Literally kill yourself.
And they don't always need to bother with that depending on the country. She could just fuck anyone and say it's yours. It's outright illegal to test paternity without the mothers permission in places.
Every time I hear sexual harassment I wonder if it's actual harassment or some dumb shit like a coworker telling them they look nice as that's been ruled sexual harasent before.
Before posting an opinion online, maybe you should think about it for more than 5 seconds.
I remember James Damore saying something about the trannies that work at google along the lines of them being sex addicted degenerates and that they inappropriately touched him before and since the fact that they are trannies, they are immune to any repercussions.
I wonder if in order to work and keep your job for the big tech and gaming companies do you have to be a tranny to begin with or if it comes later.
Are you a feminist?
I was raped by Linetrap's fatness.
I want commemoration/
I agree. Nips are self-subverting and are on their way to becoming Jewish without the help of actual Jews. AAA studios like Jewtendo and Crapcom come to mind. There are many more examples the nips like to hide because of their honor culture, I'm sure.
Hahahah, it's not rape with me baby!~
I should fucking print and hang on a wall paper say
You don't know what youre talking about at all. Internal communications is like one of the most important things in a company and one of the most sought after as well, and I'm pretty good at it too.
I laughed it off because I was just uneasy about it and embarrassed not because it was a joke to me you idiot. I didn't want to work with the guy and tried to avoid it, and now I'm glad I'll never see him again anymore but I'd rather have had him fired than me obviously.
I dont understand wth youre talking about when youre saying I'm selfish.
For some reason this fills me with smug satisfaction.
Fucking this. Sexual harassment is such a nebulous term that it might as well be meaningless. Legally it can be anything from dick jokes to full on molestation. Also
Is this why "feminist" males in positions of power want more women in tech? To have what to assault?
Skullgirls was never gonna be the bestest game ever in the universe, but I liked it quite a bit at the start. Then I soured with the lost potential with some of the girls' stories and constant patching. And now that people here pointed out, it doesn't have its own identity. Rather than give the characters their own personalities and phrases, with a side of little references, they went full retard and made them 90% REFERENCES.
And then the DoJ exploits that short sightedness to mask movements the news can't report on without looking like liars to people still tuning in to the garbage. I would say "4d chess," but in this case it's just the other guy honestly being stupid enough to hand over a win.
Listen and believe is shit, but I want to see it happen anyway. Not by anyone who doesn't want to be a hypocrite, of course. I want to see it happen by the same people who live by listen and believe. Liberals eating each other never fails to entertain.
AHAHA this faggot is peak SJW narcissism, egotism and overanalyzing things to try and find injustices committed against you. More and more men with cancer personalities are hopping on the nu-male train as long as it's still a minority, that way they can secure favourable position in sjw hierarchy and fulfill their narcissist attention whoring and victim playing at the same time. As long as other men refuse to be nu-males, they can only win, even if they're still lowest on the victim scale
I don't suppose you have a source for that image? Iqdb and SN both turn up blanks.
Now I like to put the jelly inside my ass. I call it a peanut butter, jelly and ass sandwich. But David here will be calling it lunch.
If Joss Whedon is anything to go by, yes.
Pervs are everywhere to be honest. I'm a guy working IT for a veggie packing company and I get sexually harassed all the time. There was a reprimand once but mostly nothing because "guys like it".
Tineye works (^:
But redirects you to french shit so Kaichou no Iinari!
Thank you.
It's okay, literally no one expects you to.
who is this
Alas. Still, good stuff.
First they scare away any talent they had to replace it with SJW cucks, thern they molest them.
Seems right.
Some fat greasy cunt.
Women, amirite fellas? Literally cannot fathom that they're actually retarded.
stupid roastie.
Rape should be legal so you dumb whores have an incentive to take minimal effort in protecting yourself.
You deserve everything bad
LMOA stupid bitch
How fucking idiotic can you be?
Your job was something a middle schooler with access to clipart and ms word can do. Did you get a graphic design degree as well?
Just end yourself, and save everyone else the trouble. No one will mourn you, except maybe your parents. But, i bet your dad abused you, so you wouldnt want those shitlords mourning you.
Gamergate strikes again, they cant keep getting away with it.
Doesn't work for men. Women are assumed to be big children incapable of rational thought. Why do you think failed men are so desperate to "become women"?
I've got news for all the faggots in this thread.
Believing men can be raped/assaulted is either a feminist nu-male position, or a r9k/mra position that's the result of imitating SJW behavior, both of which are utter cancer and you should kill yourself right now
** by women
Yet people like you have also said things that are contradictory from the other side of your mouth like
Karina Hart/Kay Loove.
I can only assume are either a nigger or a mudslime
At this point I am just going to assume you are intentionally shitposting
Let's see, which studios are run by human beings?
I'm more amazed that you think that there is any industry that could be somehow untouched by human instinct. I get that this shit is bad, but you're framing it like you thought it couldn't exist.
Girllll. You're in a board full of frustrated literal virgins with more self esteem issues and irrational exaggerated rancor towards women than you can shake a god damn stick at and will attack anyone they don't have a chance with whenever they have the opportunity (Fox and the Grapes).
You're better off telling others about your experience in another site that isn't made to round up jealous, envious, rejected idiots who can't even fucking socialize online, let alone in real life.
Seriously, do it for your own good, this is NOT the site to express these kinds of heavy issues.
A lot of people here are broken in their own way. Go somewhere else you'll be compatible in while ignoring how they're also broken in a different way as well. (I.E, reddit's never ending male hatred) and others. Variation is good, regardless of what the loyalists tell you. Obviously, keep it in your pants and don't tell a certain site you go to a place they hate.
Not game studio, but is Jewgle not recently have problems with their 'diversity' hires? The fags, trans, blue haired genderfluid, and shit, groping both guys and girls and getting waaay too attached, and those sods cannot even complain because their in-house 'Division of Diversity' will make their life hell, that is why a lot of skilled hands are leaving Jewgle en masse and those shitstains are filling in the vacancy as we speak.
are you white knighting here for fuckin' real or am i getting baited on a new level
Leave the damsel alone you scoundrel!
Watch out guys, he is going to call you virgins.
I already have a bf and gf, I'm just being nice here
6681dd is the Carlos poster. He's just fucking around. Probably trying to rape her as well. Not because he's male, but because he's a messican.
I was diddled by my aunt when I was seven.
I didn't know shit about what she was doing to me, but I did know that it was something I "shouldn't" be doing, and that it felt good. I was more concerned with getting in trouble than what was happening, so I kept quiet about it.
Once I became aware of what happened, it fucked me up emotionally for a while.
I got really attached to my aunt for a long while following that, because I thought that she was the only one who truly loved me, and it broke me when I learned she was just doing it to get off and experiment.
By all definitions, I suppose I was "raped", except that I eventually knew what was going on, and that I liked what was happening, and didn't want it to stop. I was faced with the kind of emotional dilemma at seven that most people don't really encounter until their first fuck in high school. I wasn't ready for that shit.
Is this you?
Ye, I need a third bitch. I hear emotionally broken women give some pretty good head
Is she hot?
Pic of her in
that's her on the back sitting on the throne
I can diddle you now
Ugh there's a penis on that thing.
You don't know me. Im not a commie or feminist if thats what you think
The rest of your comment is just as dumb. You don't know what it was really like and the company culture made me too nervous to make a big deal out of it earlier. But I guess you're just trolling and so is the rest replying to me
There's two of them even!
No, but that's what my kids would look like if I ever acted on my urges!
Average. But when you're seven, you don't really know or care.
Did you keep a detailed record and started a paper trail, did you think with your head instead of your ovaries? Because how the fuck is anyone else supposed to know, you bint. You treated it as a joke, and expect people to see the complete opposite. And this is everyone else's fault because.
Are you sure? Most people with incest fetishes tend to have a very high degree of consanguinity in their family history.
No I didn't think with my head but that doesnt mean HR should protect either of us and they did protect him and simply get me fired. Im not saying its everyones fault you idiot. Youre just reading what you want to read because youre the hacker known as Holla Forums
Stop right there you twat, do yourself a favor and read that back to yourself. If you don't understand what and how you fucked up on a fundamental level, you'll continue to get into stupid situations and win stupid prizes.
Nigga, just be upfront and direct next time. Stop hiding behind sarcasm and jokes when it's a serious situation!!
If you are in a professional environment treat it like one!!
I rarely do that and I've been doing just fine
I guess LISTEN AND BELIEVE doesn't apply to men. wew
Jews are not human.
If every last member of Naughty Dog's HR department does not suffer an aneurysm from the extreme cognitive dissonance that this public statement most assuredly has produced, then we can definitively conclude that the frontal lobe in all feminists is starved of oxygen and dead.
this is random, but can I just ask you are you a girl.
or are you a girl (male)
a girl (girl) not a girl (homo)
I am whatever gender I feel like when I wake up in the morning. Right now I am a hamster-crab.
Assuming everything that came out of your mouth is true. It's one thing to say you didn't know how to react the first time it happened. When it continued to happen and you played it off as a joke, you didn't help your own situation. HR is not automatically your all knowing friend and defender, even if you are female.
Let's say that manager you mentioned is something more dangerous than some lecher who likes to grope you. He already displayed predatory behavior, and he's testing you for a potential prey. He might also know how to navigate the office politics better, in tight with the HR personnel so it's his word against some noob like you. He could easily counter any complaints you brought up with "she was the one flirting with me, you guys all saw how she was smiling and laughing before? I think she just wants to stir trouble because I wanted to put a stop to it, and wanted to be more professional."
He's lying according to you, but his story checks out if he went to HR first and convinced them. And what do you have to counter it with. Any official HR complaint on record on your side that you are not comfortable working with him alone early on? How he does not keep his hands to himself and it violates your personal space and boundaries in a professional environment? Keep records of things yourself? Nah, just bitch at how 8ch is a big meanie to you because you're a female. I'm sure that will show what's what. After all he's still there and you're not.
It can be a real shit world out there, a pussy pass is not immunity from bad things.
yes dad
Now do the eye roll and hair flip.
I did when I read your book
Summup: its my fault
Only if you keep doing this part
I will handle things differently in the future dad, I promise
Guess i'll be the one to do it. Tits or gtfo.
Your imaginary girlfriend and your hand don't count faggot.
I worked in TV for years in NYC and, for the number of female producers that groped me and/ or smacked my ass, I find it rather obnoxious the way you get groped by one asshole, tattle to HR, get fired for it, then act like a bratty cunt to someone who just explains this to you. Of course going to HR will get you fired. Consider yourself you are a woman, which means you at least have a chance to get an out of court settlement if you use your brain and lawyer up. The fact that you were unsure how to react is just testament to how infrequently this kind of thing actually happens to women. Try being a man in any media field and dealing with it from every feminist boss you ever have.
He didn't just explain, he was rude about it and I don't take kindly to it. If you cant handle that you should go back to your media bubble
Nobody gives a shit.
Tits or GTFO.
I am in my media bubble.
Some gay faggot here went to bars and drugged the drink of dudes
They would wake up on a motel naked with a condom full of semen inside their asses
On a motel? Like on the roof?
There are some hardcore faggots out there
Sounds more like it was a parkour faggot.
Let's see you parkour your way across the wall, carlos
I think I may know the guy, or a guy like that from here. The fag told me he did exactly what HURRR user told me or something really similar to that.
The moral of the story is, avoid talking to fruity looking dudes at the bar, or don't go to bars at all.
Just had an idea for a video game. Peter Parkour: Faggot.
You play as a faggot dressed like Spiderman and you run around an open world capturing men and carrying them up on top of tall buildings to rape them. Eventually, there are other faggots who appear dressed like Spiderman villains and you have to keep your rape count above theirs. You can also rape them and fracture their asshole, knocking them out of the game. But it comes at great risk of fracturing your own asshole. Finally, you track down Uncle Ben, who faked his own death because he didn't want to raise a faggot, and you fuck his ass.
Are you fucking Canadian or something?
Or watch your drink at all times, when you catch them spiking it, pretend to be fucked up and when they drag you out, beat the shit out of them and claim self defense. Gotta let them half strip you of course. Claim they tried to rape you while drunk.
Do I have to explain to you that sexual harassment is inherently bad and explaining something isnt inherently bad?
Please stop watching animes
why would anyone want to sexually harass a landwhale?
and that's why i said this shit was nothing except a headline grab from the beggining without the fag that made those claims actually being able to prove anything OP also sucks a dick
Sorry about what I said earlier. I read it again and used my head like you told me to and thought about it and you're completely right in what you said. And thank you for it.
His boypussy and her kitten sure do though. Cry moar. 😋
Like every other "victim."
It's cool.
People only claim "sexual harassment" when rejected.
Therefore, all "sexual harassment" claims are false.
Therefore all sexual advances are welcome.
Therefore nobody ever gets rejected.
Therefore nobody ever claims "sexual harassment."
I wonder if The guy must be a feminist if he actually believed he was going to be taken seriously. Wonder what he thinks of MRAs
That makes no sense.