Is the game still shit? I haven't played since they introduced Gunner. Granted, at the time the game had already kinda been going downhill, but it seemed like with the Gunner update it ALL hit the fan.
Also general TERA thread I guess
Is the game still shit? I haven't played since they introduced Gunner. Granted, at the time the game had already kinda been going downhill, but it seemed like with the Gunner update it ALL hit the fan.
Also general TERA thread I guess
It was never good, and the one time they introduced characters and a story that actually was, they killed them off.
new class was the brawler added after gunner?
Tera is an Aion and Lineage 2 sequel that went right.
I believe so, because I don't recall a Brawler class when I last played.
I didn't get far enough into the story before they introduced Gunner to care. I stopped playing a while after Gunner was introduced, i was maybe level 40? Global chat was pure cancer always too.
It still has the sexiest race in MMO history.
Too old
How the fuck do people find this hot
SFM was a mistake
fuck sfm tbh
Yes it was. The combat and action gameplay was the best in any mmo at the time. It was like MH but in an mmo.
It's too shit now though.
Muh nigga
It was shit even then too.
The combat and gameplay are good, but it was only worth doing once, and only once, since the entire game takes place in a fucking tunnel.
The Holla Forums group at launch was fun for about a week, though.
need a brazzers logo
it got made worse, much much worse. Basically the new enchanting system completely fucks over anyone who isn't a fresh player.
The class balance is completely ruined, and the US/EU versions still don't have talents which slayer needs to do comparable dps
Now that other games have done combat well for MMOs, now it's only good for Elin. Perfect pear shaped bodies combined with thick thighs on good legs. Them being lolibaba are a bonus.
It's very hard to find decent SFM. Awkward animations or lighting, tons of clipping, or horribly looped.
Of course it's not good.
Fuck, I'm in that screenshot. The beta truly was the best period of this game
what is the titty mmo de jour now then?
I know, just look at this shit. Also too much focus on dick, gay as fuck but years of being barraged with porn rewire your brain into liking this, jews did this.
Gas this fucking faggot thread.
It's pretty much only enjoyable if you solo/2man up to about level 40 or so and don't use any of the new classes.
Even then it's still pretty garbage, but they were kind of onto something with lancer having perfect block mechanics and a few classes like berzerker actually being fun to play instead of just *teleports behind u* *unsheathes dual swords* "pssh… nothin' personnel mobs".
Post game its pretty ridiculous how underpowered any of the old classes are, I remember briefly testing out zerk to reaper dps with a casual acquaintance and the reaper had frequent iframes, huge range, mobility and stun damage and dealt about 3/4th a zerks hp in the same time it would take a zerk to charge and land a single thunger strike with one or two other hits, inflicting less an 1/3 of the reaper's hp. All the while being incredible vulnerable, nearly stationary and having the range of a crippled war vet. I still find myself coming back to it sometimes, but I only ever have fun when I went out of my way to find it (like brute forcing my way through a hole in the world map and jumping out of the skybox with a guild member) none of the actual content you're 'supposed' to do is designed with even the slightest bit of fun in mind.
This thread really got disgusting though, at lest keep the Elin posting to 2D like this gentleman here
*unsheathes porn folder*
Just play PSO2.
>there are people in this thread who don't play as a Elin
is there a western release of this yet?
Thankfully no.
EU opened 3 new servers recently but 2 of them are frog/nazispeak so who cares about them. I started playing again, leveling is super fucking fast from what it used to be. You had to complete evey single quest, in every zone, to level up. Now you just do story missions and queue for kuma, and in 12ish hours you're 60. from there it's a piece of cake, a few more hours tops for 65.
Queue for dungeon is cross server so it doesn't take that long. The only cons are:
But if you can stomach some of those things, it's a pretty good game. I'm having fun being a total dick and enjoying the combat system.
Still the worst offense tbh.
I can get around this
Easy there, Jared from Subway.
Game is still amazing. we recently got a new equipment overhaul and its quite nice. New dungeons are rotated out constantly along with a few quest lines so there's always something to do generally.
Play it with the wife pretty constantly for about 3 years now. Combat is as good as it gets in an MMO
If you can tolerate half dressed castanic/elf/human bitches everywhere and a fucking legion of elins its wonderful.
Also elin is getting gunner class and the other classes are getting un gender locked starting with brawler. Of course this will likely not apply to elin only classes since the closest they have to a male equal is the popori and frankly nobody gives a shit about those fat little furry fucks.
How do you not? I'll never understand the "SFM is bad" meme.
Anyone wanna create a guild on the new EU server?
We used to have an 8ch guild like 3 years ago
I wonder if any of you guys still post here
They shitpost HARD in the FFXIV threads.
It got so bad that Mark had to intervene for a while.
Yeah i played. What was your charcter called?
More like the FFXIV guys were ultra paranoid and got pissy at them because they 'stole' some of their members. Rather they just left because the older XIV guild had a group of real nutcases as their leaders. They kept trying to remove all traces from the Tera migrant guild from the threads and cried to Mark when they got shitposted at as retaliation. Anyway apparently the new gear rework made it much much harder to get the real top gear, so it doesn't help anyone that still plays.
I played it for a little bit. Just wish I wasn't stuck at a point where I either had to sit and wait for people to get to my level or powergrind to hell and back to actually play with anyone.
>still pushing this meme*
we all dropped the game because of how shit it's become, gook mmos never last
we bounce between games now
Case in point.
I like the dressing room.
Stop sexualizing fetal alcohol syndrome.
I seldom play now, even joined the 8ch guild but it was almost dead, I only played with some BO, forgot who. Playing Lancer is a blast, felt good being challenged by people and defeating them because I could stub and cripple them.
QOL improvements are not p2w goy.
I was this guy. Didn't do much, just played with a friend who was also in the guild.
It was all fun and games, but I moved onto private WoW servers for a while and then dropped all MMO's.
I remember the Reaper being pretty balanced, it was only when the Gunner class was released everything went to shit. No one was talking about Reaper being ridiculously OP at that time, did they buff it or something? It's sad that the Lancer is pretty much useless now since the new classes can tank just as well while still doing ridiculous amounts of damage.
The reaper is probably weaker than brawler/gunner, it's definitely not that OP, the point was that the weakest of the 'new' classes completely and utterly outperformed the zerk in evrey single way. Bezerker used range from bulky off tank to glass cannon depending on the situation, now it's just a glass pea shooter however you go about it.
Of courshe.
Loli race is the master race.
Baraka were one of the comfiest races i ever played.
I wish i could just take em away to another game
don't play on EU ever. They lock incredibly important items behind cash shop only.
I did move back to NA but ended up dropping the game
Literally Fap Material: The Game
Like what?
complete crystalbinds are the main one, they're massively inflated on the EU auction house because of availability.
If you don't have a crystalbind on endgame, hope you have fun dumping 20k+ on each death, better hope your pugs are good
what the fuck are you talking about? i got some for free and i can exchange a token for them. i think they changed it on the enchant patch.
I don't know about any of that since I only started playing yesterday, but I don't intend to pug any end game content.
I just want to have some fun dicking around and ogle characters in lewd outfits.
Maybe I could try putting in effort to get into PvP or whatever it is you do in this game, but only if I really fall for it.
Best MMO currently going.
This was pretty much what I did with it and all I would recommend. My biggest gripe is the lack of character slots without going full goy.
This is nicely crafted bait, but it's too obvious.
This fucking game's endgame was so fucking bad, so fucking boring. If you had 1ms you would get instakilled kilometers away from the skill and the pvp was a saltfest.
It could be good.
I liked that game when I played it. Stay mad autists, I got dragon dick in my boypussy for over a year because of that game.